The Entrepreneurs Radio Show 100

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THE ENTREPRENEUR’S RADIO SHOW Conversations with Self-made Millionaires and High-level Entrepreneurs that Grow Your Business

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THE ENTREPRENEUR’S RADIO SHOW Conversations with Self-made Millionaires and High-level Entrepreneurs that Grow Your Business

Episode 100 - T. Harv Eker In this episode Travis interviews the popular and highly successful entrepreneur, speaker, and life coach T. Harv Eker. Harv has been one of the most sought after speaker and coach in the industry today. His books and seminars have helped millions of people around the world reach their success through his teachings and principles. Harv and Travis shared a wealth of information that would teach entrepreneurs not just the way principles on managing the business but also on how to transform one's personality. As explained by Harv, this is vital since it will manifest in your life and your business. Harv emphasizes on the importance of cultivating one's own principles as the most basic thing that entrepreneurs should concentrate on in order to achieve their true potential. Apart from that they also delved into the important strategies in business like concentrating on how to solve problems for people rather than on the profit you will make, as well as combining creativity and efficiency along with the capital and hard work that you invest in your business. These and so much more are just some of the things that makes this episode special and that people can expect in this episode of the Entrepreneur's Radio Show.

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind & Success in Your Business TRAVIS: Hey, it's Travis Lane Jenkins, welcome to episode number 100 of the Entrepreneur's Radio Show, a production of Wow, this is a super special episode for us because of course it's the 100th. And based on that I've got 2 very special gifts for you. The first gift is my special guest has agreed to give a $500 program of his away to you, my listener, for free. Now, to give you a little background on this guest, I've spent more than $10,000 personally attending his programs, and everything he does is top notch. And what he teaches in this program will be extremely valuable for you and your business as you grow to reach your potential. And it really applies no matter what level of success that you've had because it deals with a lot of inner things that directly tie to the level of success that we have in our life and in our business. Now the second gift is the person that I'm going to connect you with. That's how much I think of him, he's that good. You'll feel the energy of the conversation we have as it gets going. Now, for those of you that don't know, I record the interview first and then I'll come back and do the intro of the show so that I can speak about it in more of an intelligent way. That's how I know what's coming. Now, of course, you already know by the title of this episode that the rock star entrepreneur that I'm going to connect you with today is T. Harv Eker. For those of you that may not know who T. Harv Eker is, he's the author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, a wonderful book. If you hadn't read it, you need to read it. Now this book hit the number 1 best-seller on New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, tons of recognition, lots of people highly recommending the book. In addition, he's also the founder of Peak Potentials Training Programs, one of the fastest growing personal success training companies in North America. In fact, it's not uncommon for him to have up to several thousand people in his audience at his live events. I know because I've been there. Now I'm confident after you listen to this interview that you'll

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agree that Harv is absolutely brilliant, and he understands what it takes to help people become successful. And of course that correlates into you becoming successful. Now, before we get started I'd like to take a minute and thank a couple of people for going into iTunes and writing reviews. The reviews really help us rank in iTunes, and reach and inspire more entrepreneurs. Every review that we get increases the visibility of the show and allows us to reach more entrepreneurs. So, I just noticed that we're really starting to get some traction with Stitcher. Stitcher's kind of new, and I'll read those reviews in the next podcast. This time I'm going to read a couple of new reviews in iTunes. And so, the most recent is by Cody, looks like Gliss and Cody says, "Great and easy to follow." Cody, I read your message, thanks a bunch, I really appreciate it. Thanks for taking the time, it means a lot to me. The next new review is rock star chiropractor, I know who you are. Hey listen, I appreciate you taking the time and writing such a wonderful, raving 5-star review. I'm honored to be your virtual mentor, and I guarantee you one day I'm going to do a meet up and we'll get a chance to sit down and talk. So, thanks a bunch for taking the time to fill that out, that really means a lot to me. Okay, now before we get started I want to remind you that there's 2 ways that you can take these interviews with you on the go, through either iTunes or Stitcher radio. And both of them in my opinion have clunky search functions when you try to go find shows. So what I recommend is just go to, click on the iTunes or the Android button, there's big buttons right there above each episode. And what will happen is obviously iTunes will take you straight into iTunes and it'll take you straight to the show, or this show. And Android actually interfaces with Stitcher. So it will take you straight to the Stitcher app and that way you can listen to it on the go. And I guess the final thing that I want to cover is be sure and stay with us until the very end if you can because I want to share some personal inspiration from me to you. So now that we've got all of this stuff out of the way, what do you say we go ahead and get down to business, and transition into this wonderful interview with this brilliant man. Are you ready? Let's do it. So without further ado, welcome to the show Harv. HARV EKER: Hey, thanks for having me. TRAVIS: Man, I'm excited about you coming and hanging out with us. Hey listen, I don't know if you're familiar with kind of the format of the show, but one of the things that I try to do is get the background of everybody that comes on the show because I feel like it's illustrative for other people that are on the similar journey. Do you mind sharing that story with how you've become this rock star and extremely successful? HARV EKER: Well, I don't know that I'm a rock star. I guess related to the business side of it. I left school after 1st year of college. Why? Because it wasn't going fast enough for me. I just wanted to be successful, okay? TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: And that point I really didn't care how I was going to be successful, I just want to be successful. And another way of putting that is I wanted to be a millionaire, and at that point in time in those years a million was a lot of money. And so, I left school after first year and I went out in search of my holy grail. And from there I think maybe a lot of your listeners can relate, I didn't hit the jackpot on the

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first try. I actually went through 12 businesses and 14 different jobs in the next decade, the next 10 years. And nothing worked for me. TRAVIS: Do you mean you started 12 businesses? HARV EKER: I started 12 different businesses. TRAVIS: Okay, wow. HARV EKER: And I had 14 different jobs now. The thing about it, I'm not an employable kind of person. So that means I could never see myself at a job for very long. So all the jobs I ever took were to get more involved in a business idea that I had. And I think by the way, if I can take in a side here, I think that's a really, really great point for people who are involved in business now and starting a new business, or just starting a business. And when I say starting a new business as entrepreneurs, a lot of us have many businesses that we start during our adult life. So, have 1, 2, 3, 4, then we think about a new one. But I always would take these jobs and work for somebody else for anywhere from literally 1 week to 2 or 3 months to learn about the business before I started it. TRAVIS: Okay. HARV EKER: I always felt that, that was a really, really strong point. It didn't work so good for me at the time because every business I started didn't work that well. And I never went bankrupt, but I never made any money either. And any money that I did make, it would be gone very shortly after that. So, I had a decade of complete struggle. And I cannot tell you Travis how disappointing and frustrated I was. I was disappointed with myself, I was embarrassed. One point in time I didn't even want to go out of the house, I didn't anyone to ask me what I did. TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: Because what can I say, I just busted out of my 4th business in a row this year, whatever it was. And I read all the books. I was a big learner, I read the books, I went to the seminars, I went to the talks, and I was broke, after broke, after broke. And for me, I was very fortunate that I had to move back and just talk about how things work out for people. I had to move back into my parent’s house because again, I had no money again. And so, I lived in a basement of my parent’s home, and my father played cards with this very, very, very wealthy man in the city. It was an old friend of his back from the old country in Europe, and this guy owned like pretty well every building in the city, he was mega billionaire. But he was very, very nonchalant, he's very cool, and we didn't have a lot of money. So he played with cards with him, he'd known me since I was a baby and just to say hello or something. And when I passed him from going up to the fridge and I saw him in the house. He said, "Oh, you're back again." And I was. He says, "Your father tells me you're blowing your life up. You're not doing good." And I said, "Well, that's great. I see how proud he is of me. That's everything." And he said, "Listen, I got to tell you one thing--" And most people-- I was so egotistical at the time so into being right, I would never listen to anybody. But this guy, when he opened his mouth, I listen to this guy. And he said, if you want to be rich, you need to do what rich people do." And you know what, it's so obvious and I'd never heard that before. And so, I was a younger guy and by that time I'm in my late 20's, and I go, "Okay, that's great. Well, what do rich

