EPHESUS [February 2015]
The Official Magazine of the Ephesus Seventh-day Adventist Church
Grace OF
A Word about Grace
Ministry Leaders 1
5 Tips for School Success
What’s Insid 9
4 A Word about Grace 6 My Experience at the Southern Union Conference What Seventh-day Adventists Believe: 8 Where are They Now? 9 10 The 2015-16 Ministry Leaders 20 Eat Yourself Slim In the Pew Next to You 21 5 Tips for School Success 22 23 Bible Game for Kids 24 Calendar of Events Engaged 26 The 28 Fundamentals
The McNeil Family
Gwen Preston
Advice for Young Adults
Brittany and Spencer
ABOUT by Pastor John Pooler, III
ll the heavenly bodies have their God-given places and move in a divinelyprescribed course above. And as a result, we can tell when the sun rises and sets on a particular day in the future, and we can also tell when the moon is full or when a new moon appears. God has it all under His control.
From time to time, life inserts itself and we can’t seem to figure out the design of God for our existence. The psalmist declares in Psalm 148:3-6, “Praise ye Him, sun and moon: praise Him all ye stars of light, Praise Him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens. Let them praise the name of the Lord: for He commanded and they were created. He hath also established them for ever and ever: He hath made a decree that shall not pass.” For this year, I would like the psalmist to encourage you to look up at God! How did the heavenly bodies come into being? It was by His command. Because it is established by God, it is maintained by His decree that shall not pass away. And because this is true of His work of creation, how much more wonderful and comforting is it to know that what He does in His “grace sufficient” comes
by a command, and not by a wish, is established and cannot pass away or fail? When we look up at God we recognize that we, too, are living by His command, established by His Word and maintained by His gracious decree. We cannot fail. With all that is going on in this chaotic world we can take comfort by the grace of God that He has a plan in it all. “So what shall we say to all these things, if God be for us who can be against us” (Romans 8:31)? Knowing God defines who we are. “We are more than conquerors in Him that loves us”(Romans 8:37). Why, then, should we hold back in this year? We must come boldly before His throne so we can live graciously among mankind and determine to live victoriously for God. So again I say, “look up at God!”, and by His added grace forge ahead, and let us conquer all!
“By all let God be praised, for He alone is great; above the earth and heav’n He reigns in glorious state; praise Him, ye saints, who know His grace and ever dwell before His face.” Hymn inspired by Psalm 148 4
February 2 - March 30, 2015 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Ephesus Seventh-day Adventist Church REGISTER at www.daveramsey.com/findaclass
The Southern Union Conference, located in Norcross, Ga.
My Experience at the
Southern Union Conference by Tiffiney Miles
I believe that there is no such thing as a coincidence. God places certain situations in our paths to show us that He is still in control, He loves us in the biggest and smallest of ways and He, as the Bible states, gives the desires of our hearts. What does this have to do with how I became an intern at the Southern Union Conference? Everything. The Backstory When I realized that God wanted me to work in the field of journalism and visual communications, one of my first interests was
to work for the Southern Tidings magazine. In February 2014, someone told me about a photojournalist workshop, hosted by the Southern Union Conference, in North Carolina. At this workshop, Steven Norman, the communication director at the Union, spoke. Norman is also the editor of the Southern Tidings magazine. Now, I have a confession to make: I have a hard time approaching someone, especially if I don’t know that person. I knew that it was my chance to introduce myself to
him, but I was too scared to do it, so I prayed to God to give me the opportunity to speak to Norman. However, I did not go to him. He actually came to me. There was a lunch break during the workshop, and a few minutes after I sat down at a table, Norman and his wife sat down right beside me. Now was my chance. I introduced myself, and, after a few minutes of conversation, asked him if there were any internship opportunities at the Union. He told me to send him a resume and he will see
what he could do. I sent him the resume, he liked what he saw and I was on my way to Norcross, Ga. Coincidence? Not at all. God had this planned all along. About the Southern Union Conference I admit that I had no clue what the Southern Union Conference was about. I thought it was equal with other conferences like the South Atlantic Conference or Georgia-Cumberland Conference. So if anyone is just as confused as I was, let me see if I can help: Every Adventist church in the world is part of the General Conference. The General Conference is divided into 14 divisions, with each division covering different parts of the world. For example, we are in the North
