Architecture portfolio

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Foundations of Design Representation Semester 1, 2017 Bachelor of Design ARCHITECTURE portfolio EMRE OZDEMIR 921474 Studio 19-Hana


3-4pg. 5-6 pg. 7-8 pg. 9-10 pg.




01 HOW TO DRAW A CROISSANT? MEASURED DRAWING OF A CROISSANT In this module is mainly focused to gain knowledge about the orthographic projection drawings, and measured a croissant to construct a projection drawings by hand. this also use drawings equipments, explore the techniques such as hatching, shading and photographic projections which is included plan view, elevation and section to focus on the structure of the croissant to understand of the section cut though and other type of skills to learn more about contruct a object in the space.

the hand pencil drawn croissant arrenged in a way of showing the hatching in a clear look which emphasis the textures of the croissant.

the croissant photos arranged to see how it layouts. by showing all the views from each side of the croissant gives a quick look.



the scanned croissant photos arranged to see the section cuts by showing three of them to give a exact sectional view to contruct.

the pen traced croissant arranged to see the section cuts for a quick view to hatching.

the axonometric with out grid depicts that how to a draw & create a projected crossaint on a 2D surface by using the section cuts to contruct and nonimate where points are matching on a 45 degrees.

The axonometric projction clearly demonstrates the three sections A-A, B-B and C-C which nomitas on the orhographic projection. It gives a clear undersanding of structure to build. In the drawings depicts the axonometric projection from a two dimentional surface on a 45 degrees.


02 FLATNESS VS PROJECTION : NEW MARIO WORLD The two main properties for the flatness of Le Corbusier’s paining’s are pure extension object which of frontality and distance of ideation which can be visualized the depth, and flatness of the pictorial space. The use of objects of its as flat, use of texture with shallow of objects and all other drawings elements are pitted against the ground of contour.

drawing flating objects of the world at 45 degrees and placing them in a order, the projection is started to showing in terms of shape and form, A3 page is placed in the middle of its balance and proposion of the sheet.

The difference between pictoral space and projection is clearly stated by Lissitzky in the reading; pictoral space has got limitation space to be presented in only facade view of the world, in this case perspectival is limited in context and stanic form. On the other hand, projection allows infini-ty space that focusing more towards on visualize the picture from the vanishing point which struc-tured by located infinity lines as well as operating to simultaneously prolong and collapse distance of the surface and depth. Originally, axonometric projection first arose in ancient visual practices. Axonometric projection is started occurring in a military context. Yet, in the 18th and 19th centuries axonometric drawing was in practiced in engineering schools related to mechanization and industrialization regarding to calculating and the trajectories of projectiles. In addition, axonometric projection allows to demonstrate a clear vision of the object, measure, intense for instance construction, 3d details and gives an accurate scale and proportion.

Setting all the materials and the space for the drawing; used a drafting board for this exercise, adjustable set square for accurate angle for this exerside will be using 45 degrees and 90 degrees, as all the materials listed on the table, starting with getting all the right angles for tracing and measure of the boundary. other materials; pencils, masking tape, easer, and all type of rulers will be used in tracing stage.

Mario World: 13

Mario World: 3

Selected world 3 and 13 is combined and demonstrating the completed hand-drawing which added with river in the middle separating the two worlds. Also added skyscrapers to add more depth into the drawing


02 FLATNESS VS PROJECTION : NEW MARIO WORLD In this module is mainly focus to structure as asll as the design effects of teflection and use of projection knowledge to define 2D and 3D drawings in terms of the flatness and projection. in the final outcome that illustrates the combination for 2 flatness mario world 2D scene is projectd into 3D world. Axonometricly, this is added by different design and skills of thinking prespective way. By adding some depth into the 3D world is fullfilled with many types of drawings elements such as; shapes, form and space regarding to the design of the world. In this case ‘Mario’highlights of how its design from the different point of view which can easily be shown the different betwween 2D (flatness) and 3d (projection) drawings.

The completed Mario world 1 traced with fineliner using Mario world as a reference to draw a 200mm x 200mm square world projected at 45 degrees with some addition into the world by drawn windows and other shapes. The drawings is drawn on an A3 page of Landscape paper.

The completed Mario world 1 traced with fineliner using Mario world as a reference to draw a 200mm x 200mm square world projected at 45 degrees with some addition into the world by drawn windows and other shapes. The drawings is drawn on an A3 page of Landscape paper.

The final mario worl is illustrated with different colour, shape and chracters in terms of the landspace which having a river dividing two world. in addition to all this aspects in terms of form of the buildings stands out compare to other elements with different colours and shape.

6 GSEducationalVersion

03 PATTERN VS SURFACE As the title clearly depicts that pattern vs module is the main focus of the module, so, the opportunity is given to manipulate topograhy on Rhino 3D pannelling tool which allows a many way of learning to use of digital software and create. The form of the creation to produce a physical model based on the topograhy which is designed on Rhino. As its modelled though Rhino to panelise the panels to build it. however, as its mentioned in the photos to show how it looks.

The three elementary types of developable surfaces are; cylinder, cones, and tangent surfaces of spare curves. These developable surfaces are special ruled surfaces and each of rulling there is a plane tangent to the surface along the entire ruling. Cylinder is a formed surface which builds out of parallel lines and surface by rolling. The cone generate the cone consists of all lines connecting to main point, also can be generated the surface by a central extrusion as well. Tangent surfaces of space curves are more complex surfaces can be built for polyhedral model. In addition, Digital fabrication is a design revolution, yielding a wealth of architectural invention and innovation which basically means that translation from drawing to building. The understanding of two dimensional representation turns into an architectural material in 3D documented architecturally innovative projects realized though digital design and constructive processes. However, two dimensional powerfully transforms into a structure using of digital data to control the fabrication process as based on architectural geometry. However, Folding is extensively used in the formal expression of building to create a developable surfaces with material gaining stiffness and rigidity, also allow self-supporting, Last but not least, surfaces can be turned into a three dimensional one by increasing the overall structure by geometry. However, folding is materially economical and effective at multiple scales.

