Oct Nov 2015

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Oct/Nov 2015

The Good News:

Easley Presbyterian Church ...a Great Place to Grow

In This Issue Feature Articles Ignite Your Generosity by Gregg & Melanie Branham Pass It On by Ginna Lister EPC Making A Difference Youth - Assests Not Liabilities by Thomas Clanton

Member News Welcome New Members Births & Thank You Notes

Feature Events Shoot, Dribble, SCORE! Trunk or Treat

Calendars & Upcoming Events Amazing Grays Advent Wreath Workshop Calendar Birthdays & Anniversaries

Have you ever told God, “I am ALL IN?” If you’re ever been around us, you know that we love Clemson University and anything having to do with The Tigers. Yes, it can be a little obnoxious and overbearing—we’ll admit that. But the excitement, the pride, the history, the spirit, and the camaraderie are all something that everyone can admire. We’re sure that you’ve heard of Coach Dabo Swinney’s “All In” mentality with his football team. He asks every player, every day, to give it their all with every single thing that they have. He has created a winning program by getting his team to devote themselves entirely to being a part of something greater. In Romans 12:1, the Lord calls us to a life of complete commitment to him by urging each of us to offer our bodies as living sacrifices. The idea here is to be “All In” in all areas of our lives. It’s important that we ask ourselves and our church body if any parts are not completely surrendered to, including stewardship of the time, talents, and treasures entrusted to us by God. October is Stewardship Month at Easley Presbyterian Church. Our Stewardship Committee has been working diligently since June to put together a campaign that is meaningful and inspiring for all of our church family. We chose “Ignite Your Generosity” as our theme. We loved the visual image of a tiny spark catching our congregation “on fire” and creating excitement and enthusiasm for the giving of our time, our talents, and our tithes. You will see, hear, taste, and feel many experiences over this month and it is our hope and our prayer that you will catch that spark and tell God that you’re “All In” for Easley Presbyterian Church. Gregg and Melanie Branham 2015 Stewardship Committee Chairs

Pass it On by Ginna Lister

Have you ever wondered what “passing down the faith” looks like? At EPC, you don’t have to look far…it is all around us. Like a youth advisor who has been youth advisor to adults and their children, or young adults who grew up here and have come back to share their gifts of music and volunteering with children, or Confirmation mentors who pass on the faith year after year. One particular example is in the case of The Brock Boys. Barry and Tony Brock were baptized at EPC and spent their childhood and teen years in Sunday School, at Vacation Bible School, at Youth Group, worship every Sunday and of course, covered dish-suppers. They were here because their parents, Mel and Jeanette were here and made sure the boys were too. With four boys in the house, I am sure that was not always the easiest feat to pull off. Through the years, some things have changed, like their clothes and hairstyles, but one thing has not. That is their commitment to passing on the faith to others, just as it was first passed on to them through family members, Sunday School teachers and other church leaders. In August, I held a Sunday School teacher training meeting, at which Barry and Tony were both in attendance because they are both teaching Sunday School. In fact, they have both taught for as long as I can remember.

I asked the group, “What do you think of when you hear the word, “Grace”? Barry quickly answered, “I remember what my 6th grade Sunday School teacher, Mrs. Sarah Moore Meece taught us, that grace was unmerited favor.”

Wow! What a moment! There it

was, right before our eyes, evidence of the faith that is passed down from generation to generation. Mrs. Sarah Moore Meece taught Barry in 6th grade the meaning of grace which has stuck with him all these years. Now Barry and his wife Lori, teach 6th graders the same unwavering truth.

Barry later shared these thoughts: “The 5th and 6th grade Sunday School classes were very influential in my Christian faith. Jim Curtis and Gary Goudelock were my 5th grade SS teachers, and Sarah Moore was my 6th grade Sunday School teacher. Back then, each week the 4th through 6th graders met together to sing songs and recite several Bible verses together. After the singing and Bible verses, we went to our separate classes and had our Sunday School lesson. You’ve heard the saying, ‘Everything I ever needed to know about life I learned in kindergarten.’ Well along those same lines, a lot about what I needed to know about Jesus I learned in the 5th & 6th grade. My hope is that God is using me in much the same way he used my Sunday School teachers!” Tony is also faithful to teach on Wednesday nights, Sunday school, lead in Vacation Bible School or where ever needed to make sure that children are learning what he learned, that God loves us and we are all called children of God. As Tony reflected on growing up at EPC, he said that he never thought of himself as a Sunday School teacher. He looked at others who taught and thought it just wasn’t his gift. But by God’s grace and years of practice, he has found the confidence to work with children and teach the to good news of Jesus Christ. Hebrews chapter 11 speaks of the heroes of our faith, those who came before us like Noah, Abraham, Sarah, and Moses, David and Samuel and passed that faith down from generation to generation. It is still happening today at EPC as countless Sunday school teachers, youth advisors, Bible study leaders and volunteers are sharing what they have been taught and they are passing it on…. and so on and so on and so on… “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith…” Hebrews 12:1-2