American Division. Each division is then divided into different unions. This is where the Southern Union Conference lies. And each union provides services to conferences and other territories that are a part of that union. The Southern Union Conference covers eight conferences, as well as several schools, healthcare facilities and radio stations. To learn more about the Church, visit www. adventist.org or www.southernunion. com. What I Did Within the Union, there are several departments that specialize in different areas of ministry. I worked with Norman and his team in the Communication department. I started my internship in August
and finished in December. There are only six people in this department: the director (Norman), associate director, Southern Tidings managing editor, graphic designer, Southern Tidings circulation and church signs engineer. Because my interest was in graphic design, I worked closely with the department’s designer. I created several printed an electronic materials to other departments in the Union. Some of these materials included flyers, brochures, name tags, book covers and programs. I also helped to update information on the Union’s website. I did do some photography as well. I took pictures of all staff and executive committee members
for their new name tags. I also took photos at the Union’s Men’s Prayer Summit, which is featured in the November 2014 issue of the Southern Tidings. Not only did I take pictures for the Tidings, but I wrote a couple of stories as well. My article about the Spartan Race is on page 13 of the December 2014 issue, and my article about the Medical/Dental/Health Professional Convention is on page 14 of the January 2015 issue. Where I Went Working at the Southern Union, I was blessed to travel a couple of times. I got the chance to visit the Communication department at the Georgia-Cumberland Confer-
ence in Calhoun, Ga. Then I traveled to Nashville, Tenn. visit three printing companies: Lithographics, Color Stream Digital and McGraphics. I also got the chance to go to Jacksonville, Fla., to attend the Society of Adventist Communicators Convention, where I learned a lot about photography, crisis communication and journalism. I also got to network with Adventist professionals who are in the communication profession. What I Learned My internship at the Southern Union Conference was a great blessing to me. I learned a lot about photography and design skills. I met some great people. And I learned so much about the Union and how it of-
fers a numerous amount of resources to help conferences and churches spread the Gospel. But the biggest lesson I learned is that God is using His people in big ways to spread the Gospel. The people who work at the Union are passionate about Christ, and it is evident in their work. Their passion gave me motivation to use my God-given talents to make a difference in people’s lives. Center photos: (left) I had the opportunity to design name tags for the Society of Adventist Communicators Convention in Jacksonville, Fla. (center) I went to Nashville, Tenn., to tour three printing companies. I met with Twyla Clark at Lithographics. Photo by Steven Norman. (right) I took photos of the Men’s Prayer Summit in Atlanta, Ga. The pictures, and the article, were the feature story in the November 2014 issue of the Southern Tidings magazine.
The 28 Fundamental Beliefs
1. Word of God
The 28 Fundamentals Doctrine of God 1. Word of God 2. Trinity 3. God the Father 4. God the Son 5. God the Holy Spirit Doctrine of Man 6. Creation 7. Nature of Man Doctrine of Salvation 8. Great Controversy 9. Life, Death, and Resurrection of Christ 10. Experience of Salvation 11. Growing in Christ Doctrine of the Church 12. The Church 13. Remnant and Its Mission 14. Unity in the Body of Christ 15. Baptism 16. The Lord’s Supper 17. Spiritual Gifts and Ministries 18. Gift of Prophecy Doctrine of the Christian Life 19. Law of God 20. Sabbath 21. Stewardship 22. Christian Behavior 23. Marriage and the Family Doctrine of Last Things 24. Christ’s Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary 25. The Second Coming of Christ 26. Death and Resurrection 27. The Millennium and the End of Sin 28. The New Earth