The photo clearly demonstrates the final model with a north points as a 2D surface to nominate north. As a 3D shapes are in different angle of a rectangular.

2d and 3d panels testing prototype and template to be shown.

cutting and follding is clearly shown how 3D panel works out

the close up shot gives depth into the design and the process also clearly emphasizes that how the panelling works with geometry. the lines of the panel shown to give a bit of depth into the developable surfaces. The tabs are to be connected/glued underside of my design to make to look clean and organise.



using 2d and 3d panelling tool on my terrain using 10 x 10 grid

my custom 2d panelling surface to be applied on my terrain, and 3d custom shape is also applied over my 2d custom panel surface.

my final design of 2d and 3d panelling surfaces also gives a symmetrical view overally.

Top view of my design

the North-west setting view of the 3d panelling which used 2d and 3d pattern scale to attaced to my terrain. the sense of the triangle 2d shape representing the pointing north and having a same scale triangle gives a symmetrical view and countinuty. Also it creates the movement over the surfaces by having same direction.


04 INVISIBLE CITY: Hidden cities 4: city of Theodora The scene can be separated into two parts; first half of the storey refer to presentation one is that describe over the battle between animals and people in the city of Theodora. Accordingly, the characters are constantly moving around the scene. As image refer to isometric with a centralized people to repre-sent the final victory of people. In some sort of way the perspective describes the ongoing battle and action regards to these elements and other characters. Their movement lines up exactly with the passage where it’s kind of cyclized near the center. Therefore, the first half of the storey flows with the final victory which to go the last species left to fight man’s possession of the city; the rats. Secondly, the emotion of this part of the section depicts more about after life which symbolizes the life in a cyclic way. After all that deaths, there is still life in terms of new hopes which comes from the hidden places such as Theodora.

The plan of the Old Quad begin with 2D plan, section into rhino to generate 3D model. After the model is technically built, started applying perspective views on digital model based on the scene that its selected. All textures are selected based on the theme of the storey which were directly applied to the perspectives.

just a quick top view of isometric with annotation are shown with symbols, also just wanted to demonstare idea of chaos with the symbols which was not added into to final module.


04 INVISIBLE CITY: Hidden cities 4: city of Theodora In this module is based on the perspective of the scenes by mentally creating the characters upon a storey of ‘Hidden cities’. technically, the module is focusing on different type of perspective techniques which is is theorised in Renaissance Italy and further developed as a tool in other art creations since today. A less subjective and more open mapping of movement of figure emhasis the use of notation as its seen in the perspectives in the final. Finally, both perspectives demonstrates the same storey as the scenes graphically in a black and white color despite red which symbolizes the chaos over demise of death.

In addition, the architects do definetely need new representational technique styles required to gain knowledge of technology improvement, developing ideas based on futuristic design, and more complex structures as its life get more dramatically comlex. In this case, new techniques allows more flexibility and artistic appearance in terms of design and construction of the buildings that utilize these advances. Most of the time, architects need to educate themselves and explore new techniques and ideas to make the buildings more attractive.

The first final perspective clearly demonstrates the Old Quad model’s internal structure with columns and other architectural elements on an eye level angled shot. However, it’s based on the storey which was telling about the battle between animals vs people whereby last species left to fight man’s possession of the city of Theodora; the rats. Thus, this view explains the scene in a visual way.

All textures are selected based on the theme of the storey which were directly applied to the perspectives.

The first perspective view is on eye level which slightly upwards to the back corner of the Old Quad, and it gives an opportunity to introduce a number of characters regarding to story. In a way of having column in places gives a hierarchy of this perspective and partially hide characters and allow them to glance at each other. The proportion of this view clearly demonstrates that the selected characters smoothly would be placed in the space which allows an overall idea of where things are imagined.

The second perspective view is also selected to demonstrate all the characters of the scene in a clear way, while there is sufficient space to portray the background. However, it clearly gives a wide space towards to back which allows a depth and balance into the scene.

the second final perspective is partly second part of the storey such as telling after death of the animals. The city became cemetery of the animal kingdom after the battle. The two final presentation with added key characters into these perspectives according to selected scene.



A quick reflection of these projects; by coming toward to end feels like a gained a lot of different types of architectural elements from start to end. however the skills and knowdledge of completing this module made easier to understand of projection which every single of architects need to gain and develop this in their on field. This is clearly nominated by the lectures and the readings that given. As a learning part of this subject actually thought me to think differently from a different point of view. The objects and scenes became more valuable which start understanding how an architecture in real life from everywhere, everypoint and everyobject in life. Also knowing that how an object can differently be shown strucally by expering the section cuts though a crossaint while it was fun as productivety. The skills that i gained though is that could be explained ‘creativity’ from a 2D to 3D by expericing the different type of fun modules by using many type of softwares ‘Illustrator, photoshop, indesign and Rhino. 03 module of pattern and surface wasnot successful as i have done a lot of afford into it. the reason why it wasn’t is that took me quite a while to get used to patterns on a surface, finally i achived and developed myself to understand more about patternity vs surface. i should improve my self for next assignments using softwares more efficiently and be more creativity as much as can. Lastly, i’d like to grateful about helping throughout the modules to gain a very usefull knowledge for my career.


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