Dec 15 Jan 16
The Good News:
Easley Presbyterian Church ...a Great Place to Grow
In This Issue Feature Articles I Am Grateful for the EPC Family by Stephanie Miller Entering Into Advent by Ginna Lister EPC Making A Difference SMILEY Bag Project by Abigail Caldwell Bonclarken Praise, Prayer, Pizza
Feature Events Lessons & Carols Service Children’s Choir Presents “Nativity” Grace & Gratitude Women’s Retreat Tote Bags for Children Amazing Grays
Member News Weddings & Thank You Notes
Calendars & Upcoming Events Calendar Birthdays & Anniversaries
I’m Grateful for the EPC Family by Stephanie Miller
We first became involved with EPC a couple years ago when a friend invited my children to take part in VBS. They had so much fun meeting new friends, making crafts and learning songs that they kept asking me when the next VBS would be. They were quite sad to learn it would be a whole year until they could return! After the second year of attending VBS and even more enthusiasm from my kids to return, I started bringing them to Wonderful Wednesdays. Since having moved to SC in 2009, we didn’t have a church home and had been looking for somewhere that we fit in. My kids easily integrated with their groups and I found myself able to sit and enjoy a sermon while knowing my children were being well looked after. From this point, we started attending Sunday school classes and services. The welcome we received from members of the church was overwhelming. We quickly went from being visitors of the church to feeling like a part of the family.
Stephanie Miller Luke, Quinn, Riley
The decision to join the church this past spring was an easy one. EPC has quickly become like a second home for my children and I. I am so grateful for the church and all that it has given us.
Entering into Advent by Ginna Lister
The evening of November 29 was a bit dreary and wet, but the scenes inside the Fellowship Hall were filled with smiles, warm fellowship and beautiful sights and sounds of Advent. Many came together to make a live Advent wreath to take home as a centerpiece of the season. Each was different and lovely but all held the symbols of four purple candles for the four weeks of Advent and the white Christ candle in the middle to remind us of the birth of our Savior. Following wreath making, we gathered around tables for a warm bowl of soup, sandwiches and a chance to catch up with friends after the Thanksgiving weekend.
Robert and Marianne then led us in singing both new and familiar Advent hymns. The highlight was the printed artwork and descriptions that went with each hymn. What a wonderful way to enter slowly, peacefully and thoughtfully into this often rushed, busy and chaotic season. As the first candles of Advent were lit that night, it was a reminder to us to walk as children of light in this dark world.
“In him there is no darkness at all. The night and the day are both alike. The Lamb is the light of the city of God. Shine in my heart, Lord Jesus.�
EPC Making a Difference through the SMILEY Bag Project A desire to share love with children affected by the flooding in September, the idea of SMILEY Bagsyellow, seasonal treat bags – came to life. Once our mission became known, the outpouring of support proved God’s love abounds! Within days our dining room table was covered with candy, toys, pencils, erasers and much more, and an account was opened for the monetary donations from the EPC family. The community - Easley and Powdersville High Schools along with First Baptist Church - shared in our mission. With so much support and some amazing volunteers, we assembled 305 SMILEY Bags - stuffed full and marked with a specially designed sticker - and delivered them to South Kilbourne Elementary School in time for Halloween. The Suburban packed with little yellow bags, my mom, Thomas and I headed to Columbia. As I remembered the fun of holiday treat bags from my elementary school days, I knew the kids would appreciate the goodies; I certainly was not anticipating the outpouring of love and utmost appreciation we received. The principal, Dr. Norton, is an incredible woman running this Title 1 School of 267 precious children. She welcomed us with open arms and a warm heart. Our special gift was that Dr. Norton escorted us to every classroom, where we witnessed the beautiful reactions from so many children when we personally handed them a SMILEY Bag. What an amazing experience!
Thomas and I, along with four helpful friends, returned to South Kilbourne for a second time with 301 Thanksgiving-themed SMILEY bags. Honestly, I don’t know who is more blessed from this experience! The children’s faces lit up when they saw us with more yellow bags. They told us stories of how they played with the toys from our last delivery; they remembered certain candy pieces they liked; some even remembered our names! This time, we visited each classroom, shared hugs in the hallways and read a book to one class in the library, and we talked with the children about things in their lives for which they are thankful.
