August 09
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'eternal purpose‘ academy of mission
the vocation of the messianic covenant community gathering the covenant harvests introduction !!God’s eternal purpose for creation… !!a covenant community •! revealing his essential nature—his glory •! revealing his purposes for his creation •! co-operating with him !!partnering with Messiah in gathering “covenant harvests” of the earth covenant harvests a harvest of gentile peoples a harvest of “all nations” every ethnos go and make people from all nations into disciples, baptising them into the reality of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you —!Matthew 28.19 nations = ethnos = ethnic people groups •! different by ethnic origin •! different by language •! different by culture, religion, caste •! different by political nationality nation, tribe, people, language I looked and there before me was a huge crowd, too large for anyone to count, from every nation, tribe, people and language; they were standing in front of the throne and in front of the Lamb… —!Revelation 7.9 who? •! ethné = race, ethnic people •! phulé = tribe, clan •! laos = nation, people •! glossa = language great commission !!after-thought of Jesus? no: God’s eternal, unchanging purpose !!“bible explains mission” no: “mission explains the bible”!
mission mobilisation through leadership education— 8