Future Farmers of America
Eastern Oregon Grant County
Baker County
Union County
Umatilla and Morrow Counties
Grant Union Chapter Prairie City Chapter Imbler Chapter Union Chapter North Powder Chapter La Grande Chapter
Wallowa County Joseph Chapter Enterprise Chapter Wallowa Chapter
Baker Chapter Pine Eagle Chapter
Heppner Chapter Pendleton Chapter Pilot Rock Chapter Hermiston Chapter Ione Chapter
2 • National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024
National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024 • 3
National FFA Organization
School-Based Agricultural Education Three-Component Model When you put on an FFA jacket, you become part of a school-based agricultural education program that can connect you to exciting careers in the science, business and technology of agriculture. FFA is one of three essential components of this integrated system, which work together to provide personal, academic and career experiences that help you build success. School-based agricultural education is delivered through career and technical education in the United States, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Approximately one million agricultural education students are taught by more than 13,000 secondary, two-year postsecondary and adult instructors in more than 8,000 schools. School-based agricultural education consists of three integral core components:
1. 2. 3.
Classroom and laboratory instruction that is contextual, inquiry-based and interactive. FFA, which helps members develop premier leadership, personal growth and career success. Supervised agricultural experience (SAE) programs that allow you to apply knowledge and skills through experiential, service and work-based learning opportunities.
4 • National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024
mission and a compelling vision.
FFA Organization: Delivery of the FFA Mission This “Delivery of the FFA Mission” document was created to serve as a reference guide to help explain the what, why and how of delivering the FFA mission. To learn more, visit FFA.org.
FFA Mission
Premier Leadership
Components of mission
Platforms for delivery of mission
Delivered through
College/careerready students prepared for
• Action
• Agricultural advocacy
• Awards and
• Agricultural careers
• Relationships
• Agricultural knowledge
• Vision
• Agricultural literacy
• Competitive events
- Animal systems
• Character
• Career exploration
• Conferences
- Biotechnology systems
• Awareness
• Food security
• Conventions
- Environmental service
• Continuous
• Inclusion
• Educational resources
• Leadership concepts
• Experiential learning
• Service engagement
• Online experiences
improvement • Physical growth
• State association activities/events
• Social growth
Personal Growth
• Professional growth
• Local chapter activities/events
• Mental growth
Guiding Principles Grow Leaders
- Agribusiness systems
Build Communities Strengthen Agriculture
- Food products and processing systems - Natural resources systems - Plant systems - Power, structural and
• Emotional growth
technical systems
• Spiritual growth
• Non-Agricultural careers
• Communications
Career Success
• Decision making • Flexibility/adaptability • Technical/functional skills in agriculture
FFA Vision: Growing the next generation of leaders who will change the world.
FFA Mission: FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.
2022 National FFA Organization
What Is FFA?
FFA Mission
FFA is the top school-based youth leadership development organization in the United States. FFA cultivates and nurtures future leaders who go on to change how the world grows. Through a unique combination of education, experiential learning, and service-based opportunities rooted in agriculture, FFA empowers middle and high school students to become our next generation of courageous and knowledgeable leaders.
FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. To accomplish this mission, FFA:
Membership in FFA requires middle and high school students to be enrolled in a local school-based agricultural education program and involved in a supervised agricultural experience. Students engaged in FFA find out who they are, who they want to become and how they can make an impact. They gain increased agricultural literacy, prepare for success in an ever-changing future, and demonstrate selflessness and citizenship through courageous acts of service.
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FFA is an acronym that stands for Future Farmers of America — the organization’s original name as established in 1928. However, the national organization was officially renamed the National FFA
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• • • • •
Develops competent and assertive agricultural leadership. Increases awareness of the global and technological importance of agriculture and its contribution to our well-being. Strengthens agriculture students’ confidence in themselves and their work. Promotes the intelligent choice and establishment of an agricultural career. Encourages achievement in supervised agricultural experience (SAE) programs. Encourages wise management of the community’s economic, environmental and human resources. Develops interpersonal skills in teamwork, communication, human relations and social interaction. Builds character and promotes citizenship, volunteerism and patriotism. Promotes cooperation and cooperative attitudes among all people. Promotes healthy lifestyles. Encourages excellence in scholarship.
National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024 • 5
FFA Organization FFA Organization Structure Active membership participation drives the organization. As a student-led organization, FFA is structured with three primary levels: local, state and national. Local chapters enroll members, elect chapter officers, and engage in activities, events, and competitions related to the organization’s mission. Adult chapter advisors — typically local agricultural education instructors — guide chapter and member activities. Local chapters are chartered by state associations. State associations implement activities, events and competitions for local chapter participation; select state officers; and coordinate with state government officials to strengthen their state’s overall program of agricultural education. The associations also oversee possible district, area, region or federation associations within their states. State associations are chartered by the national organization. The National FFA Organization is led by a board of directors and six student national officers. Together, they act upon recommendations passed by national delegates and agricultural education stakeholders to establish the vision and policy for FFA. Staff employed by the National FFA Organization carries out policies and provides programs and services for the organization.
National FFA Structure
Local Chapter Local FFA Alumni and
Chapter Members
Supporters Chapter
Chapter Officers Chapter Advisor Agricultural Education Program Advisory Committee School Administration and Board of Education Possible district, area, region
• •
State FFA Alumni
State Association
or federation
and Supporters
Chapter Delegates
FFA associations
State FFA Foundation
State Officers State Advisor and State Leaders State Department of Education
• •
National FFA
National FFA Organization
Alumni and Supporters
State Delegates
National FFA
National Officers
National Advisory Leaders National Board of Directors U.S. Department of Education
6 • National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024
Organization by the delegates to the 1988
The FFA motto gives members 12 short words to live by as they discover the opportunities available in the organization:
Learning to Do Doing to Learn Earning to Live Living to Serve
FFA Creed The FFA Creed was written by E. M. Tiffany and adopted at the 3rd National FFA Convention. It was revised at the 38th and 63rd conventions. It is recited by new members to reflect their growing belief in agriculture and agricultural education. I believe in the future of agriculture, with a faith born not of words but of deeds—achievements won by the present and past generations of agriculturists; in the promise of better days through better ways, even as the better things we now enjoy have come to us from the struggles of former years.
You! An FFA Member
FFA Motto
mission. Adult chapter advisors — typically
I believe that to live and work on a good farm, or to be engaged in other agricultural pursuits, is pleasant as well as challenging; for I know the joys and discomforts of agricultural life and hold an inborn fondness for those associations which, even in hours of discouragement, I cannot deny. I believe in leadership from ourselves and respect from others. I believe in my own ability to work efficiently and think clearly, with such knowledge and skill as I can secure, and in the ability of progressive agriculturists to serve our own and the public interest in producing and marketing the product of our toil. I believe in less dependence on begging and more power in bargaining; in the life abundant and enough honest wealth to help make it so—for others as well as myself; in less need for charity and more of it when needed; in being happy myself and playing square with those whose happiness depends upon me. I believe that American agriculture can and will hold true to the best traditions of our national life and that I can exert an influence in my home and community which will stand solid for my part in that inspiring task.
FFA Organization FFA History
FFA Emblem
The original idea for the organization of FFA developed after courses in vocational agriculture were established by the Smith-Hughes National Vocational Education Act in 1917. In the early 1920s, Virginia formed a Future Farmers club for boys in agriculture classes. This innovation caught fire across the country, and the national organization was established in 1928 at the Baltimore Hotel in Kansas City, Mo. National dues to the Future Farmers of America were set at 10 cents per member.
The plow signifies labor and tillage of the soil, the backbone of agriculture and the historic foundation of our country’s strength.
Membership grew, and the following year’s convention was distinguished by the selection of the national colors and the naming of the first Star Farmer of America. As the years went by, the organization began providing services to support its expanding membership. In 1939, a national FFA camp was founded on the grounds of the original national center in Alexandria, Va. The National FFA Foundation, Inc., Was created in 1944 to provide funds from business and industry to support new programs. Public Law 740, passed by Congress in 1950, granted FFA a federal charter. Public Law 740 was revised in 1979. The year 1952 marked the establishment of The National Future Farmer magazine.
The national FFA emblem, consisting of five symbols, is representative of the history, goals and future of the organization. As a whole, the emblem covers the broad spectrum of
The eagle is a national symbol that serves as a reminder of our freedom and ability to explore new horizons for the future of agriculture.
FFA and agriculture. Each element within the emblem has unique significance.
The owl, long recognized for its wisdom, symbolizes the knowledge required to be successful in the industry of agriculture.
The cross section of the ear of corn provides the foundation of the emblem, just as corn has historically served as the foundation crop of American agriculture. It is also a symbol of unity, as corn is grown in every state of the nation.
The words Agricultural Education and FFA are emblazoned in the center to signify the combination of learning and leadership necessary for progressive agriculture. The emblem and the letters “FFA” are
The rising sun signifies progress and holds a promise that tomorrow will bring a new day, glowing with opportunity.
protected by trademark registration in the U.S. Patent Office and by Public Law 105-225, 105th Congress.
A consolidation of FFA and the New Farmers of America, the organization for African-American agriculture students, took place in 1965. More new members were admitted in 1969 when the delegates voted to allow girls to become members of the national organization. The 1970s and ’80s would bring a host of new programs and changes, designed to keep pace with the evolving membership and the rapidly changing needs of the industry of agriculture. In 1969 the delegates voted to establish an alumni class of membership. By1971, nine states had chartered state alumni associations, and the National FFA Alumni Association was up and running. Public Law740 was revised in 1979. In 1988, the delegates voted to change the official name from the Future Farmers of America to the National FFA Organization. In 1998, to ensure that the constitution was not in conflict with the FFA Federal Charter, a technical amendment was passed by the delegates at the 71st National FFA Convention clarifying that the name of the organization is the Future Farmers of America, but the organization shall be known as and shall do business as the National FFA Organization. Another name change occurred in 1989, when the magazine changed its name to FFA New Horizons. Also in 1998,Public Law 740 underwent technical revision and became Publication 105-225 by the 105th Congress. The National FFA Center was dedicated in Indianapolis in 1998. It houses the National FFA Organization, including its alumni and supporters staff and the National FFA Foundation. On June 1, 1998, the Agricultural Education National Headquarters opened its doors in Alexandria, Va. This office housed the National FFA Headquarters Operations Office, along with the national FFA advisor/board chair and national FFA executive secretary until 2019. The organization also benefits from its strong relationship with the Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education in the U.S. Department of Education. In 2019, the 116th Congress reviewed and passed additional amendments to the FFA Federal Charter as Public Law 116-7. In addition to the changes to the FFA Federal Charter, the National FFA Constitution and Bylaws were amended at the 92nd National FFA Convention in October 2019 and ratified by the National FFA Board of Directors on Nov. 11, 2019. The National FFA Organization is a driving force in developing leadership in today’s youth. Active participation in career and leadership development events, chapter meetings, award and recognition programs, committees and service and community projects provide FFA members with opportunities to develop personal leadership skills. The organization motivates young people to make positive contributions to their homes, schools, communities, country and the world.
