With strength and in solidarity, our community has supported KMUN for over 40 years. We are incredibly grateful for your continued support. As I write this, we find ourselves in the middle of our Spring Pledge Drive—one of my favorite times of the year. It’s a moment for connection, for conversation, and for sharing the spirit of KMUN. It’s my KMUN family reunion, rebranded as a pledge drive, where we come together to celebrate the things
KMUN Spring Pledge Drive
A celebration of community and solidarity
that make this station and its listeners so special.
At KMUN, we’re more than just a radio station—we are a community. We’ve been able to preserve the unique blend of voices and stories year after year, and that preservation is what keeps us unified. Unity doesn’t mean that we all like the same things. It means that, despite our differences, we see the big picture and are willing to work together to make it happen. Our eclectic programming reflects the diversity of our community. We offer something for everyone—from local news to music and creative storytelling. It’s about creating a space where you feel at home, and where voices you recognize and look forward to are always there to greet you.
As we move forward, there may be
challenges, but I have no doubt we will rise above them together. We have done it before, and with our collective strength, we will continue to overcome any obstacles. Our community has always been greater than the sum of its parts. Like a multiplicity of voices coming together, each distinct yet united in purpose, we are stronger when we stand together.
Thank you for being part of the KMUN family. Your support is what makes everything we do possible. Together, we will continue to create and inspire. S
Contact Susan anytime to talk about KMUN and how you can support the organization’s mission: susan@kmun.org
Susan Peterson
Jack Harris
Keegan Fifer
Viri Haugen, CRO
Katie Frankowicz Director
Skyler Butenshon Host
Emma Geddes
Andy Eddy
Jennifer Rasmussen
Paul Brady
Dave Neys
of KMUN, KTCB, and KCPB -- from the content to the cables. @KMUN91.9 @KMUNtv
Sunset Empire Ham Radio Club
Gray Haertig
Michael Johnson
David Klann
John Mackey
Nevada Sowle
Larry Scott President
Randy Vogt Vice President
Sturges Dorrance Treasurer
Todd Lippold
Bonnie Lively
Mick Mortlock
Jon Tullis
The Tillicum Foundation Board of Directors meets the 4th Wednesday of every month at 5 pm. The meetings are hybrid in-person and on Zoom. Meeting links and more information available at kmun.org under the “About” tab.
Alex Carney
Neal Lemery
Tita Montero
Laura Swanson
Sherry Zeilstra
The Community Advisory Board (CAB) evaluates KMUN’s programming for opportunities to further the station’s ability to accomplish its mission. Learn more about the CAB at kmun.org under the “About” tab.
Emma Geddes
Blair Cocking
Teresa DeLorenzo
Marcus Estes
Keegan Fifer
Katie Frankowicz
Katie Frankowicz
Ellen Frye
Emma Geddes
Jack Harris
Andy Eddy
Jasmine Lewin
Carol Newman
Susan Peterson
Joanne Rideout
The Current is designed in Astoria, Oregon by The Tillicum Foundation. All ad revenue generated by this publication supports local, independent media.
The Tillicum Foundation’s mission is to serve the Lower Columbia Pacific Region through commercial-free community radio programs and services that enrich life by illuminating the role of the arts, promoting cultural and educational growth, and bringing focus to current issues of local and regional public interest while providing a forum for diverse and under-served groups.
Want to help us further our mission? Visit kmun.org to learn more and get involved today.
Featured on this issue’s cover, clockwise from top-left:
1. Dan Palenske-Sutherland warming up to play on the air with the Brownsmead Flats on All Kinds of Folk
2. Jon Tullis (far left) with a group of FisherPoets performers from a special edition of River of Songs
3. Bernie Burger and his CD collection in the KMUN air room for Stuck in the 60s
4. Jessica Schleif (left) and Teresa Retzlaff after co-hosting a live episode of In Season
5. Adriana Guerrero (right) at the board with host-in-training Jess Nelson during La Mezcla
6. (L-to-R) Michael Hurley, Luke Ydstie, Kati Claborn and host Brian Bovenizer in the air room for North Coast Range
Photos taken by Emma Geddes for KMUN.
The Tillicum Foundation is tax-exampt and all gifts, grants, and contributions to it are tax deductible to the extent of the law. KMUN broadcasts 5000 watts of power at 91.9 MHz from its main transmitter on Megler Mountain, 250 watts at 89.3 from a translator located in Cannon Beach, and 10 watts from translators in both Wheeler (104.3) and Astoria’s south slope (91.3). KTCB broadcasts 400 watts of power at 89.5 from Cape Meares, serving Tillamook County. The Tillicum Foundation also operates a second program service, KCPB, which broadcasts at 400 watts from Megler Mountain at 90.9 MHz.
