ENX Magazine January 2012 Issue

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The first choice in managed print

Take your MPS business discussions to a more strategic level FMAudit Enterprise

Get everything you need to assess, analyze, propose, monitor and market your MPS Strategy. Developed on the .NET Framework, this complete package includes all of the FMAudit modules, partner interfaces and MPS best practices.

Central Server

Central Server is the heart of the FMAudit software solution. Central Server is the data repository for the wealth of device data collected by FMAudit. You can leverage the information to empower your staff to develop and act on your strategic business opportunities in both new and existing accounts. The server can be installed at your company or hosted by FMAudit or an FMAudit partner.

Capture Technologies

FMAudit offers the most extensive data collection software tools available in the industry today. USB Viewer for quick snapshot assessment, WebAudit for browser/e-mail enabled quick assessment, Onsite for ongoing assessment, device meter/supply/service monitoring and device optimization and Local Agent to collect non-networked device data. FMAudit provides a secure, comprehensive approach to address the needs of your diverse client base.

TCO Reporting/Green Reporting/ Customized Reports

FMAudit provides reporting features to help you understand and present your solutions and recommendations. FMAudit includes TCO reporting to determine and validate current cost of ownership, “Green” reporting to analyze environmental efficiencies and customized reporting to uniquely present data for new account proposals, current account reviews and proactive fleet device management and optimization.

Adaptive Supply & Service Management

FMAudit includes automation to interpret and filter alerts into process workflows. You can set parameters and triggers to handle the specific needs and expectations of your clients MPS agreement. The ability to automate supply and service fulfillment and the flow of information is a primary differentiator in the delivery of a profitable MPS strategy.

Complete software for remote meter reading and managed print services automation Flexible capture options TCO Reporting to determine operational costs Adaptive Service Management to filter service alerts Bi-directional ERP/CRM synchronization simplifies contract administration Green Reporting for “eco-friendly” optimization Web based assessments Remote Onsite install and update Supply level alerts and workflows

Bi-Directional ERP Sync

FMAudit provides bi-directional ERP systems data integration to enable complete automation of meter collection and accurate billing. Your ERP account data and device information can be pulled seamlessly into FMAudit Central providing ongoing data exchange and updates. To learn more about how your MPS strategy can reach new levels with FMAudit and the minimal investment required to deploy the FMAudit solution, contact us today for a demo and quote.


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TOP TRENDS FOR 2012 By Scott Cullen


here’s a school of thought that when talking about yearly trends in any industry, you can pretty much cut and paste last year’s trends and run with those. You know what I mean, “The more things change, the more they remain the same.” We’re not going to cut and paste although if you look back at last year’s top trends article, you’ll see some familiar trends listed there as well. There’s no avoiding that as many trends have picked up steam over the past 12 months. What follows are 10 trends to watch for 2012. Some are big, some are small, some are old but still relevant, and some are new.

1. More Dealers are Learning How to Sell Managed Print Services There’s still plenty of confusion and angst when it comes to MPS and making the transition into that arena. Yet as more programs are introduced to the various channels and more consulting organizations show dealers the way, one thing’s for certain: by year’s end the number of dealers who are successfully selling MPS will be higher than it’s ever been. Sure that sounds trite and obvious, but as the number of tools and programs increase, and more dealers realize this is a do or die shift, it can’t help but happen. CompTIA, the Computing Technology Industry Association, recently published a study surveying 400 Managed Print Services providers and IT personnel in end-user companies. According to the study, the Managed Print Services industry will continue to grow because of its impact on reducing infrastructure costs associated with printing, improving productivity and environmental sustainability. The study also found that most companies expect their print volumes to increase or remain the same, and of the companies not currently using Managed Print Services, 35 percent are expected to adopt a MPS strategy over the next year. And with organizations such as Photizo Group and Strategy Development providing education and guidance, there’s a smarter population of dealers spinning the MPS story to their customers.

2. Managed Networked Services Become Increasingly Relevant to the Office Technology Dealer Thanks to the connectivity trend of years past, fear of the network has long since dissipated in many dealerships. What’s still a big fear and a huge obstacle is getting sales reps in front of the C-level types who drive those key business decisions down through an organization. With more OEMs such as Xerox, HP, and Konica Minolta seeing the value in managed network services and the emergence of new players such as Agiliant who are providing a proven game plan for dealers to play in this arena, there’s no reason for the dealer channel to fear this still emerging opportunity.

3. The Industry Delves More Deeply into Mobile Printing Applications With tremendous growth in mobile communication devices such as smartphones, Blackberrys, and tablet PCs, we’re starting to see a change in the way people print and where they print. Round and round and round it goes, where it’s going to end up is anyone’s guess. Some industry observers believe these trends will increase the need to print while others feel it will have the opposite effect. The question is how much will it really affect us? Will there be increased printing, decreased printing or a change of location as to where that printing is taking place. “This is a major trend playing out in its early stages,” says Jon Bees an analyst with Gartner Dataquest. Indeed, and these early stages are seeing device manufacturers introducing various applications that will enable printing from wherever and whenever.

4. Smaller Players Become More Valuable to Dealers in the Age of MPS Don’t forget the “P” in MPS and for plenty of MPS prospects, the “P” is all about printers and A4 devices. That’s why players such as Lexmark, Muratec, Kyocera, and of course HP, remain valuable providers to the dealer channel as they bolster their MPS programs.

5. Opportunities Abound for Providers of Remanufactured Toner and Remanufactured Printers Here’s another trend related to MPS. With the continued emphasis on MPS and MPS engagements, expect to see the channel seriously consider organizations that can provide them with remanufactured toner and remanufactured printers. This trend certainly explains why Muratec is also in the remanufactured printer and toner business.

6. Acquisitions Continue to Decimate the Independent Dealer Channel Sadly, the independent dealer channel continues to shrink even as the remaining players declare their independence. We wouldn’t count independents out, but expect to see more manufacturers bolster their direct channels through acquisitions. Organizations such as Global/Xerox will likely get even more aggressive in those efforts. It will be interesting to see what happens to those dealers who sell out. Will they eventually find themselves getting back into the business like many of their peers who had earlier sold out to Danka, IKON, and even Global? Time will tell and if past history is any indicator, it’s hard to walk away from this industry and stay away. continued on 19


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Profiting by Helping Your Customers Get Through the Document & Data Security Noise By David Anastasi


grew up around the advertising business. My dad was an advertising executive who ran the creative departments for the two largest advertising agencies in New England. He won many awards and still today has a prestigious award named after him, even though he passed away over 25 years ago. He represented clients like John and Robert Kennedy, Wang, Lotus, John Hancock, Spaulding, Red Sox, Bruins and Celtics as well as many other organizations. Early in my career I sold advertising for Warner Communications representing some of the most well known publications in the world (WSJ, Time, Newsweek, Business Week, Sports Illustrated, Readers Digest and others). So you may ask what the heck does this have to do with Copying, Printing, Scanning, MPS and Document and Data Security, etc. A lot. When I was in college, majoring in marketing, I learned a very valuable lesson from my dad. He was working on a campaign that I told him I thought was terrible. Although being a very kind and even tempered man he said very sternly to me, “If you ever want to be really successful in business you should understand one thing, it doesn’t matter what you think.” What he meant by this was that you had to identify your target market and the key decision makers and make sure your products, services and messaging was directed at what they thought, not what you thought. He also told me, “Listen to them and learn what is important to them today and in the future; ultimately, what keeps them up at night?” Finally, “Understand that business environments are constantly changing and if you don’t learn to help your customers change with them, they and you will fail. Once that is understood, then become a student of their industry; learn so much about their markets, environment, competition, customers and organization that you become their go-to person.” By the way, he won a major global award for the campaign I had criticized so strongly. I have never forgotten that lesson, and it has served me well over the years. I eventually went to work for Neopost, Pitney Bowes’ largest global competitor, but certainly at the time a pimple on the proverbial elephant’s you-know-what. I started in sales and moved up to sales management, branch management and eventually National Sales Manager responsible for all field operations.

