eoe journal Predicted Rise in Employment for Healthcare How Tech Workers can Deal with Shifts in the Labor Market Advancing Equal Access to Opportunity (NDEAM)
Volume 26 Number 119 November 2016
eoejournal Editorial Comment
very four years, we as a nation, are required to make a tremendously important decision. We, as a collective unit, are responsible for deciding who the next person will be that will hold the highest office in our country. I believe it is each person’s responsibility and duty to vote. It’s important to remember it was a struggle to get all adults the right to vote in this country. It wasn’t until 1920 that women were given the right to vote. Before that only adult white men who owned property could vote, followed by all men in 1870. It wasn’t until after the Vietnam War in 1971 that the voting age was lowered from 21 to 18. Unfortunately, the percentage of Americans who exercise the right to vote has declined during the second half of the 20th century. No single reason can explain this trend. Some citizens may feel that their single vote does not make a difference; some may lose interest in the campaigns that are run primarily through the media. Others may simply be too busy to go to the polls for every election, and registering to vote can be confusing. But the responsibility for maintaining our democracy sits not just on the shoulders of the government, but also on our own. We as citizens need to have a strong enough sense of civic duty that we make it a priority to figure out how to participate, register to vote, stay informed, mail in your vote, or actually go to the polls on Election Day.
Lisa Petty, Editor Equal Opportunity Employment Journal
The eoejournal is published bimonthly by EOEJournal, Inc. The ownership and management of EOEJ fully and actively supports equal opportunity for all people regardless of race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin or disability.
EOEJ does accept freelance editorial contributions for publishing. Submissions must be on the subject of jobs, job searching, employment opportunities and/or related subjects.
Advertising and Editorial offices are located at: 1550 E. Missouri Phoenix, Arizona 85014 Phone: 1-800-396-3373 Fax: 1-800-293-3408
Electronic emails are accepted by email at: sales@eoejournaljobs.com Manuscripts and disc submissions may be sent to the office address. When mailing your submissions, please include SASE.
Table of Contents Advancing Equal Access to Opportunity
Page 3
Diversity Discussion
Page 4
Find Your Federal Job Fit
Page 6
How Tech Workers can Deal with Shifts in the Labor Market
Page 8
Increase Productivity
Page 10
3 Common Myths and 3 Realities about Being A Nurse
Page 12
Communication Tips for Working with Veterans in the Workplace
Page 14
Define Your Attitude at Work
Page 15
Switching Careers with an Accelerated Nursing Program
Page 16
Predicted Rise in Employment for Healthcare thru 2020
Page 18
Advantages of Being Shy at Work
Page 20
Business Careers with High Pay
Page 22
Engineering Career Opportunities
Page 26
Tips to Earn that Promotion
Page 28
Jobs in the Manufacturing Sector
Page 29
How a Nursing Degree can Make a Difference
Page 30
The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its people. -Unknown
November 2016
equal opportunity employment journal
National Disability Employment Awareness Month
Advancing Equal Access to Opportunity
igned into law in 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is civil rights legislation that works to increase the inclusion of people with disabilities in all aspects of community life, including employment. The U.S. Department of Labor is committed to delivering on the promise of the ADA, not only for today’s workers with disabilities, but also future generations.
Ideas for Employers and Employees
Activities conducted by individual employers and their employees are an important part of National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). The ideas below are just a few ways they can participate, during the month of October, and all year long. For additional inspiration, check out Beyond NDEAM: Year-Round Employer Strategies for Advancing Disability Inclusion.
Review policies —
NDEAM is an opportune time to review your company’s policies to ensure they convey a commitment to an inclusive workplace culture. For assistance in doing so, read Business Strategies that Work: A Framework for Disability Inclusion (see in particular the first section, “Lead the Way: Inclusive Business Culture”).
Establish an ERG —
NDEAM is a perfect time to launch a disability Employee Resource Group (ERG). Sometimes referred to as Employee Networks or Affinity Groups, ERGs offer employees an opportunity to connect and receive support from others with similar backgrounds or interests. For more information, see A Toolkit for Establishing and Maintaining Successful Employee Resource Groups. If your company already has a disability ERG, consider using NDEAM to remind employees about it through displays, information tables or other communication channels.
Create a display —
NDEAM is a great time to freshen up bulletin boards in break areas or other locations that employees frequent by posting positive messages about your company’s commitment to a disability inclusive workforce. Start by putting up this year’s NDEAM poster, which is available in both English and Spanish. Additional display materials include the “What Can YOU Do?” poster series.
Educate employees —
It is critical that companies committed to disability inclusion effectively and regularly reinforce that commitment to employees. NDEAM offers an opportunity to do this through disability training or informal educational events such as brown-bag lunch discussions. Several ready-to-use resources can assist in facilitating such activities, such as disability etiquette materials and the “I Can” public service announcement and accompanying workplace discussion guide. Another option is to contact local disability organizations to see if they offer workplace training programs.
Feature NDEAM in social media activities —
Likewise, NDEAM provides an interesting hook for social media platforms, including Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. For the latter, organizations are encouraged to include the hashtag #NDEAM. Sample postings and tweets are available to assist in incorporating NDEAM into social media activities. Article provided by the United States Department of Labor — www.dol.gov
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equal opportunity employment journal
Diversity Discussion
by Edward Chenard
was talking to a guy the other much the same because they have day who was telling me that the same training. So if you were more people of a certain ethic looking for new and fresh ideas, I group should be hired by a certain would gamble that disappointment company, for diversity. It should be was the end result regardless of the pointed out that this ethnic group cultural background of the student. in question happened to be the Take for example, a job I had one he is a part of. Having hired where I was brought in to shake people myself, I really started to things up, make big changes and wonder about this whole diversity get new ideas going. I was hired question and what really is diver- for diversity reasons, my diversity when it comes to business. sity was in the way I think and Yes we know people of various approach problems and opportuniethnic groups or skin color or even ties. My ethnic background wasn’t gender can be called diversity, but all that dissimilar from many team what really makes a members, but where person diverse, is it I grew up and how I really just skin deep grew up was, and that Diversity of or more about divershaped how I think sity of thinking? approach chalthought is the and I like to travel, lenges. My diversity mainly because I in thinking is what way to hire. get to meet people I helped shake things have no clue about up. Did they always how they live or like this? No, some what they consider the norm. It is people like to do things that are fun because it is much like solving comfortable and don’t like someone a puzzle with prizes along the way. questioning them as to why they Get it right and people usually are are doing what they are. But that is quite open. Being of a mixed back- what was needed to get the ball rollground myself, the word diversity ing and get changes made. is not something I pick up just for As a hiring manager it can be hard the office, I live it daily. So when to know if you are getting the kind I hear that being part Latin makes of diversity you need. It first starts me qualified for diversity, I really by understanding what you lack. wonder, does it? When a company If you have an office full of “Yes” is looking for diversity, what kind people, getting someone who chalof diversity counts? Shouldn’t how lenges your ideas, respectfully, can I think and the unique ideas I bring be a form of diversity of thought. To be the real measure of diversity? find out, you need to get away from Diversity in the way we think the usually interview waltz which I counts the most. I go back to that personally don’t find that helpful. great little cauldron of social experi- I love to ask a candidate “how are ments in business I call grad school. you going to solve my company’s I had to work with all kinds of problems?” A great question to people that would fit the traditional finding out how a person thinks and diversity definition. But when it engages in situations presented to came to thinking, most students them. Get to know where they grew could be considered a homogeneous up, how they think and engage othgroup by the time they graduated ers and if their style is right for you. regardless of where in the world You will have to check your local they came from. Reason being, hiring laws to make sure you don’t grad school is as much about what cross the line and ask questions that you learn as how you think. Since can get you in trouble. we learn the same, technically we In the end, diversity of thought would solve problems the same. is not about hiring someone based In terms of solving business on background, but on individual issues, the students had more in contribution to the team. This kind common with each other in terms of of diversity hiring I believe will thinking, thus diversity in thought catch on when managers really put was very low, even thought diver- aside the cookie cutter hiring prosity in terms of ethnic background cess and get down to answering was very high. This is important what they really need and addresswhen it comes to hiring because if ing the issues head on and solving you hire based on ethnic diversity, them. Diversity of thought is the the diversity you need, is not neces- way to hire. sarily what you will get. The stuArticle provided by Constant-Content.com dents will solve the problem pretty
November 2016
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only here‌
will you define the future of energy
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equal opportunity employment journal
November 2016
Find Your Federal Job Fit by Karol Taylor
We are the leader in tools and security. We are Stanley Tools. We are DEWALT. We are Mac Tools. We are Porter-Cable. And we are much more. We are the doors that protect you at airports. We are the lock and deadbolt on your front door. We are the hydraulic breakers that rescue trapped earthquake survivors. We are the people on the phone in an emergency. Joining the Stanley Black & Decker team means joining one of the world’s largest, fastest-growing, and most dynamic companies. If you’d like to be a part of this team and make a difference in the lives of our customers, visit us online: www.stanleyblackanddecker.com for current openings and application procedures. We are an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer (AA/EOE) and encourage applications from women, veterans and minorities. 12827 VALLEY BRANCH LANE • DALLAS, TX 75234
he road to a federal job is sometimes rocky, never smooth, but navigable if you can follow their instructions. Some folks apply without really knowing what they are doing and give up in a pique of frustration. Below are steps to help you stay focused and, if you are willing to follow them, can lead to federal job search success.
