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eoe journal

September 2020

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Table of Contents

Editorial Comment

consider myself a diplomatic person on almost every level. I feel as though I am able deal with most (if not all) people in a sensitive and effective way. I believe having a healthy dose of compassion along with good listening skills is the combination to understanding others. There are so many things in the world today that require compassion and active listening skills. During this time in history with COVID-19 as well as heightened racial unrest, we are intensely listening to leaders and experts and protesters and victims and protectors of the peace. Unfortunately, many strong viewpoints directly oppose alternate viewpoints and it feels there is rarely a middle ground. I don't know about you, but I feel there are currently so many viewpoints to unpack that it can feel overwhelming to decide what is right or true or accurate. I have friends who only listen to one side of an argument. But I don't believe that's really listening. It's more like confirming or even bolstering one's current beliefs. I would argue we should "actively" listen to as many "sides" as possible. Active listening involves listening with all the senses. As well as giving full attention to a speaker, it is important that the "active listener" is also "seen" to be listening...so that the speaker feels heard. Interest can be conveyed to the speaker by using both verbal and non-verbal messages such as eye contact, nodding your head, smiling, or some other sign that is encouraging for the speaker to continue. If active listening is a key to understanding, I sure wish we would all do a bit more of it. If we all made an effort to listen and understand or neighbors, even if their beliefs are somewhat different than our own, we might find our current situation a bit more manageable. But that's just me.

Lisa Petty, Editor Equal Opportunity Employment Journal

The eoejournal is published bimonthly by EOEJournal, Inc. The ownership and management of EOEJ fully and actively support equal opportunity for and advancement of all people without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, sex, pregnancy, citizenship, ancestry, veteran status, marital status, physical disability, mental disability, medical condition, age, gender identity, and sexual orientation or any other characteristic protected by state or federal law.

How to Build a Successful Law Enforcement Career with The Three Cs Page 3 The Best Police Podcasts of 2020

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IT Careers: Eight Telling Statistics on Jobs and Hiring Now

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How to Prepare for a Technology Career

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Minorities in Medicine: a Look at Physician Diversity

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Is a Career as a Licensed Practical Nurse Right for You?

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3 Common Myths & Realities About Being a Nurse

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Connected Care a Boon for Veterans During the Pandemic

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COVID-19: How Teachers Can Help Students Transition Back to School Page 20 Ideas to Help You Find a New Job in a Pandemic

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MBA Specialization Options for Accounting and Finance

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7000 N. 16th Street Suite 120-315 Phoenix, AZ 85020 Phone: 602-604-9133 EOEJ accepts freelance editorial contributions for publishing. Submissions must be on the subject of jobs, job searching, employment opportunities and/or related subjects. Email submissions to graphics@eoejournal.com

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One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say. - Bryant McGill

September 2020

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How To Build a Successful Law Enforcement Career with The Three Cs


by Amaury Murgado

recently had a great conversation Competent with one of the owners at the Being competent means having armory where I work as operathe necessary ability, knowledge, tions manager. He is former milior skill to do something successtary, former law enforcement, and a fully. Of the three elements, I feel competitive shooter like me. Since competency is the simplest, though we share similar backgrounds, we not necessarily the easiest to obtain. were able to have a fruitful discusCompetency is born out of the classsion about what characteristics make room: a great deal of training and a good soldier, a good law enforcetons of study. ment officer, and a well-rounded Since the only cure for inexperiemployee. ence is experience, you must create a At the end of the day, we had group of related abilities, knowledge condensed a laundry list of elements bases, and skills that will enable you into just three. We agreed that these to act with purpose to meet your three were critical components that goals and objectives. In other words, cut through all professions and not must first learn the technical In order to have a successful law enforcement you just our own. We found that these side of your job and how to apply three elements were an active part that knowledge in a wide variety of career, you need to be competent, of any desirable trait, skill, or charsituations. capable, and confident. acteristic, especially in law enforceLaw enforcement competency ment. Deciding it was worth sharing, I present our combined thoughts in involves a great deal of hands-on training and an equal amount of the form of three elements one would need in order to have a successful scenario-based role play. Your training must identify what you can and career. You need to be competent, capable, and confident. can’t use in the field. Your role play is where you try out your new

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September 2020

levels and we take things knowledge for the first time. If you Confidence is the glue that holds competence and for granted. We forget that want to shorten your learning curve, your path to competency should capability together; you need all three to make it work. what’s old hat for us is new to everyone else. We also contain a lessons-learned comexpect everyone to get it the first time because we consider it so obvious. ponent from other officers and agencies. This will enable you to lessen I remember the first traffic ticket I ever wrote. It was like I was working the number of mistakes you will inevitably make as you try to gain some in a foreign language. I took so long to complete the task that the driver experience. You will soon learn that competency in and of itself is not enough. I being issued the citation even asked me if it was my first ticket. Fast have known many book-smart officers who handled training well in a forward to when I became a field training officer. I applied my own controlled environment. But place those same officers in the field, in a lessons learned and made my recruits fill out 10 blank copies of tickets real-world situation, and they needed constant supervision because they before they ever wrote a real one. By the time they wrote their first ticket, it was really their eleventh. I never wanted anyone to have to had no street smarts. repeat my fiasco. Capable I applied that principle as a sergeant and as a lieutenant as well. The next part of being successful falls under the heading of being Getting over the first-time call hump went a long way toward buildcapable. Sure, you know how to do it in theory, and you may have done ing confidence. Whenever we had a major call, I always put my most well during your roleplay, but can you do it in real life? All the theory inexperienced officer on it. Obviously, someone more experienced in the world won’t help you if you can’t apply it. Can you turn what would mentor them along but the result was that they were much better you learned into action? Can you go to a call for service, mitigate the prepared for the next one. situation, and bring it to a successful resolution? When necessary, do Don’t ever take confidence for granted. It’s a big deal especially for new you know who to call for help or hand it off to when your part is done? people. Never forget what you went through to get where you are now. In short, can you do the job? Though the best indicator of future performance is past performance, Final Words There you have it, a friendly conversation that turned into some sage there is a definite bridge that must be crossed from competency to capaadvice. If you focus on these three elements and think of them as buildbility. Just because you graduated from the academy doesn’t guarantee anything. I have trained many new officers at the police academy over ing blocks to a successful career, I’d say you are well on your way to the years. One thing that always becomes clear is that not everyone will getting there. I think you will find that if you look at anyone you admire, get hired or let alone pass their field training program. Competency and past or present, they have probably mastered all three and that’s why you look up to them. capability are not the same thing. If nothing else, I hope this article has created two well-meaning The last component we are going to discuss is confidence. Confidence questions. The first, how can you build upon your own competence, is the glue that holds competence and capability together; you need all capability, and confidence? Second, is there anything you can do to help three to make it work. build competence, capability, and confidence at your agency? That’s the Confident harder of the two for sure; I wish you well with both. Normally, we have a certain lack of confidence when we do something Copyright Police Magazine/PoliceMag.com Used with permission. for the first time. Since we all don’t learn the same way, some catch on Murgado is retired lieutenant from the Osceola County (FL) Sheriff’s Office with over sooner than others. As veteran officers, we don’t help matters much. Amaury 30 years of experience. He also retired from the Army Reserve as a master sergeant. Like so many other professionals, we have built up our experience He holds a Master of Political Science degree from the University of Central Florida.