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people do?" He says, "That you have to find out for yourself. But they all seem to do about the same thing. So, what do you want to be rich in?" And I said, "Business." He said, "You should find out what rich business people do?" And so since I wasn't making any money anyways, I spent the next 6 months really studying and learning, and putting together a kind of points, and principles, and a system of studying from rich people from magazines, and articles, and books, and everything into that nature. I put together these 7 points that I saw that they all seem to have in common. And I went back to his office, just tell him about the 7 points and he kept me waiting for four and a half hours outside in his reception area. And then he let me in and he says, "What do you want?" I said, "I want to show you the points and see if you agree." He says, "What the hell's difference if I agree or not, it's whether the marketplace agrees. Get out of my office, go to work, do this stuff. If it works then you got it, if it doesn't work then try again." And he kicked me out after four and a half hours and the whole conversation was 20 seconds. He was like one of these wash on, wash off kind of guys, little European men. TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: And he wouldn't talk to me. And so I did, I opened up my next business, I used the principles, and I opened up one of the first retail fitness stores in the world. A retail store that sells exercise equipment for the home. And using these principles I was able to open 10 stores in two and a half years and I sold them out to the HJ Heinz Corporation, the ketchup people, and I became a multimillionaire. And that was in two and a half years. So for 10-11 years I didn't have more than 2,000 bucks at a time in my bank account. And then in the 11th year using what I had learned I was a multi-millionaire. I proceeded to lose the money. TRAVIS: Right. I think almost everybody does when they first make it, right? That seems to be a rite of passage. Once you make it big, one of the first things you have to do is run out and blow it, right? HARV EKER: I don't know if I blew it. This is where the book comes in, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, I lost money because of my money conditioning, my conditioning around finances. And at that time I was what we call an avoider. And so, money was more ego-based. I wanted to be successful but I didn't handle it properly. And now I know one of the things you have to do with money is if you've got it you got to handle it, and if you don't have it you better manage it, well either way. And so, I was this kind of person that was a little more right brained at the time and going, "Okay, whatever. I'll just make a whole bunch of it, it won't matter." But it did matter. So I sold out to HJ Heinz and I semi-retired, and one of the things that happened for me is that I guess I liked to teach people because I like to learn. And I went to these seminars afterwards, I'd already become a multi-millionaire. And I was listening to this seminar that I used to listen to and I went, "This stuff just doesn't work. It's motivational but it doesn't do anything in the real world." So I started studying accelerated learning technologies, super learning, and how people learn best. And I started putting together my own little program based on what I had learned that worked in the real world. And when I started putting it out there in the market people just seem to resonate with it immediately because I guess truth resonates, and started doing really well with it. And so the rest is history.

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TRAVIS: Right. Let's go back a little bit with the 7 points that you created, or that you came up with for success, that you implemented and found the success in two and a half years. What were those 7 points, do you remember that? HARV EKER: Well, I get into those all the time, they're interwoven now, but I can tell you that-- Okay, let me give everyone who's listening some of these-- but more than that we make sure that you understand the big mistakes that can happen. Let me go to a place, I'm not sure if everybody recognizes it where I've gone to in my life from there but I lost the money, I made it back very quickly. Once I would trim my conditioning around my blueprint was installed. And now I've never looked back. And now I may not be a rock star, or at least maybe the people that know me or they might know me very well, or know of me. But financially, I've been very, very, very blessed. I've got 7 homes, I've got-- I'm not a boat person. If want to buy a yacht or planes I could do that, I'm trying to get rid of homes because I never get to go to them and stuff like that but I don't have time about investment homes. So I don't want to sound like I'm rationing, I just want people to know that if you're not listening to someone who's what most people would say from an entrepreneurial standpoint, a small entrepreneur, like mostly people are saying, "Very, very wealthy." And so maybe you want to have a listen and take a little more, because remember, I didn't listen to anybody except for this really, really rich guy. TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: Because I felt he had some credibility. And everybody, if you're listening, if you don't believe what I'm saying just throw it out, okay? But first try it in your life and see how it works. And then if it doesn't work throw it out, but try it first okay? So the first biggest mistake I made at the time-- so everyone, here's the thing, why would you listen to T. Harv Eker, and this is the only reason. Because I was broke for 10 years. I was a pretty cool guy. I thought I was decently handsome, I was fairly intelligent, I could speak to people, I wasn't overly shy. I wasn't some nerd or something that couldn't do anything. Most people thought I would be very successful, but I wasn't, okay? And something wasn't working. I was extremely successful when I changed things up. And so, what I have is the hindsight of what I was doing when I wasn't successful to what I've been doing when I am successful. And I never forget what I was like and what I was doing when I wasn't successful. So, the comparison of those 2 things really trying to be successful and not making it, and then becoming very successful is what I have to offer. I can see, I have experience of what people do wrong because I've made a lot of things wrong that held me back. So one of those things is that I've put most of my attention on the vehicle. I felt if I was in the right vehicle at the right time, now don't get me wrong, one of the principles is being in the right vehicle at the right time. That's one of the 7 principles. You've got to have something that is in high demand right now if you want to do well. It sounds obvious but most people who are in businesses, they're kind of behind the times instead of in front of the times. In the world of demand what do people want? It doesn't have to only be technology, it can be yogurt shops, it can be fitness stores, it can be-- I just ate yesterday morning, for lunch I had this kebab. It was Gyro, whatever they're called. Well, I don't eat that too much, and most of the time I've eaten it have been kind of iffy-- I go into this place, I was in San Diego yesterday and I flew in the morning, and I go into this place, and I cannot tell you how good this sandwich was. And the place was packed and it was a little place. And I'm looking at this place and I go on, "Why is this so good?" And she shows me, they have a special toaster for the flat bread, and the way they make their kebab thing is different, it's got this. And their vegetables are over-- they have these, and their sauces, their own secret

