Good News June/July 2015

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In This Issue Feature Articles I Will Remember by Thomas Clanton….………….. 2 Why We Joined EPC by Marcia Humbert…………. 3 5th Grade at Table Rock by Greg Lucas…..……… 4 EPC Making a Difference…………………………………………. 6 Feature Events Summer Sunday School……………………….………... 7 EPCYouth………………………………………………………………. 8 Farewell, My EPC Friends by Ralph Boggess……………. 9 Member News Welcome New Members……………………………….. 10 Births & Weddings…………………..…………………… 11 Confirmands….……………………………………………... 12 Current & Upcoming Events June & July Calendar….………………………………….. 14 Birthdays & Anniversaries, June & July………….. 15


I Will Remember By Thomas Clanton

As we wrap up this season of graduation and confirmation, I have been rejoicing in the achievements of our youth. We have celebrated the seniors finishing the long race of high school and the eighth grade students obtaining the goal of being confirmed as members of the church.

In the celebration of the moment, we also can look back at the path that got us here. We remember how God has been faithful to sustain us through the ups and downs in these journeys. We can see that God has been faithful to bring to completion the work he began in these youth (Philippians 1:6). Seeing these momentary accomplishments gives us a foretaste of the ultimate completion that God will bring about in each and every one of us. However, some days we can’t see or feel God leading us towards this goal. There are some days where we feel hopeless,and we cannot see any end in sight. The Bible gives us examples about what to do in these situations. A writer of the Psalms had these same kinds of experiences. In Psalm 77, the writer expresses distress in verse 8, “Has his steadfast love forever ceased? Are his promises at an end for all time?” However, in his questioning and hopelessness, the writer goes on to remember the faithfulness of God in verses 11 and 12, “I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your wonders of old. I will ponder all your work, and meditate on your mighty deeds.” In the depths of hopelessness, he reaches out to the memories of God’s faithfulness in the past. We have all seen the faithfulness of God in one form or another. In reflecting on that faithfulness, we can have confidence in the hope that never puts us to shame (Romans 5:5). God says in Isaiah, “What I have said, that I will bring about; what I have planned that I will do.” (Isaiah 46:11b). We can all look back to a short window of time in our lives where things seemed insurmountable. Think back to the days of your graduation. There were probably times where your course load seemed impossible or what you were facing seemed insurmountable. Yet God brought you through it. He was faithful to finish the work that he began. Remember your baptism and the faithfulness of those promises. Remember the promises of your salvation and the promises that God has for your future. When the race of life gets hard, remember the other finish lines God has brought you across. Remember his faithfulness so that you may continue to press forward toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called you heavenward in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:14).


Why We Joined EPC by Marcia Humbert

When we first decided to move to Easley a little over two years ago, one of the first things we researched on the Internet was Presbyterian churches in the area.

We found the Easley

Presbyterian Church website and read over the information about the church, the pastors, programs and activities, etc.

We were

impressed with what we saw and decided to visit in person. I stopped in the church office one afternoon and asked if I could see the sanctuary. A staff member took me in, and I was very pleased to see a real pipe organ. When I

Marcia and Paul Humbert

came to my first worship service, I sat near the front of the church and enjoyed the service very much. One of the elders of the church came up to me after the service and greeted me and introduced himself which I thought was very nice! The next week, we received a hand-written note from Christie Gravely welcoming us. Again, I was very impressed! I went to the EPC Women’s Retreat that spring and met so many people who would soon become my friends. On the day that we were to join the church, Paul said that his eye was bothering him and told me that I should go without him. When I met with the Session, I mentioned why Paul couldn’t be there. One of the elders came up to me afterwards and said he knew a physician in our congregation who might be able to help. After church, the elder was waiting for me in the narthex with the doctor he had mentioned to me. He agreed to see Paul in his office that afternoon. It turned out that Paul had an almost detached retina. The doctor arranged for him to see a specialist that same day and Paul’s eyesight was saved. It was truly divine intervention! EPC has become our church family and we feel truly blessed to be members of

such a warm, loving congregation!


