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eoe journal Trends in Engineering and Manufacturing Careers Non-Clincal Job Options for Nurses Advice for New Grads in Health Care Government Jobs Q&A Veterans and Employment

Volume 23 Number 101 November 2013

eoejournal Editorial Comment


’ve been thinking about, and moving toward, living more simply lately. It just seems like there is too much going on and there are too many “things” around me. I started with ridding my closets of things I haven’t worn in months (or if I must admit, years), having a garage sale and just removing some of the “stuff” in my life. It feels good to remove things from my life and make space—not space for more stuff, but just making more space around me. It allows me to consider the things that are important in my life and what my priorities are at this moment.

I’ve decided that living more simply for me means turning the television off more often than I turn it on, and I’m finding more time to read. Because of this, I’m learning that living more simply can be a true blessing. When we live simply we are able to be peaceful in the moments that simple living brings: a quieting of the endless mental chatter and the anxiety of feeling the need to have more. Time to sit still, to talk with your children, to stare into your lover’s eyes. Lisa Petty, Editor Equal Opportunity Employment Journal

The eoejournal is published bimonthly by EOEJournal, Inc. The ownership and management of EOEJ fully and actively supports equal opportunity for all people regardless of race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin or disability. Advertising and Editorial offices are located at: 1550 E. Missouri Ave Phoenix, Arizona 85014 Phone: 1-800-396-3373 Fax: 1-800-293-3408

EOEJ does accept freelance editorial contributions for publishing. Submissions must be on the subject of jobs, job searching, employment opportunities and/or related subjects. Electronic emails are accepted by email at: sales@eoejournaljobs.com Manuscripts and disc submissions may be sent to the office address. When mailing your submissions, please include SASE.

Table of Contents Diverstity in the Workplace Page 3 Career Passion = Career Health Page 5 The 6 Stages of Modern Page 7 Career Development Veterans in the Workplace Page 8 Trends in Mechanical Engineering Careers Page 10 Achieve Career Success Page 12 Saving Early for Retirement Page 13 Page 19 Government Job Advice The Do’s and Don’ts of Page 21 Workplace Behaviors Top 10 Jobs in Information Technology Page 22 Working with Big Data Page 24 Non-Clinical Job Options For Nurses Page 29 Advice for Health Care New Grads Page 32 3 Entry Level Nursing Career Options Page 35 Managing the Time You Haven’t Got Page 37 Mastering the Interview “Look” Page 39 Guide to Effective Interviewing (Part I) Page 40 Guide to Effective Interviewing (Part II) Page 42 Power Statements Page 44 That Get You Noticed Powering the Nation: Smart Grid Careers Page 45

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equal opportunity employment journal


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iversity, like a changing technology or a global economy, is a business reality. The trends, the changes in technology and global competition require adaptations and have implications for organizational effectiveness and competitiveness. Diversity is no different. Consequently, to understand how effective management of a diverse workforce, it is critical for organizations that seek to improve and maintain their competitive advantage. Focusing on diversity and looking for practices to create an inclusive organization—one that makes absolute use of the contributions of all employees—will generate increased productivity. As such, diversity training is a critical component of the present and future success and growth of an organization’s business strategy. Diversity training discusses the topic of and need for diversity among colleagues and client relations. Diversity training can also aid in the recruitment of a diverse employee and client bases by addressing ways to further diversify products, plans and practices. When a company or organization decides to implement diversity training into its workplace culture, it is imperative that companies take proactive steps to ensure that diversity initiatives are seen as opportunities to improve the overall productivity of the company and its employees in a bias-free, diverse workplace. Fundamental to the success of diversity training and education is the inclusion and participation of all employees in the diversity training process. It is important to recognize that certain individuals or groups within an organization may be resistant to change because they perceive a diversity initiative as a direct threat to their status and power. The following four steps can be incorporated into the initial discussion when diversity training is first broached: Education and Training: Employers must communicate clearly to their employees the expectations about appropriate workplace conduct that supports policies and values statements. Exposure: Structuring work teams or task forces so they are ethnically,

We seek qualified individuals with diverse skills and backgrounds who are interested in a challenging career with our federal law enforcement agency.

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operates as the Navy’s full-spectrum corporate laboratory, conducting a broadly based multidisciplinary program of scientific research and advanced technological development directed toward maritime applications of new and improved materials, techniques, equipment, systems and ocean, atmospheric, and space sciences and related technologies.

ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE Are you a seasoned professional or a recent college graduate seeking challenging and rewarding employment? Would you like to become a member of an elite research and development community involved in basic and applied scientific research and advanced technological development for tomorrow’s Navy? Technical excellence and achievement through exchange of new ideas, opportunities for continuing education, and publication of research results is strongly encouraged. NRL offers a wide variety of challenging research positions. The main office of NRL is located in Washington, DC with remote sites located at Bay St. Louis, MS and Monterey, CA. NRL is always looking for new achievers with backgrounds and/or graduate-level education in Aerospace, Ceramics, Computers, Electronics, Material and Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, Chemistry, Materials Science, Metallurgy, Physics, Geology, Geophysics, Meteorology, and Oceanography.

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November 2013

racially and gender balanced will aid employees in dismantling stereotypes and assumptions. Accountability: Managers who effectively supervise a diverse employee pool and client base should be recognized for their achievements. Employees who work well with people of varying backgrounds should be rewarded in their job performance evaluations. Intervention by top management: Commitment to diversity must be clearly demonstrated at the highest levels of the company. Managing diversity requires the use of several sets of skills: Communication, cross-cultural competency, critical thinking, conflict management and problem solving. Cultural diversity training also includes developing the capacity to identify and empathize with the beliefs, values and mores of others. The implementation of a diversity managementtraining program incorporates these skills and an educational component that allows participants to address issues of prejudice, discrimination and biased behaviors that could impact employee and client relations. When preparing to discuss the need for diversity training in your organization, it can be helpful to address the following questions: • What are the demographics of your customers/client base? • How many languages are spoken by your customers/clients? • In how many countries does your organization operate? • How much does employee turnover cost your company? • How much does your company spend annually on recruitment? • How much have discrimination/harassment suits cost your organization in the past year? • How frequently does inter-group conflict areas? • Is there a high level of turnover among certain employee groups? • Are your policies and benefits attractive to potential diverse recruits? • Is your organization losing top talent because people do not feel valued, included or heard? Diversity is a training ground that requires hard work, commitment to business ideals, and an ability to learn how to handle change by adapting to new situations and learn from people who are different from us. Because change is the only certainty ahead, making adaptations required by diversity keeps an organization flexible and well developed. Strengthening the ability to respond to changing environments and demands is a strategic business imperative that is critical to ensuring organizational viability.

Diversity is a training ground that requires hard work, commitment to business ideals, and an ability to learn how to handle change by adapting to new situations and learn from people who are different from us.


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www.nrl.navy.mil NRL is an Equal Opportunity Employer

A WORKPLACE OF DIFFERENCE™ is a program of the A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE® Institute, a full-service diversity consulting and training organization. To date, over 265,000 adult workers employed in more than 265 corporations, government agencies or small businesses in the public and private sectors have participated in A WORKPLACE OF DIFFERENCE™ as a core component of their business imperative to increase productivity and create effective business strategies. A WORKPLACE OF DIFFERENCE™ anti-bias and diversity training program helps create an inclusive workplace environment that allows all employees to acquire skills critical to the future of an organization’s success. The A WORKPLACE OF DIFFERENCE™ program can provide any organization and its staff with the opportunities and skills needed to interact in a culturally diverse work environment.

November 2013

equal opportunity employment journal

Career Passion = Career Health Find Your Joy!


by Elizabeth “Coach” Scala, MSN/MBA, RN

ne of my core beliefs as a health and wellness coach is that living healthy isn’t just about eating right or going to the gym. Being totally well, or holistically healthy, means that each part of your overall self is in a state of well-being. So then let’s discuss nursing passion and purpose: career health. Are you satisfied, happy, and healthy within your role as a professional? Do you LOVE your job? Eeks! This may cause you to shift in your chair. It might bring a sense of discomfort to the discussion. “Love my job? Happy and satisfied? Ugh, I don’t know… but I’ve got to do it anyway… right?” WRONG! Yes, everyone has to work. I agree we need to get paid so that we can live in a home, eat food, and pay our bills. So of course, we need our jobs. But what I am suggesting is that we do not work for the stance of NEED; we work from the stance of passion and purpose. We LOVE what we do. In a meta-analysis done in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, the correlation between job satisfaction and health was performed on numerous levels. They found significant correlations between job satisfaction and burnout, self-esteem, depression, and anxiety- obviously the less satisfied you were with your job, the higher your levels of these uncomfortable experiences. Further, in an interview done on ABC radio with Cary Cooper, Professor of Organizational Psychology and Health at Lancaster University in the United Kingdom shared his research on this topic. He discussed the link between job satisfaction and health, how having a lot of stress at work can make us sick. Cooper spoke about how many people have unrealistic workloads which negatively influences their health and their relationship with family and friends. Check in with yourself right now. What aspects of your nursing career can be linked to your own health? Have you had any physical experiences that clue you in to how things are going at your job? Ok, now we’re going to try an experiment together. Let’s look at how your body truly is linked to your career. Have you ever paused to check in to see how you ‘feel’ about your job? And when I say feel… I don’t mean what you ‘think’ of your job. I mean how you feel. So let’s leave the ‘thoughts’ and ‘mind’ behind for a moment. When I ask you how you feel about your job, don’t start thinking of all of the things you like or dislike about your work. When you bring to mind your ‘job’, what happens in your body? What do you notice or sense? Do things tense up? Is there any pain or aches? Is anything tight? So really… take a moment. Close your eyes and think of your job. What happens in your body? You may want to jot down what you notice. Alright great work. Now beyond that… let me ask you a second question. Reflect back over the past year or so. How many times have you been sick? Or not even sick- but just sort of tired, slowed, maybe had a scratchy throat, maybe just a tension headache- how many times were you not in your ideal state of health? Now, I know… there can be many things that contribute to this. But for today’s purposes… just reflect. Is any of this work related? Are you tense, tired, or stressed because of your job? Do you have pains or aches because of work? Is something on your mind that is making your health unsettled? Sometimes we are so rushed and hurried we don’t even put two and two together. We just move on past, brush it on by, and take a Tylenol hoping all will be ‘better’ in the morning. I’d like to close by leaving you with a resource you can use right now. I want you to look to the past. And I am talking way, way back. Look back to when you were a child, a school-aged child, maybe even younger. What did you enjoy? So, so much that you had to be dragged away from? What did you just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to do? What did your parents have to pull you away from? If you have trouble coming up with things, ask around. Ask your

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RejuveNation Collaboration IV Coming October 21, 2013 A week-long virtual series to help you:     

Eliminate worry and overwhelm Let go of self-limiting beliefs Stop getting in your own way Practice better self-care Feel supported and listened to

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siblings. Ask your parents or grandparents, aunts or uncles. Ask those who were around you at various ages. And then also reflect upon the times you can remember. Think back to grammar school, middle school, and high school. Where did you spend your time? If I traveled back to those days, what would I observe you doing? What are the things you had in your room, your locker, or your car? Remembering what we enjoy is so useful for our current careers. Because what we want to do is bring more of the things we enjoyed, the things we loved to do, into our current nursing roles. What you would do- is look to your childhood pastimes. Look to them and pull out from them the concepts, experiences, and parts that you can use now in your career. Is it that you are artistic? Is it that you are social? Is it that you are organized? Is it that you are diplomatic? Is it that you like things fast-paced? Is it that you thrive on adrenaline? Is it that you use your creativity? Really start to examine what you loved to do and pull from these childhood memories the enjoyments. And as you shape your ideal career, full of passion and purpose, you want your work to be in line

November 2013 with your joys. You want to be doing things in your role that you love to do as the unique being that you are. And as nurses, we can totally do this. The thing that I love about nursing is that it has so many facets, so many avenues, and so many paths we can go down. You can work in education, administration, research, clinical practice, or legal. You can work in the hospital, in the home, in the school, or in the outpatient setting. There are many, many roles a nurse can choose- probably even more than I am aware of! So create passion and purpose in your work by adding in more of the things that you enjoy. Create your ideal work by having the things you love as a part of your everyday experience. No one is ‘stuck’ where they are. And believe me… your health will thank you for it! Elizabeth “Coach” Scala, MSN/MBA, RN is passionate about helping healthcare professionals, nurses in particular, to embody holistic living and embrace self-care. Through her business, Living Sublime Wellness, she writes regularly on the topic of self-care, conducts retreats and wellness workshop, and offers both in-person and online seminars for busy nurses. Elizabeth is a Certified Health and Wellness Coach and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology, a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, and Master’s degrees in both Business and Nursing. She has written for Scrubs Magazine and is a monthly contributor to Nurses Together. Originally from Carmel, NY, Elizabeth lives in Baltimore, MD with her husband and two dogs. Elizabeth “Nurse Coach” Scala, The Balance CoachThe Coach to Call When You’re READY to Make Yourself #1

For over half a century, the Institute for Defense Analyses has been successfully pursuing its mission to bring analytic objectivity and understanding to complex issues of national security. IDA is a not-for-profit corporation that provides scientific, technical and analytical studies to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Unified Commands and Defense Agencies as well as to the President’s Office of Science and Technology Policy. To the right individual, IDA offers the opportunity to have a major impact on key national programs while working on fascinating technical issues.

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As one of the leading telecommunications companies in the area, Fidelity Communications Company recruits for a wide range of technical and related professional opportunities. Attracting and retaining top talent individuals, and rewarding them with compensation and recognition, are critical components of our corporate strategy. Our success depends on maintaining a highly-technical edge and enhancing the experience of our extremely talented employees in all fields. Please feel free to review the current job openings on our website at:


Fidelity Communications Company • 64 North Clark Street • Sullivan, MO 63080 Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer

November 2013

equal opportunity employment journal


areer experts say that people will change careers (not jobs) 5-7 times in a lifetime. This being true, career management is an important life skill to develop and cultivate. There are six stages of modern career development: Assessment, Investigation, Preparation, Commitment, Retention, and Transition. Learning the characteristics of each stage will empower you to navigate through each stage easily and with more confidence.

The Assessment Stage

In the Assessment Stage, you are getting ready for your life’s work. This stage is characterized by unawareness, in that you are not sure what your values, strengths, and weaknesses are. You start to feel like you want to know more about yourself and make a conscious effort to get in touch with who you really are. Key characteristics: • Taking assessment instruments • Working with a career counselor or career coach

The Investigation Stage

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The 6 Stages of Modern Career Development By Michelle L. Casto, M.Ed. Whole Life Coach, Speaker, and Author

process of researching the modern world of work. But if you approach this stage with a positive frame of mind, you will find that you will learn about many possibilities you may have never considered. Key characteristics: • Researching the world of work • Conducting informational interviews with people in your chosen field

The Preparation Stage

In the Preparation Stage, you are still getting ready to do your life’s work. This stage is characterized by feelings of excitement, as you think of how wonderful it will be to perform meaningful work. However, there is still much work to be done, and in order to be successful, you have to be prepared. Key characteristics: • Gaining knowledge and experience • Setting goals and adopting a success-oriented mind-set

The Commitment Stage

In the Commitment Stage, you will feel confident, in that you have In the Investigation Stage, you are researching what work exists in the figured out what you are meant to do. Sometimes people have known all world. This stage is characterized by feelings of confusion, in that you are along what they were meant to do, but were not able to commit to the not sure what career options exist for you. You may feel overwhelmed process of making it happen, for whatever reason. At this stage, more than with all of the different jobs and opportunities that exist as you begin the ever, you must focus your energy and keep your eye on the target.

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Key characteristics: • Conducting a job search • Negotiating and accepting a job offer

The Retention Stage

In the Retention Stage, you will feel comfortable in your career field, as you will now have figured out how things work in your industry. You will want to remain committed to your career by continually updating your skill set and staying current with industry standards. Key characteristics: • Providing first-class customer service skills • Building a professional network

November 2013


Wounded in Operation Iraqi Freedom, Vet Finds Job and Strong Support In Private Sector

The Transition Stage

The Transition Stage is characterized by feelings of discomfort, in that you are unsure of what you will be doing next (and/or if you will be happy). In this stage, you will learn to make conscious changes in your career direction. Key characteristics: • Making career changes • Developing resiliency No matter what career stage you find yourself in now, you can be sure that you will enter and re-enter through these six stages many times though out your lifetime. This article is adapted from the book, Get Smart! About Modern Career Development: A Personal Guide to Creating Your Life’s Work by Michelle L. Casto, M.Ed. Michelle L. Casto, M.Ed. is a Whole Life Coach, Speaker, and Author of the Get Smart! LearningBook SeriesVisit virtually: www. getsmartseries.com and www.brightlightcoach.com Keystone Job Corps Center, a residential training/education facility run by the Department of Labor’s job corps program, offers a high school diploma program, a GED program and co-enrollment opportunities. Our campus is located in Drums, Pennsylvania on the edge of the Poconos in Northeastern Pennsylvania. The Center offers residential options in career skills, academic and vocational training for young adults from 16-24 years old. We stand in support of equality for and advancement of all people based on their qualifications and actions alone without regard to color, race and ethnicity, gender, age, religion, national origin or disability.

We are committed to Equal Opportunity within all aspects of the employment process. More information can be found on the website www.mtctrains.com.


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erek Duplisea knows a lot about serving his country. While in the Army, Derek was severely wounded during combat operations in Operation Iraqi Freedom when a suicide bomber detonated five feet behind him and his troops. Derek nearly died that day – but if there’s one thing military service taught him – it was resilience. He was revived and evacuated out of the country. Following two years of rehabilitation from severe physical wounds including Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) as well as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Derek retired from the U.S. Army with the rank of Sergeant First Class after 13 years of honorable service—and a Purple Heart. During recovery from his injuries, Derek’s dedication to his country didn’t waiver. While he was offered the opportunity to stay on active duty, he decided to shape a new life replacing his uniform for civilian clothes. He said it was a difficult decision – but one that he strongly believes was the right one because he still continues to serve our country. In October 2008, Derek joined Raytheon’s Missile Systems business. “Raytheon was very supportive in accommodating for my injuries,” he says. With his right arm bones and femur replaced with titanium, the company made sure that he had ergonomic furnishings in his work space to aid in his comfort. “They have also been very flexible with my work schedule so I can visit the various doctors I need to see about my brain injury.” That injury was caused when a projectile penetrated his helmet and entered his brain during the explosion that injured the right side of his body. Derek is relaxed and good-natured when talking about his various injuries. He notes that the neurosurgeons working with him wanted him to take time off from college work. “I told them that I believed the best way to heal my brain was to use it,” he says with a smile. He was right. He completed his undergraduate degree in criminal justice from Troy University in 2007, and earned his MBA from the University of Phoenix – Tucson in 2011 with close to a perfect 4.0 average. “My biggest problem was taking notes and writing papers with my left hand,” he added. In the service, he points out, soldiers are trained to focus on and accomplish their mission. “My mission was to get better and to help other veterans. So I did everything I could to make that happen.” It is important, he explains, for employers to know that TBI and PTSD can be accommodated in the workplace and that service members with these wounds can be valuable and productive employees. He recommends that employers learn as much as they can about the injuries. “Websites like www.americasheroesatwork.gov, which offers specific information and valuable links, are among those that might be helpful.” Early in 2008, Derek was pivotal in launching Operation Phoenix (www.raytheon.com/military), Raytheon’s program to support and recruit Veterans, wounded warriors, transitioning military personnel and their spouses to civilian life. While operations began in the company’s Tucson, Arizona offices, it has expanded to reach all of Raytheon’s businesses in the U.S. through Derek’s

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Every week, Derek mentors from 10-15 veterans on new career choices, providing them support with resumes, interview tips and next steps as they progress in their civilian lives. He makes sure that they are aware of their benefits, including educational money through the post-9/11 GI bill.

advocacy and exemplary work. Today, more than a dozen Wounded Warriors or their spouses have found a home at Raytheon through Operation Phoenix. And countless others have been able to find new opportunities through the network of partners who support Veterans’ services. As the Wounded Warrior liaison for Raytheon Missile Systems, Derek acted as the key interface between the company and branches of the U.S. military in supporting the transition of Wounded Warriors to civilian life. Today, he continues this work under a new title: Senior Community Relations Representative for Transitioning Military for Raytheon Global Headquarters. Every week, Derek mentors from 10-15 veterans on new career choices, providing them support with resumes, interview tips and next steps as they progress in their civilian lives. He makes sure that they are aware of their benefits, including

educational money through the post-9/11 GI bill. Derek is often asked to speak about his experiences, and even though he says that reliving the moments can be exhausting, he will continue to share his story as long as others are encouraged by his words. As Derek’s disabilities aren’t visible at first glance, he has the chance to share a valuable lesson on never taking any assumptions on a person’s background. Derek’s passion for providing inspiration and support to his fellow brethren leads him across the country to the bedsides of recently wounded soldiers, to symposiums and gathering places for recovering Veterans, to military job fairs and military bases where his message is always the same. “If I can do this, so can you.” He is a walking example of strength, leadership and courage.

