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Editor: Sam Mason-Jones whatson@ epigram.org.uk
What’s On
The best pick of this fortnight’s theatre, film, music and more.
George the Poet Start the Bus, 24.02
The Cribs The Fleece, 17.02
Much like January of 2013 which proffered shock releases from David Bowie and My Bloody Valentine, last month was one of musical surprises, both good and bad. The premature release of Björk’s Vulnicura was certainly a welcome one, a really spectacular record, while Aphex Twin’s follow-up to last year’s triumphant Syro is just a bit shit. ‘An Ivory Hand’, the first release from The Cribs in three years, was received somewhere between the two. Some were just glad to hear from them again, whilst others were convinced that the poppier sound didn’t suit the Jarman brothers one bit. As a result, fans will be straining to get a peek of the tykes on their upcoming tour, if not to get an idea of the direction taken since 2012’s In the Belly of the Brazen Bull, then simply to hear some of their back-catalogue again. Which is fair enough, they’ve written some seriously great songs in their time.
Together Charles Watson and Rebecca Taylor make up Slow Club, a knowingly named duo from Sheffield. It’s a well-trodden formula, and the pair emerged as part of a cohort of similarly configured bands - namely Cults, Summer Camp and Chairliftand ply a gentle and witty brand of folk. Their debut album Yeah So divided opinion, with plaudits of warmth and humour juxtaposed with allegations of childish twee. Many of these criticisms were hushed by the progress made on follow-up Paradise, which made fewer in-jokes whilst retaining their signature charm, and was a much better record as a result. Latest LP, Complete Surrender, is a fully-grown adult pop record, and a marker for how much the duo have matured in their years active, which have seen them remain a cut above the slew of cutesy pairs about the place. They pay their first visit to the Marble Factory this month.
Light Bristol Old Vic, 12-14.02
Mark Grist The Lantern, 13.02
IBT (or In Between Time) is a biennial festival of art, music and discussion that has taken place across a variety of venues in Bristol since its inauguration in 2001. This year’s festival looks to be a cracker, with performances from Trajal Harrell, Jo Bannon and Fujiko Nakaya, as well as reams of other special exhibitions, seminars and showcases across the weekend, after the festival opens at the Arnolifini on the Thursday evening.
Light is the latest project from Theatre Infinitum, the company behind 2013’s spectacular Ballad of the Burning Star, among many other productions. The intriguing narrative, set in a dystopian totalitarian regime where thoughts are monitored by brain implants, was inspired by the exploits of Edward Snowden and a hypothetical projection from that starting point. Written and directed by George Mann, the play is certain to cause quite a stir.
There was a period in 2012 when my Facebook feed was filled with YouTube videos of Don’t Flop videos, and my white, suburban contemporaries began to claim to be ‘into’ battle-rap. This was in no small part to Mark Grist, the suited English teacher from Peterborough who schooled a patronizing teenage rapper in such an arena, and has subsequently been viewed over 4 million times. His poetry is pretty good too, quick, funny and charming.
Don’t let some of his company from the BBC Sound of 2015 shortlist fool you; George the Poet is bloody great. The poll, like the Mercury Prize, is often an easy target for a snarky writer like myself, but in the matter of this guy’s inclusion I think the Beeb have got it bang on. Originally swept along by the grime wave, the rapper noticed that his lyrics were often much more pertinent than necessary, and actually functioned as poetry very nicely. This realisation, coupled with an increasingly sensitive delivery, have led to softer, more intelligent production and performance, and even a recent tour of university’s reading his words completely unaccompanied - a pure poet. He represents a pretty interesting prospect, and tickets for his nationwide tour have gone quickly. If you can get one for Start the Bus, just do.
IBT15 Various Venues, 12-15.02
Slow Club Marble Factory, 10.02
WHICH IS THE ÂŁ20,000 IDEA? We asked you all if you had any ideas that could improve life on campus. We had loads of submissions, ranging from the brilliant to the bizarre. Now we have formed a shortlist and it is down to you to choose the best idea. The winner will receive ÂŁ20,000 of funding to bring their idea into being. Here are the shortlisted ideas, and a bit about them:
Stopping Soggy Bottoms- More Sheltered Cycle Parking :DQW WR ÀQG D SDUNLQJ VSDFH IRU \RXU ELNH QHDU \RXU department? Want to not get a soggy bottom every time it rains in Bristol? We're asking the university to provide more cycle parking and crucially more sheltered cycle parking across the campus for students as well as staff.