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equal opportunity employment journal
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equivalent: General Schedule (GS) 9-11 = lower-level management; GS Federal occupations have four-digit codes, called the series. The 12-13 = mid-level management; and GS 14-15 = top-level managers. There are three basic ways to qualify for a federal job: 1) education, OR OVERVIEW Section of the vacancy announcement has an element that reads “Series and Grade.” It provides a two-letter code followed by the 2) experience, OR 3) a combination of the two. The QUALIFICATIONS series, then the pay grade. Researching the series for your profession, and section often contains federal jargon, so following these guidelines will help to analyze it effectively. using it to complete your search provides a compreThe occupational questionnaire contains comhensive list of openings. petencies that absolutely MUST be addressed in ANALYZE THE VACANCY Taking the time to analyze the federal your résumé. Rate yourself as high as possible, ANNOUNCEMENT and make sure your résumé includes the approvacancy announcement will help you Taking the time to analyze the federal vacancy priate justification. Your résumé should be a announcement will help you to avoid unintentionto avoid applying for jobs for which stand-alone document where your experience is ally applying for jobs for which you will not be clearly documented. you will not be considered. considered. Since it takes 12+ hours to complete HOW TO APPLY each federal application, you want insure that you You absolutely must follow the HOW TO meet basic requirements before you start writing. APPLY instructions exactly as they are written. Do not read into them, A 3-APPLY model for analyzing a vacancy announcement will help: do not interpret them, just follow them. Federal hiring managers want Are you eligible to APPLY? employees who can follow their instructions, even if they are difficult to Are you qualified to APPLY? understand. Are you able to follow the How to APPLY instructions? USE THE USAJOBS RÉSUMÉ BUILDER WHO’S ELIGIBLE? Using the USAJOBS résumé builder is advised because it contains the Review the Area of Consideration/Who May Apply line in the required information for federal Human Resources staff to complete their OVERVIEW section to determine if you are eligible to apply. If you do not meet these requirements, your application is discarded. Rule of paperwork. Without completed paperwork, your application will not be thumb: if you understand their wording, you are probably eligible; if reviewed. Without a review, it cannot be referred to the hiring manager it says U.S. Citizen or The Public, you are. If it says status candidate, for selection. CTAP, VEOA, etc., and you don’t know what it means, in you are prob- ONE MORE THING… ably not eligible to apply. It is your job to earn 100 rating points for each application package, more if you have Veteran’s preference. The ADDITIONAL INFORMATION QUALIFICATIONS At this point in your analysis, skip the DUTIES section, unless the section can hold 20,000 characters, so take full advantage of this space. QUALIFICATIONS section refers back to it. In federal hiring, if you are A federal résumé can be as long as 5-6 pages so don’t be concerned about applying based on experience, you need at least 80% of the specialized the amount of targeted information you include. Following these directions will result in an application package that gets experience reflected in this section. you noticed. Knowing what you need to do and how to do it can remove Fifty-two weeks of experience at the next lower grade-level is required your apprehension and keep you on track to a federal job!! for every job, yet there is no easy way to research what that means. Your current level of responsibility should help you to determine its federal Article provided by CareersInGovernment.com
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equal opportunity employment journal
November 2016
How Tech Workers Can Deal with Shifts in the Labor Market by Sam Urq
hange is the norm in the skilled job market, and it seems to be accelerating. Although the average wage in the tech sector is a healthy $105,000 and there’s still plenty of demand for tech skills, these positives are offset by regular mass layoffs. Intel announced in 2016 that it would be cutting 12,000 jobs around the world, IBM is slashing its payroll and chipmaker Broacom has shed around 2,000 workers too. In August 2016, networking giant Cisco followed those announcements with a bombshell of its own, preparing to layoff 5,500 skilled workers. This volatile situation has important implications for tech workers. They need to be agile, prepared for periods without work and able to network. Above all, they need to keep their skills up to date. Here’s how to keep your own resume in shape and deal with any nasty surprises as your career develops.
Build Your Business Network
Networking might not come naturally to people like coders or engineers, but it’s a skill that every modern worker needs to master. With a strong network of contacts to draw upon, you can start applying for posts as soon as you are laid off, research openings that aren’t necessarily advertised to the general public and take advice from people in your field. If you haven’t already done so, create a LinkedIn page and make sure that it’s up to date. Add as many existing contacts as you can, and make a point of adding new ones when you meet them in your working life. When you attend events like conferences in a professional capacity, think about how attendees there could help you in the future. Sure, you’ll need to carry out duties for your employer, but
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there’s nothing wrong with cultivating people on the side who may be valu- It’s easy to miss out on key information and fail to see what your peers are doing to improve their skills portfolios. able in the future. It’s also important to be part of online conversations about how your Don’t Be Afraid to Call in a Mentor industry is developing. If possible, it’s even better to be a thought leader Being laid off can be devastating for your confidence, sending you into who actively drives the agenda in your sector, although this kind of niche a spiral of despair and making landing your next role seem all but impossible. That’s why it helps to reach out to recruitment mentors when you is only available to a select few. However, most people can write have to seek a new position. informed blogs, run lively Twitter feeds Technological and organizational changes drive Mentors can offer advice and comment on articles and blogs that about nuts and bolts matters labor practices at major corporations. This puts a interest them. Take an active part in like your resume and cover discussions about your field and try to letters, but they have a more premium on workers who can adapt to new situations attract readers to your own content. That important role to play too. way, ideas can flow to you from people and maintain their productivity. Good mentors boost your who are on the same quest for up to esteem and help you to focus date personal skills and you can refine your own ideas by putting them on your strengths, not your weaknesses. They can get you in the right into writing. mental position to attack job openings and seize opportunities.
Maintain an Open Mind and a Willingness to Learn
Technological and organizational changes drive labor practices at major corporations. This puts a premium on workers who can adapt to new situations and maintain their productivity, instead of failing to grasp new ways of working or tools of the trade. There’s no single route to maintaining a relevant skill set, but some general pointers are helpful. For instance, most career development professionals recommend taking time to explore new skills on a regular basis. Check cutting edge tech blogs or learning hubs once a week to see if anything radically new is emerging. Online seminars are another useful tool, as are YouTube videos by industry experts and Facebook Live Q&As. There should also be online forums dedicated to most professional fields. They can be excellent sources of information about what skills are trending. If you spot something that fits your needs, enroll in a course or invest in some reading materials. It could make all the difference to your resume.
Enter the Skills Conversation
Sometimes it isn’t enough to look for information about skills online.
Don’t Take Dismissal Personally
The advance of machine learning is threatening skilled IT jobs across the world, so don’t take it personally when your company starts to reassess its personnel policies. Even if your coding skills are cutting edge, the risk of layoffs will surely rise as automation and AI kick in. These developments will add to job insecurity in tech sectors, but there is no sense in letting them deflate your self-esteem or professional confidence. Other opportunities will arise as machine learning is introduced and more flexible, open-minded, easy-going people will be well-placed to ride the wave, instead of being drowned by it. It’s easy to tell people to deal with unemployment with a positive mindset, but it’s not always easy to apply. By preparing for an era of regular layoffs and rapid change, you can at least understand why your professional life is insecure, instead of raging against it. All tech workers need to make career development their personal priority. Networking, learning new skills, taking part in industry conversations, seeking mentoring assistance and cultivating a positive mindset are all important. If you put them all together, you will be in great shape to face down the challenges posed by the ever-changing tech economy. Article provided by Constant-Content.com
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equal opportunity employment journal
Climbers Wanted.
November 2016
Increase Productivity
by Decluttering Your Office
To us, diversity means more than ethnicity. It means developing, manufacturing and marketing life-enhancing medical technologies in several therapeutic fields.
by Susan Marie
It means cultivating a workforce that spans a variety of cultures around the globe. And it means fostering the careers of talented individuals, whatever their background or avenue of interest. Take the next step in your career. Visit us at: www.crbard.com/careers www.facebook.com/ crbard
C. R. Bard, Inc. is an Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer
t’s impossible to thrive when you’re surrounded by clutter. The old saying that “a cluttered home reflects a cluttered mind” is quite true; people who live in disorganized homes often feel like their disorganization exacerbates other problems in their lives. Just as a cluttered home makes life difficult, a cluttered office or work space impair job performance, decrease motivation and create unnecessary stress. Here are some tips on how you can avoid a cluttered work space and keep your productivity levels high.
Make Cleaning Your First Priority
Many of us find that our cluttered offices continue to be messy because we are drowning in work as it is and simply don’t have time to tackle the mess. However, if you want an instant boost in productivity and motivation, it’s important that you put your workload on hold and take the time to really clean up your office. It might seem like a waste of= valuable time that you could spend working; however, you’ll find that you get tasks completed much quicker and more efficiently once your have a clean and minimalist workspace. It’s a powerful feeling, to belong. It’s that moment you feel truly and completely yourself. It’s working with a team you call family. At Marriott we know that when you feel at home,
you’ll make our guests feel at home. And it’s why so many of our associates come for a job, but stay for a career. If this sounds like the place for you, join us.
The Philadelphia market provides several locations and brands to begin your voyage. Residence Inn
Philadelphia Marriott Airport One Arrivals Road, Terminal B Philadelphia, PA Courtyard Airport 8900 Bartram Avenue Philadelphia, PA Courtyard Philadelphia South 1001 Intrepid Avenue Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia Marriott West 111 Crawford Avenue West Conshohocken, PA
One East Penn Square Philadelphia, PA Courtyard Philadelphia Downtown 21 North Juniper Street Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia Marriott Downtown 1201 Market Street Philadelphia, PA The Ritz Carlton, Philadelphia Ten Avenue of the Arts Philadelphia, PA Ritzcarlton.com/careers
Marriott International is consistently recognized as an employer of choice around the globe by FORTUNE and Working Mother magazines, DiversityInc. Great Places to Work Institute, and the CRF institute among others. Visit our newsroom to learn more: news.marriott.com To search all jobs or learn more about Marriott careers: www.marriott.com/careers Connect and network online with us:
www.facebook.com/marriottjobsandcareers www.twitter.com/marriottcareers www.linkedin.com/company/marriott-international www.weibo.com/marriottcareers Marriott International is an equal opportunity employer committed to hiring a diverse workforce and sustaining an inclusive culture. Marriott International does not discriminate on the basis of disability, veteran status or any other basis protected under federal, state, or local laws.
If the space that you work is organized, you’ll enjoy more organized thoughts and a clearer sense of what it is you need to accomplish each day. Create a System
It’s impossible to be neat and organized if you don’t have an organizational system. This might involve investing in some office organizers and supplies. Take the time to plan out an organizational scheme that makes sense, taking in to account all of the documents and items that you keep in your office. Once you have a space for everything, it’ll be easier to ensure that excess clutter doesn’t end up tosses haphazardly on your desk.
Make It A Habit
Organized people aren’t organized because they let their clutter pile up but then binge-clean once a week. Instead, organized people make a point of doing little things each and every day that keep their spaces organized. If you take ten minutes a day to put things back where they belong and organize any clutter that might have gotten away from you, you will find that your office is consistently organized. Working in an organized space will keep you focused, on task and brighten your morale. If the space that you work is organized, you’ll also enjoy more organized thoughts and a clearer sense of what it is you need to accomplish each day. You’ll feel more productive, happier and be more successful if you can make a commitment to getting and staying organized. Article provided by Constant-Content.com
November 2016
equal opportunity employment journal
Page 11 Human Resources, Benefits and Compensation Consulting Services
We Want YOU for our Success Story! ALCON Research, Ltd. Alcon Research produces a broad spectrum of ophthalmic medical devices and instruments. We seek dedicated individuals who share our vision of diversified specialization in the field of ophthalmology. Alcon attracts and retains highly qualified people - the company’s most important resource. For career opportunities visit:
A global healthcare company... The leader in eyecare products Learn more about our career opportunities 714 COLUMBIA AVENUE • SINKING SPRING, PA 19608 We stand in support of equality for and advancement of all people based on their qualifications and actions alone without regard to color, gender, age, religion, national origin or disability.