The hike up Table Rock is THE iconic hike of the South Carolina mountains! It is also a wonderful example of God's glorious creation and the blessings of His natural world. We thought that the 10- and 11-year-olds in the 5th-grade Sunday School class at Easley Presbyterian were physically up to the task of a strenuous round-trip hike of about 7.2 miles, with a 2,000-foot climb in just 3.6 miles on the way up the mountain. When we were first planning the hike, a few minor roadblocks made it seem as if the Lord was trying to tell us not go! We couldn't seem to find a Sunday in May that didn't have some church activity associated with it. Finally, it looked like we had found a good day in May 17, only to discover that the Children's Handchime group, which makes up half our 5th-grade Sunday School class, was playing at both services! So we checked with Dr. Boggess, and he gave his blessing for the Handchime members to leave after the prelude, scheduled for 11:07 a.m. Ginna had graciously made reservations for us to take one of the church buses, and after everyone changed into their hiking clothes, we all excitedly piled in the bus at about 11:15 a.m. But when the key was turned to start the engine, nothing happened -- the battery was dead! It didn't deter us, however, because some of the parents jumped the battery, and away we headed up to Table Rock State Park.

Mountain laurel was in full glorious pink-and-white bloom as 5 we drove through the avenue that brings visitors into the park. All the hikers had brought their lunches, so we stopped at the picnic tables near the lake and ate a quick meal. Then we were off! The trail starts out gently as it follows Carrick Creek, but then the walking begins to tilt uphill. Amazingly, there was almost no whining or complaining as we made our way slowly and steadily to the top--just resolute effort. We took numerous breaks to catch our breath, to drink some much-needed water, and to take turns reading Bible verses glorifying God's creation. At Governor's Rock, which at 2,854 feet in elevation is roughly 300 feet below the summit of Table Rock, the group sat down on the wide expanse of granitic gneiss to admire the panoramic view of the three highest mountains in South Carolina: Sassafras, Hickorynut and Pinnacle. Finally, the group reached the wooded summit of Table Rock Mountain at 3,124 feet, and then shortly thereafter, arrived at the breathtaking view of The Stool, Caesars Head and Table Rock Reservoir, part of the Greenville Watershed. It had taken us four hours to walk to the top of Table Rock. Raucous celebration was mixed with a sense of awe at what these young people had accomplished. After many photos were taken, the group headed back down, but only before being bid farewell by a pair of ravens with their distinctive throaty call. On the walk back, a State Parks volunteer pointed out to the group a timber rattlesnake, which had been killed and left alongside the trail. The volunteer emphasized that the timber rattler was another of God's creatures and plays an important role in nature. We had planned on visiting the Table Rock store after the hike, giving the children a chance to get a "I Hiked Table Rock" T-shirt. However, the store had been closed for an hour when we came off the mountain, so the T-shirts would have to wait for another day! Yet the meaning of the day was not about getting a T-shirt; it was about sharing in the splendor of an adventurous day among friends, family, and God's natural beauty. VIEW FROM THE TOP Children who headed up the mountain were Ella Bishop, Will Bishop, Kaitlyn Ellison, Charlie Greene, Kerragan Howell, Gracelyn Latham, Ethan Lee, Cameron Lister, Caroline Lucas, Ella Owen, Noah Prins and Carys Waddington. Adults who accompanied the group were Kevin Bishop, Mitch Greene, Allyson Howell, Dennis Latham, Angela and Greg Lucas and David Owen.


Vacation Bible School offers several opportunities to Make a Difference *Help fill the Well! Donate to MARY'S House We will have a Biblical stone well to collect supplies and monetary donations to be given to MARY'S House. MARY'S House provides emergency shelter and help to families in crisis right here in Pickens County. Supplies to donate include: Tissues, paper towels, toilet paper, disinfecting wipes and Ziploc bags (all sizes). Please bring any of these or a monetary donation during the week of VBS. * Ten Thousand Villages Shop Back by popular demand! Get your Christmas shopping started in June by shopping for baskets, jewelry, scarves and other hand-made gifts from many countries. The proceeds benefit those who are in need all around the world. * 5th Grade Mission Madness While the younger children are traveling around Hometown Nazareth at the church, 5th graders will have a chance to put faith into action through hands-on service activities in Hometown Easley! Look for them collecting canned goods for United Christian Ministries in your neighborhood!