“No book has been so loved, so hated, so revered, so damned as the Bible. People have died for the Bible. Others have killed for it. It has inspired man’s greatest noblest acts, and been blamed for his most damnable and degenerate. Wars have raged over the Bible, revolutions have been nurtured in its pages, and kingdoms crumbled through its ideas.” So why do Seventh-day Adventists hold fast to the Bible as the Word of God? “The Holy Scriptures, Old and New Testaments, are the written Word of God, given by divine inspiration through holy men of God who spoke and wrote as they were moved by the Holy Spirit. In this Word, God has committed to man the knowledge necessary for salvation. The Holy Scriptures are the infallible revelation of His will. They are the standard of character, the test of experience, the authoritative revealer of doctrines, and the trustworthy record of God’s acts in history.” – Fundamental Beliefs, 1 “Jesus Christ is the focus of the Scripture. The Old Testament sets forth the Son of God as the Messiah, the world’s Redeemer; the New Testament reveals Him as Jesus Christ, the Savior. Every page, either in Symbol or reality, reveals some phase of His work and character. Jesus’ death on the cross is the ultimate revelation of God’s character. 8
The Bible’s authority for faith and practice rises from its origins. Its writers viewed the Bible as distinct from other literature. They referred to it as “Holy Scriptures” (Romans 1:2), “sacred writings (2 Timothy 3:15)’ and the “oracles of God” (Romans 3:2; Hebrews 5:12) The uniqueness of the Scripture is based on the Scriptures is based on their origin and source. The Bible writers claimed they did not originate their messages but received them from divine sources. These writers pointed to the Holy Spirit as the one who communicated through the prophets to the people. So God, in the person of the Holy Spirit, has revealed Himself through the Holy Scriptures. He wrote them, not with His hands, but with other hands, about forty pairs, over a period of more than 1500 years. And since God the Holy Spirit inspired the writers, God, then, is its author.” “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” (2 Timothy 3:16,17)
Excerpts from Seventh-day Adventist Believe . . .28 A Biblical Exposition of Fundamental Doctrines
are they
The McNeil Family
Humbled, encouraged, optimistic survivors are words that may come to mind if you had the opportunity to converse with The McNeil Family.
Since leaving Columbia, South Carolina nearly a decade ago, Phil and Dashanna have individually sought and succeeded in their career goals and collectively achieved several life aspirations. After getting married in the fall of 2009 in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, Phil and Dashanna lived in the suburbs of Richmond, Virginia. It was during that time God afforded both of them to endure many health challenges resulting in several lifesaving surgeries. They were blessed to
have the love and support of a family and friends that helped during periods of healing and recovery.
In 2011, Phil and Dashanna moved to North Carolina where they later had their first son, Kennedy Jamel in 2012. Kennedy’s life is a constant reminder that God is able and willing to do the impossible if we only submit our hearts and will to Him. Today, Phil, Dashanna, and Kennedy live in the suburbs of Raleigh, NC where they are members of the Gethsemane SDA Church. While serving in several capacities in the church, they most enjoy watching Kennedy learn in Sabbath School and teaching him at home about God. Phil, for the past 15 years, continues
to operate his website development firm 1BrightStar Media and Dashanna works in administration at Duke University hospital. This year, they endeavor to open the doors to the McNeil Healthcare Institute which will be focused on educating nurse assistants, providing continuing education, and sharing with students the importance of a healthy diet. Although, Phil and Dashanna McNeil have faced many challenges together, they remain humbled and optimistic regardless of obstacles. Together, they have come to the understanding that life is precious and because of the gift of life...the best thing we can bestow to each other is love. For it is the most important act that unites us as people and bonds us all as a family. photo and article by Phil McNeil, Jr.
Adventist Youth Society (AYS) LEADER: Shantel McGill PURPOSE
The Adventist Youth Society encourages young people to pursue a relationship with God whole-heartedly.
To help ensure the salvation of youth.
2015 -16 Min Bible Study Ministry LEADER: Spencer Wade PURPOSE
The newly-established Revived Bible Study Class is purposed to develop an excitement in knowing God through His word, providing biblical answers to “practical� everyday questions, encourage daily personal study of the Bible, and committing full scripture to memory.
To plan and facilitate in-depth and engaging Bible study classes for both members and nonmembers.
Children’s Story Ministry LEADER: Marsha Fields PURPOSE
The Children’s Ministry Department seeks to develop the faith of children through biblical stories and practical life experiences, leading them to into a loving, serving relationship with Jesus and mankind.
