16 minute read

Visualise your success

While contemplating on what to write as an editor’s note for this issue, I remembered a recent conversation I had with the President of New Era College, Mr. E Ghodrati. His words were simply profound.

“To succeed in anything in life, especially in business, one must have a vision.” That’s it. The words are loaded with the power to bring about change in an individual’s life.


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Simply put, we need to have a vision of what we desire to accomplish in life and business. You have heard others teach that you should begin with the end in sight. In other words, it means to have a vision, to visualize, or to have a definite mental picture of what you want the end of your undertaking to be like.

The holy word says that without a vision, people perish. This is explicit; without a vision, life becomes a gamble. It’s like shooting in the dark and hoping to strike it big. Having a clear vision determines the right amount of effort or strategy to exert and execute an endeavour.

things you see and take for granted today were once only figments of imagination and some of the people who accomplished them were at one point thought to be lunatics, daydreamers, and other unmentionable things.

As you visualize, remember not to waiver; believe, focus, and take the right steps with conviction that you will achieve the loftiest of dreams and you will sing a new song.

Thank you for grabbing our February-March issue. It’s loaded with great articles full of applicable knowledge and insights. And as you go through this issue, remember to focus on possibilities. We believe in you!

It’s time to own your vision and believe in your ability to attain it. Do not be limited; expand your scope, and as you clearly see it in your mind, then it will be. Always remember that the great Ephraim Banda

In partnership with New Era College of Arts, Science & Technology, the Ghodrati Foundation offers academic scholarships of up to 45% for private students and up to 100% for sports scholarships. These scholarships are offered towards all learning programmes at the college and on full-time basis only.


Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) in Telecommunications

*Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical & Electronics

Bachelor of Science in Geology

Diploma in Telecommunications Engineering

Diploma in Mechanical Engineering

Diploma in Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Diploma in Construction Engineering


Bachelor of Commerce in Marketing Management

Bachelor of Commerce in Financial Management

Bachelor of Commerce in Digital Marketing

Bachelor of Science in Forensic Financial Accounting

Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting

Bachelor of Commerce in Business Information & Technology Management

Bachelor of Commerce in Entrepreneurship

Bachelor of Business Administration in Logistic & Transport Management

Bachelor of Commerce in Supply Chain Management

Certificate in Computerised Accounting & Finance


Bachelor of Education in Inclusive Education

The Ghodrati Foundation is a private non-profit organization founded on the conviction that everyone deserves the chance to improve their lives, regardless of their circumstances. Our vision is to contribute to the socio-economic development of Botswana.

Since its inception, New Era College has taken bold strides to produce job ready graduates and been an ardent advocate of STEM. Our team had a conversation with Daruosh Ghodrati, Vice President for Administration and Finance at NEC to garner insights on the College and its milestones.

Strides: Please tell us about yourself (brief Bio) and your role at New Era College

Ghodrati: I’ll keep it short and sweet. I was born in Canada and raised right here in Gaborone, my family moved to Botswana in 1991, and before that we were in Zambia. Having spent most of my life in Gaborone, it’s safe to say I call GC my home.

Since 2012, I have held management positions at New Era College leading various departments and teams, notably Director of Operations, then Director of Operations and Finance. I am currently the Vice President for Administration and Finance responsible for leading the division of administration and finance. Some of the key focuses of my office is to champion major change and growth initiatives, oversee financial and operational direction, provide cross-functional team leadership, identify opportunities and partnerships, develop and implement policy, and work closely with the office of the CEO in driving the institution’s strategy.

Strides: What inspired the founding of New Era College?

Ghodrati: New Era College has always believed that building a strong foundation takes time. This is why our attention has always been in offering technical and vocational learning programmes that are the bedrock of any developing economy. Even as we speak, there is a major shortage of citizen artisans and technicians that are desperately needed in several sectors such as mining and manufacturing, to name a few. Since our inception in 2009, our learning programmes have educated and trained thousands of job ready graduates who are employed at the largest corporations and firms in the country, not to mention many who have started their own companies and are employing others. In the last 12 months, we have received accreditation of several engineering, commerce, and science programmes at both the degree and diploma level. Our commitment to the industry stands stronger than ever. We are here to offer internationally recognized learning programmes that are relevant and distinctive.

Strides: What are some of the achievements, highlights, and challenges the College has experienced over the years?

Ghodrati: We like to benchmark our achievements and successes by observing the journey of our students and the careers they build for themselves.