California University of Pennsylvania, is a diverse, caring and scholarly learning community dedicated to excellence in teacher preparation, liberal arts, science and technology, and professional studies. The University enrolls nearly 8,000 graduate and undergraduate students taught by about 400 full-time and adjunct faculty. For more than 160 years, Cal U has been known for its educational excellence and for its commitment to the core values of Integrity, Civility and Responsibility. To search positions or apply for a job visit careers.calu.edu. Integrity, Civility and Responsibility are the official core values of California University of Pennsylvania, an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Women, minorities, veterans and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. California University of Pennsylvania is M/F/V/D/AA/EOE.
visit and see for yourself. CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY O F
Offices Throughout the United States and Canada
Page 12
North Florida Shipyards is a full service shipyard specializing in ship repairs, conversions, and dry dockings.
equal opportunity employment journal
North Florida Shipyards offers competitive wages and comprehensive benefits. Learn more about us and our employment opportunities online. NFSY does not discriminate in employment opportunities or practices on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or any other characteristic protected by law.
North Florida Shipyards, Inc. Jacksonville, FL 32202 Apply in person: 2060 East Adams Street Jacksonville, FL 32202 or call #904-354-3278 x250
November 2016
3 Common Myths and 3 Realities about Being a Nurse
by Rebecca K. Writer
ursing has gained increased attention throughout the years as a viable and successful career path. A nursing position is relatively easy to gain as an entrylevel professional, and the demand for nurses has not decreased throughout the years, but instead has continued to increase. With our aging population and our society’s increased dependence on organizational healthcare, nurses remain in high demand. Before you decide to be a nurse, however, you will want to read this list and see if some common nursing myths versus realities make the career as attractive to you.
Myth 1: You carry out the doctor’s orders after (s)he makes all the decisions about the patient’s care
Fact: No. Instead, the fact is that bedside nurses are heavily relied upon to make decisions about the patients in their care. Often, bedside nurses see an issue, intervene with a previously successful treatment, many times without the doctor’s order. This is especially common during night shift nursing when a doctor simply may not be available, or when a patient’s stability is quickly declining, and there is no time to involve a doctor before making decisions about a patient’s care. Doctor’s are often managing many hospitalized patients, as well as their office patients, and they may miss details such as lab-work that is contraindicated with an ordered medication, drug-drug interactions that are actively causing symptoms in the patient, or early physical indications that the patient is becoming unstable. A nurse is often the healthcare professional diagnosing the patient, especially in acute care settings, and a good doctor relies on a good nurse to tell him what is wrong with the patient and offer advice on how to treat that patient.
Myth 2: You will make a lot of money
Fact: No, you won’t. Nurses on average are low-income earners, with hospitals, home health and hospice companies usually paying the most. Expect to make between $13-22 an hour starting out as an RN. Most hospitals have top out pay for nurses, which is around $30-40 an hour, even for nurses with double digit years of experience. You can live off a nursing wage, but you will never be wealthy or rich, and most nurses live paycheck to paycheck. With the physically demanding aspect of the work, and the intensity of life and death situations that nurses deal with routinely, the pay will simply not be worth it to if you are going into nursing with money as the main motivation.
Delaware North Companies is a global leader in hospitality and food service that is grounded in a foundation of family ownership.
Making the World a Safer Place
For current employment opportunities and application procedures, please visit our websites:
www.KennedySpaceCenter.com www.delawarenorth.com EEO/AAP/M/F/D/V. Drug Free Workplace. Pre-employment Screening Required.
Delaware North Companies Parks & Resorts at KSC, Inc. Mail Code DNPS Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899 Fax: 321-449-4284
ENSCO, Inc. and its wholly owned subsidiaries (ENSCO) deliver innovative engineering, science, and advanced technology solutions for the national security, rail, avionics and aerospace industries. Our employees are the key to our success, and we pride ourselves on a diverse and innovative workforce. Join our winning team at:
www.ensco.com An EO/AA Employer Committed To Diversity In The Workplace-M/F/D/V Qualified minorities, women, individuals with disabilities, and veterans are encouraged to apply
November 2016
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Page 13
Bi-State Development (BSD) operates the Metro public transportation system for the St. Louis region. Working together, we have helped transform ideas into realities. Of course, our work is far from finished. We invite you to partner with us in building a future that continues to move the communities we serve in the right direction. Forward.
211 North Broadway, Suite 700 • St. Louis, MO 63102
Myth 3: Being a nurse will let you help people
Fact: This myth is mostly true, thankfully. Unfortunately you will find yourself in situations that you may feel are morally or ethically wrong. Many experienced nurses find themselves disagreeing with prolonged life support measures, especially artificially prolonging life when there is no hope of recovery. These situations can arise out of the decisions of family members when the patient is unable to make their own healthcare decisions, or when there is no family available to make healthcare decisions. Nurses may find themselves questioning the ethics of discharging a patient from the hospital to home health when that patient cannot move and may need care in a skilled-nursing facility, or even a short-term rehab to regain strength and get physical therapy. Nurses face these ethical dilemmas about human dignity and patient’s rights frequently, and are often powerless to advocate for the patient’s under their care. When you do successfully help someone, however, your feelings of satisfaction will be incredible. When your actions as a nurse save a life, help a dying patient return home and spend their last days with family and friends, or provide comfort and support to family members during a heartbreaking time in their lives, then all the stress and ethical dilemmas and frustrations become irrelevant, and being a nurse again becomes the most rewarding thing in the world. Article provided by Constant-Content.com
We seek genuine individuals for our Loews Hotel jobs who are able to engage and delight our guests by providing Four Diamond AND MORE service. We embrace diversity at our core and offer the opportunity for all team members to reach their potential as professionals. We seek to create a dynamic culture that makes work interesting, challenging, fulfilling and fun. Please view current openings at:
Loews Hotels is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to a diverse work culture, M/F/D/V.
www.bistatedev.org Bi-State Development is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer, supporting diversity in the workplace. We provide equal opportunity to all qualified individuals regardless of race, color, religion, age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, veteran status, disability, or any other factor protected by law.
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equal opportunity employment journal
November 2016
Communication Tips for Working with Veterans in the Workplace
reating a well-functioning and welcoming work environment for Veteran employees can lead to creating a similar environment for all employees. Effective communication is one variable that could lead to improved performance and morale. Following is a list of communication tips that managers or supervisors may find helpful.
when assigning a task or project to a team of employees. • When assigning work to a team, make sure there is an identified leader or point person. • Make sure deadlines are clear and manageable.
Communicating Limits and Standards
General Communication
• Be straightforward and direct in all communications, including written and spoken. • Listen when you are not speaking. Paraphrase and reflect back what someone has said to make sure you understood correctly. • Keep your voice volume at a moderate level. • Avoid using an angry, threatening, or demeaning tone of voice.
Assigning Tasks
• Be clear about your expectations. Specify what you expect an employee to do or accomplish with a task. • Consider giving written instructions or expected outcomes of a task. • If you are unsure about your clarity, ask the employee to summarize what you have said and are requesting of them. Confirm or correct the employee’s response. • Clearly designate responsibility for tasks and projects, especially
A celebration of talent. UCLA Health is home to passionate and talented professionals from all over the world. The extraordinary range of skills and perspectives they offer is essential to delivering on UCLA’s commitment to a quality experience for every patient. As we celebrate the many abilities, backgrounds and viewpoints our people bring, we know that we are all working together to move patient care forward. And that our differences serve to make each of us, and UCLA Health, better every day.
We have a variety of positions available in the following areas: • Nursing • Allied Health • Laboratory • Nutrition
• Environmental Services • Materials Management • Pharmacy • Information Technology
• Set clear limits and observe them. Be consistent and do not change your limits or standards arbitrarily. • Be clear about standards for promotion and what types of activities will help an employee work toward that goal. • Give praise and recognition for work well done. • Be clear about the consequences of not completing work, missing work, showing up unfit for work, arguing with customers, acting out aggressively, or being uncooperative with team members. • When correcting an employee, describe what can be observed, not what you suspect. Keep it simple. Article provided by U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. www.va.gov
The VA St. Louis Health Care System provides inpatient and ambulatory care in medicine, surgery, psychiatry, neurology, and rehabilitation, and many other subspecialty areas. It is a two-division facility that serves veterans and their families in east central Missouri and southwestern Illinois. Working with and for America’s veterans is a privilege, and we pride ourselves on the quality of care we provide. If you have what it takes, please consider applying for one of our available positions. For additional information, please contact our Human Resources Management Service at (314) 488-8252. For more information visit us at: www.stlouis.va.gov/careers The United States Government does not discriminate in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability and genetic information, age, membership in an employee organization, or other non-merit factor.
• Security • Rehab Services • Ambulatory Clinics • Research
To learn more, please contact UCLA Health Recruitment at (866) 895-6690, or apply directly at: uclacareers.com/EOEJournal EOE The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age or protected veteran status.
Visit our website at: uclacareers.com/EOEJournal
Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center UCLA Medical Center Santa Monica
915 North Grand Boulevard • St. Louis, MO 63106
JEFFERSON BARRACKS DIVISION 1 Jefferson Barracks Drive • St. Louis, MO 63125
November 2016
equal opportunity employment journal
Define Your Attitude at Work
by Long Yun Siang
ow do you define attitude? According to The Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English - attitude is defined as “a way of looking at life; a way of thinking, feeling or behaving.” Therefore an attitude is not just the way we think, but the way we think, feel and do. You may have your entire career plan worked out, but if you do not define your attitude to build its foundation on, then before long your plan will crumble. That’s not to say a career plan is not important. In fact, it is very important in achieving career success. What you need to understand is that a positive attitude is even more important. So how do you define your attitude at work? For me, to define your attitude at work means deciding the values that would guide me in my working environment.
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People come from all over the world
to study here, to practice here, and to be treated here.
1. Pride
I know this is a tricky word. It connotes arrogance especially when one has too high an opinion of oneself. Personally, in defining my attitude “Pride” is taken to mean self-dignity. Pride prevents you from doing just enough to get by. If you know everything you do at work has your name and signature on it, then you will give it your best shot and nothing less.
2. Passion
Just a simple plain ‘interest’ in any work or career you choose isn’t enough to bring you through the tough times. And trust me, there will be tough times. It could be an unreasonable client or an impossible time-line. However, a burning desire will pull you through these. An intense enthusiasm for all things worth doing will pull you through the toughest times.
3. Belief
In order to generate passion, it is important to believe. Only a deep believe will create the vigor and force that gives you the fuel to charge. Know that you can achieve all that you set out to do for yourself. You only need to start believing in yourself. What is your defined attitude you take towards your work? Write them down and begin practicing. Long Yun Siang or Long, runs http://career-success-for-newbies.com The site provides tips, tools and advise for newbies pursuing career success.
