EPHESUS Preview Issue [Fall/Winter 2013]
4 Ask the Pastor
14 Bridging the Gap
18 Reaching Out
In This Issue December Graduates
Ask the Pastor
Induction Ceremony
Children’s Sabbath
Education Day
Thanksgiving Baskets
We Love our Seniors!
Bridging the Gap
Ephesus Men Give Back
Reaching Out
Baptisms and Profession of Faith
22 2
“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us…” John 1:14
December Graduates Yeiszmen Johnson Shambra Maxwell Shantel McGill Brook Williams 3
Ask the Pastor Pastor Pooler answers your questions
2 Cor. 9:7
ship. If there is anybody in the world who needs God's wisdom/blessings in the area of finances, it is a person who is already in debt. Return Tithe & Offering! (Luke 6:38)
When I calculate my tithe, should it be on my net or my gross income? Proverbs 3:9-10 says that God has asked for our first fruits, which is the first and best of all that we receive. That means we should tithe from our total income before taxes (gross).
Is it OK to take my tithe money and put it towards a worthy cause? Malachi 3 says we are actually stealing from God if we don't return an honest tithe to your local church, as well as give liberal offerings as we are blessed.
Should I tithe if I am in debt? Tithing is an act of wor-
Should I tithe from the
Are we obligated to tithe on child support, pensions, and retirement income? — Sister M.
profits from the sale of my house? Any profit made from the sale of a house ought to be tithed upon, because it is, in fact, part of our first fruits. Even if the profits are
to be reinvested in a new home, a tithe should first be given. Should a person tithe on an inheritance? Because an inheritance is part of our "increase," we should give a portion of it back to the Lord to honor Him.
income from which a tithe should be given, but child support belongs to the children and isn't part of your personal "increase. " unless used on things other than directly for your child.
Wouldn't you be exempt from tithing if you were on a fixed income (Social Security, pension, annuity, retirement, etc.) and barely What about insurance pay- making ends meet? ments received upon the Gods desire is to bless death of a spouse-should a His children, and it is for our person tithe on the lump good that He has instituted sum, or just on the interest the principle of tithing in His earnings? Word. For example: If our Again, look at the prin- church were full of retirement ciple of tithing on our age persons who held the "increase." If insurance pro- attitude that "I shouldn't tithe ceeds are paid in a lump on retirement or give an ofsum distribution, a tithe fering" then our doors would should first be paid on the quickly close. Tithe and offerentire amount. If paid over ings help sustain ministry, time then return as you refight back the curse of the ceive. A tithe should be paid enemy and cures us from the on any increase received cancer of selfishness. (Luke (interest, dividends, etc.) 21:1-4) from the investment of those "Don't tip God, partner funds. with Him! " Should I tithe on alimony or child support from my ex? Alimony is part of your
Have a question for the pastor? Please send it to Tiffiney Miles at tiffalmil@yahoo.com 5
Pathfinder and Adventu
The Pathfinder and Adventurer Induction Ceremony was held turers and counselors we
urer Induction Ceremony
on Saturday, Sept. 14 at Ephesus. Fifteen Pathfinders, Advenere inducted into the club.
Above (l-r): Anazelya Gibson, Jordan Reed, Kareem McClendon and Jordan Jones star in the drama “Super Detectives” for Children’s Sabbath on October 5, 2013. The play took all of the kids through the Bible, finding the promises of God to deal with challenges of life, including adoption, loneliness, bullying and death of a family member.
Children’s Sabbath On October 5, 2013, the children of Ephesus SDA hosted their special Children’s Sabbath, under the direction of Nina Nelson. The abbreviated church service showcased children ministering through song, prayer and scripture reading.
The service also included the drama “Super Detectives” which took four children discovered Bible verses to tackle every day issues. For Children’s Sabbath, Nina Nelson wanted to encourage the church to “search the Scriptures” for answers to every issue in life. “The Bible has answers for challenges that children and adults face,” Nina said. “And with today’s technology and guidance from parents, children can see how to search 8
the Bible and to hear what the Bible has to say about certain topics.” Nina also wanted to remind the church that any person, young or old, can share the Gospel. “They can deliver a message to anyone of any age,” Nina said. Parents and other adults are also encouraged to provide opportunities for children to spread the good news of Jesus inside and outside church.
Above (l-r): Pastor Prince Lewis, special speaker for Ephesus SDA Education Day, ooks on as Denise MarshalleckSmith, principal of Columbia Christian Academy (CAA), comments during the debate between the topic of Christian education and public education during AYS Sabbath evening meeting.
Education Day The Education Department hosted an education Sabbath on October 19, 2013, under the leadership of Ryan Nelson. Educators in the church were acknowledged, and a special recogni-
tion was given to Anne Jones for her many accomplishments while in the education field. The guest speaker for the day was Pastor Prince Lewis from Florence, SC, who preached about the importance of education and its effect on salvation. The Education Department held an AYS program in the evening to debate between the topic of Christian education or public educations by assessing the advantages 9
and disadvantages of each. A panel of educators, who work in either a Christian or public school, commented on their experience and advice on both types of education. The purpose of the AYS program was to inform people about both types of education in order to make a better decision on which school is right or their child.
Thanksgiving Baskets Left: The Pathfinders sort canned goods that they collected from the community to put into the Thanksgiving baskets. Below: Bushels of collard greens that were given for the Thanksgiving baskets.
