The Histor y and Futur e Hope For EOU?s Gr and Stair case By Em m alyn Gu zm an
archi tect John Bennes and
especi ally the stai rcase. The
com pleted i n 1929 duri ng
w ear and tear becam e m ore
the foundati on of EOU, sti ll
evi dent. Because of i ts gradual
under the nam e of Eastern
deteri orati on, the stai rcase
Oregon Norm al School,
w as closed off from the publi c
servi ng only as a teacher?s
i n 2004 and sadly enough,
trai ni ng school. Over the
som e students w ho have been
years, courses w ere added,
here for years don?t even k now
the student di versi ty
the locati on of the structure,
expanded, the school?s
let alone the long hi story
nam e w as changed (four
behi nd i t.
ti m es), the school becam e a
In recent years, attem pts to
From the Grande Ronde Ri ver to
four-year publi c uni versi ty,
the Hot Lake Hotel, La Grande i s
and the stai rcase w ent
the hom e of m any natural and
unnoti ced by the student
m an-m ade beauti es. One that
has often been overlooked i s our
Throughout the years, the
Endangered Places Li st i n
i ntri cate, Itali an
m erci less w i nters of La
2015. Thi s year, the proposal of
Renai ssance-i nspi red Grand
Grande took thei r toll on all
a com plete restorati on has
Stai rcase located ri ght behi nd
of our i ndustri ous
been m enti oned i n a board
Inlow Hall. It w as desi gned by
educati onal bui ldi ngs,
m eeti ng i n Apri l. Governor
save the stai rcase and preserve i t has com e up, i ncludi ng putti ng i t on the Restore Oregon?s Most