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September 2020

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The Best Police Podcasts of 2020


very police officer has a story to tell. These podcasts let you hear from the officers themselves in their own words. The calls the that went well, and those that went sideways. Guests includes officers working in a variety of jobs in law enforcement and the topics cover everything about their professional and personal lives.

that anyone would find interesting. With new episodes airing every Monday, former Massachusetts police officer, Steve Gould, presents an array of shocking, terrifying and humorous moments through interviews with real police officers. While the stories are entertaining in and of themselves, this podcast can also help those who aren’t on the force get to know a more personal side of the boys in blue. If you’re an officer yourself, you’re sure to find yourself relating to these interviews as you laugh, gasp or crying along with There are a lot law enforcement the officers as they recount their experijobs out there, including those with ences on the field. local, state, and federal law enforceSteven Gould is a former natural Every police officer has a story to tell. ment agencies. Whether you’re in resource and municipal police officer, law enforcement, interested in going These podcasts let you hear from the officers background investigator for the LAPD into the field, or just fascinated by law and vlogger from Massachusetts. The themselves in their own words. enforcement, we’ve narrowed down idea for Things Police See came from the the many police podcast options and have hand-picked eight of the very discussions he would have with his friends and colleagues, Ken Roybal best to share with you. From first-hand accounts from the lives of real (co-host of Things Police See) and Pat Buchanan. He felt that if people cops to inspiring stories and tips on maintaining mental and physical well- outside of law enforcement could hear the same unfiltered, real-life, firstbeing as an officer, read on to find a podcast that’s right up your alley. hand accounts from people in the field, it could help them understand The topics covered in these podcast episodes vary from the police back- them better as human beings and gain a better appreciation for what they ground check, police polygraph questions, police oral board questions, see and do on a daily basis. and how to pass the police exam. These podcasts provide an amazing look The Squad Room at being in law enforcement, something normally reserved only for those http://www.thesquadroom.net/ with a badge. Life on the force comes with many mental, physical and emotional chal-

Things Police See: First-Hand Accounts

https://thingspolicesee.com/ Things Police See: Real Stories from Real Officers is a podcast

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lenges. The Squad Room is a podcast that’s devoted to helping police officers stay mentally, physically and emotionally fit. Host Garrett Te Slaa is a sworn deputy sheriff is taking the journey along with his listeners as

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equal opportunity employment journal

he applies the lessons shared through the series to his own life. The Squad Room is comprised of three aspects. The first features interviews with various subject matter experts who share their knowledge in order to help officers and first responders live healthier and better lives. The second is interviews with both active duty and retired law enforcement officers who share inspirational stories. The third aspect of the series is a documentary of Garrett Te Slaa himself in which he shares tips for achieving success as well as lessons he’s learned in his own life. With more than 100 episodes available, The Squad Room can help officers be their best..

Sergeant Garrett Te Slaa has an impressive and inspiring background. First and foremost, he’s a law enforcement veteran of 14-plus years from Southern California. In addition to his assignments in patrol, detective work, court services, internal affairs, community resources and gang enforcement, Sergeant Te Slaa has a Master’s Degree in Public Administration, with a major in Organizational Leadership and Management. He’s also a graduate of the Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute, a TEDx Speaker and a contributing writer to Law Enforcement Today and PoliceOne.

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September 2020

Cop Life

http://www.coplifepodcast.com/ If you have friends or relatives in law enforcement and are curious what their challenging work-lives are like, if you’re thinking about becoming a police officer, or if you are an officer who might find some solace in hearing stories you can relate to, Cop Life is a podcast that’s made for you. Each episode of the show is designed to give listeners a clear view of life from the perspective of a police officer. Keith, the host of the show, aims to answer such questions as: What are the frustrations and stresses of being a street cop in society’s current climate? What types of calls does a street cop work throughout the week? What are the rewarding parts of the job? How does an officer balance work, home and play? Anyone inside or outside of law enforcement can tune in to Cop Life to get a clear behind-the-badge perspective of life as an officer. The show is hosted by Keith, a police veteran from a large city in Texas. He has 18 years of experience on patrol, a decade of which was spent preparing rookies fresh from the academy to be ready to hit the streets. Through Cop Life, Keith aims to honor the honorable officers, acknowledge the shortcomings of some within the field of law enforcement, expose the dishonorable cops out there and praise the work of those who are regularly overlooked.

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September 2020

equal opportunity employment journal

to think like cops, while helping cops re-learn how to think like regular people again. The belief of the producer, Terence Herrick, is that this can be done by sharing perspectives to identify each party’s motives and make sure that each party is not only heard but understood. Terence Herrick began his 5-year stint in law enforcement determined to help make the world a better place by helping people and fighting injustice. After a half-decade on the force, he had been worn-down and had seen a lot of dark and broken places. Protests against the police began sparking up across the country as he watched the divide between public and law enforcement grow wider. After hanging up his uniform, Terence started Police Academy on a mission to spread the truth about police officers, the public, and the incidents that spark outrage among the people.

Go Law Enforcement

https://golawenforcement.com/resources/podcast/ Go Law Enforcement is an excellent podcast for anyone with an interest in going into the field. It provides great exposure to the different law enforcement jobs that are available. Listening to these episodes, you will find out about the police officer requirements, the law enforcement entrance exam, and police psychological test questions. The podcast is designed to provide first-hand career tips from actual police officers who share what they know about their specialties. Whether you’re working in law enforcement already and are curious about taking a specific career path or are simply interested in working in law enforcement but have no idea where you’d like to begin, this podcast can certainly help you decide. Tune in to hear real details from experienced officers in fields like Homicide Investigation, Crime Scene Investigation, K-9 and much more. Go Law Enforcement was founded in 2008 to help people interested in a law enforcement career achieve their goals. In addition to the information shared through their podcast, their website also offers assistance with finding and preparing for the right career path in all of the different types of law enforcement, finding job openings and winning the job selection process with police department8 jobs. Whether you want insight into the police written test, or police scenario questions that you are likely to be asked on the police oral board interview, you will find it here. Article provided by GoLawEnforcement.com, Pass the Police Exame the first time.

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Page 7


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September 2020

IT CAREERS: Eight Telling Statistics on Jobs and Hiring Now by David F. Carr

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hat's happening in the IT jobs market during the pandemic? What roles are more or less in demand? Let's dig into some recent IT careers data points This is a time of uncertainty for everyone in every industry, about job prospects and job security – among many other things. Will people in IT who play their cards right avoid the worst of the impacts on the economy? It may depend on your specialty. “In IT right now, if it’s value-based and companies can make money off of it, I think salaries will go up – one of the few areas where salaries will be going up,” says Jay A. Block, a career coach, author, and coach to other career coaches. “Given these uncertain times, and with all of the remote work taking place, information security talent at all levels will continue to be in high demand for the foreseeable future,” Kelly Doyle, managing director, Heller Search Associates, an executive search firm that specializes in CIOs and other IT leaders, told us recently. You don’t have to be an economist to forecast that the current crisis is accelerating a transition from face-toface to remote interaction, mediated by Zoom and other technologies, Block says, so naturally, technologists who position themselves well should prosper. Of course, he adds, “that’s just my opinion.” Let’s delve into some recent data points: 1. Tech job postings were up in the first three months of the year, topping 300,000 in March, according to a Dice Tech Job Report that shows the early impact of COVID-19’s effect on the economy. Dice saw well over 50,000 job postings per week in the first months of the year, with spikes in demand in February and postings in early April still about where they were in January. Art Zeile, CEO of Dice parent company DHI Group, Inc., provided additional commentary via email, saying he was confident the trends from the first three months of the year are still holding up in May: “Over the past several weeks, we’ve seen a stable number of tech job postings, roughly in line with the trailing twelve-month average and similar to what other online recruiting sites have reported, as enterprises look to accelerate the use of technology in their business. Now more than ever, businesses realize they need an online business model, a way of delivering services without being face-to-face, and a way to manage their remote employees effectively.” 2. However, the IT jobs picture is less rosy according to CompTIA data, which shows 112,000 U.S. IT jobs lost in April, in what the WSJ reported was a record drop. The WSJ also noted that Labor Department data (released in early May) finds 20.5 million U.S. jobs cut across all occupations in April. 3. 11 percent of companies tracked by the Conference Board are cutting executive pay, including some in tech. The Conference Board, a nonprofit organization that tracks economic statistics and corporate governance