Every year, Ephesus church gives back to the community by creating Thanksgiving baskets. The community service endeavor was led by Hospitality leader Anne Jones. This year, volunteers donated food throughout October and November to fill up the baskets with bread, collard greens, canned goods and turkeys. Pathfinders, Adventurers and Singles’ Ministry also collected canned goods from different communities. Because of the help and sup-
port from the church, over 60 families were blessed with Thanksgiving baskets this year. Members took baskets to friends and families in need. The Pathfinders and Adventurers also shared the blessings of God to various communities in Columbia.
We LOVE our 12
Seniors! 13
Pathfinders and Adventurers adopt Grandparents
The Pathfinders and Adventurers have revived a tradition. The two clubs have decided to adopt older members of the church as their grandparents. This year, the Pathfinders and Adventurers created a Adopt-aGrandparent program in which club members were assigned to befriend church members ages 70 and older. So far, club members have adopted 31 church members. Instead of having a traditional Pathfinder end-of-the-year party, the Pathfinders and Adventurers hosted a luncheon on Sunday, December 15, 2013 to honor their adopted grand-
parents. The event included a delicious lunch prepared by Gwen Preston, music by Ephesus men’s group Sons of Abraham, poetry by several Pathfinders and a “Back-in-the-Day” fashion show which Pathfinders and Adventurers showcased fashions from different decades. The Adopt-a-Grandparent program first began in the late 80s as a requirement for the Pathfinder club, but was later neglected. This year, Pathfinder counselor Sarah Wade brought back the requirement in her Pathfinder class. The other Pathfinder and Adventurer counse-
lors also agreed to incorporate the program into their classes. Each Pathfinder was assigned to one grandparent that he or she chose, and if the grandparent had a spouse, that person was also assigned to that Pathfinder. Adventurers were given one grandparent per
Left Page: Pathfinder Kayla Barnes (top left) with her adopted grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Edmunds. Above: Ruby Robinson (left) with Pathfinder Devonte Harris. Left: Pathfinder Ajoua Boafo (left) sits with grandparent Phillis Jamison. 15
Adventurer class. As part of the requirement, the Pathfinders and Adventurers must keep in touch with their grandparent at least once a week by calling them and doing a follow-up by sending them a card. The Pathfinder and Adventurer counselors hope that the children will be able to seek counsel and wisdom from their grandparent , and to realize how the seniors can play a valuable role in their lives. Above: Pathfinder Milaun Johnson with the Morrisons. Left: Mr. and Mrs. Scott enjoy their time at the luncheon. 16
Ephesus Men’s Ministry supported the annual fruit fundraiser by purchasing apples and oranges for the community. This year, Men’s Ministry walked across the street to the Fresnius Dialysis Clinic to share healthy fruit with patients that come daily for dialysis treatment. The staff was very happy to receive 29 bags filled with fruit, Christmas cards, brochure and flyer inviting people to come and worship with their friends across the street at Ephesus Seventh-day Adventist Church. 17
Reaching Out: Children’s Sabbath School Volunteers with “God’s Fisher’s of Men” by Ganisha Gibson 18
On September 28, 2013, the children's Sabbath School department hosted a service and breakfast in the Waverly community for “God’s Fishers of Men,” a nonprofit ministry that helps individuals who are homeless. The outreach was indeed a memorable one as the youth demonstrated the love of Jesus with eagerness, courtesy, and gusto. Many hearts we're touched as the children uplifted the name of Jesus in praise and worship, being a blessing receiving a blessing as they served. The kids learned the value of Acts 20:35 which says, " ...and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive'." The core goal of this community service was for the children to
experience last quarter's Sabbath School themes, focused on worship, service, community, and grace in action. All glory belongs to God who made it all happen! Each Sabbath “God’s Fishers of Men” provides breakfast and lunch for those who are homeless, and the ministry also gives away clothes and devotional services. We, the youth Sabbath school division, are asking that the compassion of giving be continuous in supporting this ministry as they endeavor to share the love and Word of God with physical and spiritual food to those less fortunate. Special thanks goes to the parents, youth and everyone who came out to give their time in food preparations and gave donations towards this cause. 19
Let us keep giving, serving and loving until Jesus returns! "And The King will answer and say to them, 'Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me'." Matthew 25:40
How We Can Help: “God’s Fishers of Men” is always in need of items to help those who are homeless. The ministry is asking for t-shirts, blankets, socks, paper goods, food and water. Monetary donations are also acceptable.
Above (l-r): Lisa Evans becomes a member by profession of faith, Shantel McGill gets baptized on December 21. Left: U’Nita Putnam joined the Ephesus family on September 14.
Profession of Faith 21
“The event raises awareness about the imprisonment of Pastor Antonio dos Anjos Monteiro and church member Bruno Amah, imprisoned on false charges since March 2012.�
Come Worship With Us!
Ephesus Seventh-day Adventist Church 7709 Wilson Boulevard Columbia, SC 29203 803.786.2800 Pastor John Pooler, III Service Times Sabbath Morning Praise and Worship Sabbath School Divine Worship Service AYS Wednesday Night Prayer and Bible Connection
8:00am 9:15am 11:00am One hour before sunset 7:00pm
Every department, Every ministry, Every member, has a story for Christ. Share it with us.