Module 1—Outline—Eternal Purpose of God

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the eternal purpose of God the destiny of the messianic covenant community the eternal purpose of God ! " biblical panorama •" reveals fascinating, foundational insight : God’s eternal purpose •" “the church the manifold wisdom of God, according to the eternal purpose which He purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord…” —"Ephesians 3.10-11 ! " biblical covenants •" historical narratives of scripture held together by underlying covenants •" without understanding covenant, God’s actions, intentions appear mysterious, changeable •" key to understanding God’s purpose for creation biblical panorama — “big picture” biblical panorama — “big picture” what is covenant? ! " berîyth •" “compact, covenant, alliance, bargain” •" “binding arrangement” •" “cut” – kãrath ! " over 250 occurrences in old testament •" secular: treaty, alliance, constitution, agreement, pledge, oath —"Genesis 21.22-32; 26.26-33; 31.43-54 •" theological: binding arrangement. solemn commitment ancient near-eastern covenants ! " mutual, negotiated •" weaker parties could approach stronger ! " “suzerain-vassal” •" victorious “suzerain” initiates •" determines purpose of covenant •" promises rewards, punishments; swears oath •" conquered “vassal” invited to consent •" return allegiance, service, tax •" echoed in Sinai covenant with Israel nature of covenant ! " covenant •" binding arrangement, obligation or

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! " covenant •" binding arrangement, obligation or •" solemn commitment… •" formalising relationship between two parties •" confirmed by sworn oaths •" typically sealed with sacrificial meal





! " blessings, curses •" protection, rewards for covenant observance •" consequences of covenant violation nature of divine covenant ! " God designs, initiates binding obligation •" without human negotiation •" swears oath – by his self ! " reveals covenant arrangements to Patriarchs •" sets forth his intention, his purpose for covenant, community •" sets out promises, blessings, curses •" invites response of allegiance, loyalty language of divine covenant ! "make covenant… —"Genesis 9.12; 17.2; Exodus 34.10 ff. ! "establish my covenant… —"Genesis 9.9,11; 17.7-21; Leviticus 26.9 ! "keep my covenant… —"Genesis 17.9,10; Exodus 19.5; Deut. 7.12 ! "break my covenant… —"Genesis 17.14; Lev. 26.44; Deut. 31.16 ! "everlasting covenant… —"Genesis 9.16; 17.7,13,19; Jeremiah 32.40 certainty of divine covenant for when God made his promise to Abraham, he swore an oath to do what he had promised and since there was no one greater than himself for him to swear by, he swore by himself… therefore when God wanted to demonstrate still more convincingly the unchangeable character of his intentions to those who were to receive what he had promised, he added an oath to the promise —"Hebrews 6.13-18 purpose of divine covenant ! " revelation of divine intentions, plan

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purpose of divine covenant ! " revelation of divine intentions, plan •" “I will establish my covenant with you” •" “I will give you this land” ! " preparation of covenant community •" “you will be my people, I will be your God” •" “you will be a great nation” •" “you will be a priestly kingdom” ! " restoration of creation purpose •" reversal of curse, promotion of blessing •" “blessed to be a blessing to all… the earth” •" “a new heaven and a new earth” covenant with Abraham I will make you a great nation, I will bless you and I will make your name great and you are to be a blessing and I will bless those who bless you and I will curse those who curse you and by you Abraham all the families of the earth will be blessed —"Genesis 12.1-3 covenant with Abraham reveals, expresses God’s commitment to bless all the families of the earth through ‘a great nation’ God is committed to restoring his creation, marred by human rebellion, using a covenant community to bring human beings back into right relationship with him

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biblical panorama — “big picture” Israel – a chosen people Adonai your God has chosen you out of all the people on the face of the earth… Adonai didn’t set his heart on you or choose you because you numbered more that any other people… you were the fewest of peoples. Rather, it was because Adonai loved you and because he wanted to keep the oath which he had sworn to your ancestors… From this you can know that Adonai your God is indeed God, the faithful God who keeps his covenant and extends grace