The Dream Center Thank you to those who helped volunteer with child care at the Fostering Hope event at the Pickens County Dream Center. Nearly 500 people from 75 different churches came together to learn more about how to help alleviate the foster care crisis in Pickens County. The event was a huge success with 90 families applying to become licensed foster homes, 75 more families staring the process of learning more about becoming foster homes, and 52 people signing up to help mentor foster children. This event would not have been possible without those who volunteered to help provide child care. Thank you for your time and service.

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) has called for Presbyterians to stand in the GAP (Give.Act.Pray) for the people of Nepal in the aftermath of the most recent earthquake. Checks can be made out to Easley Presbyterian with PDA in the memo line. Donations will provide short term emergency care and help support the long-term recovery in the area. Thank you for your generosity.


8 EPCYouth holds its mission trip season in June and July. This year we will be taking 4 different trips with different age groups. The 6th grade will go on their own trip to Raleigh, NC on June 7th. This is an exciting time for this age group. This will be their first experience with a full overnight mission trip to another city. In Raleigh, the 6 th graders will take a deeper look at poverty and develop a better understanding of what those living in poverty go through. They will begin to see poverty more as a relational issue instead of a material issue. The 6 th graders will be encouraged to push past the basic materialism of American culture and see people for who they are. They will grow into a deeper understanding of who God is and how he sees each and every one of us.

The high school students will be flying to Belmopan, Belize on June 20 th. They will take the next step into understanding those from a different walk of life. While the high school students will be helping with construction and Bible School they will ultimately learn to see others though the eternal lens of Christ. They will learn from the Belizean people about contentment and joy. The point of these youth mission trips is to open the eyes of American adolescence to the truly satisfying nature of Christ and that is most clearly seen in those who have nothing else to depend on. The 7th and 8th grade students return to Asheville, NC, to serve the same with the same group as they did last year. They were able to establish relationships and understanding of those they served and desire to continue to spend time with those people. They see the faith of those depending truly on Christ and that attitude is contagious and what we are created to reflect. The final trip of the summer is the Montreat youth conference. High school students are able to join other Christians from all over the country to worship, play, and participate in small groups. The Montreat youth conference has a special place in my heart. It was where my passion and desire for service and missions was cultivated. Youth are able to see others who love Christ outside of their daily situation. They are encouraged that there are other people on the same team and on the same page. They are able to hear from and talk to those who have trusted God throughout their lives and hear stories from their peers on God’s faithfulness. This encouragement can help reassure the high schoolers of God’s presence after what will be an emotional trip to Belize. They will be able to see God’s presence close to home as well as far away. This summer is not about changing the world but about seeing and knowing the One who can.

Farewell, My EPC Friends It’s been a long journey … 27 ½ years to be exact … that I have spent directing the vocal and handbell/handchime choirs, playing the piano and organ, and encouraging individuals and groups to offer praise to God through music. The journey started with my walking one mile through 14” of snow (I’m not kidding) from my house to EPC on my first official Sunday in January of 1988 only to find that the Sunday worship Service had been cancelled! The end of my journey almost came at the end of April of this year when I stepped off of the EPC stage … thinking that I was going 8” to the first step of the riser, but finding out very quickly that it is 34” to the floor! Through your prayers and words of encouragement, plus … some would say my determined, stubborn nature … I was able to return to work at EPC only 14 days after my total hip replacement surgery. To be able to return and finish up some of the last things that I had planned for my final two months at EPC has given me great joy! My EPC journey of 27 ½ years has seen many changes in our congregation, including 8 different ministers – Bob Blumer, Zane Moore, Ken Broman-Fulks, John Schneider, Craig Krieger, Pam Patrick Cole, Bill Seel and Christie Gravely – several Christian Education directors and numerous secretarial personnel changes in addition to 4 building campaigns, including the Foothills Presbyterian Community, our new nursery wing, our Habitat for Humanity house and the Ekklesia renovations. Through my tenure at EPC I have seen children in my Children’s Choir grow up, played the organ for some of their weddings, and then taught their children music in my Children’s Choir. Some of the children in my Children’s Choir which always performed a spring musical have grown up to pursue stage acting or music performance as a career or avocation: Alexandra Seabrook is currently pursuing a career on Broadway in NYC; Reid Messich is a professor of oboe at the University of Georgia; Ryan Bowick has returned to play the drums for my Children’s Choir musicals during the past 3 or 4 years; Erica (Westhart) Van Wagner has returned to EPC, bcoming an active member of the Adult Handbell Choir and playing glockenspiel and various percussion instruments when needed; and Will Emerson plays piano and trombone in his hometown church in Texas. Knowing that I helped to encourage these youths and others to develop their musical talent is a source of joy in my life. Mary and I will truly miss the wonderful fellowship that we have experienced as members of Easley Presbyterian Church. You will always be in our hearts, and we wish the best to you as a new era of music leadership guides you to offer praise to God through use of your great talents! Love, Ralph and Mary