Marcus E st E s is th E M oonlight archaeologist host of Key of Z. On alternating Saturday nights, he excavates pop, dance, and experimental oddities that time left behind. The following are some recent highlights from the show.
Human Race
R. Stevie Moore
R. Stevie is a ridiculously prolific musician and producer who started putting out self-released recordings in the 1970s. He recorded all of his songs in his home studio and developed a sound that seemed comfortable with the material limitations this enforced, which is a vibe that eventually inspired an entire generation of “bedroom pop” musicians. Some call him “the godfather of home recording.” I love this up-tempo misanthropic number from the year 2000.
You Could Be More as You Are Saâda Bonaire
My girlfriend put me onto this amazing record and I still think of it as a soundtrack of me falling in love with her. It’s a German band founded by two women who orchestrated the collaboration of twenty session musicians discovered at a local immigration centre. Nothing like this will ever be recorded again.
Key of Z A playlist deep dive
Lady of Ice
Fancy was a huge Italo disco star and, although Italian culture wasn’t ready to deal with the fact at the time, extremely gay. The rich synth tones in his songs have this kind of sub rosa sexuality that makes them both universally fun to dance to and super subversive in a way our current era of extreme cultural permissibility no longer fosters.
One Night In Bangkok
Murray Head
This YouTube comment said it better than I could: “Hands down, the greatest song ever written about playing chess in Thailand.”
F.R. David
Ah, the irony of choosing words to describe this song. I think it’s about love and every song ever written. When it’s really, really good, words don’t come easy.
Check out Marcus’ video playlist for vintage video visuals to accompany each track with the QR code below. S Hear Key of Z on KMUN every other Saturday 10:00 pm - 12:00 am
I n M e M or I a M : G eor G e M
by Blair Cocking
Priest and civil rights lawyer George McCartin died at the old age of 88 in February 12th, 2025. He hosted a KCPB Morning Classics show for more than ten years. It was his mistress. He often spent hours researching his program selections. He ran for Astoria Ward 1 City Council in 2018 and, although he came in second, he was recognized by then-Mayor Willis Van Dusen for conducting an excellent campaign. His fiery self will be missed.
I n M e M or I a M : c huck M c L au G h LI n by
Carol Newman
Chuck McLaughlin died peacefully on Valentine’s Day, 2025. Chuck was an early KMUN jazz programmer, Tillicum Foundation board member and president, artist, crafstman, toy maker, musician, philosopher, family man, Korean War Veteran for Peace, strong proponent of justice and a loving and beautiful friend. May his memory be a blessing.
Jack Harris, Program Director
The world of poli T ics is fraugh T . While disagreement and organized coalitions have always been part of our body politic, it seems that starkness in opinion and a crazed college football fandom-like frenzy of partisanship has come to overtake almost every issue of importance. Democrat or Republican, red or blue, conservative or liberal are the choices we get and whatever opinion we might offer becomes code for every other opinion we might have. Nuance is unwelcome in current dialogue.
“As I walk through this wicked world searching for light in the darkness of insanity.”
I’m not the first to express frustration with this difficulty to communicate.
Perceived Liberal Bias
New shows on KMUN for Spring 2025
The tone has become increasingly hard, dismissive and uncompromising over the years. I also have little faith that any single person or institution is going to bring civility, patience and empathy back to our discourse. It can be discouraging.
“I ask myself, ‘Is all hope lost? Is there only pain and hatred and misery?’”
While other voices are trying to yell over each other, we have our own little radio station here to serve as a bastion against the cacophony. Locally run, with local voices, it gives us an opportunity to moderate and curate discussions that are important to us. Thoughtful, fact-driven information regarding climate change, civil rights and public policy prove that it is possible to have hard conversations without yelling or being disrespectfully dismissive of other points of view.
“And as I walk on through troubled times, my spirit gets so downhearted sometimes.”
As the program director responsible for curating these programs, I try to avoid
the most strident or self-righteous voices. I look for honesty, modesty, and curiosity in the public affairs programs we offer. It would be disingenuous to not recognize that often our programming leans unapologetically left. Not in a dogmatic way, however. It’s more of a 70’s “Free to Be... You and Me”/Sesame Street way that is more optimistic about human nature and human potential
“So, where are the strong? Who are the trusted? And where is the harmony, sweet harmony?”
Some of the criteria for choosing what to air include reliable sources, points of view from people directly affected by the issue discussed and relevance to and for the listeners of KMUN. In the end, I want to hear from folks who are not afraid to ask: “What’s so funny about peace, love and understanding?” (Thank you Nick Lowe for contributing to this piece.) S
Lyrics quoted in this piece are from Nick Lowe’s “(What’s So Funny ‘Bout) Peace, Love, and Understanding,” originally released in 1974.