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For additional workplace success stories and information on promising practices for accommodating employees with TBI or PTSD, visit www.AmericasHeroesAtWork.gov.

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We stand in support of equality for and the advancement of all people based on their qualifications and actions alone without regard to color, gender, age, religion, national origin, sexual orientation or disability.

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Oregon Health & Science University values a diverse and culturally competent workforce. Diversity maximizes our true potential for creativity, innovation, quality patient care, educational excellence and outstanding service. Individuals with diverse backgrounds and those who promote diversity and a culture of inclusion are encouraged to apply.

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November 2013

Trends in Mechanical Engineering Careers


ccording to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), mechanical engineers hold over 222,000 jobs, more than half of which are in manufacturing: machinery, transportation equipment, computer and electronic products, and fabricated metal products manufacturing industries. The BLS predicts an increase of nearly 10,000 mechanical engineering jobs by 2016. The median annual salary for a mechanical engineer is slightly over $75,000, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2007. Starting salaries average about $50,000+ per year, and top-tier engineers can earn over $100,000 annually. Remember, these are just estimates. Your salary will depend on a number of factors as well as the current state of the economy.

Career options for aspiring mechanical engineers

Practically every company that designs and produces a product employs a mechanical engineer. But mechanical engineers can also be found in research labs, the military, government, and in other professions such as medicine, law or teaching. Most mechanical engineering jobs require design experience. When a need comes about for a new or improved product, companies call upon

mechanical engineers to do the job. Engineers have to push beyond the limits of their previous work and use innovative technology to meet project requirements successfully. A second major area of employment for mechanical engineers is manufacturing. Manufacturing jobs cover nearly everything involved in developing a product, from selecting the appropriate materials to choosing the correct machinery to manufacture the product. Most mechanical engineers in this industry work for equipment manufacturers, aerospace companies, utilities, material processing plants, transportation companies, and petroleum companies. They also work with small firms, consulting practices, universities, and government research labs. Specific assignments might involve research and development, design of equipment or systems, supervision of production, plant engineering, administration, sales engineering, the testing and evaluation of machines and entire plants. Some mechanical engineering titles and their functions include: Automotive engineer: Mechanical engineers design many car parts for the automobile industry. As an automotive engineer, you could solve transportation and safety problems by creating better and more efficient B


















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November 2013

equal opportunity employment journal

engines or by developing improved safety features. Biomedical engineer: Mechanical engineers work with a variety of medical professionals to design mobility aids, prosthetics, and artificial organs. Consulting: Once mechanical engineers have gained significant on-the-job experience and developed a high level of expertise, they might choose to work for themselves as consultants or independent contractors. Here they can work on projects of their choosing for clients they respect. The consulting field offers opportunities in large and small engineering service firms and in private practice. Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) engineer: In this field, engineers design refrigeration systems for making frozen foods, or air-conditioning and heating systems for businesses and industrial buildings, residential homes, autos, hospitals, and schools. Nuclear engineer: The design of nuclear power plants requires the services of a mechanical engineer. The engineer must understand the fundamentals of nuclear design, know how to operate the plant efficiently, and evaluate the environmental factors associated with nuclear plants. Robotics engineer: A mechanical engineer may design machines that build other machines. For instance, a robotics engineer may be involved with creating the devices that are used in assembling automobiles. Engineers are concerned with the robot’s structure, its joint mechanisms, bearings, and heat transfer characteristics. Teaching: A desire to help mold the next generation of engineers motivates some mechanical engineers to move into academic careers. Engineers in colleges oversee research activities, manage laboratories, and mentor students. They also write and publish books and technical papers about mechanical engineering. Mechanical engineers can find employment at virtually any institute where innovation takes place. They commonly work in the government, research, industry, military, teaching, management or consulting sectors. The government agencies that typically hire mechanical engineers include the U.S. Navy, Patent and Trademark Office, International Trade Commission, Army Corps of Engineers, Department of Energy and even the U.S. Postal Service. From developing toys to prosthetic legs, the types of projects you can be a part of are as vast as your imagination. With a degree in mechanical engineering, diversity is the key. You can wind up working in a laboratory or an outdoor construction site. Remember, nearly every mechanical device was created by a mechanical engineer so the possibilities for employment are virtually endless!

“Scientists dream about doing great things. Engineers do them.” -James A. Michener Engineers solve complex problems for society. Mechanical engineers create and build mechanical devices. They apply the fundamentals of science and math to create practical, useful solutions that the rest of us can use. The diverse mechanical engineering field can be divided in a variety of ways in terms of job functions. Some of the most common functions relate to these areas of technology, but not all do. Among these fields are: Product Design­ —developing products ranging from biomedical devices to gasoline-powered engines. A mechanical engineer designs anything that uses mechanical motion. Research and Development—discovering new solutions to human needs or improving older methods. Manufacturing—developing the machines that process materials into products. Designing and building machines and systems of machines that improve operating efficiency is of prime importance. Systems management—overseeing operations of a large system, such as a power plant, as well as supervising the people who work there. Energy—planning how energy is generated, stored, and moved. Industries that produce and deliver electrical power, such as natural gas, oil and alternative energy, employ mechanical engineers to develop more fuel-efficient cars, motors, and appliances. In most of these fields, the mechanical engineer is concerned with heat utilization or machine design—in other words, harnessing or

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equal opportunity employment journal

Achieve Career Success with 5Ds?

creating energy. Heat utilization techniques are applied in boilers, air conditioners, and refrigeration units. Machine design is more focused on hardware, including automobile engines, computers, and washing machines.

“To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist, the glass is half empty. To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.” -Unknown

Who Makes a Good Mechanical Engineer?

The best mechanical engineers truly enjoy complex problem solving. They are innovators at heart. If you choose engineering as a career, you will turn ideas into reality and solve problems that better society. You will be right on the cutting edge of technology. Since most mechanical engineers work together, you should be a team player and have excellent communication skills; both written and oral. This will be important when you are planning and creating new projects. You should also be curious, creative, innovative, and practical about how things work and the world around you. You should have the desire to help people and improve the world around you. At the very least, you should enjoy learning how to make things work more efficiently. Mechanical engineers are typically very good at math and science. You should especially enjoy working complex math problems. If you enjoy trying to solve complex problems, working with your hands as well as spending the day dreaming up solutions, then a career in mechanical engineering may be for you. Article provided by: Stoney Brook University, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Visit http://me.eng.sunysb.edu for more information.

November 2013

by Long Yun Siang


ou would probably ask, is it possible to achieve career success with 5Ds? Yes, it is possible. These 5Ds I am referring to stands for Dependability, Determination, Delight, Detailed and Devoted. Not only will they increase your chances of achieving career success, they will also increase your motivation at work. Throughout my working experience, I have had the chance of observing bosses, colleagues and staff members perform their tasks. And I noticed a pattern that exists with people who achieve career success in the level relevant to them. They carried with these 5 traits when tackling their work.

1. Dependability

Dependability means taking first person responsibility when you are given a job to do. You never blame someone for your work that is not done right. It means you take the initiative to see the job is done to the best of your ability. You take great pride in the work assigned to you. When you are dependable, you become a competitive advantage for your organization. You are seen as someone worthy of more important assignments and hence increase your chances of achieving career success.

2. Determined

Being determined means having the stamina to see things through regardless of how tough they are. If you are to achieve career success, having determination is one critical factor. It not only ensures that you complete your work at hand no matter how tough, it also ensures that you achieve your long-term career goals. A determined person is usually fueled by a keen sense of duty and passion for the work. When you do your work with passion, the quality will shine through and people will notice it.

3. Delight

Be a delight to work with in your workplace. No one likes to work with a grouch. Having a pleasing disposition, smile, never say die, being positive regardless of how huge the challenge, is part of being delightful at work. A delight at work carries with them a positive attitude. It is the positive energy that they rub off on you that makes you want to work with them. It is a real and sincere feeling. When you carry with you a smile and a positive attitude at work, you are known as a delight. You will notice that colleagues wish for you to achieve career success. You can see them wish positive things for you.

4. Detailed

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A detailed worker never lets work that is haphazard leave their hands. A detailed person slogs to ensure that everything that is supposed to work is looked into. They are the people that take that extra precaution and the initiative to make sure things become near perfect. Just enough is not in their vocabulary. Good enough just isn’t good enough for them. For the detailed, only the best is good enough. When you are a detailed person your bosses trust you with jobs that need multitasking. They know you can be relied on to make sure everything little aspect is looked into. Such tasks increase your chance to achieve career success.

5. Devoted

A devoted worker is an enthusiastic worker. When you become an enthusiastic worker, you are focused on the tasks at hand. You also become focused on the bigger goals of the organization. Due to this you are not as vulnerable to the ‘disturbing ghosts’ in your organization that is always causing disruption by being a complainer and spreading negative energy. In order to achieve career success, it is important for you to cultivate these 5Ds. They help increase your chances of achieving career success. Besides, these qualities will also increase your work motivation. Long Yun Siang or Long, as he is popularly known runs http://career-success-for-newbies.com with his wife Dorena as their way of paying it forward. Their website – based on their real life experiences - provides tips, tools and advise for newbies pursuing career success.

November 2013

equal opportunity employment journal

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Saving Early For Retirement


By Dennis Vilorio

ave you started saving money But according to the National for retirement yet? It’s more Institute on Retirement important than you may think— Security, 4 out of 5 workno matter your age. Saving early for ing households had saved an retirement is the best way to maintain amount less than their annual financial independence and security later income by 2010. Even when in life. “Regardless of the amount you the value of other assets, save, you will definitely be in a better such as a home, is includsituation if you start early than if you ed, two-thirds of households wait until your mid-30s or 40s,” says approaching retirement had Jack VanDerhei, research director of the not saved enough. Employee Benefits Research Institute. Especially for workers just “The longer you wait, the more you will starting their careers, the meshave to save—until it becomes too great sage is clear: start saving now, a burden.” no matter how far in the future But many workers lack access to a retirement seems. “Learn retirement plan or decline to take part from those who are retiring in one. According to the U.S. Bureau of today,” says Denise Appleby, Labor Statistics (BLS), less than oneowner of a retirement conthird of non-federal workers had access sulting business. “Otherwise, to a defined-benefit plan, better known as you might regret not saving a pension, in March 2012. And although enough, early enough.” about half of workers had access to a defined-contribution plan, such as a This article provides an overview of different ways to start saving early 401(k), only 68 percent of them saved in one. for retirement. The first section describes retirement plans and investment Often, workers wait too long to start thinking about saving for retire- options. The second section explains how to choose a plan and investment. According to the Center for Retirement Research at BostonARIZONA ments. The third discusses ways to saveNY000779B more. Resources for more10/1/2006 REPUBLIC, PHOENIsection X College, of workers in 2010 who were eligible to participate in a 401(k) information are listed atJim theFerr end of the article. eira 5 x 7” Adm plan, 60 percent contributed to it when they were in their 20s, compared Exploring savings options txs 1 GELC260001 with 84 percent in their 50s. Before you begin saving for retirement, you need to understand your Workers also are saving too little. Experts typically recommend that options for retirement plans and the investments found within them. workers plan to save 8 to 11 times their annual income for retirement. The information in this section provides the basics you need.

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equal opportunity employment journal Retirement plans

One of the best ways to prepare for retirement is with a retirement savings plan. There are three main types of retirement plans: defined-benefit plans, defined-contribution plans, and Individual Retirement Accounts (better known as IRAs).

One of the best ways to prepare for retirement is with a retirement savings plan. There are three main types of retirement plans: defined-benefit plans, defined-contribution plans, and Individual Retirement Accounts (better known as IRAs). Employers may offer one, both, or neither of the first two plans as part of your benefits package. On your own, you also can save in an IRA to complement the other plans or as your main retirement savings plan. For many workers, one plan alone may not be enough. Workers with some combination of the three plans are likely to have better financial prospects in retirement than those with a single plan.

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In a defined-benefit plan, more commonly known as a pension, employers put aside money for each eligible employee and invest it on his or her behalf. The employer guarantees a monthly benefit when the employee retires based on a number of factors, such as salary and length of service. But becoming eligible for a pension usually means you must remain with one employer for a long time. Furthermore, to cut costs, many employers have either reduced pension benefits or switched to defined-contribution plans.

Defined-contribution plans.

In a defined-contribution plan, the employees—not the employers—make most of the decisions. Employees set aside money for retirement directly from their paychecks, select and manage investments, and choose how much and when to withdraw money in retirement. Employees also accept the risk of losing money. But employers still help in other ways. Employers administer the plans and choose investment options, for example. And, as an incentive, many employers match contributions up to a certain percentage of the employee’s wages. As of 2013, employees can save up to $17,500 per year in a defined-contribution plan. These savings are taxed, but the money gained from growth is not. Employees must pay taxes, either when they withdraw or when they contribute, depending on the type of defined-contribution plan: Traditional or Roth, respectively. In a traditional plan, employees pay taxes on contributions when withdrawing the money. Employees who choose a Roth plan—named after its legislative sponsor, the late Delaware Senator William Roth— pay taxes upfront but withdraw their money tax-free. Employers who offer a Roth plan typically also offer a traditional plan. Depending on who uses them, defined-contribution plans are more commonly known by other names that represent the section or subsection of tax laws under which they are identified. They are known as 401(k) plans for the private sector, 403(b) plans for schools and nonprofit organizations, and 457 plans for state and municipal government. Thrift

November 2013 Savings Plans for the federal government are administered by the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board. The most common defined-contribution plan is the 401(k) plan. This term is often used, including in this article, to represent all defined-contribution plans.


An IRA is a retirement plan that employees open and manage on their own—usually without help from an employer. As in a defined-contribution plan, with an IRA employees must select investments, decide how much money to deposit and when to withdraw it, and accept the risk of losing money. Savings are also taxed, but the amount they earn from growth is not. And there are traditional and Roth versions with the same tax benefits as described above. But the similarities between IRAs and employer-sponsored plans end there. Compared with employer-sponsored plans, traditional and Roth IRAs have lower contribution limits, up to $5,500 per year in 2013. IRAs also have more flexible withdrawal rules, making it easier to access retirement savings for emergencies and big expenses. And, depending on the type of IRA, there are some eligibility restrictions, such as income and age. There are other IRAs meant specifically for the self-employed and small businesses. These IRAs, called simplified employee pension (SEP) and savings incentive match plan for employees (SIMPLE) IRAs, are similar to traditional IRAs but have higher contribution limits. In a SEP IRA, self-employed workers and small-business owners can contribute up to 25 percent of income or $50,000 per year, whichever is less. In a SIMPLE IRA, small businesses must contribute 2 percent of the employee’s salary or match up to 3 percent of salary if the employee also contributes. Employees can contribute up to $12,000 per year.

Investment options

After setting up a 401(k) or an IRA, you need to select where to invest your savings. Although you can invest in almost anything, experts typically recommend investing in mutual funds. Mutual funds pool money from many people and institutions to buy financial assets. There are four types of mutual funds: Index, exchange-traded, target-date, and actively managed funds. These funds are further classified by asset type, usually stocks or bonds. The value of stock is known as equity. When you buy shares of an equity fund, you become part-owner of a number of companies. When you buy shares of a bond fund, you lend money to a number of companies or governments. You can also select funds that invest in domestic or international assets. Mutual funds have annual management fees, called the expense ratio. These fees vary by the fund’s provider and type.

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Index funds.

Index funds are a simple, inexpensive way to invest in a financial market. An index fund replicates a market index—which tracks the total value of assets in a financial market over time—by holding financial assets in the same proportion. For example, if a stock makes up 5 percent of a market, the index fund would hold enough of that stock to make up 5 percent of the fund. At the end of each business day, index funds automatically adjust to changes in the market indexes. For example, if a company’s stock grew relative to the market, the index fund buys more to match the stock’s new proportion in the market index.

Exchange-traded funds.

Before you begin saving for retirement, you need to open a retirement plan. Experts recommend choosing a Roth plan when available, opening a SEP IRA when self-employed, and opening IRAs with mutual fund companies.

Most exchange-traded funds, more commonly known as ETFs, are similar to index funds. ETFs track a market index, automatically adjust to changes, and have low fees. But unlike index funds, ETFs adjust to market changes throughout the day. This makes ETFs easier to trade quick- Self-employed? Open a SEP IRA. ly but often also more expensive. For retirement purposes, If you’re self-employed or own a small business, experts recommend that you open a experts typically recommend index funds over ETFs, which Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) IRA. With a SEP IRA, you can save up to nine times are usually better suited for people who trade often. more money than with a traditional or Roth IRA. And having a SEP IRA doesn’t rule out having a Roth IRA. Because you make SEP Target-date funds. IRA contributions as an employer, opening a Roth IRA could provide another source of Target-date funds bundle a diverse set of domestic and international mutual funds, usually index funds. Target- retirement savings. date funds hold each component fund in a predetermined Open IRAs with a mutual fund company. Because mutual fund companies typically proportion, called the asset allocation. They also adjust offer the best investment options at the best price, experts recommend opening an IRA daily to changes in the markets and annually to keep your there. But these companies have strict conditions, which often include requiring you to automate contributions, keep a minimum balance, and invest a minimum amount savings on track as you age. Target-date funds are sometimes known as lifecycle or (often between $1,000 and $3,000). Some companies reduce the minimum investment requirement if you agree to make a minimum monthly contribution. age-based funds. Another option is to open an IRA at a discount brokerage. Brokerages, which have few Actively managed funds. or no requirements, make investment easier if you can’t afford the minimum required by Actively managed funds try to outperform the market mutual fund companies. But discount brokerages charge a transaction fee, usually between index. A manager chooses assets based on a variety of $5 and $15, which can apply each time you contribute to or change your investments. factors, such as advanced metrics, specific investing stratUnderstanding mutual funds egies, and personal preferences. The fund’s fees include payment to the manager for Once you have a retirement plan, you must decide where to invest your money. Experts administering the fund. As a result, actively managed recommend choosing target-date funds, opting for funds with low fees, and avoiding expensive actively managed funds. funds are more expensive than index funds. Confused? Choose a target-date fund. If you’re uncomfortable investing on your own, Choosing a plan experts recommend that you choose the target-date fund that most closely matches the age and Investments or year when you plan to retire. Choosing among all the options for retirement saving Target-date funds are available in many retirement plans. If your plan doesn’t offer can be confusing. You might not know which retirement them, you can invest in a few index funds to replicate a target-date fund’s asset allocation plan to choose or how to sort through the many differ- for your age. This tactic requires periodic adjustments to follow the target-date fund as ent investment options available in each plan. If you feel The Agricultural Division of Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations, L.L.C. is located in overwhelmed, financial professionals can assist. Des Moines, Iowa, stands on almost 120 acres and has 1500 employees. Our company You don’t have to be a financial expert to save for retireoffers a competitive benefits package and many development opportunities for our teamment. The information in this section can help you narrow mates, including an on-site college program, leadership training and technical training. your options.

Which retirement plan?

Before you begin saving for retirement, you need to open a retirement plan. Experts recommend choosing a Roth plan when available, opening a SEP IRA when selfemployed, and opening IRAs with mutual fund companies.

Choose a Roth plan, when available.

According to experts, workers just starting their careers benefit most from owning a Roth plan, such as a Roth IRA or Roth 401(k). With a Roth plan, young workers pay taxes on retirement savings at the time of investment, when their incomes and tax rates are likely to be low, and withdraw the money tax-free at retirement. Another advantage to Roth plans is that current tax rates are near historic lows. But not all workers have access to a Roth 401(k) plan. If your employer offers a traditional 401(k) plan, or no plan at all, you still have another Roth option. After saving enough in a traditional plan to get your employer’s full matching contribution, for example, you can save in a Roth IRA to guard against rising tax rates.

