The Greek word,
, is defined as
Christian fellowship or communion, with God or, more commonly, with fellow
Christians. As we begin a new church year, it is easy to reflect on all the ways that we experience koinonia at Easley Presbyterian Church. Whether we are sharing a meal around the tables at Wonderful Wednesday, studying and discussing God’s Word in Sunday School or playing on the playground in the Big Backyard, we are experiencing koinonia.
When women gather in small groups for Bible study and missions or men gather over coffee and biscuits, we are experiencing koinonia. When middle school youth walk to the church on Wednesdays or go on retreat, we are experiencing koinonia. When high school youth gather on Sunday nights to learn, play and fellowship, we are experiencing koinonia. When choirs rehearse, pray together and add songs of praise to our weekly worship, we are experiencing koinonia. When children are singing, playing, creating, acting, learning and laughing at VBS or Wonderful Wednesdays, we are experiencing koinonia. When adults call children and youth by name and say to them, “You are a beloved child of God.”, we are experiencing koinonia. When we pass one another in the halls, worship outdoors and enjoy BBQ together, we are experiencing koinonia. When God’s people gather around the communion table, pass the bread and the cup or welcome a newly baptized baby to our fold, we are experiencing koinonia. In all these ways and many more we clearly experience this mysterious, beautiful and wonderful fellowship/communion with God and with each other.
And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes., they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved. Acts 2:42-47
Kathy Lyles
The Discovery class will study the book of Isaiah this year. We will look at his prophecies of gloom and doom, as well as his prophecies of hope and salvation. We'll understand these in their historical context and what they mean for us today.
Laura & Eric Anthony
This class provides a place for adults (mainly with children) to grow and learn in Christ. However, we also have singles and grandparents in our class! All are welcome. Seasons will be studying the book titled Liturgy of the Ordinary by Tish Harrison Warren, We look forward to seeing you in Seasons class this year.
Seeking Fellowship
Duane Hurne & Daniel Lee
During this year we will delve into the subject, “When bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people.” We will use the book of Job as our guide. All are welcome to join us for this study.
Anne Seel
We will begin this year with a study on church life by using Gerald L. Sittser’s book, Love One Another: Becoming the Church Jesus Longs For. Stages is a diverse group who enjoys learning together about God and welcomes folks of all ages and “stages,” to join them any Sunday.
Life & Faith
Floride & Nick Caldwell
Life & Faith is a class of college - age young adults that will meet during college break times and during the summer. Join us when you can!
Equipping the Saints - “Discerning Right from Wrong” led by Dr. Bill Seel Sundays at 4:00 PM Classes will meet for seven weeks in the fall and seven weeks in the spring. Together we will examine how Christians go about establishing the right foundations for a Biblical morality and we will look at some of the issues of our day in light of a Biblical morality.
Fall Semester September 24 - November 12
Visit for more information and to register.
Men’s Breakfast Bible Study meets each Thursday at 7:00 AM in the Church Library for fellowship, food and faith. The group rotates through a variety of books of the Bible and other Christian living books. All ages are welcome. Please contact Robert Sams (616-3987) for more information. Easley Presbyterian Women (EPW) is an inclusive and caring community of women who are committed to nurturing faith through prayer, Bible study and supporting the mission of the church worldwide. EPW Circles (small groups) meet regularly for fellowship and Bible study. EPW also serves the church by providing missionsrelated or spiritual growth-related events and activities throughout the year. Most circles will use the PW/Horizons Bible study entitled Cloud of Witnesses: The Community of Christ in Hebrews. The Sisters in Christ circle will use Cast of Characters, common People in the Hands of An Uncommon God by Max Lucado. For more information please contact EPW Moderator, Carolyn Brice at 313-3153, or by email at
FROG (Forever Relying On God) Circle meets the second Thursday of each month in Room E203 at 10:00 AM. Journey Circle meets the third Sunday of each month at 6:30 PM for a meal followed by the meeting in the Church Library or a member’s home. Joy Circle meets the first Tuesday of each month in the Church Parlor or a member’s home at 7:00 PM. Sisters in Christ Circle meets the third Tuesday of each month in the Church Library at 6:30 PM. Wednesday AM Circle meets on the second Wednesday of each month in the Church Library at 10:00 AM.
Youth Sunday School Class
6th Grade
Lori & Barry Brock
Kelvin Kearse & Phil Darity
This class will explore a survey of the Old Testament.