Charlie Shumar Clint Carter Dave Neys David Paul David Rasmussen Dayle Olson
Teresa DeLorenzo, Skinnamarink
Local Flute Trio Special musical guests
Skinnamarink on S aturday F ebruary 8, 2025 was all about the flute family.
Three wonderful flute playing guests introduced the piccolo, flute and alto flute. The three formed a flute trio to play for their own pleasure and now perform at public music events.
Shelley Loring plays flute and piccolo in many local and regional musical groups and teaches flute and piano at the Astoria Conservatory of Music.
Kristin Wishon plays flute and piccolo in several North Coast community ensembles and serves on the North Coast Symphonic Band board of directors.
Melissa Lagerquist is a dog groomer and plays flute in several local symphonies.
In addition to explaining and demonstrating flutes, the trio performed three lovely compositions for flute trio. And created and performed the accompaniment to the children’s book about three baby owls titled Owl Babies .
We truly appreciate their time and effort creating a great flute experience on Skinnamarink ! S
Hear Skinnamarink on KMUN Saturdays, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Classical Music Aficionados Wanted!
Left to right: Kristin Wishon with alto flute, Melissa Lagerquist with flute, Shelley Loring with piccolo.
Eileen Williams
Elizabeth Menetrey Ellen Frye Ellen Levy
Eric Wheeler
When I f I rst v I s I ted A stor IA , my Airbnb host suggested that I drop by the Tillicum House. I did and what a welcome! I mentioned that I was tying up a 17-year stint conducting a community chorus and orchestra in New England and moving to Oregon. The response? “Oh, you can be a programmer here!”
World of Bach with host Ellen Frye
Now we’re coming up on the eighth anniversary of World of Bach, a weekly show featuring the music of Johann Sebastian Bach and his contemporaries.
The community group that I conducted in New England performed Bach’s cantatas. It was open to everyone, from professional musicians to Bach lovers who had little music training. The range of KMUN listeners is similar, and I try to program for everyone.
I organize each show around cantatas—one or two each hour—and the rest of the program is a mix of genres and instruments. I love exploring other Baroque composers—those who influenced Bach, those who were influenced by Bach and others he likely never heard but who were
part of the Baroque musical scene.
The classical CD library at KMUN is amazing, and KMUN’s access to new releases is a great resource for fresh interpretations of old favorites and performances of works never previously recorded.
World of Bach is on the air every Sunday: 7–9 am on KMUN and KTCB; 6–8 pm on KCPB. Archived shows are available for two weeks after the first airing. As I say at the end of every show: “Whenever you listen, however you listen, you’ll hear more great music by Johann Sebastian Bach and his contemporaries.” S
Hear World of Bach on KMUN every Sunday 7:00 - 9:00 am, and again on KCPB 6:00 - 8:00 pm
Heather Chapman
Heather Douglas
Isa Haverlan Jacob Lewin
Jan Faber
“Love Country Swing -- Listened while traveling in London!”
“Thank you for always being here.”
“Love Spinnin’ Lynn! She makes me laugh every time I listen to her!”
“This (donation) is for B’s House. His music lifts us up with FUNK.”
“In celebration and affirmation of the value and necessity of community radio!”
“Keep it up!!”
Comments? Critiques? Fan mail? Send it all to feedback@kmun.
Jess Nelson Jesse Wagner Jessica Schleif Jim Dott Jim Santee
Joanne Rideout
John Goff John Macke
John Rippey
John Stevenson
Funding Sources
How KMUN keeps the lights on, and then some
The S pring 2025 p ledge d rive was an exciting week filled with incredible programming, inspiring live guests and meaningful community connections. Thanks for tuning in! While the final total came in a bit under the goal, we raised an impressive $60,000 – thanks to the generosity and dedication of listeners like you!
Below is a breakdown of where these contributions came from, along with a look at KMUN’s overall annual budget. As the charts show, a significant portion of KMUN’s funding comes directly from the community.
Every contribution makes a difference in keeping KMUN strong. Thank you for being part of it! S
KMUN’s Annual Funding Sources
Keegan Fifer, Membership Director
B ecome a mem B er today !
Every donation to KMUN includes NAME: a one-year membership, which gets PHONE: you The Current mailed to your ADDRESS: doorstep and a vote in the Board election at the Annual Member EMAIL: Meeting in November.