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sauce. This thing is unbelievably good. And right away I started asking for do you have any other locations. She says, "Yes, 6 of them. Oh, and we're looking to open more." I go, "Oh, is it friends?" She goes, "No, it's all family owned." I go, "How long has it been?" She says, "3 years." "Then how are they doing?" "We can't stop. People, they line outside the door all day long." "Oh my god, are they looking for investors? Here's a phone number." This is what I do. So, it doesn't have to be high tech to be popular, but the way they've done it and the way they packaged it is in very high demand right now. Maybe in 30 years it won't be but right now it is. And so, all I'm saying is that your vehicle must be in high demand. And so, that was one of the principles. But I got stuck on that principle. I said, "If I just find the right business, the right vehicle to get into, the right product to offer, I'm golden, I'll be rich." Guess what Travis, that doesn't work, especially not for very long, okay? Because vehicles have a tendency of changing. Their demand changes quickly doesn't it? TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: So you can't count on that. I'm going to ask everyone a question. What is the number 1 thing that will determine whether you're successful or not? I want everyone to think about this. TRAVIS: Well, that's a broad question, can you narrow it down? HARV EKER: No. It is a very broad question, but the number 1 thing, the base overall thing that will determine if you're successful or not is only 1 thing, and it's not the vehicle. I'll tell you how I found out. TRAVIS: I would say passion. If it's not the vehicle, if you're not talking about that, I believe you got to be lit up, you got to be on fire with what you're doing. HARV EKER: I would agree with that. And that passion is a part of what I'm talking about for sure, absolutely. So, let me tell you how I found out that it wasn't just the vehicle. Vehicle is important, okay, but there's nothing that by itself is going to make it for you. Not one thing by itself. You're going to have all the money in the world, throw it into your business, guess what. Money thrown at businesses without creativity and efficiency is money thrown into a deep, dark hole. TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: So, it's not the money, and it's not just the vehicle, a lot of things have to be in place. A formula, okay? And so bottom-line, so I thought it was just the vehicle. I said when I finally find the right vehicle then I'll be in great shape. And so, a friend of mine phones me up. I was living in Florida at that time, he phones up, he was in California. He says, "I'm in this business." And he's telling me what the business-- it wasn't network marketing, it was involved in jewellery. And he says, "I am killing it. I know you've been struggling and I've been struggling too. Harv I'm making $50,000 a month right now." And we were both lucky to make it 2,000 a month. "What are you doing?" He tells me about these certain watches that are coming in from China and all this kind of thing, and I'm freaking out. I said, "Can you help me get involved?" He says, "You're one of my best friends, I'll help you." And so, he tells me about the business, tells me where to get all the equipment, tells me how to do the watches and where to send them, everything. I am jumping for joy, I'm in heaven. This guy's my friend, he's making 50 grand a month, it's something like half a million dollars this year. He's killing it, I know he's killing it. I see his new car, he got

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a new house already. And I'd do it and 3 months later I bust out. I can't make it. I call my friend, I said, "This business is crappy." "I don't know what you're talking about." "You're lucked out." He goes, "What? I've doubled, I'm even doing better now." I went, "What?" And it's just like it was a dagger right in the middle of my heart. I went, "Oh my god, if it's not the business, and he's doing the exact same business as me and he's killing and I'm not, then what is it?" And I looked in the mirror and I said, "It's got to be me." TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: Oh my god Travis, I was depressed for a week. I said, "Wow, it's me. I'm not sure what it is about me but it must be me." And everyone listening right now. The number 1 by far overall element that must be in place in the proper manner of this formula for success is you. You have to have the right you, okay? I want everyone to think about an upside down triangle, I'm going to make it really easy for everyone. An upside down triangle with a point at the bottom, okay? Now, on the left hand side of the triangle, on the upper portion you write RV, that stands for right vehicle. On the right hand side put in RK, that stands for right knowledge. Right vehicle, right knowledge, but on the bottom put on RY, and that bottom point is the base point and that is the right you. You have to be the right you, what does the right you mean? It means you have to have the right mindset, the right attitude, the right character, the right beliefs, okay? Now, I don't mean to be fu fu, woo woo, blah, blah, blah, all the things-- "Hey, give me the exact formula for technology. Forget about that right now. The thing that's going to make your business is you, and the thing that's going to unmake your business is you. Now, I think everyone can relate to what I'm saying here right now because when you get up in the morning some days you feel amazing. And all of a sudden if you notice, business is going pretty good that day. And then another day you wake up in the morning you feel like crap, and have you noticed, business feels like crap that day. Because you've heard this saying, "Fortunately or unfortunately you take yourself with you wherever you go." So how you're feeling, how you're thinking, what you're thinking. And you know Travis, you've worked with me before. I'm a big believer in your thought patterns. And so, just hear me out everybody because you want the logical left brain stuff, but I'm going to tell you, we'll get to that. But I'll tell you right now, if you don't have you together, the right mindset, the right beliefs, the right attitude, the character. Who are you? You'll never make it anywhere close to your potential, not even close because listen closely. Travis, I have over a million students in a 104 different countries, and I mostly only do international now. So people ask me, they'll say, "What's the critical key?" And you have to understand that they'll try to trip me up, especially radio interviews, on T.V., or CNN, or wherever they'll go, "All this stuff is all foo foo, woo woo stuff, the mindset stuff." I go, "Really? Let me ask you a similar question." I was on one of those Fox, Friends show in a while ago. A guy wants to trip me, he even told me he's going to trip me up. He says, "Let's create some drama out of this for television. I hope you don't mind." I said, "I don't know. Just ask whatever you want." He says, "I don't believe in all these foo foo, woo woo stuff. Come on, really? If you have the right stock, if you have already this then you're going to make it. If you don't then forget it." I said, "Let me ask you a similar question, what creates your results?" He says, "What creates--?" I said, "Your actions, don't your actions create your results?" He goes, "Yeah, pretty well." I said, "Great, then what creates your actions?" TRAVIS: Your thoughts?

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HARV EKER: That's right. I said, "You have a thought, you create an action, you create a result." So what's the beginning of it all? We're not going into all the conditioning stuff but let's discuss how to work the thoughts. So the way you think determines what you do, and what you do, and how you do it, yes or yes? TRAVIS: Yes. HARV EKER: Now, if you don't believe that then you're on a different planet than me. TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: So if it starts, if you know that your actions are important-- hello, every business person knows your actions have a critical importance. What to do, what you decide to do, what you decide not to do, when to do it, how to do it. That all comes from your thoughts. If you don't have your thoughts together and your thoughts are not supportive to your success, guess what, it ain't going to happen for you, not even close to what you want. So as successful as you are right now, you're probably at the tip of the iceberg, you're probably 1-- I'm going to say this right now and you're not going to like me for this everybody. You're probably one tenth to one one hundredth as successful as you could be with just a small change in who you are. I'm not even talking about massive changes here, a small change. So, do you think like a rich person thinks, and of course, that's what the book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind is all about. That's why it's so important, that's why the programs are so popular all over the world, because people start to realize that they're not thinking rich. They don't think like rich people. Remember what he said to me Travis. He said, if you want to be rich you should do what rich people do. Well, how do you do what rich people do? You first have to think how rich people think, yes or yes? TRAVIS: Right. You know, I've got a completely-- I need to chime in here because I completely agree. I come from a very, very tough background, I mean, gun shots every night, right? We didn't do without shoes but we didn't have any extra, right? And I've had incredible wealth because at a very young age. Now, I'm not sure why I thought this but from a very young age I was confident that I was going to be successful. I had this just innate understanding and clarity that I was going to be successful. And I really even don't have any formal schooling. So all of it was my attitude and my belief that gotten me out of this very, very tough neighborhood into extreme levels of financial success. And the only thing that explains that is exactly what you're talking about.