To cultivate, nourish, and enlighten the minds of young children so they may grown in learning about Christ and his purpose.
nistry Leaders
Communication Ministry LEADER: Tiffiney Miles PURPOSE
The Communication Department strives make Ephesus known in our community through audio/visual assistance, print media and digital media.
To effectively communicate, through several platforms, how the church is spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ with the community and the world.
2015 -16 Ministry Leaders Community Service Ministry LEADER: Esther Munoz PURPOSE
The Community Service Ministry serves to model the life of Christ by actively meeting the physical and social needs of the church and community. Community-based initiatives are entreated to address specific concerns, mobilize community partnerships among church and community leaders, and bring about spiritual awareness.
To become more viable in the community and known as an asset to the neighborhood by identifying and addressing the needs of the local community and surrounding area.
Deacons Ministry LEADER: DaRon Barfield PURPOSE
The Deacons Ministry serves to uphold the statutes of God and attend to the business of the church. As chosen servants of God and the backbone of the Pastor and Elders, Deacons assists in a range of services and activities (i.e. visitation of members, care and maintenance of property, caring for the needs of the poor, etc.).
To rededicate ourselves to the service of the church and will of God, and to spread the Word as intended in 1 Timothy 3:7. Also, to insure that the church nor the church family go unattended , make sure the needs are met for both by our efforts, and restore reverence in the sanctuary.
Deaconess Ministry LEADER: Cathy Williams PURPOSE
The Deaconess Ministry employs called servants of God, who cooperate closely with the board of deacons. Deaconesses assists in a range of services and activities (i.e. visiting and welcoming guests and members, assisting in baptism, caring for the needs of the sick and poor, being a role model for newly elected deaconesses.).
To strive to fulfill the calling of the Lord in all humbleness; to be of service in our church, community, and home and to create a powerful, spiritual focus and bond of peace.
2015 -16 Ministry Leaders Education Ministry
LEADER: Brittany Jenkins PURPOSE
The Education Ministry supports students in the church through prayer and by providing them with relevant resources.
To encourage and support the spiritual, Biblical & academic education our students by providing families and the community with relevant information, resources & programs designed to “prepare them for service in this world & the world to come” (White, 1903, p. 13).
Elder Board Ministry
The Elders Board consists of strong spiritual leaders who by precept and example seek to lead the church into a deeper and fuller Christian experience. Elders directly assist the pastor and conduct the services of the church while ministering in both word and doctrine when the assigned pastor is unavailable.
To foster chosen servants of God, both men and women, in carrying out the church’s mission and business in a righteous manner, support and advise the pastor through the wisdom of God, and be proactive in leading church growth and spiritual development.
Family Life Ministry
LEADERS: Deryl and Janice Keith PURPOSE
The Family Ministry Department is purposed to strengthen marriages and families. We facilitate understanding, unity, and love at home and in the family of God, while fostering relational growth, generation reconciliation, and education to the church body on restoration and deliverance of broken homes.
To effectively develop godly marriages and families who change the world, one home at a time. 13
2015 -16 Ministry Leaders Hospitality Ministry LEADER: Jerry Tynes PURPOSE
The Hospitality Ministry strives to make every visitor and member feel special, with a feeling of belonging here. We want to decrease the stress and confusion of first-time guests and create a positive atmosphere.
To offer the love of Christ to our guests and welcome them in such a way that they will be transformed from strangers into friends.
Pathfinders and Adventurers LEADERS: Olive Sease and Deryl Keith PURPOSE
The Pathfinders and Adventurers Department provides a church-centered outlet for the spirit of exploration and adventure found in junior youth. This includes activities in outdoor living, nature exploration, and various activities. The Adventurer Department provides home and church programs for parents and children, designed to stimulate children’s curiosity through arts and crafts, recreational activities, and appreciation of God’s creation.
To provide a Christ-centered ministry for all youth that will allow them to live the Pathfinder & Adventurer pledge and law in their daily lives; and to help them to grow and mature spiritually, educationally, physically, and socially in a safe and nurturing environment.
Personal Ministries LEADER: Barbara Magwood PURPOSE
The Personal Ministries Department’s primary focus is evangelism. In partnership with the pastoral team, we seek to enlist every member into active soulwinning service for God. To do this, we provide resources, encouragement and training to all members for in-house church ministry and/or communitywide evangelistic efforts.
