The Voice // Issue 6 // Vices

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2019 / Volu m e 1 / Issu e 6

The Voice

Headsup! This issue mentions the act of sex, drug use, and other topics that may not be appropriate for younger readers. These articles do not reflect the views of The Voice, or Eastern Oregon University, and should strictly be used for entertainment purposes. Please read at your own discretion. For any questions or concerns email

Creators of this issue Anita Harris Charlene Frett



Emmalyn Guzman


Haley Bradley


Tanisha Willis Olivia Steffey Katie Silvestri JD Protiva

Mounties, Welcome back from,

maybe you are vice free.

hopefully, a wonderful

However, if you take a deep

Memorial Day break!

look within yourself or at your

This weeks theme is Vices. Each of these articles and short stories were created with this theme in mind. Of

behaviors, you'll find we all are guilty. The biggest takeaway from this admission, is that it's okay! If you consider yourself lazy, glutinous, greedy,

course, each of us have our

vengeful, or prideful there is

own vices. Personally, if I

nothing wrong with that. In fact,

were to draw my vice from

I'd argue that it's the most

the 7 deadly sins, I would

human thing about us. Our vices

choose laziness. I strive to be make us who we are, It's how successful, but when Netflix we enjoy ourselves. Let's not is calling, it calls loudly. Then, hide behind our "sins" , but Cover ph ot o f r om Fr eepik

of course, there's the overconsumption of wine.

instead embrace them. Now, I don't know about you, but I've got a nice big glass of Sangria

Throughout this issue it will

@eou t h evoice

be very easy to think that

to get to; and I'll enjoy every sip.

- Anita Harris

T ab l e o f C o n t en t s Ph ot o by Olivia St ef f ey


ADayFreeof Vice

TheBibleAsAGuide: MakingPeaceWithYour Vices 17





WHAT IS A VICE? By K atie Silvestr i A vice can be any number of things that some people may do as a bad habit or even more severe. Every person has a vice when we look towards the broad meaning of the term. Vice can be something that a person uses to cope with, get through their day, apply to block out their struggles, or even for entertainment. A vice can be anywhere from a bad habit to something immoral and illegal. The more severe vices would be unlawful drug use, alcoholism, or worse. To me, a vice is how you choose to deal with problems, stress, anxiety, traumas, or something you are not aware of the reason for yet, in an unhealthy way. Depending on who you talk to vices could mean indulging in chocolate, or having a glass of wine or beer at the end of a week. The motto "everything in moderation," I do agree.

Outside of illegal substances, I believe everything in moderation is an excellent way to live life. Here and there indulgences should be allowed to happen, though not all the time. So, having a chocolate bar every day should not be considered a vice. Vices seem to have a negative connotation to the word, though have a positive meaning to each person that has a vice. The vice brings a person outside of their troubles, stress, anxiety, and allows them almost to take a breath. Each vice would be favorable to a person maybe even elicit a smile in their times of darkness. The minute it becomes detrimental to someone, or they have realized their bad habit is harmful and unhealthy. Though this realization does not mean for a sudden change, it does mean they have seen the light

in a sense. We all have a vice of some level that we have yet to change or look to healthier options for our troubles. For some people, their vice becomes their life though it may never have started that way. The doctors told a person that he had constant stress that his body was handling through causing stabbing pains in his stomach and overwhelming nausea. Before this appointment, he had been smoking cigarettes for about a year and had been off of them for over a year. After the news about his stomach was presented, he started to think of ways to bring his stress level down. He came to vaping without using the nicotine juice. This method helped him relax when he began to feel stress. Slowly he decided to try some nicotine juice in his

vape and said he would only do it when he felt stressed. The nicotine juice started at the lowest level and slowly went up to the highest level of nicotine. Using it just when he was stressed turned into all of the time, even sitting outside at restaurants to make sure he could still vape. As this continued, it was hard for him to see how far he had gone back into his routine of nicotine. Now his stress goes up, and he cannot relax on his own. This is a common case in which people dip their toe in the pool and are blindsided by the effects. It's easy to that end up in the deep end for the rest of your lives. People live by their vices, big or small; they are the routines in their life that they depend on to keep going.