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practices, has put out a report 5. Some cybersecurity jobs have on all the organizations currentseen a roughly 20 percent surge in ly cutting executive pay, usually demand: This one was somewhat starting at the C-suite but in many predictable, given the rapidity cases trickling farther down the with which many more employees organization. than ever before suddenly found As FastCompany points out, themselves working from home, “Some of the findings may surprise placing unprecedented stress on you: For instance, the salary reducvirtual private networks and other tions are not just hitting top execusystems for securing work-attives and their fat bonuses. At last home arrangements. count, 61 percent of the affected Some of the most interesting stacompanies applied pay reductions tistics in the Dice jobs report cover to the base salaries of senior manwhat changed between February agers who make less than top-tier and March, as the impact of stayexecutives, the Conference Board at-home orders began to be felt says. It adds that 11 percent of all more broadly. During that period, “Given these uncertain times, and with all of companies in the index announced demand for cybersecurity engibase pay cuts between March 1 neers surged 20 percent. the remote work taking place, information and April 24.” The need was also reflected Of the companies cutting salin postings for other job titles, security talent at all levels will continue to be aries and bonuses, 6.6 percent including cybersecurity analyst in high demand for the foreseeable future.” are in information technology (+23 percent), cybersecurity spe— although some, like Expedia, cialist (+21 percent), cybersecuare also travel and hospitality companies. rity consultant (+11 percent), cybersecurity architect (+11 percent), and Some tech firms are asking employees to help them stay solvent by cybersecurity manager (+8 percent). switching more of their compensation from cash to stock. 6. Demand for web developers dropped 25 percent, February to March: In the context of the overall tech job market, those impacts have been Dice data found that job postings for front-end developers dipped 25 perrelatively minor, Dice's Zeile says – largely confined to those companies cent between February and March, while another role related to making whose technologies tied to sectors of the economy that have been directly websites look good – graphic designer – saw a 17 percent drop. affected by stay-at-home orders. He points to Lyft reducing executive pay 7. What other developer job titles dropped? Other job titles seeing fewer by 20-30 percent. postings included business intelligence analyst (-13 percent), senior soft4. The number-one reason technologists change employers is to seek ware developer (-11 percent), and software developer (-8 percent). higher compensation (71 percent), Zeile points out, according to Dice’s 8. What other developer job titles gained? The damage wasn’t spread 2020 Tech Salary Report. That’s followed by seeking better working evenly across the software development profession. The demand for .NET conditions (47 percent). For all the stress they’re under, companies can’t developers rose 12 percent over the same period, and postings for systems afford to lose their best people right now, he says. engineers were up 11 percent.

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When we talked to IT recruiters in April about IT roles that were fading in importance, four came up frequently: system administrators, project managers, quality assurance engineers, and back-end and front-end engineers (as opposed to full-stack developers.)

As for IT roles with plenty of upside for the future, recruiters cited product managers, security professionals, analytics pros, and data scientists and engineers. As for IT roles with plenty of upside for the future, recruiters cited product managers, security professionals, analytics pros, and data scientists and engineers.

Articulate your value, IT job hunters

The way Zeile sees it, the trend is for companies to double down on essentials like the security, stability, and scalability of corporate infrastructure over creating a prettier website or more elaborate apps. In other words, they are addressing the technology needs they see as absolutely essential and putting other things on hold. Even if technologists may be insulated from the worst of the economic trends, Block says they will need to be able to articulate the value they offer to potential employers. “Those can come up with a message that says ‘I can make you money or save you money’ will get hired. Those who can’t, won’t.” Article provided by www.enterprisersproject.com, a community helping CIOs and IT leaders solve problems. David F. Carr is a writer, speaker, student of digital business, and the author of "Social Collaboration for Dummies." He previously served as an editor for InformationWeek, Baseline Magazine, and Internet World and has written for Forbes, CIO Magazine, and Defense Systems.

September 2020

How to Prepare for a Technology Career T

by B.E. Conrad

he technology sector has been going strong, and that growth is likely to continue for the foreseeable future. Advances in artificial technology and the changes the future will bring mean there will be more need for highly skilled workers than ever before. For young people, the training for this technological future often focuses on high school and college courses. Education in science, technology, engineering and math, the so-called STEM fields, is increasingly popular, but what if you are too old for school and already ensconced in your career? If you are already in the workforce, but looking for a fresh new challenge, transitioning to tech could be a smart move. There are many ways to gain the skills you will need for a successful transition, and there are many valid paths to success. Here are some tips for transitioning into a great new tech career.

Consider a Combination Position

Not all tech careers are the same, and the skills needed vary widely from position to position. If you are working in a non-tech position and looking for a new challenge, why not consider a combination or crossover position? Some career paths, including positions like business analysts and quality assurance technician, use a combination of technical and non-technical skills to get the job done. If you have great people skills and an eye for detail, adding some technological training could help you qualify for a great new crossover career.

Highlight Your Past Achievements

It can be hard for an employer to take a chance on an unproven worker, especially with positions as critical as the IT staff or network support. Even if you are already

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with the company, the boss may view you as an unproven entity in your proposed technological career. To fight back against this preconception, highlight your past achievements. Focusing on the positive and pointing out what you have already done could set their minds at ease and convince them to give you a chance.

Ask for a Probationary Period

When you are transitioning to a new tech career, the only thing you can hope for is a chance to prove yourself. The abilities you have demonstrated may get you in the door, but you will still need to prove you can do the job. If your employer is still uncertain about the tech transition you are proposing, try asking for a probationary period. This testing period will allow you to prove what you can do and showcase what you have to offer.



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Seek Out a Tech Mentor

Sometimes the best way to learn about new technology is to shadow the people who do it every day. Seeking out a mentor is a great way to learn the technological ropes, especially if you hope to transition into a similar career. If you want to transition from your current job to a new career in technology, ask your boss about this type of mentorship. You could spend your break time helping the IT guy install cable or shadow an experienced technician during your lunch hour. If you cannot find a mentor in-house, joining local computer club or talking to your tech-savvy friends could be the next best thing.