We sold postage meters, mail machines, folding and inserting equipment, shipping systems and mailroom furniture. At the time it was the inbound and outbound document flow for all organizations. Competing against Pitney Bowes we had to learn to offer more value to the customer. We did that by learning about their internal and external information flow and helping improve efficiencies as well as secure their most critical information. The major difference from today is that it was primarily manual. That said, the challenge was still the same; how do I get the appropriate information in the right hands as quickly and effectively as possible in a secure manner? When I became National Sales Manager almost 20 years ago, by listening to our customers, we recognized a growing trend. How do they become more efficient with their document and data processing needs? We came to the conclusion that by partnering with Xerox Business Services we could create a more efficient environment and combined, manage their copying, printing, mail and shipping needs. It was the first managed services partnership in the industry. I remember many a time speaking to XBS people at their training center in McLean, VA. I ended up at Captaris in 2001 whose largest businesses were RightFax, the world’s leading fax server, and MediaLink, a broadcast fax and e-mail business. Again, the common theme was how do we get appropriate information in the right hands as quickly and effectively as possible and in a secure manner? We had a lot of positive things going for us: great brand, strong global channel and market with close to 25,000 implementations. However it was obvious that it was a maturing challenged business. If we wanted to grow, we would have to change our culture and expand our capabilities and solutions for our customers. In evaluating customer feedback they were asking us to go beyond document delivery and help them with process improvement, data storage and retrieval and document and meta-data scanning on the documents that we were already touching. We took the steps and added those capabilities and grew the business from just over $50M to above $140M, also growing recurring revenue from about $7M to close to $40M. The most interesting part was our core fax business almost doubled even though many thought it was dying. One primary reason was in the customers’ minds the ability to encrypt files in transport was the most secure way they could send information. continued on 23


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Also, it provided them with validation that information was delivered. Many of you have grown your businesses from hardware to supplies to MPS, software solutions etc. If you look at the industry’s large manufacturers they are all hustling to become major players in the electronic document delivery arenas. I applaud those of you who have figured this out. It is a challenge to take legacy successful businesses and risk changing them and making investments in new areas. So what’s next? As you look at expanding your business models in these areas realize that data security has become an extremely high priority for you and your customers. If you don’t think so look at the number of data security hits below identified by Google searching some security terms directly related to your businesses. It can be overwhelming for your customers. But for you it is an opportunity!

Secure Document, Data and File Management • Secure Printing - About 186,000,000 results • Secure Copying - About 55,800,000 results • Secure Scanning - About 35,200,000 results • Secure Managed Print Services - About 19,400,000 results • Secure Document Management - About 27,200,000 results • Secure Enterprise Content Management - About 26,800,000 results • Secure E-mail - About 473,000,000 results • Secure Faxing - About 7,080,000 results • Secure Document Collaboration - About 3,440,000 results • Secure File Collaboration - About 3,020,000 results • Secure File Transfer - About 24,900,000 results • Secure Mail Management - About 123,000,000 results

Assessments • Secure Printing Assessments - About 37,500,000 results • Secure Copying Assessments - About 41,400,000 results • Secure Scanning Assessments - About 11,500,000 results • Secure Managed Print Services Assessments - About 6,620,000 results • Secure Document Management Assessments - About 3,650,000 results • Secure Enterprise Content Management Assessments About 4,340,000 results • Secure e-mail Assessments - About 63,100,000 results • Secure Faxing Assessments - About 26,500,000 results • Secure Document Collaboration Assessments - About 5,030,000 results • Secure File Collaboration Assessments - About 4,060,000 results • Secure File Transfer Assessments - About 5,000,000 results • Secure Mail Management Assessments - About 3,970,000 results

With your current relationships you have the opportunity to assist your customers in sorting through this maze. You can become the go-to organization for them. As my good friend Jim D’Emidio from Muratec said in his partner meeting presentation, “Mark your territory; if you don’t someone else is going to.” So how do you get started? Some of you already have, with the tools being provided by some of the hardware manufacturers and software and service solutions available in the market. The question is, are you developing a data security practice and making it part of your culture, strategy, products and services? Outside of traditional network, virus and malware security from a simplistic point of view, there are several places that an organization really needs to focus on to protect their data, files and documents. • Where the data, file or document is created (computers, laptops, PDA, tablets, servers, hand written etc.) • Where the data, file or document is stored (computers, laptops, PDA, tablets, servers, printers, scanners, copiers, fax machines, cloud, filing cabinets, outside party offsite facilities etc.) • When a data, file or document is transported (mail, e-mail, fax, courier, scanning, collaboration tool, file transfer, hand delivered etc.) • When data, file or documents are altered (as once that occurs you have to look at the first three bullets again) Here are basic beginning questions you can ask inside your own organization and your customers to get you started. 1. Does your organization have a data governance plan? 2. Does your organization have a records management program? 3. Who are the key decision makers and influencers when it comes to data governance and security? 4. Has your organization identified and prioritized types of data, files and documents based on sensitivity? 5. Does your organization have any special compliance requirements based on your industry or business? 6. Do you have data security training built into your recruiting, orientation, succession and ongoing training programs? 7. How often and where do you print, scan, copy or fax your organization’s, customers’ or partners’ confidential records or information? 8. Can unauthorized employees, partners, visitors, customers, cleaning staff or delivery people access your printers, scanners and copiers? 9. Are your printers, scanners, copiers and fax machines that deal with sensitive data in a secure area? 10. Do you ever find confidential files on printers, scanners, copiers or fax machines located in unsecured areas? continued on 24 enx magazine



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Equipment Brokers Unlimited


quipment Brokers Unlimited — the name says it all. The breadth and depth of their equipment offerings, coupled with a base line commitment to add value to every machine and arrange sales into a seamless transaction makes EBU, well, unlimited. Historically EBU has been viewed as the gold standard of equipment wholesalers. Their long standing strategic alliances have enabled them to offer new, near new and used equipment with very low meter counts. Also historically their pricing has been a bit above traditional off lease resellers. Then again the equipment they offer is of the highest quality with the lowest of meter counts. Additionally their long tenured staff provides superior industry knowledge and unsurpassed customer service. In short, you get what you paid for.

Although it sells almost every manufacturer, EBU specializes in Ricoh, Savin, Gestetner, Lanier, Sharp, Canon, Kyocera, Konica/Minolta, Toshiba, and Xerox office equipment. Economical and prompt shipping is achieved with facilities in southern California, Texas and the east coast. Dave continues, “Many of our Ricoh buyers have a high level of comfort knowing that I also own a Ricoh retail dealership. This enhances our knowledge of the product and our understanding of the inherent challenges of owning and running a dealership. We are aware of equipment issues, technical updates, modifications, supply and part needs.”