Feb 2015
AMM: YOUR FORMAL INVITATION! All students are invited to attend the Annual Members' Meeting (“AMMâ€?), UBU's largest democratic event. It takes place once a year in February and the University suspends teaching so that all students can attend. 7KH $00 LV DQ RSSRUWXQLW\ IRU DOO VWXGHQWV WR LQĂ XHQFH 8QLRQ SROLF\ DQG LPSOHPHQW UHDO change at the University. It is also one of the most exciting (and often heated) nights of the year! The 2015 AMM will be on Thursday 19th February at 5.15pm in the Anson Rooms, Richmond Building.You will need to show your University of Bristol student card to enter the AMM. Any student can submit an item or issue for discussion at the AMM, and all students can attend and vote at the meeting. The deadline for submissions is 12pm on Wednesday WK )HEUXDU\ 7KH $00 DOVR KHDUV UHSRUWV IURP WKH 8%8 (OHFWHG 2IĂ€FHUV DERXW WKHLU activities and impact so far in the year. Our brand new Student Union CafĂŠ/Bar will be opening straight after the AMM. Join us to EH WKH Ă€UVW WR VHH WKH QHZ VSDFH DQG JHW D IUHH GULQN 6HH \RX WKHUH
We Need Lockers. End Of. We need lockers. End of.
First Aid For All )LUVW $LG NLWV VSRUWV VSHFLÀF ZLOO EH DYDLODEOH WR DOO student groups throughout the year. Based at UBU, they will be easily accessible for occasions such as VSRUWLQJ À[WXUHV DQG VRFLHW\ WULSV )RU WKH VPDOO cost of £10 per team/group per year or a one time only use for just £5, this is a fantastic way to enable student groups to be best prepared in protecting the health and safety of their members.
Independent Living How do I unclog the kitchen drain? Why did my clothes shrink in the wash? What’s the best way to jointly pay the bills? Living with other people is an important part of the university experience, but with many students living away from home for the ÀUVW WLPH LW FDQ DOVR EH FKDOOHQJLQJ 7KLV SURMHFW ZLOO provide students with information on a variety of skills essential for harmonious communal living. The format is a series of succinct and witty illustrated cards, uploaded online to form a handy go-to-guide for living in any type of student household.
You can find out more about the AMM at ubu.org.uk/amm <RX FDQ Ă&#x20AC;QG RXW PRUH DERXW WKHVH LGHDV DQG FDVW your vote at ubu.org.uk/make-a-change-vote
FUNDING FOR YOUR SUSTAINABILIT Y PROJECTS Do you have a sustainability idea you want to see come to life? Do you want to empower change in the curriculum, transformation in your community or run a new campaign, event or programme? Through our funding, support and training, the UBU Get Green team can help you to make your vision of a green Bristol a reality. Throughout Bristol Green Capital 2015, UBU Get Green has ÂŁ7000 available to fund student-led projects between December 2014 - June 2015 that contribute to social, economic or environmental sustainability on campus or in your local community. There are all sorts of projects you could run with a Create Fund grant. Ideas could include a themed Ă&#x20AC;OP VSHDNHU HYHQW D FRPPXQLW\ GD\ VKRZFDVLQJ an exhibition or holding a sustainable/ethical food workshop. Be creative and challenge preconceptions of sustainability as â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;greenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;! Applications can be made by individuals or by groups, clubs and societies. Applications for up to ÂŁ100 will be reviewed on a rolling basis, while grants of ÂŁ100 ÂŁ500 are awarded monthly. If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d like to apply, get in touch with the UBU Get Green team to discuss your ideas: ubu-get-green@ bristol.ac.uk.
