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Diocesan Staff
8005 25th Street East, Parrish, FL 34219-9405 Phone: 941-556-0315 Fax: 941-556-0321 Web: episcopalswfl.org
Officers of the Diocese
President: The Rt. Rev. Dabney T. Smith, D.Min., Bishop Vice President: The Rev. Carla B. McCook Chancellor: Mr. Theodore L. Tripp, Jr. Secretary Ms. Wendy Martucci Treasurer: Mr. Michael W. Booher
Diocesan Staff
The Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Dabney T. Smith, D.Min. Executive Assistant Ms. Wendy Martucci - Ext. 986 to the Bishop: Cell: 941-374-3416 / wmartucci@episcopalswfl.org Canon to the Ordinary The Rev. Canon Richard H. Norman, Jr. - Ext. 978 Cell: 941-212-8009 / rnorman@episcopalswfl.org Administrative Assistant Mrs. Tana Sembiante - Ext. 983 to the Canon to the Ordinary: tsembiante@episcopalswfl.org Canon for Stewardship &: The Rev. Canon Christopher N. Gray Pastoral Care: Cell: 941-321-0249 / cgray@episcopaswfl.org
Dean for the School of The Rev. Canon Richard H. Norman, Jr. - Ext. 978 Ministry: Cell: 941-212-8009 / rnorman@episcopalswfl.org Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Michelle Mercurio - Ext. 977 Youth/School For Ministry Cell: 941-518-4628 / mmercurio@episcopalswfl.org Director of Youth Ministry & Mr. Matthew R. Bowers - Ext. 976 Programming: Cell: 904-392-8924 / mbowers@episcopalswfl.org Director of Communications: Ms. Lindsey Nickel - Ext. 979 Cell: 727-560-0972 / lnickel@episcopalswfl.org Chief Financial Officer: Mr. Michael W. Booher - Ext. 982 Cell: 813-416-1092 / mbooher@episcopalswfl.org Director of Congregation Mr. John Edgar - Ext. 984 Support: Cell: 813-361-2834/ jedgar@episcopalswfl.org Controller: Mrs. Geraldine “Jerry” Buss - Ext. 981 Cell: 941-212-8359 /jbuss@episcopalswfl.org Receptionist/Registrar: Mrs. Angie Ford -Ext. 987 Cell: 318-307-2507 / aford@episcopalswfl.org Diocesan Missioner The Rev. Carol S. Fleming Parrish Episcopal Church: Cell: 330-749-5934/ cfleming@episcopalswfl.org Exec. Director, DaySpring Mrs. Carla Odell Episcopal Conference Ctr.: Phone: 941- 776-1018/execdirector@dayspringfla.org