Teach Yourself - But Document the Results

If you are looking for a technology career but lack the skills, don't despair. There are more opportunities to train you than ever before, and many of them are completely free. From instructional videos on how to install CAT5 and fiber optic cable to boot camp style courses that help you learn the most popular operating systems from the inside out, there are resources everywhere you turn. So take the initiative and get the training you need. When you feel you are ready, you can document your abilities and demonstrate what you have learned by earning certification, passing industry-approved tests and showing your employer the results. The future of technology is bright, and workers with the right skills should be in demand for some time to come. If you want to get in on the action and enjoy your own tech career, the tips listed above could help you make a successful transition. Article provided by Constant-Content.com

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September 2020

Minorities in Medicine: a Look at Physician Diversity W hy does it matter that minorities are represented in provider jobs? It matters partly because we live in a diverse society, which should be reflected in the providers serving that society, and also because diversity improves problem-solving in group situations. People’s individual perspectives influence how they search for solutions, and when the people working together to solve a problem come from diverse backgrounds and perspectives, the overall ability of the group outperforms the talent of any individual team member. This is particularly relevant in the context of healthcare, where team approaches to the practice of medicine are becoming more prevalent. In an increasingly connected world and an increasingly competitive global economy, diversity is vital. There is also a strong business case for diversity, as a comprehensive study by McKinsey & Company shows. Diversity is positively correlated with financial performance and is both a competitive advantage and growth driver. Specifically, organizations in the top quartile for diversity in executive suites

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Where We Are Now in Terms of Diversity in Medicine

The physician workforce in the United States consists of just under 9 percent of physicians who identify as black, Native American, Alaska Native, Hispanic or Latino. This is not representative of the nation as a whole. For example, blacks make up 13 percent of the national population, but only 4 percent of the physician workforce. Among non-whites, women make up a higher percentage of young physicians under age 30. In this demographic group, 48 percent of physicians

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are likelier to outperform the industry as a whole, and this correlation has held in every McKinsey report on the subject since 2014. The converse is true as well, in that the organizations that do not value diversity suffer financially. Organizations in the lowest quartile in terms of gender and ethnic diversity are likelier to underperform compared to their competitors. And we're not just talking about retail or tech corporations — this trend applies to medical practices and hospital systems, too.

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September 2020

equal opportunity employment journal

are men, and 52 percent are women. This is especially true among black physicians, where women outnumber men of all ages. Among black medical school applicants, approximately two-thirds are women. Currently and historically, minority-serving institutions are the largest producers of black and Hispanic or Latino physicians. Howard University and Meharry Medical College graduated the most black physicians from 1980 to 2012. The U.S. medical schools that graduate the most Hispanic and Latino physicians from 1980 to 2012 were The University of Puerto Rico, Universidad Central del Caribe and Ponce Health Sciences University, all located in Puerto Rico. In most subgroups of Asian physicians, men outnumber women, except for Filipino physicians, where women make up 51.3 percent of the physician workforce. In the Native American and Alaska Native physician population, men outnumber women in all age groups, especially in the 50 and older age group.

The Twentieth Century and the Roots of Diversity

The push for hiring diversity, as most people think of it, began during the Civil Rights era of the 1960s. At the federal level, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 removed many barriers to access to professions, and the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 removed many racebased barriers to educational access. From the middle years of the 1960s onward, medical schools formed minority affairs offices to help ensure compliance with civil rights legislation. The focus in these earliest days in the push for greater diversity was primarily on recruitment and retention of minority students. While important, these efforts did relatively little toward sustainable diversification of the physician workforce. Beginning in the 1980s, diversity gained prominence in higher education, with curricula for ethnic and gender studies becoming more common. More medical schools devoted at least a portion of their curricula to practicing medicine in a more diverse patient population. Inclusiveness on undergraduate and medical campuses increased, and awareness of diversity among white students generally increased. It was at this time that the value of diversity to the practice of medicine

began to be realized. Medical school diversity offices worked harder to cultivate the success of underrepresented students, faculty and staff members, yet diversity was not yet integrated with the core mission of creating the American physician population. The concept that diversity and excellence are complementary and intertwined was gaining traction, however.

Women in Medicine

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Though not “minorities” in a strictly populationbased sense, women have nonetheless been historically underrepresented in physician jobs

Though not “minorities” in a strictly population-based sense, women have nonetheless been historically underrepresented in physician jobs. Things are changing, however; in 2012, 48.3 percent of medical school graduates were women. Of practicing physicians that year, 30.1 percent were women. Women’s representation in medicine is strongly associated with specialty, as 2012 statistics also show. That year, women made up over 82 percent of OBGYN trainees and nearly 75 percent of pediatric trainees. Women made up majorities in the specialties of dermatology, family medicine, pathology, and psychiatry as well. Yet that same year, under 14 percent of orthopedics trainees were women. Areas of over and under representation among women physicians have become the subject of curiosity among more medical diversity officials, and the fact is, no one really knows why the numbers skew as they do. Are women drawn to careers in family medicine, OBGYN and pediatrics, or are they subtly being diverted toward those particular fields rather than (higher paying) specialties like surgery and orthopedics? The question also arises of how women’s pay as physicians compares to men’s. Not only do the specialties frequently chosen by women pay less than male-dominated specialties, within those more heavily female specialties, women’s salaries were still less than men’s according to the Medscape Female Physician Compensation Report for 2017. Specifically,


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The United States Government does not discriminate in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy and gender identity), national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, genetic information, age, membership in an employee organization, retaliation, parental status, military service, or other non-merit factor.

This organization does not discriminate in any way to deprive any person of employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affect the status of any employee because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, citizenship, veteran status, or military or uniformed services, in accordance with all applicable governmental laws and regulations.

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September 2020

women in primary care specialties earned an average of $192,000, while men earned an average of $225,000.

Other Minorities in Medicine

While women currently make up nearly 40 percent of full-time medical school faculty, female faculty members who are black, Latino or Hispanic, Native American, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islanders make up on 4 percent of full-time medical school faculty.

Your passion, inspiration and talents are invaluable to us and our mission to serve others. Our facility can provide a place for you to thrive and continue your professional development.

Minority physicians have historically provided most of the medical care for non-Englishspeaking and historically underserved patient populations, and they continue to do so. Of the nearly 700,000 practicing physicians in 2012, 9.2 percent were members of under-represented minorities. Among black trainees for physician jobs, the top medical specialties chosen were family medicine and OBGYN, with otolaryngology being the least frequently picked. Among Hispanic trainees, psychiatry, family medicine, OBGYN and pediatrics were most frequently chosen specialties, with ophthalmology being the least-picked specialty. These statistics, along with those concerning women physicians, show that, increasingly, the diversity “pipeline” in medical schools doesn’t necessarily translate into increased diversity across all medical specialties. Perhaps making efforts to increase women’s and minorities’ representation in traditionally white and male specialties will be the focus of the next era in diversity in medical education. Not only must the diversity of medical student populations continue to be a priority, but also these female and minority students must be exposed to and encouraged to pursue all medical specialties. After all, the country as a whole (and hence, the overall patient population) is becoming increasingly diverse, and it makes sense that all medical specialties should represent that diversity. Are minorities, like women, choosing (lower paying) primary care specialties based on their career goals, or are they being unintentionally “steered” toward these specialties? No one is certain, yet it’s an important thing to find out.

Trends in Medical Education for Minority Physicians

In the years from 2012 through 2015, numbers of racial and ethnic minorities among med school applicants, students, graduates, and faculty have remained essentially stable. The 2015 data for medical school acceptance rates indicate that white applicants are accepted at a rate of 44 percent, with Asian and Hispanic/Latino applicants being accepted at a rate of 42 percent. Black applicants, however, are accepted at a rate of 34 percent. Statistics on medical school graduates by race and ethnicity have also remained fairly constant. Whites and Asians, at 58.8 percent and 19.8 percent of medical school graduates make up the largest proportion of graduates. In 2015, 5.7 percent of medical school graduates were black, and 4.6 percent were Hispanic/Latino. It's important to note that “race” and “ethnicity” do not always conform to simple labels, and medical students surveyed may select multiple ethnicities or races reflective of multi-ethnic heritage. An increasing number of medical students identify themselves as multi-racial, which makes the collection of longitudinal data more complex. While women currently make up nearly 40 percent of full-time medical school faculty, female faculty members who are black, Latino or Hispanic, Native American, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islanders make up on 4 percent of full-time medical school faculty. The underrepresentation is particularly noticeable at the department chair level, with non-white women making up only 3 percent of department chairs. Article provided by healthecareeers.com

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We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and as such, openly supports and fully commits to recruitment, selection, placement, promotion and compensation of all individuals without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, disability status, genetics, protected veteran status or any other characteristic protected by federal, state or local laws.