National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024 • 7
Proud to Support DC6037
Proud supporter of our
FFA Youth 8 • National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024
FFA Umatilla/Morrow Counties Heppner Chapter
Hayden Stills
Heppner Chapter Highest FFA degree you have earned (green hand, chapter, state): Green hand badge
Highest FFA degree you have earned (green hand, chapter, state): Green hand badge
Favorite FFA activities: Greens workshop
Favorite FFA activities: Workshop
SAE project: Helping with cattle (caving season)
SAE project: Market lamb
Career Development events you have participated in: Helped pregnancy check cattle with vet
Career Development events you have participated in: I don’t think any
Community service/projects you have helped with: Backpack Program
Community service/projects you have helped with: Helped with cleaning the fairgrounds.
Ashlee Knutz
National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024 • 9
We have local familiar faces ready to help you with your irrigation projects. “Proudly serving Eastern Oregon & Southeast Washington since 1978”
FFA Members on your continuous dedication and hard work! 10 • National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024
When every dollar counts these days, stop by Elmer’s. have and localinvesting familiarinfaces ready to “ProudlyWe serving the future help youofwith irrigation projects. our your communities”
Proudly serving Eastern Oregon & Southeast Washington since 197
Pipe: PVC, galvanized & black fittings; 80527 Hwy 395 N. • Hermiston • 541-567-5572 Filters: Clemons, CTC, Gheen;
Pumps: Small centricial pumps , Pressure Tanks; Lawn & garden supplies: K-Rain sprinklers & valves; Hand line, Main line, wheel line: gaskets & fittings, pipe cutting & threading
FFA Umatilla/Morrow Counties Pendleton Chapter
No Photo Available
Pendleton Chapter FFA Advisor: Mrs. Hunt/Mr. Campbell
FFA Advisor: Mrs. Hunt/Mr. Campbell
Years active in FFA: 5
Years active in FFA: 5
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: My SAE project is my welding class and I have made a bench and sold it. Also, this summer I will be showing my first lamb.
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: I own and operate Pony Tracks Leather Company. I build all sorts of tack items, belts, binders and I’ve recently started building saddles.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: I am very active in FFA competitions and compete in Ag Sales, Creed Speaking, Sophomore Public Speaking and Horse Judging.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: I’ve participated in Ag Issues, Ag Sales, Ag Mechanics, Livestock Judging and Rituals.
Favorite FFA Memories: My favorite FFA memories are traveling to National and State Conventions. I love getting to experience amazing tours and bond with our FFA members.
Faith Olson Chapter Sentinel
Future Plans: After I graduate high school I plan to go to BMCC and get my associates degree. Personal Message: A message I would like to send to others is to live in the moment and face your fears, because fear stops so many people from going after amazing experiences.
Pendleton Chapter
Favorite FFA Memories: National Convention in Indianapolis, IN and State Convention in Redmond. Future Plans: I plan to work as a firefighter as well as a professional saddle maker and leather tooler.
Crae Campbell Chapter Treasurer
Pendleton Chapter FFA Advisor: Mrs. Hunt/Mr. Campbell
FFA Advisor: Mrs. Hunt/Mr. Campbell
Years active in FFA: 5
Years active in FFA: 5
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Raising a market steer for Umatilla County Fair.
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: My SAE projects include my sheep production and veterinary science placement.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: I have competed in creed speaking, soils judging, livestock evaluation, vet science and meats judging.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: Ag Sales, Vet Science, Job Interview, Livestock Judging, Horse Judging, Public Speaking and Ag Issues.
Favorite FFA Memories: Getting to attend the National Convention in Indianapolis and touring select sires in Ohio.
Favorite FFA Memories: At State Convention the chapter had a ‘sleepover’ in the living room of the house we were staying in. We spent the evening watching horror movies and snacking.
Future Plans: I would like to attend BMCC and get my Ag business degree and continue to raise cattle.
Claire Stratton Chapter Secretary
Personal Message: Deep thought fosters self-reflection. Self-reflection foster humility. Humility fosters growth. And growth leads to new beginnings. Empty the cup and start anew.
Personal Message: FFA has changed my outlook on everything. I recommend to anyone in high school who is looking to try something new to join an Ag class and get involved in FFA.
Kelli Nelson Chapter President
Future Plans: I will attend Casper College this fall for a 2-year degree and then go straight to vet school. After vet school I’ll go active duty Army as a field veterinarian. Personal Message: Never wish for it harder than you work for it.
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12 • National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024
FFA Umatilla/Morrow Counties Pilot Rock Chapter
Pilot Rock Chapter FFA Advisor: Mrs. Chatfield Mrs. Weinke
FFA Advisor: Mrs. Chatfield/Mrs. Weinke
Years active in FFA: 2
Years active in FFA: 3
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: I show goats and sheep. I plan on purchasing the beginning of my herd this year. I plan to start with 2 or 3 quality does and go from there
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: My SAE project is Ag in the classroom. I teach 1 lesson a month to my school’s 6th grade class. CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: Soils, Ag Sales, Creed Speaking.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: I have done shop skills, livestock judging, and shop skills.
Favorite FFA Memories: My favorite memory was my first state convention where I got to meet lost of new people. I had so much fun hanging out with the chapter and learning what a tally-wacker is.
Favorite FFA Memories: I would say my favorite FFA memories would probably have to be going to shop skills and getting to compete against my peers. It was always fun getting to test what I’ve learned in my FFA classes.
Eli Hinkle
Chapter Secretary
Future Plans: I plan on going into the marine corps after high school. After that I plan to go into a trade school and improve my skills. Personal Message: My personal message would have to be that FFA is a great way to learn many life skills that you can use greatly in life.
Pilot Rock Chapter
Hailey Thieme Chapter President
FFA Advisor: Mrs. Chatfield/Mrs. Weinke
FFA Advisor: Mrs. Chatfield/Mrs. Weinke
Years active in FFA: 6
Years active in FFA: 3
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: My SAE project is taking care of my 5 sheep and occasionally selling chicken eggs.
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: My projects are raising and showing swine for county fair and working on our family farm. CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: I’ve done creed speaking, soil judging, livestock judging, horse evaluation and plan on doing exempt public speaking.
Favorite FFA Memories: My favorite FFA memories are from National Convention the first time I went. There were four of us and most of our night we spent jamming out until 4 a.m. with the music up way too loud.
Favorite FFA Memories: In 8th grade during CDE Days, me and some friends along with another random chapter were just messing around and having fun in the hotel pool.
Future Plans: My future plans are to start at a community college and then possibly transfer to a University. I will be pursuing a degree in vet-tech or as a medical assistant.
Chapter Vice-President
Personal Message: I love all the fun experiences I’ve gained through FFA and how far it was gotten me in life. To anyone debating to join your local FFA chapter, do it! It will be filled with great memories you won’t forget.
Pilot Rock Chapter
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: I have participated in horse evaluation, livestock judging and extemporaneous public speaking.
Maggie Taylor
Future Plans: My future plans include going to college after I graduate from high school. I hope to go on mission trips during the summers and I don’t know what career I will go into yet.
Personal Message: I believe the song ‘Blue Jackets’ by Sam Smith is an eye-opener about FFA. He truly inspired me with this song.
Future Plans: I hope to get my commercial pilots license and do aerial spraying or work at an airline.
Ayden Hoeft Chapter Treasurer
Personal Message: ‘Never bet against anyone who is committed to excellence. They will always win.’ ~ Lou Holtz
National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024 • 13
FFA Umatilla/Morrow Counties Hermiston Chapter
Hermiston Chapter FFA Advisor: Sandy McKay
FFA Advisor: Sandy McKay, Ellery Jones, Jeffery Umbarger
Years active in FFA: 4
Years active in FFA: 3
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: My SAE Project includes raising and selling market steers for the Umatilla County Fair.
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: My main SAE project is my market pig. I have been fortunate enough to be able to do it since 5th grade. I get to go pick out a pig from a breeder, raise this pig from around 50 lbs to show weight at 250 lbs as well as train and show it. I also have a breeding project with my Boer goat and this will be my second year breeding her. I also have a pygmy goat that I keep year round and show at the county fair.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: Parliamentary Procedure, Agricultural Sales, Agricultural Communications, Marketing Plan. Agricultural Issues, Livestock Evaluation Favorite FFA Memories: Playing octoball with other district officers at the Oregon District Officer Training.
Annikah Perez
Future Plans: In the fall I plan to attend a four-year university to study either PreVeterinary medicine or Pre-Law, following my undergraduate I plan to attend graduate school.
District Vice-President, Chapter Historian
Alumni & Friends
Pacific Ag Hill Meat Company Farm Equipment Headquarters Gordon’t Electric Tim & Kathy Spratling Graybeal Group Sylvia Clausen Badger Springs Grain Bracher Farms Bob & Sandy Lazinka Harriet Isom Cunningham Sheep Co. LHT Farming SDR Farms CHI St. Anthony Hospital The McGregor Company Byrnes Oil Company Mike & Shannon Collins Murdock Cattle Company D&B Supply Coldwell Banker Farley Co. Northwest Grain Growers Dickey & Tremper Nutrien Ag Solutions Doherty Welding Rock in Place Pendleton Hat Company Smith Frozen Foods 5H Ranch Dutch Bros Coffee Pendleton
Personal Message: It’s important to step out of our comfort zone and take those opportunities life throws at us, we learn a lot more about our own potential and how we can better ourselves and in the end, better the world.
Ainsley McCann Chapter Secretary
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: I have participated in many LDE’s and CDE’s but some of my favorites include creed speaking from my freshman year, Marketing plan, Ag Sales and Livestock Judging. Favorite FFA Memories: I have is my freshman year winning state for creed speaking because I had worked very hard and through practices.
