Historic report snapshot

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Historic Preservation Report Overview


EHT Traceries, Inc. (“EHT”) was retained by Vision McMillan Partners (“VMP”) to provide research and historic preservation consulting services in the pursuit of approval for a Planned Unit Development (“PUD”) for the McMillan redevelopment (“McMillan”). This historic preservation report is a record of information and guidance provided to VMP during this consultation period and is intended to accomplish the following; provide a guide to existing historic documentation, evaluate the historic integrity of the site, provide recommendations for preservation within the context of McMillan, provide recommendations for potential mitigation activities for McMillan, and act as a guide to the historic preservation-related approval process for McMillan.

Summary of General Preservation Recommendations  

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Pursuant to the 1987 Quitclaim Deed, the redevelopment of McMillan should be consistent with the Secretary of the Interior’s (“SOI”) standards. The redevelopment of McMillan should allow the landmark to retain sufficient historic integrity to convey the site’s significance to the history of public works, water purification, and landscape design, as well as the site’s association with Senator James McMillan. Preservation of historic resources can and should be a critical component of the success of McMillan. If critical to the preservation of the overall character of McMillan, the preservation of a significant individual feature should be considered regardless of whether it will directly contribute to the ideal use and aesthetic of the redevelopment. The redevelopment should err on the side of preservation whenever possible. The redevelopment of McMillan should be based on planning and design principles that are specific to the historic site by reflecting the landmark’s unique aesthetic, character, and history in all aspects of the redevelopment. The character, history, and technical operations of McMillan should be celebrated through both preservation and interpretation. The development team should continue to incorporate assistance from qualified preservation specialists throughout the development process to ensure that meaningful preservation strategy is coordinated with the District of Columbia State Historic Preservation Office (“DCSHPO”) and implemented. A structural assessment should be completed by a qualified preservation engineer to evaluate the structural integrity of the site and its resources and to inform recommendations for stabilization, preservation, and/or adaptive reuse. If aspects of the redevelopment are considered necessary but incompatible with the historic character of McMillan and inconsistent with the SOI standards, DCSHPO may determine that these aspects could be mitigated through specific actions. In this case, a program of mitigation should be developed in coordination with DCSHPO and reviewed as a part of the PUD submission.

Summary of Resource Specific Preservation Recommendations The Resource-specific treatment recommendations are provided for the preservation of individual historic resource types at McMillan. These recommendations are made in an attempt to provide a holistic preservation strategy that preserves those features that EHT Traceries has identified as most significant to the Site’s historic character and integrity. These recommendations should be used by VMP for the purpose of guiding the development of the site plan. A table summarizing each resource-specific recommendation is included on the following page.

Summary of Mitigation Recommendations

HISTORIC PRESERVATION REPORT SNAPSHOT The mitigation recommendations are provided to help mitigate the net adverse effects that cannot be avoided or minimized within the context of the redevelopment. These recommendations are not intended to represent all possible mitigation or to preclude other suggestions for mitigation by DCSHPO or any other party. These mitigation recommendations are also not intended to replace all forms of preservation on the site and should be used only to mitigate those adverse effects that cannot be avoided or minimized through the planning and design of the redevelopment. Any proposals for mitigation of adverse effects must be coordinated with the DCSHPO to ensure that the overall mitigation package is enough to sufficiently and appropriately balance the net adverse effect of the redevelopment. A table summarizing each resourcespecific recommendation is included on the following page.

Resource Regulator Houses Sand Bins Filter Bed Portals Sand Washers Tunnel Site Boundaries Spatial Organization & Plan Topography Service Courts Service Court Walls Filter Beds Filter Bed Sand Filter Bed Ramps Manholes & Covers Perimeter Pedestrian Path Corner Stairs Service Ramps & Stairs Internal Views External Views Perimeter Plantings Service Court Plantings

Relative Level of Significance Key Key Key Supporting Supporting Key Key Key Supporting Supporting Supporting Supporting Minor Supporting Supporting Supporting Minor Supporting Minor Supporting Supporting

Level of Significance Descriptions The resource is of the highest level of contribution to the historic significance of the site and is essential to understanding the most significant aspects of the site’s history and historic character. Supportin The resource is moderately important to conveying the significant aspects of g the McMillan Site‘s history and historic character. Minor The resource is minimally important to conveying the significant aspects of Key


Preferred Approach Preservation Preservation Preservation Preservation Preservation Preservation Preservation

Alternate Approach Rehabilitation & Mitigation Rehabilitation & Mitigation Rehabilitation & Mitigation Rehabilitation & Mitigation Rehabilitation & Mitigation Rehabilitation & Mitigation Rehabilitation & Mitigation

High Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate High Moderate Low Low Moderate High Moderate No Integrity No Integrity

Preservation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation n/a

Rehabilitation & Mitigation Mitigation Mitigation Mitigation Mitigation Mitigation Mitigation Mitigation Mitigation Mitigation Mitigation Mitigation n/a



Rehabilitatio n

Page Reference

Approach Descriptions The act or process of applying measures necessary to sustain the existing form, integrity, and materials of an historic property. Work generally focuses upon the ongoing maintenance and repair of historic materials and features rather than extensive replacement, new construction, or exterior additions.


The act or process of making possible a compatible use for a property through repair, alterations, and additions while preserving those portions or features that convey its historical, cultural, or architectural values.


The act or process of accurately depicting the form, features, and character of a property as it appeared at a particular period of time by


the site’s history and historic character. NonContributi ng

The resource does not contribute to the historic significance or historic character of the site.

Reconstructi on

means of the removal of features from other periods in its history and reconstruction of missing features from the restoration period. The act or process of depicting, by means of new construction, the form, features, and detailing of a non-surviving site, landscape, building, structure, or object for the purpose of replicating its appearance at a specific period of time and in its historic location.

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