EBU has worked hard to be able to meet the one machine request of a small dealer in rural America as well as a 200 machine deal Dave Marder Dave Marder, owner and CEO explains that EBU has been in downtown New York. In addition to its tradiOwner & CEO a leading provider of new and low usage copiers for over 30 tional focus on the highest quality/lowest years because of their people, facilities, knowledge, equipment, metered machines, EBU has listened to the requests of its cuslogistics expertise, industry contacts and commitment to con- tomers and is now also offering slightly higher metered used sistently provide superior customer service. EBU’s long tenured equipment, at extremely competitive pricing. And that hasn’t sales force, including Bruce Heicke, Matt Rasic and Jim Rasic, changed EBU’s bottom line commitment to customer service. is recognized for their knowledge and creativity in meeting the “We stand behind this equipment in the same manner we stand exact needs of each client. Oscar Zatarain, EBU’s bi-lingual behind the new, near new and low volume copiers,” says Dave. Spanish speaking professional, handles its international transac- “In a nutshell, EBU continues to provide Nordstrom quality tions. “A couple of years ago, with the customer service at Wal-Mart pricdown turn of the economy, I saw other ing.” wholesalers dropping their prices and reducing the customer service they Dave Marder continues, “Great cuswere offering. They were charging less tomer service begins at the employee but the reselling dealers were receiving level from our newest member on up. less. We held firm on our standards and As the company owner, I understand as a result, EBU gained new customers my responsibility to oversee our who understood the value of buying workforce and company environfrom a company with integrity, equipment. Good will and enjoying comment that was worth reselling and ing to work each day can- not be excellent customer service. There is mandated. A happy, healthy working more to buying used equipment than environment can be gained through (from left) Oscar Zatarain, Jim Rasic, just the price.” open communication, trust, and learnBruce Heicke, Matt Rasic ing to work together with a focus on a common goal.” Recently, Dave says he was able to take a rare step back in this day and age. “Having the luxury of growing, I decided to reevaluate the entire EBU organization. I did some research and hired a consultant from outside the office equipment industry. I wanted our company culture to be examined from our customer’s point of view. Today EBU is a better company. Each EBU employee has a greater understanding of their role in the overall success of our company. We have an even better commitment to the importance of working together for the common continued on 28 26

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Equipment Brokers Unlimited good. Through hard work and dedication over the past year, EBU has reinvented its company culture. A happy, focused work environment pays dividends to all of our clients, vendors and employees.” There have been technological advancements as well. “Within EBU, we understand the need for and use of technology; the internet, password protected online pricing and equipment availability, multiple websites, an ebay store, email, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, instant messaging, texting, and online chatting are constantly being evaluated for their best and most efficient use. Additionally, EBU is expanding its Internet presence for domestic and international buyers and sellers.” ”Despite our digital infrastructure, we still believe in old fashion face-to-face, person-to-person interaction. Our goal is to have an appropriate EBU staff member meet face-to-face with every EBU customer on an annual basis. Meetings can take place at the client’s office, at an EBU location or at a dealer meeting or other industry event. EBU truly wants to have a personal understanding and relationship with everyone who does business with us. Over 70% of our business is from repeat buyers. We are fortunate to have a large percentage of our new customers come from referrals.”

Many of their mid-sized retail dealers regularly purchase 10 to 20 units to keep in stock for immediate delivery. Dave continues, “Some dealers use equipment purchased from EBU to fill their demo room, thereby eliminating the high cost of new equipment. MPS dealers use EBU purchased equipment to balance out the equipment needs of their end users while others use EBU machines to fulfill their customer’s request for lower priced used equipment. International buyers typically purchase a full container of equipment.” EBU offers convenient, economical shipping options throughout North America. Their three facilities offer over 58,000

square feet of administration, sales, logics management, storage, testing, servicing, staging, shipping and receiving. Their nationwide locations enable ease of pickup and delivery from coast to coast. Company wide attention to detail and commitment to fulfilling the needs of its clientele has enabled EBU to expand the product and services it offers. EBU continues to differentiate themselves from other wholesalers by offering: • Superior customer service • A full range of equipment, from new to traditionally used at both competitive and valued pricing • Dedicated and knowledgeable sales and service professionals • Technical assistance from in-house, factory certified technicians • 14 point quality assurance review of equipment • Mix and match equipment and accessories • Customized pricing on multi-equipment orders • Worldwide logistics expertise for equipment delivery and pick-up • After sale customer assurance • Face-to-face meetings • Buying and selling from one piece to full containers of equipment • Online real time inventory and pricing • Self pick-up or use of EBU’s logistic specialist • Se habla Español According to Marder, “Now is the time to investigate the time and money that can be saved by acquiring all your new, near new, low and mid-metered equipment from EBU especially if you’re looking for Ricoh, Savin, Gestetner, Lanier, Sharp, Canon, Kyocera, Konica Minolta, Toshiba, and/or Xerox equipment.” Visit and register on the EBU website www.ebu-llc.com. Sign up for weekly emailed specials or call to get acquainted with your EBU dedicated rep and the superior products and services that are available to EBU clients. u by Ronelle Ingram Contact Equipment Brokers Unlimited 11156 Sherman Way • Sun Valley, CA 91352 Tel: 800.711.2815 www.equipmentbrokersunlimited.com email: dmarder@ebu-llc.com


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State of the Office Equipment Market and a Look Ahead By Larry Jamieson, Lyra Research


his article provides insight into the state of the office equipment industry, delivering market analysis and forecast data for the following market segments: monochrome single-function laser printers, Segment 1–4 A3 monochrome laser MFPs, Segment 1–4 A4 monochrome laser MFPs, ink jet all-in-ones, single-function color laser printers, and Segment 1–3 color laser MFPs. The analysis is based on key findings from Lyra’s first-half 2011 Hard Copy Industry Advisory Service (IAS) Forecast 360.

Monochrome Single-Function Laser Printers : The Office Standard Monochrome laser printers are steady and reliable and have been the standard printers used in offices for more than 25 years. However, the global economic slowdown caused a drastic decline in shipments and revenue for the single-function monochrome laser printer market in 2009. Unit sales fell by about 30 percent from 2008 levels. Corporate layoffs dramatically reduced workforces, which in turn lowered printer requirements, and companies slashed IT budgets and replaced older printers only if they malfunctioned and could not be repaired. Also, many medium-size and large companies initiated managed-print engagements, reducing the number of desktop printers deployed in their offices. Many of the devices being eliminated are single-function monochrome laser printers. As the recession appears to be coming to an end, monochrome printer sales are rebounding. Unit shipments for the segment grew in 2010, reaching 14.3 million units, but they were not as high as they had been projected to be in mid-year 2010. Unit shipments will continue to grow slowly through 2013 before declining again. With its large share of unit volume, the small office/home office (SOHO) monochrome laser printer segment largely dictates the condition of the monochrome laser printer market overall. More than 53 percent of units sold in 2010 were priced below $200. These low-end printers appealed to businesses in emerging markets, as well as home and SOHO users worldwide. Higher-end A3 printers accounted for less than 3 percent of unit sales worldwide. SOHO Monochrome Single-Function Laser Printers—The Market Driver Products in this category are monochrome single-function laser printers with list prices of less than $200. Speeds are generally under 25 ppm. Shipments of SOHO laser printers suffered during the economic slowdown. Sales were strong from 2004

through 2007, driven by the launch of new devices priced between $99 and $149. These products spurred growth both in emerging markets, where business users look for low-cost office printers, and in industrialized markets, where personal laser printers are highly desirable in SOHO and small and medium-size business (SMB) environments. Competition increased in 2007, and many vendors are now offering products in the $79 to $99 range. In 2008, low-cost monochrome lasers proved very attractive for SOHO and SMB environments, but sales declined heavily in both industrial and emerging markets later in the year. Shipments grew to 7.6 million units in 2010, still well below the 9.9 million units that were shipped in 2008. Growth will continue through 2014, and will remain flat in 2015. In the long term, managed print services (MPS) and migration to shared multifunction devices will slow growth in this market segment. These devices will continue to handle most office printing, but MFPs and color devices that can print in both color and monochrome will increasingly provide competition to single-function monochrome printers.