To view current openings or to apply online visit www.firestoneag.com or fax your resume to 515-235-4079. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations, L.L.C. Agricultural Division 4600 N.W. 2nd Avenue | Des Moines, IA 50313 | EOE

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November 2013

ahead with index funds, which have lower fees. That’s especially true over the long term, say experts, which is what you need to consider when saving for retirement. “There’s no evidence that actively managed funds outperform index funds,” says Webb. “What you’re doing is transferring money from your pockets to those of the fund manager.” Because the long-term performance of actively managed funds rarely justifies higher fees, say experts, it’s best to avoid them when saving for retirement.

Consult a professional.

A financial professional can create a customized plan for your financial goals, including retirement. Seek out professionals who charge a flat fee and are legally required to serve in your financial interest, called a fiduciary duty. Currently, only registered investment advisors have a legally mandated fiduciary duty. Other financial professionals have a voluntary or unclear fiduciary duty. Financial professionals who do not have a legal fiduciary duty may have conflicts of interest, such as recommending an investment for commission. If you’re unsure about investing for retirement, you may prefer to hire a registered advisor. But hiring a financial professional is an expense you may not want. If you find a target-date fund that meets your investment needs, you may not have to consult a professional.

Saving more.

Saving for retirement requires planning. Take charge of your personal finances and how you contribute to retirement so you can save more—regardless of your financial circumstances. you age and as the markets change. For example, some experts recommend adjusting every month or when an asset’s desired allocation changes by 5 percent or more.

Choose funds with low fees.

When presented with an overwhelming number of investment options in a retirement plan, you might be tempted to look only at funds that have recently done well. Experts caution against doing that. “A fund’s past performance tells you next to nothing about how it will perform in the future,” says Anthony Webb, a senior research economist at the Center for Retirement Research. Instead, they say, look at the fees or expense ratio. “Fees seem small but, over time, they really eat into your savings,” says Angela Hung, director of the RAND Center for Financial and Economic Decision Making. Unlike a fund’s future performance, you can control how much you pay in fees. Choosing funds with low fees allows you to keep more of your money.

Avoid actively managed funds.

In a given year, some actively managed funds perform better than the market. But investors usually come out

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Saving for retirement requires planning. Take charge of your personal finances and how you contribute to retirement so you can save more—regardless of your financial circumstances.

Managing finances

Managing your personal finances, especially early in your work life, helps you plan ahead and save. Learning about personal finance, limiting expenses, avoiding high-interest debt, and building an emergency fund are four ways to build a solid savings foundation.

Learn personal finance.

By learning personal finance, you discover how to manage your money and control your expenses. Free personal finance lessons are available online; some schools and libraries offer courses. Topics covered usually include budgeting, saving, and debt management.

Limit expenses.

Everyday living expenses add up quickly. Limiting these expenses frees up money you can save for retirement. “Unfortunately, a dollar can only be spent once,” says Webb. “If you want to save more, you’ll need to spend less.” Discretionary spending is usually the easiest place to start. This includes optional expenses, such as dining out or traveling for vacation. To save even more, limit how much and how often you spend money on things you want but don’t need.

Avoid high-interest debt.

Carrying balances on high-interest debt, such as credit cards and payday loans, can hurt your finances. Mounting debt from the combination of high interest rates and penalty fees may become overwhelming. By living within your means and paying your credit card bill in full each month, you’ll stay out of financial trouble. If you already have high-interest debt, focus on paying it off. The reason, say experts, is that the amount this debt costs you is unlikely to balance out against future retirement gains. “Credit card debt can easily come with an interest rate of 12 to 15 percent,” Webb says. “There’s no investment in your retirement plan that can consistently offer that rate of return.” Build an emergency fund. An emergency fund is an adequate amount of money reserved for unplanned expenses, such as costs incurred from an accident, illness, or job loss. Having an emergency fund can mean the difference between a setback and financial disaster. The money should be kept safe and easily accessible. Experts typically recommend an emergency fund equal to about 3 to 6 months of your wages, depending on your risk of job loss.

Managing contributions

Managing your contributions well can improve how you save for retirement and increase current savings. Strategies include taking an employer’s matching contribution, automating contributions, sticking to your plan, not withdrawing money early, and reinvesting when changing jobs. Occupations, Inc, Family Empowerment Council and New Dynamics Corporation serve over 14,000 individuals & families with special challenges each year, and the caring people we employ are dedicated to improving lives. Together, these community-based not-for-profit organizations, are one of the Hudson Valley’s largest providers of human services. Our organizations encourage veterans to apply for employment and value its employees as a tremendous asset, and our compensation package is generous. EOE/AA, M.F.D.V To view and apply to current open positions, please visit our websites at: www.occupations.org • www.familyempowerment.org or at www.hudsonvalleyhelpwanted.com

November 2013

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Page 17


Short-term Savings Options


aving early for retirement isn’t possible for everyone. Some people have more immediate financial goals, such as saving for an emergency fund. Others prefer to pay off debt, such as student loans or credit cards. Experts say that temporarily putting off retirement savings is OK. “Thinking early about retirement is good, but saving for retirement is a personal decision,” says Chuck Yanikoski, president of a retirement planning software company. If you decide to delay retirement savings for other priorities, you still have short-term options for stashing your money that offer better returns than a low-interest savings account. High-yield bank accounts, money market accounts, and Series I Savings Bonds (I Bonds) keep your money safe and accessible in the short term until you’re able to save for retirement. High-yield bank accounts. Some financial institutions, especially credit unions and online banks, offer checking and savings account options that have high interest rates. These high-yield accounts require you to meet certain monthly conditions, such as setting up direct deposit, using your debit card a number of times, and receiving account statements online. Along with high-interest yields, banks may offer other rewards, such as ATM fee refunds, for meeting their conditions. Money market accounts. Money market accounts, available at most banks, usually offer higher interest rates than a traditional savings account in exchange for keeping a high minimum balance—ranging from $500 to $25,000. As in high-yield bank accounts, your savings are insured and accessible by using an ATM. Many money market accounts limit the number of transactions you can make each month, however. I Bonds. I Bonds use a composite interest rate, which combines a fixed rate and an inflation rate to ensure that your savings maintain their purchasing power. Until October 31, 2013, the composite rate for new I Bonds is 1.18 percent. The federal government adjusts the inflation rate semiannually and guarantees your money. For up to 30 years, I Bonds earn the interest rate set at the time of purchase. You can cash them in after 1 year, but you lose the last 3 months of interest. After 5 years, there is no penalty. If the composite rate for new I Bonds rises significantly, you might benefit from cashing out early and buying again at the new rate. I Bonds are most useful when saving for expenses a few years into the future, such as a down-payment for a home. You also can use them to store some of your emergency fund.

Take the employer’s match.

to spend it; instead, it goes directly into their Your employer’s matching contribution to retirement fund. your retirement plan could double how much Stick to your plan. you save for retirement. For example, if your Misguided emotion can lead to investment employer matches contributions up to 5 percent mistakes, caution experts. “Don’t let your of your wages, you bump your savings rate to emotions guide what you do,” says Chuck 10 percent by taking part. Half would come Yanikoski, president of a retirement planning from your contributions and the other half from software company. “You might invest in someyour employer’s match. thing you don’t understand or buy and sell at the Experts say that participating in the matching wrong time.” option makes good financial sense. “Whenever Creating a plan, and sticking with it, helps you possible, you should contribute the maximum avoid emotion-driven pitfalls. One of the advanyour employer will match,” says VanDerhei. tages of target-date funds, for example, is that “Otherwise, you’re just leaving free money on they follow predetermined investing strategies. the table.” By minimizing mistakes, you can get more out of your retirement savings. Automate. Don’t withdraw early. Most retirement plans For some workers, the biggest obstacle to saving for retirement is setting up a plan. To have a tax penalty, usually 10 percent, for withhelp employees overcome this difficulty, many drawing money before age 59½. The purpose employers automatically enroll them in a retire- of the penalty is to encourage investment until retirement age. ment plan. If you need money from the plan before Once employees have a retirement plan in place, they’re likely to carry on with contrib- you’re eligible to withdraw it, there are ways uting. “Automatic enrollment and contribu- to avoid the penalty. Withdrawal exceptions for tions have powerful effects on people’s saving defined-contribution plans, such as a 401(k), are behavior,” says Hung. And people who contrib- typically stricter than those for IRAs. For examute automatically from their paychecks usually ple, 401(k) plans may allow withdrawal only in save more, because they never see the money situations involving disability or financial hard-

Schlumberger is the leading oilfield services provider, trusted to deliver superior results and improved E&P performance for oil and gas companies around the world. One of our greatest strengths is the diversity of our workforce, with men and women of many nationalities and backgrounds working together and sharing common objectives. Schlumberger does not have a ‘nationality’ that describes its culture, but operates in a truly global fashion throughout the world. As a company, we encourage fair employment practices worldwide and offer equal opportunities to all our employees. We’re looking for men and women to join our global family in this effort. If you’re ambitious, innovative, and hard working, a Schlumberger career may be for you. Learn more about us at


Success without boundaries

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equal opportunity employment journal ship. By comparison, Roth IRAs offer more flexibility: after 5 years, you may withdraw penalty-free to help pay for expenses such as a first home, college, or large medical bills. Even if you can withdraw penalty-free, however, experts recommend against it. Instead, they advise, tap into retirement savings only when absolutely necessary.

Reinvest when changing jobs.

Roth IRAs offer flexibility: after 5 years, you may withdraw penalty-free to help pay for expenses such as a first home, college, or large medical bills. Innovate. Grow. Imagine. Build your career at Federal-Mogul.

Federal-Mogul Corporation is an innovative and diversified $6.7 billion global supplier of quality products, trusted brands and creative solutions to manufacturers of automotive, light commercial, heavy-duty and off-highway vehicles, as well as in power generation, aerospace, marine, rail and industrial. Federal-Mogul Corporation fosters a growth-oriented, professional environment that promotes personal success and career satisfaction. We value diversity, and are committed to attracting and retaining talented employees from a wide range of backgrounds. Join our team and be part of a professional environment that promotes personal success and career satisfaction. We offer opportunities for cross-functional experience and a chance to work with high-quality products and globally recognized brands. Visit us online to view and apply online for current open positions:


7450 MCCORMICK BOULEVARD | SKOKIE, IL 60076 Federal-Mogul is committed to providing equal employment opportunities for all employees and applicants for employment based on individual qualifications and without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, marital status or any other similarly protected status.

When you change jobs, you have the option of withdrawing your 401(k) savings, but you will pay penalties in the process. However, you also have the option of rolling over, or reinvesting, the balance penalty-free into an IRA. Still another option is to leave your money where it is and start another plan with your new employer. This may be an attractive choice if your existing retirement plan offers good investment options with low fees. For example, experts advise that workers who leave the federal government should keep their savings in the Thrift Savings Plan.

For more information

There is a wealth of retirement information available, although

November 2013 no single source provides comprehensive information concerning all aspects of retirement. You can continue your research by exploring some of the resources suggested in this section. The U.S. Department of Labor hosts a website with general information about retirement for both employees and employers. Visit www.savingmatters.dol.gov. The April 23, 2013, episode of the Public Broadcasting Service news show Frontline studied the current state of retirement savings. Topics include the shift from pensions to contribution plans and advice about getting the most from your retirement dollars. Watch at www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/ frontline/retirement-gamble. For more information about federal tax rules and incentives for retirement, visit the Internal Revenue Service’s resource at www.irs.gov/Retirement-Plans. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission offers detailed information about investing. Topics include investment products, guiding principles, and tips for avoiding fraud. Article provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Dennis Vilorio is an economist in the Office of Occupational Statistics and Employment Projections, BLS.

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Kathryn Troutman is the creator of the popular book and curriculum, Ten Steps to a Federal Job. This is a proven formula for researching, applying for an landing federal jobs. This curriculum is taught in in AF, Navy, Army, USCG and USMC Miltiary Transition Centers around the world. This is a step-by-step system for learning about federal job search through the interview preparation. Consider a free estimate or federal resume review to improve your federal job search results at www.resume-place.com/services/. Kathryn has written a SAMPLE book for military personnel seeking federal jobs, the Military to Federal Career Guide (also on CD-ROM). Kathryn has free samples of veteran federal resumes atwww.vetfedjobs.org.

We talked to Kathryn Troutman, federal jobs expert, about the challenges of finding a federal job, and she offered her advice on how to apply and get federal employment. Can you talk a little bit about your experience and expertise when it comes to federal jobs? I am the President of The Resume Place, Inc., which is a specialized federal resume writing and federal career coaching firm in Baltimore, MD. In 1996, when the SF-171 form was eliminated as the application form for government jobs, I wrote the first book on federal resume writing – the Federal Resume Guidebook. This book is in 5th edition now and includes the latest formats and samples of federal resumes for USAJOBS resume builders and busy federal human resources specialists

today. I’m also a Federal Resume Writing instructor to federal employees for federal agencies. In my book Ten Steps to a Federal Job I narrow down the federal application process into ten steps. It’s also a workshop curriculum that has been used by Air Force Airmen & Family Readiness Centers, USN Fleet & Family Support Centers, US Army ACS Centers and USCG Transition Centers. The veterans like the step-by-step process. This is the third edition of the book – what would you say are the major changes from previous editions? The third edition is shorter than the 2nd edition, as I tried to streamline the instructions for easy reading on an eBook reader and to keep the ten steps as simple as possible. The book has one case study that runs throughout the book. The keywords, accomplishments and format for the resume are based on one sample to keep it easy to follow. There are 20 other samples available on a website available through the 3rd edition. All of the samples are successful federal resumes that were written for first-time federal applicants.

Eaton Hydraulics is a worldwide leader in the design, manufacture and marketing of a comprehensive line of reliable, high-efficiency hydraulic systems and components for use in mobile and industrial applications. Our goal at Eaton is to empower everyone to make a positive impact on their own careers, their businesses and their communities. If you’re ready to do something that matters, to do it well and to be encouraged and rewarded for doing it, then Eaton is the place for you. Learn more about career opportunities and application procedures online at:


Eaton Hydraulics | 1225 West Main Street | Van Wert, Ohio 45891 An Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer: M/F/V.

Since its founding in 1954 Crissair has manufactured the best quality precision components for nearly every airframe manufacturer and major subcontractor in the industry, both for military and commercial aircraft. For current job opportunities visit our website at:


Crissair Inc. values diversity among all levels of employees and seeks talented, qualified employees regardless of race, gender, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, age, veteran status or any other protected classification under law.

38905 10th Street East • Palmdale, CA 93550

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equal opportunity employment journal

What would you say are some of the advantages veterans have when it comes to transitioning to a federal job? What are some of the obstacles they face? The major advantages for veterans in landing a federal job are the following: • Career positions with promotion potential to increased steps or grades based on the position • Training and career development in a specific career field • Opportunities to move to new agencies, offices and departments, once the veteran is in the government • Study, stable employment that is not dependent on contracts and economic downturns • Excellent benefits, retirement, and flexibility, including telework for many agencies Military personnel are also familiar with the structure of government and the chain of command for leadership, which is the same for a government civil service job. Some obstacles veterans might face include: • Writing a federal resume so that the resume is focused toward a specific occupation series in government. • Translating the skills from military experience into government career positions. The jobs are very different, but the competencies developed from the military are sometimes very similar, but they have to be written so that the human resources specialist can understand the experience and rate the veteran as Best Qualified.

A Multidiscipline Consulting Engineering Firm with offices located across the US and abroad Since POWER Engineers began in 1976, we have grown into a flexible and progressive consulting engineering firm. We are a company of innovators. We encourage new ideas and fresh approaches and, most importantly, we strive to be our clients’ first choice. These traits and deep technical skill account for the mutual success of POWER and our clients. POWER Engineers is an equal opportunity employer. Our objective is to recruit, hire, train and promote into all job levels the most qualified applicants without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disabled, or veteran status.

For Career Opportunities visit


November 2013

Applying for the federal jobs takes patience and perseverance with a complex online application form, including document uploads, two user name / password set-ups; two profile set-ups, resume matching and a complex self-assessment questionnaire. The application process itself is a TEST. Determining which position is right and what grade level is right for a veteran’s background. This is not totally obvious when looking at USAJOBS announcements, as there is no specific translation table between MOS and GS positions in government. Out of the ten steps you focus on in the book, are there any that stand out to you as particularly critical, or perhaps overlooked by the average federal job seeker? Step 1 – Federal Job Information - What is the correct Occupational Series to target from your background? Step 3 – Finding Vacancy Announcements - finding eh right announcement that matches your qualifications, KSAs and keywords. Step 5 – Finding Keywords. Determining which words are important to add and feature in your resume. Which knowledge, skills and abilities keywords and specialized experience can be added to the resume? Step 6 – Writing the Federal Resume. This is probably the Number One Problem for the typical federal jobseeker. Many people think that the private industry resume will work for a government application. This is totally incorrect. THE federal resume is much different, longer and more detailed than a private industry resume. Adding accomplishments to the federal resume is critical to get Referred and Interviewed! Step 7 – Questionnaires and KSAs – the new self-assessment questionnaire is an application test and many veterans do not realize that the questionnaire is critical for the success of their application. The KSAs were eliminated as separate narratives for the current federal application, but NOW, the KSAs must be covered in the federal resume text. Step 8 – Applying for a Federal Job – Everything has to be right to apply for the federal job. The resume builder, profile selections, documents, and questionnaire must be ready before you submit. Step 10 – The Behavior-based Interview – This is an actual test, and the interview is critical to land the position. This takes practice and preparation. Do you have any general advice for veterans who are debating whether to apply for a federal job? How’s the outlook for federal jobs in the immediate future? My general advice would be to absolutely apply for federal positions. These positions are the best careers in America with competitive pay, benefits, flexibility and opportunity for career growth. The positions are the most stable in America. With a veteran’s 5 or 10 points that can be added to their scores, this would be a great employer and application to submit. The outlook for federal jobs in the immediate future is very good, except for some agencies that are freezing and cutting back on hiring – such as Army Civilian jobs and positions at the Pentagon. The agencies that are hiring would be VA, DHS, USDA, DOI and non-DOD agencies. There are also positions in intelligence and law enforcement. Article provided by www.military.com

Armacell is a manufacturer of engineered

foams and the world leader in the market for flexible technical insulation materials. Learn more about us online at: www.armacell.com 7600 Oakwood Street Extension • Mebane, NC 27302 Armacell is an equal opportunity employer committed to providing diversity among all levels of employees and offering and environment of opportunity and acceptance throughout our organization.

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They’re Watching You: The Do’s and Don’ts of Workplace Behaviors


tarting your first professional job is exciting. It can also be a little colleagues. This is true even if you have finished your work ahead intimidating. In addition to accomplishing what is required vis à vis of schedule and there is nothing else to do. In a workplace, there is your job description, there is a bit more that is expected of you-some always something that needs attention. If it doesn’t jump out at you, of which will never be communicated outright ask how you can contribute. and hence the reason to read on. 6. Think carefully before personalizing your Just like learning table manners and saying workspace. Use good judgment in choos“excuse me” if you need to pass someone, ing pictures or knickknacks for your desk. there are specific etiquette rules that relate 7. Don’t write a single e-mail message that to the workplace. Here is most of what you could ever embarrass you if it was read probably need to know: by your boss or colleagues. Remember, 1. The proper way to call in sick is to conthe company owns the computer and can nect with your supervisor immediately at access the server where your e-mails have the start of the workday. Unless you are so ill that you are physically been. unable to speak, you should make the call. 8. Steer clear of office politics. If colleagues are bad-mouthing the boss 2. Give your supervisor as much notice as possible if you need any behind her back, don’t contribute your two cents. It is almost guaranpersonal time off. Even though you are entitled to vacation time, and teed to backfire on you. that time should be at your discretion, it is proper etiquette to ask for 9. Be wary of adversarial relationships. Cliques of employees somethe time by saying, “I would like to take the week of February 12th times develop at work. As the newbie, it won’t be long before somefor a vacation. Is that okay with you?” one tries to recruit you to their camp. Stay out of the war by telling 3. Be punctual. Respect the workday hours and don’t be a clock-watcheach person, separately, that you don’t want to be in the middle. er. Notice when the most conscientious staff members arrive and 10. Contribute in due time. If something seems like it should be changed, leave and use that as a guideline. you may indeed have a great idea or you may be naïve to the bigger 4. Always dress appropriately for the work environment. If you are picture. Start your job be being a great listener and observer. going out after work, bring a change of clothes with you and change 11. If a job goes sour and you need to quit, squelch your hostility and take when you arrive at your destination. the high road. Write a business-like letter of resignation and give two 5. Don’t take care of personal business while at work. It is wrong to surf weeks notice. the Internet, make or receive personal phone calls, instant message This content was provided by M J Feld, a master’s level career counselor and certified professional friends, or even spend significant amounts of time in idle chatter with resume writer. Additional career advice can be found on her website, www.careersbychoice.com.