HARV EKER: Yeah, and you know what, if I had you in a program and I had you standing up and talking personally, my guess is that it was something that drove you. Because people who come from-- I'm going to say poverty, but I'm not going to-- just from the general use of the term, in other words you're not middle class. TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: So, there's rich middle class and poor. So let's call you in the poor-- I came from poor also, I didn't come from middle class at the beginning. So we worked ourselves up in middle class. So, anybody who comes from that-- listen everybody, listen very closely because your parents and your

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upbringing, and what happens when you're young makes up a huge difference. And you're either going to be exactly like one or a combination of both your parents when it comes to money, or you're going to be exactly the opposite. And my guess Travis is that you're one of the opposites. And you went to your situation, you went, "I don't like this." TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: In your mind you said, "This is isn't right for me. I'm not going to live like this later." You said, "Can I have that toy?" your parents would say, "No, Travis, I'm sorry we can't afford that right now." You said to yourself, "You know what, when I get big I'm going to have whatever I want." And you made that decision when you were very young. TRAVIS: That's exactly what I thought. I can remember at 9 years old thinking, "This is crap. Where we're living, this is crap." I don't know where I had the wherewithal to think of that but at 9 years old I was clear that this is crap and I wasn't going to put up with it when I got older. When I had a decision, when it was time for me to make the decision I was going to decide to do something different. And so you're exactly right. HARV EKER: Yeah. And then other people, when they're in a situation they go, "Oh, this is the way I'm supposed to be." They're modellers. So you either model or you go opposite to one or both of your parents and your upbringing. And most people model. They look at their parent's situation, one or both of them, and their father or their mother and they go, "This is the model for how life should be." And so I bet you look at that situation and go, "Yuck, I hate that. That's for them, that's not for me." And so, I was one of those people myself. And so, who you are or how you think, okay? But I want to mention one more thing before we go another of the steps, and that is your character everybody, your character. You say, "Harv, what do you mean by character?" I mean who are you, I mean what kind of person are you? And people say, "Do you mean perseverance?" Yes, of course. "Do you mean courage?" Yes, of course. "Do you mean kindness; is that one of the characters?" So I'm going to ask you everybody, if I said to everyone listening, give me 5 characteristics of success. Five characteristics of a person who you think would be successful. Now, here's an interesting thing. So I go all over the world to teach. But if I ask the average person in America and in Europe. Listen closely now, not Asia. America, Europe, South Africa, almost everywhere but Asia. What is the one of the big characteristics that you need to be successful? Do you know what one of them would be? TRAVIS: I would say integrity, being on time, being motivated, having principles, which is a connotation of integrity. And being able to stand up for what you believe in. Those may drift exactly from your criteria there but how does that work for you? HARV EKER: Well, they're all fantastic, and they're definitely all part of the major characteristics that are part of a person who's successful. And we'll talk about the most important one and you hit on it. So people can guess which one that was. But let me tell you what most people would say in these countries. I'm not going to say the number 1 but if you said, "What is a person like who gets really, really wealthy?" Do you know what they're going to say? Listen to this. They're going to say, they have to be tough and

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aggressive. They have to be able to not give a hoot about other people, and be able to walk all over their staff, and be greedy, and take what they can get. TRAVIS: Okay. HARV EKER: Now, we're listening to this, you and me, because we come from a different ilk. TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: But the average person thinks that a characteristic of success is to be, and excuse my language here, a basic asshole. TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: Okay? If you're going to be successful and rich-- And the mentality of this country right now if you talk about North America, is basically-- I'm going to say this right now because it's very bothersome to me. But we are still in a country of prejudice. And the biggest prejudice used to be black and white. But you know what, that's not the biggest prejudice anymore. TRAVIS: No, it's money. HARV EKER: That's right. The biggest prejudice is rich and poor. TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: Poor people don't like rich people. The country has turned against, what is it, the 99%, "Hey, look at me, I'm part of the 99% that belong into the group of broke people." Now, I don't know why someone wants to belong there but people like to band together who are hurt, it's just the way it is. But they've got the rifle sights on rich people. And you know why that is? That's because the government does. And the government gets votes by demonizing rich and successful people because there's less of us. TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: So, all the rich and successful people could vote and it'll amount to a few hundred thousand votes, right? And the rest, there's a lot of not very rich people who will band together and go, "Yeah, the rich people that are holding us down." One of the things I want to say to everybody right now is that I'm rich now but I was very, very broke for many, many, many years. But you know one thing I never recall? I never recall trying something and some rich person coming and putting me in some chains and going, "You can't do that." TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: I don't know. Maybe I'm the only one that didn't happen to-- I didn't go to try-your-best-tobe-successful prison. It didn't take me to jail for trying to be successful, nobody ever did that. TRAVIS: Right.

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HARV EKER: So then the whole thing is just a complete BS. And one of the biggest things that I think is that I think people need to recognize that one of the characteristics-- You're not a bad person for wanting to be rich. You're not a bad person for trying to be rich, as rich as you possibly can be, because there's a lot of things you could do with your money to help other people, yes? TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: Not just buy a house and boats, right? TRAVIS: Yeah. HARV EKER: And so, first mindset, first thing is to say, "Rich is good. Everybody to yourself, or out loud wherever you are. Say it, rich is good." TRAVIS: Rich is good. HARV EKER: Rich is great. TRAVIS: Yeah, you're tapping into exactly why so many people have a negative money blueprint is they've been indoctrinated through this demagoguing nonsense with the news and the government that the rich man is the bad man which is not true at all. And so, why on earth would someone want to be successful if you believe that you've got to be an A-hole to be successful, right? HARV EKER: Right. I always say and one of the things in the book, it says, "Rich people admire and model other rich and successful people." And most poor people they resent the heck out of them. They say that they're bad. So if you think that rich people are bad in any way shape of form, and a lot have a little tinge of it and I'll tell you how to tell in a second here. And you think rich people are bad in any way shape and you want to be a good person then guess what, you can never be rich. TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: And you know how you can tell. Next time you go to a fancy restaurant everybody, or a hotel or something, and you see where they've parked this red Ferrari, or Maserati, or Bentley, or something right in the front, beautiful car right in the front. When you pass by that car that's parked right in the front, where all the other ones are parked in some lot somewhere, watch what you think. Because I used to think when I was broke, even though I want to be rich I used to say, "What a jerk! That guy who owns this car parks it right in front." I didn't even put two and two together, that's probably the valet guy that parked it. But who the hell does he think-- he probably thinks he's hotshot, walks out of here with the woman on his arm and-TRAVIS: Does he own this place? HARV EKER: Yeah. He thinks he's hot. I didn't who it was, I'm sorry but I didn't know, you thought he was a bad person, right? TRAVIS: Right.

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HARV EKER: So I guess I could never have a Ferrari. But now when I look at it, I look at a Ferrari and I go, "Wow, this person probably was extremely successful and probably work really hard for their money and made it. Bravo." And I've done that, I see people walking out to their-- I go, "Is that your car?" And they're a little scared because they think I'm going to be-- Then they go, "Yeah." I go, "Congratulations, whatever you did." And I had one guy say to me, "You know what, don't say congratulations because it was my father's money." I said, "You know what, there's a lot of young people who took their father's money and burnt it, who went the opposite and became wanderers, and blew it, and are terrible in business because they wanted to be the opposite of their father. But you knew what to model so congratulations. I hope you do something good with their money." And they go, "Well thanks man, I will. I'm very involved in charity--" I go, "Yeah, good for you." So everyone listen to this, write it down if you have the chance. Bless that what you want. TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: If you look at somebody who's doing wee and you negate them, then guess what, you'll never do well. So bless what you want. So I'm going to finish this topic really quickly and I'm going to go back to one characteristic, and you said it. Of all the characteristics that you said, they were all extremely important. But everybody, the number 1 characteristic you must build and grow yourself on, because it comes natural but we tend to move away from it, is the principle of integrity. And Travis you hit it right, it was the first one you said. But let me, if you don't mind Travis, let me explain to your listeners why this principle is the number 1 characteristic you must develop. TRAVIS: Yeah, please do. HARV EKER: Okay. Integrity, there's a lot of elements around it but the biggest element is honesty. And honesty comes from doing what you said you're going to do. Keep your word, keeping your word. Okay, so what does that mean? And you said punctuality, that's one of them. So it means when you say something everybody, listen closely. When you say something, it happens. The easiest one, "Okay Fred. Let's meet tomorrow at Starbucks for a little meeting and go over this stuff at 9:30 in the morning." "Okay, fine, let's do it." "Alright, good." You said or you agreed to 9:30 in the morning, that is your word now. See most people don't look at it as their word. And that was your word, you said those words. "Okay, I'll see you at 9:30." "Great." Okay, it's over now. That is your word now, that is your character now. So you show up at 9:45 and you say to Fred, "Oh shoot, I'm sorry, traffic was crazy." And Fred was there at 9:30. I have a simple question for you. What do you think Fred thinks of you? Now, you're going to say, "Well, it's no big deal, Fred's a cool guy, no big deal." Okay, fine. Let's turn it all around guys, let's everybody turn around. You're there at 9:30 and Fred is not there at 9:30. And have you noticed at 9:30 you look at your watch you're there. 9:35 you're there and they're not. 9:38, you look at your watch, they're not there. 9:40, what's going through your mind? "Is this person coming?" TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: And now, 9:42, what's going through your mind? "Wow, this person is either standing me up. Did they not hear 9:30, did they not agree to 9:30? Why are they not here?" Yeah, I can have a coffee, yeah, I can do my work, but it's not about that it's about them. They lied to me.

