Foundations of Faith 2015 2016

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Inside Glance: Growing in Grace and Gratitude Adult Sunday School Other Adult Opportunities Youth Sunday School & EPC Youth Children’s Sunday School & Other Opportunities Music Wonderful Wednesday

Easley Presbyterian Church is a great place to grow as found in the many opportunities that abound for study, reflection, discussion and personal discipleship. One week does not pass by when you cannot find a place to gather for fellowship and spiritual growth. The nourishment you need to grow can be found through Sunday school classes, worship, Wonderful Wednesday, musical opportunities, Amazing Grays, Presbyterian Women, Equipping the Saints, Men’s Bible study, service/outreach and so much more! These opportunities for growth begin with our youngest members and extend throughout elementary and teen years and up through adulthood. As disciples of Christ, we are always learning, always growing, always maturing and always seeking. This year, our Christian Education focus will be Growing in grace and gratitude. Grace has been extended to each one of us time and time again. The gift of grace and God’s unending love that we cannot earn and do not deserve is freely given to us each day. Gratitude then becomes more than just a simple “thank you” but a way of life. Gratitude is a way of living in response to the grace so lavishly poured out on us. How can we express the feeling of gratitude to God and to the body of Christ with whom we worship, study and grow? In what ways will our gratitude be seen and experienced by those around us? As you look through this Foundations of Faith, you will see many ways that you can grow in knowledge and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Make it a priority this year to do just that, to grow in grace and gratitude by becoming involved in the life and ministry of Easley Presbyterian Church. “. . . As grace extends to more and more people, it will increase gratitude to the glory of God.” II Corinthians 4:15

Discovery Class

Teacher: Kathy Lyles

Room: E203

The Discovery Class is a group of couples and singles mostly in our 50's. The class format is a mixture of lecture, discussion and even some hands-on activities. This year we will be studying The Sermon on the Mount, starting with an in-depth look at the Beatitudes.

Seasons Class

Teachers: Laura & Eric Anthony

Room: E202

The Seasons Class was founded about a year and a half ago to provide another opportunity for adults to grow and learn in Christ. Our class is mostly made up of adults with school-age children. However, we also have singles and grandparents! The format of the class is reading and discussion-based. The teachers act more as facilitators than scholars. This year, we will begin a study of Cast of Characters: Common People in the Hands of an Uncommon God by Max Lucado. We hope to learn how we can apply the lessons learned by these characters to our daily lives as Christians.

Seeking Fellowship Class

Teacher: Duane Hurne

Room: E205

Seeking Fellowship continues with the study of Acts. We will now follow the missionary journeys of Paul. We will examine the societies where Paul does his ministry as well as gain a greater understanding of the spiritual challenges that new followers of Jesus encounter. The young church also develops internal struggles that bring challenges to ministry. As we follow Paul's journeys we will look forward to the letters Paul wrote to these new churches. The letters provide insight to the challenges these new churches faced. The spiritual principles Paul provides to these new churches were important guides to them as they struggled against forces that could impede their spiritual growth. Those same forces are still challenges for all of us.

Sojourners Class

Teachers: Denise & Harv Rettberg

Room: E201

The Sojourners class is an adult Sunday school class that chooses a book or books of the Holy Bible and studies a chapter or portion each week and discusses how the lesson applies to our current times. This fall, the class will study Paul's letters to the Philippians and to the Colossians.

Stages Class

Teacher: Anne Seel

Room: E101

Stages is a casual, discussion-based, Bible and growing-in-faith study class to which both couples and single adults in all “stages” of life are welcome. This Fall we are excited to look at how the earliest Christians put the very new teachings of Jesus Christ into real-world action through a reading and study of the book of Acts. Each Sunday we read from the Bible and wrestle together with the ideas and challenges the ancient words bring to our 21st century families and lives. We aim to support each other through prayers and by sharing our resources for child-care and parent-care and other life-issues facing our members. Every Sunday in Stages we try to provoke thought, to consider God’s desires for us and to share some laughter. We try to have several social get-togethers each year. Visitors are always welcome.

Life & Faith Class

Teachers: Floride & Nick Caldwell

Room: E2043

Life & Faith is a class of college - age young adults that will meet during college break times and during the summer.

Equipping the Saints - “What Christians Believe” led by Dr. Bill Seel Sundays at 4:00 PM Classes will meet for seven weeks in the fall and seven weeks in the spring. The study will cover the core teachings of the Christian faith as they have been revealed to us by God through Scripture and expressed through the historic doctrines and creeds of the Church. The study book by Michael Horton, Pilgrim Theology: Core Doctrines for Christian Disciples is $25.  

Fall Semester September 27 - November 15 Spring Semester January 31 - March 13

Register at or call the church office at 859-4220.

Men’s Breakfast Bible Study meets each Thursday at 7:00 AM in the Church Library for fellowship, food and faith. The group is currently studying through the book of Acts. All ages are welcome. Please contact Robert Sams (616-3987) or Billy Waddell (844-4037) for more information. Easley Presbyterian Women (EPW) is an inclusive and caring community of women who are committed to nurturing faith through prayer, Bible study and supporting the mission of the church worldwide. EPW Circles (small groups) meet regularly for fel lowship and Bible study. EPW also serves the church by providing missions-related or spiritual growth-related events and activities throughout the year. The Circle Bi ble study for the 2015-2016 year is “Come to the Waters.” For more information please contact EPW Moderator, Lori Brock at 859-9675, or by email at     

FROG (Forever Relying On God) Circle meets the second Thursday of each month in Room E201 at 10:00 AM. Journey Circle meets the third Sunday of each month in a member’s home at 6:30 PM. Joy Circle meets the first Tuesday of each month in a member’s home or the Church Parlor at 7:00 PM. Simply Sisters Circle meets the third Tuesday of each month in the Church Library or Church Parlor at 6:30 PM. Wednesday AM Circle meets on the second Wednesday of each month in the Church Library at 10:00 AM.