AspenPointe is an affirmative action employer. No person is unlawfully excluded from consideration for employment because of age 40 and over, color, disability, gender identity, genetic information, military or veteran status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or any other applicable status protected by federal, state, or local law.

September 2020

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Is a Career as a Licensed Practical Nurse Right for You?


you're interested in a career in nursing, you may assume that you'll need a two- or four-year degree to accomplish your goals. While that's true for some nursing jobs, it's not the case with vocational nursing. You can become a licensed practical nurse (LPN)— also called a licensed vocational nurse in some states–in about 12 months, which drastically reduces your education costs and lets you quickly start a rewarding career. As an LPN, you'll provide much of the same care that a registered nurse (RN) gives. Your responsibilities will be vital but somewhat more limited than that of an RN, and you'll work under the supervision of an RN or doctor.

What LPNs Do

You'll have one-on-one contact with patients and provide the following types of care: • Taking vital signs (temperature, blood pressure, pulse, etc.) • Performing basic nursing duties (changing dressings, inserting catheters, etc.) • Giving injections • Helping patients bathe or dress • Reporting adverse reactions to medications or treatments • Collecting samples for testing • Performing routine laboratory tests

you if you have the following skills and interests: • A desire to be a caregiver and to help others • Good communication skills • Working with a wide variety of people • Being detail-oriented and able to understand and explain information you receive from patients and other health-care personnel


You'll need to complete the following requirements before starting your career: • Completion of a state-approved educational program • Earning a license by passing a NCLEX-PN exam

Job Outlook and Pay

Pay for LPNs is quite good, especially considering the relatively short amount of time it takes to start your career. Median pay is around $41,540 per year, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The job outlook is excellent, with the field growing much faster than average. From 2012-2022, jobs are expected to increase by 25 percent. Licensed practical nursing is a rewarding, in-demand career that can be started in about 12 months. These nurses provide a great deal of one-on-one care for patients, with some General Skills Required A career as an LPN may be right for duties overlapping those of an RN.

Article provided by Constant-Content.com

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Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the American with Disabilities Act and the Equal Employment Opportunity Act, provides that no person in the United States, on the grounds of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, age, sex or handicap, be denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination under any of our programs, activities, financial assistance programs, admission policies, training programs, or employment practices. It is the policy of this facility that admission, recruitment, employment and all administrative practices are conducted in compliance with these Acts.

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equal opportunity employment journal

September 2020

3 Common Myths and 3 Realities about being a Nurse N

ursing has gained increased attention throughout the years as a viable and successful career path. A nursing position is relatively easy to gain as an entry-level professional, and the demand for nurses has not decreased throughout the years, but instead has continued to increase. With our aging population and our society's increased dependence on organizational healthcare, nurses remain in high demand. Before you decide to be a nurse, however, you will want to read this list and see if some common nursing myths versus realities make the career as attractive to you.

Myth 1: You carry out the doctor's orders after (s)he makes all the decisions about the patient's care.


A nursing position is relatively easy to gain as an entry-level professional, and the demand for nurses has not decreased throughout the years, but instead has continued to increase.

San Francisco Veterans Affairs Health Care System (SFVAHCS) 4150 Clement Street • San Francisco, CA 94121

At SFVAHCS, we strive to hire only the best! Working with and for America’s veterans is a privilege, and we pride ourselves on the quality of care we provide. If you have what it takes, please consider applying for one of our available positions. You may view our announcements online and receive application materials by visiting our website at www.sanfrancisco.va.gov/careers/ or call the job hotline 415-750-2107. SFVAHCS is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

No. Instead, the fact is that bedside nurses are heavily relied upon to make decisions about the patients in their care. Often, bedside nurses see an issue, intervene with a previously successful treatment, many times without the doctor's order. This is especially common during night shift nursing when a doctor simply may not be available, or when a patient's stability is quickly declining, and there is no time to involve a doctor before making decisions about a patient's care. Doctor's are often managing many hospitalized patients, as well as their office patients, and they may miss details such as lab-work that is contraindicated with an ordered medication, drug-drug interactions that are actively causing symptoms in the patient, or early physical indications that the patient is

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September 2020

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becoming unstable. A nurse is often the healthcare professional diagnosing the patient, especially in acute care settings, and a good doctor relies on a good nurse to tell him what is wrong with the patient and offer advice on how to treat that patient.

Myth 2: You will make a lot of money. Fact:

No, you won't. Nurses on average are low-income earners, with hospitals, home health and hospice companies usually paying the most. Expect to make between $13-22 an hour starting out as an RN. Most hospitals have top out pay for nurses, which is around $30-40 an hour, even for nurses with double digit years of experience. You can live off a nursing wage, but you will never be wealthy or rich, and most nurses live paycheck to paycheck. With the physically demanding aspect of the work, and the intensity of life and death situations that nurses deal with routinely, the pay will simply not be worth it to if you are going into nursing with money as the main motivation.

Myth 3: Being a nurse will let you help people. Fact:

This myth is mostly true, thankfully. Unfortunately you will find yourself in situations that you may feel are morally or ethically wrong. Many experienced nurses find themselves disagreeing with prolonged life support measures, especially artificially prolonging life when there is no hope of recovery. These situations can arise out of the decisions of family members when the patient is unable to make their own healthcare decisions, or when there is no family available to make healthcare decisions. Nurses may find themselves questioning the ethics of discharging a patient from the hospital to home health when that patient cannot move and may need care in a skilled-nursing facility, or even a short-term rehab to regain strength and get physical therapy. Nurses face these ethical dilemmas about human dignity and patient's rights frequently, and are often powerless to advocate for the patient's under their care. When you do successfully help someone, however, your feelings of satisfaction will be incredible. When your actions as a nurse save a life, help a dying patient return home and spend their last days with family and friends, or provide comfort and support to family members during a heartbreaking time in their lives, then all the stress and ethical dilemmas and frustrations become irrelevant, and being a nurse again becomes the most rewarding thing in the world.


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Page 18

equal opportunity employment journal

September 2020

Connected Care a Boon for Veterans During the Pandemic T

Telehealth video visits by Veterans have increased by 1,132 — All care can start with a virtual discussion.

he COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically altered the daily lives of Veterans across the country. This includes how they are connecting with their VA health care teams. They are increasingly using VA technologies such as My HealtheVet, VA’s online health portal, and VA Video Connect, VA’s secure video visit application. VA has been a leader in using technology to connect with Veterans for well over a decade. And the use of VA’s digital health has been consistently increasing year over year. The COVID19 pandemic has made those services essential. Many Veterans have been staying at home, taking precautions against the coronavirus. “VA’s connected technologies allow us deliver care to Veterans in a way that is convenient and fits into their daily lives,” said Dr. Neil Evans. Evans is VA’s chief officer for the Office of Connected Care. “VA has been a national leader in telehealth for more than a decade. It delivers care to Veterans in more than 50 clinical specialties across a variety of applications and platforms.”

