May 2025 _ Omega Catalog

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The peace. The community. The container in which I was able to grow, learn, release, feel. I am forever grateful for my week on this sacred ground, with people who carry so much love in their hearts. What a gift!

Santa Fe, N.M.

APRIL 7-12


Join Omega at the Modern Elder Academy in Santa Fe, N.M., for a special program designed for those who identify as modern elder women. Drawing on more than a decade of expertise as faculty of the Omega Women’s Leadership Intensive, Carla Goldstein and Leslie Salmon Jones guide you to weave together threads of your past, present, and future into a tapestry of creative abundance and healing. See page 126 for course description.


MAY 22–26

A New and Ancient Story Retreat

From the Age of Separation to Reunion

Charles Eisenstein

Course 1404-824/Tuition $215 ($195 Members) SS

Our civilization today lives within a dying mythology, the Story of Separation. As it crumbles, the basic questions that the old story answered arise anew. Who am I? What is real? How can I serve change? Where did we come from and where are we going?

A new story is rising to answer these questions and make sense out of chaos. It is a story that unites spirit and matter, human and nature, self and other, dissolving, then giving new understanding to these categories altogether.

This retreat is an immersion in this new and ancient story, using lecture, story, meditation, dialogue, and group practices to deepen our understanding and embodiment of a new mythology for civilization, hold it in community, and apply it to our lives.

Join us to experience genuine human connection and explore the profound mythology of the age of reunion.

This annual retreat is now open to both NAAS members and the wider community. A New and Ancient Story (NAAS) is an international online community founded by Charles and Patsy Eisenstein. The Omega retreat fee is $215. Charles does not receive payment from Omega for this retreat. Instead, he invites participants to self-determine tuition to contribute directly to him during the event. More details will be made available at the retreat. Retreat begins Thursday at 7:00 p.m.

Charles Eisenstein is a teacher, public speaker, countercultural philosopher, and author who examines the unspoken narratives that direct our society and our lives. He is the author of The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible and The Ascent of Humanity.


Arrive Friday Begin Friday at 7:00 p.m. End Monday at noon

MAY 23-26


Live Life on Your Own Terms

Barb Schmidt and Michelle Maros Course 1503-942/Tuition $475/425/325 ($380 Members)

Join Barb Schmidt (a.k.a. Peaceful Barb) and Michelle Maros for an inspiring retreat that blends real-life wisdom with practical mindfulness tools to help you unlock your inner strength. Through open conversations, guided practices, and heartfelt teachings, you explore how to navigate life’s challenges with confidence, cultivate self-love, and experience lasting inner peace.

In this immersive experience, you dive into life’s most meaningful and di cult topics, such as anticipatory grief, disrespect, and toxic relationships. With sessions on journaling, meditation, and selfempowerment, you learn how to release external pressures, set healthy boundaries, and strengthen your relationship with yourself. Whether you’re just beginning your mindfulness journey or looking to deepen it, this retreat o ers honest conversations and practical strategies for personal growth and transformation. Return home feeling grounded, clear, and ready to live with purpose.

Barb Schmidt and Michelle Maros are the founders of Peaceful Mind Peaceful Life™, a nonprofit dedicated to fostering happiness and inner peace through mindfulness. They host the Barb Knows Best ™ podcast.




Kyle Cease

Course 1503-804/Tuition $465 ($420 Members) SS

Have you ever felt as though you're giving away pieces of yourself without even realizing it? Whether it's spending too much time on screens, staying in unfulfilling relationships, or working at a job you dislike, we often sacrifice our true desires and miss out on enriching experiences and life-changing opportunities. Join award-winning actor, comedian, and bestselling author Kyle Cease and learn how to reclaim your authentic self and stop compromising your soul. Discover the profound benefits that come with making the decision to no longer sell out your soul's true purpose.

Through lecture, discussion, partner work, meditation, and question-and-answer sessions, explore how to create space for your soul's growth and witness the unexpected rewards that arise when you honor your true essence. Your soul is not for sale. Discover what happens when you fully commit to living from this truth. Workshop begins Saturday at 9:00 a.m. (arrive Friday).

Kyle Cease is an award-winning actor and comedian, creator of Evolving Out Loud, and New York Times bestselling author of The Illusion of Money


Arrive Friday Begin Friday at 7:00 p.m. End Monday at noon




Reimagining the Power of Music on Body & Mind

Miranda Esmonde-White and Thélonius García

Course 1503-940/Tuition $525 ($470 Members)

Music, movement, and engagement with our higher emotions are recognized as powerful forms of healing. Music, which communicates emotion and feeling, becomes an even greater vehicle for healing when combined with movement that is emotionally charged.