D onation F orm
AMOUNT: $_____________________
M ail your donation & this for M to : P o B ox 269, a storia or 97103
Laura Swanson Linda Anderson Linda Perkins LinMarie DiCianni Lisa Heigh
Lisa Smith Liz Harris Lloyd Bowler Lowell Benner Lori Pastor
Lyle Haataja
Marianne Monson Mark Meadowlark Mac Burns Merianne Myers Michael Brumfield
A n A dventure in H istory with Mac Burns & Alana Kujala
A weekly look back at historical tidbits big and small, produced by the Clastop County Historical Society.
B e A c H G r A ss r oots with Emma Geddes
A monthly feature on local nonprofits, in collaboration with the Astoria Co+op’s Change for Community program.
F At H er F i G ures with Steven Amaya
A monthly program about the complex experiences and impacts of parenthood in all its forms.
F ood t A lk with Merianne Myers & Linda Perkins
Bimonthly chats with two prolific home cooks on their successes, failures and inspirations.
t H e H um A n B e At with Roger Rocka
Monthly interviews with community members about our people, issues, environment, history and the joys of living in our region.
i n s e A son with Teresa Retzlaff
A monthly dive into farms, gardens, and wild spaces of the North Coast, from food production and flowers to wildfires and willows.
Find these local shows in your favorite podcast app! Subscribe today and never miss an episode. These and more archived programs are always available at kmun.org/podcasts and in the KMUN App .
P oems F or c om PA ny with Brian Dillon
A monthly theme-based program featuring poems from all eras and styles. Topics include manual labor, unrequited love a nd more.
t H e P reservAtionists with Astronemis Ray
Monthly interviews with students and professionals in historic preservation, from the Lower Columbia Preservation Society.
t H e r e G ister with Zachary Stocks
Weekly, bite-sized biographies of some of Oregon’s noted historic Black individuals, produced by Oregon Black Pioneers.
r iver W riters with Marianne Monson & Sean Davis
A monthly chat with local and visiting writers on the craft of writing, produced by the Writer’s Guild.
r o G ue c ell with Sean Davis & Brad Pietzyk
A monthly program highlighting the lives of veterans and their experiences transitioning to civilian life, mental health and more.
t A lk o F o ur t o W ns with Donna Quinn
Monthly interiews with movers and shakers from throughout the North Oregon and South Washington coastal region.
W Aters H ed m oments with Kelli Daffron
A monthly program produced by the North Coast Watershed Association about the ecosystems they serve.
W ill APA n Ature n otes with Kathleen Morgain
A weekly window into the diverse flora and fauna of our region, produced by the Friends of the Willapa Wildlife Refuge.
FisherPoets Gathering 2025 on KMUN
Millicent Zimdars Neal Lemery
Sowle Niall Carroll Nick Bromen
Host Jon Tullis (far left) with FisherPoets performers after a special episode of River of Songs ahead of the gathering. Photos on this page by Emma Geddes.
Left to right: Megan Everson, Carol Newman, Mariah Warren, and Kathy Stack following Carol’s annual FisherPoets edition of ARTS - Live & Local.
by Jasmine Lewin for The Astorian
KMUN prepares for potential federal cuts
For almost 42 years , local radio
station KMUN has provided listeners with insight into arts, culture and education along the Oregon Coast as well as timely updates on weather and safety concerns.
Now, along with other public radio outlets, it faces the threat of losing federal funding, as well as a threat to its Federal Communications Commission license.
Station Manager Susan Peterson said that while KMUN has not yet been directly targeted, she and other proponents for public radio are doing their best to prepare for the possibility that their organizations will come under fire from new FCC leadership.
Peterson pointed to Project 2025, the array of policy suggestions put together by conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation. The foundation described the document as a “presidential transition project” to pave the way for a conservative presidential administration. President Donald Trump tried to distance himself from the project during his 2024 campaign but nominated several of the plan’s architects to positions in his administration once he took office.
One of those architects is Brendan Carr, who now is chairman of the FCC and who wrote about public media in Project 2025. His chapter in Project 2025 urges a more assertive role for the FCC in regulating online platforms that he claims censor conservative viewpoints with legal impunity.
A note from KMUN
News Director Katie Frankowicz:
Public radio faces challenging times. Hanging over many stations right now — including KMUN — is the possibility of losing federal funding under the Trump Administration’s policies as well as the possibility of losing Federal Communications licenses.
Carr also has advocated for ending federal funding to broadcasting. In a Jan. 30 letter to National Public Radio and the Public Broadcasting Service, Carr said that “For my own part, I do not see a reason why Congress should continue sending taxpayer dollars to NPR and PBS.”
For KMUN, which receives 24% of its yearly budget from a community service grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a cut or freeze in federal funding could be detrimental. The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), the steward of the federal government’s investment in public broadcasting, is the largest single source of funding to public radio and television.