No matter big or small, every employer you speak to has nothing but positive feedback to share about our graduates’ education and knowledge in their field. This if you ask me, is our biggest achievement. Not to mention we have become synonymous with engineering, job ready graduates, and STEM.

Of course, it goes without saying that New Era College has had its share of challenges over the years, and like any driven organization, we have shown that we have what it takes to weather the storm and strive for quality.

Most recently, the regulatory environment in education and professional occupations have undergone major change impacting their standards. This has prompted New Era College to adapt and comply with these new standards. At every turn, we have not only met, but exceeded the requirements and obligations set out by the regulators. Early on, it came to our attention that some members of the public had doubts of what this implied and had challenges understanding the rigorous process set out by the regulators. We observed the same people asking themselves “how should we now perceive and treat institutions like New Era College who have been operating under previously set standards?” Well, what I can tell you is that in any industry, it is important to note that new regulatory requirements are a much-needed exercise and are always led by the regulator’s determination to expand their regulatory scope. When new requirements are enacted, service providers should be given an opportunity to meet such standards. However, it does not invalidate the standards that they had previously met and been operating under. As an ETP, our primary concern and motive is to always meet the standard as set by our regulators, especially when the outcome means offering the highest quality education available to customers. I am proud and delighted to inform you that New Era College continues to stay ahead of the curve and offers learning programmes that are accredited and endorsed by the relevant regulators and industry. We have over 70 industry partners that work closely with us by absorbing our students for industry-based learning and employ our graduates across various sectors. Our engineering degree programmes are developed using the Washington Accord and we plan to peg more of our programmes to internationally recognized standards, across all faculties. Our graduates are doing wonderful things in the industry and business sector and this is a testament of our vision coming to life.

Strides: Covid-19 has affected the teaching and learning environment globally, how has New Era College adapted to this challenge?

Ghodrati: As any entity, challenges brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic affected the way we teach and learn. It’s safe to say it changed our mode of delivery forever. Lockdowns forced us to establish a work from home policy, which catered all College staff working remotely. Furthermore, we had to consider the student population and find ways to enhance teaching and learning so that valuable time would not be lost. Therefore, it was pertinent we offer fully virtual classes during the lockdown period. From the start, we knew that connectivity was going to be an issue for some of our students who had returned to their home villages. To address this, we went into a partnership with mobile companies, where students were provided with sim cards loaded with data bundles to allow them to access the Student Portal, download class material and attend classes from the comfort of their homes. Staffs were also provided with subsidized internet packages to allow them to work from home. Till today, these home internet packages are still active and providing staff with home internet. Moreover, the College instituted a Health Committee mandated to address Covid-19 related matters and mitigate risk across the boboard.

Strides: Employers have said New Era College graduates are well-rounded and skillful in their crafts, how do you do it?

Ghodrati: New Era College places great emphasis on offering the TVET model of teaching and learning. This simply means that we are concerned about the kind and quality of graduate we produce for the market in terms of their skill, experience and knowledge. In addition, our diploma programmes are outcome-based. Furthermore, we equip our learning facilities with industry-relevant laboratories and equipment. We are required to invite the industry to evaluate our learning facilities that then provide feedback for the sake of improvement and industry alignment. Our approach to experiential learning involves both theoretical and practical work, guided by input from professionals and industry experts. Our students spend 70% of the course material undergoing practical work and assessment, with 30% in theory. The practical experience is then tested through a mandatory course called industry based learning, a six-month long work placement with a reputable industry partner. Based on feedback from the industry partners, the College reviews student placements and engages industry partners in programme and syllabi rereview.

Strides: Do you have any partnerships worth speaking about with the industry and other ETPs locally and internationally

Ghodrati: Yes, we believe so much in meaningful industry and academic partnerships. Over the years, we have partnered with both local and international organisations to expand our reach and academic horizons, and provide opportunities to our students, alumni and staff. Some of our notable industry partnerships include Botswana Telecommunications Corporation, Green Energy & Sustainability Association, Zambia National STEM Foundation and over 70 industry based learning partners. We also have academic partnerships with INTI International University (Malaysia), and Shenyeng Aerospace University (China). Through our existing and newly developed industry partnerships, our goal is to develop an apprenticeship program for technical occupations that is recognized and sought after by the industry. An apprenticeship model will ensure our graduates attain a minimum number of hours working in their field under a certified mentor. This would ensure that graduates will gain the necessary experience needed to apply for their professional certification.

