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TRANSPORTATION IMPACT STUDY SNAPSHOT Transportation Impact Study Overview Symmetra Design (“SD”) was retained by Vision McMillan Partners (“VMP”) to conduct a Transportation Impact Study (“TIS”) to determine the traffic and transportation impacts associated with the redevelopment of the historic McMillan Reservoir. The TIS includes the following key information and components; SD reviewed a number of transportation planning studies initiated by DDOT and others within the past several years for other projects throughout the neighborhood; an existing conditions traffic analysis was conducted for all study area intersections surrounding the site to determine current Levels of Service (“LOS”), the future traffic impact of planned development and expansion plans for other projects in the area was analyzed, and the future traffic impact associated with the McMillan project plus traffic associated with all of the other planned projects in the area was analyzed using a LOS analysis. The final component of the TIS is a number of proposed Transportation Demand Management (“TDM”) measures and potential traffic improvements which could be implemented by the development team to address some of the existing and future traffic concerns within the surrounding area.

Summary of Existing Conditions Analysis Existing conditions traffic analysis indicates all study area intersections currently operate within acceptable LOS during both the AM and PM peak hours. It should be noted however that field observations and/or analysis results indicate specific traffic movements at a couple of intersections currently operate with significant delay including eastbound traffic at the Michigan Avenue/North Capitol Street intersection during the PM peak hour and southbound traffic at the First Street/Michigan Avenue Intersection.

Summary of Future Traffic Impact Analysis (Not Including McMillan) The planned pipeline and expansion projects are expected to generate a combined total 5,392 AM and 6,931 PM peak hour additional vehicle trips. These additional trips were distributed throughout study area network based on the project location and the expected travel patterns to access each site.

Summary of McMillan Traffic Impact Analysis The McMillan project will bring approximately 2,100 new AM and 2,200 new PM peak hour trips to the network. In comparison, all other planned projects will bring a total of 5,392 AM and 6,931 PM peak hour trips. Future traffic associated with the McMillan project plus traffic associated with all of the other planned projects in the area was analyzed using a LOS analysis. Analysis results consider transportation improvements and transportation demand management measures would be in place. The following is a summary of noteworthy changes in LOS:  The Michigan Avenue/Franklin Street intersection would improve LOS in the future by adjusting the current 

signal timing. The Michigan Avenue/North Capitol Street intersection would experience increased delay as a result of all planned projects in the area (even with transportation improvements). Transportation solutions examined a

 

balanced multi-modal approach. Traffic conditions at the First Street/Channing Street intersection would improve by adding a traffic signal. Michigan Avenue/First Street would degrade as a result of all planned projects (even with transportation

improvements). Traffic conditions at First Street/Bryant Street would degrade as a result of increased McMillan site traffic.


The McMillan project includes significant TDM measures to encourage alternate modes of transportation and reduce vehicular impacts. The exact TDM measures will be finalized throughout the PUD process. The following is a preliminary list of measures that the McMillan project will consider or include:

Provide shower/locker room facilities within each of the office buildings

Provide secure bicycle racks and storage throughout the campus including inside condo/apartment garages, inside the office building garages and in front of the office and retail uses on campus

Hire a Property Manager on site to initiate, market, implement and monitor transportation management measures on the McMillan Campus. The Property Manager would be responsible for coordinating with residents and employees on site, property managers/transportation coordinators for the adjacent institutions and District/regional agencies including DDOT, WMATA and Commuter Connections.

Examine opportunity for car sharing on campus

Examine opportunity for transit hub onsite to serve needs of McMillan and adjacent land uses

The Property Manager will market the use of The Smart Commute™ Initiative. It rewards employees for choosing a home located one quarter mile from a bus stop or one-half mile from a rail station. Examine opportunity for tax credits or discounts for McMillan or nearby employees who would live near their place of employment

Provide shuttle service from the campus to the Brookland Metrorail Station

Coordinate with DDOT and adjacent institutions to provide a Circulator bus service

Provide preferential parking spaces at the office buildings for those employees who register to participate in carpool initiatives

Provide a transit subsidy to encourage transit usage for new residents as part of a welcome package

Improve sidewalk conditions and streetscape along the campus perimeter

Michigan Avenue/ North Capitol Street 

Infrastructure Improvements In addition to the TDM measures which will be needed to help reduce traffic, infrastructure improvements will also be needed to expand the capacity of the transportation network. The following is a list of recommended infrastructure improvements needed to address projected traffic deficiencies:

Provide a hiker/biker trail (approximately 10 feet) on North Capitol Street adjacent to the McMillan site in order to connect to the proposed hiker/biker trail on North Capitol Street as outlined in the DDOT North Capitol Street Cloverleaf Feasibility Study.

Widen eastbound Michigan Avenue from the new McMillan driveway to North Capitol Street in order to provide an additional through lane approaching North Capitol Street.

Michigan Avenue 

Widen westbound Michigan Avenue at the signalized site driveway to accommodate a 100 foot left turn lane.

First Street 

Provide a new traffic signal on First Street at the main McMillan site driveway. Provide crosswalks and pedestrian signals at the new intersection.

Widen First Street to provide a 100 foot southbound turn lane at the main McMillan Site driveway. Provide 8 to 12 foot sidewalks on First Street adjacent to the McMillan site

Signalization 

Provide a new traffic signal on North Capitol Street at the main McMillan site driveway

Provide a new traffic signal on First Street at the main McMillan site driveway

Provide a new traffic signal at the First Street/Channing Street intersection to help accommodate WHC/VA Medical Center/AFRH traffic and McMillan traffic.

North Capitol Street

Provide a new traffic signal on North Capitol Street at the main McMillan site driveway. Provide crosswalks and pedestrian signals at the new intersection.

Widen First Street to provide an additional through-right turn lane for traffic headed towards the VA Medical Center and AFRH.

Extend the First Street northbound left turn lane from approximately 90 feet to approximately 400 feet. This would be achieved by widening First Street and/or eliminating some on street parking spaces.

Widen North Capitol Street at the main McMillan Site Driveway to provide a 250 foot northbound left turn lane

Michigan Avenue/First Street

Channing Street

NOTE: Transportation improvements outlined in this TIS are based on the current McMillan site plan and program. The site plan will continue to evolve throughout the planning and development process. Recommendations are subject to change based on coordination with DDOT and further review.


Provide a sidewalk on Channing Street adjacent to the McMillan site.

First Street/Channing Street 

Provide a new traffic signal at the First Street/Channing Street intersection to help accommodate WHC/VA Medical Center/AFRH traffic and McMillan traffic.

NOTE: Transportation improvements outlined in this TIS are based on the current McMillan site plan and program. The site plan will continue to evolve throughout the planning and development process. Recommendations are subject to change based on coordination with DDOT and further review.

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