Segment 1–4 A3 Monochrome Laser MFPs : A Market on the Decline Shipments of Segment 1–4 A3 monochrome laser MFPs sharply declined again in 2010 after suffering a precipitous decrease in 2009. The continued downturn in this market is a result of several factors. First, the decrease in employment among medium- and large-size businesses has reduced the need for new personal and departmental MFPs and has created a surplus of MFPs that can be redeployed as needed. In addition to the reduced number of employees at larger companies, small businesses are cutting back on the acquisition of capital equipment. The decline in shipments also can be attributed to vendors shifting their focus to faster-speed machines with better price/performance (Segment 5 and 6 A3 devices), as well as color MFPs and A4 MFPs, and corporations engaging in MPS initiatives. The direction that the Segment 1–4 A3 monochrome laser MFP market will take over the next few years depends upon the interplay between the positive and negative forces that are affecting it. Small to medium-size companies, especially in emerging markets, may still acquire these devices, but Lyra believes this segment will continue to dwindle through 2015 and beyond. continued on 31


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Segment 3 A3 Monochrome Laser MFPs—Economic Impact Not as Severe

Ink Jet All-in-One Market : Positive Outlook through 2015

Shipments of Segment 3 A3 devices, which feature print/copy speeds that range from 31 to 40 ppm, are under pressure from the migration to color and A4-size MFPs and continue to decline. However, the poor economic conditions of 2009 and 2010 did not impact this segment as severely as it affected Segments 1 and 2, though unit shipments did decline by 9 and 10 percent, respectively. The declines weren’t as precipitous partly because the migration to color slowed and some customers opted for monochrome MFPs in this segment rather than color MFPs. This is also a segment in which a good proportion of MFPs are leased, which means that acquisition decisions must still be made as leases expire, regardless of economic conditions.

Ink jet printers and all-in-ones (AIOs) are the primary personal printing devices used in homes and SOHO environments. Current signs indicate that the ink jet printer market is rebounding from the global recession. The delayed replacement of existing printers during the recession, the growth of the AIO market, and the mobile print drivers that ink jet printer vendors are offering with some of their new printers and AIOs will drive printer sales through 2015. Overall shipments of AIOs will increase from 60 million units in 2009, which was the low point of the recession, to 80 million in 2015 (see Figure 1). The development of business ink jet products and vendors’ willingness to promote ink jet’s cost-per-page advantages over their own low-end laser products also will help drive sales in office environments. <<Figure 1>>

Segment 1–4 A4 Monochrome Laser MFPs : Short-Term Market Rebound Sales of A4 monochrome laser MFPs rebounded in 2010 after plummeting in 2009. Worldwide shipments of A4 monochrome laser MFPs increased to just over 5 million units in 2010 after decreasing by 20 percent in 2009 to 4.8 million. The A4 monochrome MFP market will experience a slight rebound over the short term but is expected to decline again between 2013 and 2015, primarily as a result of users migrating to faster segments. The recession has slowed this trend, but it will resume. The regional distribution of shipments of these devices will continue to shift, with markets in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) and Asia Pacific gaining prominence among the worldwide regions. Segment 2 A4 Monochrome Laser MFPs—Solid Performers This segment includes monochrome A4-size MFPs with print/copy speeds of 21 to 29 ppm. It is still dominated by models from printer companies, such as Brother, HP, and Samsung, rather than devices from traditional copier companies, such as Canon, Ricoh, or Xerox. Most models range in price from $250 to $650. Shipments are expected to keep growing in this segment as a result of migration from Segment 1 and a general trend away from A3-size models and toward A4-size models. In 2010, shipments in Segment 2 A4 rebounded to 2.3 million units, the same level as in 2008, after declining to just about 2 million units in 2009 as a result of the recession. Lyra forecasts that a strong recovery of shipments will continue in this segment in 2011 despite continued economic difficulties. Buyers looking for low-cost monochrome multifunction devices will find good price/performance in Segment 2 devices. After 2011, it is expected that the migration and the shift toward A4-size models will produce modest double-digit growth through 2015.

However, the ink jet market continues to show many signs of maturity. Emerging markets such as Latin America are growing rapidly, while markets in industrial regions are growing at a much lower rate. The growth rate in North America will be the lowest through 2015 as a result of the adoption of WiFi networks in homes, SOHOs, and SMBs, limiting replacement opportunities in environments where multiple PCs are more common. SOHO All-in-Ones—Strongest Growth Segment of the AIO Market The SOHO all-in-one segment will be the strongest growth segment of the AIO market. Products in the SOHO all-in-one category are multifunction ink jet devices designed for home office use. Introductory prices for base models are typically $150 or above. The SOHO ink jet AIO segment is a relatively new one, but shipments have grown quickly over the past few continued on 32 enx magazine



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State of the Office Equipment Market and a Look Ahead years, increasing to 11.7 million units in 2010 from 9.6 million in 2009. As shown in Figure 2, shipment growth for these products is expected to continue through 2015, increasing to 21 million units in 2015 for a very strong compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.4 percent.

Europe in color adoption. The growth rate in North America will be steady through 2015 based on the strength of the replacement market. SOHO and Small Workgroup Color Laser Printers—Replacing Older Ink Jet Devices

<<Figure 2>>

A major benefit of SOHO AIO devices is that they incorporate an automatic document feeder with a flatbed scanner, a feature previously found only on high-end units. The move among vendors toward lower-cost devices with small-capacity document feeders addresses the needs of SOHO users who have broad document-handling requirements and work in low print-volume environments.

Single-Function Color Laser Printers : A Steadily Rising Market The single-function color laser printer market bounced back in 2010 after experiencing a significant decline in 2009 that was caused by the economic recession, high costs per page, and poorly defined office color applications. Over the short term, the color laser printer market will continue to rebound steadily as more buyers choose to purchase a single color laser device to replace existing monochrome printers and to produce both monochrome and color pages. However, over the long term, print vendors will have to address issues regarding cost per page and advances in ink jet technology and business-class ink jets. In addition, emerging markets such as Latin America and Asia Pacific are showing strong growth, while color laser printer shipments in EMEA are growing at a much lower rate—a 2.3 percent CAGR from 2010 to 2015—because developing subregions of Eastern Europe and Africa are falling behind Western

SOHO and small workgroup color laser printers will remain the strongest segments of the color laser printer market through 2015. Many offices have been replacing older ink jet printers with SOHO and small workgroup color laser printers because users believe that laser devices are faster, have better print quality, and are cheaper than ink jet on a per-page basis. Shipments of SOHO/small workgroup color laser printers increased in 2010 to just under 2.3 million units, following a drop to 2.1 million units in 2009 from just under 2.5 million in 2008. The 2009 decline occurred largely as a result of several factors related to the economic recession. Although the economic outlook remains uncertain, unit sales grew in 2010, based largely on a good replacement market. Buyers who had delayed making replacement purchases in 2009 and early 2010 found some good bargains from many vendors and replaced some of their older monochrome lasers with color devices at prices comparable to or even lower than what they had paid for their old monochrome printers.