Three of the most popular tools

One of the most popular tools Veterans are

The goal of these services is to make VA the health care the system of choice for Veterans and provide services that make access to care more convenient. VA has been pioneering telehealth solutions and increasing adoption among Veterans and providers. Now with COVID19 necessitating increased precautions for inperson interaction, the services provided by Connected Care are more popular than ever.

More Veterans are adopting VA’s digital health technology options

using to connect with their VA health care teams is VA Video Connect. That program lets Veterans connect by video with their VA care teams while staying home. Even more highly utilized is My HealtheVet. VA’s online patient portal lets Veterans request VA prescription refills, review their medical records and connect directly with their health care providers through secure online messages. Veterans are also increasingly using VA’s Mobile App Store. There, they can download apps that offer assistance with pain management, self-care reminders and more.

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On March 1, 2020, 9% of Veterans enrolled in VA health care used telehealth for part of their care. Over the next three months, that percentage more than doubled. By the end of June, 18% of Veterans were using telehealth. More than 1.1 million Veterans used digital health options in fiscal year 2020, through the end of June. Those options include synchronous, asynchronous or remote patient monitoring. Telehealth video visits to the Veteran’s home or other non-VA place of choice have increased by 1,132% since February. VA providers conducted approximately 11,000 visits a week during the last week in February. That number has risen more than 12-fold, exceeding 138,700

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visits a week in late June. My HealtheVet has processed over 11.2 million VA prescription refill requests and managed over 11.6 million secure messages between Veterans and their health care teams from January to June 2020. Compared to the same period in 2019, these increases represent approximately 911,000 additional prescription refill requests and more than 2.8 million additional secure messages sent between Veterans and their health care teams. “Telehealth technologies are allowing us to support Veterans as they connect with their providers for routine appointments, mental health appointments, specialty care discussions, and much more. Granted, not all care can be delivered remotely. But all care can at least start with a virtual discussion, which has been extremely valuable for optimizing Veterans’ care during the current pandemic,” Evans said.

To support Veterans whose mobile phone plans have limited data services, VA has partnered with Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile, Sprint, and SafeLink by TracFone to provide data at no charge to Veterans using VA Video Connect. VA is also providing eligible Veterans with technology to use in their homes. Since March, VA has distributed 12,838 tablets to Veterans. Veterans across the country use more than 44,800 VA-issued tablets. Those Veterans didn’t previously have access to the necessary internet service or technology at home to connect with VA. Telehealth technologies are more available and Veterans are more familiar with VA Video Connect as an option for care. Evans predicted that services like VA video appointments will continue to be widely used, even after the pandemic subsides. Evans recommends that Veterans talk with their VA care provider to Minimizing the digital divide for learn what connected services are available to them or visit connectedVeterans in rural areas VA is also committed to reducing the digital divide so that all Veterans care.va.gov for more information. can fully participate in telehealth services. That includes Veterans who Article provided by www.blogs.va.gov live in rural areas.

At Getinge, we believe that helping to save lives is the greatest job in the world. We are proud to develop innovative healthcare and life science solutions that help improve everyday life for people – today and tomorrow. We are looking for talented employees who share our passion for making a difference. Visit our Talent Community site us-careers.getinge.com to connect with us and learn more about our job opportunities. Getinge is an equal opportunity employer.

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September 2020

COVID-19: How Teachers Can Help Students Transition Back to School Authors: Carl Leonard, Gail Brown


epending on which state or territory you’re in, the impending or current return to full-time, face-to-face learning in schools is an exciting time for students and teachers and, no doubt, a blessed relief for many parents and carers. It is also a critical time regarding maximising learning opportunities, both during and after this transition. We are changed and different now, and we can move forward together, being kind and supportive to all.

School situations vary within and across states and territories. At the time of writing, different levels of restriction are operating for the return to classroom teaching; though in almost all cases, the transition is occurring much earlier than expected. Here are some tips and suggestions to support school communities in managing this transition back to school for all students, and particularly those with additional needs.

Routine, Structure and Communication


A return, as quickly as possible, to regular school and learning routines will be like a comfy warm winter blanket for all students, particularly our students with additional needs. For example, many families of students with autism would attest that the almost daily changes in ‘rules’ regarding COVID-19 have been an absolute minefield. This may ring true for many students, with or without additional needs, who thrive off known boundaries and predictable daily routines. Using a familiar communication method, like a newsletter or email, to inform families of what will be the same and

The Kentucky Educational Development Corporation (KEDC), a cooperative of school districts is actively seeking certified minority teachers and administrators for elementary, middle, and secondary positions. KEDC’s Districts are located across Kentucky. Visit www.kedc.org for a list of participating school districts. An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer

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what will be different with regard to systems, structures and processes, have made limited progress. One might coin this the ‘COVID Diversity may be a welcome way for parents and carers to prepare students for their Gap’, and it will only serve to exacerbate existing variance between return to class. our least and most needy students upon their return to class. Hence, the need to differentiate classroom learning will be greater now than before. Harness Self-isolation Experiences Importantly, the impact of this increased learning gap may extend well to Build Student Confidence The unprecedented level of responsibility that school students of beyond students’ perception of their academic progress, negatively impacting on their wellbeing. By all ages have had to embrace, is showing empathy to our students (as worth both celebrating and harnessPlanning for inclusion by designing in ‘we’re all in this together’) and ing. Smart operators will use quality acknowledging the difficulties faced student output produced during the teaching and learning activities to cater during self-isolation, we can support study at home period as a vehicle them. for the needs all students has never been for substantive teaching and learning Other examples that would assist conversations. This feedback can be more important than now. all students, especially those with used to instil confidence in students’ additional needs, include: self-direction capabilities. Moreover, building on these new levels of confidence and autonomy is another way • sharing pre-prepared, and adapted visual timetables prior to the return for teachers to show they genuinely care for their students, creating a safe to school; and supportive learning environment where students are challenged to • clearly communicating information to families regarding COVID-19 strive for success. procedures and protocols; Planning for Inclusion and Reducing Anxiety • teachers using their professional knowledge of students to prepare and Clear communication and planning are ways to reduce anxiety support those that might be more anxious; and, around the transition process for everyone. All educators, especially • staff just being there for students when all they need might need is for school leaders, taking the time to think and plan for the integrasomeone to listen. tion of COVID-19 restrictions within previously established routines and learning structures will ensure as ‘normal’ a school experience Share and Explore Home Learning Experiences as possible for students. At an instructional level, teachers allowMaking time to explore and learn about our students’ experiences, paring multiple entry points into any new or newly adapted activities ticularly home-learning experiences, will be an important part of this ini(rather than opt in or opt out) will help to reduce student anxieties. tial transition – both for pastoral and teaching and learning reasons. Our Planning for inclusion by designing teaching and learning activities students will need time and space to readjust to school-based learning. to cater for the needs all students has never been more important For some, this transition will be filled with as much anxiety as the first than now. day of school or the school year. Being prepared and catering for their For example, students with effective access to technology at home (and potential needs should be one of our highest priorities. hence, online delivery of learning) may have progressed well in their We can provide multiple opportunities for students to explore their learning during the study at home period, while other students with no, home-school experiences to support this transition. We can use class disor limited access, and/or students with additional learning needs, may cussions during morning or yarning circle; while, writing, poetry, music,

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art, dance, drama, etc. would all provide authentic therapeutic opportunities. We all learn by thinking about, and reflecting on, things we have experienced and done in our lives. A simple visual for younger children, for example, could be:

We We We We We We

equal opportunity employment journal

September 2020

have been staying home from school. have not been seeing our friends face-to-face. have been doing things with our families. are not to stand too close to others. have not been visiting family. have been washing our hands for 30 seconds.

