Quarterly Issue Volume 3-2017
Summer Sizzle Recap By Sarah Shetley, CE Summer Intern
Our summer sizzle program has been full of adventure! In Sunday school we have ventured from the garden of Eden to the walls of Jericho. Our own feet have been in the creeks of Montreat, at the Upstate Children's Museum, and even the ice cream shop at Clemson! In Sprout and Soar Camps we learned about being lights for God, and how to serve others.
For me it has been a pleasure to explore God's Word with the children of EPC, and to serve alongside of them. Thank you all for your hospitality, kindness, and welcoming attitudes that have made this summer such a pleasant experience.
“Thank you all for your hospitality, kindness, and welcoming attitudes that have made this summer such a pleasant experience.�
By Sarah Shetley, CE Summer Intern
Montreat by Thomas Clanton
n July, 22 high school youth and 5 adults attended the Montreat Youth Conference. The theme for this year was “Missing Peace�. Through daily keynotes, small groups, and worship time we learned how to find peace with and through Christ. We had a great time doing energizers and singing classic and modern worship songs. We were able to gather back at the house after these worship sessions to recap what we had learned and grow closer as a group. The cool air and mountain landscape gave oppor tunities for us to rest and listen to what God was teaching us. Montreat is a week of growth and renewal equipping us to go into the new school year looking to be the hands and feet of Christ.
EPCMiddle Mission Trip by Thomas Clanton
In early June, 26 Middle School Students and 8 adults spent a week serving the city of Asheville through Asheville Youth Mission. Our group returned to First Presbyterian of Asheville to spend the week, sleeping on floors and eating in makeshift Sunday School rooms. Throughout the week the AYM staff sent us out to work at various local ministries. This summer was EPC’s 4th summer serving the Asheville community. This familiarity has allowed our middle school youth to see the growth and change that takes place over the years.
This year we returned to the Veterans Restoration Quarters(VRQ), an old hotel converted to house veterans in transition. For the past few years the VRQ has been clearing land to create a nature trail to provide a peaceful escape for residents. This year we were able to witness the opening of that trail and were able to assist in its upkeep. We were able to return to Haywood Street Congregation and see the progress this church has made in ministering to a predominantly homeless congregation. We also had new experiences that helped change our perspective. We visited a clinic for adults with brain injuries. We spent a morning playing with children at a school for those with disabilities. We would end each evening reflecting on our service and learning how God creates space for his Spirit to move in the world. After this week of service our hearts have grown in love and connection with the city of Asheville and look forward to seeing its continued growth.
EPCHigh Mission Trip by Thomas Clanton
Later on in June, 17 high school youth and 4 adults visited Washington D.C. to participate in a program called the Pilgrimage. We stayed in a church basement located in the DuPont Circle area of DC. During our trip we heard from different people about the struggles and needs in DC. The Coalition for the Homeless walked us through different parts of the city so we could see the areas in need and talk to the people there. We were able to interact with many homeless people during our trip. The youth were able to see a different perspective and learn that people are just people and we share the same needs and desires.
The most impactful place we visited was Charlie’s Place, a soup kitchen and clothes closet. Each morning, at 5:30 AM, a group of 5 or 6 of us would volunteer at Charlie’s Place. We would help prepare the morning meal and distribute the clothing. We were shocked at the lack of clothing. Several times we had to tell the visitors we couldn’t help them with their clothing request. However, each of us were moved by the gratitude of the visitors and how thankful they were for whatever they received. We learned a lot from our trip to our nation’s capital and gained a deeper understanding of the different lives people live throughout our country.
Welcome New Members!
Gene Johnston
160 Eliz Lane Marietta, SC 29661 864-430-7563
Yvonne Smith
105 Perry Hill Road Easley, SC 29640 864-855-3518
Baptism The Sacrament of Baptism was administered to Peri Viginia Ritchie on May 14, 2017. She is the daughter of Josh and Megan Ritchie.
Congratulations! Congratulations to
Samantha Lake & Grant Hollis IV married on March 18, 2017
Congratulations to
Katie Doerring & Nick DiPietro Congratulations to
Kaitlyn Myers & Brian Wilbanks married on July 1, 2017
married on June 17, 2017
The Preschool Summer Camps The Preschool had 5 very successful Summer Camps ! Our fun themes were: Carnival, Sweet Summertime Treats, Bugs ‘n Butterflies, Christmas in July, and Princesses and Pirates!
Our enrollment for the new school year has increased to 60 children!! We have grown and are very excited for the new year!! We have added a K4 teacher, LaBarbara Machen, who will have 12 students this fall. The 2’s classes still have availability for 5 days. Please contact our The Prescchool office soon if you are interested in enrolling your child or would like to drop in for a tour and more information! Our “Meet the Teacher Night” is on Thursday, August 24th from 6-8 pm. The First Day of School is on Monday, August 28, 9:00 am-1:00 pm!
Contact Jen Willey, Preschool Director @ 859-0737 or Also, visit The Preschool on Facebook!
Amazing Grays Amazing Grays Coming up this Fall... • August 10 - Flat Rock Playhouse • September 21 - Stawberry Hill and Lunch at the Cafe (Chesnee, SC) • October 19 - Highlands, NC shopping and lunch • November 30 - Grove Park Inn • December - Christmas Concert at Prebyterian College
The Amazing Grays group took a trip to the Carl Sandburg Home in Flat Rock, NC in June and met at the Easley Area Museum for a presentation by Chad Stewart in July.
PW The Birthday Offering The Birthday Offering, begun in 1922, is an annual tradition that has funded nearly 100 major mission projects that continue to make a difference in the lives of women and children. One of the three projects this year is an emergency shelter for victims of domestic violence in Georgetown and Horry Counties in South Carolina. EPW enjoys having lunch with our church staff after the Birthday Offering dedication service.
The members of FROG Circle enjoy a special meal after their May meeting.
All women are invited to join EPW, which provides an opportunity to serve God in our
church, community, and the world through prayer, mission projects, congregational care, and Christian hospitality. Circles provide an opportunity for small group fellowship and Bible study. After the summer break, circles will meet in September. Please watch the bulletin insert for information about upcoming meetings.
School Supplies for UCM and Thornwell Our Summer Mission Project is collecting school supplies to share with United Christian Ministries and Thornwell. Please place items in the EPW Missions box in the Sunday school office.
Rally Day @ EPC August 27
• Morning Worship @ 9:00 & 11:00 AM • Sunday School @ 10:00 AM
- Promotion for all children & youth - Adults meet in Fellowship Hall
• Arran Farms - 820 Lenhardt Rd., Easley SC 29640 - 3:00-5:00 PM Fellowship & Games
- 5:00 PM Mutt’s BBQ Supper > Click HERE to sign up < - Worship to follow
koi·no·ni·a The communion we share in Christ. Visit for more information and to sign up.