The Pendleton FFA Alumni & Friends Dinner and Auction Committee would like to thank the following businesses and individuals that contributed to the success of the 2023 event! Over $50,000 was raised to support Pendleton FFA Students due to the generous support of local businesses and individuals. Terry & Jayne Clarke Jenson & Spratling Edward Jones - Ben Buchert RBH Group Medical Center Dental The Whitney Land Company Mike & Jill Thorne Wheatland Insurance Scott & Barb Palmer Pendleton School District Aaron Duff Macy Rosselle Ken Lebsock & Crew Andy & Kellye McAnally ~ Big John’s, Mac’s, & Dave’s Hodgen Distributing - Peter Walters PHS Culinary Program Swire Coca Cola Sunridge Middle School - Ken Jacobs Josie & Kevin VanDorn Be the Light Silver & Engraving 23+ Joe & Marti Meling Abby’s Pizza Ace Hardware Western States CAT AgWest - Darcy Sexson Alexander’s Chocolates Anthony Lakes Mountain Resort Big 5 Sporting Goods Buffalo Peak Golf Course
Big River Golf Course Linda Bisnett Brian & Jennifer Blake Blown Away Ranch - Heideman’s Mike Bosworth Broken Horn Ranch Ministries Campbell Cattle Company Karen Hill Cerebella Winery Children’s Museum of Eastern Oregon Club 24 Colorado Craft Beef - Jeff Smith Columbia Point Golf Course J.R. Cook Columbia Distributing Country Bling by Design Domino’s Dr. Terry & Marlene Wigley Eastern Oregon Women for Agriculture Echo Hills Golf Course Eastern Oregon Rentals Fisher Family Chiropractic Freedom Cafe & Bakery Bruce Gianotti Golden Fountain Hal’s Hamburgers Hatley Construction Hines Meat Co. In Bloom J&B Automotive
Officers & Dinner and Auction Committee
Nicki Bowen - President | Ryan McLaughlin - Vice President Stacie Stahl - Treasurer | Heidi Paullus - Secretary
14 • National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024
IRZ Consulting JB Contractors Jamie Kile Jeff Bender Golf Academy Joe’s Fiesta Les Schwab Tire Let’er Axe Moe Pho & Moe’s Tea Pendleton Liquor Store McLaughlin Landscaping Norco Milton Freewater Golf Course Kelli Nelson, Babs Wall, & Barbie Nelson Papa Murphy’s OMG! Burgers & Brew Oregon State University Pape Machinery Pendleton Art & Frame Pendleton Hat Company Pendleton Round-Up Happy Canyon Pendleton Tire & Auto Pendleton Whisky Pendleton Underground Tours Stadium Entertainment Portland Spirit Quail Ridge Golf Course RDF Troughs R. Rebellion RDO Equipment Co.
Bob & Teri Rosselle | Josie VanDorn | Nick & Chrissy Nelson Brian & Gina Gray | Kinley McAnally
Rio Bravo Cattle Co. Rooster’s Restaurant River’s Edge Salon - Torie Smith Round-Up Athletic Club Smoked BBQ Ryan McLaughlin Excavation Sno Road Winery South Star Silver Stapleman’s Custom Boots Summerfield Estates The Studio Umatilla County Fair Van Amburg Leathers Triple Play US Linen Wildhorse Resort & Casino WalMart Western Auto Vision Source ZPT Silversmiths Zintel Creek Golf Club Hill Law Office Bob & Cindy Rosselle Dotty Judy WP Farms Paul & Mary Davis Neistadt Accounting Services Kline Landscaping Key Ag Distributors
Please join us October 16th at PHS Warburg Court for the 2024 Pendleton FFA Alumni & Friends Dinner and Auction!
FFA Umatilla/Morrow Counties Hermiston Chapter
Hermiston Chapter FFA Advisors: Ellery Jones, Sandy McKay, and Jeffery Umbarger
FFA Advisors: Ellery Jones, Sandy McKay, and Jeffery Umbarger
Years active in FFA: 3
Years active in FFA: 2
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Raising Market Hogs for the Umatilla County Fair and working at my local ranch supply store.
SAE Project: A direct-to-consumer beef venture called Broken Wheel Beef. There are basically three components to Broken Wheel Beef: 1) Christmas gift packages of prime steaks; 2) sale of remaining beef; 3) donation of significant portions of the beef to the local food bank. I handled all aspects of the business, from purchasing and raising the steers, branding, packaging, marketing, and shipping. The foundation of the business is the Christmas gift packages. In my freshman year. I shipped 34 ten pound packages of prime steaks to customers to seven different states. The income from the Christmas packages covers the cost of the cattle, feed, slaughter, butchering, and other expenses. The private sale of the remaining cuts (like the ground beef, roasts, and inferior steaks) is my profit. I have the steers processed at a USDA certified facility so that I can sell the packages individually. Finally, I donated a significant amount of beef to the Agape House. Last year I donated approximately 200 lbs of roasts and ground beef.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: Livestock Judging, Soils Evaluation, Vet Science, Meats Evaluation, Food Science, and Agricultural Issues Favorite FFA Memories: The 2023 Oregon FFA State Convention where I competed with my Ag Issues team and got to spend time with them making many memories.
Austyn Katsel Chapter Reporter
Future Plans: I plan to attend a 4-year university in the fall to earn a Bachelor’s of Science in Agriculture Business along with minoring in Animal Science and Plant Science. Personal Message: FFA is more than just Agriculture and leadership. It is a place where you can be comfortable, make many friends and memories, learn personal skills, expand your resources, and so much more. There is a place in the FFA for everyone.
Hermiston Chapter
Catherine Doherty Chapter Vice-President
Hermiston Chapter FFA Advisors: Ellery Jones, Sandy McKay, and Jeffery Umbarger
FFA Advisors: Ellery Jones, Sandy McKay, and Jeffery Umbarger
Years active in FFA: 3
Years active in FFA: 3
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: • Ag Sales • Parliamentary Procedure • Job Interview • Ag Communications • Food Science • Advanced Rituals
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Working with and riding my horse. I spend time with my horse and work to improve my skills. I use my knowledge to help other riders at beginner horse camps.
Favorite FFA Memories: One of my favorite FFA memories was last year’s chapter officer retreat. We spent a lot of time getting to know each other, participating in bonding activities, and learning leadership skills. It was a great team bonding experience where we made many memories.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: I have competed in numerous competitions such as Beginning Ag Sales my freshman year and Horse Evaluation. I competed in Conduct of Chapter Meetings at the 2022 95th National FFA Convention & Expo where my team and I were in top 12 and received a silver. This past year I competed with that same team in the Parliamentary Procedure LDE at the 2023 96th National FFA Convention & Expo. I will be competing on this year’s Ag Issues team at the 2024 Oregon FFA State Convention.
Future Plans: My plan is to go through nursing school and potentially medical school further down the road.
Chloe Samms Chapter Sentinel
Personal Message: The FFA Organization and the people within the group have made a huge impact on my life today. It has helped me become a better person and allowed me to grow in a safe environment. The biggest impact that it has had on me are the friendships and memories that I was able to create.
Elle Blakely Chapter Treasurer
Favorite FFA Memories: Competing with my very beloved Conduct of Chapter Meetings team at nationals. Future Plans: Go to college and receive a degree in agriculture.
National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024 • 15
FFA Umatilla/Morrow Counties Hermiston Chapter
Ione Chapter FFA Advisors: Ellery Jones, Sandy McKay, and Jeffery Umbarger
Carter is a sophomore. He plays football, basketball, and also participates in track and trapshooting. He is a member of both 4-H and FFA, in which he shows market hogs. His SAE project involves farming for Crum Farming.
Years active in FFA: 3 SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Summer of 2022 I showed a pig at Milton-Freewater Jr. Livestock Show, Umatilla County Fair, and the Pendleton Junior Livestock show. CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: Creed Speaking, Ag Sales, Meat Evaluation, Conduct of Chapter Meetings, Livestock Evaluation, Parliamentary Procedure, and Ag Issues.
Cozette Cooley Chapter President
Favorite FFA Memories: Having the opportunity to deliver a thank you speech at the end of Kinsley Kemble’s (2022-2023 State Vice President) retiring address, winning state for Conduct of Chapter Meetings and Parliamentary Procedure, and all the funny moments I’ve experienced. Future Plans: I plan on going to a Bible College and getting a degree there. After that I am wanting to work in the ministry field whether that be working at a church, being a missionary, or having/being a part of a ministry program.
Ione Chapter
Carter Eynetich Chapter President
Ione Chapter Miley is a freshman. She loves to play volleyball. She also enjoys showing and raising her pigs, riding horses and rodeo.
Miley Strzelewicz Chapter Vice-President
16 • National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024
Phegley is a freshman. She plays volleyball, both in club and for her high school and participates in basketball as well. In the spring, she high school rodeos. Her SAE project includes a breeding hog, dairy goat and farming for Crum Farming. She is also a 4H member in which she shows market hogs.
Phegley Padberg Chapter Secretary
FFA Umatilla/Morrow Counties Ione Chapter
Ione Chapter Kelly is a senior. She participates in FFA, ASB, Volleyball, Cheer, and Tennis. She also raise market lambs during the summer and sells them during the Morrow County Fair as her SAE project.
Kelly Doherty
Novalee plays volleyball, tennis and helps out her basketball team by being the team manager. Her SAE project is hogs that she shows both in 4H and FFA.
Novalee Campbell
Chapter Treasurer
Chapter Sentinel
Ione Chapter
Ione Chapter Jolene is a senior. She participates in volleyball, tennis, cheer leading, Associated Student Body and FFA. Her SAE project is Agriculture food and Sales production. She also works as a cook/waitress at the local cafe.
Jolene Serrano Chapter Reporter
Will is a freshman. He plays basketball and football. In the summer, he drives a combine for his family and takes a steer to the Morrow County Fair.
Will McElligott Chapter Historian
National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024 • 17
FFA Baker County Baker Chapter
Aldo Duran Chapter Sentinel
Baker Chapter FFA Advisor: Bibiana Gifft & Nicole Merchant
FFA Advisor: Bibiana Gifft & Nicole Merchant
Years active in FFA: 5
Years active in FFA: 3
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: My SAE project consists of raising and showing Market Hogs. In 2022, I raised a market hog specifically for the Baker County Fair, and in 2023 I raised two hogs for the Baker County Fair and Halfway Fair. This SAE project involves raising, cleaning, grooming, training, and ensuring proper nutrition for my livestock. My SAE projects not only contribute to my understanding of the livestock industry but also provide hands-on experience in the care and preparation for exhibition and sale of livestock.