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the faithful God who keeps his covenant and extends grace to those who love him and observe his commandments… —"Deuteronomy 7.7-9 Israel – a nation set apart if you will pay careful attention to what I say and keep my covenant, then you will be my own treasure from among all the peoples, for all the earth is mine and you will be a kingdom of priests and a nation set apart —"Exodus 19.4-6 —"also Exodus 6:2-6; Leviticus 26.9 Deuteronomy 8.18; Ezekiel 16.60-62 covenant with Israel ! " “keep my covenant” •" refers to covenant with Abraham •" invites people of Israel into covenant ! " establishes God’s kingship over Israel •" a nation redeemed from an oppressor •" God’s possession, his subjects (vassals) ! " forms covenant community •" a royal priesthood to mediate his presence •" a nation set apart to serve his purpose •" … amidst nations of whole earth keeping covenant ! " faithful allegiance of God’s people •" preserving solemn relationship, commitment •" submission, obedience to covenant terms •" useful to God’s purposes •" blessed to be a blessing… ! " faithlessness of God’s people •" cursed, rejected, possibly eternally •" frustrates God’s plans •" does not alter God’s sworn obligation… •" his unchanging, covenant purpose endures Israel – sign to the nations I have taught you decrees and laws …observe them carefully, for this will show your wisdom and understanding to the nations, who will hear about all these decrees and say, ‘surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people’ —"Deuteronomy 4:5-6 if you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all his commands that I give you today, the LORD your God will

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commands that I give you today, the LORD your God will raise you high above all the nations on earth —"Deuteronomy 28:1 2



Israel – light to the nations I will make you a light to the nations… that my salvation can spread to ends of the earth —"Isaiah 42:6, 49:6 foreigners… join themselves to the Lord to serve him, to love the name of the Lord and to be his workers… hold fast to his covenant… for my house will be called a house of prayer for all peoples —"Isaiah 56.6-7 all nations will serve him… the whole earth filled with his glory —"Psalm 72 covenant with Israel reveals, expresses God’s commitment to use a chosen people —a covenant community— in order to reveal his love and glory to the whole world

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God chooses an unimportant tribe of people to demonstrate through them his goodness, kindness and loving faithfulness towards a world of people that has rebelled against his creation purposes biblical panorama — “big picture” covenant with David I will establish one of your descendants to succeed you, one of your flesh and blood; and I will set up his rulership; he will build a house for my name and I will establish his royal throne forever; I will be a father for him and he will be a son for me; thus your house and your kingdom will be made secure forever before you; your throne will be set up forever —"2 Samuel 7.12-16 effect of covenant with David ! " ‘kingdom’ grafted into covenant purposes —"Daniel 9.25; 2 Samuel 23.5; Isaiah 55.3

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! " “one of your descendants” •" identified as “anointed one”—“messiah” •" Jewish nation looks to God to restore them through a messianic deliverer… •" …for nearly one thousand years, even during Babylonian domination and exile purpose of covenant with David reveals, expresses God’s commitment to establish his kingdom reign on earth through one of David’s descendants relating to him as a Son to a Father

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God promises an Anointed King-to-come— a Messiah—who will restore the covenant community of Israel and establish the Reign of God eternally biblical panorama — “big picture” idolatry and exile ! "following David’s death, Solomon rules, first wisely, then committing idolatry, leading to •" fragmentation into houses of Israel, of Judah •" each exiled from Land when fail to turn from idolatry, rebellion ! "exile symbolises God’s ongoing judgement, constant, painful reminder of Israel’s sins… “by the rivers of Babylon we sat down and wept, as we remembered Zion” —"Psalm 137 ! "return from exile represents grace, sign of God’s forgiveness of Israel’s sin Israel’s return, renewal ! " popular interpretation of hope •" a glorious messianic, Davidic king •" deliverance from Gentile enemies •" restoration : “head not the tail” ! " prophetic interpretation of hope •" an inglorious, despised, sacrificial, messianic, intercessory prophet —"Isaiah 53 •" a renewed, faithful covenant community •" intimate knowledge of Torah, the Lord —"Jeremiah 31, Ezekiel 37