To spread the gospel and bring the good news to souls who are yearning for the Comforter.
2015 -16 Ministry Leaders Prayer Ministry
LEADER: Cathy Williams PURPOSE
The Prayer Ministry Department understands that prayer is the responsibility and duty of every born again believer. With careful study and bold-like faith, we rest on the authority of prayer to transform, convert, and illuminate the lives of all who believe.
To lead saints into a more intimate relationship with the Godhead – purposefully bringing about inspiration in the hearts of individuals to desire a life of love, obedience, commitment, and honesty toward God and mankind.
Religious Liberty Ministry LEADER: Phil McNeil PURPOSE
The Religious Liberty Ministry focuses on promoting dignity and protecting religious freedom for all people. We work to advocate public policy positions on issues in diverse areas such as human rights, health, education, women’s issues, the rights of prisoners, and aid and development.
To prepare, educate and promote human rights of the church body in worship, observance, practice, witnessing, and teaching.
Safety Ministry
The Safety Ministry is responsible for the safety and welfare of our members, staff, volunteers and the members of the public that visit or use our premises.
To ensure that our premises are a safe worship and work environment for all by controlling the hazards in and around our premises and the hazards caused by what we do. 15
2015 -16 Ministry Leaders Stewardship Ministry LEADER: Samuel Paschal PURPOSE
The Stewardship Department provides leadership training and education in stewardship principles for church members. We educate through programs that promote spirituality, value transformation, and financial management—individual or corporate.
To actively support the Ephesus Seventh-day Adventist Church’s mission through faithful stewards.
Beautification Ministry LEADER: Sonja Burrell PURPOSE
The Beautification Ministry maintains and enhances the beautification of the church.
To create an environment where members and friends can come and worship in the beauty of holiness.
Publishing Ministry LEADER: Phil McNeil PURPOSE
The Publishing Ministry is organized to coordinate and promote literature evangelism in the local church, and it assists the local church departments in the promotion, sale, and distribution of subscription magazines and other literature.
To work closely with the pastor and department ministries in planning ways to involve young people with the missionary church literature. We also promote literature evangelism within the church.
2015 -16 Ministry Leaders Singles’ Ministry
LEADER: Catherine Sylvester PURPOSE
The Singles’ Ministry focuses on providing opportunities for the singles of the church to come together for fellowship and fun, and to foster lasting friendships.
To work with God to reach the singles in the church and our community by providing spiritual, relational, emotional and educational opportunities that will help all involved grow in many different aspects of life.
Women’s Ministry
The Women’s Ministry exists to uphold, encourage, and challenge women in their daily walk as disciples of Jesus Christ.
To model Jesus Christ to all women through meaningful relationships and significant ministries.
Music Ministry
LEADER: Virean Bartley PURPOSE
The Music Ministry uses music as a spiritual outreach to usher in the presence of God and to prepare the hearts and minds of individuals to worship the Lord.
To glorify God as one body, unified in spirit, with a sincere and humble heart in hope, excellence and love through music.
2015 -16 Ministry Leaders Usher Ministry LEADER: Leslie O’Neal PURPOSE
The Usher Ministry prepares the saints for worship.
To be committed to ushering, helping, and serving in a friendly manner to encourage an atmosphere of worship with decency and in order, to the glory of God.
Disability Ministry LEADER: Vanessa McLendon PURPOSE
The Disability Ministry enables everybody to enjoy worship, prayer and bible study at any service.
To provide any support, materials, or assistance to any member, family, or visitor to assist them to worship and participate in all services.
Treasury Department PURPOSE
The Treasury Department is established as the custodian of all church funds and to safeguard the allocation and receiving of all funds. Specifically, this department provides continuity in record keeping and reporting, while encouraging faithfulness in the returning of tithes and offerings to enhance abundant church growth.
To grow disciples within the church community through promoting cheerful giving, efficiently managing and allocating all church funds and budgets, and responding responsibly and compassionately to the needs of the church and community.
2015 -16 Ministry Leaders Health Ministry
The Health Ministry educates the community and church on healthy spiritual living and temperance .
To promote healthy behaviors, psychical activities, and safe environments for the community and members of the church.