KMUN’s total budget for the 20242025 fiscal year is $678,000. The station’s biannual pledge drive begins Monday and will run for a week.
Attempts to stop funding public radio and television are nothing new, Peterson noted.
“Starting with President Nixon, the CPB has weathered many attempts by U.S. congressional members to defund it,” she wrote in an email to The Astorian. “So far, this has only been a threat; it now feels inevitable.
“If there is a disruption in funding, KMUN will make decisions in terms of our mission and commitment to the region we serve.”
Carr has also targeted NPR and PBS for airing underwriting messages, the announcements acknowledging financial
In February, Jasmine Lewin, a reporter for The Astorian, spoke with KMUN Station Manager Susan Peterson for a news story about potential federal cuts and other issues facing the station and public radio in general.
The Astorian is one of our important local news partners and has graciously allowed us to reprint Jasmine’s article for this issue of The Current.
support for specific programs. Carr requested an investigation into the underwriting, which he said possibly crossed the line into prohibited commercial advertisements.
NPR President and CEO Katherine Maher said in a statement that NPR programming and underwriting messages comply with federal regulations and FCC guidelines.
“We are confident any review of our programming and underwriting practices will confirm NPR’s adherence to these rules,” she said.
KMUN pays for six weekly programs that come from NPR.
“Some of the things we’ve seen (Carr) do have gone right along with the playbook,” Peterson said. “And so, our thought is, we’re not thinking that we’re a big target; we just want to be prepared.”
On a smaller scale, preparation means ensuring that the station is within FCC guidelines. KMUN has a clean record with the FCC, with no history of fines or investigations.
“We have made that a big commitment, always, at KMUN, to follow the licensing rules that we are given,” she said. “Our license is an educational license, and that’s based on our mission. So those are really good guiding forces for us, we follow our mission and practice good business practices, and we feel really, really great about all that.”
The loss of a license would come about by a “death of a thousand cuts,” according
to Peterson, which would consist of repeated fines that could be destructive to a station with such a small budget.
In the past few years, the FCC has increased its fines, which can now range from $20,000 to $50,000. If fines are not paid on time, the FCC can assess a 25% penalty. After that, some equipment can be seized and additional penalties could follow.
The FCC can also revoke a station’s license if FCC rules are consistently broken, or if a station is late on paying fines.
But Peterson said that if repeated fines and penalties were to strike KMUN, the station would go bankrupt before it got to the point where its license was revoked.
“It would be super-sad because KMUN is really vital to the community,” Peterson said. “People who listen all the time and know we’re here — I mean, last (Monday) night with the power outage, I don’t know if we were the only radio station on, but as far as I know, we’re the only radio station with our own generator.
“We didn’t miss a beat when the power went out; we were here.”
Preparation means networking
On a larger scale, preparation means networking. Over the past 15 days, Peterson said she’s attended about 20 meetings with lawyers, other station managers, NPR leaders and organizations like the Western State Public Radio Group and the National Federation of Community Broadcasters about concerns over threats to statewide and community radio stations under the Trump administration.
“With new leadership, I would think that low-hanging fruit is the most tempting,” she said. “And, you know, they are trying to make a bold statement with the couple of things that they have done.”
Rima Dael, the CEO of the National Federation of Community Broadcasters, said public media is at a “critical juncture” with the upcoming expiration of a shortterm funding bill.
Congress is nearly five months behind in passing a final spending agreement for the 2025 fiscal year and has been relying on continuing resolutions to extend funding for the federal government and avoid a government shutdown. The most recent continuing resolution expires on March 14, at which point Congress will need to either pass a final spending bill, enact another continuing resolution to extend federal funding, or face a partial shutdown of the federal government.
“Congress will soon make funding decisions that could impact the future of community broadcasting,” Dael wrote in an email to The Astorian. “Cuts to public media funding threaten the essential services that local stations provide — trusted news, emergency alerts, and cultural programming that strengthen communities and keep them connected — especially for rural communities.
“NFCB is actively following regulatory developments, including potential changes to FCC licensing policies and other directives from the current administration that may affect nonprofit community radio.”
Editor’s note: The Astorian and Coast Community Radio are news collaborators and frequently share stories. S
This article was originally published in on February 25, 2025 and is reprinted with permission from The Astorian.
Some of my favorite S ubject S to learn about are the many important and necessary but unseen aspects of the maritime industry or things related to it.
A prime example of that is an agency that is popularly referred to as NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. We coastal dwellers particularly benefit from their work. I think you might be surprised at how much your life and the work of NOAA cross paths pretty much daily, here on the coast. That’s despite the fact that it’s rare for you to see the agency at work, or even know they exist.
