Quarterly Issue Volume 4-2017
Wonderful Wednesday is a Great place to find
Hear from members who enjoy wonderful wednesday koinonia!
A Deeper Connection by Kallie Bennett Attending Church on Sundays is usually a commitment made by those desiring to raise their children and have their family nurtured and encouraged within a community of Christians.
Community! Koinonia! I love this word . . . That sounds great, but, as I (sometimes very un-gracefully) try to wrangle my crew out the door each Sunday morning, and slide into Sunday School with just seconds to spare, all of those sweet, warm and fuzzy koinonia-y church feelings fly out the window. Don’t get me wrong- I treasure my Sunday morning worship community and as I pull out of the parking lot on Sunday morning I sometimes wish it weren’t another 6 days until I get another “chance”. Another chance to give God my best. Thankfully there is! Since my family has started attending Wonderful Wednesdays, we’ve felt a much deeper and meaningful connection to the community we are blessed to have here at EPC. My children love the play time, I love the food and adult laughter and discussion, and it is all around been an extremely positive addition to our spiritual lives. I strongly encourage anyone in our congregation considering checking out Wonderful Wednesdays to do so! I hope to see you there soon!
Sadie & Charlie Bennett
Integral Part of our lives by Kellie King When I was growing up, we never attended church on Wednesday. I had activities daily, and my parents were never really off work in time to try to fit it all in. As an adult now with my own children, I find that Wonderful Wednesdays are now such an integral part of our lives every week, and it certainly doesn't hurt that I don't have to cook! When we first started visiting EPC (my 3-year-old was just a baby) we had been encouraged to come to Wonderful Wednesday but I thought that would just be a little too hard for me with these little kids by myself. When we came for the first time, I realized that all my worries were nonsense, because we were welcomed by everyone, adults and kids alike, offering to hold a baby or help serve a plate or even get one of us a drink. I was sold. My children, the older one in particular, asks every Wednesday when it's time to go. She loves being a part of the Children’s Choir which meets on Wednesday nights and loves that independence of serving herself dinner and being able to do her own thing. Both of them are able to Margaret Bishop, Avery King, Ella Bishop, & Lilah King enjoy some free time with their friends before they head to their own class. Bill and Christie do such an amazing job with their study on Wednesday nights, keeping it very light and more personal. It's definitely a different vibe on Wednesdays, feeling much more casual and relaxed... something we are ready to feel by that time of the week. It really is my one night (my favorite night) during the week to unwind, to relax a little at dinner time and experience that true KOINONIA with my church family.
Wednesday night transformation By Julie Bishop I come to Wednesday night church in the Fall of 2017 very differently than I came to it 10 years ago. My life looks different. My children look different. I certainly look different! However many differences the passage of time may bring, Wednesday night church attendance remains a foundation of our weekly routine. In fact, it holds even more of a priority for us today than it did then. Today, we understand the transformation that occurs over years of consistent and regular engagement in the loving, forgiving, welcoming and encouraging community of believers in Christ. Ten years ago, I was in my mid-thirties, a stay at home mother with four children: a 10 month old baby, twin 4 year olds, and a 6 year old in Kindergarten. I had lived in Easley for less than a decade, having moved here from Washington, D.C. with my husband Kevin in 1999. My parents and sister lived in Fort Worth, Texas, (and still do today). I learned quickly how much I missed them, especially after having children. A foundation of human life which my parents lovingly bestowed upon my sister and I was the importance of church involvement. I am grateful for this teaching and guidance. Kevin and I joined Easley Presbyterian in June 2000, a little over a year before our first child, Preston, was born. Our Sunday School class, Stages, became our community and family, and that soon led to our attendance on Wednesday nights. We made sure we got there each week. This mid-week check in with friends at Wonderful Wednesday soon became an indispensable part of our routine. In 2001, we had our first child. Boy/girl twins followed 22 months later. They were born 8 weeks prematurely. We had to take a break from our normal Sunday and Wednesday attendance routines. The absence was difficult but visits, meals and support came to us from our church friends. This made all the difference. In the Spring of 2004, I was able to get my 8 month old twins and 2 year old out to Wednesday night church. It was a struggle to get all of us there to say the least. Kevin worked late in the evenings with Wednesday being the busiest day of the week and could not join us. I was on my own. But I wasn’t on my own at all! My church friends greeted us with kindness, love, support and encouragement on Wednesday nights. Our children were greeted with love and tender care at the nursery each week, then in the children’s programs and now in youth group. They grew to understand Wednesday night attendance was not an option. It was what we did!