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: I work on my Grandpa’s ranch, assist with tasks on my Aunt’s ranch, and also engage in selling groceries and produce. These hands-on experiences not only connect me to the agricultural industry but also provide a range of skills.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: This year, I stepped out of my comfort zone and competed in Agriculture Sales. I’ve been consistent in Livestock Judging for two years at the Baker County Fair. In the Marketing Plan event, my team placed 4th in the state. Additionally, I compete in Meats Evaluation, and really enjoy that event. Each CDE has added unique value to my FFA adventure, helping me grow in both personal and team skills.
Baker Chapter
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: I have participated in a handful of CDEs and LDEs including Job Interview, Ag Mechanics, Prospecting, Customer Relations, Creed Speaking, Meat Judging, and Parliamentary Procedure. Future Plans: Completing high school and then enlisting in the military. Post-military service, my goal is to attend college and obtain my Pilot’s license.
Alexander Wise Chapter Reporter
Baker Chapter FFA Advisor: Bibiana Gifft & Nicole Merchant
FFA Advisor: Bibiana Gifft & Nicole Merchant
Years active in FFA: 5
Years active in FFA: 4
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Raising two market lambs for the local Baker County Fairs. I also work for Johnson’s backgrounding, where I learn cattle management skills, along with maintaining records on my horse through rodeo.
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Breeding Replacement Herd, primarily comprised of Black Angus show heifers that transition into a replacement herd. Along with that, I own a commercial replacement herd, with a focus on selling most of the calves as show steers or feeder calves.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event)/participation: Some of the events and competitions that I have competed in throughout my years in FFA include, Ag Sales-Prospecting, Livestock Judging, and Meats Judging. I am also a part of the Veterinary Science team this year.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: Throughout my FFA career I have competed in Agriculture Sales, Beginning Public Speaking, Creed Speaking, and Parliamentary Procedure. Currently the events I am preparing for are Public Speaking and Parliamentary Procedure. I enjoy Public Speaking because it allows me to express my passion for topics that interest me.
Future Plans: First graduate high school, and then enrolling at Treasure Valley Community College. I plan to rodeo there and major in either Agriculture Business or Business.
Colton Clark
Personal Message: I would like to take this opportunity to remind you to be thankful for those around you. We all have so many amazing people and relationships around us that many of us may take for granted.
Personal Message: A personal message that I want to send to people is that FFA is an amazing opportunity for students to be in. Overall, FFA is just an amazing opportunity or students to be a part of and will create better opportunities outside of high school.
18 • National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024
Ella Wilde
Favorite FFA Memories: The State FFA Convention when I went to numerous workshops. Future Plans: Graduate with my Oregon Associates of Arts degree and transfer to a four-year university. I plan to study to become an agricultural teacher.
FFA Baker County Baker Chapter
John Garcia Chapter President
Baker Chapter FFA Advisor: Bibiana Gifft & Nicole Merchant
FFA Advisor: Bibiana Gifft & Nicole Merchant
Years active in FFA: 3
Years active in FFA: 5
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: In 2022, I took on the challenge of raising a Market Hog for the Baker County Fair with the intention of showing and selling it. This involved tasks like feeding, training, exercising, and grooming the hog. The following year, my focus shifted to a 2023 Steer SAE.
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: My supervised agricultural experience project over the years include raising a market steer each year for the Baker County Fair, but also conducting research projects for Agri-Science either in Plant Systems or Social Systems.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: In my three years with FFA, I’ve been actively involved in various CDE/ LDE events, gaining valuable experiences and achievements. My team and I participated in the Marketing Plan event, earning 4th place overall at the State level. This year marked my first in Job Interview, and I’ve progressed to Districts, showcasing personal growth. Meats Evaluation is a personal favorite. Future Plans: Graduating high school next year and then pursuing a degree in Agriculture Business at a 4-year university. Alongside my academic pursuits, I am enthusiastic about running for State FFA Office.
Baker Chapter
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: Job Interview, Parliamentary Procedure, Agri-Science, Ag Sales, Prepared Public Speaking, Creed Speaking, Livestock Judging.
Jose Armenta
Chapter Vice-President
Baker Chapter FFA Advisor: Bibiana Gifft & Nicole Merchant
FFA Advisor: Bibiana Gifft & Nicole Merchant
Years active in FFA: 2
Years active in FFA: 5
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Raising dairy goats for showing and sale, raising market goats for Eastern Oregon Livestock show, Baker Fair and Halfway fair, and raising chickens for egg production and to show at Baker fair.
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Forage Crops, providing me with valuable opportunities to build skills and acquire new knowledge. Throughout this summer, I operated various types of machinery, learned how to service tractors after use and efficiently rotating irrigation between fields. Looking ahead, I plan to return for the summer of 2024 with the goal of expanding my understanding and mastering additional aspects of Forage Crop management.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: Parliamentary Procedure and Veterinary Science Favorite FFA Memories: Going to the National FFA Convention and being able to meet FFA members from around America and getting to see new places that I’d never been to.
Kathleen Nilsen Green hand Secretary
Future Plans: After high school, my plan is to follow my interest in joining the Air Force to serve my country, just like some of my family members did. While in the service, I aim to become a JAG Officer, which stands for “Judge Advocate Officer.” This role will allow me to dive into the world of law and gain insights into business and agriculture. It’s a stepping stone towards my ultimate goal of becoming an Agricultural Lawyer.
Future Plans: Graduate high school and maintain good grades throughout high school. After high school, my plans are to go to veterinary school and become a veterinarian. Personal Message: FFA has become a big part of my life. Being involved in FFA has taught me leadership skills, how to work with others, and so much more.
Luiz Rosales
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: I participated in was Ag mechanics. Ag mechanics is not just welding and mechanics, it also includes electrical wiring, welding, plumbing, tractor identification, tool identification, surveying, and small engine mechanics. The skills I am learning are not only interesting but also useful for my future career. Future Plans: Go to trade school, and earn my welding certifications.
National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024 • 19
20 • National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024
FFA Baker County Baker Chapter
Sofie Kaaen
Baker Chapter FFA Advisor: Bibiana Gifft & Nicole Merchant
FFA Advisor: Bibiana Gifft & Nicole Merchant
Years active in FFA: 3
Years active in FFA: 3
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Market lambs I raise each year to show and sell at our local Baker County Fairs. I also have my sheep herd SAE which includes me raising, breeding, and caring for my ewes and their offspring. My sled dog SAE is another one that consists of me training, caring for, and mushing my sled dogs. Finally there is my rabbit herd SAE that includes me breeding, showing, caring for, and selling my rabbits.
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Raising, showing and selling market lambs. The past few years I have had the opportunity to show in FFA at multiple different fairs including Baker County, Halfway, and Eastern Oregon Livestock Show. Along with this project I am also our Greenhouse Manager. I help oversee our chapter greenhouse through plant care, organization, and facilitating the plant sale. The plant sale is a major chapter fundraising event that is a staple in our community.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: Veterinary Science and Livestock Judging. My favorite CDE is Veterinary Science. We placed 4th at State last year, and I really enjoy it because the practical nature of the activities allows me to apply animal handling skills. Favorite FFA Memories: The Washington Leadership Conference (WLC) and our county fair.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: Since freshman year I have been active in Vet Science and Livestock Judging.
Sydney Penning Chapter Secretary
Future Plans: Study Animal Science and pursue a career in Veterinary Medicine.
Baker Chapter
Baker Chapter FFA Advisor: Bibiana Gifft & Nicole Merchant
FFA Advisor: Bibiana Gifft & Nicole Merchant
Years active in FFA: 5
Years active in FFA: 2
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Breeding dog (Iris), my rodeo horse (Kit), and a market steer (Lucifer) the local fair.
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Raising and selling market goats for fair and having a registered breeding project, along with having an Agri-Science project.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: Vet Science, Meats Judging, Livestock Judging, and Dairy Foods Judging. Participating in these events isn’t just about winning; it’s about soaking in new knowledge and creating unforgettable memories. From the grind of practices to managing my time leading up to the competitions, the entire process has been a valuable journey.
Taylor Churchfield
Future Plans: Attend a four-year college after high school. I have a strong aspiration to pursue a career in the agriculture industry, and FFA has played a pivotal role in helping me navigate potential opportunities and set the foundation for success.
Future Plans: After my years of high school, I plan on going into the Airline Industry, and taking all the knowledge I have learned throughout my years of FFA and spreading it to the world! Personal Message: This program truly made a huge impact on me, it gives you many new opportunities and chances to become something incredible.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event)/participation: Agriculture SalesAdvertising, Agri-Science Research, Livestock Judging, and Livestock Shows Favorite FFA Memories: My experience at the National FFA Convention 2023. It was overall a great experience and there were many eye opening opportunities. I enjoyed being able to speak with people from other states about their involvement in FFA. It made me realize how important FFA is and what it has to offer.
Taylor Johnson
Future Plans: Getting into Tarleton State University in Stephenville, Texas and pursuing a career in agriculture with an Agricultural Communications degree. Personal Message: I just want to say a huge thank you to Oregon FFA for all the opportunities it has given me.
National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024 • 21
FFA Baker County Baker Chapter
Weston Downing Chapter Treasurer
Baker Chapter FFA Advisor: Bibiana Gifft & Nicole Merchant
FFA Advisor: Bibiana Gifft & Nicole Merchant
Years active in FFA: 6
Years active in FFA: 2
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: One of my Projects was the time that I spent at the Animal Clinic Job shadowing Veterinarian Dr. Matt Kerns. During my time there I learned a lot about what a veterinarian encounters on a day to day basis. This project evolved to a paid job where I cleaned kennels and took care of overnight patients and boarding dogs and cats. This helped me to become a responsible person.
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Market Lambs & Breeding Ewes
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: During my time in FFA, I’ve been actively involved in various competitions, including three years of Ag Mechanics, three years of Vet Science, two years of Parliamentary Procedure, and one year of Livestock Judging. Each event brought its own set of challenges and learning experiences, contributing to my growth within the FFA community. Future Plans: Attend the University of Wyoming or Utah State University. I will work toward becoming a veterinarian.