7th Grade
MaLee & Mel Thompson
Thomas Clanton
This class studies the message of the New Testament. E104 th
8 Grade Cherie & Dennis Latham Clare & Dan Nunnery (Confirmation) This class has an in-depth study of the Christian faith to prepare for confirmation. 9th-12th Grades Chad Lister & Paul Humbert
Pam & Eric Dillon
The High School Sunday school class covers a variety of topics that are relevant to the life of high school students. Leaders cultivate in-depth lessons that encourage participation and reflection and provide space for youth to share and reflect on what is most important in life.
EPC Youth EPCYouth follows the learning initiative Equip, Practice, Connect. Two groups formed by age - EPCMiddle and EPCHigh - meet weekly for Bible study, service and fellowship. EPCMiddle meets on Wednesdays. 3:30 Study Hall & Recreation 5:30 Dinner 6:15 Youth Group
EPCHigh meets on Sundays. 5:30 Dinner 6:30 Youth Group
Children’s Sunday School Preschool and elementary children will experience God’s grace through Biblical teaching, fun activities and fellowship through year two of the Growing in Grace and Gratitude curriculum. Come grow with us!
Sherry Erickson
Floride & Nick Caldwell
Reschin Moore & Chie Graham
K5/1st Grades
Cindy & Jon Kilborn
Becca & Michael Scott
2nd/3rd Grades
Tony Brock & Marty Kwasniewski
Candice & Joel Ledbetter S1
4th/5th Grades
Cathy & David Mitchell
Mimi & Jay Edwards
Other Opportunities Communion Education - September 24 @ 10:00 AM in the Multi-Purpose Room. This is an opportunity for Third Graders and their parents to explore together the why, how, when and what of communion. It is our hope that after this class, our Third Graders will have a better understanding of this important sacrament. This class is led by Christie Gravely and Ginna Lister. First Grade Worship Education This class begins in January each year during the 11:00 AM worship service. It focuses on all the parts of worship. Students will learn how and why we worship like we do. After the class, First Graders will feel more confident and able to participate as they join their families in the full worship service each week.
There is a place for you in the Music Ministry of Easley Presbyterian Church. There are opportunities for singers, ringers, and instrumentalists of all ages and abilities. For more information about music ministries of our church, please contact Robert Norris at 478-278-2553 or
Adult Choir — Wednesdays at 7:10 PM Adult Handbell Choir — Sundays at 6:00 PM Youth Handbell Choir — Wednesdays at 4:45 PM Youth Choir — Wednesdays at 5:45 PM Youth Orchestra — TBA Children’s Choir K5-1st — Wednesdays at 4:30 PM Children’s Choir 2nd-5th — Wednesdays at 5:00 PM
Important Dates:
October 1 — Youth and Children’s Choirs singing for World Communion October 29 — Youth and Children’s Choirs singing for Commitment Sunday December 3—Lesson and Carols Service December 13 — Children’s Christmas Musical December 24—Youth and Children’s Choirs singing for Christmas Eve Service
Children and youth will sing/play at other dates as they are ready to sing/play.
Wonderful Wednesday Take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and join us for a time of relaxation, fellowship, food and spiritual growth. You don’t even have to worry about cooking! This year, make a standing reservation or sign up by noon each Monday to reserve a spot for yourself and/or your family. Watch the weekly Connect Email for delicious new menus! New prices: $5 for everyone 5 & up. Children 4 & under eat free. Schedule 3:30 4:30 4:45 5:00 5:30 5:45 6:15 7:10
EPCMiddle gathers for Fellowship Children’s Choir K5-1st Youth Handbells Children’s Choir 2nd-5th Dinner in the Fellowship Hall Youth Choir Classes for all ages Adult Choir
Preschool and Elementary children will explore the Bible by studying one Bible story per month. Children will experience it through drama, art, science, cooking, movies, and games. This format makes the Bible come alive in new and exciting ways. EPCMiddle will have their time of study, fellowship and service with Thomas Clanton, Director of Youth/Mission and Youth Advisors each week. EPCHigh will enjoy a relaxed time of study and discussion after dinner each week. Adult classes will meet in the Sanctuary. These classes will be a place to deepen spiritual growth through a variety of topics and Bible studies. This Fall, Dr. Bill Seel & Dr. Christie Gravely will lead studies on these topics: History of the Bible, Apostles’ Creed, and Advent. Fall Calendar September 6 September 20 November 15 November 22 December 6 December 13 December 20 December 27 January 3
WW resumes St. John’s Bible Presentation Rise Against Hunger NO WW Gift Making Workshop Children’s Choir Nativity NO WW NO WW WW resumes