As Oklahoma’s largest and most diverse hospital, OU Medical Center features a winning team of world-class academic and private physicians, nurses and health care specialists; a team that is earning an international reputation for excellence, innovation and positive outcomes; a team of medical professionals capable of treating a full range of patients, from the tiniest premature baby to the most critically ill senior; a team that supports Oklahoma with quality patient care, medical education and research. We offer a variety of opportunities in various fields. For more information about us or application procedure visit:
or contact our recruitment team at 405-271-6035 or 1-866-473-8229 Up to $15,000 sign on and relocation bonus may be available. An EEO Employer
Thomas Jefferson University and Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals are committed to excellence in the delivery of patient care, educating the health professionals of tomorrow and discovering new knowledge. As one of the most distinguished medical institutions in the country, our history is filled with outstanding people and accomplishments. Diversity, inclusion and cultural competence are critical components of our mission and we celebrate the uniqueness of each of our employees every day. To learn more about Jefferson visit www.jeffersonhr.org To apply online visit Recruit.jefferson.edu
Exceptional Career Opportunities at Houston Methodist
As a diverse, inclusive and growing health care system, Houston Methodist offers a lifetime of meaningful careers within our many facilities. Houston Methodist is comprised of a nationally recognized academic medical center and seven community hospitals with a history of health care innovation. With a national reputation for excellence in patient care, education and research, we hold ourselves and the careers we build to a higher standard. Our flagship hospital, Houston Methodist Hospital, was awarded Magnet recognition for nursing excellence for a fourth consecutive time and two of our community hospitals – Houston Methodist Willowbrook Hospital and Houston Methodist San Jacinto Hospital – have also achieved Magnet recognition, joining only 7 percent of hospitals nationwide. In addition, Houston Methodist Hospital was recently named by U.S. News & World Report as one of the country’s top 20 hospitals, making the prestigious Honor Roll – and was ranked the No. 1 hospital in Texas for the fifth consecutive year.
Discover the difference for yourself and join Houston Methodist.
houstonmethodistcareers.org/ad/eoejrn Houston Methodist is an Equal Opportunity Employer inclusive of female, minority, disability and veterans.
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equal opportunity employment journal
November 2016
Switching Careers With an Accelerated Nursing Program
by Jr. Gjerde
igh salaries, rewarding work and excellent job prospects make nursing a great choice if you are stuck in a career rut and looking to make a change. Additionally, hundreds of universities around the U.S. have simplified the transition to nursing with accelerated nursing programs. These programs give second-career students with bachelor’s degrees ranging from business to botany a relatively quick path to getting started in the field.
Accelerated Bachelor’s in Nursing
Accelerated bachelor’s programs are the most common way seconddegree students enter the nursing field, according to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. These programs allow you to use courses completed during your previous degree to satisfy general education requirements and graduate in 12 to 18 months. Your total time commitment may be longer if you lack necessary science prerequisites, which you must complete before the program begins. Students in accelerated programs participate in supervised clinical hours just like traditional students, allowing them to gain hands-on experience while they study. Accelerated bachelor’s programs require a significant time commitment and dedication. The majority of students study full-time and complete clinical requirements simultaneously. Upon graduation, you must pass the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses and obtain a license to practice through your state board of nursing before you begin work as a registered nurse. Though the number of accelerated programs has increased considerably over the past couple decades, competition for admission remains intense. The AACN reports that most programs require a GPA of at least 3.0 in your previous course of study and an entrance interview to gauge your ability to complete the rigorous program requirements.
After this initial year, your educational experience is similar to that of experienced nurses working toward a master’s of nursing.
Job Outlook for Second-career Nurses
Health care organizations are expected to hire over 500,000 new registered nurses and nearly 200,000 new advanced practice nurses between 2012 and 2022, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. These numbers represent employment growth much faster than the average for all occupations, indicating that jobs for qualified nurses will be plentiful. Rural areas and inner cities hold the best opportunities for new nurses. Upon entering the workforce, registered nurses earn an average annual wage of approximately $65,000, while advanced practice nurses earn more than $95,000, according to BLS wage surveys. The outlook for second-career nurses may be particularly sunny. Interviews conducted by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing suggest that many hospital administrators prefer to hire nurses that have come from other professions, citing the perspective that comes from experience in multiple fields and the leadership potential that second-career nurses often possess. Switching to a career in nursing is not easy. The prospect of taking on a full-time schedule of classes and clinical hours while balancing family obligations is daunting, but for many, this is precisely the point of entering a second career: to seek out new and exciting challenges, face them head on and reap the rewards of their success. Article provided by Constant-Content.com
Generic Nursing Master’s Programs
Generic master’s programs are a type of accelerated nursing program that allows students to become advanced practice nurses. As an advanced practice nurse, you will have increased responsibilities and earning potential, performing many of the tasks traditionally completed by doctors. Master’s programs typically require three years of study. During the first year, you complete training to become a registered nurse, which is similar to the training provided in accelerated bachelor’s programs.
Accelerated bachelor’s programs are the most common way second-degree students enter the nursing field, according to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing.
The outlook for second-career nurses may be particularly sunny.
November 2016
Providing World Class Care and Service to America’s Heroes
equal opportunity employment journal
Join a patient centered interdisciplinary care team that values healthy home/work life balance, has one of the most advanced electronic medical records reporting systems in the country and offers great benefits, including liability protection. Reno is minutes away from beautiful Lake Tahoe, is a short drive or flight to San Francisco, and abounds with year round recreation, entertainment, arts, and culture – about 260 days of sunshine per year. Nevada has no state income tax! For employment opportunities, including complete job announcements, and online application instructions, please visit our website:
VA Sierra Nevada Health Care System
975 Kirman Avenue • Reno, NV 89502 • 775-829-5630 • EOE
The Magnet Recognition Program®, ANCC Magnet Recognition®, Magnet ®, ANCC National Magnet Conference®, and Journey to Magnet Excellence®, names and logos are registered trademarks of the American Nurses Credentialing Center. All rights reserved.
When you start at the top, your career comes into focus.
To see yourself among the best, visit vcuhealth.org/careers.
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EOE/AA. Women, minorities, veterans and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Ranked in top 50 for Orthopedics and Nephrology.
You want to be part of the best team. You want a future without limits. VCU Medical Center has been ranked among the top hospitals in Virginia by U.S.News & World Report,® year after year. Simply put, we’re the best because our people are. What’s more, we offer more than 400 work/life benefits, including flexible work options and schedules, competitive pay, generous benefits, on-site child and elder care and prepaid tuition assistance that will help bring your career – and your life – to the forefront.
9/8/16 12:43 PM
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350 South Oak Avenue • Oakdale, CA 95361 • EOE Current openings include full-time and per diem positions. If you would like to join our team, please email your resume to Brian Beck - VP Human Resources at bbeck@ovhd.com.
November 2016
Predicted Rise in Employment for Healthcare thru 2020
For more information visit:
ccording to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the Healthcare Sector will gain more than 5.6 million jobs between the years 2010 and 2020, significantly more than any other sector of the country’s economy. The US employment market lost roughly 7.5 million jobs during the recession but the growing Healthcare employment segment will account for about 25% of those lost jobs. Additionally, the BLS predicts nine of the thirty occupations expected to have the most growth over the ten-year period are in the healthcare sector. Experts are predicting that new jobs in healthcare will be equally distributed geographically. Often, the healthcare jobs that continue to become available are found in smaller, economically struggling towns where Healthcare will be one of the few job markets with any growth remaining. Much of the employment growth in Healthcare can be attributed to an aging US population. The Center for Health Workforce Studies found that, consistent with findings from previous analyses of BLS projections, although the employment growth in all other sectors declined, jobs in healthcare will continue to grow between 2010 and 2020, consistent with findings from previous analyses of BLS projections and consistent with findings from previous analyses of the BLS. In addition occupations that are related to Healthcare with graduate degrees have a average annual salary of $80,000.
What Are Some of the Careers With the Highest Predicted Growth for 2010 to 2020 in Healthcare Management Related Fields?
Work smart. Live well. Centura Health is a faith-based, non-profit, fully-integrated health system spanning Colorado and into western Kansas. Sponsored by Catholic Health Initiatives and the Adventist Health System, our 20,000+ associates represent all faiths and backgrounds, while embracing our core values of Compassion, Respect, Integrity, Spirituality, Stewardship, Imagination and Excellence. With a solid strategy for the future and a ‘whole person care’ philosophy, we invite you to be part of our legacy. Learn more or apply online:
Centura Health is an equal opportunity, non-tobacco, non-nicotine employer; male/female/veteran/disabled
Some of the highest areas of growth for employment in Healthcare Management include: Health Information Managers in the US are forecasted to grow, as a field, 15 percent from 2012 to 2022, faster than the average for all occupations and is driven by increasing demand for clinical information technology, and administrative solutions and services. Social and Community Service Managers coordinate and supervise social service programs and community organizations. They direct and lead staff that provides social services to the public. Employment of social and community service managers is projected to grow 21 percent from 2012 to 2022, faster than the average for all occupations. Employment growth will be driven by increases in the elderly population, and increases in demand for substance abuse treatment and mental health and health-related services. Manager Human Resources Employment of human resources managers is projected to grow 13 percent from 2012 to 2022. As new companies form and organizations expand their operations, they will need more human resources staff to oversee and administer their programs. Public Health Administrator will be a big part of the need for public health professionals at the national, state and local levels continues to rise. For example, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a 21% increase in community health workers between 2012 and 2022. Medical practice managers are those professionals that manager the day to day responsibilities in every medical office, urgent care clinic, hospital, nursing facility, and home care agency. They are responsible for insuring the quality of patient care by creating an efficient and cost-effective atmosphere. Employment is projected to grow in offices of health practitioners, as many services previously provided in hospitals will shift, especially as medical technologies improve. Demand in medical group practice management is expected to grow as medical group practices become larger and more complex. Growth in this area of employment is expected to grow 23 percent between 2010 and 2020. Although the growth rate of employment varies per specific career, growth in all areas of Healthcare Management far supersedes most other areas of the employment marketplace. Article provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics
November 2016
equal opportunity employment journal
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CHC is building a world class primary health care system that is committed to caring for special populations, and that is focused on improving health outcomes for our patients as well as building healthy communities.
If you are ready for a satisfying and rewarding career, join our team of diverse and motivated professionals at Community Health Center, Inc. (CHC). CHC is one of the country’s most creative and dynamic providers of primary medical, dental and mental health services to the uninsured and underinsured.
Holy Redeemer’s holistic approach to healing is unique among healthcare providers. Caring for the total person goes beyond the act of delivering excellent medical care. It involves meeting the emotional, spiritual and social services needs of those we serve.
From maternity and neonatal services, to end-of-life care and every stage of life in between, Holy Redeemer’s services focus on your total well-being.
For more information visit: www.chc1.com or http://jobs-chc1.icims.com
Community Health Center • 675 Main Street • Middletown, CT 06457 • EOE
821 Huntingdon Pike Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006 For more information or for current employment opportunities visit us at www.holyredeemer.com and apply online.
illings Clinic is a not-for-profit organization structured as a B medical foundation with more than 3,700 employees, including over 385 physicians and non-physician providers. Our integrated organization consists of a multi-specialty group practice, a 285-bed hospital, and an assisted living and rehab center. Recognized for excellence with Magnet™ designation.