The best part of our second trip, though, was when a darling third grade boy named Johnny said to us, “Y’all will always be in my heart!” We have a final SMILEY Bag delivery planned for Christmas. The task of filling them has already begun. I can’t help but feel a bit of sadness that this will be our last trip. When we started this mission, I was helping others. As we’ve fulfilled our mission, I am the one forever changed by the experience. God works in so many ways – even through little yellow bags. Abigail Caldwell
late October, 32 Middle School students and a handful of volunteers took the short ride to the Bonclarken Retreat Center for the annual Presbyterian Youth Council’s (PYC) Middle School Retreat. Our church joined the other middle school youth groups from our presbytery to learn more about our theme, “Signed, Sealed, Delivered”. Fellow church member, Ali Riehm, was in charge of leading the music for the weekend. Child of the church, and current minister in Sumter, South Carolina, Rev. Josie Cutchin Holler was the keynote speaker. Through energizers, singing, preaching, and small group time, the middle school youth of Foothills Presbytery learned that Baptism is a sign of belonging to Christ and the church, that they have been sealed into the family of God through the Holy Spirit, and that they have been delivered from their sins and into the loving arms of God. The youth were asked to remember their baptism. They were asked to remember the promises that they made or that their parents made for them and to remember that they are part of the family of God. Bonclarken provided a beautiful backdrop for this teaching. Our youth were given the ability to enjoy the nature and beauty of the campsite during their free time. They were also given the opportunity to experience the high ropes course adventures that the conference center offered. This conference gave our youth the freedom and ability to experience new things in a Christ-like manner. They were able to bond not only with their own home group, but with other youth their age from around the upstate.
Praise, Prayer, Pizza P
raise, Prayer, Pizza (PPP) was held this October at the home of Wayne and Talita Prins. PPP is a youth event that combines middle school and high school youth group for a time of worshiping God together. It is also a time for youth of every age group to be able to interact with each other. This gives older youth a chance to provide leadership to those who are younger than them.
And it gives the younger youth a chance to meet high schoolers who they look up to and may have never had the chance to interact with. We had a great time hanging out outside in the beautiful fall weather and taking an interactive look at the book of Philippians. We are looking forward to the next Praise, Prayer, Pizza this spring.
A Service of Lessons and Carols The first Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols was held at King’s College on Christmas Eve 1918. It was planned by Eric Milner-White, who desired to bring more imaginative worship into the Church of England. The Service has traditionally begun with the hymn “Once in Royal David’s City”, but otherwise the carols may change from year to year, but the backbone of the service — the scripture readings remain mostly unchanged. Almost immediately other churches adapted the service for their own use. A wider frame began to grow when the service was first broadcast in 1928 and, with the exception of 1930, it has been broadcast annually, even during the Second World War. It continues to be televised and digitally broadcast around the world. One correspondent writes that he heard the service in a tent on the foothills of Everest; another, in the desert. Many listen at home, busy about their own preparations for Christmas. Visitors from all over the world are heard to identify the Chapel as ‘the place where the Carols are sung’. Wherever the service is heard and however it is adapted, whether the music is provided by choir or congregation, the pattern and strength of the service, as Dean Milner-White pointed out, derive from the lessons and not the music. ‘The main theme is the development of the loving purposes of God ...’ seen ‘through the windows and words of the Bible’. The Service of Lessons and Carols tells the story of God’s great work of salvation from the beginning of creation, through the words of the prophets, and the birth of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. The carols help bring emotive imagery and creativity into the telling of this story. On Sunday, December 6th at 11:00am, Easley Presbyterian Church will present its own version of the Service of Lessons and Carols. You are invited to come and hear with fresh ears this Story of Redemption. The music will be presented by the adult choir, handbell choir, and guest orchestra.