In tobacco packaging, quality comes down to two elements - superior appearance and ease of high speed processing. Amcor’s focus is on recruiting, retaining and developing local talent to manage its businesses around the world, and on selecting from this broad talent pool for its global leadership roles. Working at Amcor opens a new world of opportunity that sets us apart. Amcor ensures compliance with all relevant legislation and supports the principle of equal employment opportunity to all employees regardless of race, color, nationality, religion, sex, age, disability or marital status. Learn more at: www.amcor.com AMCOR TOBACCO PACKAGING

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Hurst Boiler & Welding Company, Inc. • 100 Boilermaker Lane • Coolidge, GA 31738 • EOE

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November 2013

Top 10 Jobs in Information Technology


Aviation Communication & Surveillance Systems

is a leader in safety avionics systems that increase safety, situational awareness and efficiency for commercial and military flight operators. We believe that our employees are our most precious resource, where every team member counts. View current open positions and application procedures online at


19810 North 7th Avenue • Phoenix, AZ 85027 ACSS is an equal opportunity employer. M/F/D/V

by Veronica C.

nformation technology – often shortened to just IT – is a buzz phrase you’ve probably heard ad nauseum if you happen to work with IT personnel or went to school for anything related to computers. IT workers are highly specialized in their field, which is probably why they’re often just called “IT nerds.” They like what they do and understand it inside and out. IT workers are also essential to just about every modern business model. If a company relies on phones and emails, chances are that there’s an IT professional behind it all making sure the cogs in the machine function properly. So what’s the real benefit of being the behindthe-scenes technological lifeblood of a company? Excellent pay is your reward, more often than not. As the economy finds its footing and more jobs open up, expect the requirements of IT professionals to be vast as ever. Curious what you might like to do and how much someone will pay you to do it? Consider these 10 leading fields and their median salary ranges.

1. IT consultant

Amphenol Aerospace & Industrial Operations, an Amphenol Corporation group, is one of the largest manufacturers of interconnect products in the world for the Military, Commercial Aerospace and Industrial markets. Are you looking for a career developing advanced technology? Interested in being at the forefront of new product development and a part of Amphenol’s future?

We are always looking for exceptional engineering talent and invite you to check out our employment opportunities at Amphenol. For more information visit us at: www.amphenol-sidneyny.jobs Amphenol Aerospace Operations 40-60 Delaware Street Sidney, NY 13837 It is the policy of Amphenol Aerospace, to give equal opportunity to all qualified persons without regard to race, color, creed, religion, ancestry, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, marital status, veteran status, or any other classification protected by federal, state, and local laws and ordinances.

Ranking number 13 on CNN’s most recent Best Jobs in America list, the work of being an IT consultant is as vague as it sounds. In this position, your job is to evaluate the systems and do the research that no one else entirely understands. As CNN puts it, everyone from local startups to the Fortune 500 companies need IT consultants to help them figure out the cheapest and fastest ways to run computers better. Education: A bachelor’s degree in computer science definitely helps, like most positions on this list. CNN also recommends that an IT consultant specialize in a niche category to help focus on the kind of experience he or she gets. Salary: $96,400, according to CNN. Search current opportunities and submit your resume at: www.arcadis-us.com/careers

Imagine and become Experience your career the ARCADIS way. Where creativity, innovation and imagination are valued in the everyday work environment. Where you become part of the adventure as the challenges of the future are solved by creating smart business solutions today. Where respecting the ecology and preserving the environment are important. Where economic development and environmental issues are viewed as partners, not competitors.

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ARCADIS is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to workforce diversity. M/F/D/V

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C.R. Bard and the division of Bard Peripheral Vascular have demonstrated commitment to innovative medical technology by introducing surgical and interventional devices for peripheral vascular patency, while providing exceptional service and support to surgeons, interventionalists and radiologists. We seek to attract the highest caliber people for every position. Please visit us at jobs-crbard.com and submit your resume. It has been and will continue to be a fundamental policy of C.R. Bard not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or status as a veteran with respect to recruitment, hiring, training, promotion, and other terms and conditions of employment.

1415 West 3rd Street, P.O. Box 1740 Tempe, AZ 85280


WE DELIVER THE TOOLS & SOLUTIONS PEOPLE COUNT ON WHEN IT REALLY MATTERS Joining the Stanley Black & Decker team means joining one of the world’s largest, fastest-growing, and most dynamic companies. If you’d like to be a part of this team and make a difference in the lives of our customers, visit us online at www.stanleyblackanddecker.com for current openings and application procedures. We are an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer (AA/EOE) and encourage applications from women, veterans and minorities. 12827 VALLEY BRANCH LANE • DALLAS, TX 75234

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2. Cloud architect

You’ve heard of cloud computing of course. Although that storage space existing in the ether can’t be touched literally, it still needs to be organized and given an architecture. That’s what this job is for. Education: A bachelor’s degree. Salary: $112,000, making it one of the highest paying IT jobs.

3. Computer forensic investigator

Computer crime detectives – The Best Schools reports that computer forensic investigators search for, identify and evaluate information from computer systems, often for trial evidence. Education: TBS says that you’ll need a degree in computer forensics, information security or cyber security. Certification from a computer examiner board also helps. Salary: $64,000 according to TBS.

4. Health IT specialist

Health IT is a blossoming field, especially with major changes going on in healthcare due to the Affordable Care Act and the gradual transition to electronic health records. Health IT specialists will mix computer knowledge will record-keeping skills, but specialties in medical coding, billing and cancer registry are also in demand, according to TBS. Education: While some health IT jobs require only an associate degree or certification, supervisory technician positions call for bachelor’s and master’s degrees Salary: $45,000, according to TBS.

5. Mobile application developer

Chances are that you and most people you know have smartphones and/or tablet computers. According to CareerRealism, the use of mobile tech is predicted to exceed personal computers at some time in 2013, so businesses are more heavily relying on IT professionals with experience in this field than ever before. Using basic coding languages, developers will create programs for future iOS and Android devices. Education: A bachelor’s in software engineering, computer science, mobile computer or related fields, according to TBS. Salary: $90,000 with high growth outlook, reports TBS.

6. Web developer

Web developers are jacks of all trades. They create web pages, web applications and web content, but their skill​ set requires them to have excellent understanding of what makes a good operating system, what the average surfer finds visually stimulating and how to optimize sites for mobile tech, among numerous other skills. They also need proficiency in Web languages, like HTML and Javascript. Education: TBS reports that the road to web design can be learned through accredited degree programs, but many web developers are self taught and use their “portfolios” to win positions. Salary: $90,000, according to TBS.

7. Software engineer

Like video games? Want to design the next Facebook? This is for you. Software engineers are behind all the programs we run on our mobile devices and personal computers – and there is a very wide range of niche fields you can work in. Education: According to TBS, a bachelor’s degree in software engineering or a related field is best. Salary: $89,000 according to TBS.

8. Information technology vendor manager

Slightly more hands-off compared to some tech positions, vendor managers oversee supply when it comes to software and hardware. This can mean anything from Microsoft’s latest word processor to health IT programs for hospitals. Education: Computer science degrees are helpful, but a deep understanding of business or even an MBA could clinch a job. Salary: $88,000, reports TBS.

Web developers are jacks of all trades. They create web pages, web applications and web content, but their skill​ set requires them to have excellent understanding of what makes a good operating system, what the average surfer finds visually stimulating and how to optimize sites for mobile tech, among numerous other skills. Medtronic Diabetes is the world leader in insulin pump therapy and continuous glucose monitoring. Medtronic offers employees challenging experiences and unlimited opportunities for personal growth and professional advancement. Current opportunities in Sales, Sales Support, Engineering, Marketing, Finance, Clinical Studies and Information Technology. MEDTRONIC DIABETES

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www.medtronic.com Medtronic is an equal opportunity employer committed to cultural diversity in the workforce.

9. Geospatial Professionals

Sound confusing? Geographic information systems are complicated, but exciting and getting moreso every day. GIS tech uses geographic data to evaluate and communicate trends and patterns in visually stylish and comprehensive ways, according to CareerRealism. Education: Certificate programs and degrees both improve job outlook. Salary: Up to $84,000, according to CareerRealism.

Tosoh Bioscience, Inc. (TBI) provides highly sophisticated diagnostic systems to doctor’s offices, hospitals and reference laboratories.

10. Data Modeler

Another position that translates poorly without jargon, these IT professionals create data designs and define relationships between data fields, according to TBS. Since any company’s data is vital, it’s modeling needs to work perfectly – a more complex task as reliance on computers grows. Education: Bachelor’s degree in computer science, m athematics or IT – plus on-the-job experience, says TBS. Salary: A hefty $103,000, according to TBS. Article provided by Experience.com

Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V

The employee work environment is fast-paced, challenging and offers opportunities for personal growth and career advancement. TBI employees are focused on the collective vision of providing quality products and services through innovation. For information regarding job openings at TBI, or to submit an application, please visit the Tosoh Jobs Portal online at www.tosoh.iapplicants.com. Learn more about us at: www.tosohbioscience.com 6000 Shoreline Court • Suite 101 • South San Francisco, CA 94080

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equal opportunity employment journal

November 2013


Simon Sheather, head of the Department of Statistics at Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas, is looking through row after row of airfare data—nearly 8 million of them. But he isn’t planning a vacation. He’s using the huge dataset to create a model that predicts ticket prices to help customers save money, based on the route they fly. The increased amount of data in the world has created many opportunities for the kind of analysis Sheather does. Recent advances in technology, such as e-commerce, smart phones, and social networking, are generating new types of data on a scale never seen before—a phenomenon known as “big data.”


ccording to some data experts, 90 percent of the data that exists in the world today was created in the last 2 years. And society increasingly relies on data to tell us things about the world. This year, 2013, is The International Year of Statistics. It’s a designation intended to highlight the role that data and statistical analysis have in society. To further that goal, this article describes work with big data.

by Sara Royster

and comments on social networking sites. These national laboratory in Batavia, Illinois. The U.S. data cannot easily be separated into categories Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) classifies or analyzed numerically. “Unstructured big data these workers as statisticians, computer prois the things that humans are saying,” says big grammers, or in other occupations, depending data consulting firm vice president Tony Jewitt on their tasks. of Plano, Texas. “It uses natural language.” Whatever their title, these workers study big Analysis of unstructured data relies on key- data using both conventional and newly develwords, which allow users to filter the data based oped statistical methods. Many of the new methon searchable terms. The explosive growth of the ods were developed specifically for use with big Internet in recent years means that the variety data. These workers run computer programs or and amount of big data continue to grow. Much algorithms, often hundreds of times, to detect What is big data? patterns or to find usable information. The data Big data generally is defined as a collection of of that growth comes from unstructured data. are so complex that the workers use software large datasets that cannot be analyzed with nor- Working with big data mal statistical methods. The datasets are so big, Some of the work of big data is automated, that has been specifically designed to analyze they are measured in exabytes—one quintillion but not all of it. Workers are still involved in large, unstructured datasets. But big data work may begin before analysis. (1 followed by 18 zeroes) bytes. Workers may confer with comBy comparison, an mp3 song is puter specialists to design ways typically less than 10 megabytes Some of the work of big data is automated, to collect and aggregate the data (1 followed by 6 zeroes). from sources. After the data are The data do not have to be but not all of it. Workers are still involved in collected, workers devise methods just numbers; they can be videos, of storing and organizing the huge the collection, processing, and analysis pictures, aps, words and phrases, amounts of data. and so on. Examples of big data of big data. For example, software developers “Often, traditional means of storinclude customer reviews on comage are not enough for big data,” mercial websites, comments on write specialized computer programs that says Jewitt. Workers also process social networking websites, phoand clean the data, a task known tos and videos posted online, elechelp analyze big data. as scrubbing. To make analysis tronic medical records, and bank easier, they organize and remove records. errors or excess information from the data. By There are two types of big data: structured and the collection, processing, and analysis of big unstructured. Structured data are numbers and data. For example, software developers write consulting with an organization’s managers, words that can be easily categorized and ana- specialized computer programs that help ana- these workers determine which data should be lyzed. These data are generated by things like lyze big data. saved and analyzed, and which are not relevant. network sensors embedded in electronic devic- Workers who use big data “We are looking for that handful of data that is es, smartphones, and global positioning system Most workers who deal with big data are meaningful for what we are doing,” says Roser. (GPS) devices. Structured data also include known as data scientists, although they may After they complete the analysis, workers create things like sales figures, account balances, and also be called data analysts or have some other graphs, charts, tables, or other tools to sumtransaction data. designation. “The term ‘data scientist’ is so new, marize the results. They may also present the Unstructured data include more complex infor- we don’t yet have it in our job descriptions at results to managers and clients. mation, such as customer reviews from com- Fermilab,” says physicist Robert Roser, head Big data work also may include developing mercial websites, photos and other multimedia, of the Scientific Computing Division at this computer software programs that are used with

November 2013

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it. Workers on big data projects consult with computer programmers to write the code that is used to analyze the data. Often, the code is specific to each project and must be written almost entirely from scratch.

search data to find trends in purchasing or web- gathered from drug trials for evidence-based site traffic. drug therapy and to estimate the cost effectiveFinance. Account data, credit and debit card ness of new drugs. Using social networking, transactions, and financial market data are analysts also have created software to track disexamples of financial big data. Analysts study ease outbreaks in real time. transaction data to look for fraud and other Through the Human Genome Project, sciBig data by field security breaches. They also monitor investentists have mapped electronically the entireData analysts’ job tasks differ, based on the ment portfolios and alter them to compensate ty of the structure of human DNA. Analysts source of the big data with which they work. for increased risk and unexpected price changes. work with scientists to devise uses for the vast Sometimes the work that is done in one field Government. Governments collect a lot of amounts of data collected by the project. These is applicable to another, but a lot of the work is uses include the development of drugs specific to that field or orgatailored specifically to an individual’s nization. Big data collected genetic makeup and the creation of by one organization can often lifesaving medical treatments. be of use to another, especially Science. Many different fields of combined with its own propriscience produce huge datasets. For etary data. example, physicists study the properFor example, traffic pattern ties of particles by colliding them with data collected by a package other particles in high-tech experidelivery service might be usements. Data analysts record the locaful to urban planners. The tion, velocity, and other information exchanging and sharing of data about every particle in the experiment. in this manner has created a “Particle physics has been dealing secondary market for big data. with big data since its inception,” says The following are examples Roser. “We just had to wait for the of specific kinds of big data technology to catch up.” and how workers are involved Analysts collect data from the experwith them. iment data on site, and then ship them Business. Increasingly, busioff to another lab to be analyzed. “Big nesses base their decisions on data is underlying all that we do,” says data. Businesses need workers Roser. For example, Fermilab hosts all to collect relevant product data the data for the Large Hadron Collider. and analyze that data in the Experiments are done in Europe, and context of the industry. Workers may confer with computer specialists to design then data are transported to Fermilab Analysts look at purchase data and customer reviews to ways to collect and aggregate the data from sources. After for analysts to determine how to house and study them.Other areas of science, decide what kinds of improvesuch as climatology, chemistry, and the data is collected, workers devise methods of storing ments or new products they biology, also are using these workers should make to meet their cusand organizing the huge amounts of data. to help with the logistics and analysis tomers’ needs. For example, of large datasets. workers may study transaction data about their constituents, but policies and Social networking. data from store loyalty cards to see what types security concerns may keep them from sharing Data analysts who specialize in social netof products customers buy and when they or using that data. owever, use of big data can working study how big data is used after it is buy them. help governments serve their constituents better generated. Analysts gather huge volumes of Big data can also help businesses run more and improve policy decisions. comments, pictures, and videos from social efficiently. Analysts use supply chain data to For example, some governments use data networking sites. By sorting these data, the anamanage inventories. They also detect errors by to pre-fill tax or other forms for constituents. lysts study user preferences that can help create studying real time production data. Analysts also study constituent satisfaction levmore targeted advertising and better customer E-commerce. Purchase-transaction data from services. commercial websites have long been collected, els by monitoring social networking sites. Healthcare. The move toward electronic And as social networking continues to grow, but now new kinds of big data are generated by commercial websites. Data analysts help a health records generates even more new uses for analysts search for new ways to use the rich company improve customer service by studying patient medical data. Patient data can include amounts of data that can be found there. A how consumers feel about its products through video feeds from surgeries and other medical large portion of the data from social networking customer reviews, comments, and suggestions. procedures. In addition, remote patient moni- websites and online maps and GPS services is Many commercial websites use predictive toring is becoming increasingly popular, and a personal location data. Even nonhuman objects, modeling techniques to suggest similar options way to organize and evaluate data from all these such as packages or shipping containers, have when users browse products. Analysts also video feeds is now necessary. Analysts use data location data that are collected and tracked. We Have Immediate Opportunities for service minded individuals! Our many departments include: •Administrative •Culinary •Front Office

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November 2013

Analysts use this data to help businesses make better products or advertise Employment, wages, and outlook more effectively. The growth in big data will continue to expand the kinds of work that Telecommunications. With the proliferation of smart phones, the use this information. As mentioned previously, BLS does not collect data amount of telecommunications big data has increased rapidly. Smart specifically about data scientists. Instead, BLS classifies these workers as phones can learn their users’ preferences through their actions and can statisticians or computer programmers or in other occupations. track user location through GPS data. In May 2012, BLS data for wage and This allows data analysts who work salary workers show that there were for telecommunications companies to 25,570 statisticians and 316,790 combetter tailor their services to their cusputer programmers. These occupations tomers’ preferences, based on their had median annual wages of $75,560 phone use. Analysts also study huge and $74,280, respectively—more than amounts of data from phone records double the median annual wage of to try and minimize dropped calls and $34,750 for all workers in May 2012. other problems. In fact, wages in mathematics- and Other. Other areas where big data computer-related occupations continue increasingly is used include politics, to outpace wages in other occupations. utilities, and smart meters on appliAccording to BLS ances. Politicians rely on polling data Occupational Employment Statistics and approval ratings, which were tradata, median annual wages in these ditionally numerical. Now, however, occupations were $76,270 in May analysts gather public sentiment data Workers who use big data are employed by many 2012, more than double the median from comments on social networking wage for all occupations. kinds of institutions and in many different and other websites. BLS projects both statisticians industries: government, businesses, financial Utility data include power generand computer programmers to have ation and usage information from institutions, healthcare, scientific research facilities, average employment growth between homes and businesses. Analysts study 2010 and 2020. colleges and universities, and others. the data to reduce costs by determinStatistician, a relatively small occuThe collection and use of big data continues ing which parts of the system are pation, is projected to add about 3,500 working at full capacity and where to expand in all of these. new jobs over the decade. The larger SF014287B 2 2/29/2012 PRODUCTION future investments should be made. occupation of computer programmer is 5” (4c process) CRODRIGU They can also detect patterns that lead to equipment failure, allowing MCKESS0005 projected to add about 43,700 new jobs during the same period. Diversity them to fix outages more quickly. Workers who use big data are employed by many kinds of institutions Smart meters are installed on different kinds of equipment, such as and in many different industries: government, businesses, financial cars and electric meters. The meters transmit data about the equipment’s institutions, healthcare, scientific research facilities, colleges and univerperformance. Data analysts examine this data to determine the cause of sities, and others. The collection and use of big data continues to expand any malfunctions and help prevent future ones. in all of these.


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November 2013

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Challenges presented by big data

Preparing to work with big data

A major impediment to the widespread use of big data is the lack of workers with the appropriate training and skills. Big data work can require not only knowledge of statistical analysis and computer systems, but experience in the relevant field or industry, such as healthcare or physics.

Education and training

In addition to having a bachelor’s degree, most analysts who work with big data have a master’s or higher degree. Common specialties include mathematics, statistics, or computer science. Courses. Coursework in math, statistics, and computer programming prepares students to work with big data. Math helps students develop the logical thinking and problem-solving skills they need. Statistics provides the analytical knowledge that they need to properly study the data and to interpret the results in a meaningful way. Computer programming courses are a must for those who want to be involved in software development. “A background in computer science is very important,” says Sriram Mohan, a computer science professor at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in Terre Haute, Indiana. “You need the ability to program and also to think logically.” Workers who use big data come from various fields of study, which includes engineering. “We look for people with engineering backgrounds, because they think a certain way,” says Jewitt. “They know how to break down a problem.”