Brandon & Liz Cox Mary Gray, Walker & Charlie 106 Four Lakes Dr., Easley, SC 29642 810-3250

Stephanie Miller Luke, Quinn & Riley 150 Wild Wing Ct., Easley, SC 29642 553-0093

Thanks from Ralph and Mary EPC is a very caring and compassionate congregation! Your outpouring of love and concern as expressed through voluminous get well cards and a steady, well-organized flow of sumptuous food immediately following my fall from the Fellowship Hall stage was very much appreciated by Mary and me. In fact, Mary liked the regular delivery of mouth-watering meals so much that she threatened to break my other hip so that the meal donations might continue! Thanks so very, very much for your prayers, your comforting words of encouragement, and for your gifts of delicious meals during my recuperation! Ralph and Mary Boggess


Elizabeth & Edmuond Ellison

Holly Sams & Matt Bond

on the birth of their daughter

on the birth of their daughter

Lily Robin Ellison,

Evelyn Whitley “Evee� Bond,

Grandparents: David & Cindy Whittemore

Grandparents: Robert & Phyllis Sams

born April 19, 2015

born April 25, 2015

Audra Lake & Alex Gravlee married on April 18, 2015

2015 Graduates: Joe Niles, Christine Cobb, Danielle Nunnery, Maggie Lowery, Clark Rettberg

2015 Confirmation Class


The 2015 Confirmation Class is made up of fifteen eighth grade students. On April 19, 2015 they presented their statements of faith to the Session and their friends and family. Each confirmand is pictured below with an excerpt from his or her statement of faith.

Noah Brock, son of Barry and Lori Brock “Ever since I could talk I have prayed to God every single day acknowledging how great He is and His almighty power.” Noah’s Mentor– Monty Oxendine

Rosie Edwards, daughter of Jay and Mimi Edwards “Who is God? He is perfect, He is wonderful, He sent His son to be our Savior.” Rosie’s Mentor– Tammy Darity

Matthew Elgin, son of Randy and Stacey Elgin “The Gospel is the good news that tells of Jesus’ life and death for our sins. Jesus died so that we can live with him for eternity.” Matthew’s Mentor– Nick Caldwell Bridger Gantt, son of Ricky and Debra Gantt “People ask me what God means to me. Over the years my opinions have changed, it used to be as simple as he is my savior and I that I believed in him, but now it is much more than that. He is my merciful, forgiving, and everlasting Lord. He leads me in the path I’m heading in, and I am extremely grateful.” Bridger’s Mentor– Mitch Greene Ali Latham, daughter of Dennis and Cherie Latham “I believe that Jesus is my Savior. He saved me from my sins. He suffered for me so that I could be forgiven.” Ali’s Mentor– Stacey Garrison

Hunter Lewis, son of Avannah Lewis and Casey Lewis “Every time I think about how Jesus died on the cross, it makes me want to be a better Christian. It just doesn’t seem right to be told that the only son of God died for you and then not do anything to help others.” Hunter’s Mentor– Gregg Branham Rett Lister, son of Chad and Ginna Lister “God’s love is the reason that Jesus was brought to this earth, to save us from our sins.” Rett’s Mentor– Richard Mintz