22 • National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event)/participation: Vet Science & Parli Pro Favorite FFA Memories: Going to my first Veterinary Science competition and winning a banner as a team, also all the drive-thru BBQ fundraisers, meeting new people, and of course the food! Future Plans: Go to college for veterinary medicine & biomedical science and get my DVM or VMD.
Tessa Garrick
Personal Message: This year is my second year in FFA I have met many new people and made lifelong friends that enjoy all the same things like Veterinary Science, Parliamentary Procedure, and the Livestock Judging Team. When I’m not in the classroom you can often find me in the soccer fields, on the wrestling mats or my favorite - with my show lambs. I have learned so many new things that will last a lifetime.
FFA Baker County Pine Eagle Chapter
Pine Eagle Chapter FFA Advisor: Joe Denig
FFA Advisor: Joe Denig
Years active in FFA: 6
Years active in FFA: 6
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Market Lamb SAE and Land Lab Construction Summer Employment
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: I have shown pigs the last two years at the Baker County fair in Halfway and the Baker Fair. I raised them from little pigs. I learned to operate the backhoe digging holes for a large fence we built for our developing FFA land lab. I also had to dig many trenches for animal waterers and frost-free hydrants. Since then, I have got much more skilled on the backhoe. For my other SAE’s, I have grown a vegetable garden for the past four years. I have learned how to proficiently produce home grown veggies for my family, friends, and neighbors. Lastly, for my most current and on-going SAE, I have a job at Halfway Feed & Seed.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: District Crops and Soils, District Sophomore Public Speaking, Sectional Sophomore Public Speaking, District Ag Sales and Job Interview, State Meat Evaluation, State Livestock Evaluation, State Crops and Soils Evaluation. Favorite FFA Memories: The dance party the night before the 2023 District Leadership Camp. Future Plans: I plan to attend Eastern Oregon University and major in Agriculture Entrepreneurship or Teaching.
Maggie Stanbro
Chapter President and Eastern Oregon District Treasurer
Personal Message: FFA has had a huge impact on my life and many others. I am so happy to be serving an organization like this one. I recommend anyone to join it because it will change your life for the better.
Pine Eagle Chapter
Coleton Chetwood Chapter Vice-President
Pine Eagle Chapter FFA Advisor: Joe Denig
FFA Advisor: Joe Denig
Years active in FFA: 5
Years active in FFA: 3
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: C cooking and waiting tables at McGills Shorthorn Bar & Grill in my Freshman year.
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Raising pigs every year for the Halfway Fair CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: Parliamentary Procedures, Creed Speaking, Ag Sales: Phone Orders, Customer Service
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation • State Dairy & Milk Identification • Districts Meat Identification • Phone Order • Customer Relations
Favorite FFA Memories: Meeting new people all around our district who were just having a good time at FFA competitions, everyone is always so inviting and generous.
Favorite FFA Memories: The 94th National FFA Convention. It really opened my eyes as to how big FFA is and the importance of spreading it to others.
Ella Randall Chapter Secretary
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: I have always had a passion for agronomy, ever since my first Ag class with Mr. Denig where we practiced and identified weeds and seeds for the upcoming district weed, seed, and crop identification CDE. I placed #2 in the district, and #1 in the chapter.
Future Plans: I plan on attending a university to pursue a degree in medicine, ultimately specializing in dermatology. Personal Message: Having grown up in Ag, FFA supports my ideals and allows me to flourish as a student.
Future Plans: Become a hygienist Personal Message: I love how the FFA involves everyone in their activities even though some might be inactive in agriculture.
Miriam Tubbs Chapter Treasurer
National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024 • 23
FFA Baker County Pine Eagle Chapter
James Denson Chapter Reporter
Pine Eagle Chapter FFA Advisor: Joe Denig
FFA Advisor: Joe Denig
Years active in FFA: 6
Years active in FFA: 6
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: My main SAE projects are my 2022 Ag land lab development and 2023 Ag land lab projects. Over these projects, I helped work on the Ag department/FFA land lab. Some things I did were building fence, welding goat panels for Baker Fair, working on our barn, and helping put in an irrigation system.
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: I was a ranch hand for Derral Thomas over the summer.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: I participated in numerous CDE events. But some of the more important ones are State Meats and State Agronomy. Last year I was on our statewinning agronomy team.
Future Plans: Go to TVCC and get my welding degree. The move on to working at a big mechanic shop.
Favorite FFA Memories: Going to WLC (Washington Leadership Conference) Over this trip, I explored Washington DC, met new people, and learned how to better my community. Future Plans: My future plans are to work for the Forest Service this summer and probably go to college this fall.
24 • National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: State Ag mechanics last year. Favorite FFA Memories: Getting 3rd at state Ag mechanics last year
Max Thomas Chapter Sentinel
National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024 • 25
Countryside Kennels La Grande, OR
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Proud supporter of Union & Wallowa County FFA 26 • National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024
FFA Union County Imbler Chapter
Imbler Chapter FFA Advisor: JD Cant
FFA Advisor: JD Cant
Years active in FFA: 4
Years active in FFA: 4
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: My SAE projects include raising show goats and showing sheep and goats competitively and showing market pigs at our local stock show.
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: I was born and raised on Hibberds Hornless Hereford (3H) ranch. I began doing my family’s chores when I was five. Then I did 4H steers every year since 4th grade. When I started FFA, I wanted to show my steers with FFA. I also thought that it would be a good idea to keep track of all my hours with my family’s 3H ranch.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: Parliamentary Procedure, creed speaking, livestock judging, chapter meetings, Ag sales, and dairy foods.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: Parliamentary Procedure, Livestock Judging, Ag Sales, Ag Issues, Conduct of Chapter Meetings, Soils Judging, Livestock Judging, and Creed Speaking.
Favorite FFA Memories: My favorite FFA memories would be going to national convention and meeting new people from all over the United states.
Reece Gorham Chapter Sentinel
Future Plans: My future plans are to go to a two year college and get my associates degree and get an animal science degree and get certified to be a vet tech. I also want to keep raising my goats after I graduate high school and keep growing my program.
Favorite FFA Memories: Thorough FFA I met my best friends. I ran for district office last February and was appointed District President, though I was nervous if we would work as a team, we became immediate friends and we grew from there. FFA has given me most of all of my close friendships and gave opportunities to make new memories. I have loved and cherished all my memories of my FFA friends.
Jayda Cant
Chapter President
Personal Message: Keep reaching for your goals and keep working toward them.
Imbler Chapter
Kale Bingaman Chapter Secretary
Imbler Chapter FFA Advisor: JD Cant
FFA Advisor: JD Cant
Years active in FFA: 6
Years active in FFA: 5
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Out of my multiple SAE projects, my favorite is my time spent working on the farm, where crops like grass seed, wheat, and mint are grown. I operate many pieces of machinery and equipment and have helped with every harvest since I have been 11 years old. In addition, I also raise and show club lambs that I sell for a profit to improve my operation each year.
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: My SAE project includes working on the family farm, growing and harvesting a variety of crops, as well as repairing and maintaining machinery used on the farm.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: Agri-Science Fair, Creed Speaking, Conduct of Chapter Meetings, Livestock Judging, Meats Evaluation, Extemporaneous Speaking, Parliamentary Procedures, Ag Issues Forum, Rituals, Soil Evaluation, Ag Sales (Prospecting/Sales Presentation), Job Interview Future Plans: Attend Montana State University in the fall of 2024. Within the Honors College of the institution, I hope to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in Agricultural Business or Crop & Soil Sciences.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: Agri-Science Fair, Creed Speaking, Conduct of Chapter Meetings, Livestock Judging, Ag Sales, Rituals, Parliamentary Procedure, Ag Issues Forum, Soil Evaluation, Meats Evaluation Favorite FFA Memories: Being in FFA was probably going to State Convention my junior year and receiving my State Degree alongside my close friends.
Jake Bingaman Chapter Vice-President
Future Plans: Attend Oregon State University and its Honors College to major in Business Administration, with the plan of finding a fitting job where I will have a stable income. I will also be taking entrepreneurship classes in the case I want to start my own business post-graduation.
National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024 • 27
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28 • National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024
FFA Union County Imbler Chapter
North Powder Chapter FFA Advisor: JD Cant
FFA Advisor: Hailey Patterson
Years active in FFA: 5
Years active in FFA: 5
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Show Steers, Breeding Heifer, Show Rabbit, and Honey Bees
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: I’ve been helping on my family’s farm for as long as I can remember. But for the past three years, I’ve been working on a bigger farm in the valley as a farmhand. I’ve been in charge of fixing all sorts of machines, ensuring different crops and landscapes get enough water, and even teaching other workers how to use equipment and harvest hay properly.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: Parliamentary Procedure, Creed Speaking, Extemporaneous Public Speaking, Prepared Public Speaking, Job Interview, Agri-Science, Livestock Judging, and Agricultural Sales.
Cassidy Ritter Chapter Reporter
Favorite FFA Memories: The National Convention during my freshman year. I traveled to Indianapolis with a few of my chapter members and my Agri-Science partner. I was able to receive my award for the project we did the year prior. It was terrifying and amazing at the same time but what really made the trip was looking at all of the agriculture and seeing what the other side of the country had to offer and how they contributed to the economy. Future Plans: Attend BMCC, and then a 4 year college for athletic training master’s degree prerequisites and attending Pacific West for completion of master and doctoral degrees.
North Powder Chapter
Hunter Bingham Chapter President and District Vice President
North Powder Chapter FFA Advisor: Hailey Patterson
FFA Advisor: Hailey Patterson
Years active in FFA: 6
Years active in FFA: 5
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: For my SAE experiences I have two Beef Entrepreneurship projects. The first project is a show steer which I raise, and then sell and show at the annual fair. The second project is the ownership and care taking of my cow named Honey.
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: In 2019 I started my Hereford Herd SAE which currently consists of two cows, two heifers and one steer. With this herd, I sell the offspring at the Baker County Fair or to Baker/Union community members. Profits earned from this SAE go into my college fund or back into my project.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: Throughout my years in FFA I have participated in many activities. However, my favorite competition/LDE has been Public Speaking.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: While being involved in FFA I have competed in Creed, Prepared Public Speaking, Job Interview, Livestock Judging, Beef Proficiency, Plant Judging, Rituals and Flori culture.
Favorite FFA Memories: Hanging out with my friends at the annual State Convention.