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The growth of big data has provided new insights but also has presented new challenges to those who work with it. A large part of big data work involves not only dealing with these challenges but trying to overcome them as well. One of the biggest challenges facing those who work with big data is the availability of funding. At a time when the economy has been in recession and governments are trying to cut costs, new investments are often eliminated. Because big data is a recent phenomenon, funds that were meant for big data analysis software, improved computing equipment, or hiring new data analysts often are targeted. “Right now, we have many more questions than we do resources,” Roser says of the scientific community. Another challenge in working with big data is its storage. The volume of data can require many—perhaps hundreds—of servers to both store and process all the information for even one user or organization. Data need to be saved and made easily accessible to many users for an indefinite length of time. “Nowadays, the common wisdom says to keep everything,” says Jewitt. “Make it all electronically available for people to use and study it.” Finding the usable data among the unusable information is also a challenge, given the large volume of data that exists. And after the relevant data have been isolated, useful information needs to be extracted from them. Analyzing not only numerical data but words, pictures, videos, and other information, then combining everything into a meaningful result, takes different and unconventional methods. Isolating usable data also can be very time consuming. Time-sensitive issues, such as fraud detection and epidemic monitoring, require data to be aggregated and analyzed as quickly as possible. Another challenge is to ensure that big data is accurately measuring what it is meant to measure. With the amount and variety of unstructured data—which can include videos, comments, and other non-numerical data that are not easily analyzed—it is often unclear how the data should be interpreted. If major business and policy decisions are based on the data, analysts need to make sure they are as accurate as possible. The question of ownership is a challenge unique to big data. Data, unlike a physical asset, are used by many people at once. This raises the question of who owns the data. Do they belong only to the entity that collected them? Is that entity permitted to use the data any way it likes? Because the question of data ownership is new, few laws exist to resolve it. A related challenge is how to protect and control the data once they have been collected. There is controversy about what data may be collected and how those data can be used or shared without violating people’s privacy. Analysts may be responsible for devising methods of keeping big data secure. Big data can contain highly sensitive information, such as location data, financial and medical records, and telecommunications data. Security will be a major concern as data collection continues to grow.

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November 2013


Problem-solving skills are important for working with big data. Other training. Workers who use big data may also need education in the industry in which they work, especially in highly technical industries, such as physics and healthcare. The education they need is more specialized than what they can learn on the job—a degree or work experience usually is necessary. When it comes to hiring data analysts at Fermilab, for example, Roser looks for people with a background in particle physics. “Understanding the basics is most important,” he says. For workers who have little formal training, companies may offer classes or instruction to help these workers gain experience with large datasets. But even workers who have a statistics or data analysis background need to stay current with the fast-changing world of big data. “I spend a lot of time reading books and blogs to try and keep up with new developments,” says Mohan. “There are a lot of supportive communities online.”

learn,” he says. “If you have that, the rest we Problem-solving skills are important for can teach.” working with big data. Analysts have to cre- For more information ate new ways of doing things that account for To learn more about some of the occupations the different kinds of data and the large scope related to big data, as well as many others, see of the datasets. “We need creative thinkers and the Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH). problem-solvers,” says Jewitt. For more information about careers in math-related jobs, see “Math at work: Using numbers on Communication skills. Working with big data is highly technical, but the job” in the fall 2012 issue, available online at workers need to be able to clearly explain their www.bls.gov/ooq/2012/faa/art01.pdf. Information about occupations that work with results to other workers. “We need workers who big data is available from professional associacan communicate with others who have nontechnical backgrounds,” explains Jewitt. And tions and other sources. Contact information for many times, those other workers may not be as some of these is listed below: data-savvy as the analysts. American Mathematical Society 201 Charles St. Teamwork. Providence, RI 02904 The ability to collaborate and work well with Toll free: 1 (800) 321-4AMS (321-4267) others also is helpful in big data jobs. Work (401) 455-4000 is usually spread among teams of analysts www.ams.org because the data are so complex. Each member of the team has a different responsibility: orgaAmerican Statistical Society nizing the data, using software for analysis, or 732 N. Washington St. making graphics of the results, for example. Alexandria, VA 22314 It takes the entire team to complete a project. Toll free: 1 (888) 231-3473 Jewitt uses a sports analogy to explain why (703) 684-1221 coordination and sharing the work are a must. www.amstat.org “No one person can do all that analysis,” he International Year of Statistics says. “It takes a baseball team.” www.statistics2013.org National Science Foundation Curiosity. Big Data Initiative But most importantly, data analysts must www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ. possess intellectual curiosity. “A very imporjsp?pims_id=504767 tant skill is the ability to learn new things, because the technology is always changing,” Article provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. says Mohan. “Big data is not static.” Sara Royster is an economist in the Office of Occupational Roser agrees. “You need a willingness to Statistics and Employment Projections, BLS.


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November 2013

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Non-Clinical Job Options for Nurses


urses, with their outstanding leadership abilities, technology skills and healthcare experience, can successfully transition to a variety of interesting and challenging jobs beyond nursing careers. And, nurses are in demand for countless non-clinical positions. Mid-career nurses leave the field to pursue non-clinical roles for a variety of reasons. Some retire from their nursing jobs due to injuries, allergies or debilitating effects from years of physically demanding work; for these individuals, a nursing job may no longer be physically possible. Others need a break from the demands and mental stress of patient care. Still others are just ready for a new challenge. These marketable and talented healthcare specialists enjoy limitless opportunities in professions ranging from medical device sales and teaching, to pharmaceutical sales and healthcare recruiting. Building on the knowledge and experience gained in a nursing career, nurses are well-positioned to succeed in new fields.

Ready to Take Your Nursing Career in a Different Direction?

career as a healthcare recruiter, as many recruiting firms offer performance commissions or bonuses along with a base salary.

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Here are several potentially lucrative and challenging non-clinical Nursing Informatics options to consider: Another option for nurses seeking non-clinical jobs is the nursing inforHealthcare Recruiting matics field. Combining high-tech information systems management with Healthcare recruiters generally work for hospitals or healthcare com- clinical information consulting, this relatively new specialty offers lucrapanies, or for general staffing or recruiting firms. They may be also be tive opportunities. Optimizing information systems to facilitate patient employed by nurse or physician staffing firms, which place doctors and care, consulting on methods to improve workflow processes, and promotnurses in temporary or contract positions. Healthcare recruiters search out ing the value and awareness of clinical informatics are just a few of the qualified candidates, then prequalify and move them toward the hiring ways these nurse specialists contribute to improving healthcare. process. Many nursing informatics professionals hold advanced degrees or certiBecause it involves a great deal of verbal and written communications, fications; others learn their duties through on-the-job training. Employers healthcare recruiting is a great fit for nurses with these abilities, as well may prefer candidates with experience or training in this specialty. as strong interpersonal skills. Self-motivation is also vital for a successful Nursing informatics could be a great career choice if you are strategic,

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November 2013

creative and have strong analytical and grammar. Important qualities for workorganizational skills. ing as an independent contractor include self-direction, time management and the Teaching Nurses with years of clinical experi- discipline to meet deadlines. ence have amassed a tremendous body of Patient Advocate knowledge, and many find it rewarding to Nurses who are ready to take their careers share it with nursing students. RNs with in a new direction may also consider the advanced degrees, in-demand spesuch as Bachelor of cialty of patient A nursing administrator’s Science in Nursing advocacy. Patient job activities may include policy (BSN) or Master of advocates stand Science in Nursing making, scheduling, planning up for patients in (MSN) degrees, are an increasingly and budgeting. in great demand as complex healthnursing school faccare system. ulty. Job opportunities should be very good They provide support to families, explain in the coming years, as nursing school procedures, and answer questions about professors retire and a nationwide nursing patient rights and other concerns. shortage continues. Experienced nurses can transition from Earning an advanced nursing degree to a nursing career to a patient advocate become a nursing educator is possible, job through advanced training and educaeven if you need to continue working as a tion, or through experience. Outstanding nurse in clinical practice. And, many nurs- communication skills, diplomacy and the es continue their clinical practices after ability to work with people from many they begin teaching. The choice is yours; backgrounds are important to success in with an advanced degree, you are in con- this field. trol of your career and your future as a Nursing Administrator nurse educator. In this non-clinical role, nurses become Medical Writer members of the administration team for Becoming a medical writer is anoth- hospitals, medical centers, nursing homes er interesting option for nurses who are and other healthcare facilities. A nursing ready for non-clinical careers in health- administrator’s job activities may include care. Writing textbooks, advertisements, policy making, scheduling, planning and white papers, or web articles are a few budgeting. They often manage staff and of the abundant opportunities available participate in hiring and training, as well. for medical writers. Most medical writMost nursing administrators hold ers work either as freelance contractors or advanced degrees. Specialized courses as employees for healthcare or market- in business management, organizational ing firms. behavior and leadership skills can prepare A number of medical writers have nurses to advance to a nursing adminisadvanced degrees; they are also typically trator career. Other important attributes skilled in writing, scientific accuracy and to succeed in this field are excellent Port Huron Hospital, established in 1882 is a not-for-profit hospital with a proven commitment to education and quality patient care. Port Huron Hospital provides a full spectrum of inpatient and outpatient healthcare services to residents in St. Clair and Sanilac Counties. Learn more about us and our employment opportunities at: www.porthuronhospital.org EEO/AA Employer

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Page 30

November 2013 problem-solving, decision-making and analytical skills.

Insurance Agency

A career in insurance sales or as an insurance agent is another great option to consider when transitioning out of a nursing career. The good news is that not every insurance company requires experience – they often train candidates who are willing to learn the industry. Because integrity and sales ability are important to success, nurses are often a natural fit for insurance sales – especially after years of convincing patients to take their medication! And, insurance agencies offer stability and opportunities for growth. Nurses interested in the insurance industry can utilize their healthcare knowledge to make a smooth career transition to one of the fastest-growing areas of insurance: medical service and health insurance.

Pharmaceutical Sales

Pharmaceutical sales can be challenging and lucrative for nurses seeking non-clinical careers. While the industry employs salespeople all over the country, it can be competitive. Success in pharmaceutical sales takes people skills, tact and diplomacy, as well as the ability to network and sell. Nurses who are driven self-starters, who also enjoy competition, often make a successful transition to pharmaceutical sales careers.

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Page 31

Medical Device Sales

Selling medical devices is another nonclinical career option for nurses. It’s a complex industry, requiring substantial knowledge of healthcare and technology. Typically, careers in medical device sales are highly lucrative and rewarding – with significant opportunities for advancement. Medical sales professionals often work directly with operating room personnel, selling new surgical products and demonstrating their use to surgeons, nurses and technicians. Requirements for medical device sales positions may include a bachelor’s degree; some employers prefer previous sales experience.

Ready to Transition From a Nursing Job to a NonClinical Career?

It’s natural to seek out new directions throughout a nursing career. Today, there are great opportunities to employ nursing skills and healthcare knowledge in non-clinical jobs. If you’re a nurse who’s ready to make the transition to a non-clinical career, research your options and find out what training and education you need to enter the field that best fits your interests. Now could be the perfect time to polish up your skills and advance your career in a new direction!

It’s natural to seek out new directions throughout a nursing career. Today, there are great opportunities to employ nursing skills and healthcare knowledge in non-clinical jobs.

Article provided by Jacksonville University School of Nursing. Visit www.jacksonvilleu.com for more information.


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November 2013

Advice for Health Care New Grads By Sheng Wang for MedHunters


arning your degree is such an accomplishment. It is almost as if the moment you add those letters to the end of your name, you can literally hear the doors opening. Knowing what to do to get your foot in those open doors, make a name for yourself, and thrive in an ever-changing health care industry is your next big step.

Finding a Job in a Competitive Industry

Mastering the hard skills required of your job is only part of the equation. Interpersonal skills are just as important because your ability to become a respected and trusted source of knowledge and talent will surely help you grow in your career. Finding the right job takes a lot of research. It is this research that will help you launch your job search with realistic expectations. You probably have a good idea about what your day will entail, thanks to practicum placements or internships, but don’t forget to look at issues like job prospects in your area and in other communities of interest, prospective employers and what they offer (e.g., advertised benefit packages), and salary ranges for new grads (and for future reference, experienced workers). For basic salary information in different locations, reference sites like Salary. com or PayScale.com .And, if you’re thinking about looking beyond your hometown for a job, take advantage of online relocation tools. As your research reveals your specific interests in the field of rheumatology, you will want to prepare yourself to apply, and interview, for different positions, and your resume; or CV will need to be in tip-top shape. Many universities have career service centers that offer assistance in preparing this all important document, and there are companies that specialize in helping job seekers look their best on paper. No matter what approach you take to preparing your resume; or CV, it is important to write, rewrite, review, and ask for suggestions. This— along with your cover letter—is often your first and only chance to make a great impression. Don’t be hasty to hit send or drop it in the mail. Take your time to make certain you’re representing yourself in the best possible way. Another important step to landing your first job is networking. Once you have

1555 Soquel Drive • Santa Cruz, CA 95065 •Fax: 831-462-7564


Dominican Hospital is a full-service healthcare facility with 375 acute beds throughout our main hospital and rehabilitation services campus. At Dominican Hospital, you can truly change people’s lives while living yours with a strong sense of meaning and finding that much needed balance you deserve. To search for current openings visit our website. EOE


he Department of State Hospitals-Stockton is looking for creative and talented individuals who enjoy working with and helping people, and who are interested in joining a team dedicated to provide quality inpatient mental health services at the California Health Care Facility located in Stockton, CA. There are many exciting career opportunities available. Learn more about us at: www.dsh.ca.gov CA DEPARTMENT OF STATE HOSPITALS-STOCKTON 1600 9th Street • Room 440 • Sacramento, CA 95814

The Department of State Hospitals is an equal employment opportunity employer for all, regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, ancestry, sex, marital status, disability, religious or political affiliation, age, or sexual orientation.

November 2013 your resume; or CV ready to share, jump right into networking. A great place to start is with your school contacts - former instructors can act as references, and they, and your old classmates, are the start of your valuable professional network. Job fairs offer another great opportunity to network and to see what’s available at home and further afield, and the ACR offers several opportunities each year for networking at different meetings.


Now that you have your foot in the door it is important to establish yourself in your new setting.

Master the basics

Don’t think that you know nothing. On the flipside, don’t think that you know everything, and experienced, older staff are out-of-date and know nothing.

equal opportunity employment journal

beyond the continuing education requirements for your help boost your confidence, and also makes it easier to license and attend in-services and professional develop- remember these accomplishments during your reviews as ment seminars or enroll in additional courses that will well as update your resume; and sell your skills at your next interview. grow your skill set. Set clear boundaries regarding your work: You cannot Join a Professional Association compromise the care delivered to all patients to accomProfessional associations, like the American College of modate one particularly demanding patient. If you cannot Rheumatology, offer many membership benefits, such as take on tasks outside of your job duties, learn to say “no” information on the latest trends in your field, access to without feeling guilty. educational programs, online discussion forums, and the Interpersonal Skills chance to expand your network. Mastering the hard skills required of your job is only Accept responsibility for part of the equation. Interpersonal skills are just as any mistakes you make important because your ability to become a respected and Everyone makes mistakes. The best plan of action is trusted source of knowledge and talent will surely help to correct them, learn from the experience, move on, and you grow in your career. Below are some tips on building avoid dwelling on them. the right kind of interpersonal relationships in your new Manage your stress: Working in health care can be position. physically, mentally, and emotionally demanding. Try Observe the basic rules of good professional conduct: to leave your work at work. Maintain your health by eatDress professionally, arrive on time, and show courtesy ing well, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. and respect for all staff members and patients. Give othWatch for the early signs of burnout, and take action to ers due credit for their work, and show your appreciation prevent it. Use all of your vacation time each year, and for any help or advice you receive. Don’t engage in maligive yourself the chance to relax and rejuvenate. cious gossip or other destructive behaviors. Keep track of your progress Be assertive, and communicate effectively: Assertive Start a log of your work accomplishments, including and positive communications, both giving and expecting procedures you’ve learned, problems you’ve solved, and to receive respect, will set the tone for successful converthe technical and soft skills you’re acquiring. This will sations that will lead to a successful career.

Be patient with yourself

“My Job Means... I can give excellent patient care.”

Many of the skills you need can only be learned on the job, and only time and experience can turn you into a seasoned professional.

Learn the rules

Start your career today at OrthoIndy or the Indiana Orthopaedic Hospital (IOH) where we provide first-class patient care in a team-focused environment.

Attend orientation sessions, read the policy and procedure manuals, and ask your supervisor or more experienced staff if you have questions.

Discover opportunities at OrthoIndy.com/careers.

Be flexible

Health care work environments can be places of controlled chaos, and your plan of action may have to change in an instant. Learn to accept this unpredictability, and don’t let it stress you out. Focus on completing your tasks—in order of urgency and priority—and delivering the best patient care possible. Don’t be afraid to ask for help: Even doctors can request a consult when faced with a difficult diagnosis!

Be proactive about learning

Ask questions, learn new procedures, model yourself after skilled, experienced staff members, and make an active effort to grow in your career. Take the time to fully understand what is going on and why. Read professional journals to stay up-to-date about new developments. Go

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Christine Ealy, IOH RN

Equal Opportunity Employer

If you’re looking for a challenging career, DentaQuest is looking for you. www.dentaquest.com

Our Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion Our Vision We value the inclusion of all each person brings to the company.

One of the nation’s leading oral health companies

Reasons to work for DentaQuest

We recognize the strategic, economic, and customer value of a diverse a part of our everyday culture.

We have openings in: Client Services Finance

IT To apply visit www.dentaquest.com/careers

View current open positions at gru.edu/jobs.

Work-Life Balance Growing Company Community Service Oriented

At Georgia Regents University and Medical Center, we pride ourselves on hiring the very best employees that our industry has to offer. We believe in a balance between your personal and professional life, and that good things become great things when the best minds come together. We believe that creativity solves the world’s biggest problems and that this southern city makes a tremendous impact around the world because of our employees. We are looking for new talent to join our team.

Mission: To Improve the oral health of all. 1120 15th Street • Augusta, Georgia 30912 | An EEO/AA employer. We value a diverse workforce.

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equal opportunity employment journal

November 2013

Find a good mentor. A mentor can be invaluable in helping you navigate your career path. Engage in problem-solving rather than complaining

Avoid complaining about how difficult your tasks are - even when your supervisor is out of sight. It is better to go to your supervisor and explain the problem, how you’ve tried to handle it, and what you feel you need to get the job done. Try to make friends among your coworkers. Having friends at work can decrease your stress level and provide you with emotional support during difficult times. Find a good mentor. A mentor can be invaluable in helping you to navigate your career path. Maintain a positive attitude and enjoy yourself: You made the choice to become a

At Bakersfield Memorial Hospital, you have all the challenge and growth you need in order your If you are to thedrive best at whatcareer. you do,Explore we invite you toand explore career opportunities diverse areas of healthcare findpotential rewarding career with Terumo BCT. advancement opportunities at Bakersfield Memorial Hospital. WE HAVE CAREERS IN:

420 34th Street — Bakersfield, CA 93301

Research and Development Equal Opportunity Employer Information Technology Engineering Clinical Sciences Manufacturing If you are the best at what you do, we invite Software Development you to explore potential career opportunities Quality and Regulatory with Terumo BCT. Marketing

Our mission is to provide quality, compassionate care and to strengthen the well-being of our community. We are driven by healthcare needs of the communities we serve, and very proud of our long tradition of providing quality healthcare services to the Lakes and Three Rivers Regions.

• Franklin Regional Hospital 15 Aiken Avenue • Franklin, NH 03235 LRGHealthcare is an equal opportunity employer.

