Epicure Food Magazine

Page 70

Sara and Lara’s “Hand-Woven” Baskets: Organic Produce from Sara’s Farm to your Kitchen Table by: Maria Zaky

Growing up with her family on a farm in Switzerland, Sara-Kristina Hanning Nour was accustomed to the beauty of nature and the fresh produce. When she came to Egypt to pursue her master’s degree in organic farming at Cairo University, she envisioned her new dream. When she settled in Egypt and had her first daughter “Lara”, Sara, with her Swiss farming background, realized that the Egyptian crops are the best in the world. Yet, the Egyptians do not have access to it because of the chemicals that are added to the veggies and fruits. Sara said that the produce is not always as good on the inside as it appears on the outside and that the Egyptians had the right to buy vegetables


from a trustworthy source. That inspired Sara to start her farming business, and with her Swiss experience and Egyptian farming wisdom, she was sure that it would be a success. In January 2014, “Sara and Lara’s Baskets”, Egypt’s first farm-to-table delivery, was established. They deliver weekly shipments of organic, seasonal produce to Cairo and Alexandria all in locally hand-woven, eco-friendly baskets. Also, Sara’s fresh products can be found in some stores around Cairo such as the Nun center in Zamalek, Gourmet, NGS Nature’s Market Stores in Zamalek, Sunny supermarket, BESTWAY Supermarket, and Carrefour. The basket contains veggies, fruits, herbs, honey, and eggs.



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