Feb 2015
GENER AL ELECTION Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve been banging on about this for a while now, but last week was National Voter Registration Week, which gave us license to really ramp up our voter registration promotion. You may have seen some of our amazing volunteers, who were out on campus in all weathers chatting to you guys about why your vote matters, and how to register. They were even registering people on the spot. For those of you unfortunate enough not to encounter a volunteer team, hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what you missed: â&#x20AC;˘ The Bristol West constituency is a marginal seat, which means that any one of a number of parties could win. These include the Liberal Democrats (who currently hold the seat), Labour, the Conservatives and the Green Party. â&#x20AC;˘ Students make up 20% of the Bristol West constituency, which means that their vote really could make all the difference: The Guardian recently ranked Bristol students as the 9th most powerful in the country for this reason â&#x20AC;˘ Currently, fewer than 50% of under 25s vote, compared to over 75% of over 50s. This means that political parties often prioritise the needs of the over 50s above those of young people. The way to change this is to get more young people voting! ,W WDNHV OHVV WKDQ Ă&#x20AC;YH PLQXWHV WR UHJLVWHU DQG \RX FDQ UHJLVWHU RQOLQH DW gov.uk/register-to-vote.You will need your National Insurance number to register.
Happy voting!
WHAT'S ON FEBRUARY MONDAY 9 Go Green Week 2015. Annual week across UK universities hosting a range of activities and events. TUESDAY 10 Student Leaders Conference. Anson Rooms, The Richmond Building 5:30 - 9pm. WEDNESDAY 11 UBU Festival of Liberation: After the Gown and Mortarboard: What Next for Disabled Graduates? Carpenter room, The Richmond Building. 6pm - 7:30pm
SUNDAY 15 Scott Bradlee & Postmodern Jukebox. Anson Rooms, The Richmond Building 7pm - 11pm. FRIDAY 13 Fight Night. Anson Rooms, The Richmond Building, 7:30pm - 10:30pm. THURSDAY 12 Introduction to Volunteering and Safeguarding. Odlum Room, Second Floor, The Richmond Building. 12:30pm - 2pm. FRIDAY 13 .LWHVXUĂ&#x20AC;QJ 9DOHQWLQHV :HHNHQG :HVWZDUG +R )HEUXDU\ SATURDAY 14 +DUPRQ\ ([SORVLRQ 8. 7KH 9LFWRULD 5RRPV 4XHHQV 5RDG %ULVWRO Youth a cappella workshops followed by evening concert. 10am - 4pm. MONDAY 16 8%8 )HVWLYDO RI /LEHUDWLRQ +RZ GR ZH PDNH WKH :RPHQ V 0RYHPHQW Intersectional? The Carpenter room, Richmond Building, 6pm - 7:30pm. MONDAY 23 Stand Up Bristol: Andrew Ryan & Steve Bugeja. Anson Rooms, The Richmond Building, 7:30 - 11pm. WEDNESDAY 25 BOpS Presents: The Marriage of Figaro. Winston Theatre, 7:30pm - 10:30pm
The Festival of Liberation is continuing this term with four panel discussions in February. The events will focus on issues important to our four liberation groups: women, LGBT+ students, Black, Minority and Ethnic students and disabled students. All students are welcome at these events, as are members of the public. Alongside the panel events, we are hosting the Revealing Stories exhibition for four weeks from this Saturday. The exhibition is %ULVWRO V Ă&#x20AC;UVW RQ /*%7 KLVWRU\ DQG KDV SUHYLRXVO\ EHHQ VKRZQ DW 0 6KHG ,W ORRNV IDVFLQDWLQJ DQG LW V YHU\ Ă&#x20AC;WWLQJ JLYHQ WKDW February is LGBT+ history month. All the panel events are being held in the Carpenter Room, a IXOO\ DFFHVVLEOH URRP RQ WKH VHFRQG Ă RRU RI WKH XQLRQ ZKLFK FDQ EH UHDFKHG YLD D OLIW RQ WKH JURXQG Ă RRU ,I \RX KDYH DQ\ DFFHVV needs or have any questions about the panels don't hesitate to JHW LQ WRXFK ZLWK RXU (TXDOLW\ /LEHUDWLRQ DQG $FFHVV 2IĂ&#x20AC;FHU Alice Phillips at alice.phillips@bristol.ac.uk.
Contact UBU University of Bristol Studentsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Union Richmond Building 105 Queens Road Bristol BS8 1LN www.ubu.org.uk /BristolSU @UBUBristol