Jodi Bingham Chapter Secretary
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: When I first joined FFA in middle school, I took on the challenge of participating in various contests. I dabbled in crop evaluation, meat judging, parliamentary procedure, and several others. As my eighthgrade year came to a close, I decided to compete in the Beginning Public Speaking competition. This proved to be a highly demanding endeavor, requiring me to craft a speech, commit it to memory, and present it to a diverse panel of judges. Despite the intense nature of the competition, the satisfaction of performing well at the district level brought me immense joy.
Future Plans: I plan to attend Utah State University or BYU-Idaho in t he Fall, studying exercise science. Eventually I want to become Physical therapist.
Favorite FFA Memories: Traveling to events and conventions with friends along with the experiences of meeting new people.
Paige Marlia
Chapter Vice-President and District Reporter
Future Plans: After graduation I plan on attending Montana State University and starting school to become an Ag teacher. After receiving my degree I would like to find a job back in Eastern Oregon.
National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024 • 29
We believe in the future of Agriculture. Pepsi-Cola of Eastern Oregon, Inc. 2404 E. H Ave.
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30 • National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024
FFA Union County Union Chapter
Union Chapter FFA Advisor: Karie Kelley
FFA Advisor: Karie Kelley
Years active in FFA: 4
Years active in FFA: 4
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: My SAE is raising and showing FFA Market Hogs for EOLS. I get my market hog in February and feed, water, and work with my hog until June where I show and sell my hog at the EOLS auction.
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Raising 2 chapter hogs and 1 market hog for my own and training my cow to show at Fair and EOLS. CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: My favorite CDE is showing animals. Why is because I love training and showing pigs and cattle. I also love competing against people.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: I participate in several CDE’s, but my favorite is Public Speaking. I am also very involved in AG Sales, Rituals, Parli Pro and a lot more.
Livvy Sturm
Chapter Vice-President
Future Plans: My future plans are to finish high school at Union High School and graduate in June of 2025. I plan on running for State Office in the Spring of my senior year. If elected I will spend that year serving Oregon FFA. After my year of service or in the fall of 2025 I will hopefully continue my education at Oklahoma State University or Oregon State University where I will study to become an AG teacher.
Union Chapter
Favorite FFA Memories: My favorite memory is when I got matching sweatshirt with my sister and Mrs. Kelley and we showed up to State Fair matching!!! Future Plans: My future plans are to go to college at BYU-I and to hopefully go into Ag Business.
Camilla Blackburn Chapter Reporter
Union Chapter FFA Advisor: Karie Kelley
FFA Advisor: Karie Kelley
Years active in FFA: 3
Years active in FFA: 5
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: I have two SAE projects. My first SAE project is my Market steer that I buy from my uncle, JD Cant. I bring my steer to the union county fair every year. My second SAE is my market hog that I bring to the Eastern Oregon Livestock show.
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: My SAE project consists of raising and showing Market Hogs. In 2022, I raised a market hog My SAE is raising and showing swine I have a breeding sow, I also show the chapter hog as well as a market or breeding gilt every year.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: My favorite CDE was going to the district welding competition at TVCC Community college in Ontario. We competed in welding, plasma cutting, wiring and Tractor ID.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation Livestock judging. Favorite FFA Memories:The Oregon State Fair when I got to take the farm business management quiz. I had to wait to take the quiz and the people at my table were telling stories about how they got roped into taking the quiz. Listening to the things that they said made the amount of time I spent on the quiz worth it.
Favorite FFA Memories: Going to the state convention my freshman year.
Henry Stockhoff Chapter Treasurer
Message: Don’t give up and keep trying.
Future Plans: My future plans are to graduate from union high school with a 3.6 GPA, then I want to go to flight school to obtain my notary license. Once I get my license I would like to look for a job flying for life flight or an oil rig.
Jayda Blackburn Chapter President
Future Plans: Continue my education by getting a major in Agriculture business and a minor in veterinary science. I will use this degree to get an internship at a pig production farm to learn more about swine production.
National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024 • 31
FFA Union County Union Chapter
our living k of weathered action of the the Larkinure set with ed in earthy h generous t and jumbo —it envelops ty. Classic elend turned feet Jodee Baxter itional touch. Chapter Secretary
Union Chapter FFA Advisor: Karie Kelley
FFA Advisor: Karie Kelley
Years active in FFA: 4
Years active in FFA: 4
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: My horse’s name is Ice. One of my SAE’s is training my horse.
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Working on Miller Ranch, Operation equipment for Conley Farms, and raising and selling market hogs at EOLS.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: My favorite CDE to participate in is Ag sales. This is my favorite because it forces me to get a little bit out of my comfort zone and present and create a product, as well as compete in a competition.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: Welding and Welding II along with tractor driving competition. Favorite FFA Memories: My favorite memory is going to the Oregon FFA state convention, specifically the 2022 convention mostly because it was my first.
Favorite FFA Memories: The State Convention my 8th grade year. I enjoyed the car rides to and from places with all of our chapter’s FFA members. I also enjoyed attending the sessions of the Convention.
Future Plans: I plan to go to a welding school to make my living and one day own my own ranch and cows.
Future Plans: Attend Aveda Institute and become a hairstylist.
Lane Petersen Chapter Sentinel
Personal Message: Thank you to my dad for working with me so much to make this happen, AET is easier at the beginning of the year.
215 Elm Street La Grande (541) 963-5440 northwestfurnitureandmattress.com
32 • National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024
FFA Union County La Grande Chapter
La Grande Chapter FFA Advisor: Chelsey Sharp
FFA Advisor: Chelsey Sharp
Years active in FFA: 3
Years active in FFA: 3
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Showing market lambs and market steers at the Eastern Oregon Livestock show and Union County Fair. I also attend the Eastern Oregon Tri-County Jackpot show every year with my market animals.
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Driving combine, showing lambs, and training emotional support dogs and service dogs. CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Events): District soils, Parliamentary procedure, and Creed speaking.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Events): Parliamentary procedure, Agriculture sales, Livestock judging, and District rituals.
Favorite FFA Memory: Our first officer meeting, where we all got to know each other or being able to show at the Eastern Oregon Livestock show and at the Union Country fair. I love showing so to be able to have fun with my chapter has been a wonderful experience.
Favorite FFA Memory: When we went to the Oregon State Convention my freshman year. I got to go to many activities such as an alpaca farm and bottle feed baby goats.
Aubrey Bisenius Chapter Reporter
Future Plans: Attend College of Idaho to get an education degree to teach 4th or 5th graders. I also plan to play college volleyball. Personal Message: If you ever get the chance to join FFA, do it, I promise you won’t regret it.
La Grande Chapter
Kaitlynn Reynolds Chapter Treasurer
Chapter President
Message: To stand tall and do your best. Life is hard; so do your best to be strong. I also want to thank everyone who has helped La Grande FFA chapter create a new name for itself.
La Grande Chapter FFA Advisor: Chelsey Sharp
FFA Advisor: Chelsey Sharp
Years active in FFA: 4
Years active in FFA: 3
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: My apiary entrepreneurship which includes managing 15 bee hives; and my agricultural processing entrepreneurship which includes harvesting honey, and providing honey products to my local community.
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Raising 2 market lambs for my local Eastern Oregon Livestock Show and Union County Fair, along with raising my own homegrown lambs from my sheep business S&K Lambs. CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Events): Livestock judging, Creed speaking, Parliamentary procedure, and District rituals.
DE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: Parliamentary Procedure, Creed Speaking, Extemporaneous Public Speaking, Prepared Public Speaking, Job Interview, Soils Judging, Livestock Judging
KaraAnn Akers
Future Plans: Becoming a professional Emotional Support and Service dog trainer, along with getting certified in Emotion and Body Code.
Favorite FFA Memories: Spending time with my officer team at 2023 District Leadership Camp. We spent time getting to know each other by playing games and hanging out in the cabins. It created a close family within our chapter officers. Future Plans: In the Fall of 2024 I plan to attend Walla Walla University to major in Biology with the plan of eventually becoming a Veterinarian
Karly Burgess
Chapter Vice-President
Favorite FFA Memory: My favorite memory in FFA was in 2022, on our way to the FFA State Convention. Our chapter stopped at the Redmond mall to enjoy some shopping and to stretch our legs. My sister, my friend Sophie and I went to this little sushi restaurant in the corner of the mall and enjoyed probably the best sushi I’ve ever had. We spent time laughing and joking around, being able to spend free time with each other. Future Plans: After I graduate high school, I plan to go to college and major in animal science to become an animal nutritionist or in education to become an agriculture teacher.
National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024 • 33
Proud FFA Sponsor Proud to support Union County FFA Proudly Supporting FFA in Union County 34 • National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024
FFA Union County La Grande Chapter
La Grande Chapter FFA Advisor: Chelsey Sharp
FFA Advisor: Chelsey Sharp
Years active in FFA: 2
Years active in FFA: 3
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: La Grande High School Greenhouse Manager
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Managing the LHS greenhouse of the school greenhouses, which I have been doing for three years now, and my other SAE is working at the La Grande Dairy Queen as a shift lead.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event): District rituals, Agriculture sales, Parliamentary procedure, and District soils
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event): Telephone Sales, Conduct of Chapter Meeting, Parliamentary Procedure, Job interview, and Customer relations.
Favorite FFA Memory: Hosting Sectionals at the La Grande High School. We didn’t get to participate but we got to meet other chapters, line dance, listen and time people’s speeches, sell pizza, and show people which rooms they needed to go to.
Sayge Johnson Chapter Historian
Future Plans: Get my FFA State Degree, graduate high school, and complete the agriculture pathway. After high school I plan to go to college to get my bachelors degree in agriculture education at Oregon State University. Personal Message: I have learned so much in the last 2 years wearing the blue jacket. I have made friends, and learned many lessons throughout FFA. Being a part of FFA made me realize how much I love agriculture.
Favorite FFA Memories: The 2023 leadership camp, I was able to become closer to my officer team and other chapter members. We had the opportunity to get to know each other better, and it brought us all closer together.
Lizzy Taylor Chapter Sentinel
Future Plans: Attend Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado, where I will be majoring in Agricultural Business. Personal Message: If I’m not in my blue jacket, you’ll find me helping the community through our schools NHS chapter, or reading a book. I enjoy hanging out with my friends and family, whether we just stay in or go out.