Joey Mathvink, son of David and Traci Mathvink “I believe the only way to heaven is through accepting Jesus as our Savior. I believe that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life and nobody gets to the Father except through Him.” Joey’s Mentor– David Houck Matt Nunnery, son of Dan and Clare Nunnery “I believe that God is the creator of everything and that Jesus is His only Son who came to earth to die on the cross for our sins. I believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God. I believe that the Trinity works in perfect unity. I know God loves me.” Matt’s Mentor– Eddie Crittendon Ben Prins, son of Wayne and Talita Prins “I see Jesus more as a loving and concerned Father rather than just a key into heaven.” Ben’s Mentor– Paul Cook

Olivia Roach, daughter of Stephen and Heidi Roach “Jesus is the Son of God and He became fully human on earth. He lived a life without sin and He lived His life for good and for others. He shared the word of God throughout His lifetime and instructed us to be disciples and to share the word as He did.” Olivia’s Mentor– Ruth Rice Gwyneth Waddington, daughter of David and Lori Waddington “God sent His Son Jesus Christ to earth to die for us, so we may have eternal life. It is my belief that this is a gift of grace that cannot be earned.” Gwyneth’s Mentor– Karen Cooper Luke Weisner, son of Ashley and Angela Weisner “The death and resurrection of Jesus is how He showed His love for us.” Luke’s Mentor– Mitch Greene

Matthew Whittemore, son of David and Cindy Whittemore “I believe that I am a Christian and that Jesus is my Savior and has a plan for me. I believe God is supreme and that God is loving and all knowing. I believe that God is with me always. In my life I will do everything in God’s name.” Matthew’s Mentor– David Owen Tom Whittemore, son of Rob and Debbie Whittemore “Jesus means to me, life. He spent His for mine. For that I am thankful.” Tom’s Mentor– Thomas Clanton





WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3 Amazing Grays Outing, 9:30 AM

WEDNESDAY, JULY 1 Amazing Grays, 10:00 AM (E201)

SUNDAY, JUNE 7—THURSDAY, JUNE 11 Vacation Bible School, 5:30-8:30 PM 6th Grade Mission Trip to Raleigh, N.C.

THURSDAY, JULY 2 Tubing in Helen, GA, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM SATURDAY, JULY 4 Fireworks on the Lawn

SUNDAY, JUNE 14 Diaconate, 6:00 PM

MONDAY, JULY 13 Preschool Water Day, 10:00 AM - 12:00

MONDAY, JUNE 15 Book Club, 7:00 PM MONDAY, JUNE 15 — THURSDAY, JUNE 18 Basketball Camp, 9:30 AM - Noon

WEDNESDAY, JULY 15 Barrett’s Place Park (Elem. 1 &2) 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM

FRIDAY, JUNE 19 Family Movie Night, 8:30 PM

SUNDAY, JULY 19 Church-wide Greenville Drive Game, 4:00 PM

SATURDAY, JUNE 20 — FRIDAY, JUNE 26 High School Mission Trip to Belize

SATURDAY, JULY 20 — FRIDAY, JULY 26 High School Mission Trip to Belize

SUNDAY, JUNE 21 Session, 6:00 PM

TUESDAY, JULY 21 High School to Atlanta Braves Game, 1:00 PM

SUNDAY, JUNE 28 Reception for Dr. Ralph Boggess, 7:00 PM MONDAY, JUNE 29 Callaham Farms(Elem.1), 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

MONDAY, JULY 20 — FRIDAY, JULY 24 Sprout Day Camp (Elem. 1), 9:00 AM - 12:00 MONDAY, JULY 27 — FRIDAY, JULY 24 7th/8th Grade Mission Trip to Asheville, N.C.