Artwork and words by Tanisha W illis W hat are kinks? Something to do with garden hoses and drink straws? The painful feeling you get in your neck when you sleep on it wrong, or something else? Generally speaking most people are familiar with the term ?kinky? wherein it pertains to sex? things like whips, chains and leather clad women in dungeons coming to mind. BDSM or (Bondage, Dominance, and Sadomasochism) is just one just one small part of a broad spectrum of sexual behaviors that fall under the definition of kinky. There?s no one shoe fits all. Kinks are as much apart of our sexuality as who we love and find attractive, and it should go without saying that no one should ever be made to feel shame for that. That doesn?t mean however that no one will ever try, or that there?s not some influencing force in a person?s life making self-acceptance difficult. So in light of some general information about kinks, kinkiness and stuff you thought you knew but didn?t!

The word kink has several definitions, but the one we are going for here is more closely associated with a person?s sexual taste?s and appetite. A kinky individual is someone who has unusual or unconventional sexual desires. Keep in mind that ?kinky?as a descriptor is subjective. W hat one person finds strange might be right up another person?s alley and vice-versa. Knowing which is which involves a lot of communication, patience, and in some cases? a willingness to step out of your comfort-zone.

BDSM (Bondage, Dominance, Sadomasochism) BDSM is one of the most commonly known kinks. Jokes are made about it in moves and adult cartoons. It even has its own uniform. There?s more to it than just the few trite stereotypes kicking around however. BDSM is a kink with learning curves that tend to get steeper the farther in your go, and this is because the activities of the couple(s) participating are not always limited to simple spanking, tickling, and binding.

Bon dage There are at least thirteen different kinds of bondage in the BDSM spectrum, the oldest and most popular of which is called Shibari or Kinbaku. It originated in Japan and deals with using silk ropes and artistic tying methods to get the ropes to layer in just the right way. This kind of bondage takes a lot of time and skill to master. Time, skill, and patience on the part of everyone involved. Some of the designs can get very complicated, but the end result is almost always worth it. Shibari is used a form of restriction bondage meaning that the person being tied up is almost or completely incapable of moving. The person being bound may enjoy not having control.

Another more interesting and in some ways more restrictive form of bondage is Sensory Deprivation. It?s pretty much exactly what it sounds like. The act of restricting the senses of sight or sound for some people can be really exciting? giving them that feeling of not knowing what?s coming next.

Dom in an ce an d Sadom asoch ism Dominance and Sadomasochism are two different forms of power play. A sadomasochist is a person that gets sexual pleasure from having power over, and causing pain to another person. This can come in a lot of different forms such as some of the methods mentioned above? shibari, and spanking. There is also impact play which is the act of striking your partner in a particular way on a particular spot on his or her body to cause pain. It could be slapping, scratching, or in some cases even biting depending on the level of comfort of parties involved. The act of causing pain is not meant to be torturous.

After Care Aftercare is one of the most important parts of any sexual encounter you have whether it involves you and your partner having done a kink together or not. Aftercare is specialized attention one gives to one?s partner after what?s referred to in BDSM as a ?Scene?.. A scene being an activity a couple or group of people take part in. It doesn?t always have to involve sex and may just be something one or both partners found to be particularly intense. Aftercare, done post scene (or post coital) is an opportunity for everyone involved to tend to any emotional responses they may or may not have had to what?s take place.emotional responses they may or may not have had to what?s take place. Generally, aftercare is a set of pampering techniques used to calm one?s partner. Things

Other Kinks

like laying next to them and holding them afterward, getting them a glass of water and checking in with them to see how they are feeling. Aftercare is something that should be talked beforehand. Everyone has different needs. There?s no one, correct method. Always be kind and attentive to

The practice of BDSM is really just scratching the surface of all the kinks there are out there a person could be turned on by and want to try. Here?s a short list of a few more you may not have ever heard of, but that are no less real.

your partner and check in with them periodically to make sure they are okay. Especially when in

Acarophilia- Arousal from scratching. Agoraphilia- Arousal from sex outside.

the midst of an S/ M scene.

Asphyxiat ion- a highly dangerous kink dedicated to choking, smothering and strangulation. Autoerotic asphyxiation is self-choking. Branding- marking someone with a symbol, word, etc. Typically uses a heated object (such as a metal hanger) to produce the brand. Branding is dangerous. Collaring- the act of wearing a collar to show submission, loyalty and/ or devotion to a dominant. A collar may be seen as purely sexual or also romantic (similar to an engagement/ wedding ring). Collars may be placed on in public or private collaring ceremonies, and dominants may provide instructions for wearing collars.