Segment 1–3 Color Laser MFPs : Surge Driven by New Product Introductions The recession had a clear effect on Segments 1–3 of the color laser MFP market. Revenue dropped by $200 million in 2009 to just under $9.4 billion from approximately $9.6 billion in 2008. Revenue rebounded in 2010, increasing by 27 percent to $12 billion, primarily as a result of strong unit sales. Unit sales were driven by vendors’ introduction of new machines in almost all segments. Now, end users have a wider range of device options and are able to purchase devices that are tailored to their companies’ needs rather than settling for whatever devices may be available. Revenue will continue to increase through 2015, rising by 6 percent. Segment 3 Color Laser MFPs—Solid Growth Predicted Products in this category are electrophotographic printers that have a rated color print speed between 31 and 40 ppm. These devices typically are either laser- or LED-based and are designed for workgroups. Prices for A4 units typically range from $2,000 to $3,000, while A3 models list for $10,000 to $15,000. Segment 3 unit shipments will grow by 7 percent in 2011. The growth rate will continue through 2015, with shipments increascontinued on 34


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We Saw It In ENX Magazine


A Conversation with Centric Business Systems’ Rick Bastinelli By Scott Cullen


his month we speak with one of the most successful dealers in the Baltimore/Washington region, Rick Bastinelli, president of Centric Business Systems. An industry veteran, Bastinelli began working for an independent dealership in the 1970s right out of college before acquiring Centric in the early 1990s. He hasn’t looked back since. How’s business? Bastinelli: Business has been very good. We expect this year to end with a 30 percent increase to our 2011 revenues. What are you doing right? Bastinelli: Working hard. There are many fundamentals of our industry that haven’t changed over the past 30 years. Sticking to the fundamental basics of the business is a big key to our success and has created a lot of organic growth within the organization. We have expanded into production print with a dedicated sales force and the results have been extremely favorable. We continue to grow our production print business which contributes to our growth both in hardware revenue and the aftermarket. In addition to organic growth our strategy has been to make synergistic acquisitions and expand into geography that is new but also adjacent to our overall footprint. Last year we acquired a company called Office Suppliers Inc., which focused on the western Maryland marketplace. We spent several months integrating that company into our organization and in 2011 we experienced the benefits of that acquisition with a lot of growth in that marketplace. In November 2010 we expanded into the eastern shore of Maryland. That’s had quite an impact on our sales. Were you pulled into production print or was there a conscious effort to ramp up your efforts in that area? Bastinelli: Our review of the marketplace suggested there was growing volumes in the production print area along with the advent of some very strong color products. We are a Ricoh dealer and they are having success with both the C901 and the C751. Our analysis of that marketplace combined with Ricoh’s investment in that space motivated us to establish a business plan. We decided if we were going to expand, we weren’t just going to take on the products and give it to our core sales force. We feel there are specialized talents that are required to market and compete in that space so we recruited a manager with a lot of experience in production print and proceeded to develop a team of specialists. They have been very successful with our go-to-market strategy.

Have you done acquisitions before? Bastinelli: Yes, this was our third. What have you learned from previous acquisitions that were helpful when it came time to put this deal together?

Rick Bastinelli

Bastinelli: Every time we made an acquisition we got a little better at improving the process. We have learned the importance of good due diligence prior to the acquisition such as verifying the revenues, verifying where the revenues were coming from, identifying the customer base, and which revenues were coming from which customers. The other part of the due diligence is analyzing what type of contracts they have with their customers. Are they month-to-month cost-per-copy contracts billed as they are used, or is there a solid contractual relationship? You just don’t look at the financial statements, revenues and expenses and try to determine the value of the business based on those barometers. You have to peel back the onion so to speak and really get in there and analyze the source and continued probability of those revenues. Why do customers ultimately choose Centric? Bastinelli: It all boils down to how we as a dealership build our value proposition. Centric has been successful over the years at building a company that has the size and scale to offer a full range of services and support to our clients. That includes hardware, software, and software integration; all supported by a sophisticated call center that includes help desk technicians. We have the size and scale to provide a full range of services from a local company that is integrated into the community, supports the local community and is capable of delivering responsive service. Everything we provide, i.e. warehousing, distribution, parts, supplies, equipment, billing, administration, and customer support, is all located in the local community. We are able to respond and deliver services more effectively because unlike the competition we’re not relying on support coming from other parts of the country to satisfy the needs of that particular client. What are the biggest challenges you’re facing as a dealer of late and how are you addressing those challenges? Bastinelli: One of the biggest challenges is competing against direct branches, especially with major accounts. The pricing you see on the street is absolutely mind boggling. We try not to continued on 38


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January 2012

Display Advertiser Index ACM 03 Authorized National Copystar, Konica Minolta & Toshiba Distributor for Copiers, Printers, Faxes, Supplies and Parts Phone: 800-722-7745 Fax: 800-767-9722 askacm@acmtech.com www.acmtech.com Accutek Phone: 909-628-8300 Fax: 909-628-8533 sales@accutekimaging.com www.accutekimaging.com


All Leasing Services 19 Repo/Offlease Copiers, Printers and Faxes Phone: 949-727-3750 Fax: 949-727-3850 www.alscopiers.com Arete Supplies We Carry All Chips for Konica Minolta Color Copiers along with Chips for Many Oce Color Copiers Phone: 408-225-5410 Fax: 408-981-5885 reed@areteoffice.com web.me.com/areteoffice www.ibuyikon-min.com


BEI Services Phone: 307-587-8446 sales@beiservices.com www.beiservices.com


Carolina Wholesale Phone: 800-521-4600 Fax: 800-356-9169 www.cwholesale.com

Collins Distributing Phone: 800-727-0884 Fax: 901-396-8614 sales@collinsdistributing.com www.CollinsDistributing.com



Copier Careers Copier Employment Placement Phone: 888-733-4868 Fax: 800-464-3434 mail@copiercareers.com


Copier Clearance Center Buy & Sell New and Used Copiers Phone: 800-393-6355 Fax: 916-617-2742 copyclear@att.net


Copier Network Coast to Coast Service Extensive Canon and Ricoh Selection Phone: (510) 746-2080 www.copiernetwork.com sales@copiernetwork.com



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CSI Customer Service, Inc. 24 Wholesale Canon Copiers, Remanufactured Cartridges, most popular brands. Phone: 888-889-9598 Fax:713-789-1832 anisark@csihouston.com www.csihouston.com Direct Precise Imaging Phone: 888-376-7311 www.directpreciseimaging.com


DocuWare Corporation Phone: 888-565-5907 dwsales@docuware.com www.docuware.com


Electronic Business Machines Copiers/Printers Parts & Supplies Phone: 800-832-6522 Fax: 859-281-6328 www.ebmky.com


Equipment Brokers Unlimited Phone: 800-711-2815 ext. 4017 Phone: 818-298-9304 dmarder@ebu-llc.com


Escalera Copier Moving Devices Phone: 800-622-1359 Phone: 530-673-6318 Fax: 530-673-6376 www.escalera.com


Express Sales Phone: 877-777-5001 www.escorp.biz

47 & 69

FMAudit Remote meter reading and Managed Print Services Phone: 573-632-2461 www.fmaudit.com


Frontier Imaging 39 Distributor of Copier, Printer & Fax Supplies Phone: 888-530-8811 Fax: 310-898-2788 www.frontierimaging.com Greater Philadelphia Equipment Co. Copiers, Accessories, Fax Options & Print Controllers Phone: 215-788-7111 Fax: 215-788-4445 gpec1@verizon.com