NOAA is an agency that has broad reach. Today we’ll talk about three things they do that affect us directly on the coast.
The National Weather Service
You know those marine weather forecasts we tend to take for granted? That’s NOAA. The National Weather Service is under their jurisdiction. When we want to know what weather to expect when we step outside, we’re using NOAA’s expertise. And we need it.
Weather affects our daily lives and can threaten our lives. We need
Invisible but Critical NOAA serves coastal communities
to know what’s happening and what may happen so we can plan accordingly to protect ourselves. It’s also nice to know when we may have a nice day so we can plan accordingly.
If you want to know how high the waves are or will be, from what direction and speed the wind will be blowing, and what to expect on the water, whether you be a fisherman, the captain of a ship, or a recreational boater, a Coast Guard staffer, a surfer or a beach goer concerned about sneaker waves, you’ve benefited from the work of NOAA employees.
The National Data Buoy Center
I’m really fond of this sub agency of NOAA. Their network of coastal buoys and satellites all over US coastal waters and beyond gives us real time data about what’s happening in the ocean off the Columbia River Bar and off Clatsop Spit and other areas of the coast. The data they provide is available online.
The National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) operates a network of around 200 moored buoys in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, including weather buoys and deep-ocean tsunami monitoring stations.
Their work provides critical info to bar pilots, fishermen and the Coast Guard. These important professionals, whose work is critical to our safety and our economy, depend on reliable accurate forecasting and data. All this
information is available to the public, too.
The US Tsunami Warning System
Worried about the big one? Aren’t we all on the coast here, in our critical risk area? If you live here, you probably have an earthquake app on your phone that includes tsunami info. Where does the information come from? It’s NOAA’s tsunami warning system that keeps us informed so we can make good decisions to stay safe.
The US Tsunami Warning System includes two warning centers:
The National Tsunami Warning Center serves the continental United States, Alaska, and Canada. There’s also a West Coast center under that that keeps track of undersea earthquake and tsunami risk for us.
And the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center which serves the Hawaiian Islands, the US. Pacific and Caribbean territories, and the British Virgin Islands. This is how we know whether an earthquake near Japan or elsewhere might send damaging tsunamis our way. When the 2011 earthquake hit Japan, it was the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center that warned West Coast communities to expect tsunami waves and to stay off beaches.
NOAA Fisheries (also called National Marine Fisheries)
NOAA Fisheries is responsible for
the stewardship of the nation’s ocean resources and their habitats.
They work to ensure that fisheries are managed sustainably, and to recover and conserve endangered and threatened species. They support healthy ecosystems, and work to ensure safe sources of seafood.
These three priorities are just part of what NOAA does – they’re an agency with a big mission. And while many government agencies may seem like their work has nothing to do with us and our lives, NOAA is one whose influence is felt every day in coastal communities all around the US. We rely on them so much that we tend to take them for granted. But our ability to stay informed and safe would be greatly diminished without them. S
Hear The Ship Report weekdays on KMUN, at the end of the Morning Edition hour, 8:48 - 8:59 am. Find the full episode archive and more at shipreport.net
Sam Chapman Sam Garrison Sean Davis Shawn Buendia Sherry Zeilstra Skyler Wells
KMUN volunteer hosts Debbie Twombly (left) and Jim Dott in the air room during the Spring 2025 Pledge Drive. Photo by Emma Geddes.
KMUN Business Members: A Community Investment
Columbia Riverkeeper
Crag Law Center
Friends of the Willapa
National Wildlife Refuge
North Coast Communities for Watershed Protection
Pacific County Immigrant Support
Wash Away No More
Astoria Grooming
Astoria Pet and Home Services
Jack Russell Rescue
Kite Hill Canines
Riverdog Astoria
Lum’s Auto Center
Roland Schorr & Tower
B Ruff Construction
Beerman Creek Construction
Corey Harn Builders
Old World Renovation
46 North Farm
Blackberry Bog Farm
Cohort Agronomy
LaNa’s Conscious Farm
West-Davies Farm
Bank of the Pacific
Northwest Lending Group
Thrivent Financial
Wauna Credit Union
42nd Street Cafe & Bistro
Astoria Coffee Company
Blue Scorcher Bakery and Cafe
Bornstein Seafoods
Bowpicker Fish & Chips
Columbia River Candies
Columbia River Coffee Roaster
Fort George Brewery & Public House
Gaetano’s Market and Deli
Gathered Bakeshop & Market
Little Island Creamery
Merry Time Bar & Grill
North Coast Food Web
Peaceful Ferments Brewing Co.