TUESDAY, JUNE 30 Preschool Art Day, 10:00 AM - 12:00 Noon SUNDAY OPPORTUNITIES 9:00 AM Worship Service 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service

Other Weekly Meetings Prayer Group, Tuesdays at 10:00 AM Men’s Bible Study & Breakfast, Thursdays at 7:00 AM

Middle School Summer Bible StudyJune 16 & 30, July 7 & 21 at 11 AM High School Summer Bible StudyJune 18, July 9 & 23, August 13 at 11 AM


Michael Welborn


Denni Alexander


Grady Jordan Brett Galloway

2 2

Caroline Lucas Brice Ellison

3 3

Anne Kilpatrick Mary Goodale Krissy LaFata

17 17 17

Meg Jewel


Anita Nalley Mary Katherine DuBose Anderson Stettner Nicholas Ard Gavin Coats

4 4 4 4 4

Alex Heil


Ryan Moore


Randy Elgin CA Simpson Allison Miller

5 5 5

Donn Johnson June Mahaffey Sherry DiPietro Clara Waddell

23 23 23 23

Marilyn Merritt Julie Bishop Cally Galloway

6 6 6

Roddy Gettys Lori Wise Dexter Rogers Ella Biege

24 24 24 24

Christine Cobb Matt Nunnery Matt Elgin

7 7 7

Robert Waters Rob LaFata Max Ross

25 25 25

Matt Davidson


Angela Simpson


Roger Levesque Anna Crittendon Cody Lamontagne

9 9 9

Pam Rivard Cassie Mueller

10 10

Ralph Boggess Andy Sullivan Hannah Wilson Edwin Furr

27 27 27 27

Marcelle Brothers McKenzie Dorsey Chris LaFata

11 11

Frank Blackwelder Mike Jewell Sean Faulkner

28 28 28

Jo Ford Aurelia Mayer Mary Boggess Susie Elsken Jamey Thompson

12 12 12 12 12

Jo Moore Nic Alexander Ashley Chapman Adam Darity

29 29 29 29

Amanda Fulcher Cliff Moore Natalie Turner

13 13 13

Carey York Eleanor Swillen Allison Collie Rob Key Tim Bennett

30 30 30 30 30

May Williams Amy Moore Kim Jordan Hailey Gantt

14 14 14 14

Joan DeLoach Beverly Carson Jeromy Ross

15 15 15

Heath & Sara Galloway Jeremy & Rebecca Parker Farrell & Nelda Moss Sonny & Susan Dockery Steve & Dawn Loving Chad & Ginna Lister Dennis & Sharon Beard L. C. & Betty Smith Bill & Dorothy Wilson Ronald & Janice Lippincott J. B. & Dionne Merritt Jerry & Lynn Robertson Josh & Allie Broman-Fulks Lane & Marcene Cornwell John & Jean Moore Eric & Laura Anthony Bill & Beth Hagood Ryan & Amy Moore Joe & April Foster David & Nicole Prohaska Chris & Ginny Wallace Rut & Dianne Galloway Paul & Pat Cook John & Natalee French Dexter & Patsy Rogers Bill & Katherine Scott John & Corrine Williams Tim & Kallie Bennett Phil & Sue Barker Eddie & Mary Crittendon Don & Frances King Dial & Kathy DuBose Bill & Anne Seel Lucas & Ashley Durham Brandon & Julie Essary Hal & Mary Sullivan Bill & Jo Ford John & Allison LaBrash Hoyle & Treva Smith Alan & Joan Groome Johnny & Karen Cooper Tony & Peggy Garrison Bill & Sally Wilhelm Skip & Pam Hendrix Terry & Cheryl Ledford

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 10 11 12 12 13 14 16 17 18 18 18 19 20 20 21 22 22 23 23 24 25 25 25 27 28 28 29 30 30