EPC Making a Difference This fall our church is partnering with the Pickens County Dream Center to help a family in need. The Pickens County Dream Center is a faith based non-profit that has been offering assistance to local families since 2012. The family that our church was tasked to assist, needed help remodeling their home after years of hardship. The high school youth spent one Sunday helping the family clean the home. Amanda Hawkins, a 10th grade student at Easley High School, said that this project opened her eyes to the real life struggles of those living in her community. “I have seen the need of people on mission trips in Denver and Belize, but seeing this need in my hometown was an impactful experience.” Church member, Phil Kearns was the main contact between the Dream Center and the family. “I can see the Spirit of Christ in the family”, said Phil, “even though they have fallen on hard times the light of God shines from them.” Establishing a relationship of partnership and equality has allowed both parties to use this experience as a time of growth. On a Saturday in late September, members of our church also helped remodel the bathroom. With the guidance of Phil and the hard labor of other church members great progress was made on the bathroom. We as a church are thankful that God has allowed us to make new friends and serve them in their time of need. We hope to continue making a difference in partnership with this family and the Dream Center in the future. If you would like to know more about the Dream Center please visit their website at http://dreamcenterpc.org. If you have a passion for missions or a project on your heart that you think the church could help with please contact Thomas Clanton.

Our Neighbor’s House & Service Learning connects to Make A Difference Junior Scouts in Troop 2831 in Easley, SC, completed their Bronze Award at “Our Neighbors House,” our church’s transitional home for homeless families. They collected items for their pantry, made frozen meals for Thanksgiving, planted flower bulbs in their yard, donated warm clothes at Christmas, and in the spring, created a waste receptacle area that made taking the trash out much easier and cleaner. Troop 2831 meets at Easley Presbyterian Church.

Youth - Assets Not Liabilities by Thomas Clanton

Most people can agree that youth and adolescents are the future of our country and the future of our world. Most people encourage the development of youth to ensure that in the future we will produce good citizens, good leaders, good mothers and fathers. However, for some people, their mind set is that youth will be useful eventually but not yet. Sometimes youth can be seen as liabilities. They can be seen as risks to the welfare of the community. They can be seen as a ball of storm and stress that must be managed properly until they can become fully functioning adults. We at Easley Presbyterian Church do not think this way. Sure we want to produce fully functioning adults but we do not want to waste the potential of those 11-19 year olds sitting in the pews every Sunday. The staff and members of Easley Presbyterian Church see confidently that youth are assets not liabilities. As we put the summer of 2015 behind us and are fully entrenched in another school year, it is important to see the powerful impact that our youth have on our church and the world around them. First off, we believe that all youth are developing, but have strengths of their own and are able to contribute to their communities. During our service with the Dream Center this September our high school youth used their different talents and gifts to serve a local family. Some used their strength to haul away garbage or knock down walls, others used their patience to clean a desperately dirty kitchen, while others used their personalities to build relationships with the local family. These youth are making an impact now. They are able to take responsibility and make constructive contributions to their community.

While our youth are able and willing to take on responsibility and make an impact, they still have needs of their own. Through Wednesday and Sunday night youth fellowship each youth has an opportunity to find direction with their social, spiritual, and emotional needs. They come to learn about the love of Christ and the value that they have in him. This September both middle and high school youth were encouraged to commit their lives to the eternal purposes of God and to seek these above the temporal and fleeting promises of this world. The middle school youth learned to see the grace of God in their lives and to show this grace to others. The high school youth learned to love God for his own sake and not the sake of any reward. Service projects and youth group are just two pathways that youth at Easley Presbyterian Church are given to encourage them to thrive. Other than programs youth need support, and services to help them grow. Supports are the things done with youth. Adults who spend time building relationships and encouraging our youth are empowering our youth to succeed. Opportunities outside of organized programs are given to youth throughout the church. Youth have the opportunity to volunteer and serve the church the same way as any other active member. Services the youth receive are numerous, from always having a ride to church to being instructed by their elders. Easley Presbyterian Church is a great place to grow for someone of any age.