The Agricultural Division of Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations, L.L.C. is located in Des Moines, Iowa, stands on almost 120 acres and has 1,200 teammates. Our company offers a competitive benefits package and many development opportunities for our teammates, including leadership training and technical training. To view current openings or to apply online visit


Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations, L.L.C. Agricultural Division 4600 N.W. 2nd Avenue | Des Moines, IA 50313 | EOE

Capstone Turbine Corporation® is the world’s leading producer of low-emission microturbine systems We compete for the best talent and we believe you will find our organization to be a dynamic and rewarding place to work. At Capstone you will be a part of a diverse group of people who take great pride in making a difference. Capstone is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. 16640 Stagg Street • Van Nuys, CA 91406 • E-mail: jobs@capstoneturbine.com


These sentences acknowledge how things have changed. As teachers, we can write our own sentences, ensuring some will be worded in the positive, and others in the negative. Students could draw pictures showing what their family experience of self-isolation was like in response to these types of sentences. Younger students could use a show of hands or a smiley face to show how these questions (or similar) make them feel. Older students may be able to use these as prompts for writing about their feelings and experiences during self-isolation. Discussion could be deepened or extended by adding the word ‘because’ to the end of each sentence, or simply asking ‘Why?’. This may prompt thinking, reasoning, learning and writing more complex ideas and reasons.

September 2020

equal opportunity employment journal

We could then examine some of these work samples and/or interview students regarding their shared experiences from a teaching and learning perspective, to gain insight into what students have learnt about the way they best learn (self-monitoring, reflection, metacognitive processes). Simply talking with children about their understandings and what they know about COVID is important. This is not a ‘one-off’ chat, children learn with repeated chats over time. COVID Conversations: Helping children understand, written by one of the authors of this article, is a series of short episodes intended to help teachers, parents, grandparents and children talk about what has happened and learn more. These conversations include some typical questions our students and our children might ask, and possible ways we can talk and learn about all these changes. There are also suggested activities that teachers could use as discussion starters or for writing tasks.

A new school-family relationship

During the study at home period, all teachers, especially teachers of students with additional needs, have needed to take care not to overload, exhaust and frustrate parents and carers with too many demands to support their children’s learning. COVID-19 has created so many complexities, insecurities, and anxieties. We have all been trying to balance and deal with the impacts on our own work from home lives. Happily, it would appear, this has created more opportunities for parent and carer understanding and empathy for the work of teachers, and vice versa. There may never have been a better time for schools to harness this new depth of relationship to support student learning.

Page 23 Simply talking with children about their understandings and what they know about COVID is important. This is not a ‘one-off’ chat, children learn with repeated chats over time.


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There may never have been a better time

We are an equal opportunity employer and do not discriminate in hiring or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or other status protected by applicable law.

for schools to harness this new depth of relationship to support student learning. This is a genuine opportunity to consolidate, and even extend, our communication strategies and structures with parents and carers. For example, greater parent and carer understanding of content could facilitate establishment of more meaningful student learning goals and better support systems at home. For students with significant additional needs, learning support teams and processes provide an obvious vehicle to harness this increased shared understanding with parents and carers to further refine, modify and adapt individual learning programs. A child with physical or hygiene needs, for example, may have had to operate with greater independence in their daily routines during the study from home period. Via a timely review meeting, this new independence could be incorporated into adjusted school routines and enhanced IEP (Individual Education Plan) goals. Similarly, a child with a highly adapted or differentiated program that required specialised equipment and technology prior to COVID-19, may have found new ways to use this equipment beyond the school context – a tremendous opportunity exists to harness these new skills in an adapted learning plan going forward. Article provided by www.teachermagazine.com.au

Parker Hannifin provides many opportunities for you to further your career. We offer a variety of established career paths in engineering, accounting, marketing, sales, business analysis, human resources, information technology and production.

To view a complete listing of open positions at Parker Hannifin, visit online at:


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equal opportunity employment journal

September 2020

Ideas to Help You Find a New Job in a Pandemic


by George deGeyter

hen the country battles a pandemic, you may find that your workload is lighter, or that you're out of a job. In either case, it's an opportunity that you can seize to put into action plans that you may have had at the back of your mind about switching jobs or careers. What follows are tips to help you put them into action. Build and strengthen relationships with an eye to the future

If you hope to switch to a more satisfying career sometime in the future, the isolation of a pandemic could be the right time to take concrete steps toward the goal. You could conduct research on LinkedIn to find professionals in your chosen career path to be in touch with and learn from, and sign up for online classes.

A great many jobs out there are never advertised. Instead, they are filled through the contacts and relationships of existing employees. Tapping into this hidden, relationship-driven job market can be a way to come by the kind of positions that you hope for once the economy rebounds. You can start by thinking about your current network on LinkedIn, about former coworkers from years ago, and your personal network of friends and family. Sending a LinkedIn message or an email out to them can help. You can tell them about what your aims are, and what kind of value you offer employers. It can also be a good idea to try cold-emailing new people every now and then to see if you can find someone willing to help you. Cold emails can work if your messaging is right. Once you begin reaching out to people, it's important to continue to stay in touch with them and build relationships. When you invest time in genuine relationships, you'll be able to turn to them for the job recommendations that you need.

Get organized

When you cultivate many contacts and relationships, it can be hard to keep track of them. Cultivating relationships requires a certain amount of deliberate effort. It can help to set up a contact management database, usually a simple spreadsheet. You can make a note of the actions that you take with each contact, and the dates on which you need to make further moves.

Arrange informational meetings

Tosoh Bioscience, Inc. (TBI) provides highly sophisticated diagnostic systems to doctor’s offices, hospitals and reference laboratories.

Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V

The employee work environment is fast-paced, challenging and offers opportunities for personal growth and career advancement. TBI employees are focused on the collective vision of providing quality products and services through innovation. For information regarding job openings at TBI, or to submit an application, please visit the Tosoh Jobs Portal online at: www.tosoh.iapplicants.com Learn more about us at: www.tosohbioscience.com 6000 Shoreline Court • Suite 101 • South San Francisco, CA 94080

In the middle of a pandemic, when people work from home for the most part they are likely to have time to spare. You can use the opportunity that a pandemic presents, and reach out to them to set up virtual informational meetings that, hopefully, lead to an interview at some point. Once you have the attention of a contact, you can give them a 30-second pitch in which you explain to them in concise terms how you present value to a potential employer, and what sets you apart. It can help to ask thoughtful questions that enable you to learn how you can best put your skills to use working for a new employer. If the people you speak to don't appear to be aware of a current opening for you, you might simply ask them for useful feedback on your resume and on the way you present yourself. It can also be an idea to talk about whether they know anyone else in their organization or elsewhere that you could speak to. It can help to bring up the names of the different organizations that you're currently considering reaching out to, to see if they know people there who could help you. Once the meeting concludes, you should remember to send them an email to thank them for their time.

September 2020

equal opportunity employment journal

It's important to remember that building relationships and arranging to meet people in these ways takes time to yield results. It's a numbers game; you need to be willing to try a great many people and a variety of meetings before you find the results that you look for.

Lay down the foundation for a future career change

If you hope to switch to a more satisfying career sometime in the future, the isolation of a pandemic could be the right time to take concrete steps toward the goal. You could conduct research on LinkedIn to find professionals in your chosen career path to be in touch with and learn from, and sign up for online classes. People learn entirely new skill sets online all the time to successfully transition to new careers. They even gain a modicum of experience in these new careers by getting on freelancing websites like UpWork. When you have a degree of spare time during a pandemic, you are able to make use of the resources that you need online to build the foundation to make a career change happen.