6th Grade

Kelvin Kearse & Phil Darity This class will explore a survey of the Old Testament.

7th Grade

Jennifer Willis & Mel Thompson & Edward Gravely Rick Gantt This class studies the message of the New Testament.

Lori & Barry Brock

8th Grade (Confirmation)

Cherie & Dennis Latham

Clare & Dan Nunnery





This class has an in-depth study of the Christian faith to prepare for confirmation. 9th-12th Grades

Chad Lister

Pam & Eric Dillon


The High School Sunday school class covers a variety of topics that are relevant to the life of high school students. Leaders cultivate in-depth lessons that encourage participation and reflection and provide space for youth to share and reflect on what is most important in life.

EPCYouth follows the learning initiative Equip, Practice, Connect. Two groups formed by age - EPCMiddle and EPCHigh - meet weekly for Bible study, service and fellowship. EPCMiddle meets on Wednesdays. 3:30 Study Hall & Recreation 5:30 Dinner 6:15 Youth Group

EPCHigh meets on Sundays. 5:30 Dinner 6:30 Youth Group

Growing in Grace and Gratitude - New curriculum for 2015-2016 Preschool and elementary children will experience God’s grace through Biblical teaching, fun activities and fellowship. Families can extend the learning and growing at home through online resources new this year! Come grow with us! Class





Sherry Erickson

Georgia McGovern



Mary & Eddie Crittendon

Reschin Moore & Chie Graham


K5/1st Grade

Robin Miller & Denni Alexander

Becca & Michael Scott


2nd Grade

Tony Brock & Cyndi Sheriff

Anna Catherine Caldwell Floride & Nick Caldwell


3rd Grade

Stacey & Randy Elgin

Cathy & David Mitchell


4th & 5th Grades

Beth Furr & Mel Thompson

Mimi & Jay Edwards


Communion Education - September 27 @ 10:00 AM in the Multi-Purpose Room. This is an opportunity for Third Graders and their parents to explore together the why, how, when and what of communion. It is our hope that after this class, our Third Graders will have a better understanding of this important sacrament. This class is led by Christie Gravely and Ginna Lister. First Grade Worship Education This class begins in January each year during the 11:00 AM worship service. It focuses on all the parts of worship. Students will learn how and why we worship like we do. After the class, First Graders will feel more confident and able to participate as they join their families in the full worship service each week.

Music was created by God as a special vehicle of praise, worship, edification and witness. It was Martin Luther who wrote, “I am persuaded that after theology, there is no art that can be placed on a level with music; for besides theology, music is the only art capable of affording peace and joy of the heart… next to the word of God, music deserves the highest praise. The gift of language combined with song was given to us so we should proclaim the word of God through music!”

Just as the Old Testament believers searched for the unblemished lamb for the appropriate sacrifice, we at Easley Presbyterian believe that a spirit of excellence is also required of us as we prepare our music as a living sacrifice to be offered up to a Holy God. Therefore, we attempt to offer our very best in a wide variety of musical styles. We are blessed with a number of people gifted in music, but most of us are of average abilities with a willingness to serve our Lord through the music that wells up in our hearts. When we combine our individual talents with those of others, the praise is multiplied many fold, and we are able to honor God in a way none of us can accomplish alone. There is a place for you in the Music Ministry at Easley Presbyterian Church. There are opportunities for singers and ringers and instrumentalists of all ages and abilities. I pray that you will join us as we experience the joy of worship, the joy of music, and the joy of fellowship. For more information about the Adult Choir, Handbell Choir, Youth Choir, Children’s Choir, or other music ministries of our church, please contact Robert Norris at 478-278-2553 or

Adults: Choir meets on Wednesdays at 7:10 PM. Handbell Choir meets on Sundays at 6:15 PM. Youth: Choir meets on Wednesdays at 5:45 PM. Handbell Choir meets on Wednesdays at 4:45 PM and is led by Marianne Norris. Children: Choir & Handchimes will be combined and will meet on Wednesdays at 4:45 PM. King’s Kids’ Choir (3-5 year olds) will meet occasionally before special programs.

Take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and join us for a time of relaxation, fellowship, food and spiritual growth. You don’t even have to worry about cooking! Just sign up by noon each Monday to reserve a spot for yourself and/or your family. There is something for everyone at Wonderful Wednesdays! Schedule

3:30 4:45 5:30 5:45 6:15 7:10

EPCMiddle gathers for Fellowship Children’s Choir and Youth Handbells Dinner in the Fellowship Hall Youth Choir Classes for all ages Adult Choir

Preschool and Elementary children will explore the Bible by studying one Bible story per month. Children will experience it through drama, art, science, cooking, movies, and games. This format makes the Bible come alive in new and exciting ways.

EPCMiddle will have their time of study, fellowship and service with Thomas Clanton, Director of Youth/Mission and Youth Advisors each week. EPCHigh will enjoy a relaxed time of study and discussion after dinner each week. Adult classes will meet in the Sanctuary. These classeswill be a place to deepen spiritual growth through a variety of topics and Bible studies. These classes will be led by our staff and special guests from time to time. Fall Adult Class Calendar


> The Lord’s Prayer


> Sticky Faith for the Family > Forgiveness


> Prophet, Priest & King


> Advent Lessons > Gift making Workshop for children > Children's Nativity - No Classes

January 6

> WW Resumes

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