I.C.E. International Copier Exchange Wholesaler of Copiers Phone: 888-423-2679 www.copierpoint.com


ICS ICS the Fastest Growing Provider for OEM Computer,Printer & Fax Products Phone: 954-312-3452 www.intlcopiers.com


IDS-International Digital Solutions Authorized Toshiba Distributor for Copiers, Printers, Fax OEM Parts & Supplies Phone: 888-372-3700 Fax: 562-921-1167 suzannecarter@idswc.com


Impact Technology World Class Copier Remarketer Phone: 866-848-4900 www.offleasecopiers.com


Ink Direct Genuine OEM Supplies Phone: 714-775-8255 Fax: 714-775-5234 www.inkdirects.com


Industry Analysts Inc. Product Testing Specialists Phone: 585-232-5320 Fax: 585-454-5760 www.industryanalysts.com


Intercom Exporting Inc Minolta Copiers, Parts & Supplies Phone: 800-960-1119 Fax: 954-978-2412


ITC Phone: 877-933-5558 Fax: 610-430-1300 www.itcsupplies.com


ITEX 2012 Las Vegas, NV The Mirage April 18-19, 2012 www.itexshow.com



Kalon Leading Manufacturer of Premium Compatible/Remanufactured Laser & Inkjet Cartridges Phone: 626-839-1200 Fax: 909-382-9980 sales@kaloncorp.com


Jamex Copier/Printer/Fax Vending Applications Phone: 800-289-6550 Fax: 607-257-1139 www.jamexvending.com

Lasertone Phone: 800-700-0733 www.lasertone.com


Mambo Trading Phone: 877-626-2676 Fax: 562-663-9037 ask@mambo-trading.com


Mars International Wholesaler of Pre-Owned Copiers Phone: 866-866-MARS Fax: 973-777-5889 www.marsintl.com


Midwest Copier Exchange Used Copier Wholesaler Phone: 800-863-3693 www.midwestcopier.com


Managed Print Services Association Contact: Joe Barganier Phone: 614-882-4121 buckeyefenn@att.net


MSE Phone: 800-418-4968 (US-East Coast) Phone: 888-561-4541 (Canada) Phone: +31-36-522-2601 (Europe) www.mse.com


Muratec Managed Document Services Phone: 469-429-3409 www.muratec.com


MWA Intelligence, Inc. Phone: 800-875-2371 sales@mwaintel.com www.mwaintelligence.com


Nation Wide Repair Service Complete Office Equipment Repair Service Phone: 866-655-8676 Tech Support: 800-798-1814 www.nwrsinc.com

Nectron Phone: 281-240-2222 Fax: 281-240-0468 info@nectron.com www.nectron.com


Niche Equipment Office Machines & Supplies Distributor Phone: 630-629-9220 Phone:877-446-4243 Fax: 630-629-6790 www.nichee.net


N&L Gobal Phone: 877-595-7955 Fax: 626-579-5569 sales@nlglobalco.com www.nlglobalco.com



NSA Eco-Certified Quality Toner, Packaging, Product Diversity and Multi-location Distribution Phone: 866-670-2345 www.nsatoner.com


NuWorld Business Systems 12 - 17 Copier, Printer, Fax & Business Machine Supplies Phone: 800-729-8320 Fax: 800-829-0292 info@nuworldinc.com www.nuworldinc.com OES Solutions Distributor of Copiers, Copier Parts, and Supplies Phone: 317-867-4999 Phone: 877-637-1240 Fax: 317-867-4920 info@ oes-solutions.com www.oes-solutions.com


OKI Phone: 425-250-7214 www.agiliant.com/revolution


Q2 America’s Fastest Growing Independent Supplier of Copier Parts and Supplies Phone: 888-826-2576 Q2products.com


Recycled Parts Save 40 to 70% on Ricoh & Shanrp Parts Phone: 661-964-8568 scott@recycledparts.us www.RecycledParts.us


Reliable Imaging, Inc. The Specialist for Remanufactures Color & Monochrome Cartridges Phone: 800-618-2598


Ross International Buy and Sell Used Copiers Phone: 800-240-7677 Fax: 973-473-8800 www.ross-international.com




Office Land OEM Parts for Copiers and Printers Phone: 818-778-0100 Fax: 818-778-0101 www.officeland.ws


Seintec Phone: 909-869-0730 Fax: 909-869-0736 sales@ziprintimage.com

Parrot Distributing Authorized Panasonic Panaboards and Printers Wholesale Distributor Phone: 800-451-3336 Fax: 423-855-1434 www.parrotdistributing.com


Supplies Network Phone: 800-729-9300 Fax: 800-729-9312 sales@suppliesnetwork.com www.suppliesnetwork.com

Parts Drop Copier Parts, Supplies, & Tech info. 201-387-7776 www.partsdrop.com


Supplies Wholesaler 74-75 The Cartridge Experts Phone: 866-817-8795 sales@SuppliesWholesalers.com www.SuppliesWholesalers.com

Prinko Factory Direct Wholesaler in USA USA: Phone: 626-389-8988/626-389-8989 Fax: 626-389-8986 sales@prinko.cn http://www.prinko.cn China: Phone: 86-756-8526991 / 8529662 Fax: 86-756-8526993 sales@zhprinko.cn http://www.zhprinko.cn


Printer Essentials Remanufacturer of Compatible Copier, Printer, and Fax Supplies. Phone: 800-965-1180 Fax: 775-850-2630 www.printeressentials.com


Toshiba Copier / Print Manufacturer Phone: 800-GO TOSHIBA www.toshiba.com


Uninet West Coast: 424-675-3300 East Coast: 631-590-1040 sales@uninetimaging.com www.uninetimaging.com


Wal Group, LLC Factory Direct Wholesaler of Premium Laser Toner Cartridges Phone: 877-368-7788 Fax: 626-336-7077 sales@walgroupllc.com