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TRAVIS: Yeah, that's a principle of things. HARV EKER: Here's the word now everybody, "I don't trust that when they say 9:30 they mean it, they're going to keep their word." And what the mind does is generalizes and our character generalizes, so what happens is-- now listen everybody, "I don't trust them." Now, what is the number 1 thing you need for people to buy from you everyone to buy your services? TRAVIS: Trust. HARV EKER: Thank you Travis, trust. And as soon as you don't do what you said you're going to do in any way shape or form trust starts to diminish, and it's very hard to get back. "Oh, Mr. Jones, hey, thank you for inquiring for our program. I'm going to send out this informational package, or I'm going to email you this information and I'll have it to you today." "Great, okay, thank you Rob, that's super." And today comes and goes and you don't do it. You say, "What the hell, I'm tired I'll do it tomorrow." Well guess what, in my books, whoever does that, and Travis, I hope you don't mind I say it the way I feel it. The person who says that and says, “Ok, I'll email it to you today” and you don't. And you say, I'll push it up to tomorrow, that's a loser. TRAVIS: Right, yeah. HARV EKER: I don't mean that you're a complete loser and you're destitute, I mean you lose at the game of life, you lost my trust. You're a loser in the game of trust. So, I hear from someone who was supposed to email the information yesterday and I don't get it until today, even if I like it, you know what, I don't buy it because something else will go wrong with this person. TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: I'm dealing with people here. TRAVIS: It's an indicator of future performance. HARV EKER: Absolutely. You know what Travis in our programs we have a saying that I'm famous for, and that saying is, "How you do anything is how you do everything." TRAVIS: And I believe that to the core. HARV EKER: When someone lies to me by not being on time-- You say, "Harv, you're really tough, right?" No, if you phone me and make a new agreement, and I agree to it then I'm good. So if you're not going to be on time at 9:30, I need a phone call at 9:30 or before that. Not 9:31, sorry, not 9:31. 9:25, "Harv, I really apologize, I misjudged traffic, there's an accident on the road. Regardless there's no excuses, I totally apologize. I will not be able to make for 9:30, would it be okay if we changed it to 9:45? I'm so sorry. But that's the earliest I can get there, I'm crawling on the road right now. There's no way to get through. If I could have a bike I would. Would 9:45 still work for you? And I'm so sorry." TRAVIS: Right.

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HARV EKER: "John, don't worry about it, I'm good. 9:45 is good. Thank you so much for calling me and making a new agreement that we can both live with." TRAVIS: And it actually bolsters confidence when that happens because you see, "Oh, this guy has taken his word that serious." Even if I'm going to be 4 minutes late, I'll take your example. And so, "Sam, I said I was going to be there at 9:30, if I'm going to be there at 9:34, I would still call you at 9:25, or 9:29 and say, "Harv, this may sound trivial but I'm running 4 minutes behind, maybe 5." And that bolsters the confidence especially in a brand new relationship, right? HARV EKER: Absolutely. So, let's go one more thing for all the listeners here. What is one of the things-you just said-- you're right on mark here Travis so much because the words you're using, you're not saying that much but the words you're saying are perfect because you said it bolsters the confidence of the person who's doing business with you. Now everybody listen up, who else, when you keep your word does it bolster the confidence of? TRAVIS: What do you mean, who else does it-- Say that again. HARV EKER: When you keep your word, whatever it is, I'll send this to you tomorrow and you send it. I'll be there at 9:30 and you're there at 9:30. When you do what you say you're going to do, who else's confidence rises? TRAVIS: I think it reinforces you, who you are, you're being, your mindset, you in general. HARV EKER: Exactly, you. One of the biggest characteristics to success is confidence, yes? TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: And people go, "Well, I'm confident or I'm not confident" but we all know the truth is that we're all confident sometimes and not confident other times, right? Nobody's going to BS us because we know the truth is that in certain situations I'm very confident and other situations I'm not so confident, right? TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: But there's a general confidence that we have of how we feel about ourselves. And how we feel about ourselves has an element of confidence to it. And that either grows or diminishes based on your integrity, and here's why, based on how much you trust yourself. Because it's not just other people trusting you when you keep your word, it's whether you trust you. So when you know that you are a person that can be trusted, you keep your word no matter what. You know what, I'm getting a little fat. For this week I'm not going to eat anything after 8 o'clock at night. You'd say that to yourself. It's okay to say to yourself but that's still your word. And then the next day, 9:30 comes and you're having your milk and cookies. You lied, you lied to yourself. You cannot be trusted, you cannot trust yourself. Do you think your confidence in yourself goes up or down? TRAVIS: Goes down definitely, yeah.

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HARV EKER: Yeah, you don't trust yourself. You start chipping away at your confidence and how you feel about yourself. And you know what, that then starts to chip away your business because you're less confident, you trust yourself less, you're less willing to take on new things, you're less willing to call new people, you're less willing to do everything because your confidence is shaken. Now everybody, let's take this to the next level. What are we going to do about it? What are you going to do about it, the minute you listen to this, from here on in, you're going to make a commitment, and the commitment is simply this. For this moment on, and I've going to give you an out because you're new at it, to the best of my ability in brackets, okay? From this moment on, I make a declaration that I keep my word no matter what. I keep my word to others and I keep my word to myself, period, period, period. When I say something it happens. And if you can do that my friends-- I can talk to you about marketing and I can talk to you about systems, and I can talk about all that other stuff. Great, it's all important, it's all wonderful. But guess what, it's not 100th as important as what we just covered right this second. If you will be a person of word, a person of integrity, a person that when you say something it happens, period. Your confidence and your trust in yourself will skyrocket and you will do things, you will say things, you will take actions you would have never taken before. And you will love yourself, you will trust yourself, you will look in the mirror differently at yourself. Other people will come off of that energy, you'll emit, resonate a different energy. Other people will naturally be attracted to you. And as Stuart Wilde says, "When they show up, bill them." TRAVIS: Right. I've got to point out something out to you that you don't know about and it will be kind of a tease for everybody that's listening that I think is really in line with what you're talking about. You created a test that-- and I don't remember the name of the test, but basically, I think it's your money blue print test where something like a hundred questions and you grade 1-10 where you are on each of those. HARV EKER: Yeah, your money beliefs, what you think about money. TRAVIS: Money beliefs, yeah. And so, I was in a room with probably 500 people and me and one other person had a score of like a 10 or something, or lower than a 10 because the guy put it on had everybody raise their hand, everybody has this range, this range, this range. And it's been several years back. And the interesting thing that he said is me and the other guy he said, "I'm going to venture to guess that you two guys are financially successful, possibly even millionaires." And the test was dead-on, and it was very interesting how people around me had a score of 150, 180, and they had so many negative things tied to their actions, their beliefs, all of those things. Am I remembering this correct is that doesn't a score range from like 1-200 or something like that? HARV EKER: Yeah, if you add them up, of course yeah, it can. Because you're going, rate it from 1-10 in about 70 questions so it can be higher than that. But absolutely, the way you think is going to turn everything. TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: So, people don't think about it, they go, "Come on, are all these mind stuffing, this character stuff, that's all woo woo crap, that's not important. They're cutting the sales techniques, and marketing techniques, and all these other-- That's what's important." Let me ask you a question everybody who thinks that, that's great, I'm glad you think that and I say that all the left brain stuff and all