Ed Holzapfel Patrick Riviere

1 1

Eryne Goodwin


Kim Furr Phyllis Adkins Kate Heil Charlie Greene Sadie Bennett

3 3 3 3 3

Ellen Davis Karen Owens Holly Sams

4 4 4

Katherine Bossert Ann Cooper John French Bridger Gantt

5 5 5 5

Virginia Gower


Bill Robinson Floride Caldwell Chris Stover Aubrey Cousins

7 7 7 7

Harold Weaver Thom Moore Randy Todd Steve Lewis Nick DiPietro

8 8 8 8 8

Daniel Lee David Cook, Jr. Kelly Bossert Matthew Kilborn

9 9 9 9

Andrew Phail Connor Loving

10 10

Betty Juberg Dottie Grantham Kathryn Dean Kai Prins

11 11 11 11

Sloan Emerson Candice Ledbetter Ellen Cook Victoria Riviere

12 12 12 12

Gene Young Sylvia Bass

14 14

Nan Stuckey Brenda Thompson Johnny Cooper

14 14 14

Lionel Riviere Dial DuBose

15 15

Danielle Nunnery


Judy Seeley Bunny Deener Kathy DuBose Paige Cousins

17 17 17 17

Juli Miller


Max Mathvink


Gary Thompson Robert Sams Anne Seel Kathy Riehm

20 20 20 20

Dawn Loving Britt Burnett Toni Rice

21 21 21

Linda Levesque


Joey Foster Russell Patterson Ashley Riley Hunter Whitworth

23 23 23 23

Dionne Merritt Melissa Robinson

24 24

Jay Edwards Elizabeth Ellison Lindsey Barker Travis Westfall

25 25 25 25

Paul Cook Mitch Greene Matt Boozer Olivia Vassey

26 26 26

Tim Riehm


Jeanne Devich Tony Brock Tommy Willis Wyatt Jameson

28 28 28 28

Stephen Roach Sally Boozer Amy Easlick Erin LaBrash

29 29 29 29

Mike Welborn Nikki Miller Amy Hand Caroline Porter

30 30 30 30

Cyndi McMillen Rachel Coon Jill Golden

31 31 31

Jim & Julie Brice Donn & Caroline Johnson Ryan & Paige Succop Scott & Melissa Wilbanks David & Ann Houck Brad & Gracie Wilson David & Anica Owen Chris & Laura Cousins David & Cindy Whittemore Terry & Susan Julian Scott & Cresada Beane Greg & Cassie Mueller Jim & Nan Stuckey Kim & Ann Furr Richard & Deborah Mintz Daniel & Janice Lee Bryon & Sarah Norris Monty & Vicki Oxendine Dustin & Zane Coats Ken & Sue Kavanagh Brett & Andrea Southerland Grady & Kim Jordan Harv & Denise Rettberg Ronnie & Lynda Col贸n Chris & Robyn Easlick Russell & Laura Patterson

1 1 2 2 5 6 8 10 11 13 16 17 17 18 19 20 21 21 22 26 26 28 29 30 30 30

Easley Presbyterian Church


200 South 1st Street Easley, SC 29640 OFFICE 864.859.4220 FAX 864.859.0212

Church Staff

Worship: Sunday 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Sunday School: 10:00 a.m.

Church Officers

Pastor Rev. Dr. Bill Seel Associate Pastor Rev. Christie S. Gravely Director of Christian Education Ginna Lister Director of Youth & Missions Thomas Clanton Director of Music


Class of 2015 Stewart Bauknight Scott Beane Karen Cooper Joel Ledbetter Phil Lyles Monty Oxendine Carl Walsh Scott Wilbanks

Dr. Ralph Boggess

Class of 2016 Phil Barker Floride Caldwelll Paul Cook John Cutchin Chuck Dawkins Terri French Kathy Lyles Dan Nunnery

Class of 2017 Nick Caldwell Tracey Lake Dennis Latham Richard Mintz Ruth Rice Alfred Robinson Billy Waddell David Weaver

Elder Emeritus: Bill Robinson

Youth Choir Director


Angela Weisner Youth Handbell Director Bunny Deener Kindergarten Director Libby Dodson Church Secretary Jonene Garrett Financial Secretary

Class of 2015 Linda Black Rick Gantt Jennifer Graham Meg Jewell Steve Lewis Wilma Shealy Elizabeth Weaver David Whittemore

Class of 2016 Barry Brock Dottie Grantham David Houck Greg Lucas Deborah Mintz David Mitchell Heidi Roach Will Young

Class of 2017 Gregg Branham Kelli Burnett Rachel Coon Clare Nunnery Rex Rice Chuck Riehm Robert Sams Carey York

Kathleen Steen Christian Education Secretary


Cynde Whitmire Building Superintendent

Hubert Bowick

Dan Spearman

Dexter Rogers

Tony Brock

Asst. Building Superintendent Mel Brock

The mission of Easley Presbyterian Church is to reach out and invite people to join in the life and love of Jesus Christ, to nurture them in the Christian faith within the tenets of Presbyterianism and to send them into the world to serve.

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