National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024 • 35
FFA Union County
FFA Grant County
La Grande Chapter
Prairie City Chapter FFA Advisor: Chelsey Sharp
FFA Advisor: Lindy Cruise
Years active in FFA: 3
Years active in FFA: 6
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Equine Entrepreneurship. I have trained and worked with numerous horses, including my own. Under my SAE I have three horses, all of which I have worked with and/or trained. With one of my horses, I competed in FFA shows making it all the way to the Oregon State Fair.
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: X My SAE project is raising and showing a market hog at the fair as well as my Lawn Care Business in the summer. Career/Leadership Development Events: My favorite CDE is Agriculture Sales and Service. I have also competed in Livestock Judging, Dairy Cattle Judging, Tractor Driving, Creed and Soils.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Events): Advertising, Parliamentary Procedure, Soils, and District Rituals.
Favorite FFA Memories: Going to National FFA Convention my year and going to the professional Haunted House while we were there!
Favorite FFA Memory: When we went to the Oregon State Convention my freshman year. At the convention, there was a hypnotist and he hypnotized one of our chapter members. We also got to watch him run around acting like a pop star singing songs.
Sophie Miller
Future Plans: After high school I plan on becoming a wildfire fighter the following summer, then attending community college to pursue an associates degree in business. Then I will be getting my real estate license to pursue a career in real estate.
Chapter Secretary
Proud Sponsor of FFA
Addison Wilson
Ava Brown
Blake Jacobs
Laynie Harmon
Future plans: I plan to attend Northwest Lineman College in Meridian in the fall of 2024.
Cayden Howard Chapter President
Les Schwab supported the 2023 Grant County Youth Auction by purchasing the following Market Animals
Nevin Thomas
Sage Browning
551 W Main St • John Day • 541-575-1346
36 • National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024
Personal Message: Comfort zones are dangerous. Get out of yours.
Tatyn Harper
Taylor Gosnell
FFA Grant County Prairie City Chapter
Prairie City Chapter FFA Advisor: Lindy Cruise
FFA Advisor: Lindy Cruise
Years active in FFA: 5
Years active in FFA: 2
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: X My SAE project is raising and showing market hogs at the Grant County Fair and also in Agriculture Education as an intern at OSU Extension Office.
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: X I have a Placement SAE where I work for a cattle ranch in the summer. Career/Leadership Development Events: My favorite CDE is Agriculture Sales and Service where I have sold Tillamook Ice Cream. I have also competed in Dairy Cattle Judging, Soil Evaluation, Job Interview and Parliamentary Procedure.
Career/Leadership Development Events: My favorite CDE is Agriculture Sales and Service. I also participate in Livestock Judging, Dairy Cattle Judging and Veterinary Science.
Favorite FFA Memories: Bus trips to all of the FFA contests.
Favorite FFA Memories: I love going to State Convention because I got to meet a lot of new people and experience new things.
Future plans: I plan to go to college and hopefully play golf in college.
Future plans: I currently have not made a decision about my future plans, but I hope that it will be in the agriculture industry.
Skylar McKay
Chapter Vice-President
Personal Message: Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone.
Prairie City Chapter
Personal Message: I encourage everyone to get out of their comfort zone, which will benefit you in the future.
Sawyer Quinton Chapter Secretary
Prairie City Chapter FFA Advisor: Lindy Cruise
FFA Advisor: Lindy Cruise
Years active in FFA: 5
Years active in FFA: 6
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: X y SAE project is raising and showing a market hog at the Grant County Fair.
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: X My SAE project is a school based enterprise where I helped manage and halter break the FFA cows.
Career/Leadership Development Events: My favorite CDE is Livestock Judging or Veterinary Science. I have also competed in Dairy Cattle Judging and Soil Evaluation.
Career/Leadership Development Events: I have participated in Creed speaking, Soils, Ag Mechanics, Dairy Cattle Judging and Job Interviews.
Favorite FFA Memories: I love going to State and National Convention to meet new people and learn about all of the different agriculture programs and competitions.
Favorite FFA Memories: Going to National FFA Convention and State Convention. Future plans: I plan to attend Cascade Culinary Institute and receive my associates degree in Culinary Arts.
Future plans: In the future I plan to attend college at EOU and major in Early Childhood Education.
Brooke Teel Chapter Reporter
Personal Message: While in FFA, I have learned that trying something new can help you develop new skills and learn new things about yourself.
Tristen Gibson
Personal Message: My time in the Prairie City FFA has opened the door for many experiences and opportunities that would otherwise be out of the question.
Chapter Treasurer
National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024 • 37
FFA Grant County Prairie City Chapter
Prairie City Chapter FFA Advisor: Lindy Cruise
FFA Advisor: Lindy Cruise
Years active in FFA: 2
Years active in FFA: 2
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: X I currently do not have an SAE.
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: X My SAE project is breeding and market Boer and Commercial Goats.
Career/Leadership Development Events: My favorite CDE is Parliamentary Procedure, Agriculture Sales and Service, Dairy Cattle Judging.
Career/Leadership Development Events: Dairy Cattle Judging, Livestock Judging, Soil Evaluation and Job Interview.
Favorite FFA Memories: My favorite memory is from State Convention my Freshman year. I was able to meet so many other FFA members and went on the big stage to receive my official FFA jacket.
Favorite FFA Memories: I love doing State Convention because I got to meet a lot of new people and experience new things. Future plans: I plan to use FFA as a way to better myself; both as an officer and member so that I can get others excited about joining FFA.
Future plans: I currently have not made a decision about my future plans, but know that I want to do something that helps me further my knowledge in agriculture.
Alexis Anderton Chapter Sentinel
Duke Warner
John Day Valley
Personal Message: As an FFA Officer, I want to encourage everyone to step out of their comfort zones and try new things. You never know what you will enjoy or be good at!
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Aiden Andrew Chapter Junior Advisor
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38 • National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024
Personal Message: I have done and learned things I never thought I would like and even love, so I encourage others to try FFA because you might be surprised what you will enjoy.
FFA Grant County Grant Union Chapter
Grant Union Chapter FFA Advisor: Kailee Oliver
FFA Advisor: Kailee Oliver
Years active in FFA: 5
Years active in FFA: 2
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Sheep Production
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Ranch Management
CDE/LDE: Livestock Evaluation, Soil Judging, Dairy Cattle Evaluation, Vet Science, Ag Sales
CDE/LDE: Ag Issues, Dairy Cattle Evaluation, Ag Sales
Favorite FFA Memory: Going to the National FFA Convention and State FFA Convention as well as going on FFA trips/competitions
Favorite FFA Memory: Traveling to competitions Future Plans: Go to college to study animal science and college rodeo
Future Plans: I want to take everything that I learned from Vet Science and go to TVCC to become a vet tech.
Personal message: Join or support our FFA Chapter to help it grow!
Personal message: I want to thank everyone for supporting us. I hope this inspired upcoming grades to join FFA and be apart of our chapter!
Zoey Beam
Bailey McCracken
Chapter Secretary
Chapter President
Raising Awareness of the Importance of Agricultural Education.
Mobile Slaughter and Custom Butchering
Serving Grant County since 1984 Payback Show Feed & Minerals for all animals Smart Lic Protein Mineral Tubs Halters & Show Supplies
Ag and Industrial
312 N. Canyon City Blvd • Canyon city • 541-575-2050 Open Mon. - Sat. 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. • Closed Sun. National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024 • 39
FFA Grant County Grant Union Chapter
Grant Union Chapter FFA Advisor: Kailee Oliver
FFA Advisor: Kailee Oliver
Years active in FFA: 1
Years active in FFA: 2
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Beef Production, Ranch Management
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Beef Production, Ranch Management, Equine Production
CDE/LDE: Soil Judging, Farm Business Management, Green hand Leadership Conference, and Snake River District Leadership Camp
CDE/LDE: Ag Sales, Advanced Prepared Public Speaking Favorite FFA Memory: Going to the National FFA Convention
Favorite FFA Memory: My favorite memory is when we went soil judging. It was a fun day and we made a lot of memories.
Future Plans: I plan to graduate high school and go to college to get a degree in nursing at Oregon Institute of Technology (OIT).
Future Plans: I plan to get my State Degree and eventually my American Degree
Personal message: Thank you for all the support towards our chapter!
Personal message: FFA is full of many great opportunities. Join our chapter to capitalize on some of them and support us along the way!
Cooper Ross
Monel Anderson
Chapter Vice-President
Chapter Reporter
Come in today
For all your INTERIOR PAINT and SUPPLIES Celebrating
National FFA Week and all its members they are our future leaders, innovators and more!
SOUTHWORTH BROS., INC. Since 1885 in Seneca Oregon
FFA: The right start for a successful career in Ag!
Jack & Teresa Southworth
Ed Newton, Brad Smith, Lucas Moore, Trevor Widder, Don Lovins, Amanda Born and Garrett Carniglia. 40 • National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024
FFA Wallowa County Joseph Chapter
Joseph Chapter FFA Advisor: Chelcee Mansfield
FFA Advisor: Chelcee Mansfield
Years active in FFA: 4
Years active in FFA: 6
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Market lamb project. We raise ewes to produce market lambs to show and sell at the county fair. My brother and I have had this project since we were young and we have worked hard to have high quality lambs.
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Cheyenne Cafe and Wallowa County Fair Hog CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: Ag Sales(customer relations), Parliamentary Procedure, Soils Judging, Crops and Weeds, and Public Speaking.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: I participate in a lot of different CDEs such as parliamentary procedure, public speaking, soils, portfolio, Ag sales, and rituals. My favorite CDE is parliamentary procedure and I have spent a lot of time working on it and we are hoping to make it to state this year.
Caleigh Johnson Chapter Secretary
Favorite FFA Memories: Going to the National Convention with a group of other FFA members. We spent about a week together traveling all over from Tennessee to Indiana. I learned a lot and had a ton of fun. Future Plans: My future plans are to hopefully attend Arizona State University to get my nursing degree. After that I would like to become a CRNA or a trauma nurse.
Joseph Chapter
Casen Cunningham Chapter Treasurer
Favorite FFA Memories: My favorite memory was winning state Parliamentary Procedure and getting to go on stage and get the award. Future Plans: I plan to attend community college and continue playing volleyball, and begin to earn a degree in Business
Cooper Nave
Chapter Vice-President
Personal Message: FFA is not just for farming or ranching kids, it has taught me many life skills and given me experiences that I will never forget, and use in my day to day life.