Equal Opportunity Employer
For more information about us and to apply online, go to:
Join us and help shape the future
Billings Clinic is committed to the principles of Equal Employment Opportunity. All employees and job applicants will be provided the same treatment in all aspects of the employment relationship, regardless of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, marital status, genetic information or disability. EEO/AA/Minorities/Females/Disabled/Veterans
Geisinger Health System is one of the most respected and forward-thinking institutions in the country — and we are now hiring. • A dynamic, fully integrated health system • Competitive salary structure, with benefits starting on Day 1 • Providing care to more than 3 million people • Opportunities for advancement and education • Innovative management dedicated to patient satisfaction
6339 Mill Street Rhinebeck, NY 12572
www.astorservices.org Astor Services for Children & Families is a community based, non-profit organization that provides children's mental health services, child welfare services, and early childhood development programs. Astor serves children and families in New York State's Mid-Hudson Valley region and the Bronx.
Apply online at geisinger.org/careers.
Job opportunities are available in the following areas: early childhood, social work, psychology, education, nursing and more. Astor Services does not discriminate against individuals on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation, or age in its programs, activities, or employment.
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DaVita is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
2004 --2016 Partners Inc. Inc.All Allrights rightsreserved. reserved. © 2004 2013 DaVita HealthCare Partners
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At Holzer Health System you have access to the most advanced and innovative treatments in the Southeastern Ohio Valley. Holzer Health System seeks motivated and caring individuals in a variety of fields. We are an equal opportunity employer meaning that we consider all qualified individuals for employment regardless of race, color, religion, genetic information, sex, national origin, age, disability, family or veteran status. View and apply online for current openings at:
Holzer Health System • 100 Jackson Pike • Gallipolis, OH 45631
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CHRISTUS St. Vincent takes pride in our welcoming, multicultural community in Santa Fe and Northern New Mexico. We are currently looking for incredible people to become part of our family. To view a list of our employment opportunities, please visit our website.
November 2016
The Advantages of Being Shy at Work
by Paul Bunyan
tend to think of shyness as a problem, as something that needs to be “cured.” Shyness, though, does have advantages. One of the biggest advantages is that people who have been shy their whole lives tend to have highly developed skills. Shy kids often spend a lot of time reading, tinkering with computers, practicing musical instruments, or engaging in other solitary activities that build skills over time. The years kids spend engaging in these solitary pursuits can pay huge dividends in the adult workplace. Many high-tech innovators, college professors, writers, and artists were once shy kids who poured their young hearts and souls into the activities in which they now excel. You don’t have to be a super-achiever to benefit from being shy. Shy people in office jobs on all levels may avoid some of the worst pitfalls of the office environment. Shy people may be less inclined to gossip, which means they are less likely to make enemies. Shy people may also be more productive if they spend more time at their desks and less time hanging around
Seco Tools has an established reputation as a leading manufacturer and supplier of carbide cutting tools and associated equipment. With almost 5,000 employees worldwide and presence in more than 45 countries, Seco Tools can offer you diversity of opportunities and experiences in different careers. As part of our global organization, you would see your efforts materialize, making a team and business impact. We nurture an invigorating, positive environment by retaining and hiring talented individuals, who share our commitment to delivering winning solutions to our customers. Our employees are rewarded for their commitment and hard work with a competitive compensation package. If you are interested in learning more about the employment opportunities available, please click on Search Jobs on our website at:
************************************* 2805 Bellingham Drive • Troy, MI 48083 Seco Tools is an Equal Opportunity Employer
the water cooler chatting. All shy people are not the same. Shyness, like most personality traits, runs along a continuum, with some people’s shyness only surfacing in a mild form now and then, while others are so painfully shy that it affects almost everything they do. The key, for shy people, is to be aware of their own level of shyness and choose jobs where they will flourish, given their own particular personality. Shy people don’t necessarily have to avoid jobs that have strong social components. That depends on the individual and on the particular job. Shy people as a group, though, have an edge over non-shy people in jobs that do require a great deal of solitude. A non-shy person who thrives on constant social contact might not last long as a fire lookout in a remote outpost in a state park and might find it difficult to be a writer or visual artist. Because shyness gets such an unfair bad rap in our culture, it’s helpful for shy people to restore balance by thinking about the advantages they can gain from being shy. Article provided by Constant-Content.com
November 2016
equal opportunity employment journal
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Taking your career to new heights.
Pratt & Whitney is an equal employment opportunity, affirmative action employer dedicated to matching talent and technology. To see our current openings and to learn more about our benefits, visit www.pw.utc.com/Careers.. Connect with us
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equal opportunity employment journal
November 2016
Business Careers with High Pay
Concordance, a merger of Kreisers, MMS and Seneca, delivers customized service models and top quality products across the entire healthcare spectrum. For more information visit us at concordancehealthcare.com
career in business is quite versatile. Some occupations, such as human resources managers, involve working with people; others, including logisticians, focus on products. No matter your interest, there’s likely a business angle to it that you could pursue. And depending on your career choice, you might be paid a lot, too. Data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) show that wages for many business-related occupations were higher than those for all workers. But workers in some of the higher paying occupations may also log more than the average number of hours on the job. Keep reading to learn more about some of the highest paying business occupations and how you can prepare for these careers.
Understanding the data
by Elka Torpey
No matter your interest, there’s likely a business angle to it that you could pursue.
BLS data show that many business occupations have high wages. But you’ll also want to consider job outlook when making a career choice. BLS has a stat for that, too.
Wage estimates Bryan Health...Where Passion meets Purpose • Innovative treatments and technology • Compassion for patients and each other • Pride in the work we do to change lives
Join our team
• Nationally recognized two-time winner of The Advisory Board’s Excellence in Employee Engagement Award • Non-profit, Nebraska-owned and trusted healthcare organization • Employees who feel valued and supported in meaningful work
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bryanhealth.org/careers EEO/AA - M/F/V/D
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As with most fields, business occupations may not pay a lot when you’re first starting out. Rather, wages typically increase as you gain experience. A number of other factors might affect wages, too, such as where you work (both geographic location and employer) and what your specific job tasks are. The 10th percentile wage for an occupation is the point at which 10 percent of workers in that occupation earned less than that amount, and 90 percent earned more; these wages may be closer to what workers made at the entry level. The 50th percentile (median) wage—half made less, half made more—may approximate what mid-career workers earned. And the 90th percentile wage, where 90 percent earned less and 10 percent more, are more likely to be what highly experienced workers made. (BLS also publishes wage estimates at the 25th and 75th percentiles.) Wages in this article represent pay before taxes and payroll deductions. Some types of incentive pay, such as commissions, production bonuses, and tips, are included. Premium pay, such as overtime, and certain other types of bonuses, such as profit-sharing payments, are not included. Self-employed workers’ wages also are not included.
Job prospects
CHRISTUS St. Vincent takes pride in our welcoming, multicultural community in Santa Fe and Northern New Mexico. We are currently looking for incredible people to become part of our family. To view a list of our employment opportunities, please visit our website.
It’s important to consider more than your potential paycheck when choosing a career. Also think about whether a particular occupation is a good fit for your interests and skills. Once you have an idea of what will be a good fit, you’ll want to know whether you’ll be able to find employment in your career of choice. Occupations with many jobs and those projected to have many job openings might offer more opportunity. Information about wages, employment, and job outlook is specific to the occupations in each group, so the details provided vary. This article also highlights occupations in which workers put in more than the average hours for all full-time workers (about 42 hours per week in 2015, according to BLS).
Business operations
Workers in this occupation group help with the day-to-day activities of running a business, such as coordinating employee benefits or purchasing supplies. Wages. At all three percentiles, management analysts had the highest wage of the occupations in May 2015. These analysts were also among those who worked the longest each week (44 hours, on average) of the occupations shown. Market research analysts and marketing specialists earned the lowest wage at the 10th percentile. At the 90th percentile, however, their wage was second highest of the occupations. The large spread in wages for this occupation may be due, in part, to the diverse nature of these jobs.
November 2016
equal opportunity employment journal
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Jobs and outlook. There were more than 750,000 management analyst jobs in 2014, making it the largest of the occupations in this area. Many of these analysts were employed in consulting firms, where they help find ways to make businesses more profitable and efficient. The District of Columbia, Virginia, and Maryland had the highest concentrations of management analysts. And BLS projects over 200,000 job openings for this occupation over the 2014–24 decade.
Financial specialist
If you like keeping track of money, a financial specialist career might be a good option. Workers in this occupation might do tasks such as balancing business accounts and helping people make investment decisions. Because of their expertise, many of these workers earn wages that are higher than those for all workers. Wages. Financial analysts had the highest 10th percentile wage of the occupations, nearly $50,000 a year. At higher percentiles, their wages may be double or even triple that amount. Personal financial advisors had one of the lowest 10th percentile wages of these occupations, but their median and 90th percentile wages were the highest of the occupations. They and financial analysts worked, on average, the most hours on the job (43 hours a week). Jobs and outlook. Accountants and auditors held more than 1.3 million jobs in 2014, the most of the occupations. Many of these jobs were in accounting firms. Accountants and auditors work in every state, but they were most concentrated in the District of Columbia, Colorado, and Delaware. And this occupation is projected to have nearly half a million job openings between 2014 and 2024.
Managers oversee an array of business-related activities. That’s why these workers typically need experience in a related occupation even at the entry level. Wages. Managers had some of the highest wages of the occupations in this article. And computer and information systems managers had the highest 10th percentile wage, $80,160. Chief executives had the highest median annual wage, $175,110—nearly 5 times the median wage for all occupations. These workers often get perks, such as profit-sharing payments and stock bonuses, in addition to their wages. And most of the occupations had a 90th percentile wage equal to or above the top value published by BLS, $187,200. Jobs and outlook. Marketing and sales managers held more than a half million jobs in 2014. About one-third of these jobs were for marketing managers, who may be likely to work at companies’ corporate offices, computer systems design firms, and consulting firms. Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Jersey had some of the highest concentrations of marketing managers. BLS projects about 172,200 job openings between 2014 and 2024 for marketing and sales managers.
For many businesses, sales are at the core of profitability. Certain types of sales workers, but not all, have high pay. With some sales careers, workers are paid on commission. These payments reward workers who sell a lot with higher earnings. But the risks work the same way, with workers who don’t do well seeing their pay suffer—or even losing their job.