LRGHealthcare offers a wide range of employment opportunities which allow you to be an integral part of our service to the Lakes and Three Rivers region. Visit us online for more information.

www.lrgh.org If you are the best at what you do, we invite you to explore potential career opportunities with Terumo BCT. HEADQUARTERED IN COLORADO, WE HAVE CAREERS IN: • Research and Development Unlocking the Potential of Blood • Information Technology • Engineering • Clinical Sciences • Manufacturing and Equipment Operations • Software Engineering • Quality and Regulatory • Product Support & Training

WE HAVE CAREERS IN: Research and Development Information Technology Terumo BCT was created through the Engineering and Terumo Transfusion, integration of CaridianBCT Clinical Sciences following Terumo Corporation’s acquisition of Manufacturing CaridianBCT in 2011. Software Development Quality and Regulatory

integration of CaridianBCT and Terumo Transfusion, following Terumo Corporation’s acquisition of CaridianBCT in 2011. Terumo BCT, Inc.For more information about Terumo BCT, please 10811 West Collinsvisit Ave. TERUMOBCT.COM or call a talent acquisition Lakewood, Colorado 80215-4440 directly at +1.303.205.2817. representative USA UNLOCKING THE POTENTIAL OF BLOOD




Lakewood, Colorado 80215-4440 USA




©2012 Terumo BCT, Inc. / PN 306620426

VA Long Beach Healthcare System 5901 East 7th Street • Long Beach, CA 90822 The VA Long Beach Healthcare System is one of the most diversified tertiary health care providers in the VA. It is a teaching hospital, providing a full range of patient care services, with state-of-the-art technology as well as education and research.


To apply online or for more information about Terumo BCT, please visit TERUMOBCT.COM/CAREERS or call a talent acquisition representative directly at +1.303.205.2817.


Terumo BCT, Inc.

For more information about us and our current vacancies, please visit: www.longbeach.va.gov

Unlocking the Potential of Blood

Terumo BCT, Inc. 10811 West Collins Avenue • Lakewood, CO 80215 EO/AA Employer


Collins Ave. ©2012 Terumo BCT,10811 Inc. /West PN 306620426

Whatever the job title, every position in VA will give you a chance to make a meaningful and personal contribution to the lives of truly special and deserving people - our Veterans. VA offers generous paid time off and a variety of predictable and flexible scheduling opportunities.

Article provided by www.Rheumatology.org. This article is provided for informational purposes only. The ACR is not responsible for any career decisions made by those consulting this article. © 2010 American College of Rheumatology

• Lakes Region General Hospital 80 Highland Street • Laconia, NH 03246


Marketing For more information about Terumo BCT, please visit TERUMOBCT.COM or call a talent acquisition representativeTerumo directly at +1.303.205.2817. BCT was created through the

rheumatology health care professional for a reason. Don’t forget that reason, whatever it was, and strive to enjoy the profession you have worked hard to join. There are so many things to consider when you first begin your job search. It is important to treat you first job with great care. Look for opportunities to learn and grow; find ways of becoming a respected source of knowledge and talent, and eventually, you will find that your “job” has become a “career.” If you are interested in viewing open positions in your field, access the ACR Career Connection at www.Rheumatology.org.

6339 Mill Street Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Fax Resumes to: 845-876-2020 www.astorservices.org

Astor Services for Children & Families is a voluntary, nonprofit agency sponsored by Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York, providing a range of services for children and their families regardless of race, creed or national origin, serving Dutchess, Orange, Ulster, & Bronx counties. For employment consideration including psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and nurses please submit your resume/cv along with copies of certification and licensure to hr@astorservices.org. Astor Services for Children & Families is an Equal Opportunity Employer, and does not discriminate against employees and applicants for employment on the basis of race, color, creed, natural origin, gender, actual or perceived age, citizenship, alienage, disability, marital status or sexual orientation, or as further provided by governing law applicable to the employee’s work location.

November 2013

equal opportunity employment journal

Page 35

3 Entry Level Nursing Career Options


Memphis VA Medical Center 1030 Jefferson Avenue Memphis, TN 38104

Since 1922, VAMC Memphis has been improving the health of the men and women who have so proudly served our nation. We consider it our privilege to serve your health care needs in any way we can. At VAMC Memphis, we strive to hire only the best! Working with and for America’s veterans is a privilege, and we pride ourselves on the quality of care we provide. If you have what it takes, please consider applying for one of our available positions online at www.usajobs.gov. To learn more about us visit: www.memphis.va.gov **************************************************** The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is committed to ensuring equal employment opportunity (EEO), promoting diversity and inclusion, and constructively resolving workplace conflict in order to maintain a high performing workforce in service to our Nation’s Veterans.

EOE/AA. Women, minorities, veterans and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

There aren’t many careers that offer such good job stability, compensation, opportunity for growth, job satisfaction and the opportunity to directly make a big difference in the lives of people.

ursing is an occupation that offers various entry ways to a nursing career. You can start working as a nurse by becoming a CNA, LPN or RN.Are you considering an entry level career in nursing? Nursing is a rewarding, in-demand and stimulating career option. It presents people looking for a steady job plentiful and diverse options of health care specialties and work environments. Nursing tests you in building your: • Critical reasoning capabilities • Decision-making abilities • Collaboration & team development abilities • Creative thinking • Interpersonal communication abilities • Academic foundation • Proficiency in technical skill-sets & practices • Compassion As a result of being a nurse you acquire the chance to create a positive impact in the life of every patient you treat. There is a great demand for nurses in almost all health care workplaces with a job growth between 22 -26 percent and even higher for certain advanced nursing specialty roles according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. There really aren’t too many careers that offer such good job stability, compensation, opportunity for growth, job satisfaction and the opportunity to directly make a big difference in lives of people. Another benefit of nursing is that it’s relatively uncomplicated or inconvenient (compared to other healthcare professions) to get into. There are a few means to embark on your entry-level nursing career. Entry Level Nursing Roles To begin with, you will need to decide on one of three possible career entry positions – NA (Nursing Assistant), LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse), or RN (Registered Nurse).

HEALTH CARE LEADERS ARE BUILT ONE TEAM MEMBER AT A TIME. The benefits of working at VCU Health System are clear. We are a Magnet® hospital – the first in Richmond to achieve this prestigious designation. In 2012 and 2013, we were recognized by U.S.News & World Report ® as a #1 Hospital in Virginia. And in 2013, we were named Virginia’s

first, and only, Level 1 Pediatric Trauma Center by the American College of Surgeons. Competitive pay, extensive medical benefits, flexible work options, prepaid tuition and onsite child and elder care all mean that everything you need for a wonderful career – and balanced life – can be found at VCUHS.

Discover all that VCU Health System has to offer at www.VCUHS.jobs.

Page 36

equal opportunity employment journal

Physical location, prior job experience, academic background, time of day/hours worked, and particular job role all influence wage amounts. It’s always smart to get in touch with potential employers for more information concerning a specific employment opportunity and its salary and benefits.

NA (Nursing Assistant)

Nursing Assistants aid patients using general care practice which can include washing, and clothing, administering food to patients and going for strolls with them.

NA’s function under the primary oversight of an RN or a licensed practical nurse. Roles in nursing assisting necessitate the smallest degree of official education and training. This type of nurse has the chance to extend their qualification and increase their job opportunities by becoming a CNA or Certified Nursing Assistant. This certification requires taking a CNA training program, typically around 100 hours, and successfully passing the CNA certification test.


Located in Manassas, Virginia Nursing Supevisors (RN), RNs and LPNs, Staff Nurses, CNAs Full Time and Part Time Please check our website for current openings

Birmingham Green

WE OFFER: • Virginia Retirement System Pension • Low Cost Health and Dental Insurance • Company Paid Life Insurance • Long Term Disability • PTO • Tuition Reimbursement…and much more Equal Opportunity Employer New Hires Must Pass Background Check & Pre-Employment Drug Screen

8605 Centreville Road, Manassas, VA 20110 chogan@birminghamgreen.org phone: 703-257-6246 • fax: 703-257-0811 www.birminghamgreen.org

OUR MISSION IS TO DELIVER HIGH-QUALITY HEALTH CARE SERVICES WITH MEASURABLE OUTCOMES TO THE COMMUNITY WE SERVE. For current employment opportunities and application procedures please visit our website at www.somersetmedicalcenter.com

110 Rehill Avenue, Somerville, NJ 08876 Somerset Medical Center is an equal opportunity employer

November 2013

LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse)

LPNs are licensed on the state level. The LPN takes part in firsthand and secondary basic nursing care, health services, educating, counseling, arranging, and rehabilitation the level of which is determined by their work experience. In order to be a Licensed Practical Nurse you are required to finish a LPN program, usually 1-year to 18 months at the community college or a career institution level, followed by meeting specific competencies on the NCLEX-PN (National Council Licensure Examination for Practical Nurses). The National Council of State Boards of Nursing, which regulates the exam, has reported a pass rate of 84% (January to March 2013) for U.S. students taking the exam for the first time.

RN (Registered Nurse)

Also licensed according to individual state nursing board standards, Registered Nurses form, carry out, review, and adjust strategies of care for patients and families which entails the organization and handling of resources used in the distribution and delivery of health care services. This type of nurse functions to manage patients’ return to health or offer comfort and dignity for their dying patients. To be eligible for RN licensure you can either complete an Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN) degree program (2-years) or a 4-year Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program. Both degree pathways permit you to sit for the NCLEX-RN (National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses). However, a BSN degree provides you much more occupational versatility and career advancement. The NCSBN reports a pass rate of 90% for first-time U.S. educated students taking the exam thus far in 2013. Article provided byt APRNGuide.com. Reasource for strating and advancing your nursing career.

Opportunities for All 158814.1 JD Client: Publication: Size: Artist: Ad Delivery: Insertion Date(s): Color: Email Address: Confirmation:

Somerset Medical Center EOE Journal 2.6h x 6w ms email 8-1-11 4 graphics@eoejournal.com ms /7-21-11/3:30

The University of Connecticut Health Center is a leading healthcare, educational, and research facility. UCHC is a major employer in the State of Connecticut with over 5,000 employees. We are an equal opportunity employer with a strong commitment to diversity. We provide:

• Outstanding Benefits • Upward Mobility

• Competitive Salaries • Excellent Training

This material is developed by, and is the property of Alstin Communications, Inc. and is to be used only in conjunction with services rendered by Alstin Communications, Inc. and its agents. It is not to be copied, reproduced, published, exhibited or otherwise used without the express written consent of Alstin Communications, Inc. ©2008 Alstin Communications, Inc. Color depicted is for presentation purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the final product. Every effort and care has been made to simulate the colors of the finished product. See first page of Insertion Order for actual size and insertion date.

Mercy St. Anne Hospital / Mercy St. Charles Hospital / Mercy St. Vincent Hospital / Mercy Children’s Hospital At Mercy, our Mission is defined as “extending the healing ministry of Jesus by improving the health of our communities with emphasis on people who are poor and under-served”.

Department of Human Resources 16 Munson Road • Farmington, CT 06034-4035 860.679.2426

What brings our Mission to life is an understanding among every Mercy associate that every life is worthy of our best effort. Every patient has unique circumstances, and we treat them for the individuals they are. While Mercy facilities offer the world-class technology and capabilities you would expect from a leading health system, what patients appreciate most is the genuine spirit of compassion and understanding Mercy associates provide.

For a complete listing of all open jobs and to apply online


Located in Toledo, Mercy is one of Northwest Ohio’s largest employers. The division consists of two Community Hospitals, one Medical Center and one Children’s Hospital. Ancillary affiliates include Home Care, Community clinics, Life Flight, and physician offices. For employment opportunities please visit mercyweb.org or contact the Recruitment office at: 2200 Jefferson Avenue, Toledo, Ohio 43604. EOE

KNOW BETTER CARE Affirmative Action /Equal Opportunity Employer

November 2013

equal opportunity employment journal

Managing the Time You Haven’t Got


Page 37

By C.J. Hayden, MCC

o the words “time management” rub you the wrong way? For many busy professionals, the real problem seems to be that there isn’t any time left to manage. You can sometimes get better at managing your time by prioritizing all your tasks and scheduling carefully. But when you’re already using all the time you have efficiently and there’s still not enough, there are four strategies you can try. Make more time. The fastest way to make time can be to buy it. You may think you don’t have enough money to pay for help, but think about what your time is worth. If your salary is equivalent to earning $25 an hour, and you pay someone else $12 an hour to run errands for you, that’s a bargain. And what value would you set on being able to spend an extra hour having fun with your partner or kids? You can buy time by paying to have your house cleaned, your car taken for servicing, or your laundry done. Pay a professional to prepare your taxes; have your groceries delivered; make routine purchases by phone or Internet. Another way to make time is to double up on activities. Get a hands-free mike for your cell phone so you can return calls, place orders, or give instructions to staff while driving or walking. When traveling by public transit, bring along backlogged mail or documents to review. Use your waiting time at the prescription counter or dentist to balance your checkbook or plan your day. Having something to do will also make your wait more pleasant. Make less time do. If this were a perfect world, we could do everything perfectly. Many of us try to do this anyway, and it eats up an enormous amount of time. A good example is writing business or personal letters. If it takes you two hours to write the perfect letter, you’ve lost an hour you could have used to write to someone else. Try setting a time limit on routine tasks like this, and stick to it. You may find that you can write a very satisfactory letter in half the time. Embrace the idea of allowing what you do to be “good enough” instead of insisting it must be flawless. Give some things away. Is every responsibility something you need to look after personally, or could someone else handle it? If you have employees, look hard at what you’re hanging on to. Is there anything else you could delegate, maybe by providing some training first? If there is no one you can delegate to on the job, be sure you ask your boss for help before assuming that it’s impossible. Examine your personal life and volunteer responsibilities in the same way. Ask your family to take on more household chores, or find someone else to help with the community event you’re organizing. Asking for help isn’t cheating; it’s what all successful people do. Do some things later. Does all of it really have to be done now? Maybe there’s just too much on your plate for anyone to realistically handle. Choose only a few places to focus

your energies right now, and put some of those other projects on hold. You don’t have to give anything up, just defer it to a later time. If you find yourself often getting distracted by new ideas, start an idea file. When an exciting new thought occurs to you, put it in the file instead of acting on it right away. Look at your file from time to time for inspiration. Whenever you complete a project you’ve been working on, you can choose something new from the file. The most important thing to learn about creating more time in your life is how to say no. Just because you are asked to take something on doesn’t mean you have to accept it. Ultimately, your time belongs only to you; make sure you are the one who chooses how to use it. C.J. Hayden is the author of Get Hired Now! and Get Clients Now! Since 1992, she has helped thousands of professionals make a better living doing what they love. C.J. is a Master Certified Coach who leads workshops internationally - in person, on the phone, and on the web. Find out more about C.J. and get a free copy of “How to Find a Job in 28 Days or Less” at www.gethirednow.com

CHC is building a world class primary health care system that is committed to caring for special populations, and that is focused on improving health outcomes for our patients as well as building healthy communities. If you are ready for a satisfying and rewarding career, join our team of diverse and motivated professionals at Community Health Center, Inc. (CHC). CHC is one of the country’s most creative and dynamic providers of primary medical, dental and mental health services to the uninsured and underinsured. Visit www.chc1.com for more information. COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER • 134 STATE STREET • MERIDEN, CT 06450 • EOE

Helping people find their way… We stand in support of equality for and advancement of all people based on their qualifications and actions alone without regard to color, gender, age, religion, national origin or disability.

Opportunities for Behavioral HealthCare Professionals FIRELANDS COUNSELING AND RECOVERING SERVICES is an established, community-based behavioral healthcare provider offering a full range of outpatient and inpatient mental health and chemical dependency services at offices in Sandusky, Norwalk, Fremont, Tiffin, Fostoria, Bellevue, Upper Sandusky and Amherst Ohio. Our Program is well known for frequently implementing new services using contemporary approaches to treatment. We are seeking Master’s prepared, Ohio licensed individuals to fill the positions.

Natchaug Hospital, an affiliate of Hartford HealthCare, and the primary provider of Behavioral Health Services for Eastern CT, is based in beautiful Northeastern Connecticut. For over 50 years, Natchaug has provided an accessible, regional system of care for children, adolescents and adults. 189 Storrs Road Mansfield Center, CT 06250

For current opportunities, visit our website at: www.natchaug.org The thing that I enjoy most about my job is building a rapport with clients and co-workers. This increases the chance of helping others, which is why you're there, as well as one of the greatest feelings in the world!

1111 Hayes Avenue • Sandusky, OH 44870 • For current job openings and to apply on line visit www.firelands.com We are proud to be a Title IX and Equal Opportunity Employer

equal opportunity employment journal

The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality is dedicated to protecting Virginia’s environment and promoting the health and well-being of the citizens of the Commonwealth. For more information visit our website at www.deq.virginia.gov. PO Box 1105 Richmond, VA 23218 Email: stacey.westfall@deq.virginia.gov We stand in support of equality for and advancement of all people based on their qualifications and actions alone without regard to color, gender, age, religion, national origin or disability.

Crawford Central School District is an equal opportunity education institution and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex and handicap. Visit www.craw.org to view current openings and application procedures.

11280 Mercer Pike Meadville, PA 16335 Job Line: 814.337.4501 Fax: 814.333.9795

EMPOWERING STUDENTS FOR SUCCESS! Come join the Waterbury Public Schools for a rewarding career making a difference in the lives of urban youth. To learn more about a career with Waterbury Public Schools, visit our website at www.waterbury.k12.ct.us. 236 Grand Street • Waterbury, CT 06702 • EOE

Spoon River College is a two-year, public community college in West Central Illinois dedicated to providing students a quality education. View and apply for current openings:


in Farmington, New Mexico


23235 NORTH COUNTY 22 • CANTON, IL 61520 SRC is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Educator

San Juan College is located in San Juan County, population 120,000, found in the heart of the beautiful Four Corners area. The area boasts of having all four seasons with a comfortable year-round climate. Located on a 697-acre site in Farmington, the college serves students in the county as well as the other four-corner states of Colorado, Arizona, and Utah. The college is fully accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools as a degree-granting institution. Learn more at sanjuancollege.edu. For a list of current available positions, click on EMPLOYMENT on our home page. Be directed to click on a listing of current positions. Once you’ve found a position of interest, be directed to apply directly online. For additional information, contact San Juan College - Human Resources at (505) 566-3215 San Juan College is committed to policies of equal employment opportunity. The College seeks to provide equal access to its programs, services, and activities for people with disabilities.


Page 38

November 2013

We’re always looking for hard-working, dedicated people to join the Sargent Aerospace & Defense team. As a member of our team, you will find compelling and challenging projects, an expanding list of well-known, respected customers, opportunities for advancement, and our commitment to your personal and professional growth. Visit www.sargentaerospace.com to view current open positions and application procedures. For more information call 520-744-1000. 5675 WEST BURLINGAME ROAD • TUCSON, AZ 85743 We are an equal opportunity employer / AA

Benefis Health System is Montana’s premier health system and the largest health care community in the state. Please visit www.benefis.org for more information. Benefis Health System 1101 26th Street South Great Falls, MT 59405 406-455-5175

Benefis Health System is an Equal Opportunity Employer

Talented health care workers that demonstrate compassion, positive attitude, outstanding skills and strong work ethics are encouraged to submit an application for employment. Our nursing departments offer a wide variety of opportunities for nurses entering the workforce. For details on those opportunities, please visit us online at:


225 S. Center Avenue | Somerset, PA 15501 | EOE Fax Resumes to: (814) 443-5692 E-mail Resumes to: employment@somersethospital.com

Prestera Center provides clients and their families the highest quality of care ranging from outpatient services to 24 hour emergency care and residential substance abuse treatment. tDirect Care Staff tRN’s & LPN’s tGeneral Psychiatrists tLicensed Therapist

We offer excellent benefits, including health/dental/vision, 401(k), paid vacation, sick & holiday time, incentive pay, and tuition reimbursement. Visit our website at www.prestera.org for more information. Application or resume with cover letter may be submitted by on-line application at www.prestera.org/jobs, by fax 304-525-7893, mail to: Prestera Center Attn: Employment Specialist 5600 US Route 60 East Huntington, WV 25703



1900 US Highway 31 S. • Bay Minette, AL 36507 To view current job opportunities and application procedures visit www.faulknerstate.edu 1-800-381-FSCC (3722) We stand in support of equality for and advancement of all people based on their qualifications and actions alone without regard to color, gender, age, religion, national origin or disability.

November 2013

equal opportunity employment journal

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Mastering the Interview “Look”


he way we dress and look has a tremendous impact on people. The time-tested adage-you only have one chance to make a first impression, is directly applicable to your job interview. Carefully choose your clothing, which should be conservative and in most cases a business suit. A good rule of thumb is to dress one level up from the job you seek-this is because you want to be perceived as serious, professional, and ambitious.