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the logical elements and the tools are extremely important. They very much are. Well, let me ask you this question. You have a computer and you're looking at the keyboard and you press the letter R, R as in robber, I'm looking at my computer, R as in robber. And when you press R, H comes up. You press R again and H comes up, R again and H comes up. You go, "What the hell is wrong with this computer? So what do you do? You think that you start rubbing out the R on the computer board with an eraser? Did you write an H there, what do you do? Where's the problem, is the problem in the keys, is the problem in the plastic, in the shell? Is the problem in the shell of the computer, is it in the hardware at all? No. If you want to change the output of the hardware you need to go in, rewire the software. TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: We’re talking about the software of success here. TRAVIS: Exactly. HARV EKER: And if you don't rewire the software, the hardware is going to show whatever the software has in it, yes? TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: The hardware is really dumb. It's just a screen, it shows whatever the software says. So, you guys can think about the woo-- Harv didn't teach anything about marketing, and this and that and the other thing. Oh yes, you know what, maybe that's intentional. Maybe for a change you got to really recognize who you are and how you are, and your characteristics, and how you think, and watch yourself in it. That's the key thing. TRAVIS: Yeah. And why I wanted to move from the-- it's not as woo woo as most people think it is. And you're so brilliant at putting a finer point on that, and it's just so important that people go back and do that deeper, inner work on kind of the molecules of how you think and what you think, and all of those other things. Because you really do need to get the micro together before you start focusing on the macro anyway, right? HARV EKER: Absolutely. So let me ask you this question, how much longer do we have together? TRAVIS: Oh, probably 10-15 minutes. HARV EKER: Alright. So, I would love to give your listeners some of the other side of it. TRAVIS: Okay, go ahead. HARV EKER: Okay, thank you. You know, you said what do you want to talk about, I said I just want to give your listeners best value as I can for their precious time that they spent listening to this. And that's something that are going to help them raise their success. TRAVIS: Yeah, right, definitely.

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HARV EKER: So, number 1, who you are determines your success level. You are the root cause of your success or unsuccess. And if you build yourself a better-- you become bigger, better, stronger person you will become more successful. The biggest thing in who you are of course is watch your thought, make sure you're not thinking negatively about rich people. Love being rich, say I choose rich, I want to be rich, I love being rich, the richer the better, and then make sure that you give some of that money to help other people, okay? Simple as that, you feel better about it, and you'll make more. Number 2 point that we covered that's a big one is integrity. Keep your word, period. If you say something it's over, there's nothing else to talk, no excuses, nothing. Do what you said you're going to do and do it when you said you're going to do it. Period, over and out. And if you do that you'll watch your confidence rise, your trust rise, people will love who you are, they'll love dealing with you, you will become a big gazillionaire, okay? Just off of that. Number 3 here, big point I want to stress here. Okay, everyone is someone of an entrepreneur who's listening of some way, shape, or form. So do you know the definition of an entrepreneur? Now listen closely, if you're in a room right now and I ask you to raise your hand if you want to learn how to make a lot of money. And when I ask that question in my seminar rooms all over the world, guess what, every hand goes up. How do you want to learn exactly how to make a lot of money? Guess what, all the hands go up, wow, good. I guess it's a pretty popular topic. TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: Okay. So very, very quickly, and I could spend days explaining it all each of these elements. TRAVIS: I know you could. HARV EKER: I want to give you some of the key elements that you need to be thinking about if you want to make a lot of money. Is everyone listening, do I have your attention? TRAVIS: Yes. HARV EKER: Okay, thank you. Alright, the first think to think about is when I say make a lot of money. That is a misnomer right there. Everyone listen closely. The first thing that make a lot of money is you have to understand money and how it's made. And the first thing about making money is you don't make money. The only field that ever make money is work at the mint. They make money, we don't make money. What do we do? We earn money, okay? So the number 1 thing here is we're not talking about making money, we're talking about earning money. And this isn't a big stock in how to make money by investing and picking the right stock, and blah, blah-- that's not about that, this is earning. How do you earn a lot of money? Entrepreneurs earn their money, okay, that's a big difference. Alright, now earning money. So, the definition, I'm going to cut right through the chase and if you can write this down everybody who's listening, depends where you are of course. We're talking into your Smartphone or whatever. The definition of an entrepreneur is, listen closely, a person who solves problems for people for profit or for pay. So what are you? You are a problem what? Solver. So, let me ask you a question. Why do people, I already gave you the answer. Why would someone give you their money other than for charity, because you did what? TRAVIS: Because you solve their problem.

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HARV EKER: Exactly. It might be a big problem, it might be a little problem, but you're solving a problem. Maybe they're bored, you have a bar and they come to you and drink or something like that. Or they go for dinner just because they can't cook in the house and they don't have the time. Whatever it is. Whatever you do, the number 1 thing you need to remember is that you get paid for solving problems for people, okay? So the first thing you have to do is, number 1, everyone write this down again. It is imperative that you are solving a problem that you love to solve. So a lot of people are businesses that don't do as well as they could do because as you point out number 1 awhile ago Travis is that they don't really have the passion for it, or they don't have the passion for it anymore. TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: So they don't really give a hoo. So the problem with their solving they don't really care that much. It's like, "Yeah, I can make money by doing this, and I do make a decent living by doing this." And yeah, people get help but you don't really because it's not your thing, it doesn't resonate with your energy. Let me say this right now, that's the wrong problem for you to be solving for people. One of the things, remember I talked about this kebab shop? What problem do they solve? You know what, there's only 2 stores, I was running late, I had to be home at 4 o'clock and meet Michelle, and it was already 3 o'clock. It was a 45-minute drive, I had like 15 minutes to go with something down for lunch, there was a Starbucks and there was this kebab shop. And I wasn't going to drink coffee on an empty stomach, for me that really because due to indigestion. And thank God it was there. That's all I could say, in the plaza I was little and there's all these big box, furniture stores, and there's one kebab. I was going, "Thank God somebody put some food here." Because normally I wouldn't ever eat anything because I wouldn't eat that stuff. But when I saw somebody else come out with that one, no it's actually pretty good. I went in there, it was healthy, it was good. This is fantastic, I think I solve my problem, okay? So he's a problem solver too. So, literally you're solving a problem for somebody and you need to focus, and you need to focus on these problems. So number 1, is this the problem in the world that you should be a problem right now, you should be solving right now in your life. Do you care about these problems? Does it resonate with you? I know right now I'm looking outside at the ocean in my lawn and everything. There's a bunch of gardeners. There's 9 women right now, Hawaiian women that are working on, I guess they're weeding my property. I don't know what they're doing, they got little knives and all that. But listen, they're solving a problem for me, otherwise they're going to have weeds all over the place and 9 women are coming to solve my problem right now in the garden right in front of me here. So that's great, I'm happy for that. And I'm glad they're doing but would I do that? No. I don't even know the difference between this grass and that grass, and that plant and that plant. That's not Harv, that's not my gift. So are you solving the right problem? Okay, number 1, you must solve the right problem for you. It must be a passion for you, you must love that arena, okay? You must love solving that problem for people. Number 2, write this down everyone, you must be crystal clear about exactly the problem that you solve for people, can you articulate it? And do you articulate it well. Because if you cannot articulate in a problem format what you do for people, guess what, you're missing the boat because you will not be able to message it in a way that people will relate to it. TRAVIS: Right.