A job that matters at Spartanburg Medical Center You entered health care to make a difference. Spartanburg Medical Center, located in Spartanburg, South Carolina, offers a cutting-edge, team environment where you can do just that. Having achieved top honors—including the Magnet designation for nursing excellence—we make it a priority to remain on the forefront of health care. Recognizing that top honors are a result of top professionals, we offer competitive salary and benefit packages, a nationally recognized child development program and more. Areas of availability: • Women’s & Children’s Care • Gibbs Cancer Center & Research Institute • Heart Center • Surgical Care
Total job openings for wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives are expected to be numerous, with almost a half million openings projected over the 2014–24 decade. Wages. More than half of the occupations in this area had wages of less than $30,000 at the 10th percentile. At the 90th percentile, however, all earned over $100,000 a year. Sales engineers had the highest 10th percentile wage of the occupations at $55,280. This occupation also had the highest median wage, and the highest average hours worked per week. But securities, commodities, and financial services sales agents had the highest 90th percentile wage, $187,200 or more. High-paying sales jobs also might require long hours. The only occupation with average hours less than those for all workers was insurance sales agents.
• Emergency Center • Spartanburg Regional Hospice • Home Health For more information or to apply, please call a hospital recruiter at 800-288-7762 or visit SpartanburgRegional.com.
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Why do so many people join MTS Systems Corporation and stay for a career? Because this is a place where you get to apply your creativity, work with smart people on fascinating projects, and make a positive impact on people’s lives. It is a place where you can learn, innovate and grow professionally.
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Jobs and outlook. Wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives had the most jobs of any occupation in this article, more than 1.8 million. Many of these sales representatives worked in wholesale electronic markets and agents and brokers, an industry in which this occupation’s employment is projected to grow. Total job openings for wholesale and manufacturing sales representatives are expected to be numerous, with almost a half million openings projected over the 2014–24 decade. Sales representatives who sell scientific and technical products had higher pay in 2014 than those who sell other types of products, but they also had fewer jobs. Jobs for scientific and technical products sales representatives were concentrated in New Hampshire, Massachusetts,and Ohio; those for workers who sell other types of products had high concentrations of jobs in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Georgia.
Education, experience, and training Entry requirements for business occupations vary, but people in these careers often need good interpersonal, written and oral communication, and analytical skills. Traits that are important in many occupations, such as humility and patience, may also be valuable in business. And being hardworking and eager to help are good ways to prove yourself. In addition, aspiring business workers may need to meet the education, experience, or training requirements of these occupations to be hired for entry-level jobs. Education Business has been one of the most popular college majors for years, with rates of growth for degrees awarded in this
November 2016 field outpacing those for degrees awarded overall. From 1970–71 to 2013–14, for example, the number of business degrees awarded tripled at the bachelor’s degree level and increased sevenfold at the master’s degree level, according to data from the National Center for Education Statistics. By comparison, the number of bachelor’s degrees doubled overall and master’s degrees tripled overall during the same period. You’ll need at least a bachelor’s degree to enter most of the high-paying occupations mentioned in this article. A few exceptions include real estate brokers; insurance sales agents; and claims adjusters, examiners, and investigators. In those occupations, you may qualify for entry-level jobs with a high school diploma. Choosing a major. In some occupations, it’s helpful for jobseekers have a bachelor’s degree in a specific subject or major; in other occupations, it’s required. Accountants, for example, usually need at least a bachelor’s degree in accounting or a related field. And advertising managers may have an easier time finding a job if their degree is in advertising or journalism. In fact, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, business majors were projected to be the most sought-after graduates for the Class of 2016. Bachelor’s degree recipients who studied accounting, finance, and business administration and management were in greatest demand. Broadening your education. You may not need a degree in business to have a business career. Some employers value the broad perspectives that people with continued on page 31
Founded in 1904, Presbyterian Homes is an indepedent, not-for-profit and faith-based organization with a national reputation for creating extraordinary retirement communities. We serve older adults through our acclaimed retirement communities in Evanston, Lake Forest and Arlington Heights, IL.
When you work for Presbyterian Homes, you make a difference in the lives of others. www.presbyterianhomes.org
Presbyterian Homes is an equal opportunity employer and, in accordance with the requirements of all applicable state and federal laws, does not discriminate in hiring or employment practices on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, sex, ancestry, marital status, unfavorable military discharge, disability, age, sexual orientation or any other legally protected status.
A Rewarding Career in Manufacturing Visit: www.ardaghgroup.com/us-careers
The Horsham Clinic is a dedicated and longstanding private behavioral health care facility for the treatment of behavioral health disorders.
A Global Leader in Packaging Solutions Ardagh Group is a global leader in glass and metal packaging solutions and a key supplier to most of the world’s leading food, beverage and consumer care brands. In the U.S. and Canada, Ardagh Group operates 30 glass and metal manufacturing facilities. Whether you intend to begin your career with Ardagh Group or expand your professional horizons, Ardagh has opportunities in a variety of disciplines:
- Manufacturing
- Supply Chain & Logistics
- Human Resources
- Finance
- Engineering
- Manufacturing Development Programs
one brandone vision
The Horsham Clinic is an Equal Opportunity Employer and as such, openly supports and fully commits to recruitment, selection, placement, promotion, and compensation of all individuals without regard to race, color, creed, national origin, sex, age, veteran status, marital status, religion, or physical and/or mental disability.
We are looking for individuals with good leadership and communication skills, and enthusiastic professionals to grow along with us. Apply online at: www.horshamclinic.com
722 East Butler Pike Ambler, PA 19002
November 2016
equal opportunity employment journal
Page 25
Manheim PA Auto Auction is the largest auto auction in the U.S. with a 33 lane auction complex with over 1500 employees.
Manheim PA Auto Auction
1190 Lancaster Road • Manheim, PA 17545 Manheim PA is an Equal Opportunity Employer and a Drug-Free workplace.
FREQUENTLY OPEN POSITIONS: •Auto Detail Technician •Body shop positions: prepper, buffer, sander •Clerical positions: block clerk •Driver: sale day, shuttle bus •Inspectors •Maintenance Workers •Parts Installer •PSI Mechanic positions
If you are interested in becoming an employee of Manheim PA, apply online:
Kaiser Permanente, the nation’s leading integrated health care provider, offers rewarding career opportunities for both health care and business and management professionals. When you join our Northwest Region team, the work you do saves lives. From our nurses and physicians on the front line of care to our business professionals supporting the bottom line. From our customer service team working one on one to deliver service to our IT professionals who literally turn data cables into lifelines. To see a complete listing of career opportunities in our Northwest Region, we invite you to visit jobs.kp.org.
All plans offered and underwritten by Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Northwest. 500 NE Multnomah St., Suite 100, Portland, OR 97232. ©2016 Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Northwest
AE Business Solutions is a Midwest based privately held IT consulting and Systems Integration Company that has been providing information technology and business solutions to organizations throughout Wisconsin and the Midwest for over 50 years. AE Business Solutions hires only the best and the brightest people - people who are hard-working and dedicated to excellence. To explore any of our current opportunities online, please email our recruiting department at recruiter@aebs.com, or send your resume and salary history to: Technical Recruiting - AE Business Solutions 2310 Crossroads Drive, Suite 2800, Madison, WI 53718
First National Bank Texas and its affiliates are dedicated to being a preferred employer, providing opportunities to maximize employee potential.
www.aebs.com • EOE
We offer an excellent work environment, competitive salary and benefits package.
Mission The Peoria Police Department is committed to partnering with the community to ensure a high quality of life and safety, maintaining community trust, and preserving life and property.
The City of Peoria Police Department is a professional and progressive agency, which is always in search of career minded, qualified people to join our staff. Peoria offers challenging and rewarding career opportunities in law enforcement for qualified individuals interested in personal and professional growth. Peoria Police Officers are highly skilled professionals committed to delivering quality police service to the community. They are dedicated to enhancing the quality of life in Peoria by working in partnership with the members of the community to protect life and property. To learn more about us visit our website: www.peoriaaz.gov CITY OF PEORIA POLICE DEPARTMENT • 8351 WEST CINNABAR AVENUE • PEORIA, AZ 85345 • EOE
For more information please visit our website: www.1stnb.com/careers
Aqua Is Hiring! Aqua America is one of the nation’s leading public water utilities providing water and wastewater services to approximately three million customers across eight states. The corporate headquarters is located in Bryn Mawr, PA with additional locations in PA, OH, IL, TX, NJ, IN, VA, NC. For current employment opportunities please visit: AquaAmerica.com and click on Careers.
The groundwork for a better tomorrow. Aqua is an Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. All qualified will receivewill consideration for employment regard without to race, AquaAmerica, America,Inc. Inc. is Equal an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action employer. All applicants qualified applicants receive consideration forwithout employment color, religion, sex, national origin, disability protected Veteran status. regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexualororientation and gender identity/expression, national origin, disability or protected Veteran status. 5085_HR_Ad_6x3.25.indd 1
We are an equal opportunity employer. Our employment practices are in accordance with the laws that prohibit discrimination due to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability or other protected status. All affiliates support a drug free workplace.
6/20/14 9:47 AM
703 SWANNER LOOP • KILLEEN, TX 76543 FAX: 254-554-4385
EOE Minority/Female/Individuals with Disabilities/Protected Veterans
Page 26
equal opportunity employment journal
November 2016
Engineering Career Opportunities
E Long Beach Transit is one of the largest municipal public transit systems in Los Angeles County, and we are ranked in the top ten best transportation organizations in the country for our size. Our mission is dedicated to connecting communities and moving people... making everyday life better.
ngineering contains a large number of job opportunities and specialties. Upon deciding to pursue an engineering career path, one must choose among the different types of engineering specialties such as aerospace, civil, electrical, and chemical engineering. Below is a select list of specialties. We hope this list is helpful for you in determining whether or not the career is right for you.
View current openings and application procedure online at: 1963 EAST ANAHEIM STREET LONG BEACH, CA 90813
www.lbtransit.com Equal Opportunity Employer
ICMA-RC, a financial services leader in public sector employee retirement products and services. ICMA-RC provides retirement saving and planning services for more than 9,000 government employers nationwide and more than one million city, state and county participant accounts. ICMA-RC associates are dedicated to our mission of helping public employees build retirement security. We are proud to serve those who serve us! To learn about current career opportunities throughout the United States, visit:
Aerospace Engineer
Aerospace engineering is the study of the design, development, and production of air and spacecraft. This engineering discipline is often divided between those who pursue careers on the aeronautical side and those working on space craft. Both air and space vehicles contain complex subsystems that require specialists from many engineering groups such as electrical, mechanical, and computer engineering.
Agricultural Engineer
Agricultural engineering is also known as biological engineering, and it covers subjects from aquaculture (raising food sources that thrive in water), to land farming and forestry. These engineers also develop biofuels, plan animal environments, and find better food processing methods. Often they work in offices, but they are also outdoors and traveling to worksites where they oversee equipment function in agricultural settings, and assure that government regulations are met.