Finance Ministry
The Finance Committee works with the church treasurer to prepare and present an annual church budget proposal to the board and then to the church in business meetings.
To review and evaluate the use of church funds and to make recommendations to the board based on that financial information.
eat yourself
Weight Control from Diet and Lifestyle Change Provided by Kelvin Barnes, Ephesus Health Ministries Leader
The dream of many people is a magic diet pill taken before each meal that will remove all the calories. In the absence of such a magic diet pill, we continue to try dozens of diets, spend a fortune on exercise equipment and health club memberships, and even hire trainers who will come to our homes and work out with us. We read so much about what is good for us and what is bad that the picture has become muddled. Today’s advertising is so slick that we often don’t know what to believe. Here are some hard facts you can depend on. You can accomplish weight control in a healthy way without a magic diet pill: - Always have a breakfast. In a hurry? Try a bagel, toast, or dry cereal. - Carry your lunch to avoid fast food. Stay away from vending machines. - Go outdoors for a brisk walk during lunch. Join a health club. - Try new low-fat, easy-to-prepare recipes for dinner. - Dietary dangers abound at parties. Eat before you go to a party! - Find a partner to collaborate in targeting weight control & exercise goals. 20
Next to
Gwen Preston Gwen is no stranger to Ephesus. Ever since she was born, she has attended Ephesus with her family. After staying in Atlanta for a while, Gwen moved back to Columbia 14 years ago and has stayed ever since. Gwen currently works as the assistant director at the University of South Carolina Institute of Partnerships to Eliminate Health Disparities, where she teaches people how to live healthy lives. She also carries that passion outside of work. Gwen loves to do community outreach programs, like conducting vegetarian and vegan cooking classes, to encourage others to adopt a healthy lifestyle. In her free time, Gwen enjoys being physically active by running, going to the gym, doing water aerobics and other fitness activities. As she awaits the return of Jesus Christ, Gwen’s mission is to reflect the image of Christ and draw others to Him. 21
The start of the new year brings, for students, the start of a new semester. With the holidays, finals and long break behind you, you now face the spring semester with the anticipation of completing another school year, and, for some, graduating. Long breaks can make it hard to get back into the groove of things, so here are some tips to help you stay on top of your game and finish the semester strong.
MANAGE YOUR TIME PRAY Daily prayer and devotion is essential and will help keep your relationship with God strong and growing.
SLEEP! Getting proper rest is essential in helping you stay rejuvenated and grasping information better when studying. According to a study conducted by Hendrix College on student’s sleep schedules, students who did their best at night had 41 minutes less sleep and a lower postfreshman GPA average than students who did their best in the morning.
Use a calendar. Having a calendar will help you keep up with your schedule and stay on top of assignments other important dates. Write everything down. Classes, study time, work, outings with friends, meetings. The more you include the better. This will help you when developing your schedule & will help you see how you are using your time. Make checklists. Creating a checklist will help you keep track of what you have accomplished and put in perspective what you need to accomplish. Don’t procrastinate, plan ahead. Begin to plan for the paper, test or presentation that is due later in the semester. Plan to spend a certain amount of time a day or week working on the assignment so you are not overwhelmed when the due date approaches.
GET ORGANIZED Reorganize your desk, locker, notes & notebooks. Having a clean work space & organized work will minimize distractions and unnecessary clutter.
GO TO CLASS This may sound like a no-brainer but as the weather changes, the temptation to miss a class or two or three will arise. Attending class can help you prepare for tests and become familiar with the test material.
Other Study Tips *Read and rewrite your notes *Review highlighted material *Make up examples and use flash cards *Participate in study and homework groups
Bible Game for
Free Bible Games for Children
David and Goliath
David and Goliath
To solve this puzzle, first read the story of David and Goliath in I Samuel 17.
To solve this puzzle, first read the story of David and Goliath in I Samuel Chapter 17. Then Then read the clues. Write one word for each clue in the diagram. If you fill in all read the clues. Write one word for each clue in the white boxes in the diagram. If you correct answers, willappear appearininthe theyellow yellowboxes. boxes. fill in the all the correct answers,a aspecial specialmessage message will TheThe message tells what helped David defeat Goliath message tells what helped David defeat Goliath.