Salt Hotel & Pub
South Bay Wild Fish House
Tokyo Teriyaki
Wanda’s Cafe & Bakery
Xanadu Astoria
Astoria Chiropractic
Columbia Memorial Hospital
Kathleen Moore, Full Circle Counseling
Lower Columbia Clinic
Nehalem Bay Health Center
Providence Seaside Hospital
Seaside Wellness Center
Three Treasures Acupuncture
Tracy Erfling, ND
Watershed Wellness
Arcadia Organic Landscaping
Arbor Care Tree Specialists
Booth Land Supply
Brim’s Farm and Garden
Hauer’s Lawn Care & Equipment
Jack Russell Wildlife Control
Adrift Hospitality
Base Camp Manzanita
Beach Property Management, Inc.
Capt. Johnson House
Commodore Hotel & Broder Strand
Land’s End at Cannon Beach
McMenamins Gearhart Hotel & Sand Trap Pub
Twin Gables Inn
Brownsmead Flats
Cascadia Chamber Opera
Charlene Larsen Center
Coaster Theatre Playhouse
Finnish American Folk Festival
KALA Performance Space
Kim Angelis Music
Liberty Theatre
NCRD Performing Arts Center
North Coast Chorale
North Oregon Coast Symphony
Rhythm Method
Water Music Society
Blue Faded Barber
Simply Human Art
Beveridge Geo-Services
Environmental Consulting
Blair Henningsgaard, Attorney at Law
Excalibur & Associates-WA, Inc.
Haglund Kelley LLP
Oregon Natural Forestry LLC
Pathfinders Coaching
Ray Raihala Insurance Agency
Seaside Attorneys
Wadsworth Electric
Andrea Mace, Realty One Group Prestige
Andrea Mazzarella, Vesta Realty Group
Astoria Real Estate
Clatsop Association of Realtors
Covert Properties
Astoria Co-op Grocery
Astoria Vintage Hardware
Beach Books
Cannon Beach Book Compnay
Englund Marine & Industrial Supply
Fine Art Supply
Finn Ware of Oregon
Four Winds Canvas Works
Garbo’s Vintage Wear
Gimre’s Shoes Astoria
Godfather’s Books
Harmony Soapworks LLC
Holly McHone Jewelrs
The Kite Factory
Lucy’s Books
North Coast Runners Supply
Old Town Framing Company
Phog Bounders Antique Mall
Reclamation Marketplace
Short Wave Astoria
Studio II
Sweater Heads
Time Enough Books
Walnut Studiolo Leather Goods
Appelo Archives Center
Astoria Visual Arts
Azure Glass Works
Columbia River Maritime Museum
Don Frank Photography
Dragonfire Gallery
Fernhill Glass
Greg Navratil Art
Imogen Gallery
Patrick Barker Woodworking
Sou’wester Arts & Ecology Center
Wild Weed Studios
Astoria Downtown Historic District
Association & Astoria Sunday Market
Astoria Underground Tours
Northwest Women’s Surf Camp
Sunset Empire Amateur Radio Club
The Ship Report
KMUN is funded by community support from individuals, businesses, and organizations. Your donation is tax deductible, and is proof to our grantors that the community believes in our work. That means that your donation is multiplied every time.
Become a member today at kmun.org or give us a call at 503325-0010 during business hours: Mon-Fri, 9-5.
sure to thank these fine folks for helping to keep KMUN live and local!
What did the radio tailor need to make the perfect suit?
Mail your completed puzzle to PO Box 269 As toria OR 97103 before 6/1/25 to enter to win a KMUN tee shirt! Include your full name and phone number to qualify.
Some recent favorites from across the KMUN broadcast schedule.
View complete DJ playlists, new & old: kmun.org/playlists
Daughters, If You Leave (2013) 4AD
Sindicato Del Ritmo, Eres (2023) Universal Music Mexico
Henri Salvador, Single (1969) Rigolo
Melvins, Thunderball (2025) Ipecac Recordings
Dogs in Ecstacy, Love and Happiness (2018) Thunder Zone
DOMINOES ft. Pony Bradshaw
Rachel Baiman, A Sides/B Sides (2024) LOLLIES
We want to see your radio art!
Send your radio-related art to classifieds@kmun.org to be considered for the next issue. Please include your name, city, and favorite KMUN radio show in the email.