Here is the nitty-gritty of creating the right image: 1. Wear well-fitting clothing of high quality and make sure it is clean and wrinkle free. 2. If you typically wear cologne or perfume, do not apply it heavily on the day of your interview. At two-feet away, which is the closest your interviewer will get to you, he or she should not be able to detect your fragrance. Remember, you are interested in a job, not a date. 3. Your hair should be clean, neat, and stylish. Women with long hair need to keep it out of their eyes-and not by continually touching it. Men with facial hair should consider removing it as a clean-shaven look is always preferred in the business world. 4. Men and women should limit the amount of jewelry they wear. Bold jewelry is a definite mistake. 5. Make sure your hands and fingernails are clean. The most professional and serious look for a woman is rather short nails and no polish or a light, sheer nail polish. 6. Shoes should be in mint condition. Clean and polish them the night before your interview. Regardless of the season, closed-toe shoes are mandatory for women, as are pantyhose. 7. Women should wear make-up but keep it to a minimum. 8. For men, appropriate colors for your suit include, brown, navy blue, black, and all shades of grey. Charcoal grey looks good on every man and is the hands-down favorite. Brown suits are more commonly worn by men in the Midwest. Black may look out of place in the summer months. Women have a wider latitude of colors for their clothing, however, they too should pay attention to the season when selecting the color of their suit. 9. Most candidates, both men and women, should carry a briefcase or leather/leather-like portfolio containing extra resumes, a list of references, paper, and pen. 10. Check your appearance immediately before entering the building. Are your teeth clean? Is your hair in place? Is your tie straight? 11. Double check to make sure your cell phone is completely turned off prior to entering the building. This content was provided by M J Feld, a master’s level career counselor and certified professional resume writer. Additional career advice can be found on her website, www.careersbychoice.com.

We are the world’s leading provider of diagnostic testing services, with a staff of approximately 900 MDs and PhDs, an extensive network of convenient patient locations and a broad range of diagnostic products.

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Consider a career with Quest Diagnostics, and get personal satisfaction knowing the role you play makes the services that we provide, possible.

As a member of our team, you can expand your skills and knowledge. Your colleagues are committed to improving healthcare and finding creative ways to do so. The atmosphere is stimulating and challenging. And the opportunities are almost limitless. Are you ready for a career that makes a difference? Learn about our career opportunities online at: www.questdiagnostics.com 4230 Burnham Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89119 Equal Opportunity Employer

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November 2013

Guide to Effective Interviewing (Part I)


he goal during an interview is to create an impression in the mind of the employer that you are the best candidate for the position. To accomplish this, you need to appreciate that the concept of a best candidate is purely subjective. You may think your present experience, your education, your good looks, or your charming personality will win this employer over-don’t count on it. When it comes to interviewing, take nothing for granted.

Little things matter…

At Lahey Hospital & Medical Center, patient care always comes first. Because of our focus on excellence in patient care, Lahey Hospital & Medical Center continues to attract the best people across all departments and disciplines. Learn more about us at www.lahey.org. 41 Mall Road Burlington, MA 01805 Equal Opportunity Employer

1891 Preston White Drive • Reston, VA 20191

Minneapolis VA Health Care System (VAHCS) is a teaching hospital providing a full range of patient care services with state-of-the-art technology, as well as education and research. Comprehensive health care is provided through primary care, tertiary care and long-term care in areas of medicine, surgery, psychiatry, physical medicine and rehabilitation, neurology, oncology, dentistry, geriatrics and extended care. The Minneapolis VA Health Care System and the Department of Veterans Affairs is seeking to attract, develop, and retain people who provide high quality service to our Nation’s veterans and their families. For more information about our employment opportunities, please visit www.usajobs.gov. To learn more about us visit www.minneapolis.va.gov.

The American College of Radiology (ACR) is the paramount membership and advocacy organization for the radiology profession. We are committed to creating a diverse environment where all qualified candidates can apply for positions that are rewarding, challenging, and fulfilling.

We are an equal opportunity employer.

To view and apply for our open positions, please click on the following link: https://www1.recruitingcenter.net/Clients/acr/PublicJobs/canviewjobs.cfm? ACR is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, religion, color, gender, sexual orientation, age, genetic information, veteran status, and physical or mental disability.

Minneapolis VA Health Care System | One Veterans Drive | Minneapolis, MN 55417


Lahey Hospital & Medical Center is a physician-led, nonprofit group practice.

Having good responses to the questions asked is of course paramount to the outcome. However, in addition to responding well, there are a whole host of other little things that occur in an interview that can make the difference between getting an offer or being rejected. These little things are not to be overlooked as they have been the undoing of many a candidate. Write down the time and location of the interview. Do not rely on your memory-when we are nervous, it is possible to forget even the simplest of things. Get directions even if you think you know where you are going. Not knowing about a sudden road closing or best place to park can set you back and make you late. Being late is the kiss of death to an interview. Never let this happen. Make sure you know the name of the person or persons you will be meeting. Get the spelling so that you can write your thank you note(s). In addition to extra resumes and your list of references, bring a pen and small notebook with you. Conceal the notebook in your briefcase or other business-like bag. Use it to jot down information the interviewer may give you, such as additional people for you to contact. Use discretion in taking out your notebook as it is not proper to take notes during the interview. Many candidates do not routinely carry a notebook but I strongly recommend you do. It is quite embarrassing to have to ask the employer for writing materials. It conveys the message that you are not always prepared. Immediately after the interview, use your notebook to write down everything you can remember about what transpired. This will help you in subsequent interactions with this

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employer as well as with general interview preparedness. Proper etiquette is that the employer will extend his or her hand first for a handshake. If your interviewer seems to have missed the moment, it is okay for you to extend your hand first. Shake with a firm grip. A weak handshake is a real turnoff. Wait for your interviewer to sit down or offer you a chair before seating yourself. As much as possible, control your body language. Smile as frequently as is appropriate. Be aware of your facial expressions, leg movements, and shoulder hunches. Sit up straight in your chair and concentrate on your posture. Look alert and interested at all times. Show that you can be a wide-awake intelligent listener as well as a good talker. Maintain good eye contact. Feel free to use your hands to express yourself. Avoid nervous habits such as playing with rings, touching your hair, or tapping your foot.

Do your homework…

You MUST learn as much as you can about the company/organization you are interviewing with prior to your interview. It is not enough to have a general idea of what they do-you should plan on doing some true investigative work. You will use your research during the course of the interview to show the employer that you know something about their organization. If you can offer a sincere compliment about their products or services, do so. Your research will also help you field any questions specifically designed to see if you have taken such an initiative.

What employers want…

A survey of employers generated the following list of attributes they sought in employment candidates: 1. Specific competencies (industry knowledge, financial analysis skills, computer expertise, etc) 2. Enthusiasm 3. Strong work ethic 4. Initiative 5. Excellent communication skills 6. Creative thinking 7. Superior interpersonal skills 8. Flexibility to adapt well to new ideas and procedures 9. Honesty 10. Good judgment 11. Independent performers

“Growing with Our Community” San Gorgonio Memorial Hospital is fully committed to Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action and to attracting, retaining, developing and promoting the most qualified employees without regard to their race, gender, color, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, age, physical or mental disability, citizenship status, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by Federal, State, or local law. Become a part of our team as we grow to meet the needs of our ever growing community.

To see a list of our open positions go to: www.sgmh.org

Adena Health System is always looking for highly motivated, success seeking individuals to join and enhance the organization that already encompasses over 2800+ of Ohio’s finest physicians, employees and volunteers. We are a growing and progressive organization that offers highly competitive compensation as well as a wide range of employee benefits. A listing of available positions can be found on our website at:


Adena Health System is an equal opportunity employer. We employ the persons best qualified for all positions without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age (40 and over), veteran status, the presence of a disability or any other legally protected status.

272 Hospital Road • Chillicothe, OH 45601

Canandaigua VA Medical Center 400 Fort Hill Avenue • Canandaigua, NY 14424

The Canandaigua VA Medical Center, part of VA Healthcare Network Upstate New York is located in the heart of the Finger Lakes region, 30 miles southeast of Rochester in Canandaigua, New York. Providing inpatient and outpatient care to veterans living in upstate New York since 1933, the Medical Center provides numerous health care programs and services. By working for the largest, most technologically advanced integrated health care system in the Nation, you’ll have a wider range of opportunities and leadership positions at your fingertips. Visit www.canandaigua.va.gov to learn more about us and our current employment opportunities. The United States Government does not discriminate in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability and genetic information, age, membership in an employee organization, or other non-merit factor.

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Florida Health Care Plans located in beautiful Daytona Beach, FL employs over 800 employees with varied skills and talents. FHCP offers challenging careers and an excellent benefit package. A listing of current job openings and access to online application processing can be found at www.fhcp.com.

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FHCP realizes the value of diversity and is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer and Affirmative Action Employer. In support of hiring Veterans, M/F/D/V

1340 Ridgewood Avenue Holly Hill, FL 32117


Rewarding At Bryan Health, we deliver a better future. For our patients, it’s through our exceptional care, advanced technology and progressive treatments. For our staff, it’s through our collaborative approach, excellent growth opportunities and the sense of pride that comes from being part of an exceptional team.

Guide to Effective Interviewing (Part II)


hen people think of interview preparation, it’s usually, “what questions will they ask me and what are the best answers?” This article will discuss typical questions and best answers but that’s not where we need to start. The starting point is to get you so comfortable with your skills and work history that you can finesse an answer to ANY question, even ones that we could ever anticipate. With that in mind, your first task is to over the items that follow and write the best responses you can. I. List personality traits or skills you have that are related to the job you are interviewing for.

Make Bryan Health part of your future. Employment opportunities: bryanhealth.org Health profession education: bryanhealthcollege.edu

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Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) provides services to families with infants and toddlers (ages 0- 36 months) who have developmental delays and disabilities. Professional services are provided in the natural environment where babies and toddlers live, learn, and play. ECI staff partner with families to provide their children with developmental enhancing learning in everyday routines and activities. Join our team to help children achieve their full potential.

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November 2013

Thomas Jefferson University and Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals are committed to excellence in the delivery of patient care, educating the health professionals of tomorrow and discovering new knowledge. As one of the most distinguished medical institutions in the country, our history is filled with outstanding people and accomplishments. Diversity, inclusion and cultural competence are critical components of our mission and we celebrate the uniqueness of each of our employees every day. To learn more about Jefferson visit www.jeffersonhr.org To apply online visit Recruit.jefferson.edu


II. List 3-5 accomplishments that would be of interest to the person interviewing you. III. What is the MOST IMPORTANT thing you want this employer to know about you? IV. What is the second most important thing? V. What concern(s) might this employer have about you? What can you say to alleviate their concerns? Look over what you have written and edit or modify it until you have good material, then commit it to memory. In this case, committing it to memory does not mean verbatim recall of the words but simply your ability to recall, with complete ease, these basic facts since they will be worth sharing during the interview. The above exercise will help you navigate through some of the toughest interview questions there are, including what we call behavior-based interview questions. Behavior-based questioning is built on the premise that your past performance is an indication of your future performance. As such, an employer will create questions that ask you to recall specifics about what you did. These questions can be extremely difficult if you have not prepared for them in advance. Even if you are not asked a true behavior-based question, I encourage you to respond in the classic behavior-based mode because these responses, when executed correctly, will really impress your interviewer. Behavior-based questions typically start with the wording, ‘Tell me about a time…’. Here is an example of a behavior-based question and an appropriately worded response: Question: Tell me about a time when you had to overcome a difficult obstacle at work. Sample response: Well,

equal opportunity employment journal

early on in my employment as a sales representative for Prentice-Hall, I was not doing well. I had trouble getting appointments with former customers. After several rejections, I was able to convince a prior customer to see me and in that meeting, I learned that my predecessor did not keep his promises and had tarnished our company’s reputation. I then spent several days researching the records of all the accounts I was given to determine where problems had occurred. I called each of these customers to address the problems head-on and let them know this was a new beginning. I guaranteed them that I would oversee their accounts personally to make sure problems did not recur. The result is that I brought back 75% of lapsed accounts.

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Spartanburg, South Carolina RECR91B

November 2013

Once you have your stories (three or four would be best), you can look for appropriate opportunities within the interview to share them. An answer like this tells the employer that this candidate has been tenacious, proactive, and conscientious in a prior job. Furthermore, the employer is likely to believe that these desirable attributes will be repeated if he hires this person. The ‘bones’ of this story can be used to answer a number of other questions. As an example, consider if the question was, “What do you think your greatest strength is?” This candidate could say, “I think my greatest strength is that I am tenacious. For example, early on in my employment…(continue as above). Now, what I want you to do is develop your stories and know what those stories say about you and your achievements. Once you have your stories (three or four would be best), you can look for appropriate opportunities within the interview to share them. Here are some general questions for you to review and prepare for prior to interviews. 1. What type of work are you looking for? 2. What is most important to you in a work situation? 3. What would your colleagues at your present (or past) job say was your best contribution there? What would your boss (or former boss) say? 4. What are your career goals for the future? 5. Please explain the gaps in your work history. 6. Are you better at working independently or on a team? 7. Tell me something that you would like to avoid in your next job? 8. Describe a time when you disagreed with your supervisor? What happened? 9. Out of the several bosses you have had, which one were you most comfortable reporting to and why? 10. Will you be able to provide references from prior employers? 11. What is the best piece of advice you have ever received? Who gave it to you? 12. Are there other jobs you have held that are not on this resume? 13. Can you give me some examples of your ability to lead others? 14. How would you describe your relationship with your last few supervisors? 15. For salespeople: Convince me to move to your city. 16. How do you keep informed about what’s going on in this industry? (Or the industry you are coming from?) 17. Tell me about a time when you had to use persuasive skills to influence someone’s opinion. 18. Tell me about a situation in which you had to deal with an annoyed customer or co-worker. 19. Give me an example of a time when you had to conform to a policy with which you did not agree. 20. Can you tell me about a time when you motivated others? 21. Besides salary, what factors will help you make up your mind about a position you may be offered? 22. What other companies, or kinds of companies, are you pursuing now? 23. Give an example of a situation in which you solved a significant problem at work? Under what circumstances did the problem first get identified? Who was the person that first identified the problem? 24. Are you willing to travel? 25. Tell me bout your compensation at your present job. 26. If you were an animal, which species would you choose to join? This content was provided by M J Feld, a master’s level career counselor and certified professional resume writer. Additional career advice can be found on her website, www.careersbychoice.com.

A job that matters at Spartanburg Regional You entered health care to make a difference. Spartanburg Regional offers a cutting-edge, team environment where you can do just that. Having achieved top honors—including the Magnet award for nursing excellence—we make it a priority to remain on the forefront of health care. And, recognizing that top honors are a result of top professionals, we offer competitive salary and benefit packages, a nationally recognized child development program and more. Consider joining our team, and make a difference forLife Areas of availability: • Women’s & Children’s Care • Gibbs Cancer Center • Heart Center • Surgical Care • Emergency Center • Regional Hospice • Home Health

For more information or to apply, please call a hospital recruiter at 800-288-7762 or visit spartanburgregional.com.


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November 2013

That Get You Noticed By Frank Traditi

“In the future everybody will be world famous for 15 minutes.” — Andy Warhol, 1928-1987.


ou’ve most likely heard this famous quote before. Andy Warhol refers to a special time in our lives when something we’ve done or accomplished gives us the visibility and recognition we deserve. If you were to look back in your or career and took an inventory of everything you did to help people solve problems or change things for the better, you’d be quite amazed. You’ll discover just how many these are qualified to be your “15 minutes of fame”. Just how many of these have you expressed to your contact or a hiring manager in the interview room? If you have told people about these special accomplishments, did it move your relationship to a new level? Were you able to directly relate what you claimed as an accomplishment to getting an interview or even landing a job? If you answered yes to each of these questions, hat’s off to you. If not, then here’s how you can put this to work or refine it even further. We’re talking about Power Statements. Simple statements that are the centerpiece of your career portfolio, resume, and marketing messages. Nobody but you can lay claim to these special accomplishments in your career. These Power Statements distinguish you from others who may hold the same position or in your industry. Just what are Power Statements? To give you a visual, think of headlines when you’re reading a newspaper. They draw you into the article. You decide on what you’re going to read based on the excitement and interest generated by the headline. If the headline is boring, you just keep looking for one that catches your attention. Your Power Statements are the headlines of your career that draw people in. You’re expressing, not bragging, exactly what you did to help people or companies solve critical problems and create new opportunities. Power Statements can be used in many places. While networking and meeting new people. On your resume or career portfolio. In a cover letter or job proposal. In the interview room. In a follow up letter.

The more you relate your accomplishments with an “economic value” (revenue generated, percent growth, saved money or otherwise), the more you will stand out from the crowd. People want to know what you did and what you can do with your unique skills. Here are a few more examples that will help you get the idea: “Developed an Internet marketing campaign for a technology services company that increased their customer base 125% in 3 months.” “Implemented a web site design process that saved a marketing company from losing 1000 customers and $500,000 in annual revenue.” “Reached 120% of annual sales quota in less than 6 months.” “Improved the performance of a sales organization from 50% to 100% of plan in 3 months.” “Designed a customer service training program that reduced the total problem resolution time from 10 minutes to 3 minutes per call.” “Wrote a new product marketing sales letter that generated a 35% response rate and $2.5 million in annualized revenue.” The process for designing your Power Statements is 3 simple steps: Use an action word(s) to give a broad description - developed, implemented, created, etc... Very short description of your accomplishment - marketing sales letter, training program, complex technical installation, etc... Describe the economic or realized value in dollars, percentages, or time - 120% increase, 10 minutes down to 3 minutes, etc... You’ll discover just how valuable you are when you get your own Power Statements down on paper. These headlines set you apart from the competition. They also demonstrate that you have what it takes to get the job done—no matter what the task. Which Power Statement headline Your challenge—take out a piece of paper right now and write down 5 would entice you to read further: “Proven track record completing projects under budget and within Power Statements. Don’t be afraid to go back as far you need to. Take an deadline.” Or “In one 18 month period, managed 5 complex technology inventory of your “15 minutes of fame.” Then start telling people. projects, generating $6 million in revenue while saving nearly $1 million Frank Traditi is the co-author of Get Hired NOW!: A 28-Day Program for Landing the Job You Want. He is an author, speaker, career strategist, and executive coach with more than 20 years in capital expenses.” of experience in management, sales, and marketing for Fortune 500 companies. Frank works You can CLEARLY see the difference in these two statements. Have with talented professionals to design a game plan for an extraordinary career. For a copy of his free guide “How to Find a Job in 28 Days or Less,” visit www.gethirednow.com you seen (or maybe even written) headline #1 on a resume or cover letter?

We are hiring. Search for open positions and apply at www.mcdean.com/careers or call (571) 262-8695 M.C. Dean, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer M/F/D/V

M.C. Dean, Inc. is an electrical engineering, systems integration and technology firm. Founded in 1949, M.C. Dean provides design-build-operate-maintain services for complex, mission-critical systems and facilities. With more than 3,000 employees in over 30 offices worldwide, we are looking for talented, passionate people to build their careers with us. Visit www.mcdean.com to learn more about M.C. Dean and possible career opportunities.

22461 Shaw Road, Dulles, VA 20166 www.mcdean.com | 1-800-7-MCDEAN

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by James Hamilton

ur nation’s energy needs have increased tremendously, especially in the last few decades. But the basic system for transmitting and distributing electricity hasn’t changed in more than a century. Modernizing the system through “smart grid” technology not only improves the way we store and get power, it provides jobs for workers who have the right training. Population growth, an increase in home size and air conditioning, and the proliferation of computers and other electronics are among the factors driving growth in demand for electricity in recent decades. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, since 1982, growth in peak demand for electricity has outpaced growth in power transmission by almost 25 percent each year. The current power grid—the network for distributing electricity from the power source to consumers—evolved during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The grid was designed to route power to consumers through high-voltage lines from a small number of power plants located far from population centers. The amount of power generated at any time was based on overall demand and did not account for fluctuations in use. Because of the high cost and risks associated with making large-scale changes, however, little had been done to the existing power grid since it was first created. Until now. smart grid technology (the smart grid), in early stages of implementation nationwide, allows utilities and other electricity suppliers to constantly monitor electricity flow and adjust its distribution for maximum efficiency. In addition, the smart grid makes better use of energy generated from alternative sources, such as from solar panels, wind turbines, and other energy-generating systems, through improved storage and transmission.