enx magazine



Product & Industry News Muratec Launches the MFX-3070 & MFX-3090 Compact, High-Performance Monochrome MFP’s for the Workgroup Plano, Texas (December 15, 2011) - Muratec America, Inc., manufacturer of multifunction office equipment and business-class document solutions, announces today the availability of the MFX-3070 and MFX-3090, A4 monochrome multifunction devices that deliver exceptional PC printing, copying and color scanning to the workgroup. “The MFX-3070 and MFX-3090 are strategic products for Muratec as they allow us to deliver multifunction performance to workgroups that require printing and scanning, however are sensitive to device acquisition costs,” said Jim D’Emidio, President, Muratec America, Inc. “Both devices are also key to our managed document services strategy as they enable dealers to cost-effectively replace stand-alone printers with devices that offer businesscritical features such as scanning.” The MFX-3070 offers 3-in-1 multifunction performance including PCL 5e / 6 printing, copying and color scanning. The device ships with a 50-sheet automatic document feeder, 30 pageper-minute print engine, duplex printing, 150-sheet output tray and 64-MB of device memory (upgradable to 128-MB). The MFX-3070 is a convenient desktop scanning solution and enables users to scan documents to an e-mail address, PC folder or FTP location. The 48bit color scanner offers enhanced scanning resolutions of up to 4800 x 4800 dpi and supported scanning file formats include TIFF, PDF and JPEG. The MFX-3070 features a standard 250-sheet paper cassette (17 – 32 lb. weights supported) and single-sheet multipurpose bypass tray, which can support media weights of 20 - 90 lb. index. An optional 530-sheet paper cassette (3070CAS) can be installed, bringing the total paper capacity to 781 sheets. The MFX-3090 builds on the feature set of the MFX-3070 and increases functionality by offering PostScript 3 emulation, a larger paper capacity and a 33.6 Kbps fax modem. Fax features available on the MFX-3090 include PC-faxing, (100) location speed dial directory, group dialing, broadcasting and transmission confirmation reports. The MFX-3090 features a standard 530-sheet paper cassette and 50-sheet multipurpose bypass tray. The optional 530-sheet paper cassette can be installed, bringing the total paper capacity to 1,110 sheets. The MSRP for the MFX-3070 is $1,445.00, while the MSRP for the MFX-3090 is $1,695.00. Both units offer dual component imaging cartridges designed for user replacement. The MFX3070 uses the TS3070 toner cartridge which is rated at 7,000 pages (5% page coverage), while the MFX-3090 uses theTS3090 toner cartridge which is rated at 12,000 pages (5% page coverage). The DK3070 drum cartridge is rated at 25,000 impressions and can be used for both devices. For more information visit www.muratec.com for more information. u TOSHIBA’S New E-STUDIO Line-up brings Advances Capabilities to Small, Mid-sized Businesses Toshiba’s Latest Black and White MFPs Introduce Advanced Functionality and Networking Capabilities IRVINE, Calif., (Nov. 22, 2011) – Toshiba America Business Solutions, Inc. (TABS), a leader in managed print services (MPS) that help organizations reduce cost by printing smarter, working safer and maximizing their green savings, continues leaving its mark in multifunction printer (MFP) innovations with the introduction of the Toshiba e-STUDIO™195/223/225 series. This series offers an array of advanced standard and optional features that deliver cost efficiency and productivity to the small- and- mid-sized businesses


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January 2012 that, until now, found this level of technology out of reach. All three black and white MFP models are easily operated with outstanding reliability, low noise, small footprint and multifunction networking capabilities. Designed to keep pace with businesses as they grow, the e-STUDIO series also is Energy Star® compliant and features extended maintenance cycles and 100-percent waste-free toner recycling to help customers meet their own sustainability initiatives. “These new models offer the highest level of functionality and ease of use in an innovative, compact design,” said Joseph Contreras, director of product and solutions marketing for Toshiba America Business Solutions, Inc. “These products are coupled with networking capabilities and the versatility that small/medium businesses need, all at an affordable price point.” The Toshiba e-STUDIO195/223/225 series features include standard 11” x 17” printing, local copying and scanning, as well as optional network printing, scanning and faxing for the e-STUDIO195/225 models. It accommodates a variety of uses, whether there’s a frequent demand for high-volume printing in a compact space or lower-volume printing required consistently over time with little maintenance and downtime. The new models also are exceptionally user-friendly, offering easy setup and easy operation. Simplicity of design provides enhanced internal data transmission, unit accessibility, and superb handling. With an extended 81,000/90,000 preventative maintenance cycle, customers’ ease of use will remain continuous. The Toshiba e-STUDIO195/223/225 is available through authorized Toshiba dealers. For more information about Toshiba products, or to locate an authorized Toshiba dealer in your area, visit www.copiers.toshiba.com. u Parts Now Announces Printer Communications and Advanced Monochrome/Color Printer Repair Classes Middleton, WI - Parts Now is offering two laser printer repair classes in January 2012, featuring a new course in Printer communications – an area where many service technicians are struggling. Printer Communications | Monday, January 23, 2012 - Course covers printer communications from updating firmware and printer drivers to connectivity, including a very popular troubleshooting experience that requires students to figure out and fix the problems with devices that aren’t communicating. The hands-on class focuses on computers, printers and a network in a Windows® environment, giving students experience upgrading firmware over the network, USB and parallel. Students will also install drivers and establish communication with a variety of printers over the network and via direct connect. The course also covers connectivity via a variety of port and network set-ups. “Students tell us that the troubleshooting experience makes all the difference, because it prepares them to handle the real-world situations they’ll run into in the field,” says Steve Geishirt, Parts Now Director of Training. Advanced Monochrome and Color Printer Repair | Tuesday & Wednesday, Jan 24-25, 2012 - In just two days, service technicians with 3+ years of experience can gain hands-on exposure to 15 of HP’s most popular monochrome and color business class machines. Advanced Technician Training is a time and cost-efficient way to keep technicians current on the latest technology, common failures and troubleshooting techniques. Students will learn the menus, specialty menus, maintenance kits and their resets, do a hands on teardown to problem areas, and learn common break fix info on each mode “This is a great starter for companies whose techs have experience on other OEMs, but are new to HP printers,” Geishirt notes. “They walk out the door prepared for whatever they encounter on the job.” To learn more about the schedule, curriculum and pricing, visit www.partsnow.com or call Kathy in Parts Now Training Support at 800-886-6688, x1127. u

Product & Industry News DocuWorld 2012 to be held in May, Orlando Newburgh NY, – November 22, 2011 – DocuWare Corporation, a leader in the Integrated Document Management industry, will hold its annual Conference, DocuWorld, May 21-24, 2012 in Orlando. Coming off a year of record attendance in 2011, DocuWare plans to further expand the educational opportunities not only for its Partners (DocuWare refers to its resellers as Partners) but plans to offer userspecific workshops and events tailored for the customer base. The Parent company, DocuWare AG, hosted a widely accepted event last spring in Berlin and DocuWare Corporation is looking forward to extending that program for customers as well as Partners from North, South, and Central America. Greg Schloemer, President of DocuWare Corporation, welcomes the opportunity to open up the annual conference to the wider audience and said: “This educational experience for both our Partners and users will inspire and excite them with new products and ideas how to maximize their investment in DocuWare.” The Grand Hyatt Regency Cypress has been chosen for the 2012 DocuWorld Conference. For more information visit www.docuware.com. u DPI releases the USA made compatible Ricoh SP-C310a Colors and Dell 2355 10k yield. Direct Precise Imaging continues to lead in new development with the release of the USA made compatible Ricoh SP-C310a colors and the USA made compatible Dell 2355 10k yield cartridge. Last month popular release was the MPS preferred USA made compatible HP 4015 32k yield toner. We are currently working on the Dell 5130, Brother DR310, Lexmark C-540 and Lexmark X-792 colors. DPI products are manufactured, tested and packaged in the USA and backed by superb technical support and customer service. DPI offers same day shipping, no minimum order requirements, blind drop shipping is available and we have one of the largest selections compatible toner cartridges. Ask about our FREE SHIPPING offer and Empty Toner Cartridge Buyback Program. For further information and monthly specials visit our new website at www.directpreciseimaging.com or call (888) 376-7311. u OKI Data Americas and Agiliant Join Forces to Facilitate Managed Print Services, Managed Network Services Adoption within the BTA Dealer Channel Mt. Laurel, NJ and Kirkland, WA (December 14, 2011) – OKI Data Americas and Agiliant, Inc. today announce a platform development agreement through which Agiliant’s MITOS™ (Managed Information Technology and Output Services) offering will incorporate OKI’s proprietary Total Managed Print™ (TMP) solution to provide a comprehensive suite of services to be offered through the Agiliant Affiliate Network™ (AAN) within the BTA dealer channel. This alliance is among the first of its kind, and will allow dealers the opportunity to provide end-to-end, integrated Managed Network Services (MNS) and Managed Print Services (MPS) solutions to customers to supplement their office equipment sales, lease and service offerings, generating immediate returns and recurring revenue streams. The two primary components of the alliance advance Agiliant’s MITOS™ offering by providing dealers in the AAN with a standardized product suite and robust technology platform that streamlines operations, shortens sales cycles and automates many of the integration requirements for building and delivering managed services. Agiliant will incorporate key aspects of OKI’s TMP Portal into its business processes to standardize asset and life cycle management, sales and delivery components. In addition, OKI’s broad portfolio of award-winning printing solutions will be offered as a preferred printer brand within Agiliant’s MITOS solution suite throughout the AAN.