Children’s Choir Presents: “Nativity” on Wednesday, December 16 @ 6:15 PM
The beloved manger scene which adorns Christian homes and churches each Christmas season traces its beginnings back to Francis of Assisi, who wanted to humanize the teachings of the scriptures and to remind Christians of the humble beginnings of Jesus Christ their Savior. In 1224, Francis conceived his plan for a living manger scene while watching shepherds in the field outside the village of Greccio, Italy. He went to the Pope himself to seek permission to perform his Nativity scene and then sought help from a wealthy nobleman named Giovanni of Greccio, who Francis knew, “valued nobility of blood less than nobility of soul.” Giovanni gave Francis the space in a hillside cave outside the village for his manger scene. Before Christmas came, news spread through the countryside that Francis was planning a unique and special Christmas Eve, the villagers lit torches and walked up through the trees toward the manger, bringing the hillside alive with their bright light. Francis read the words of the gospel which described the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem and the crowd was awestruck, moved to silence by the beauty and simplicity of the moment. The gathered Christians left the manger singing hymns and carried their torches back into the village. The beauty of the night was not soon forgotten by those who had witnessed it. Many understood the true meaning of the birth in the stable in Bethlehem fully for the first time that night. Thereafter, a living manger scene or a set of carved figures became increasingly part of the Christmas tradition in Italy, and eventually spread to many other Christian lands. You are invited to join us on Wednesday, December 16 to experience this live Nativity as our children retell the Christmas story through drama and music.
Grace and Gratitude Women’s Retreat led by Ginna Lister
Our annual retreat for women will be a day-retreat at Solitude Pointe, just outside of Cleveland, SC. Mark your calendars now to reserve Saturday, February 13, 2016 for the food, fun and fellowship the day will bring! All women of EPC are invited for a day away to relax together as Ginna leads us in a study of “Growing in Grace and Gratitude.” She will facilitate small discussion groups and crafts. Of course, there will be plenty of good food, and plenty of time to enjoy the mountain setting and the chance to make some new friends! Brochures for registration will be available in January.
TOTE BAGS FOR CHILDREN Do You Sew? The Easley Presbyterian Women are looking for help from all who can sew. One of their projects this year is to provide tote bags for children in Pickens County who are removed from their homes by DSS. The sample with specific instructions can be found in the Sunday School Office. Contact Wilma Shealy at 864-855-0650 for more information.
Amazing Grays . . .
always on the go! November Train Ride “The weather was beautiful! There was still enough fall color to be enjoyable. Great Trip!”~ Martha Daniels “It is always fun spending time with the folks that attend our outings. It was a beautiful day even though the leaves were past their peak.” ~ Wilma Shealy
December 3 Christmas Living Gallery Lessons and Carols at Bob Jones University. The tickets have already been purchased. We will leave the Church at 3:30 pm and return around 8:30 pm. Bring money to eat dinner after the show. January 6 Bingo @ Foothills Presbyterian Community We will meet there in the lobby at 12:30 pm. We will eat lunch with the residents and then play Bingo with them at 1:30 pm in the craft room. Bring money for lunch and white elephant gifts with you that day. Sign up in the Church office. February 3 Finacancial Planning Goals Wednesday, February 3, 2016 at 10:00 am in the Sojourner’s Sunday School room. Do you have any Financial or Insurance questions that you might like answered? Come hear some advice that a couple Church members are willing to share with you to help clarify your planning goals. We will eat lunch at the Little Bistro in Liberty at 12:00. A sign up sheet for lunch will be in the Church office.
The Staff of Easley Presbyterian Church wishes you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Thank You! I want to thank everyonw who gave cookies to the Kairos Prison Ministry. A cookie is a small thing and making cookies may not seem important to a ministry. But, being able to eat unlimited cookies is often the only way we can get a prisoner to listen to the message of Jesus Christ. Blessing to each of you! In His Love, Tracy Barnes
Congratulations to
April Venable &
John Dubose
married on October 17, 2015
Do you like to cook? Have you ever thought about helping to prepare the meal for Wonderful Wednesday? The Fellowship Committee is looking for an individual or a group who would like to prepare a meal. It is a great way to utilize our new facilities! If you are interested, please contact Chuck Dawkins at 864-855-2723 or 864-449-0926 (after 5:00 pm please) for details.
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1 Joy Circle, 7:00 p.m., Church Parlor THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3 Amazing Grays Outing SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6 Lessons & Carols Service, 11:00 a.m. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9 Wednesday AM Circle, 10:00 a.m., Library Gift Making Workshop- Children, 6:15 p.m.