Essentrics® fitness technique creator Miranda Esmonde-White and pianist/ composer Thélonius García, you learn how to make a deeper connection with the emotion in music by incorporating meaningful with the music. component in this is our own demonstrations, and movement techniques, this workshop analyzes the di erence between higher-frequency music—which

such as love, joy, and compassion— versus lower-frequency music, which conveys the emotions of anger, fear, and mistrust.

Join Miranda and Thélonius together in movement and music to enhance your mental and physical well-being with potent tools for healing and growth.

Miranda Esmonde-White is a leading educator and best-selling author on healthy aging. She is the creator of the Essentrics® fitness technique and the PBS fitness show Stretch



MAY 23-26


Drawing Power From What Matters in Challenging Times

Reverend angel Kyodo williams Roshi Course 1503-060/Tuition $515/465/365 ($420 Members) SS, LE Are you ready to take your leadership capacity to the next level and use your power to a ect what matters to you?

Rev. angel Kyodo williams's Third Way methodology brings you into deep discovery, exploration, and the practice of centering your leadership in the only place that matters: presence. O ered in person solely at Omega, this training is designed specifically for those who identify as women and are looking for practical skills, increased clarity, and enhanced confidence in their purpose and leadership.

Through a series of embodied exercises, you learn to transform how you source power, manage personal energy, and exhibit grace under pressure. You tap into the deep wisdom of your body to develop positive boundaries, increase self-awareness, and release unwanted behaviors with self-compassion, humor, and love.

All levels welcome; return participants are invited to deepen into advanced-level training with Rev’s customized coaching.

Scholarships are available; see

Reverend angel Kyodo williams Roshi is an author, Zen priest, activist, master trainer, and founder of Transformative Change.




Buddhist Practices for Building Resilience

Josh Korda and Kathy Cherry Course 1503-758/Tuition $430 ($385 Members)

Learn ancient Buddhist practices and modern techniques to cultivate inner calm amid life’s uncertainties in this immersive retreat with meditation teachers Josh Korda and Kathy Cherry.

Through mindfulness meditation, guided visualizations, breathwork, and somatic exercises, Josh and Kathy help you connect to deeper sources of strength while grounding both your body and mind.

You also engage in relational exercises designed to foster authentic connections. These practices encourage ease and honesty with yourself and others, transforming patterns of self-protection or performance into deeper, compassionate relationships.

Kathy and Josh, experienced retreat leaders since 2012, focus on integrating mindfulness into daily life. They provide practical tools for navigating challenges with grace and resilience.

Thélonius García and composer rooted in the musical world of instrumental solo piano music. With his debut album Marche Nocturne takes listeners into a world of dreams and imagination.

This workshop is suitable for all experience levels. Participants are encouraged to bring a journal.    is the guiding teacher at Dharmapunx NYC. An author and retreat leader, Josh is recognized for his popular podcast, which has more than 5 million downloads, and his articles on Insight Meditation.

Kathy Cherry is a Somatic Experiencing® practitioner and meditation teacher, and founding member of Dharmapunx NYC. She o ers DailyPause, a morning meditation group, and teaches online courses for The Nervous System Solution



End Friday at noon MEMORIAL DAY

Arrive Friday Begin Friday at 7:00 p.m.

End Monday at noon

MAY 23–26


Six Core Concepts of The Grief Mentor Method

Meghan Riordan Jarvis and Barri Leiner Grant

Course 1503-797/Tuition $425 ($380 Members) Join trauma therapist and podcast host Meghan Riordan Jarvis and grief specialist Barri Leiner Grant, founder of The Memory Circle, in a deep dive into what it means to grieve with purpose and learn to live with loss.

This 3-day retreat is based on a comprehensive process to help people in all stages of loss learn to create a personalized grief practice. Participants learn to harness curiosity, experimentation, and adaptation in this model based on the signature 6-step process of inquisition, action, and adaptation using Meghan’s Grief Mentor Method™. It provides anyone experiencing loss with a framework that uses neuro and bioscience, attachment theory, nutritional science, spiritual and cultural wisdom to promote a healthy grief practice, and helps to shift cultural attitudes about loss. Together, we focus on:

• Defining your story

• Distilling emotions versus feelings

• Distinguishing energetic states

• Exploring ritual and reflection

Meghan Riordan

Jarvis , MA, LICSW, is a trauma-trained clinical psychotherapist, author, host of the podcast Grief Is My Side Hustle, and developer of The Grief Mentor Method.

