The Vine - Spring 2017

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Holy Habits - Worship Holy Habits - Study EPCHigh Ski Trip

The Preschool @ Easley Presbyterian Church

Spring 2017


Holy Habits

Service of Wholness More than seventy people attended our Service of Wholenss on January 29, 2017 and many have shared stories of how the Holy Spirit provided peace through this time of worship. Healing was an important part of Jesus’ ministry. He healed people in body, mind, and spirit. As the church, we are called to follow the example of Jesus, and to offer prayers for healing and wholeness for those who are hurting. Our Service of Wholeness includes prayer, the laying on of hands, and anointing with oil, all of which have been part of the Church’s ministry since New Testament times. This is mystical and mysterious, but not magic. No tricks, gimmicks, or magical incantations are used to invoke the Holy Spirit. In this service, the church acknowledges the constant and abiding presence of God. The Service for Wholeness affirms that even in the midst of bodily illness, pain, and suffering, our relationship with God in Christ sustains us. T h e P r a y e r o f Fa i t h Is anyone among you s u f f e r i ng ? L e t h i m p r ay… Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. Ja m e s 5 : 1 4 - 1 5


. . . Learning Holy Habits


Confirmation Class at EPC is a yearlong process where eighth grade students meet during the Sunday school hour for 26 lessons on God, the Church, and Theology. Through the first semester of study, these 14 students have learned about topics such as: The Bible, The Trinity, The Works of Christ, and more. An essential part of the confirmation process is the role of mentors. These adult mentors form relationships with a specific confirmand and help them with any questions they have during the confirmation process. One of the events that they participate in are the mentoring dinners. These are dinners throughout the year where mentor and confirmand come together to fellowship and learn. At the most recent dinner both groups were tasked to complete a semester review. The review covered topics studied in class. It was great to see the confirmands know some answers that even the adults didn’t know. When asked about the dinners confirmand Gretchen Lewis said, “I enjoy the chance to get together with my mentor. I have known my mentor for most of my life but it is great to spend time one on one and discussing our faith.� Confirmation class runs until the end of April. At that point each confirmand will present their statement of faith to the Session and be confirmed as a member of the church.

Wonderful Wednesday . . . a Holy Habit


This year we are focusing on the Holy Habits of worship, study, prayer and service. Many from our congregation come together weekly for fellowship and study on Wednesday evenings. It is one of those places that if we make it a priority -- a habit in our lives -- we can see the benefit and the spiritual growth. You will find from those who write below how important this weekly act of gathering for food, fellowship and study is in each of their lives. If you have not yet made Wonderful Wednesday a holy habit in your life, it is never too late to begin! Join us each week at 5:30 for dinner or at 6:15 for a time of weekly thought-provoking, spiritually enriching study. We can’t wait to see you!

Wonderful Wednesday is just that; Wonderful! It allows us to STOP from the weekly

grind and catch up with our church family. It ensures Bible study in the middle of the week. This is an important part of the holy habits we all need as Christians. No matter how busy or tired I am, I am always glad I made it to Wonderful Wednesday. It is the food and fellowship I need to keep me spiritually healthy until service on Sunday. Bible study has “opened my eyes and heart to Jesus”. Until Wonderful Wednesday Bible study, I did not study regularly. I always seemed to find other things I needed to do before studying. Bible study gives me a reason to study because participation is always more fun. My spiritual journey has a purpose because of Wonderful Wednesday Bible study. ~ Janice Lee

Wonderful Wednesday is a staple for our family.

Our family joined EPC in the fall 2009. As I reflect on the many seasons, years, and events that have passed since that time, the chosen theme, Holy Habits, for this church year rings true as the epitome of EPC. With activities such as Sunday worship services, Sunday school classes, mission and volunteer opportunities, Wonderful Wednesday, summer camps, Equipping the Saints, small circle groups, basketball, and music programs, there are many opportunities to learn, get to know church members, serve the church, and serve the community. Though we did not initially attend regularly, Wonderful Wednesday has become a staple of fellowship and learning for our family. Wednesday evenings at EPC are a welcomed break from the daily grind of work and school activities. It is an opportunity to catch up with friends, make new friends, enjoy a hot meal, and feed the mind with various topics covered in the Bible study classes. Wednesday evening classes help me to maintain or re-center focus on my faith in the midst of a busy week. Classes are sometimes themed over the course of a month with a different subtopic covered weekly. Other classes are covered in a single evening. In the past, multiple classes have been offered on different topics, providing a choice to what may be most relevant to you at that time. Recent past topics have included the Order of Worship, The Lord’s Prayer, The Psalms, forgiveness, and Advent. The classes are always relevant and the topics are different than what is covered during Sunday worship, which has helped to broaden my areas of Bible study. Our children look forward to Wednesdays at EPC and I know they are having fun while also growing in their faith. We are thankful that EPC provides the Wonderful Wednesday programs and we look forward attending each week. ~ Britt Burnett

Wonderful Wednesday is the place

where the Bible comes alive! Our children open their minds and hearts to study each week as they focus on a certain Bible passage for an entire month. They hear and experience the story through a variety of ways including; acting, crafts, games, videos, cooking and sometimes science. During the month of January, we studied John the Baptist and Jesus’ Baptism. Look how the 2nd - 5th grade children illustrated the passage! They drew on transparency sheets and projected their images on the wall as they retold the story. Another class made “locust” from crescent rolls and ate them!