Don't worry too much about pay, at first

When you make a career transition, sometimes it can help to be flexible with what you get paid. Some people find that employers are willing to give them a chance if they are ready to work on a consulting basis, rather than work full-time. Others find that job opportunities are more readily available when they are willing to accept minimal pay at first, with the understanding that they will receive better pay once they prove that they are able to meet certain benchmarks.

Turn your attention to industries experiencing growth in a pandemic

When the spread of a pandemic forces a large part of the population to stay at home, it plays havoc with a number of industries. The hospitality and travel industries, for example, tend to lose much of their business. Even the healthcare industry tends to slow down in a pandemic, a time when fewer people tend to choose to get high-priced elective treatments. Some industries, however, tend to experience a boost - the electronic Network effectively The more people you know in an indus- entertainment, e-commerce and supply chain try, the more likely you are to hear about industries are examples. It can help to look to attractive job openings in it. It's a good these industries for a possible career change. idea to get on LinkedIn, Facebook, or Plan for possible termination If you're fortunate enough to be employed another social network, find a professional association or committee for your career, in the middle of a pandemic, it can still and become an active member. Influential help to plan for possible termination. When people in your career of choice will be able the effects of a pandemic play havoc with to learn about you by seeing you in action, the economy, job loss is a possibility that rather than by just going through a resume. you need to plan for. Make sure that any It can also be an idea to mention your personal files that you have on your work experience with these associations in your computer are backed up, make copies of the resume. People do land jobs on the basis email addresses of important people at your of the relationships that they build, and the current company you would like to stay in experience that they earn volunteering time touch with, prepare your resume and other job search materials, make sure that your in associations.

Changing jobs or careers can always be challenging, but in the middle of a pandemic, when your workload drops, and you find yourself at home much of the time, it can help to make use of your spare time. LinkedIn profile is updated, and mentally prepare for the negotiations that you will need to enter for severance and outplacement services in the event that you are laid off. Finally, while you do need to reach out to other people for help when you switch jobs or careers, it's important to be sensitive to the fact that those other people could be caught up in their own personal worries and concerns. When you reach out to them, it can be a good idea to state upfront that you understand that your timing may be less than ideal, and you'd be happy to wait if they are unable to give you the time that you need. It always helps to demonstrate sensitivity and understanding. Changing jobs or careers can always be challenging, but in the middle of a pandemic, when your workload drops, and you find yourself at home much of the time, it can help to make use of your spare time. You can learn the skills that you need, build a network, and, in general, put in the groundwork necessary. Before long, your work should begin to pay off. Article provided by Constant-Content.com


We seek genuine individuals for our Loews Hotel jobs who are able to engage and delight our guests by providing Four Diamond AND MORE service. We embrace diversity at our core and offer the opportunity for all team members to reach their potential as professionals. We seek to create a dynamic culture that makes work interesting, challenging, fulfilling and fun. Please view current openings at:


Loews Hotels is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to a diverse work culture, M/F/D/V.

Page 25

Delaware North Companies Parks & Resorts at KSC, Inc. Mail Code DNPS Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899

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equal opportunity employment journal

September 2020

MBA Specialization Options for Accounting & Finance by Chris Blank


ccording to The Wall Street Journal, fewer bachelor’s degree graduates are opting for the Master of Business Administration degree, perhaps as a result of the ongoing financial crisis. The average decline in applications from 2010 to 2011 was nearly 10 percent. Whatever the reason, schools are reporting a drop in applications to MBA programs. Students who do enroll in MBA programs are also showing a trend of turning away from traditional careers such as investment banking. In response, many MBA programs have

branched out to offer specialized degree programs. Students who are interested in business – but not business as usual – can specialize in areas such as healthcare, marketing, sustainability, project management or international business. Many specialized finance careers offer lucrative pay and excellent growth prospects. According to Bloomberg Businessweek, average salaries as of 2012 for MBA graduates are approximately $90,000 for all specialties. MBA graduates also enjoy high job security. The unemployment rate for all finance related workers was 4.6 percent in September 2012, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.


With the aging of the huge Baby Boomer generation, healthcare related positions are assured to become a more prominent faction of the economy. Healthcare related MBAs equip graduates for top level management jobs in healthcare facilities ranging from small nursing homes to major research hospitals. The first year of healthcare MBA programs generally include the basics found in all MBA programs. During the second year, students can choose specialized courses such as global health and innovations in healthcare.


Sustainability has made its presence felt in nearly every aspect of post-industrial society, including the labor force. Sustainability oriented MBA programs focus on business strategies and their impact on the environment. Students in sustainability MBA programs study strategies designed to decrease a company’s carbon footprint while maintaining a profitable operation. Coursework related to clean energy production is also prominent in many sustainability MBA programs.


Join a winning team… The Provident Team!!! We offer a wide variety of employment opportunities throughout the Inland Empire, a pleasant work environment along with competitive salaries and excellent benefits. If a career in banking sounds intriguing to you please visit our website for more information.

www.myprovident.com Provident Bank • 3756 Central Avenue • Riverside, CA 92506 Provident Bank is an equal opportunity employer. It is the bank’s policy to grant equal employment opportunity (EEO) to all qualified persons without regard to race, sex, religion, age, national origin, physical or mental disability, or veteran’s status. The bank provides equal opportunities in employment, promotion, wages, benefits, and all other privileges, terms, and conditions of employment.

Marketing MBA degrees teach students how to understand and influence customer behavior. Coursework in marketing MBA programs investigates motivations that inspire customers to make purchases, and teaches students how to design effective campaigns for advertising, public relations and sales staffs. Students in marketing MBA programs learn how do develop new products and product lines, set merchandise prices and conduct market research.

Project Management

As a result of the ongoing financial crisis, many companies are operating leaner, asking employees to do more with less. MBAs with project

September 2020

equal opportunity employment journal

management specializations are well equipped to meet the challenges of directing company workforces and resources. Students in project management MBA specialties study how to balance the need to maintain high quality with retaining a healthy bottom line. Project management MBA students also learn the mechanics of scheduling and const control.

International Business

grams learn how to manage diverse workforces as well as how to deal with cultural barriers associated with international business transactions. Strategic management and international finance associated with multinational business structures are also included in international MBA program coursework.

For Further Reading

Bloomberg Businessweek:Best B-Schools In the 21st Century, globalization is an estab- to get an MBA https://www.bloomberg.com/ lished business reality, as companies expand business-schools/ their operations across borders and across conBloomberg Businessweek: MBA Pay – tinents. Students in international MBA pro- Companies still funding MBAs

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Bloomberg Businessweek: MBA pay is riches for some but not for all:


Bureau of Labor Statistics: Industries at a Glance: Finance and Insurance bls.gov/iag/tgs/iag52.htm Business MBA: MBA Specialties businessmba.org/programs/mba-specialties Article provided by Constant-Content.com

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The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia offers its employees competitive salaries, a comprehensive benefits package, and a work environment conducive to career advancement and personal development. We seek individuals who will support the Bank’s high standards for quality, integrity, and premier customer service.

A recognized strength of The Underwriters Group is its superior claims administration services for both employee benefits and workers’ compensation.

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September 2020

COMMITMENT TO DIVERSITY & INCLUSION The Bank will be known as an inclusive organization where diversity is respected and leveraged to effectively serve our region, the Federal Reserve System and the Treasury. Our words, actions and culture promote a workplace of inclusion and belonging where all employees have the same opportunity to contribute and succeed.

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