Joseph Chapter FFA Advisor: Chelcee Mansfield
FFA Advisor: Chelcee Mansfield
Years active in FFA: 5
Years active in FFA: 4
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Fair Hogs: I have raised a total of 2 fair hogs in my years of being an FFA member. I have always had a passion for animals since I was very young. Having the opportunity to raise and show fair hogs has helped me to strengthen my confidence, responsibility, time management, and much more.
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: The job that I work in the summer at the Kokanee Inn located in Joseph Oregon. At this job I’m able to work on my customer service skills while serving customers along with implementing my food safety, time management and operation skills learned in my Ag classes.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: Job Interview, Ag sales, Parliamentary Procedure, and Soils Judging are just a few of the events and leadership opportunities I have been presented with when joining FFA. My personal favorite, Parliamentary Procedure, has helped me prepare for my future career, and build my stamina in the argumentative aspect.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: I’ve competed in many CDE and LDE events during my time in FFA. Including crop and soils competitions,and Parliamentary Procedure, and Ag Sales placing 2nd in the district in the telephone competition
Future Plans: My future plans include attending Vanderbilt University studying law with a major in Agriculture and Environmental law. Personal Message: FFA has had a huge impact on my life since joining.
Camdyn Weer Chapter Historian
Favorite Memories: Attending leadership camp this year at Camp Meadow Wood. Where I was able to hang out with friends from my chapter and others. Along with having to wake up at 4 am to a frog that was in our cabin. Future Plans: My plans for the future are to attend a four year college and pursue a degree in business.
National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024 • 41
FFA Wallowa County Joseph Chapter
Joseph Chapter FFA Advisor: Chelcee Mansfield
FFA Advisor: Chelcee Mansfield
Years active in FFA: 5-6
Years active in FFA: 6
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Raising Hogs to sell at the Eastern Oregon Stock Show
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Wallowa County Fair Lambs- I started this SAE when I was in the 4th grade when I bought my first lamb to bring to the fair. Over the course of a year I bought three breeding ewes so I could raise my own fair lambs. My project has grown over the years to where I have 11 ewes that raise me lambs annually. My project has been successful in many ways, not only have I grown my flock I have produced two Grand Champion Market lambs.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: Parliamentary Procedure, Ag Sales, Food Science, Livestock Evaluation. Favorite FFA Memories: Going to state convention and traveling to competitions with my chapter members. Future Plans: Go to college and study Environmental Science and hopefully get a job with the Forest Service
Lucas Goodrich Chapter Farm Manager
Personal Message: You can not live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you -John Wooden I am grateful for all of the opportunities that FFA has given me to grow and expand my leadership skills and skills to become a better person overall.
42 • National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024
Kane Johnson Chapter President
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: My sophomore year I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to compete in parliamentary procedure at the National level. I put countless hours of work with my team in order to make it through the district, sectional and state level. In order to win we had to memorize Roberts Rules of Order and how each and every motion is put together and works. Future Plans: Attend the University of Idaho to pursue a career in Ag marketing.
FFA Wallowa County Enterprise Chapter
Enterprise Chapter FFA Advisor: Stephanie Schofield, Katie Titus
FFA Advisor: Stephanie Schofield, Katie Titus
Years active in FFA: 4
Years active in FFA: 4 years
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: During my SAE I experimented with different ingredients, quantities, and qualities of freshness. All while employing innovative techniques to elevate the culinary process.
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: My SAE is my job. I work at Longhorn espresso as a barista. I help prepare and serve food. I also work with customers, to make sure they have the best experience.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: Parliamentary procedure 3 years, agricultural sales 2 years, co-operative quiz 2 years, Rituals 2 years
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: My favorite’s include creed speaking, officer rituals, and sophomore public speaking. My overall favorite type of competition is public speaking.
Favorite FFA Memories: Traveling to the National convention twice, going to D.C. for WLC. And attending our state convention.
Favorite FFA Memories: The National FFA convention with my class. Indiana is such a beautiful place, and I made so many new friends that I still am in contact with today. I loved staying with my host family, and going on the underground cave tour.
Future Plans: Attend ATP Flight School. During my training I will earn my commercial pilots license and additional skill ratings. Afterward I will work for Delta Airlines.
Brandon K. Charlton Chapter Historian
Personal Message: Embarking on a journey with FFA is a unique opportunity for students to cultivate invaluable skills in leadership, teamwork, and agricultural expertise.
Enterprise Chapter
Kate Sheehy
Future Plans: I am looking at colleges in California and New York. There are a few things that I am considering majoring in, but as of right now I am hoping to become a registered nurse after obtaining my bachelor’s degree in nursing.
Enterprise Chapter FFA Advisor: Stephanie Schofield, Katie Titus
FFA Advisor: Stephanie Schofield, Katie Titus
Years active in FFA: 4
Years active in FFA: 4
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Dairy Milk Cow, FFA Steers, Work Horse Inc., General Ranch Maintenance, General Ranch Work, Family Milk Cows
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Harguess Lawn Care Entrepreneurship, my Market Hog project for the Wallowa County Fair, and my paid placement at Cornerstone Farms.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: Soils Judging, General Livestock Judging, Ag Sales, Speeches, Rituals
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: I showed my Market Hog for FFA at the 2023 Wallowa County Fair. In October I went to District Leadership Camp at Camp Meadow wood Springs where our team competed in the rituals contest. In November I competed in job interview at the FFA District Agricultural Sales contest in Baker. Coming up in February I will be presenting my Sophomore Public Speech at the District Leadership Contest.
Favorite FFA Memories: Going to National Convention and getting to see horse races. Future Plans: I plan on attending EOU after I graduate in June of 2024. There, I want to major in Elementary Education and eventually get my masters in teaching.
Lily Royes
Chapter Vice-President
Personal Message: FFA is a great way to meet new people and experience new things.
Owyhee Harguess Chapter Treasurer
Favorite FFA Memories: The Oregon State Convention last year. Overall it was an awesome experience and I particularly enjoyed the different sessions I was able to attend. I had a fun experience participating as a judge for the talent show as well. I also really liked the opportunity to get to know more about my fellow chapter members.
National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024 • 43
44 • National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024
FFA Wallowa County Enterprise Chapter
Enterprise Chapter FFA Advisor: Stephanie Schofield, Katie Titus
FFA Advisor: Stephanie Schofield, Katie Titus
Years active in FFA: 4
Years active in FFA: 4
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: I have three SAE projects. I have shown a lamb at the fair for four years in FFA and , many years before that. I also work at a local coffee shop called Longhorn. The last thing I have done is worked on our family farm for the past 6 summers.
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: I have multiple SAE projects but my biggest SAE is an entrepreneurship project. I started my SAE by starting with only babysitting and then it develops into a animal care and housekeeping project. Now I babysit, take care of animals, as well as house sit for people.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: Participated in Creed Speaking, Parliamentary Procedures, Rituals, Livestock Judging, Sales, and the soils competition.
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: I have participated in Creed Speaking, Parliamentary Procedures, Rituals, Livestock Judging, Sales, and the soils competition Advanced Public speaking.
Favorite FFA Memories: The National convention, and the parliamentary procedures contest. I also enjoy all of our chapter meetings and being with all of our members.
Tessa Duncan Chapter Reporter
Future Plans: Attend a four year college and pursue a degree in the medical field. Personal Message: I would like to thank all the community members for being so supportive of the FFA program throughout the years. We appreciate everything you do!
Alex Rowley Chapter Sentinel
Favorite FFA Memories: My favorite memories are national convention, and going to state competition parliamentary procedure team. I also enjoy doing all of the chapter level meetings. Future Plans: I plan to attend a four year college and pursue a degree in the medical field. Although I am unsure where I am wanting to go, I do know that I want to play basketball and help people.
Enterprise Chapter FFA Advisor: Stephanie Schofield, Katie Titus Years active in FFA: 6 SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: My SAE project consists of raising and show in Farm Supply Distributors this is my saw of my current job, I work on semi trucks doing repairs and big projects. CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: I have competed in public speaking and Ag sales since freshman year of school! I also participated in Ag Issues, showing livestock judging, as well as many other FFA events!
Quincee Zacharias Chapter Junior Advisor
Favorite FFA Memories: The bus ride to any event and being able to hang out with all of my FFA friends as well as Ms. Schofield because she has helped me so much as well as make everything fun! But my all time favorite memory was at leadership camp when the officers all got together and hang out while the green hand got to do their officer parts! Future Plans: I plan to continue a career in Diesel technology by attending LCSC in Lewiston, Idaho and one day working for Peterbilt!
National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024 • 45
FFA Wallowa County Wallowa Chapter
Wallowa Chapter SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Market Swine
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Market Beef
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: Ag Sales, Livestock Judging, Fair, State FFA Convention, CDE Days
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: Ag Sales, Livestock Judging, Fair, State FFA Convection.
Talluah April
Sophie Moeller
Chapter Reporter
Chapter President
Wallowa Chapter
Wallowa Chapter SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Market Beef, Ag. Sales and Service
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Ag. Mechanics- Repair and Maintenance/Farm Placement
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: Ag Sales, Livestock Judging, Fair, State FFA Convention
Karly Baremore Chapter Reporter
46 • National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: Ag. Sales, Ag. Mechanics, CDE Days, State FFA Convention, State Ag. Mechanics
Jose Mendez Chapter Sentinel
FFA Wallowa County Wallowa Chapter
Wallowa Chapter SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Forest Products and Management, Market Swine
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Ag. Mechanics Repair and Maintenance/Farm Placement
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: Ag. Mechanics, Ag. Sales
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: Ag. Mechanics, State Ag. Mechanics, CDE Days, State FFA Convention, Ag. Sales
GW Sweeney
Ty Prince
Chapter Junior Advisor
Chapter Treasurer
Wallowa Chapter
Wallowa Chapter SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Market Beef, Farm Placement
SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) Project: Market Swine, Ag. Sales and Service, Ag. Marketing-Beef
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: Ag. Mechanics, State Ag. Mechanics, Ag. Sales, Livestock Judging
Lucas Hulse
Chapter Parliamentarian
CDE/LDE (Career/Leadership Development Event) Participation: Livestock Judging, Ag. Sales, CDE Days, State FFA Convention
Cecilia April
Chapter Vice-President
National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024 • 47
48 • National FFA Week • February 17 & 24, 2024