Strides: The College has been recognized for empowering women in engineering, how important is this to you?

Ghodrati: The College believes in providing a level playing ground and equal opportunity for all member of our community. While we know engineering, especially vocational trades have traditionally been male-dominated; New Era College has always maintained a strong position that girls and women deserve the opportunity and require the support to enter the engineering and trades job market. In recent years, we are proud to acknowledge that several management positions at New Era College have been filled by women of different ages and backgrounds. Moreover, we have two female Head of Schools in the Faculty of Engineering who have led substantial growth during their tenure. Through examples like these, our students have the opportunity to develop an open and progressive mindset that will help develop and empower the necessary characteristics worthy of future leaders. It is also worth pointing out that as of last semester, a majority of our enrolled students across engineering programmes were female.

Strides: New Era College is viewed as a champion in advancing STEM Education in Botswana and the Southern African Region, tell us more about this

Ghodrati: In 2018, we launched a STEM education and training program that aimed to motivate a new generation of scientists and engineers committed to developing innovative solutions for the global stage. Five years later, the STEM education and training program has evolved into STEM Kits Botswana, a social enterprise entrusted with inspiring learners, educators, and communities across Botswana. We offer two models (The STEM Club and the Tinkering Lab) to our clients which are both designed to provide practical competency in electronics, robotics, and programming. In addition, the STEM program nurtures and promotes necessary life skills such as communication, collaboration, problem-solving, creativity, troubleshooting and fault finding. We currently work closely with private and public schools and are looking to partner with other institutions of learning, such brigades, colleges, and universities. Through our STEM program, we have been able to inspire learners including our own engineering students to design and prototype innovative solutions to serve their communities, specifically in agriculture and domestic settings. STEM Kits Botswana is also present in Zambia and Kenya and our hope is to keep expanding to promote STEM education across the continent.

Strides: Tell us about your partnership with the Ghodrati Foundation

Ghodrati: This is a special partnership that cannot go unmentioned. We have been fortunate enough to provide access to higher education through the Ghodrati Foundation to young Batswana who have not been eligible for sponsorships through formal government programs. The Ghodrati Foundation scholarship covers up to 45% of tuition fees for self-sponsored students. The Ghodrati Foundation Sports Scholarship covers up to 100% tuition fees for active athletes. To date, the College has spent over eight million pula in tuition fees and other associated fees towards its beneficiaries. This has reduced some burden from the Government of Botswana in educating young Batswana and addresses Sustainable Development Goal four (SDG 4) which speaks to the provision of quality education to all. Moreover, the College continues to take part in Corporate Social Investment initiatives which are aimed at community building and addressing social misfortunes within the community and nation at large.

Strides: Where do you see the College going in the next 5 years?

Ghodrati: New Era College has always believed itself to be a niche provider of education and training in engineering and technology. Over the years, we have stayed true to our purpose. Yet, it is our ambition to transform our college into a research-intensive institution. While this means we will eventually be identified as a university, our commitment to offering relevant and technical programs which are practical-intensive, and depend on experience-based learning, will remain our focus and why our students will continue to be the most employable graduates in the country.

Strides: Any words to possible partners and students?

Ghodrati: Since 2009, New Era College has taken its place as the first private engineering institution in Botswana. Consequently, we decided to expand our list of programmes with the condition that we offer relevant disciplines that will serve the current and future economy of the country and region. Our student population is our advantage, as we don’t have overcrowded classrooms and our students get focused and special attention from faculty members. We offer a 6-month industry-based learning placement program which is the longest offered in the country. We prioritize sports and athletics and have some of the highest performing athletes in the country, not to mention national athletes that often represent Botswana on the international stage. We offer financial assistance up to 45%, sport scholarships up to 100% along with newly established education grants. These are just some of the reasons why we invite the engineers, scientists, and business leaders of tomorrow to come study at New Era College. You know where to find us, but in case you don’t, re mo Block 8, Gaborone.

New Era College of Arts, Science and Technology, established in 2009 as the first private tertiary institution in Botswana offering engineering qualifications, has a historical commitment to technical and vocational education and training (TVET), aimed at producing research and innovation to play a positive role in the economic transformation of the country and to contribute to the education sector. Recently, the college has become one of the first education and training providers to comply with the new National Credit and Qualifications Framework set by the Botswana Qualifications Authority, by developing new and aligned learning programmes that are now accredited by the regulator. As a result, the college has created three new faculties: the Faculty of Commerce, which has nine bachelor’s programmes and one certificate programme; the Faculty of Forensic Sciences, which has one bachelor degree; and the Faculty of Education, which has one bachelor degree programme.