In 2007, our fourth child was born. That was over ten years ago now. By this time, I knew the importance of regular attendance on Wednesdays to my family. I had witnessed it in other families. We did not miss a beat. Margaret went right along for the ride where her siblings were going each Wednesday – to Wonderful Wednesdays! So, now here in October 2017, that 2 year old is 16 and driving, and those twins are 14. They are busy with school, friends, sports, and activities. I come from work to Wednesday nights now, and often I just have our 4th child with me. She is now in her final year of elementary school. My older children come on their own from their activities. Last night (a Wednesday!), my daughters had tumbling in Traveler’s Rest. My 14 year old daughter looked at the clock as we drove back to Easley and said, “We’re going to church, right? I will be there just in time for the lesson.” THIS is why I struggled to get 3 small children to church every Wednesday. It was not easy. I was certainly not always pleasant and in a good mood. Neither were my children! But we went, and it has made all the difference. The grace, love and mercy which we found among the Christian community at Easley Presbyterian sustained us in spite of our glaring imperfections, frustrations and exhaustion. We grew and stretched in our faith. We are still being transformed today 10 years later. My prayer is that while we continue our journey, we will endeavor to intentionally pass on the same care and love we received over the years to the young families attending Wednesday night church today. Maybe the smile, the words of encouragement, the offer to play from my now “older girls” will be the encouragement they need to keep going and keep coming to Wednesday nights.
Ella, Will, Margaret, Julie & Preston Bishop
EPCYouth by Thomas Clanton
Missions Pancake Dinner EPCHigh hosted a pancake dinner to jump star t fundraising effor ts for their 2018 Summer mission trip to the Navajo Indian Reser vation in New Mexico. The youth braved the wind and rain to ser ve church members a delicious spread of pancakes and sausage. The youth raised over $600. Thank you for your generosity! The youth are looking for ward to their trip and are excited about their new fundraiser for the year,
Youth for Hire . Youth for Hire will be a yearlong fundraiser where high school students will do any odd job a church member may have for them! Contact Thomas Clanton, Youth Dirctor, for more information.
Bonclarken In October, EPCMiddle joined the other middle school youth g roups from the Foothills Presby tar y at Bonclarken Retreat Center. They par ticipated in a conference with the theme, “Me, Myself, and God.�
The youth par ticipated in energ iz ers, small g roups, music, and worship as they learned how they are all one in Jesus Christ. During free time, they were able to enjoy the high ropes course and the beautiful scener y of Bonclarken. It was a g reat retreat to refresh hear t, soul, and mind.