FRIDAY, JANUARY 1 Church Office Closed
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10 FROG Circle, 10:00 a.m., E201
TUESDAY, JANUARY 5 Joy Circle, 7:00 p.m., Church Parlor
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13 Journey Circle, 6:30 p.m.
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6 Amazing Grays Outing Wonderful Wednesday resumes
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16 Children’s Nativity and Cookie Walk, 6:15 p.m. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20 Christmas Caroling, 6:00 p.m.
SUNDAY, JANUARY 10 First Grade Worship Education, 11:00 a.m. Installation of Officers, 11:00 a.m. Officer’s Retreat, 2:00 p.m.
MONDAY, DECEMBER 21 Book Club, 7:00 p.m.
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13 Wednesday AM Circle, 10:00 a.m., Library
TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22 SHINE, 4:00 p.m. Sisters In Christ Circle, 6:30 p.m., Library
THURSDAY, JANUARY 14 FROG Circle, 10:00 a.m., E201
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23 No Wonderful Wednesday
SUNDAY, JANUARY 17 Session & Diaconate Meeting, 6:00 p.m. Journey Circle, 6:30 p.m.
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24 Church Office Closed Christmas Eve Services, 5:00 & 8:00 p.m.
MONDAY, JANUARY 18 Book Club, 7:00 p.m.
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25 Church Office Closed
FRIDAY, JANUARY 22-24 EPCHigh Ski Trip, Winter Place
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 27 Covered-Dish Breakfast, 10:00 a.m.
TUESDAY, JANUARY 26 SHINE, 4:00 p.m. Sisters In Christ Circle, 6:30 p.m., Library
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30 PW Coordinating Team No Wonderful Wednesday
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27 PW Coordinating Team
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31 Church Office Closed
SUNDAY, JANUARY 31 Equipping the Saints, 4:00 p.m.
Happy Birthday! 1
Dan Nunnery Carys Waddington Mali Col贸n Quinn Miller 2 Nick Fletcher Barbara Gutwein Scott Wilbanks Chloe Garrison Sarah Guerry 3 Anne Lewis Phil Lyles Randy Ross Ginny Wallace Luke Willis 4 Betty Melton 5 Brian Bowick 6 John Mollenhauer Kim Lanford Wes Frierson Kent Moore Taylor Gravely Mary Gray Cox 7 Flo Findley Mario DiPietro Noah Prins
Mel Thompson Deke Van Wagner
Peggy Mattson Matt Anderson Brian Wilbanks
Rebecca Robinson Chad Stewart Parker Moore Keith Porter
Nicholas Price
Sherry Erickson Lynda Col贸n
Bill Lewis Ashley Weisner Brantly Moore Campbell Jameson Olivia Roach Madi Moore
Linda Black
Jean Moore Cathy Clark
Bob Hunt Olivia Garrison
Paul Humbert Paul Anderson
Lynne Dyches Lauren Stover
Vicki Oxendine Chad Lister Alexandra Dawkins Samantha Dawkins
Mel Brock
Charlie Cox Rose Wilson Valerie Brock
Frank Prince Anna Katherine Syracuse
Buck Collins Mike Lowery Gretchen Goodwin Michael Ellison Chris Cousins
Cresada Beane Amanda Vickery Jennifer Simmons
Phil Darity Kallie Bennett Mary Frances Burnett Kaitlyn Ellison Abigail Norris William Kilborn
Samiel Martin Carl Walsh Wanda Hagood
Jack Brock Ricky Gantt Logan Guerry
LeAnn Heil
John Cutchin Abigail Caldwell Grace LaFata
David Houck
Happy Anniversary! Jeff & Anna Leieritz John & Debbie Cutchin Scott & Renee Price Jason & Alicia Merck Chris & Tonya Ard Brian & Claudia Gibbons Dan & Ann Hancock Louis & Shirley Shepard Sam & Martha Daniels Troy & Suzanne Carter Matt & Tracey Lake Jon & Rachel Coon Hal & Sally Smith Hal & Linda Black Brad & Angela Simpson Ashley & Angela Weisner Ralph & Mary Boggess Jim & Betty McInnis Joe & Rose Wilson Gene & Pat Young Joe & Tammy Davis
7 9 9 11 14 14 15 15 17 18 19 22 24 26 27 28 29 29 29 29 31
January 1
Happy Birthday!