Barri Leiner Grant is a grief specialist, educator, and founder of The Memory Circle community. She o ers “write to heal” modalities, gentle movement, and meditation as part of her grief-tending toolkit and teachings.




Arrive Monday. Begin Tuesday at 9:00 a.m.




Awaken Your Natural Healing Power Systems

Ming Jie Wu

Course 1604-001/Tuition $475 ($425 Members)

Combine traditional Yang-style tai chi and qigong internal practices through simple, repeatable exercises to improve strength and longevity. Based on the principle of body-mind unity, this practice emphasizes our ability to regain our internal power.

Handed down from practitioner to practitioner for more than 1,750 years—all the way back to Dong Feng himself in 220 AD—the ancient methods have long since been refined down to a science and perfected, and are still practiced today.

Ming Jie Wu, PhD, is a doctor of Chinese medicine and a 20th-generation Fengyang Taoist Chinese medicine practitioner. He is also a highly accomplished master qigong and tai chi practitioner with more than 40 years of experience teaching in China and the United States.


Write It From the Heart

Nancy Slonim Aronie

Course 1604-795/Tuition $435/385/285 ($345 Members) SS

Jump-Start Your Memoir is an inspiring immersion for the beginning writer and is nurturing for the burned-out professional. It is about honoring your own voice in a safe, inviting place.

Nancy Slonim Aronie says, “I can’t teach writing. I don’t think anyone can. But I can make it safe and I’ve learned when people feel safe, they go deep. The writing gets more powerful, the heart goes deeper, and the words flow faster. Getting the story of your life out of your body means you don’t have to carry the weight of it around anymore. When people ask if it’s therapy, I answer, ‘No, but it’s therapeutic to write the truth.’ ”

Dive into writing and discover your own rhythms, use your own language, and tell your own story. Together, we laugh, we cry, and we write.

Nancy Slonim Aronie, author of Writing From the Heart, is a distinguished writer and founder of the Chilmark Writing Workshop on Martha’s Vineyard.




Reiki Training for Animals, Nature & the Earth

Colleen Benelli

Course 1604-849/Tuition $495 ($445 Members) SS, PT

Learn the healing power of Animal Reiki in this comprehensive International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT) course, in which you heal and align yourself, as well as animals, nature, and the Earth.

The training includes:

• Animal Reiki techniques emphasizing consent, safety, and observation

• Attunements to the beautiful Tree of Life Reiki energy

• Ethical practices for working with animals and their guardians

• Spiritual and emotional aspects of animal healing

Through lectures, discussions, and hands-on practice, learn in-person and distant healing techniques, such as the Divine Animal Circle Healing Technique. Extend Reiki to natural environments and deepen your bond with animals.

Suitable for both animal lovers and Reiki practitioners specializing in animal care, this course provides invaluable insights and practical skills. Gain the training needed to confidently practice Reiki with animals.

Pre-requisite is Reiki II certification from any lineage. Faculty provides an ICRT Animal Reiki 1-2 certificate.

Colleen Benelli brings more than 25 years of expertise to her Animal Reiki training. She is a Reiki Master teacher, codirector of the ICRT Licensed Reiki Master Teacher program, executive director of the ICRT Program Development, and founder of Reiki Lifestyle.

Nonduality Realization & Manifestation

Self-Inquiry Practices Based on the 13th Chapter of the Bhagavad Gita

Swami Sarvapriyananda

Course 1603-972/Tuition $365/315/215 ($285 Members) SS

The struggle to overcome su ering and attain lasting and meaningful happiness is characteristic of the human condition. True spirituality addresses this quest and claims a deep solution is possible. One of the most ancient, rational, and inspiring forms of spirituality is Advaita Vedanta—which holds that peace and fulfillment are our very nature and are found through self-knowledge.

Swami Sarvapriyananda teaches the path of self-knowledge based on the profound 13th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita (The Field and Field-Knower). During this retreat, the approach will be experience-based knowledge, as we:

• Learn the essence of nondual philosophy from a root text—the Bhagavad Gita

• Study and practice the method of self-inquiry, “Who am I?”