Reminder from Fred Rogers In light of recent tragic events in our world, let us always be reminded that light will always outshine the darkness and let us be reminded of the words of that dear Presbyterian soul, Mr. Rogers. In times of trouble, adults seeking to reassure inquisitive children who are aware of frightening events in the news but are too young to fully understand their import often turn to the example of Fred Rogers, the gentle and genial host who for over 30 years delivered lessons on love, kindness, and friendship to children on the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) television program Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. The Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood section of the PBS web site offers some advice on “Helping Children Deal with Tragic Events in the News,” including the following: During his lifetime, Fred Rogers reassuring way of helping families with difficult times, beginning with his response to Robert Kennedy’s assassination. Over the years since then, there have, unfortunately, been other tragic events during which parents and educators turned to him for his calming and thoughtful insight. Fred Rogers’ wisdom is timeless, and his messages continue to be valuable for children and the people who care for them, as we deal with the events of today’s world. In times of community or world-wide crisis, it’s easy to assume that young children don’t know what’s going on. But one thing’s for sure, children are very sensitive to how their parents feel. They’re keenly aware of the expressions on their parents’ faces and the tone of their voices. Children sense when their parents are really worried, whether they’re watching the news or talking about it with others. No matter what children know about a crisis, it’s especially scary for them to realize that their parents are scared. Even if we wanted to, it would be impossible to give our children all the reasons for such things as war, terrorists, abuse, murders, fires, hurricanes, and earthquakes. If they ask questions, our best answer may be to ask them, “What do you think happened?” If the answer is, “I don’t know,” then the simplest reply might be something like, “I’m sad about the news, and I’m worried. But I love you, and I’ll take care of you.” If we don’t let children know it’s okay to feel sad and scared, they may try to hide those feelings or think something is wrong with them whenever they do feel that way. They certainly don’t need details of what’s making us sad or scared, but if we can help them accept their own feelings as natural and normal, their feelings will be much more manageable for them. Fred Rogers often told this story about when he was a boy and would see scary things on the news: “My mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’ To this day, especially in times of disaster, I remember my mother’s words, and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers — so many caring people in this world.”
Welcome New Members!
Michael & Jessica Baker Katelyn & Camden 537 Brighton Circle Easley, SC 29642 864-940-3520
Ann Haefner Alison 216 Carson Road Easley, SC 29642 864-419-7600
Congratulations to
Thomas & Stephanie Phifer on the birth of their son
Emory Thomas Phifer born August 21, 2017
I want to thank the ladies and the youth for making the Kairos Cookie Drive a success with the church “cook-off.” To other cookie donators goes my heartfelt thanks! This was the first time there was a sign up for prayer time during the Kairos weekend event. A big “thank you” for those who gave this needed special loving support. Each weekend has a special character of its own, and this one was no different. A large percentage of the men had Christian backgrounds, but were drawn closer to the Lord by an outpouring of love by God through the Kairos Team. And as happens sometimes, men of other faiths were present comparing the Christian Faith to their own. We even had a Rastafarian at one table telling those present how his faith compared to ours. Thank you again to all who contributed to the success at Kairos Weekend # 48! In His Love, Tracy Barnes
Ms. Gina Lister, Director of Christian Education Easley Presbyterian Church 200 S 1st St Easley, SC 29640-2934
Thornwell Building Tomorrow's Families Today
Dear Friends in Christ, The children in our cottages and in our Building Families programs across the region are August 18, 2017 going back to school, and thanks to you, they'll be ready. Education is usually not a top priority for kids when they are struggling at home. They are Ms. Gina Lister,trauma Director Christian Education facing so much in of their lives that they can't focus on schoolwork. Easley Presbyterian Church 200 S 1st ButStyour gift provides opportunities for children in need to attend tutoring sessions, Read Easley,(aSC 29640-2934 Right program designed to improve their reading), and MOMENTUM (the summer learning program). These opportunities help our kids catch up and even get ahead in school so they can Dear Friends Christ, become what in they were born to be.
The children our cottages and in our Building programs across the region are You truly helpinchildren and families in need. AndFamilies I can't thank you enough! going back to school, and thanks to you, they'll be ready. If you want to see for yourself all that you're supporting, please RSVP for our free, one-hour Education is usually not a top priority for kids when they are struggling at home. They are tour event by calling me at 864-938-2739 or visit thornwell.org/get-involved/take-a-tour/. facing so much trauma in their lives that they can't focus on schoolwork.
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But your gift provides opportunities for children in need to attend tutoring sessions, Read � � ! / Right (a program designed to improve their reading), and MOMENTUM (the summer learning Q.J program). These opportunities help our kids catch up and even get ahead in school so they can el · become what they were born to be. � t%:1'p::��ent for Missi on Advancement!'