1) David was not of Goliath 1. David was not _______ of Goliath. 2) The name of the king who gave David permission to fight 2. The name of the king who gave David permission to fight 3) The number of stones David chose from the stream 3. The number of stones David chose from the stream 4) Saul dressed David in his own 4. Saul dressed David in his own ____. 5) David’s normal duty was to keep these animals safe 5. David’s normal duty was to keep these animals safe. 6) The name of David’s oldest brother 6. TheGoliath name of David’s brother 7) Because was over 9 oldest feet tall, he was called a 7. Because Goliath was over 9 feet tall, he was called a _____. 8) What David used to hurl his stone 8. What used to hurl his stone 9) What DavidDavid refused to wear because it was too heavy 9. What David refused to wear because it was too heavy 10) Where David’s stone hit Goliath
10. Where David’s stone hit Goliath 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Message: It was his FAITH IN GOD
10 . What helped David defeat Goliath? It was his __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __.
Answer Key: 1. Afraid 2. Saul 3. Five 4. Tunic 5. Sheep 6. Eliab 7. Giant 8. Sling 9. Armor 10. Head
provided by Word-Game-World 23 © 2010 word-game-world.com
Every Friday
FEBRUARY Riverbanks Zoo
Fridays 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. through the month of February. SAVE $13.95 per person 13 and up and $11.50 per child 2 -12. For more information, visit www.riverbanks.org. Cost: FREE
Gospel Concert featuring University of South Carolina, Brookland Baptist Church and Richland Northeast High School. This concert is sponsored by Brookland Baptist Church. Concert starts at 8 p.m. Location for concert is Eau Claire High School, 4800 Monticello Road, Columbia, SC 29203. Cost: FREE
Financial Peace University
Dave Ramsey Workshops each Monday through March 30 from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. at Ephesus SDA Church. Cost: $97 Register at www.daveramsey.com/findaclass.
February 7
February 2
“And Still I Rise” Gospel Concert
Ephesus Basketball
Columbia plays Hemmingway at 6:30 p.m. in Columbia at Bethel A.M.E. gym located at 800 Woodrow Street Cost: $2.00 per person
February 8
Come get your Passport to Art and make someone special a valentine. This drop-in studio program for families features a new hands-on art project each month. After spending time in our open studios, explore our galleries at your own leisure or join us for the family tour at 1 p.m. Cost: FREE
Adrian Williamson’s “My Grandmother Prayed for Me”
Stage play at the Township auditorium on 1703 Taylor Street. Play starts at 8 p.m. Doors open one hour prior to performance. Cost: Tickets start at $35
February 21
February 14
Columbia Museum of Art
Ephesus Basketball
Columbia plays Sumter at 6:45 p.m. in Sumter.
South Atlantic Boot Camp
Training for outreach ministries, personal ministries leaders, Bible workers, local and public evangelism at the South Atlantic Convention Center in Orangeburg. Cost: FREE For more information, call 404-792-0535 ext. 113.
February 23
Columbia Community Orchestra
Our next concert will be at 7:15 p.m. at Francis Burns United Methodist Church at 5616 Farrow Rd., in Columbia. Selections include: 5th Spirituals Medley for Orchestra and Chorus, A Whitney Houston Tribute, Siyahamba “We Are Marching” and Sibelius’ Violin Concerto, Op. 47, featuring our Samuel Thompson on violin! Cost: FREE More information: AfricanAmericanViolinist
Brittany Jenkins and Spencer Wade got engaged on December 27, 2014. They are pictured at Travinia where they had their first date.
Come Worship with Us!
7709 Wilson Blvd. Columbia, SC 29203 803.646.5100 Pastor John Pooler, III Service Times Wednesday Night Prayer and Bible Connection.............................................. 7 p.m. Morning Prayer Service (every 3rd Sabbath).................................................... 8 a.m. Sabbath School................................................................................................ 9:15 a.m. Worship Service................................................................................................... 11 a.m. AYS............................................................................................One hour before sunset 27
Every department, Every ministry, Every member, has a story for Christ. Share it with us.
www.ephesussda.org 28