Automotive Engineer
Automotive engineering is one of the most exciting, challenging and rewarding careers. Whenever a customer drives a new vehicle off a dealership lot, he or she is taking with them the technical expertise of many engineers, but in particular, the automotive engineer. Automotive engineers research, design and develop vehicles and their subsystems. They work with sophisticated technologies to create products that thrill the senses and bring the freedom of mobility to the world.
Biomedical Engineer Join a dynamic team that encourages growth, diversity, opportunity and excellence. ICMA-RC is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer. 777 North Capitol Street NE Washington, DC 20002
Biomedical engineers work with a combination of biology, medicine and engineering. They are trained to analyze and design solutions that will improve patient care. They are the professionals behind sophisticated medical equipment like MRIs and microscopic surgical machines. Biomedical engineers are also responsible for research and development of medical innovations like artificial organs and prosthesis.
Chemical Engineer
Chemical engineers utilize their knowledge of the physical world to manipulate the interactions of individual atoms and molecules. Their talents are generally employed in the research and development of new materials and are critical to numerous fields including
November 2016
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nanotechnology, energy storage, and computing. Often working alongside other engineers in interdisciplinary teams to solve humanity’s greatest problems, chemical engineers are guaranteed to remain key leaders in securing our future prosperity whether on this planet or any other.
Civil Engineer
Civil engineers specialize in road, bridge, buildings and water supply system design and construction. They supervise and direct construction teams and work with other engineers. These professionals ensure that every structure built is environmentally compliant and can withstand earthquakes and hurricanes. This is especially true in places where these natural calamities often strike.
Whether your products move, turn, shape, mold, lift, dig, or haul, you can depend on Eaton’s hydraulics products to deliver the performance you need to stay competitive. Career opportunities are available for experienced professionals. In addition, we offer internships, development programs and direct placement opportunities for college students and recent graduates. For more information visit: www.eaton.com
Computer Engineer
Computer Engineers develop and improve the software programs and hardware that make computers run. Computer Engineers may specialize in either software or hardware. From operating system software, such as Windows and Linux, to individual computer programs, such as Photoshop and Microsoft Office, Software Engineers turn piles of hardware into fully functional computers. Hardware Engineers develop the hardware of computers, including the motherboards, graphics and audio cards and drives that are later programmed by Software Engineers.
Drafting and Design Engineer
Drafting and Design Engineering is an exciting career that allows the engineer to be involved in all stages of the design process, from conception to presentation of the finished plans. This career requires a working knowledge of drafting and design principles, material types and properties, and manufacturing processes.
Electrical Engineer
Electrical engineers specialize in power supply and generation. They design, develop, test and supervise electrical equipment manufacturing. They have also been trained to handle responsibilities like wiring and lighting installations in buildings, automobiles and aircraft. What is great about being an electrical engineer is that the training is so extensive that graduates may land a job in many different industries such as construction, manufacturing and design.
Environmental Engineer
Environmental engineers use science and engineering principles to protect and improve the environment. The quality of air, water, and soil is their primary focus. They seek solutions to water-borne diseases, wastewater management, and air pollution. They work to improve recycling, waste disposal, and industrial hygiene. They analyze soil and water samples. They understand the law as it applies to protecting the environment.
2280 E. West Maple • Walled Lake, MI 48390 3450 Sam Williams Drive • Ogden, UT 84401
equal employment opportunities for all job are based upon job-related reasons regardless of an applicant’s race, color, sex, religion, national origin, marital status, age, disability, protected veteran status, sexual orientation or any other protected status.
2425 West Michigan Avenue • Jackson, MI 49202
Williams International is committed to equal employment opportunities for all individuals regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, and protected veteran status.
Action Employer. Eaton is committed to ensuring applicants and employees. Employment decisions
Williams International is the world leader in the development and manufacture of small gas turbine engines.
Eaton is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative
While we recruit some experienced individuals to provide unique technical skills, our goal is to hire at the entry level and develop from within the company. We reinforce this culture through internal leadership and skills development programs for all team members. For more information visit us at:
Over 60 Years of Stability and Experience for Your Electric Construction Needs
At Taft Electric Company, we work as a team! Taft Electric Company is an equal opportunity employer offering great benefits. For more information regarding the great opportunities here at Taft Electric Company, email your resume and contact information to opportunities@taftelectric.com or call (805) 642-0121.
1694 Eastman Avenue | Ventura, CA 93003 | www.taftelectric.com Taft Electric Company is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to promoting a working environment free of discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, age, disability, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin or veteran status.
Geological Engineer
Geological engineering involves geology,civil engineering, and fields such as mining, forestry and geography. These engineers apply earth sciences to human problems. Specialty areas include geotechnical site studies of rock and soil slope stability for projects; environmental studies and planning for construction sites; groundwater studies; hazard investigations; and finding fossil fuel and mineral deposits.
Marine Engineer
Marine Engineers are responsible for the design and construction of seagoing vessels and structures, focusing primarily on their internal systems. Simply put, they design the onboard electrical, environmental and propulsion systems aboard everything from oil platforms to cruise ships. Article provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics
Building a Better Future
Building tomorrow starts with you. Find your dream job today, and be part of something great. Visit our website graniteconstruction.com to learn more.
We are an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, age, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.
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equal opportunity employment journal
Milestone is a great place to work! We have caring and compassionate employees who are dedicated to helping extraordinary people live ordinary lives. If you are looking for a career in the behavioral health or intellectual & developmental disabilities field, you’ve come to the right place.
View and apply online at:
November 2016
Tips to Earn the Promotion You’ve Been Hoping for by Heather Hughes
We are an equal opportunity employer.
712 South Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15221 412-243-3400
Clark County is located in Las Vegas, Nevada and is one of the area’s largest employers. We recognize the value of a qualified and diverse workforce. County employment offers outstanding benefits, retirement, and career enhancement opportunities. Clark County is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
500 South Grand Central Parkway, 3rd Floor Las Vegas, NV 89155-1791 (702) 455-4565 • www.clarkcountynv.gov
nless nepotism is involved or you’re just incredibly lucky, you usually have to start at the bottom when you go to work for almost any company or organization. That’s just the way it is in the business world. However, where you go from there is up to you. How fast you rise within your company will depend greatly on your performance and behavior. One surefire way to move up the corporate ladder is to show leadership. Fortunately, it’s easy to prove yourself if you follow a few simple guidelines. Here are four easy tips to earn the business promotion you’ve been hoping for:
1. Stay positive.
A recognized strength of The Underwriters Group is its superior claims administration services for both employee benefits and workers’ compensation. Learn more about us at: www.uscky.com UNDERWRITERS SAFETY & CLAIMS 1700 Eastpoint Parkway • Louisville, KY 40223 Equal Opportunity Employer
Your Digital World. Now.
Mediacom Communications is an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer. We consider applicants without regard to race, color, religion, age, national origin, ancestry, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, marital status, veteran status, disability, genetic information, citizenship status, or membership in any other group protected by federal, state or local law.
Mediacom has an immediate need for Direct Sales Representatives, Customer Sales & Service Representatives and Broadband Specialists. To view a complete listing of available vacancies, please visit our Career Center online: mediacomcable.com/careers 1533 S. Enterprise Avenue • Springfield, MO 65804
No one likes to be around someone who’s negative all the time. If nobody wants to be around you, you’re certainly not going to get promoted. Companies want employees that have a positive attitude and can help take the business further. Fostering a sense of positivity is often what keeps corporations at the top of their game. By showing that you believe in your company and what it can achieve, you’ll also show that you’re worthy of a promotion.
2. Take initiative.
Laziness is a major hindrance when it comes to employee promotion. The best way to avoid looking lazy is to pick up the slack of others. If there’s a project that no one else wants to head up, volunteer to take charge. If your coworkers have been avoiding filling out any boring yet necessary paperwork, be willing to lend a hand. You may not want to do difficult or mundane tasks, but you do want a promotion. Putting the company’s needs above your own is a step in that direction. Do anything and everything you can to show you’re motivated and ready to lead your peers.
3. Perform well.
This one seems like a no-brainer. After all, you know you should be doing your job to the best of your ability. However, many people don’t really put this advice to good use. If you want to land a position with more responsibilities, you’ve got to show that you’re going above and beyond the call of duty with your current role. Take advantage of every opportunity to make your work better. Get those weekly reports done ahead of schedule and take the time to make your PowerPoint presentations look exceptionally professional. Keep your office or work station clean and organized so you can maximize your productivity while you’re at your desk. Even if you’re a lowly intern who just makes copies and coffee, make sure the ink cartridges are filled and those cups of joe are hot and fresh. Sometimes paying attention to the small things can lead to bigger things for you in terms of your career. You may be surprised at how much your manager or supervisor will notice your extra effort.
4. Get along with your coworkers. NECC is comprised of dedicated individuals who serve in a number of different capacities. We offer competitive salaries, outstanding benefits and a career development program second to none. NECC employs more than 800 professionals, and we believe that workplace diversity is a valuable asset. Our firm commitment to diversity stems from our belief in the benefits of incorporating different backgrounds, perspectives, cultures, and life situations within our organization.
View our latest job postings on our website at:
www.necc.org We stand in support of equality for and advancement of all people based on their qualifications and actions alone without regard to color, gender, age, religion, national origin or disability.
THE NEW ENGLAND CENTER FOR CHILDREN 33 Turnpike Road Southborough, MA 01772
We’ve all had the experience of engaging with annoying coworkers or people we just can’t seem to get along with. However, if you’re trying to earn a promotion, it’s in your best interest to put your differences aside. Help out another employee that might be behind on an assignment and don’t bicker with anyone who might try to pick a fight. Don’t join in on any gossip that could cause a riff between you and any other coworkers. Focus on accomplishing your own goals as well as helping others achieve their ambitions. Working together as a team will be much more beneficial for all parties involved. By showing that you’re a team player, you’ll also show that you care about the success of the company you work for. That’s definitely something your boss will be looking for the next time he or she has an important position to fill. When you go to work for any company or organization, you may have to start with an entry level job. However, you certainly don’t have to stay at that level. It’s easy to gain a position with higher pay and more responsibilities if you follow the straightforward guidelines listed here. With these simple tips, you can earn the business promotion you’ve been hoping for. You’ll be on your way to stepping into the leadership role that you deserve! Article provided by Constant-Content.com
November 2016
equal opportunity employment journal
Jobs in the Manufacturing Sector
Page 29 Baldwin Filters provides many opportunities for you to further your career. We offer a variety of established career paths in engineering, accounting, marketing, sales, business analysis, human resources, information technology and production. To view a complete listing of open positions at Baldwin Filter, visit online at:
4400 East Highway 30 • Kearney, NE 68847 Baldwin Filters is an EO Employer, M/F/V/D
With 3.1 million electric and natural gas customers to serve across four states, our success depends on our ability to leverage the unique talents and perspectives of each of our 7,000+ employees.