• Experience the foundational practices to energize our spiritual lives and to manifest nonduality

Vedanta Society of New York members receive $100 o tuition when you use code VSNY. Workshop ends Thursday at noon.

Swami Sarvapriyananda is the minister and spiritual leader of the Vedanta Society of New York and a monk of the Ramakrishna Order. He is a popular speaker on Vedanta globally on sites from TEDx to Google Talk, and speaks at universities such as Harvard.

MAY 26–30


Body, Breath, Mind, Community

Bill Koff and Nya Patrinos Course 1604-845/Tuition $415 ($370 Members) SS

Yoga therapy is taking the ideas, tools, frameworks, and approaches from yoga history and matching them up against modern exercise, physiology, science, and psychology to help people. Yoga Therapeutics can help people who have chronic and acute challenges and for wellness.

Led by founder and certified yoga therapists Bill Ko and Nya Patrinos, we explore how we can increase our well-being through deeper knowledge and practices such as:

• Posture clinics: Tune up your yoga poses using proprioceptive awareness

• Stretch and be stretched: Learn to deeply and safely stretch yourself and others (available for everyone but can also count toward continuing education credits)

• Deeper breathing (pranayama) and meditation techniques

• Yoga nidra: guided meditation into the essence of yourself

• Connecting to community, people of the world, nature, and the universe

This is a wellness workshop, open to all levels and backgrounds.

Workshop begins Monday at 7:00 p.m.

Bill Ko , C-IAYT, RYT-500, is a certified yoga therapist and the founder of Connected Community. Bill is on the faculty of the Kripalu Integrated Yoga Therapy School, Kripalu R&R, and Kripalu Online.

Nya Patrinos, C-IAYT, has been a competitive athlete from the age of 6 and started practicing yoga to heal chronic knee pain. She has a Diploma of Merit in yoga therapy from the Ghosh College of India in Kolkata and an 800-hour Certificate in yoga therapy from Kripalu.




MAY 26–30

Finding Your Voice An Intensive Writing Workshop

Hillary Jordan

Course 1604-047/Tuition $595 ($535 Members) SS, LE

Compelling narrative voices are made, not born. They are the result of calculated choices on the part of the writer, all in the service of one goal— to draw readers into the story and persuade them to follow wherever it leads.

Join Hillary Jordan (who wrote Mudbound in six di erent voices) in this retreat as she breaks down the process of crafting narrative voices that are distinct, believable, and irresistible. Together, we:

• Examine specific craft elements—point of view, tone, diction, syntax, and punctuation—that make up a voice

• Read short pieces of fiction and memoir that illustrate the power of voice and discuss what makes them work

• Experiment with writing exercises that help you discover/develop your own voice

This workshop isn’t about creating something perfect; it’s about giving you tools and possibilities to take home and use to make your voices sing. The workshop is limited to 20 people.

Hillary Jordan is an award-winning American author and screenwriter. Her debut novel, Mudbound, was adapted into a critically acclaimed film which garnered four Academy Award nominations, among many other honors.

MAY 26–30


Creating Medicine Tools

Mia Luz

Course 1604-041/Tuition $475 ($425 Members) SS, LE

Experience the transformative process of creating your own medicine drum and rattle, two timeless tools for healing and awakening. Connect deeply with the Earth’s heartbeat and inner essence through the craft of creation.

During this hands-on workshop, you work with natural materials to create an elk drum and rattle infused with your unique energy and intention to take home with you. Rooted in ceremonial traditions, this experience invites deep listening, spiritual connection, and self-discovery, as the circle supports healing and awakening.

Through guided meditations and ceremonial practices, you connect with the spirit of the materials and the universal rhythms of life. The workshop concludes with a sacred blessing to awaken your medicine tools’ energy and purpose, anchoring the medicine in your life.

This workshop is open to all levels, o ering a safe, nurturing space for you to explore creativity, connection, and transformation.

This workshop starts Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. Additional materials fee required: $300 for 14-inch drum; $320 for 16-inch drum; $340 for 18-inch drum. Materials fee must be included upon registration and is nonrefundable once the workshop begins.

Mia Luz , Drumdoula, is a ceremonial guide and life alchemist. Drawing from her Taino and Swedish ancestry, Ojibwe teachings, and Earth-based traditions, she aims to empower seekers to reconnect with their essence and soul purpose.


I am incredibly grateful for the valuable lessons and new techniques, even if it means traveling to the other side of the world. It always reminds me that we are in this together to learn and further develop.


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