Welcome to EPC! Bill & Joanna Griese Emma Kate

Robert & Marianne Norris Caroline & Abigail

Kellie King Avery & Lilah John & Kristi Dockery

Congratulations! Congratulations to

Congratulations to

Paige & Ryan Succop

Annie & Tyler Rossley

on the birth of their son

on the birth of their daughter

Cooper Barrow Succop

Katherine Evans Rossley

born August 25, 2015

born September 20, 2015

Grandparents are John and Karen Cooper.

Grandparents are Bob and LeAnn Heil. Great grandparents are Bud and Anita Nalley.

Thank You! I wish to sincerely thank each of you for your expression of Christian love and kindness during my mom’s illness and passing. All the warm thoughts, prayers, kind words, emails, and cards made a difficult time a little more bearable. I appreciate your concern and support more than words can say. I feel so very blessed to be a part of the EPC family. May God Bless each of you!

Kathleen Steen

Financial Secretary

Dribble, shoot, SCORE! At EPC it’s not just about a game of basketball. It’s about connecting within our fellowship and with others in the community. It’s not all about winning a game but winning in relationship to one another. Basketball season is a time for everyone to enjoy fellowship with friends throughout the community of faith whether you’re on the court or in the stands. Basketball Sign-ups will run through Sunday, November 8 for ages 4 years12th grade. Most games are played on Friday night or Saturday morning/ afternoon. No prior experience is needed, just come ready to learn and have a good time! Players will sign-up on our church web site. And new this year, is an option to pay online! Fees are $25 per player, and $35 per player if a new jersey is needed. If there are any questions, please contact Will Young at 803-984-7636 or willyoungn@gmail.com. If anyone needs a scholarship to help cover the cost of playing basketball please see Ginna Lister or Thomas Clanton.

Trunk or Treat

October 25 5:30-7:00 EPC Parking Lot Once again we have a great opportunity to partner with our First United Methodist friends as we join together for our annual Trunk or Treat fellowship. Fun was had by all last year as filled the office side parking lot was filledwith over 40 cars all decorated in so many creative ways! Hundreds of children and families from the 2 churches and the community made their way from trunk to trunk to gather candy and enjoy the fun! Anna Goodwin, a member of FUMC commented, “FUMC is delighted to partner with EPC again this year for Trunk or Treat. The joining of our churches on events such as Trunk or Treat and VBS allows us to establish a strong relationship with each other and reach out further into the community to share the Word of Christ.” I spoke recently with some EPC children who reflected on what they love so much about Trunk or Treat each year… Wyatt Burnett, a 2nd grader said “I just like being outside. I remember that there were a lot of cars and the parking lot was FULL! My friend Wyatt Jameson was dressed like Darth Vader!” Lydia Branham, a 5th grader said with delight on her face, “O yes! I just LOVE trunk or treat! I love everything about it!” Gracelyn Latham, a 6th grader remembered, “It is really fun because you get to spend time with your friends and get lots of CANDY. Also I remember a trunk that had a giant spider on top and inside the trunk was cobwebs and candy! It was really cool!” Augusta Roach and Valerie Brock reflected on last year as it was their first year in youth group and they moved from “getting candy to giving candy” Both said that was so much fun to host their storybook character trailer and to play games with and give out candy to the children.” They said they enjoyed giving even more than getting! Cameron Lister and Will Bishop, both 6th graders said loudly “CANDY, CANDY, CANDY!” But Will added that it is neat to see all the creative things that people can do with their cars and costumes. So, obviously you don’t want to miss out on this fun community event that will take place on Sunday, October 25 from 5:30-7:00pm. You can get involved by hosting a trunk, donating candy or just joining in the fun!

For more information contact Ginna Lister.

Amazing Grays

October 7 Fall Colors Boat Ride We will leave the Church at 9:30 am and return by 4:00 p.m. Please bring your own picnic lunch and we will stop at Falls Creek Landing to eat on our way to the northern end of Lake Keowee to see the Jocassee Dam. November 4 Great Smoky Mountain R.R. train ride We will leave the Church at 7:30 am and return around 6:00 pm. We will be traveling on the enclosed Crown Class car and eat lunch in Dillsboro during our 1 1/2 hour layover. Bring money for lunch. December 3 Christmas Living Gallery Lessons and Carols at Bob Jones University. The tickets have already been purchased. We will leave the Church at 3:30 pm and return around 8:30 pm. Bring money to eat dinner at Red Lobster after the show.