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HARV EKER: So, let's say for example, they're overweight, and someone is telling them some overweight supplement of sorts. I'm just making this up. And they go, "These supplements are made with the finest ingredients and they help people lose weight and blah, blah, blah. And that's all fine and dandy, okay? That's no problem. But listen, when you're messaging to somebody. I'm going to give you a million dollar lesson right now everybody so listen closely. The more you can message, and in your very first line of your message, use the problem, the better you'll do because it's simple. The simpler you can make the problem and the more emotion you can put into it in the second line, and the more solution-oriented your 3rd line can be, you got the formula for success. So, how about something like if you're getting fat, if you're having a hard time looking in the mirror, if you don't like the way you look anymore. If your belly is growing faster than whatever it is, and you can really put a dagger right in the heart of that problem, you're going to capture the people you wants attention. And you're going to capture it in a way they go, [gasp], and they're going to stop. So all you have to say is this, problem opening, and the next line basically, if you're not going to exaggerate the problem, in other words intensify it. Are you overweight? Are you having a hard time feeling good about what you see in the mirror? Are you having a hard time feeling good about yourself? I have a solution for you. It's called blah, blah, blah. That's how easy it is everybody, problem-solution. Now, what's the issue? The issue is most people cannot articulate their problem. They don't even know what problem they solve for people. "Yeah, we give fast service." Okay, is it the fastest service, is that the main thing you solve for people? Well, no, we just give fast service. What is the main problem you solve for people? And if you cannot identify it from their standpoint, their point of view-- I have a problem, I am looking for a solution, talk to me, show me that you understand my problem exactly the way I understand it. TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: If you can do that everybody you will be a rock star, you'll get rich. So problem then solution, clear? Love the problem that you're solving, in other words love solving that for people, be clear about what you solve, okay? And here's the next one. Quality, how well do you solve it for people. How good a job do you really do for people? Do you do it okay, do you do it fairly good, do you do it amazingly good, do you support your clients? Not what you would like to do but what you really do. Because you know in business, I'm not an idiot I hope. In business it's a lot easier to say something that to do something. TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: Oh yeah, we give the best service, we give the best support. TRAVIS: Job quality is number 1, all of those things that everybody's been-- yeah, that's a bunch of crap. HARV EKER: Then you get an email, "Hey, this thing didn't work. I sold one of my companies, the taxes have come back to me to haunt me 3 times. My accountant, Mr. Brilliant accountant told me exactly how I should sell it. Now I paid triple the tax that I would have originally, and this guy thinks he's the kind of the world, he's the best accountant in the world. He's the one who gave me advice, and now the tax department has disallowed everything.” I was like, "What?" I lost about $8 million because of this guy, right? So don't tell me how great he is, this is my result, he hurt me he didn't help me.

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TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: So bottom line here is how well do you solve what you do? Now, so the quality of your performance, in other words, how good are you at what you do. How good are you? Are you the best in the world at what you do? I'm in this seminar business, am I the best in the world at what I do? Well, let me tell you something there friends, I attempt to be, I actually attempt to be. "Well Harv that's a little ridiculous, there's a lot of people in the world." That's right, and I'm going to be at the top of that hill. Why? TRAVIS: Well Harv, let me step in there because I can tell you that I've spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on my education, and not the traditional education through colleges, through going to events, through mixing and mingling. And I got to tell you, your stuff is at the top. So from an outside perspective I know that you are one of the best there. So, just to give you that feedback. HARV EKER: Well, thank you, I appreciate that. I do consider myself that because I work at that. That's what I'm trying to do. I'm writing a new program now. People have heard little bits and glimmers of the program and they go, "That's amazing, it's ready to go." I go, "It's not ready." "It's ready. I read it--." "No, I'm still filling at this, the right order this. And then--" "Okay well, put out the seminar." "No, I'm going to first call 10 friends to spend 2 days with me and give me feedback." "You know Harv, you don't need to do that. You know everything you do is like top of the line, people are going to love it, they'll pay for it." "That's not what I'm interested in. I want to know before I walk out there on stage the first time, this is shit hot, this is the best program I've ever written in my life and people are going to be going, "Oh my God, you totally solve my problem here. You said this is going to help me and it really help me in the real world." So, that's what I go after. Let me give you one more point, I don't want to run out of time. So quality, how good are you at what you do. Now listen closely. If you want to know how good you are at what you do, all else being equal, here's the simplest test, everyone listen closely. You're not going to like it but here it is. Look at your pay check, look at your income, that'll tell you how good you are at what you do. If you don't like your income you better get better at what you do. You better get better at solving the problem that you solve. Now, in sports we see these all the time don't we? The people who are the best in their field, in their sport they get paid the most, all intents and purposes. The best quarterback gets paid the most, the worst quarterback does not get paid the most, okay? The best running back with the most gets paid the most, the worst does not. But in business it's the same thing. To get paid the best you must be the best. Commit today everybody, not just to your integrity, but commit today to say, "You know what, I'm going to study my field, I'm going to study what I do. I'm going to study marketing, I'm going study-- I'm going to get better, and better, and better what I do. And I'm going to become the best in the world at it." Can you do that my friend? Your income will skyrocket. Now, last one we have to leave everyone with, okay? So we've got basically loving what you do, making sure the problem you solve is the problem you're supposed to be solving in the world, or at least one of them, resonating with it. Being able to articulate the problem that you solve very, very clearly and focusing on that to the client. Here's the problem, if you've got this problem I have the solution, it's simple as that. The quality of how well you solve that problem, meaning how good are you at what you do basically. And here's the last one. So we now know, and there's a few other pieces that we don't have time to cover but maybe next time we get on again-- And I'll bring it in here right now because I don't want to miss any part for your listeners. So excuse me for speaking quickly everybody I apologize. I want you to get this. So we know that if we solve-- the way to earn money, we know the answer to that question, is to solve a problem for someone.

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You solve a problem as in one problem for one person. They will give you money. So now you know how to earn money. I want money, I earn money by solving one problem for one person, good. So I want to earn more than that amount of money. How do I earn more amount of money, or more money? Well, I solve that same problem for another person. Now I have $2. Great, I had $1 then I have $2. How do I earn more? I solve the same problem for 10 people? How do I earn more? A hundred people. How do I earn more? A thousand people. So I'm just going to dumb this down and simplify. And of course you can get into back-ends and all that kind of stuff but let's keep it simple right now so everybody gets it. So, to earn 1 money, I solve this problem for one person. To earn some money I solve this problem for some people. Now, I asked you if you want to earn a lot of money. And so you said yes, so I have an easy question for you. Now, you know how to earn one money, you know how to earn some money, how do you earn a lot of money? TRAVIS: For a lot of people. HARV EKER: Solve that problem for a lot of people. TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: Now, here's what most people do. What they mostly do is they say I want to be rich, I want to earn a lot of money. And you know what they focus on? Money. TRAVIS: Not solving the problem, right? HARV EKER: Exactly. And you know what, 90% of your listeners do this. Everyone in the world does this everybody, don't feel bad. They think about money. How do I make more money, how do I earn more money? But they don't get to the root of the-- listen everybody, money is the result. If you're thinking about money it's already too late. TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: Another word for money is reward for what? For solving that problem for me, okay? So, everyone, you want to the biggest thing out of today so far? Don't think about money if you want to earn a lot of money, think about money as the reward for what? Solving this problem for a lot of people. So, now we know that we solve this problem for a lot of people we're going to get rich, and we will. Now, here's the big problem we have with that. The problem for most people is they have not set-up their business in such a way that they can solve this problem for a lot of people. TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: They set-up their business in a way where they are so involved in their business that without them, or with the way they structured their business, it cannot be solved for thousands, and thousands, and thousands. TRAVIS: Yeah, it's not scalable, right.