Sharon Beard Charlene Brock Grace Cook Curtis Davis Aaron Ellison Brayden Ellison Drew Schonhar 3 Walker Cox 4 Harry Carson Anna English Sharron Godfrey Dyke Spencer 5 Ken Kavanagh Sue Kavanagh Beth Taylor 6 Ellen Davis John DuBose Matthew Wilbanks 7 Terry Ledford Farrell Moss Cyndi Sheriff
Cathlin Guernsey Grayson Howerton Patsy Rogers
Bobbi Laue Cynthia Waddell
Arden Van Wagner
Wylie Furr Stacey Garrison
Cherie Benton
Jacob Davis Debra Gantt Joyce Massingill
Seth Cook Deborah Mintz Parker Myhand Ben Prins
Brad Barker Deedie Hancock Bob Hazen Frank Ward
Joan Groome Hannah Willis
Samantha Lake Don Lorey Jackie Orr Jason Sanders
Kelvin Kearse
Sally Hansen Zachary Stover Ron Taylor
Lydia Branham David Owen
Jennifer Willis
David Reed
Jack Nunnery John Robinson
Jim Brice Sara Kavanah Richard Mintz Ashley Nicholson Rebecca Parker Katie Porter Clark Rettberg Bill Wilhelm Ben LaBrash
Barry Brock Sandy Lamberson Parker Smith Meg Sullivan
Margaret Bishop
Happy Anniversary! Rick & Eleanor Swillen Harry & Lynn Human Cliff & Reschin Moore Gary & Brenda Thompson Matt & Sally Boozer Tony & Charlene Brock Randy & Ann Todd Tracy & Sally Barnes Bill & Kaye Bowick Erick & Kellie King Jack & Tonya Drawdy Jim & Barbara Stuckey Jim & Melissa Robinson
4 5 5 6 7 14 15 19 20 21 25 29 30
200 South 1st Street Easley, SC 29640 864.859.4220
Church Staff
Wo r s h i p : S u n d a y 9 : 0 0 A M a n d 1 1 : 0 0 A M Sunday School: 10:00 AM
Pastor Rev. Dr. Bill Seel
Church Officers
Associate Pastor Rev. Christie Gravely Director of Christian Education Ginna Lister Director of Youth & Missions Thomas Clanton Director of Music Robert Norris Organist Marianne Norris Kindergarten Director Libby Dodson Church Secretary Jonene Garrett Financial Secretary Kathleen Steen Christian Education Secretary Cynde Whitmire Building Superintendent Tony Brock Asst. Building Superintendent Mel Brock
Session Class of 2017 Class of 2015 Class of 2016 Nick Caldwell Stewart Bauknight Phil Barker Tracey Lake Scott Beane Floride Caldwell Dennis Latham Karen Cooper Paul Cook Richard Mintz Joel Ledbetter John Cutchin Ruth Rice Phil Lyles Chuck Dawkins Alfred Robinson Monty Oxendine Terri French Billy Waddell Carl Walsh Kathy Lyles David Weaver Scott Wilbanks Dan Nunnery Elder Emeritus: Bill Robinson
Diaconate Class of 2015 Linda Black Rick Gantt Jennifer Graham Meg Jewell Steve Lewis Wilma Shealy Elizabeth Weaver David Whittemore
Class of 2016 Barry Brock Dottie Grantham David Houck Greg Lucas Deborah Mintz David Mitchell Heidi Roach Will Young
Class of 2017 Greg Branham Kelli Burnett Rachel Coon Clare Nunnery Rex Rice Chuck Riehm Robert Sams Carey York
Trustees Hubert Bowick
Dan Spearman
Dexter Rogers
The mission of Easley Presbyterian Church is to reach out and invite people to join in the life and love of Jesus Christ, to nurture them in the Christian faith within the tenets of Presbyterianism and to send them into the world to serve.