From functional to efficient: Updating the grid

The electricity we use comes from a variety of sources, including coal, nuclear power, and natural gas. Power plants generate electricity from these sources and transmit it to homes, businesses, and other structures, such as streetlights. In the grid system, electricity moves from power plants through high-voltage lines to distribu-

Hardware and Software, Engineered to Work Together With more than 380,000 customers—including 100 of the Fortune 100— and with deployments across a wide variety of industries in more than 145 countries around the globe, Oracle offers an optimized and fully integrated stack of business hardware and software systems. Oracle recruiters are always searching for brilliant employees with an entrepreneurial spirit, looking for a work culture where innovation is the goal, hard work is expected, and creativity is rewarded. Oracle employees enjoy competitive salaries, excellent health benefits, and a network of like-minded co-workers that drive innovation across the entire technology industry. Learn more about us and our current career opportunities online at www.oracle.com.

Our Employees Connect Brilliant Minds Every Day We at IEEE realize how fortunate we are to work with the best and brightest. Our mission is to advance technology for humanity, and we do so from one of the best places to work in New Jersey. Come Join Us! Visit www.ieee.org to view details about open positions in one of our four offices: Los Alamitos, CA; New York, NY; Piscataway, NJ; and Washington, DC


The IEEE is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer M/F/D/V.

Oracle is committed to creating a diverse environment and is proud to be an equal opportunity employer.

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equal opportunity employment journal and lights that shut down during peak periods of electricity use. The current grid is inadequate for development, too: it cannot adequately accommodate the increased use of alternative power sources, including solar and wind energy, which have intermittent supply.

The smart grid

The smart grid is a digitally enhanced network that uses computer-based remote control and automation to increase the efficiency of the current power grid. tion stations and on to consumers. Smart grid technology improves upon the current grid. Modernizing the current power grid should create a more efficient, reliable, and flexible system for supplying electricity.

The current power grid

The current power grid is made up of networks that include wires, switches, transformers, substations, and other equipment. Originally built as local grids, these networks eventually were connected into a national power grid during the 1960s. But this system was based on demand from large population centers as a whole and is unreliable for current needs. For example, when electricity demand increases during certain times of the year, some powerplants can’t keep up; the result may be brownouts or blackouts, the partial or full loss of power. Over the past 50 years, the current power grid has not kept up with changes in demand based, in part, on advances in technology, such as household appliances

Since 1983, Four Seasons Environmental, Inc. has offered consulting services that help its clients save money, whether it is through high performance equipment operations, more efficient maintenance practices, energy efficiency or other avenues. As a veteran-owned business, FSE is privileged to provide consulting expertise that help its clients to be more efficient, including Facility Commissioning, Energy Savings Services, HB 264 Consulting and LEED Consulting Services. Learn more about us and our current openings at:


43 New Garver Road • Monroe, OH 45050 We Are a Government Contractor and Equal Opportunity Employer

The smart grid is a digitally enhanced network that uses computer-based remote control and automation to increase the efficiency of the current power grid. These systems employ two-way communication technology and computer processing used in other industries, such as telecommunications. A key feature of the smart grid is automation that allows the utilities to adjust and control each device from a central location. Each device on the smart grid can gather data and communicate digitally with the utility operations center. The smart grid also helps power generation move toward the use of a more green technology.

Green technology.

The smart grid is vital to a green economy because it promotes viability of environmentally friendly technologies, such as renewable energy sources. For example, smart grid technology allows more electricity to be generated by intermittent sources, such as wind and solar power, and to switch to traditional sources, such as coal and natural gas, when renewable-energy plants cannot provide enough power. Technologies that make up the smart grid include advanced metering infrastructure, commonly known in the industry as AMI; electricity distribution systems; electricity transmission systems; and energy storage capabilities. Together, these technologies enable providers to adjust the amount of electricity generated and to redirect it to meet changes in demand throughout the day. Advanced metering infrastructure allows electricity providers to monitor power use continuously. Smart meters installed in homes and businesses measure realtime electricity use and transmit the data to the provider, which can modify power generation accordingly. Electricity distribution systems provide real-time monitoring and intelligent computer control. Monitoring and control allow operators to detect problems with the grid, such as power outages, and to dispatch repair crews immediately to minimize the time consumers are without power.

Your Digital World. Now.

It is Mediacom’s policy to affirmatively support equal employment opportunity (EEO) for all qualified individuals without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, gender, marital status, medical condition, sexual orientation, veteran status or any other characteristic protected by law.

Mediacom has an immediate need for Direct Sales Representatives, Commercial Sales Representatives, Customer Sales & Service Representatives and Installers. To view a complete listing of available vacancies, please visit our Career Center online at careers.mediacomcc.com 1533 S. Enterprise Avenue • Springfield, MO 65804

November 2013 Electricity transmission systems allow power to be sent to areas where it is needed most, when it is needed most. These improved transmission systems divert electricity from areas of low demand and reroute it to areas with high demand, as needed. Energy storage capabilities are an important part of integrating renewable power sources. Because renewable sources do not supply electricity continuously, they may not be effective during certain times of the day. For example, if the wind is blowing at night, wind turbines produce power that is unlikely to be used during this low-demand period. But improved energy storage prevents this energy from being wasted, by providing a way to save the excess for use when demand is higher.

Putting smart grid into practice.

Smart grid technologies are beginning to be used on electricity networks from powerplants to substations and on to consumers in homes and businesses. Federal law supports modernizing the current power grid to meet future electricity demand. Among other provisions, the law authorizes smart grid technology research, development, demonstration, and funding. The U.S. Department of Energy has a number of projects and studies related to smart grid development, as does nearly every state. However, states are inconsistent in smart grid application. For example, according to the MIT Technology Review, states such as California and Texas have begun to install equipment but have not yet completed the network required for the grid to fully function. As of June 2013, only Florida has a large-scale, comprehensive smart grid operating. Advanced metering infrastructure technology is furthest along in implementation. According to the United States Energy Information Administration, electric utilities had installed more than 37 million smart meters in

November 2013

equal opportunity employment journal

the United States in 2011. Most of these— usually employed by utilities, technology about 33.5 million—were residential instal- firms, or government agencies and may lations by investor-owned utilities. work in offices or in a control center. Network administrators may be required Occupations in to travel to different locations to troublesmart grid work shoot and fix problems. Computer systems According to the U.S. Department of analysts have a variety of roles. They may Energy, companies producing technology specialize in helping select the appropriand offering services related to the smart ate system hardware or in developing and grid include communications firms and new fine-tuning systems. They could work with and established technology firms. computer programmers to debug, eliminate Implementing the smart grid requires errors from, or do in-depth testing of the many workers in various occupations. And systems. Because the smart grid relies more after the smart grid is set up, other workers on computer control than the current grid, will be needed to operate and maintain it. computer systems analysts will be needed to Work related to the smart grid is expected help build these systems and manage them to result in about 280,000 new positions, once they are operating. according to energy consulting firm DNV Network and computer systems adminisKEMA. trators install and maintain an organization’s These jobs span several occupational computer systems. Many components of groups and include engineers, technicians, the smart grid depend on reliable computer and construction workers. In addition to networks to operate, so these workers are employment with utilities, many workers needed to ensure that computer systems will be hired by suppliers and contractors. function properly and that problems are Computer and fixed rapidly. mathematical occupations Operations research analysts formulate One of the defining characteristics of the and apply analytical methods from mathesmart grid is increased computer control and matics, science, and engineering to develautomation. As a result, computer systems op and interpret information. They reduce analysts, network and computer systems the complexity of resource management administrators, operations research analysts, to help utilities make better decisions and TMP PRODUCTION and software developers are needed to cre- to improve efficiency. Using sophisticated ate, operate, and maintain the computer software, these 4.9 workers x 6.65” (4csolve process)problems systems that the smart grid uses. Workers and are often jb/jb involved in planning and in these occupations spend most of their time forecasting. indoors working with computers. They are For example, they may predict future

Climbers Wanted.


Page 47

The computer systems that run the smart grid require specialized software. Software developers are needed to create this software and to modify it to suit each electric utility’s individual needs. electricity needs so that power generation and transmission capacity is developed before it is needed. Software developers design, test, and evaluate the applications and systems that2 make computers work. DAL031676B 2012 The computer systems that run the smart MHAYSgrid require specialized software. Software developersAdare needed to create this software and to modify it to suit each electric utility’s individual needs. Advancing Reservoir Performance


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equal opportunity employment journal

much electricity is being used at certain locations and systems that monitor electricity produced at generating stations, solar panels, or wind turbines. They also design and develop control systems for powerplants. Electrical and electronics engineering technicians help design, develop, test, and make electrical and electronic equipment. Technicians may test and evaluate products, using measuring and diagnostic devices to adjust and to repair equipment. Many engineering technicians assist engineers in researching and developing electric and electronic equipment for smart grids.

Electrical engineers design, test, and supervise manufacturing and construction of electrical equipment, including power generation, communications systems and transmission devices. Architecture and engineering occupations

Engineers apply science and mathematics to develop economical solutions to technical problems. Many engineers specify requirements and then design, test, and integrate components to produce designs for new products. After the design phase, engineers evaluate a design’s effectiveness, cost, reliability, and safety. Electrical engineers, electronics engineers, and electrical and electronics engineering technicians are needed in smart grid work. Most engineers and engineering technicians work indoors, usually in an office or laboratory. For smart grid work, they use computers extensively to produce and


Installation, maintenance, and repair occupations

analyze designs and for simulating and testing systems. Engineering technicians assist engineers with designing, developing, and testing quality-control products and processes. Engineers and technicians are typically employed by electric utilities, government agencies, or construction firms. Electrical engineers design, test, and supervise manufacturing and construction of electrical equipment, including power generation, communications systems, control, and transmission devices. In smart grid work, electrical engineers typically focus on power generation and supply. Electronics engineers work on applications for a range of smart grid technologies, including control systems that monitor how

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Telecommunications workers install, maintain, and upgrade the communications equipment that controls a smart grid. They are employed by powerplants and utilities, and job tasks vary based on where they work. For example, line installers and repairers employed by utilities maintain low-voltage distribution lines and equipment such as transformers, voltage regulators, and switches. Line workers travel with a crew to maintain smart grid transmission lines and towers throughout a region. Some occupations are dangerous because workers must be close to high-voltage electricity or high above the ground to do certain job tasks. Electrical and electronics repairers fix equipment used in generating and delivering electricity. Electrical equipment generally refers to what is used to generate or supply electricity, including transformers and switches; electronic equipment is used to control devices, such as those that monitor and adjust the flow of electricity based on demand in a given area. Repairers troubleshoot problems and fix damaged or broken equipment. Electrical power-line installers and repairers build and maintain the smart grid. They routinely work with high-voltage electricity, which requires extreme caution. They inspect and test power lines and other equipment and install power lines between poles, towers, and buildings. Telecommunications equipment installers and repairers have a range of duties that varies by the type of work they do and where they work. Most work outdoors to install and repair smart grid equipment that transmits data to utility control centers and computers that monitor electricity supply and demand.

Production occupations

Operating the smart grid requires new equipment for generating plants and substations to handle increased capacity. Other plants and substations must be upgraded

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November 2013

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Parker Hannifin Corporation is an affirmative action/equal employment opportunity employer that extends its commitment beyond equal opportunity and nondiscriminatory practices to take positive steps to create an inclusive and empowered environment.

November 2013

equal opportunity employment journal

with smart grid technologies. Equipment assemblers, power distributors and dispatchers, and power plant operators are needed to prepare and control these smart grid facilities. These workers spend time indoors in factories, offices, operations centers, or powerplants. Electrical and electronic equipment assemblers construct the equipment used in the smart grid. They assemble components of smart meters and other equipment used in the real-time monitoring of electricity demand. Some of their job tasks are repetitive. Power distributors and dispatchers control the flow of electricity through transmission lines to industrial plants and substations, which in turn supply residents and businesses. They operate electrical current converters, voltage transformers, and circuit breakers. They also monitor other distribution equipment and record readings at a map board, a diagram of the smart grid that shows the status of transmission circuits and connections with substations and industrial plants. Power plant operators in power-generating plants control and monitor equipment, such as boilers, turbines, generators, and auxiliary equipment. They regulate the output from generators and monitor instruments to adjust electricity flow from the plant. When demand changes, power plant operators communicate with dispatchers at distribution centers to match production with system loads and alter electricity output, as needed.

Other occupations

Among the other occupations in smart grid work are electricians, meter readers, and urban and regional planners. Electricians install smart meters and other equipment at homes and businesses. Meter readers’ occupation will undergo transformation with smart grid implementation, and their jobs are likely to change. Urban and regional planners are important in the analysis and arrangement of the power grid. Electricians install and maintain electrical systems for homes and businesses, working with electrical wiring and control equipment. Electricians who work with smart grid technologies install smart meters and must be familiar with smart appliances, lighting, and other technologies associated with the smart grid. Electricians usually work indoors, often in cramped spaces, and may spend a lot of time kneeling, lifting, or standing. Most electricians work for electrical contractors

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Electricians install and maintain electrical systems for homes and businesses, working with electrical wiring and control equipment. and other wiring installation contractors, but some are self-employed. Meter readers will be heavily affected by the implementation of the smart grid. Meters for the current grid are attached to houses and other buildings, where they must be periodically read and recorded by a meter reader. But the smart grid relies on advanced metering infrastructure—automation that does not require meter reading as it currently exists. As a result, meter readers need to be retrained for another occupation. Meter readers work mostly outdoors,

driving or walking around neighborhoods. They are employed primarily by utilities. Urban and regional planners develop longand short-term plans for land use and community growth. They recommend to local officials infrastructure and zoning locations, which requires forecasting population needs. In smart grid work, they determine a community’s electricity requirements based on its industries, population, and employment and economic trends. This information helps local and regional utilities in developing the smart grid. Most urban and regional planners work

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An EO/AA Employer Committed To Diversity In The Workplace-M/F/D/V

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equal opportunity employment journal

To prepare for smart grid jobs, some workers, including electrical engineers, already have many of the skills they need but will require additional training to transition to the new technologies.

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in offices, usually for the state or local mathematics, or information systems. Dual graduate degrees in operations research and governments. computer science make candidates espeTraining for smart grid jobs To prepare for smart grid jobs, some cially attractive to employers. Continuing education is important for workers, including electrical engineers, already have many of the skills they need operations research analysts. Keeping up to but will require additional training to tran- date with technological advances, software sition to the new technologies. Other work- tools, and improvements in analytical methers, such as meter readers, need extensive ods is vital for maintaining problem-solving retraining to gain more diverse, higher level skills. Software developers commonly need a skills for new smart grid jobs. bachelor’s degree, although for some posiThis section describes the basic credentials tions employers may prefer to hire candineeded for workers in occupations covered in the previous section. Specific training dates who have a master’s degree. For other required for smart grid positions vary by jobs, an associate’s degree or certificate is adequate. Employers favor job candidates employer. who have relevant skills and experience. Computer occupations Workers who keep current with the latest Training for workers in computer jobs technology usually have the best opportunispan a range of requirements, from pro- ties for advancement. fessional certification through a graduate degree—sometimes within a single occupa- Engineering occupations Engineers typically have a bachelor’s tion. Computer systems analysts and netdegree in engineering. Because of the work and computer systems administrators often need a bachelor’s degree, although an complexity of some systems, however, a associate’s degree or professional certifica- significant number of employers require tion plus work experience may be adequate candidates to have a master’s or doctoral for some jobs. Most systems administrators degree. Engineers are expected to complete begin as computer support specialists before continuing education and to keep up with rapidly changing technology. advancing to administrator positions. Certifications are usually required and Network and computer system admindepend on the systems used by a particistrators can enhance their employment opportunities by earning certifications, ular manufacturer or utility. Licensure as which are offered through product vendors, a professional engineer is often required, computer associations, and other training depending on an engineer’s specialty. Entry-level engineers may be hired as institutions. Many employers regard these interns or junior team members and work certifications as the industry standard and sometimes require them. Because technol- under the supervision of senior engiogy changes rapidly, computer specialists neers. As they gain experience, entry-level must complete periodic training to stay engineers are assigned more complex tasks and gain independence to develop leaderabreast of the latest developments. Operations research analysts must have ship skills. Electrical and electronics engineering a bachelor’s degree that includes extensive coursework in mathematics and other quan- technicians usually have an associate’s titative subjects. But many employers pre- degree or certificate from a community fer to hire candidates who have a master’s college or technical school. Technicians degree in operations research, management participate in on-the-job training for several science, or a related field—such as comput- months, depending on their specialty and er science, engineering, business, applied employer, and are supervised by engineers.

Installation, maintenance, and repair occupations

Hagemeyer North America

By emphasizing career development and training programs, Post has fostered

Hagemeyer is an equal opportunity employer, M/F/D/V.

loyal, long-term associates who deliver superior satisfaction to our residents. If you would like to join our team, current job openings can be found at www.postproperties.com. Click on Careers in the top navigation bar.

Post Apartment Homes is an equal opportunity employer. Drug screening and criminal background check conducted prior to employment.


November 2013

Hagemeyer North America, is a subsidiary of Sonepar USA, a member of the global Sonepar family. Headquartered in Charleston, South Carolina, Hagemeyer North America is a distributor of products and services focusing on business-to-business markets in electrical materials, safety products, and industrial products. Hagemeyer North America offers exciting career opportunities for outgoing, ambitious, and energetic associates. If you are ready to build an exciting career with a global organization that is a leader in our industry, then you will want to join our team. For more information visit us online at www.hagemeyerna.com.

Depending on the occupation, installation, maintenance, and repair workers either have formal education or train on the job. Electrical and electronics repairers must be knowledgeable about electrical equipment and electronics. Employers often prefer to hire candidates who have an associate’s degree from a community college or technical school, although a high school diploma is sufficient for some jobs.Entry-level repairers may begin by working under the guidance of experienced technicians and work independently after developing their skills.

November 2013 Electrical power-line installers and repairers get most of their training on the job. Most employers require candidates to have a high school diploma or equivalent, along with basic knowledge of algebra and trigonometry and good reading and writing skills. Line installers and repairers often must complete formal apprenticeships or other training programs. These programs, which can last up to 5 years, combine on-the-job training with technical instruction. Safety regulations define the training and educational requirements for apprentice electrical line installers, but licensure is not required. Telecommunications equipment installers and repairers usually need postsecondary education. Many community colleges offer programs in telecommunications, electronics, or electricity. Some programs work with local companies to offer 1-year certificates that emphasize hands-on fieldwork. More advanced 2-year associate’s degree programs offer courses in electricity, electronics, fiber optics, and microwave transmission.

Production occupations

Workers in these production occupations should have at least a high school diploma or equivalent, but they also may need skills and experience or other training. Electrical and electronic equipment assemblers usually have a high school diploma or equivalent and are trained on the job for a few weeks to several months. Some employers prefer to hire assemblers who have some training or experience working with electrical or electronic equipment, either through previous employment

equal opportunity employment journal or from training at a community college or technical school. Powerplant workers, including distributors, dispatchers and operators, generally need a combination of education, on-the-job training, and experience. Power plant operators need strong mechanical, technical, and computer skills. Workers in jobs that could affect the power grid must have certification from the North American Electric Reliability Corporation. For highly technical jobs, workers need a strong math and science background. Because of security concerns, many power plant operators are subject to background investigations and must not have a criminal record. They also must be willing to submit to random drug testing.

Other occupations

Training requirements vary for electricians, meter readers, and urban and regional planners. Electricians train through supervised apprenticeships administered by technical schools and community colleges. Apprenticeships usually consist of 4 or 5 years of paid on-the-job training and at least 144 hours of related technical instruction per year. Applicants for apprenticeships must be at least 18 years old and in good physical condition. Drug tests may be required, and most apprenticeship programs ask that applicants have at least a high school diploma or equivalent. Most states require electricians to be licensed. Licensing requirements vary, but states commonly require 2 to 5 years of experience, followed by a test of knowledge about the trade and local codes.

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More advanced 2-year associate’s degree programs offer courses in electricity, electronics, fiber optics, and microwave transmission. Meter readers usually need a high school diploma and a valid driver’s license. Jobs in this occupation will be difficult to find as the smart grid is developed, however. Meter readers will need to be retrained to work in another occupation. Urban and regional planners typically have at least a master’s degree in urban or regional planning or a related field. Some urban and regional planners may earn professional certification with the appropriate combination of education and professional experience and by passing an examination. Article provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. James Hamilton is an economist in the Office of Current Employment Analysis, BLS.

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Page 52

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November 2013

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