EPCHigh @ Winterplace Ski Resort by Thomas Clanton

EPCHigh teamed up with the High School Youth at Easley First Baptist to tame the slopes at Winterplace Ski Resort. This January a group of 40 high school students and adults boarded a charter bus headed for West Virginia. They arrived at their two six bedroom cottages to prepare for two days of skiing and snowboarding. During their time it was an unseasonably warm 55 degrees. There was still enough slush and snow to have a good time. Drew Crittednon said, “Skiing is one of my favorite things to do in the world. It doesn’t matter what the conditions are, I am going to have a good time.” In the evening time the youth were able to enjoy the high quality recreation center at the resort. The youth spent time swimming in the indoor heated pool, playing basketball, and exercising. When asked what she enjoyed best about the trip High School Senior Chloe Garrison said, “I enjoy the opportunity to connect with friends. I want to spend as much time with them before I graduate.” The group returned safely the following Sunday evening. When asked how he enjoyed the combined trip EFB youth pastor David Hughes said, “It was great to build

relationships with other Christians from other denominations. We enjoyed our partnership with Easley Presbyterian Church.” EPCHigh will be taking their next trip in March to Montreat for a weekend with the other Foothills Presbytery youth.

Welcome New Member!

Jack Weyman

517 Kingsman Ln Easley, SC 29642 864-270-8780

Congratulations to

Clara Waddell & Taylor Nunamkaer married on November 19, 2016


VBS 2017 June 4-8 @FUMC

Last year was the first time our family had ever participated in VBS, and it truly impacted each of us. Our son was 3 years old and so excited to be a part of it. He still talks about "Bible school" and looks for the decorations in the gym-- asking where the big submarine went or if we remember him surfing on the surfboard. When he sees his high school leaders from that week, he runs to talk to them. He has been ready for that special week to start again ever since it ended! Will and I decided that we might as well be at VBS all together, so he helped in recreation while I was in the preschool science room. It Ellen was such a great time to get to know members of our church family that we didn't already know very well--children and adults. We truly formed some special bonds that week and made great memories as we learned about and shared God's love. ~ Ellen Young Even as snow was falling in early January, plans were underway for a time of year when we celebrate warm days, no school and what has become the traditional entrance into summer -Vacation Bible School! This year, we will once again partner with our friends at First United Methodist Church and in fact, they will host Hero Central VBS @ FUMC this year. Many of us from very young to very old are obsessed with super heroes - we all have our favorites, mine of course, is Wonder Woman. Then there are those many real-life heroes who we all know and love from firefighters, to military, to parents, to teachers to grandparents, to ordinary people. This summer, children will have a chance to take a look into the lives of Biblical heroes who by their actions showed: heart, courage, wisdom and power. Make plans now to be a part of this week (June 4-8) either as a volunteer or a participant. You will also have opportunities to volunteer prior to VBS many ways. Thank you to Julie Bishop, Zane Coats and Samantha Kennedy who will co-direct this exciting week!

See you at Hero Central! Ms. Ginna

Life-giving water flows for these villages Donated by Easley Presbyterian Church and First United Methodist Church VBS In Honor of EPC and FUMC 2016 VBS Volunteers

A new well installed on 9/23/2016 will serve 160 people in the village of Chinguluwe, Malawi.

A new well installed on 9/28/2016 will serve 95 people in the village of Matimani, Zambia.

We received these photos from Marion Medical Mission and just had to share!

A new well installed on 9/29/2016 will serve 70 people in the village of Jalajata, Malawi.

A new well installed on 9/29/2016 will serve 50 people in the village of Itowo, Tanzania.

A new well installed on 10/4/2016 will serve 60 people in the village of Msamanyada, Malawi.

We have a new name and a new look! “The Preschool” begins enrollment for the Fall 2017-2018 school year in February. Also, 2 new classes babies 3-11 months.







Contact Jen Willey, Preschool Director @ 859-0737 or Also, visit The Preschool on Facebook!

The Preschool participated in a “Cards for Kids” program where Valentine’s Day care packages are sent to patients at GHS Children’s Hospital.

PW Presbyterian Women Thank Offering The PW Thank Offering is given in the fall and is an expression of each woman’s gratitude for the special blessings in her life. The offering is used to support health ministries and community missions throughout the world. EPW is especially thankful for our church staff and celebrates them in November with a “Thank You” luncheon.

Soup Sale Fundraiser The soup sale this year benefits Presbyterian Disaster Assistance in its efforts to help those affected by Hurricane Matthew and the wildfires in the Southeast. We sold 138 quarts which raised $1104. Thank you to all who participated by cooking and purchasing!

Coming up @ EPC • February 5

9:00 & 11:00 am - Souper Bowl of Caring 12:00 pm - Soup & Chili Covered-Dish Lunch

• February 19 5:00 pm - Basketball Banquet

• February 26

9:00 & 11:00 am - Skye Jethani preaching 5:00 pm - Skye Jethani keynote with dinner

• March 1

6:15 pm - Ash Wednesday

• March 17-19

EPCHigh to Montreat

Holy Week Schedule • April 9 12:00 pm Lunch & Easter Egg Hunt

• April 13

7:00 pm Maundy Thursday Service

• April 14 12:00 pm Good Friday Service & Luncheon • April 16 9:00 & 11:00 am Easter Worship Services

10:00 am Easter Brunch

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