You truly help children in need.Community And I can't Service thank you enough! Conhibution: $100.00 offe1ing and fromfamilies the Children's Project - Lemonade Stand proceeds received on 8/17/2017 If you want to see for yourself all that you're supporting, please RSVP for our free, one-hour tour event by calling me at 864-938-2739 or visit thornwell.org/get-involved/take-a-tour/. �
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The Preschool @ EPC The 4’s Class is going strong, with 12 students! They have been learning the letter of the week, the Pledge of Allegiance, participating in crafts, music, Chapel Time, Computer PALS, and many other AMAZING projects with their teacher, Mrs. LaBarbara Machen. We are very lucky to have her as a teacher this year!
Wednesday is Chapel Day
We celebrated Halloween in each class with fun parties, costumes, food and special treats! Our teachers did an outstanding job planning and leading their classrooms! We had many families in attendance!
Halloween with the 3’s
t Trea r o k Tric the 2’s with
gw reatin T r o k r ic Class T urch Staff ’s 4 e Th the Ch
Coming Up ... • Thanksgiving Family Feast & Children’s Program, November 21, 11:00, Fellowship Hall. • Christmas Program, December 14, 11:00 - Children will sing and have a visit from Santa! • Fall 2018 Registration in February - 1st Choice registration for current students.
We had a successful school fundraiser with “Glazed” of Clemson, making Christmas Ornaments, which brought in $532.00 for our program! These were custom made pottery ornaments with each child’s fingerprints in the design of their choice. 131 ornaments were created. Contact Jen Willey, Preschool Director @ 859-0737 or jen@easleypresbyterian.org. Also, visit The Preschool on Facebook!
Amazing Grays Experience Koinonia We have a wonderful community of friends in the Amazing Grays. The outings are great fun, and we always have a delicious meal. We have the opportunity to develop new friendships and deepen longtime friendships. The trips cover a variety of topics and places, so there are activities to interest everyone. Being with my friends in the Amazing Grays is a highlight of each month. ~ Carolyn Brice
Amazing Grays
I am having so much fun as an Amazing Gray! Our monthly outings have been both fun and enlightening, and most importantly, the fellowship with others has really enriched each event. I hope to be a part of this group for many years to come! ~ Janice Pritchett
PW Circles provide an opportunity for small group fellowship, Bible study, and mission projects. Journey Circle enjoyed their October meeting in the home of Stacey Elgin.
Christmas Mailbox Fundraiser
It’s that time of year when EPW decorates mailboxes with fresh greenery and a festive red bow! You may order yours by December 3, 2017. Order forms will be available soon. NO late orders can be accepted! Mailboxes will be decorated the week of December 11, 2017. The proceeds from this fundraiser will benefit Thornwell Children’s Home and United Christian Ministries Winter Heating Fund. If you would like to volunteer to be a part of our decorating team, please contact the church office. It’s a fun way to express your creativity and have a good time working with friends!
Coming up . . . • Thank Offering Dedication & Staff “Thank You” Luncheon, November 29 at noon • Soup Sale -- more details and order forms after the Holidays! • EPW Yard Sale -- Late winter or early spring 2018 -- Please begin saving items!
Coming up @ E P C
Visit www.easleypresbyterian.org for more information and to sign up.
November 15
Stop Hunger Now
December 3
Advent Wreath Workshop, Dinner & Program
December 6
Children’s Gift Making Workshop
December 13
Children’s Choir Nativity
December 17 Caroling December 24 · One morning service @ 10 AM · Christmas Eve Service with children & youth singing @ 5 PM · Christmas Eve Communion & Candlelight Service @ 8 pm December 31
Worship @ 9 & 11 AM Sunday School Classes meet in the Fellowship Hall
January 14
Officer Retreat
Happy Tenth anniversary! On November 19, we will celebrate our Associate Pastor Christie Gravely’s 10th anniversary at EPC. All are invited to a reception in the Parlor after the 11:00 worship service. If you would like to honor Christie with a note of appreciation, please mail it to the church office or place it in the box located in the office. We will present the notes to her at the reception. Please plan to attend and help us shower Christie with the beautiful love that she faithfully demonstrates to us every day.