That’s why we’ve made diversity part of our corporate DNA at AVANGRID. By providing opportunity, we’re proud to share our success. For more information please visit: uinet.com
Equal Opportunity Employer
he manufacturing sector provides the goods and services almost everyone uses on a daily basis, as well as parts and products used by businesses to function successfully. This sector not only provides a number of careers, but also can be found in a variety of industries, such as food, pharmaceutical, automobile, aerospace, chemical and textiles.
Operations Manager
An operations manager directs and oversees a manufacturing plant. These professionals are involved with almost every aspect of the operation to ensure profitability and quality of the products or goods being manufactured by the organization. This includes developing policies and procedures, establishing financial budgets and ensuring safety in the manufacturing environment. This occupation requires several years of experience in a manufacturing environment and most of these professionals are promoted into this role after supervising one or several specific areas of manufacturing such as engineering or production. CBSalary.com lists a national average salary of $94,706 per year for this occupation.
Almost all manufacturing organizations have engineers who design the products or goods it manufactures and improve the manufacturing process to increase efficiencies and quality as well as cut costs. This occupation requires at least a bachelor’s degree in an engineering discipline related to the type of manufacturing environment, such as mechanical, electrical or industrial engineering. CBSalary.com lists a national average salary of $84,046 per year for a manufacturing engineer.
Tosoh Bioscience, Inc. (TBI) provides highly sophisticated diagnostic systems to doctor’s offices, hospitals and reference laboratories.
Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V
The employee work environment is fast-paced, challenging and offers opportunities for personal growth and career advancement. TBI employees are focused on the collective vision of providing quality products and services through innovation. For information regarding job openings at TBI, or to submit an application, please visit the Tosoh Jobs Portal online at: www.tosoh.iapplicants.com Learn more about us at: www.tosohbioscience.com 6000 Shoreline Court • Suite 101 • South San Francisco, CA 94080
Buyers and Purchasing Managers
Manufacturing requires purchasing materials to make the goods a company produces. Buyers and purchasing managers find and purchase quality materials used to manufacture goods. These professionals work with vendors and travel to organizations who manufacture materials to test the quality of the materials and negotiate pricing. These occupations often require a bachelor’s degree in business, engineering, economics or a related discipline. The Bureau of Labor Statistics lists a national median salary of $89,160 per year for purchasing managers.
Assemblers and Fabricators
Some manufacturing processes are not completely automated and require human interaction to provide quality goods. Following specific instructions and blueprints, assemblers and fabricators use tools, machines and their hands to assemble pieces and goods on the manufacturing line to complete a finished product. Some of these professionals can require extensive technical knowledge to assemble and fabricate complicated parts and products, while others use only manual dexterity to assemble parts or products repetitively on the manufacturing line. Most of these occupations require a high school diploma or GED. The Bureau of Labor Statistics lists a national median salary of $12.32 per hour for these occupations. Article provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics
Airbus, Boeing, GE, Rolls-Royce, and many other leading manufacturers depend on us for critical airframe, engine, power generation, and general industrial components. With few exceptions, every aircraft in the sky flies with parts made by PCC. With over 100 facilities in 24 states, we have a wide variety of opportunities. PCC is a great place to build your career!
Apply Today! www.precast.com All divisions of Precision Castparts Corp. are equal opportunity employers committed to recruit, hire, upgrade, train and promote in all job categories without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, veteran status or other status protected by applicable law.
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equal opportunity employment journal
Why is Unity Health where you want to be? Because we are who you are…dedicated, stable, and loyal to our community.
We consider applicants for all positions without regard to race, color, religion, creed, gender, national origin, age, disability, marital or veteran status, or any other legally protected status.
For job opportunities, please visit us online at: www.wcmc.org
Find your passion. Join our team. We are Arizona’s best resource for helping children and families! Our statewide presence means you can work for us anywhere in Arizona. Help us make a difference in the lives of the children and families we serve!
Contact us
800.944.7611 ext. 2136 Careers@ArizonasChildren.org
We’re on the move – literally! CRST International, Inc. is one of the nation’s leading transportation and logistics companies. Headquartered in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, we have offices throughout the United States, employing more than 1,700 1,000 office employees and 6,000 4,200 company drivers and working with more than 3,000 independent contractors. If you are interested in making a valuable contribution to a dynamic company with plans for a bright future, apply now. Learn more about us and our employment opportunities at www.crst.com We support equality for and advancement of all people based on their qualifications to perform the job and actions alone without regard to race, gender, age, religion, genetic information, national origin, disability or any other protected category.
How a Nursing Degree Can Make a Difference
by Laura Ginn
necessarily feel like you ome people are would be a good candisimply not satisdate to become a doctor, fied with getting a surgeon, or a therapist, any old job just to make a nursing degree may be ends meet. Others refuse the perfect solution. With to go into the corporate a nursing degree, espeworld because they do cially at the bachelor’s not agree with the lack and master’s levels, you of ethical behavior that can do so much every many companies exhibit. day to positively impact Therefore, these are the the lives of others. types of individuals who really want to make a As a nurse, you have difference in the world As a nurse, you have so so many career opporby using their skills and many career opportunities tunities to choose from. their career choices to So whether you want to to choose from. help people, wildlife, or work in the emergency pets, or to clean up the room of a hospital to environment, help find cures to illnesses and help those who are traumatized and injured heal people, and assist in making the world or you want to help administer chemothera better place before they die. apy to cancer patients and help them have When it comes to choosing a degree that a more positive outlook on their disease, a will not only let you make a positive dif- nursing degree will open all of these doors ference in the world, but also allow you to and more. Or you can instead choose to make a decent wage that you can then use to work in a specific area of a hospital, such buy a house and raise and support a family, as in the maternity ward where babies are the choices can certainly be limited. However, if you are one of these idealists born or in the geriatric section, where you who wants a job that will open up doors can help the elderly. If you do not want to work in a hospital to helping others, what you need to realize environment, you can certainly also work is that you do have more choices than you as a nurse in a private practice. You can thought. You can go into law, for example, and work by helping victims of crime get choose to be a nurse for a specialist or for the justice they deserve. Or you can instead a general care physician, helping to draw go into politics to help change the system blood, administer vaccinations, prepare from the inside. But one degree that can charts, and interview patients before they allow you to help heal others and make see the doctor. There are lots of careers available to them feel better each and every day is a people with a nursing degree, and you are nursing degree. If you want to get into a field that helps sure to make a difference. heal those who are sick, but you do not Article provided by Constant-Content.com The Agricultural Division of Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations, L.L.C. is located in Des Moines, Iowa, stands on almost 120 acres and has 1500 employees. Our company offers a competitive benefits package and many development opportunities for our teammates, including an on-site college program, leadership training and technical training. To view current openings or to apply online visit www.bato-bridgestone.icims.com or fax your resume to 515-235-4079. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations, L.L.C. Agricultural Division 4600 N.W. 2nd Avenue | Des Moines, IA 50313 | EOE
Since 1983, Four Seasons Environmental, Inc. has offered consulting services that help its clients save money, whether it is through high performance equipment operations, more efficient maintenance practices, energy efficiency or other avenues. As a veteran-owned business, FSE is privileged to provide consulting expertise that help its clients to be more efficient, including Facility Commissioning, Energy Savings Services, HB 264 Consulting and LEED Consulting Services. Learn more about us and our current openings at:
We are an institutional, commercial, full-facility operation and maintenance contractor and equal opportunity employer including protected veterans and individuals with disabilities.
November 2016
November 2016 continued from page 24
other types of academic backgrounds bring. For example, American Community Survey data show that more than half of management, business, and financial operations workers majored in a subject other than business, such as social sciences or communications. No matter what your major, it’s important to study a range of nonbusiness subjects, such as English or history. Diversifying your education also may boost your pay. For example, occupations in which workers have knowledge of computer science and engineering often command some of the highest wages. Some occupations typically require education beyond a bachelor’s degree. These include statisticians, economists, and industrialorganizational psychologists, who usually need a master’s degree; and postsecondary business teachers, who usually need a doctoral degree. Workers still might benefit from earning a master’s degree in business administration (MBA) or similar degree even if advanced education isn’t usually required in a particular business occupation. Getting this credential might improve your job prospects or help you to qualify for higher paying jobs.
equal opportunity employment journal student chapters of national business organizations, such as DECA or the Future Business Leaders of America. Another way to set yourself up for success is by doing one or more internships while in school. For some jobs, this might be the best way to get hired at the entry level because employers may prefer to extend offers to their interns upon graduation. In college, you may even be able to get academic credit for completing an internship related to your major. Work in a related occupation. To qualify for entry-level positions in some occupations, especially management, you first must work a number of years in a related occupation. For example, computer and information systems managers usually need 5 or more years of experience in an information technology occupation that relates to the work they will manage.
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Pelham Medical Center Exciting Opportunities
After they’re hired, workers in some businessrelated occupations need onthe-job training to become fully qualified. Depending on the occupation, they may need a lot of training. For example, actuaries might work for years as trainees, learning from experienced workers while also taking a series of tests Experience Another way to set that will lead to Work experience certification. is helpful or even yourself up for success Training perirequired for getting ods are somewhat an entry-level busi- is by internships while shorter for other ness job, dependin school. occupations, ing on the occupasuch as wholetion. You can begin building your résumé while you’re sale and manufacturing sales in school. But when you start your representatives, but some training career, understand that you may periods may last for up to a year. have to work several years to gain For example, sales representatives the experience you need for the job might participate in formal company training programs and then you want. Student opportunities. Students shadow experienced representatives interested in a business career can to learn how the job is done. Although details vary by state, begin preparing as early as high school. For example, you can dem- some occupations require a license onstrate leadership skills by getting specific to the work you do. For involved in student government. Or example, workers who sell finanyou might pursue small entrepre- cial products usually need licenses neurship endeavors, such as starting for the types of products they sell. Employers typically sponsor these a small lawnmowing business. Networking is essential. One workers and may allow time or way to start making profession- provide training to prepare for the al contacts is to join clubs or necessary exams. Article provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics
DO YOU WANT TO BE PART OF SOMETHING THAT COULD REDEFINE YOUR CAREER? Join Pelham Medical Center and be part of a unique facility devoted to quality patient care. It’s this patient-centered focus that led to a national award in patient room layout from the Center for Health Design. Pelham Medical Center, conveniently located in Greer, South Carolina, includes an emergency department, medical/surgical units, intensive care and more. Recognizing that quality patient care requires quality professionals, we offer competitive salary and benefit packages. Be a part of our innovative approach to health care at Pelham Medical Center. For more information or to apply, please call a hospital recruiter at 800-288-7762 or visit PelhamMedicalCenter.com.
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equal opportunity employment journal
November 2016
Taking your career to new heights.
Pratt & Whitney is an equal employment opportunity, affirmative action employer dedicated to matching talent and technology. To see our current openings and to learn more about our benefits, visit www.pw.utc.com/Careers.. Connect with us
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