January 2012 The AAN is a highly synchronized, nationwide network of business technology product and service providers, largely comprised of BTA dealers – each having been carefully evaluated and selected as best of breed in its respective market. AAN member companies are exclusively licensed to market and carry the innovative MITOS solution suite to deliver managed IT and document output management products and services to their customers. “OKI has been at the forefront of helping channel partners effectively enter the document output management space to embrace the accelerating convergence of the industry,” said Tim Brien, Director of Managed Print Services at OKI Data Americas. “Agiliant’s integration of MPS and MNS via the MITOS™ solution provides a platform which will expand OKI’s reach within the BTA dealer channel. By continuing to incorporate innovative systems tools and technologies along with best practices for MPS leadership, OKI’s Total Managed Print has become one of the preeminent MPS solutions currently available, delivering fully integrated print fleet and document management services to satisfy the critical demands of today’s cost-conscious workplace.” Gary Stevens, Chief Executive Officer of Agiliant, Inc., said, “Product standardization is an important initiative for Agiliant, as it enables our Affiliate Network to share the many benefits of a consistent and highly coordinated solution with their customers across the country. OKI’s prominence and expertise within the Managed Print Services arena and innovative TMP solution make OKI an exceptional fit as a foundational product and strategic partner to Agiliant.” For more information visit www.agiliant.com/revolution. u ILG Releases Ultra High-Yield JUMBO Q7551XX OEM-alternative printer cartridge WOODLAND HILLS, Calif. — ILG (International Laser Group) releases an ultra highyield laser cartridge Q7551XX JUMBO (OEM alternative) monochrome for HP M3027 MFP, P3005, M3035 MFP printer series. The Q7551XX JUMBO offers an exceptional quality print with 16,000 page yield, a 23% higher page yield compared to 13,000 standard OEM yields. The HP Multi-functional Laser printers are heavily installed in professional offices with print, scan and send (email, send to folder) popular features. ILG is the first-to-market with Q7551XX JUMBO OEM alternative cartridge. The quality-assured cartridges undergo several rigorous inspections and quality assurance tests. The cartridge are manufactured utilizing new components and quality OEM cores. The cartridge is guaranteed with a 2 year warranty compared to one year warranty from OEM, and offers an exceptional value in comparison to OEM. The Q7551XX JUMBO by ILG produces excellent print results, and are MPS certified in yield and print performance. High-yield JUMBO cartridges are ideal for MPS providers and are designed to significantly lower the supply cost with lowest-cost-per print (CPP). Dealers and MPS service technicians benefit from the cost savings as well as a significant reduction in maintenance service calls. ILG manufactured monochrome cartridges are STMC certified and TAA compliant. ILG offers over 750 product variety of quality OEM alternative line including 250 color products. ILG is one of the world leaders in “first-to-market” OEM alternative imaging supplies and is a leading custom label, private box contract manufacturer. ILG is headquartered in Woodland Hills, California and has four additional nationwide distribution facilities in CA, TX, IL, and PA, allowing us to provide the best and fastest shipping solutions to our resellers. For more information on International Laser Group, contact the manufacturer directly at (800) 937-2880, ext.3207 or visit www.ilglaser.com.u To Read the complete unedited versions of Press Releases submitted each month, please visit www.enxmag.com. u enx magazine



We Saw It In ENX Magazine


TECH HELP Subject: Lanier LD 425C (Ricoh MPC2500) Black Toner Empty Question: The machine keeps saying “black toner empty.” I’ve tried 3 different bottles and no help. It tries to load, then keeps coming up “Load Black Toner,” “empty,” etc. I checked to make sure the gear on the back of the toner bottle is turning and yes it is turning. Is there a usual culprit to look for to fix this? A little stumped here... Don’t want to tear into the machine before I get a little recon on this bad boy. Thanks! Answer: It’s the pump inside the machine behind the drum unit. It’s really easy to get to. Just pull the drums and transfer belt. I think about two screws. I have had three fail. Answer: Saw this same thing just last week. I agree, it’s the pump. Part # B223-3201. Recommend Precision Wholesale 800-733-7333. Question: Thanks guys, is it pretty easy to replace? Never did one yet... Answer: Yes, really easy. Two screws and remove the hose. That’s it. Not like the old series. They were such a pain in the a$$. Answer: I just had this last week. I replaced the developer for $64 and it’s still working great. Answer: Also check the feed tube from the bottle to the pump I have seen it get clogged. I just use a long pipe cleaner from a craft store and run it up the hose from the bottom. Question: Thanks everyone for all your help. I’m going out with a new pump as soon as it comes in. Plus I’ll be checking all the other stuff too.

Subject: Don’t Laugh, Konica 1212 Question: I have one that started about a 2” stripe down the middle like the cleaning blade quit cleaning. When I checked it, I had to wipe the toner off of the drum and noticed it didn’t come off too easy. It looked like a flipped blade, but the blade didn’t flip. It looks like a cleaning blade failure; I was just looking for other ideas since I didn’t see a problem causing it. After cleaning, the machine ran fine for a few days and then the band returned. Thanks. Yes, I know it’s old. But they’re a small church and they like it.

wiped it off. When you replace the drum blade, check the cardboard filter next to the fuser (it sits in the top of the machine) and you’ll probably find this is clogged up with dust and toner. I’ve found that if you clean this it stops this problem from coming back. Beware that sometimes they fall to bits when you take them out, but even if you don’t replace them it doesn’t seem to cause any issues. Cheers. Question: Thanks to both of you. I had counted on just a cleaning blade and I will check the filter when I go back. Thanks again. Answer: Let me guess, low volume machine? I have seen this on low volume machines. I would replace the drum and the blade if the drum is more than three years old. That is, if parts are still available? Good luck. Answer: Don’t forget about the blanking prevention lamps. They could be dirty and that’s why it takes a couple of days to show up. Question: I had checked and cleaned them at the time. I didn’t see anything on them. Thanks though. Answer: No laughing matter Doug, I still have three of those babies out. The blade would be the culprit, possibly drum also. Good luck.

Subject: Ricoh Aficio 2075 SC354 code Question: This code appears after a copy is ejected. Machine goes into a “please wait” for 5 secs, then throws the code. No issues with CQ. I have replaced the DV HVT and the DV unit. I am thinking of replacing the BCU board next. Your thoughts would be appreciated. Pardon my dyslexia. It’s an SC345 code, not 354. Answer: Development output could be abnormal. Check for a damaged harness by the flywheel. If the development bias output is abnormal, tighten the drum shaft screw. Answer: Thanks. I will check that out.

Subject: Brother MFC-8860DN Question: Message says “Replace PF 1 kit.” What is this? Answer: It needs a paper feed kit for the tray 1. u

Answer: Cleaning blade should take care of it. Answer: I’m not laughing, but, they sometimes do band on the drum as you describe and it may need to be wiped off. Apply some setting powder on the drum and blade when you’ve

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