Voyeurism- a kink for watching someone else while naked or engaged in sexual activity. Voyeurs and exhibitionists make excellent pairings. Non-consensual voyeurism may be against the law. Ecouteurism- is a related kink for listening to someone have sex without permission Auto-erot ic asphyxiat ion- self-choking

Im age f r om Fr eepik

A DAY FREE OF VICE By Haley Br adley As members of the

overall well-being. A

routine. I would like to

are a means for coping

human race, we are all

few vices that are seen

think that this day

with some inner issue.

far from perfect. These

in this light are

would be absolutely

W hile these vices may

imperfections manifest

gambling, drug and

positive, and that

not be the best way to

themselves in many

alcohol use, adultery,

people would inevitably

cope, they can provide

ways, but many of us

self-harm, etc. If

decide to change their

a balance that could

have vices that may be

everyone committed to

ways after seeing the

prevent even worse

harmful and addicting.

lasting 24 hours without

benefits from removing

damage from

Merriam-Webster has

completing these

these vices present

happening. W ith this in

defined vices in several

habitual actions, what

themselves outwardly.

mind, there may be a

different ways: a moral

would be the outcome?

Familial relationships

slight benefit to having

depravity or corruption,

Would one day make a

may be strengthened,

these tendencies. So,

moral fault or failing, a

difference? Would we

crime rates may drop,

would a day free of vice

habitual and trivial

see the world in a new

and physical and

be worth it? There

defect or shortcoming,

light? And would it be

mental health could

really is no yes or no

or simply a physical

for the better or worst?

possibly be improved.

answer to this question,

But for many, vices are

but it is an interesting

the only thing that

idea that can invoke

keeps them tethered to

further investigation

some form of sanity

into our own

that allows them to

tendencies and habits

function and participate

that make us who we

in the discrepancies


imperfection. W ith this in mind, I am sure that we can all begin listing the many vices that we may have or may partake in.

W hile these questions cannot be simply answered, we can consider the possible outcomes that could occur from a

Well, what if we spent

world-wide event such

one day completely

as this. W ithin my own

free of vice? And by this

personal life,

Perhaps these vices

I am referring to the

particularly considering

are what make us

habitual actions that we

my family and friends, I

unique. Everyone has

do that can be seen as

would notice many

their own bad habits,

detrimental to our

differences in my daily

and often these habits

that are life.

Ph ot o f r om Fr eepik


Mia has received these two questions so many times from men, or at least encountered them when casually dating or before sexting was involved. There are times when these

A Shor t Stor y by Char lene Frett

conversations become arousing,

Mia and Mr. Alec Holder prepare for their night out, but might

heated, a sort of turn on for

be held up...just a bit

both her and the man she is

He believes he's slick at

the night, knowing he has a

with, especially if they're into

watching her, as if she doesn't

desire to rip her tights off her

the same sexual kinks. Others,

notice him standing in the

again, having to put new ones

however, can be quite

bathroom doorway, admiring

on whenever they were done

uncomfortable when they reveal

the way she pulls up her black

with the deed.

their hidden desires, and either

sheer tights to the midst of her thigh. She knows he can't wait for her to be done and ready for

"What have you done sexually?" men have always asked, "what are you into?"

she or the man judges (even when they try not to), finding certain fetishes disturbing and

unconventional within modern society. You see, in her opinion, it's a personal preference. It's whatever turns you on, whatever is pleasurable, and there is nothing wrong with craving such things. She's open to trying them, thirsting for new experiences in her own life. She can handle foot and food fetishes, but not so much as tickling or the humiliation of her power. Mia met Mr. Alec Holder at a dinner party hosted by her boss's wife and colleagues. There was something about him that night that drawn her to him. He had a certain presence, a dominating demeanor, as if he's a man of his word. With his defined, thick scruff and charming smile, women looked at him like he's an eligible bachelor, and surely he was, Mia even catching her boss's wife drool from just the shake of his hand. Mia told Mrs. Hunter that she got a little something on the corner of her mouth, and the woman giggled like a little schoolgirl, playfully warning Mia not to tell her husband. However, she couldn't blame Mrs. Hunter. When Mia was being introduced to him by her boss, she felt herself to do the same, suddenly thirsting for him to say her name like he did again. Mr. Alec Holder was actually having an effect on her, and to be honest, she has a sexual kink for dominant men. It was then she knew he had different intentions than just business. It's been about a month since they have been together, and strangely enough, the conversation about what they are both into in regards to sex hasn't necessarily been discussed. Their sex life has been amazing, she's not going to deny that, but she's been curious, and he? well he's been hesitant. She would joke with him that he reminds Mia of Mr. Grey because of the nature of his dominance. He would chuckle at that, but would never respond to the humorous comment. She looks over at him, noticing a bead of sweat dripping down his forehead as if she has committed an unforgivable sin just by pulling on her tights. She fully turns around to face him, and smiles at the way he leans against the door frame, dressed in slacks and his favorite white button-up, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. We are about to go to a charity event, but will they actually make it in time? That's a good question. She playfully tilts her head a little and winks, "Are you sure you're not Mr. Grey himself?" He rolls his eyes, and chuckles, but doesn't answer the question. He walks towards her, and runs his fingers down her arm. He kisses her cheek, and then the other, slowly pressing his lips against hers