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•" intimate knowledge of Torah, the Lord —"Jeremiah 31, Ezekiel 37 new covenant prophesied I will cut a new covenant with the house of Israel I will put my torah within them and write it upon their hearts; they will be my people and I will be their God… all will know me, from the least to the greatest, because I will forgive their wickedness and remember their sins no more —"Jeremiah 31.31-34 new covenant characteristics ! " made “with the house of Israel” •" within framework of Abraham covenant •" Jesus “sent to lost sheep of house of Israel” —"Genesis 17.7; Matthew 15.24 ! " provides new intimacy with God •" barrier of sins removed •" torah written upon hearts •" know God – from least to greatest •" be Adonai’s people •" Adonai will be their God Jesus intercession for Israel ! " as Jewish prophet (“Son of Man”) •" calls people to repentance •" challenges traditions, Israel’s leadership ! " as Anointed Messiah (King, “Son of David”) •" revises Torah •" anointed by the Spirit •" takes Israel’s sins upon himself ! " as High Priest (“order of Melchizedek”) •" presents himself as a sacrificial offering •" guarantees “a better covenant” •" intercedes forever by power of indestructible life Pentecost ! " Jewish commemoration of receiving torah —"Exodus 34.22, Deut. 16.9-10 ! " realised, fulfilled by outpouring, indwelling of Spirit •" torah “written upon hearts” —"Romans 8.1-7 •" providing new intimacy with God —"Romans 8.26-27 biblical panorama — “big picture” “all nations”… gentiles? ! " “make disciples of all nations (ethnos)” •" new covenant with “house of Israel”…

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! " “make disciples of all nations (ethnos)” •" new covenant with “house of Israel”… •" Jews amongst all nations? •" “ethnos” = gentiles •" confirmation of hints from Jesus, Tanakh —"Matthew 8.8-12; Luke 14.15-24 —"Acts 10-15; Romans 9.24-25, 10.19 ! " gentile incorporation into covenant community… •" social questions… •" covenant (theological) questions… social incorporation of gentiles ! " overcome Jewish, gentile tradition, prejudice •" “for a man who is a Jew to have a close association with someone who belongs to another people, or to come and visit him, is something that just isn’t done” —"Acts 10:28-29 ! " new revelation of acceptability of all peoples •" “but God has shown me not to call any person common or unclean… I now understand that God does not play favourites, but that whoever fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him, no matter what people he belongs to.” —"Acts 10:34-35 covenant incorporation of gentiles ! " theological questions •" roots : patriarchs, covenants, history? —"Romans 9.4-5 •" require Jewish conversion, circumcision? —"Romans 11.16-24, 9.4; Galatians 6.15 ! " Sh’aul, Paul •" trained as Pharisee (“Parush”) •" takes on task of theological explanation •" defends messianic covenant, community gentiles : foreigners to the covenants remember your former state: you gentiles by birth… at that time had no Messiah; you were estranged from the national life of Israel; you were foreigners to the covenants embodying God’s promise; you were in this world without hope and without God —"Ephesians 2.11-12


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—"Ephesians 2.11-12 gentiles : once far off, now brought near but now, you who were once far off have been brought near through the shedding of Messiah’s blood; for he himself is our shalom — he has made us both one and has broken down the m’chitzah which divided us, by destroying in his own body the enmity occasioned by the Torah… he did this in order to create in union with himself from the two groups a single new humanity and thus make shalom… —"Ephesians 2.13-15 gentiles : members of God’s family when he came he announced as Good News shalom to you far off and shalom to those nearby, news that through him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father so then you are no longer foreigners and strangers; on the contrary, you are fellow-citizens with God’s people and members of God’s family —"Ephesians 2.17-19 former state of gentiles …in this world without hope •" without God •" no Messiah … estranged •" from the national life of Israel •" foreigners to the covenants new state of gentiles … through being united with Messiah •" fellow citizens of God’s family •" joined to house, commonwealth of Israel •" grafted into vine of Israel •" incorporated into covenant community … resulting in •" messianic, new-covenant community •" single new humanity of Jews, gentiles •" mystical body of messiah gentiles share faith of Abraham the Tanakh, foreseeing that God would consider the Gentiles