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HARV EKER: That's right. And so they go, well, I have to be there, or my existing-- whatever, however they structured it, they can't go to the next level of solve the problem for a lot of people, so they can never make a lot of money. So this is where words like systemizing comes in. Because if you don't systemize your business so that it can work without you, guess what, you are doomed. TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: You are doomed to solving the problem for some people and you'll make some money. But if you want to earn a lot of money, you have to sell it for a lot of people, that means you have to get out of the freaking' way. TRAVIS: I got to completely agree with you. I've also got to segue in to tying things up. So obviously, Harv is brilliant, and I've been to several of Harv's events and it just really goes deep. And Harv, one of the things I love about what you do is you speak to really, all levels of entrepreneurs. And so, we normally have a lightning round but you were just in such great flow there that I didn't want to interrupt that and segue to the lightning round, so we'll just cut that out in this episode. I think you and I could do several episodes together. However, if you don't mind, I know that you've put something special together. And I'm all about trying to help as many entrepreneurs out there take it to that next level. Can you tell us how people can connect with you, and also, give us the details of what that was that you put together for us? HARV EKER: Alright, I appreciate that because I think you can tell that I like to help people because I'm very fortunate to where I am now, and I just wish people would have told me these things when I was crying for it all those years, right. TRAVIS: Yeah, I'm with you. HARV EKER: So, bottom-line, I think I mentioned that I've been working on some new programming and whatnot, and I have 19 different programs I've written over the last 23 years. And that's kind of what I do, I write programs and hopefully they help a lot of people. But the newest program that I have, it's just taking off like crazy, and it's actually made for people like me, and you, and entrepreneurs, it's made for that. Because the problem with most people is that we work really hard and we are hoping to have a great life. But we want it all to come together, we want our business life to go and get together, and out financial life to be together, and our relationship life to be together, and our fitness our health. We want all these things but then we get stuck with too much in business, or now we too much time off and the business is suffering. And it's like, "Oh my God, when will I just all get together for a change?" TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: When will all the balls be working nicely? When will they stay working nicely? I can get them working nicely for like a day and then it starts falling apart. I think everybody knows what I mean here. And that's what I call total life success. And so I put together this system, and I work in systems, and it is actually a 7-step system, and I'm working on this for years on myself and now I finally put it out there and then all I can say is that it's just-- I'm smiling because people are left and right telling me how amazing this is working in their lives. And the program is called the 3-day life make-over. And the 3 days doesn't mean a full 3 days, it's actually 3, 90-minute online webinars, that's all the 3 days is. And then you

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do something from each webinar that takes you somewhere between usually a minute to 10 minutes, and you choose what that is, okay? So, it's made for busy people. It's for busy people who want to get their entire life to get-- they want to be successful but they want their whole life to work. And I'm going to not get into the details of it but all I can tell you is that it changed my life completely, it's changed a-- I did the program originally about 8 months ago for a group of friends, changed their life completely. They referred other friends, I didn't put it out to the public yet, changed their life completely. And I'm talking like-- and I never say this word. I'm talking 100% out of 100%. Anybody who does the 3 90-minute webinars and does the 1 minute or 3 minutes, whatever afterwards, everything changes for you. Now, does it ever go back to the way it was? Not usually. It might start slipping there but you have this system now to go right back to this perfectly balanced, beautiful, successful life. And the trick is that how am I going to achieve wealth and success and still have the rest of my life working beautifully in balance? People don't realize it's hard to do that, right? It's like how do I spend time with my kids and get rich, how do I spend time with my wife and get rich? This system does it. It's brilliant and all I can tell you is that it works. And as a thank you, and as a tribute to you Travis and your show, the normal tuition for the program is $397. It's hardly worth 10,000 but what can you charge for 3 90-minute webinars? It's basically 400 bucks. You know what I want to do? I want to gift everyone who listens to this the entire 3 day life make-over webinar program for free. No strings attached, I just want to help people, alright. Listen to these things, do your 1-minute homework type of thing and don't be afraid of it because you're going to choose what it is. But it's going to take you through the roof. And the only thing you have to do to make sure you get a complementary is go to this special site and do it very quickly. And I say quickly because the webinars get filled up. Because here's the thing. On the webinar, guess what, you're not only going to learn the skills of the system to design your life the way you want it, but I do every part of the formula with you right there, right then on the webinar. You're hearing me on it. I do all the parts of this thing with you. So you're not left, "Here's the formula, go do it. Do it for homework." TRAVIS: Right. HARV EKER: We already know people don't do anything unless they're guided through it. So you do it right there, everything is right in front of you. There's no music for you to write through, while you're writing your 2 lines here or something like that. So it's a little mini seminar right online and it's brilliant. TRAVIS: Cool. HARV EKER: So believe me, it works for people. So all you have to do right now is go to the internet and enter in this website. And it's So again, that's And I hope people have been served today, and that they can really make a difference with what we've worked with them today on. And I can promise you this, you get on this 3 day life makeover, and I'm smiling, I'm smiling because I know what's going to happen. I know the letters you're going to write in. One of the things is we ask you to write in what happened for you that day because you did a little action. So we get to see them all. And I'm smiling because every single person on the call, we get these lists of people, and the things people do are just mind-blowing, and then it becomes habitual, and they're life changes. And it's a system for total life success. How do you have all of the parts of your life working? Your health, and your family, and your relationship, and all that stuff, and have enough time and energy for your business to create wealth.

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TRAVIS: I love it. HARV EKER: Perfect.

End of Interview TRAVIS: Excellent, that's wonderful, thank you very much. Remember that you can find all of the links to the books and the resources mentioned in this show in the show notes. Just go to, it's a fairly new site that we've been building out that's completely focused on giving you the resources to grow your business. Now before I close the show today I want to read a quote from Confucius, and quote reads, "The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential. These are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence." This is Travis Lane Jenkins signing off for now. To your incredible success my friend, take care.

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How We Can Help You We know that finding someone that you can trust online today is hard and that so many “so called gurus” are self-‐appointed and have never really even done what they teach you to do. That’s exactly why we created the Double Your Profits Business Accelerator. This is an exclusive offer for our fans at a fraction of its normal cost. Here's what to expect. We'll Schedule a 'One on One' private session, where we'll take the time to dive deep into your business and tell you what is missing, so that you can have your best year ever! We'll do this by performing a S.W.O.T. Analysis. This tells us your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats within your business. This will be an eye opener for YOU, for several reasons, however some of the most common reasons are. As the 'Business Owner' it’s difficult to see the big picture of your own business because you’re in the middle of a daily management. And you are too emotionally involved to completely impartial. This is a common problem for EVERY business owner. It doesn’t matter if you are a one-man army, or an army of 150, the problem is still the same. Travis Lane Jenkins Business Mentor-Turn Around Specialist Radio Host of The Entrepreneurs Radio Show “Conversations with Self-made Millionaires and High-level Entrepreneurs That Grow Your Business"

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