The college’s emphasis is on producing job-ready graduates and it has always worked to bridge the gap between academia and industry through various avenues, such as the industry-based learning programme, as well as through regular industry engagements with partners. The College is proud of its homegrown ideas that enhance stakeholder engagement and provide a platform for skills and knowledge exchange. These include the Women in Engineering

Round Table Talk, National STEM Hackathon, and the industry partner Business Breakfast. The faculties at the college house committees known as the Industry Advisory Boards, whose responsibility is to advise and provide relevant feedback on the content taught by the faculties, which helps the college improve the quality of its learning programmes and assists it in bridging the skills gap. At the college, all students are required to take an assessed course on industry-based learning (IBL), or attachment, for a continuous period of six months, which is the longest IBL period provided by any institution in the country. This course is offered in collaboration with established and reputable organizations and companies in and out of the country and these are seen as the College’s industry partners.

The Faculty of Engineering was the first to be found- ed at the college, offering qualifications in diverse programmes like Electrical & Electronics, Construction, as well as Telecommunications. Dubbed the Home of Engineering, the college spread its brand countrywide to gain popu- larity among young engineering enthusiasts and pioneered the journey to breaking myths around the field. Today, thousands of Batswana engineers have graduated from New Era College, forming part of the minds and skills behind the success of different entities in Africa. The college’s alumni are spread all over the country in government departments, private companies, and parastatals. Moreover, some of them have proceeded to establish their own successful entities. It has been proven through the college’s tracer study that more than ninety percent (90%) of its alumni are either in formal employment or are entrepreneurs. In 2022, three (3) New Era College alumni were selected to represent Botswana at the Forbes 30 under 30 summit held in Kasane.

As an education and training provider of choice, the college aspires to attract and recruit high-caliber students through different initiatives and recruitment streams. Generally, the majority of the population at the college are studying through grants and loans provided by the Government of Botswana. While this has sustained the college for many years, the college deliberately designed a sustainable sales and marketing model, which reduces dependency from one source and promotes proactivity in student recruitment, enrolment, and retention. For this to be successful, the college established new industry partnerships and most importantly, academic partnerships with like-minded and in most cases high-ranking local and international education and training providers. The arrangement provides exposure for New Era College students and staff through different platforms like mobility programmes, joint research collaborations, skills development through conferences, workshops and training as well as knowledge and cultural exchanges.

New Era College of Arts, Science and Technology has formed a number of partnerships with institutions and organizations from around the world, which have helped to expand its global reach and enhance the quality of education offered to its students. Some of the notable partnerships include INTI International University from Malaysia, Shenyeng Aerospace University in China, Botswana Telecommunications Corporation, Green Energy and Sustainability Association in Botswana, Association of African Universities, Zambian National STEM Foundation, and many more. These partnerships have provided students with access to a diverse range of faculty, new learning resources, state-of-the-art facilities, and joint research projects. This has enabled the development of new ideas, technologies, and solutions to some of today’s most pressing challenges.

In 2017, the College also partnered with the Ghodrati Foundation to provide education to underprivileged students in Botswana. The partnership aligned with the College’s vision of giving back to the community by providing education and opportunities for all. The College has been able to provide scholarships to deserving students who may not have had access to such opportunities otherwise, and has so far spent over eight million pula since the partnership began. Additionally, the partnership has identified talent through sport and established the

Ghodrati Foundation Sport Scholarship, which is specifically aimed at supporting young Batswana sports people. “We have taken it upon ourselves as a college to provide scholarship opportunities to young Batswana, especially those who may have not been able to meet the minimum requirements for government sponsorships, hence the partnership with the Ghodrati Foundation. We have also extended this opportunity to young active athletes, who are expected to study and continue being active in sports, this will help build high performance athletes for the college and subsequently for the country.”

The partnership also extends to other initiatives that address the social chal- lenges faced by Batswana. For instance, the two entities have worked together to support local charity organizations in various initiatives, such as assisting teenage mothers to return to mainstream society. One such initiative, centered around Gender-Based Violence, was recognized by an international organization and awarded the Best Village Support Initiative in 2022.

New Era College believes in providing quality education that produces well-rounded graduates who possess confidence, resilience, inclusivity, and respect for people. These graduates are equipped with the necessary skills to excel in their chosen fields and careers, and to take advantage of opportunities that come their way.

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