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the Tanakh, foreseeing that God would consider the Gentiles righteous when they live by trusting and being faithful, told the Good News to Abraham in advance, by saying, “in connection with you, all nations will be blessed” —"Galatians 3.8 gentile receive blessing of Abraham Jesus did this so that in union with him the Gentiles might receive the blessing announced to Abraham, so that through trusting and being faithful we might receive what was promised, namely, the Spirit… in union with the Messiah, you are all children of God through this trusting faithfulness; if you belong to the Messiah, you are seed of Abraham and heirs according to the promise —"Galatians 3:9,14,26-29 gentiles united spiritually to Messiah ! " becoming spiritual “seed of Abraham” •" “heirs according to promise” ! " through trusting, being faithful •" “receiving blessing of Abraham” — •" “I have blessed you… you are to be a blessing to all families of earth…” —"Genesis 12.1-3 ! " sharing in covenant purpose : blessed to be a blessing to all nations the Spirit Jesus did this so that in union with him the Gentiles might receive the blessing announced to Abraham, so that through trusting and being faithful we might receive what was promised, namely, the Spirit… ! "imparts life, deliverance from death —"Romans 8.10-11 ! "transforms us from glory to glory —"2 Corinthians 3.18 purpose of new covenant reveals, expresses God’s commitment to create a faithful covenant community, receiving shalom, forgiveness of sin and Holy Spirit God pours out his Holy Spirit to create an

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God pours out his Holy Spirit to create an anointed, messianic covenant community, “a single new humanity”—a mystical body of Messiah— comprising Jew and Gentile together, reaching out to all nations with Good News of God’s reign through his Messiah God’s eternal purpose God’s eternal purpose accomplished in the Messiah Jesus… —"Ephesians 3.11 in bringing many sons to glory, it was fitting that God, the Creator and Preserver of everything should bring the Captain of their salvation to the goal through suffering —"Hebrews 2.9-10 new covenant glory ! " Son, radiance of Sh’kinah •" Hebrew, divine light and presence •" “very expression of God’s essence” —"Hebrews 1.1-3 ! " transformed into his image, glory to glory —"2 Corinthians 3.17-4.6


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! " suffer with him… glorified with him —"Romans 8.17; 2 Timothy 2.10-12 resurrection heralds glorious new creation ! "messianic community’s hope of future glory —"Romans 8.18 ! "creation released from bondage to decay —"Romans 8.19-23; 1 Corinthians 15.35-57 ! "a “home of righteousness” —"2 Peter 3.13; Revelation 21.27 ! "…in which God will dwell gloriously with his people, in fulfilment of covenant promises —"Revelation 21-22 biblical panorama — “big picture” biblical panorama — “big picture” eternal purpose of God : summary God, acting throughout history through a covenant community, blessing his people to be a blessing with one unchanging eternal purpose to bring many people…

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with one unchanging eternal purpose to bring many people… from every nation, tribe, people, language to participate in the kingdom of God and a glorious new creation! God’s prophetic express train eternal purpose like a locomotive… ! " powerful •" power provided by train — not passengers •" train’s purpose fulfilled by passengers ! " pre-planned route •" crises may threaten, change route •" journey may be complicated, difficult… ! " destination confirmed •" passengers entrusting themselves to train guaranteed to arrive at glorious destination! being at the station isn’t enough you must get on board! ! "submitting to leadership of the King ! "joining messianic covenant community, uniting with corporate calling, purpose, destiny ! "taking personal responsibility for involvement with God’s eternal purpose ! "positioned for empowerment, victory over forces of evil… ! "God confirms his covenant in people with whom he is outworking eternal purpose the harvests of the earth the vocation of the messianic covenant community the eternal purpose academy of mission a series of presentations published by Eternal Purpose Institute for Missiological Research and Education downloadable under licence, free-of-charge the eternal purpose academy of mission this work is licensed for use and distribution under the terms of a Creative Commons licence to understand what this means visit:

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