before moving them to her ear. "I have something to show you," he whispers. She raises her eyebrows as he takes her hand in his, pulling her towards the bedroom to a dresser, "Oh?" He nods, giving her serious look before kneeling down to open the bottom drawer. There's a black box inside, sort of like a shoe box rather than a box you would get from Amazon. It was large enough to cover the length of the drawer, large enough to keep a collection of human flesh and bones from people he has possibly slaughtered. She clears her throat and giggles, "I hope that's not a dead body? or worse." She was joking? mostly. He laughs and rolls his eyes, taking the box out of the drawer and placing it on the bed, "If I was into that, I would of killed you by now." I'm sorry, that's suppose to be funny and make her less terrified? "Clearly, that was a joke, baby." He pats her on the arm, and she nervously laughs, wanting to cover up the fact that she thought he was being serious. He gestures her to open the box and tells her not to be nervous about what's in it. She wonders if it's a gift of some sort, a dress she saw at an expensive store once, or maybe a possible collection of photos from his childhood. She sighs and shakes her head, attempting to get rid of all the terrifying thoughts as she takes off the lid. Her mouth gapes open at the contents inside the box. There's brown rope, black Velcro handcuffs, red straps, black, pink, and purple vibrators, metal chains, and? are those nipple clamps? There's multiple of these items in the box as if it's a collection of a personal preference, depending on what you are comfortable with and what you think you can handle. Mia picks up the Velcro handcuffs in her hands, noticing the softness inside it compared to the metal ones. She's aware he is watching her intently, trying to identify what she is thinking, if her reaction will match her words. He sits down on the bed besides the box as she's begins looking through the materials, clearing her throat in the process.

"So?" he asks, caressing her arm as she fiddles with the Velcro on the handcuffs, taking it off and putting it back on. "Here," he takes the handcuffs from her fingers, takes off the Velcro, and wraps one of them around her wrist. She watches him, his eyes focused as he tightens the strap and secures the cuff, "How does that feel? She feels a light pressure on her wrist, but it' a way, comfortable, alluring. She feels her cheeks flush as she nods and glimpses at him, "Good." He begins to smile as he smoothes the back of his fingers against her cheek, knowing that she's imagining what it would be like, "You're into it." "Why wouldn't I be?" she asks. He raises his eyebrows, surprised by her response. She asks why he didn't say something sooner, introduced this during the first few times they were intimate. Mr. Alec Holder was apparently timid, afraid she wouldn't be interested in the whole idea. Most women run when he introduces them to his own personal kink, but Mia finds that really hard to believe. She moves to stand in between his legs, his arms wrapping around her waist and hers around his neck. She doesn't say anything for a while, playing with the other cuff in her fingers as it dangles from her wrist. She watches his eyes begin to heat, and there's passion forming inside the both of them as he touches her skin, causing her whole body to flush, her eyes to dilate. He smiles when he leans in to kiss her, as if knowing exactly what she is thinking before initiating what she currently desires. Before his lips press against hers, he whispers against them, "Looks like we are going to be late." She bites her bottom lip, "Looks like it."

Toys for Fun You Need t o Tr y Finding ways to spice up your private life can be challenging! Below are some fun ways to do what you enjoy!

Frisky Glow in the Dark Dice

Thi s sexy set of glow i n the dark di ce i s ready to offer up som e naughty suggesti ons for you and your partner. Once the li ghts go dow n, try your luck out and toss the di ce to see w hether you tease thei r ni pples, k i ss thei r toes, m assage thei r body, or get a w i ld card and let your i m agi nati on take over. Starti ng at $10.99

SenseTube Sense Max VR SenseTube, i s equi pped w i th the latest m oti on sensi ng technology, desi gned to enhance your i nti m ate experi ences and allow you to play an acti ve role i n the eroti c theater of your m i nd. Its m odern desi gn, soft outer shell for excellent control, and strong vi brati on capabi li ti es m ake SenseTube revoluti onary. Starti ng at $104

Be sm art! Pr ot ect Consent Enjoy

Ph ot o by Olivia St ef f ey

The Bib le As A Guide: Making Peace W it h Your Vices BY EMMALYN GUZMAN The Voice welcomes features and spiritual commentaries of all viewpoints. Got an article? Email for more information!