Tom Brownson Tony Baldwin Troy Hill Tsutomo “Tom” Hoshiba Zachary Stocks
Audio Astrology with Lady Litha
ARIES 3/21 - 4/19 Partnerships are in flux this spring, and gentle communication is key. Hold your cards close, but remember to open up when the time is right. Your soundtrack: AfroPop Worldwide
TAURUS 4/20 - 5/20 Your social calendar is filling up again, bringing with it pressure to participate. Take care to only commit to what feels right, leaving room for spontaneity. Your soundtrack: French Air
GEMINI 5/21 - 6/20 Energy is buzzing throughout your life this season. Take a moment for yourself, whether a weekend or an afternoon, to be still and recharge. Your soundtrack: Weekend Edition
CANCER 6/21 - 7/22
Success may come easily this spring. Lean into it and keep up the momentum on those projects. Your hard work is paying off. Your soundtrack: Sounds of Japan
LEO 7/23 - 8/22 This spring wants you to travel, whether that’s just down the road or somewhere farther afield. Find any excuse to explore and watch for sparks. Your soundtrack: Upbeat & Ready
VIRGO 8/23 - 9/22
Financial opportunities may be in your path, Virgo. Get those creative pursuits in writing and start talking about your plans. Seeds love to sprout. Your soundtrack: Blue Monday
LIBRA 9/23 - 10/22
Intensity may bubble up around your relationships this spring. With patience and compassion and firm boundaries, they may deepen. Your soundtrack: Wait Wait... Don’t Tell Me
SCORPIO 10/23 - 11/21
It’s time to hone your leadership skills and find more ways to express yourself, Scorpio. You may find you’re quite well received this season. Your soundtrack: Beach Grass Roots
SAGITTARIUS 11/22 - 12/21
Balance is your goal this spring, Sag. Take stock of how much time you are giving to work, relationships and rest and adjust as needed. Your soundtrack: Left, Right & Center
CAPRICORN 12/22 - 1/19
Romance is the word of the season for you. It may be a relationship or possibly a new creative outlet. Follow your whim to the warmth. Your soundtrack: Morning Classics
AQUARIUS 1/20 - 2/18 Find time to spruce up your living space this spring, Aquarius. You may be welcoming unexpected guests soon and you will want to be ready. Your soundtrack: Wow & Flutter
PISCES 2/19 - 3/20 You’re distracted these days, and may be spread a bit too thin. What are your true priorities at the moment? How can you find focus and calm? Your soundtrack: Key of Z
SHIFT + WHEELER: Handmade bags and clothes for fats, queers and everyone! 1062 Marine Dr Astoria. 11-5 every day.
CALL FOR ART: We’ve misplaced our radio. Can you draw us a new one? Send to classifieds@kmun. org at earliest convenience.
PUBLIC AFFAIRS HOSTS NEEDED! Email jack@ kmun.org to sign up for PAs 101 this Fall, and bring important information to your community through your own radio show and podcast.
I SAW YOU: Or did you see me? It’s difficult to say. Regardless, I’d like for it to happen again.
ISO: Activist-leaning folk music enthusiast, to host biweekly radio show. Is it you? Email jack@kmun.org to apply.
KMUN SEEKS VOLUNTEER DJS to bring listeners something they’ve never heard before. Inquire within: jack@kmun.org
PEN PAL WANTED: To correspond about all things historical costuming. My owl will find your mailbox if you address the parcel to “Erstwhile Jones.”
HELP WANTED: Just in general. Offer a hand to someone today. -----------------------
GET THE CURRENT IN THE MAIL: Any annual donation to KMUN qualifies. Donate now at kmun.org! -----------------------
SEND US PHOTOS of you listening to KMUN! We’ve always wanted to see through the frequency. Send to: classifieds@ kmun.org
FOUND: Small, black dust mite with two large eyes. Spunky but skittish. Did your wood stove lose a tenant? Leave sourdough crumbs on your back porch for speedy return.
CIVIC ACTION BEGINS IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD: Talk to your neighbor today to unlock new and exciting ways to see and improve your world.
ISO: PIANO KEY to open up my spinet so I can reenter the mythical realm that lives behind the soundboard. I left my kid gloves in a field of moon pearls.
SEEKING: Local news leads. Sind to news1@ kmun.org and keep local news alive.
COMMUNITY RADIO is YOURS. Tell us what you want to do with it: feedback@kmun.org
SUBMIT YOUR WISHES to classifieds@kmun
The Tillicum Foundation stands firmly against racism and inequity in all forms.
In our programming and administration, we pledge to continue the work of pursuing diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice in ways that reflect, represent, and serve the truth and complexity of our communities.
We hope that you will join us in this effort to create a more just future. Visit kmun.org to get involved.
KMUN and KCPB broadcast throughout the unceded lands of the Cayuse, Chehalis, Chinook, Clatskanie, Clatsop-Nehalem, Cowlitz, Kathlamet, Siletz, Umatilla, Wahkiakum, Walla Walla, and Willapa peoples. Visit native-land.ca to learn whose land you are on, and how to support Tribal projects and initiatives in your community.
KMUN is your community voice in the Lower Columbia Pacific region.