Adv e nt Wr e at h Ma k i ng Wo r k s h o p, D i nn e r & P r o g r am November 29 An EPC tradition is back! Come at 5:00 pm to make a wreath for your home or the home of a loved one to celebrate the season of Advent. The cost of wreath making is $10. All you need are clippers, and gloves. Bring some evergreens from your yard if you like.

At 6:00 we will move to a simple, delicious soup/ sandwich supper and cap off the night by singing some Advent hymns together with Robert and Marianne Norris. Mark your calendars for this highlight of the Christmas season.

Upcoming Events for October & November SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4 2015 Stewardship Campaign Begins

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 1 All Saints’ Day

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6 Joy Circle, 7:00 p.m., Church Parlor WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7 Amazing Grays Fall Color Boat Ride, 9:30 a.m.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 3 Joy Circle, 7:00 p.m., Church Parlor WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 Amazing Grays Smoky Mountain Train Ride

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8 FROG Circle, 10:00 a.m., E201

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8 EPCK Sunday Diaconate, 6:00 p.m.

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11 Diaconate, 6:00 p.m.

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11 Wednesday AM Circle, 10:00 a.m., Library

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14 Wednesday AM Circle, 10:00 a.m., Library Stewardship Bonfire, 6:15 p.m.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12 FROG Circle, 10:00 a.m., E201

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18 Session Meeting, 6:00 p.m. Journey Circle, 6:30 p.m.

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Session Meeting, 6:00 p.m. Journey Circle, 6:30 p.m.

MONDAY, OCTOBER 19 Book Club, 7:00 p.m.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Book Club, 7:00 p.m.

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20 Sisters In Christ Circle, 6:30 p.m., Library

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17 Sisters In Christ Circle, 6:30 p.m., Library

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24 through SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25 EPCMiddle to Bonclarken

WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 PW Coordinating Team and Luncheon

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25 Stewardship Commitment Sunday Trunk-or-Treat, 5:30 p.m. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27 SHINE, 4:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28 PW Coordinating Team Meeting, 10:00 a.m

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24 SHINE, 4:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25 No Wonderful Wednesday THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26 Church Office Closed- Happy Thanksgiving!!! FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27 Church Office Closed SUNDAY, NOVENBER 29 1st Day of Advent Advent Wreath Workshop, 5:00 p.m. Dinner/Program, 6:00 p.m.



Happy Birthday!

John Cobb Jay Guerry Meri Guerry Lucas Durham 2 Melody Lutz Matthew Whittemore Kaylee Merck 3 Talita Prins Jack Coats Kaitlyn Jones 4 Anna Catherine Caldwell Gracie Ellison 5 Ben Mitchell 6 Mecia Hartis 7 Pace Lowery Scott Price Gwyneth Waddington Katherine Graham Sydney Thompson Clara Cook


Jon Foster


Greg Lucas John David Gwinn Meredith Greene John Cooper


Laura Cousins Charlie Dawkins


Sonny Dockery Cindy Whittemore Christopher Stuart


Stephanie Miller Ward Cook Caroline Boozer


Melissa Davidson

Kaye Young Audra Lake Gravlee Noah Brock


Kaye Bowick


Jim Mahanes Steve Freeman Kathy Lyles Jane Merritt Becca Scott



Maggie Hagood Martha Daniels Renee Price Erin Barker


Dustin Coats Janice Pritchett Luke DiPietro Tanner Price Kayla Howerton


Bill Scott


Frances Blakely Charlie Clark Nick Caldwell Sara Griffith Frank Stuckey





Terry Westfall Mark Schonhar Luke Davidson Rick Rettberg Preston Bishop


Jon Coon Bob Heil Elizabeth Hausbeck


Bill Ford Cyndi Hanna Dexter Rogers Burgess Robinson III Rosie Edwards


Krissy Davidson

Phalba Jeanes


Alexandra Seabrook


Eddie Crittendon Cindy Kilborn Kyle Anderson

Happy Anniversary! David & Lori Waddington Joe & Gretchen Goodwin Maurice & Linda Reed David & Katherine Bossert Brandon & Liz Cox Brian & Cathlin Guernsey Jack & Mary Jo Harris Scott & Jennifer Graham Charlie & Katie Dawkins Chuck & Marian Dawkins Chris & Kathryn Dean Brian & Stacey Garrison Mario & Sherry DiPietro Jim & Bobbi Laue Stacey & Julie Cassell Barry & Lori Brock Harry & Beverly Carson Clay & Elise Herron