W hen students and others want to make peace with any bad habits, they might want a guide to help them understand what makes the habit unhealthy and how to change behavior for the better. There are many articles and self-help books out there, but there is one book that can make your life change not just for you, but the people surrounding you and providing you the opportunity to strive to be better every day: The Holy Bible. Despite its?controversial content, the Bible provides comfort, solace and hope to anyone who reads it. For those of you who are skeptical its?content, this article may help clear up questions you may have and give you an idea on what kind of lessons lie within its? scripture. I personally have researched specific Bible verses characterizing and explaining how to overcome each sin/ vice. Mark Claudson, who is a well known local pastor at the First Babtist Church in La Grande, was interviewed on this topic and he was able to give his perspective

and helpful tips for people who are struggling in faith or are taking baby steps in trusting God in pursuit of a better life. In the interview, Pastor Claudson shows evidence in a lot of passages on how the Bible provides healthy moral teachings for everyday learning. Verses from the Book James can be the most direct, making the message clear. One example is Chapter 1 Verse 19: ?Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.? Pastor Claudson goes onto explaining the overall act of sin and our ticket to defeating it: ?Sin seperates us from God, [but] Jesus, who is the Son of God, leaves the Throne of God to become a man so He can reveal God?s love to us.? Sin and vices are deadly as stated in the Bible, but there is always hope. Pastor Claudson advises to cancel the bad thoughts that can lead to bad actions and replacing them with wholesome and good thoughts and actions (refer to the above chart mentioned). Living as a Christian does not mean that person is perfect or better than a non-Christian. Life as a Christian is about striving to be better every day and not settling for the ordinary and the plain. It is about having Jesus Christ as a role model in life and working to live and act as He would by loving your neighbor (your family, friends, even your enemies, etc) and trusting that God is watching over you every day.

APEX LEGENDS By James Davenport Apex Legends is set in the Titanfall universe, but plays nothing like it: every gun has ballistics, the titans are gone, and so is wall-running. The guns feel as responsive and peppy as they have since Modern Warfare, and taking distance and drop into account in the same split-second formerly used just to take aim makes me feel like a mathematical savant when shots connect. I'm partial to the W ingman, a hand cannon with a slow reload and magnum stopping power that makes it feel like a cowboy's Single Action Army. Almost every every gun has a unique personality. The lever-action Peacekeeper shotgun fires individual pellets in a star-shaped pattern, while the faster EVA-8 Auto spits out a 3x3 square. The Triple Take is another highlight, a sniper rifle that throws a horizontal spread of three shots with every trigger pull, easing the pressure of landing those long-range tracking shots.

Halo By Jef Rouner Maybe it?s the Sony fanboy in me, but nothing has ever seemed more overhyped and underwhelming than Halo. For multi-player, yes, the series is great, but as with Call of Duty, its single player campaigns are usually garbage. Its story is terribly unoriginal, its main protagonist is one-dimensional in an era when that should no longer be forgiven, its enemy AI has always been some of the least intelligent in first-person shooting history, some of the level designs are among the worst ever, and even for an epic space opera, its lore is confusing. Halo is literally Call of Duty with added space pretensions on top, and I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone gets excited. Well, I do understand. People get excited because we?ve been waiting closing in on a decade for a new entry in the Half-Lifeseries, and sometimes you take what you get.

Theses articles were originally published on PCGamers and Huston Press, To continue reading, follow the links bellow

https:// arts/ the-10-m https:// apex-legends-review/


Bougie and Broke: Ramen Edition Ingredi ents:


-Top Ram en noodle packet

1. Follow i nstructi ons as i ndi cated on Top Ram en noodle packet

-2 tsp m i nced garli c -1 poached egg -Green oni on (to taste) -Sri racha(to taste)

2. Sti r i n 2 tsp of m i nced garli c 3. Poach 1 egg, peel, then add to fi ni shed ram en 4.Chop and add green oni on and Sri racha (to taste)

Ingredi ents: -Top Ram en noodle packet -1 tablespoon low sodi um soy sauce -1 tablespoon sm ooth peanut butter -1 teaspoon fi sh sauce -Li m e (to taste) Steps: 1. Follow i nstructi ons as i ndi cated on Top Ram en noodle packet

2. Mi x i n soy sauce, peanut butter, and fi sh sauce

3. Squeeze li m e on top (to taste)

4. Cook and top w i th desi red protei n

Wor d Sear c h Vi c es E











































































































































































































































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