3 6 8 9 9 10 10 12 15 15 17 19 22 22 22 26 28 29

November Happy Birthday! 1

Hubert Bowick Rebecca Dulin Kyla Lott 2 Tracy Barnes 3 Chris Robinson 4 Wyatt Anthony 5 Pat Cook Terri French Jim Erickson Edward Gravely Haleigh Myhand 6 Addison McAlister Emma Kate Griese 7 Christie Gravely


Jim Westfall


Al Frierson Katie Messer


Bill Patrick Leonard Owens Jay Gwinn III


Jennie Hawkins Tonya Drawdy Benjamin Branham


Duane Hurne Tonya Ard Carson Collie





Louis Shepard Alicia Merck Dan Spearman Jeff Willis Katie Miller Reagan Bennett

Ronald Lippincott John LaBrash Sandy Hagood Tom Whittemore Ella Owen


Clare Nunnery Mary Helen Caldwell


Chuck Riehm Emily Lewis Turner Waddell


Tony Messer Dianne Durham


Jack Harris Phyllis Sams Royd Lutz Evelyn Robinson


Charlie McMillen


June Thompson Rett Lister


Wilma Shealy


Janelle Nelson Sonja Lowery Ashley Anderson Scottie Greene


Jim Robinson John Miller Laura Patterson Stacey Cassell Elizabeth Syracuse

Happy Anniversary! Deke & Erica Van Wagner Matt & Krissy Davidson Roger & Linda Levesque Phil & Kathy Lyles Larry & Janice Pritchett David & Cathy Mitchell Paul & Kelli Dulin Ryan & Juli Miller David & Nancy Kearns Jack Brock & Marge Moon Tyler & Annie Rossley Scott & Becky Ross John & Amanda Fulcher Randy & Sue Ross John & Jackie Orr Roger & Ann Kilpatrick Glenn & Gracie Farrow Mike & Ann Cooper Roy & Betty Hall Bill & Jennie Hawkins Danny & Lynn Youngblood Jim & Melissa Robinson

3 4 4 4 4 6 8 10 18 19 19 20 21 21 23 24 25 27 27 27 27 30

200 South 1st Street Easley, SC 29640 864.859.4220 www.easleypresbyterian.org

Church Staff

Wo r s h i p : S u n d a y 9 : 0 0 A M a n d 1 1 : 0 0 A M Sunday School: 10:00 AM

Pastor Rev. Dr. Bill Seel

Church Officers

Associate Pastor Rev. Christie Gravely Director of Christian Education Ginna Lister Director of Youth & Missions Thomas Clanton Director of Music Robert Norris Organist Marianne Norris Kindergarten Director Libby Dodson Church Secretary Jonene Garrett Financial Secretary Kathleen Steen Christian Education Secretary Cynde Whitmire Building Superintendent Tony Brock Asst. Building Superintendent Mel Brock

Session Class of 2017 Class of 2015 Class of 2016 Nick Caldwell Stewart Bauknight Phil Barker Tracey Lake Scott Beane Floride Caldwell Dennis Latham Karen Cooper Paul Cook Richard Mintz Joel Ledbetter John Cutchin Ruth Rice Phil Lyles Chuck Dawkins Alfred Robinson Monty Oxendine Terri French Billy Waddell Carl Walsh Kathy Lyles David Weaver Scott Wilbanks Dan Nunnery Elder Emeritus: Bill Robinson

Diaconate Class of 2015 Linda Black Rick Gantt Jennifer Graham Meg Jewell Steve Lewis Wilma Shealy Elizabeth Weaver David Whittemore

Class of 2016 Barry Brock Dottie Grantham David Houck Greg Lucas Deborah Mintz David Mitchell Heidi Roach Will Young

Class of 2017 Greg Branham Kelli Burnett Rachel Coon Clare Nunnery Rex Rice Chuck Riehm Robert Sams Carey York

Trustees Hubert Bowick

Dan Spearman

Dexter Rogers

The mission of Easley Presbyterian Church is to reach out and invite people to join in the life and love of Jesus Christ, to nurture them in the Christian faith within the tenets of Presbyterianism and to send them into the world to serve.

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