25 minute read
Minutes of the Convention, Treasurer’s Report
Official Business Session Minutes 53rd Annual Convention Diocese of Southwest Florida
1. Morning Prayer, Rite II “In The Morning”, BCP, p. 137............................ ............................................................The Rt. Rev. J. Michael Garrison
2. Bishop’s Address ................ The Rt. Rev. Dabney T. Smith, Fifth Bishop
10 Minute Morning Break
*Video: Youth Presentation Introduction .................Mr. Matthew Bowers
3. First Business Session Called to Order.....The Rt. Rev. Dabney T. Smith
Appreciation Award Presentation for Retired Bishops . . The Rt. Rev. Dabney T. Smith
4. Credentials Report........................The Rev. Canon Richard H. Norman
(Art IX. 1) “One-half of the Clergy entitled to vote in the Convention and Lay Delegates from one-half of the Congregations entitled to representation, when duly assembled, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business”.
There are 118 Clergy entitled to vote (30 Deacons & 88 Presbyters) There are 84 Clergy assembled (20 Deacons & 64 Presbyters) There are 77 Congregations entitled to representation (217 Delegates) There are 155 Delegates assembled There are 71 Congregations assembled
*Thereby, a quorum is established
5. Report of Committee on Dispatch of Business ....................................... ......................................................The Rev. Canon Richard H. Norman
(Canon II, Sec. 1) “The Rules of Order for the Convention shall be adopted by resolution as the first order of business and shall continue in force for any subsequent meeting of the Convention except as amended by resolution.”
Text of Procedural Motion: The Committee on Dispatch of Business moves to approve items 6 and following of the Convention Agenda and the Rules of Order for an Electronic Meeting as presented in the Diocesan Guidebook as the approved agenda and rules of this Convention.
*Results of the Vote: YES 271 NO 1
Agenda approved by Convention
6. Welcome Church of the Apostles, The Episcopal Church in Parrish
Florida forming an Associated Worshiping Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................ . . . . . . . . The Rt. Rev. Dabney T. Smith
(Canon X. 4) “The Bishop shall report to the annual meeting of the Convention regarding the Associated Worshiping Communities that have been formed during the previous year, and the nature of the ministry of each.”
*Introduced by a Congregational Video from Church of the Apostles, The Episcopal Church in Parrish Florida
7. Appointments for Convention The Rt. Rev. Dabney T. Smith
(These are appointments already made by the Bishop, no Convention action required)
A. Chaplains: Assisting Bishop The Rt. Rev. J. Michael Garrison Assisting Bishop The Rt. Rev. Barry R. Howe B. Secretary: (Art. X.1): Canon Anne Vickers C. Chancellor: (Art.XI): Mr. Theodore “Ted” Tripp, Jr.,Esq. Vice Chancellors: (Art. XI) a. Mr. Robert P. “Page” Henderson, Esq., Fort Myers Deanery b. Clearwater Deanery - Vacant position. c. Mr. Alan H. Prather, Esq., Manasota Deanery d. Mr. Michael A. Durant, Esq., Naples Deanery e. Mr. J.S. Lucas Fleming, Esq., St. Petersburg Deanery f. Mr. Gregory A. Hearing, Esq., Tampa Deanery g. Ms. Susan S. Park, Esq., Venice Deanery
D. Diocesan Registrar: (Art. XII): Mrs. Tana Sembiante E. Tellers and Judge: (Art. II.2.2[b]) a. Mr. Adam Zuber (Lumi) b. Ms. Jerry Buss c. Mr. Matthew Bowers d. Mrs. Michelle Mercurio F. Convention Committee Chairs (Art. II.4) [Appointed by Council] a. Program: (Art.IV.a) Ms. Judith Stark b. Nominating: (Art.IV.b) The Rev. Canon Richard Norman c. Resolutions: (Art.IV.c) Mr. Gregory Hearing, Esq. d. Constitution and Canons,. The Hon. Jack Day, Esq. e. Credentials: (IV.d), The Rev. Canon Richard Norman
G. Non-Canonical appointments (informational only) a. Dispatch of Business: The Rev. Canon Richard Norman b. Parliamentarian: Mr. Michael Durant, Esq. c. Elections: The Rev. Canon Richard Norman
8. Report on Nominations, Elections and Explanation of Process............. ......................................................The Rev. Canon Richard H. Norman
There will be no nominations from the floor. When directed to do so , after the introduction of each Election, please navigate to the LUMI platform to cast your vote. On the LUMI site you will see the election to be made with the possible candidates listed. As you make your selection the candidates’ names will turn from white to yellow. If all the candidates you wish to select are in yellow, please hit the SEND button at the bottom right of your LUMI screen. If you make a selection that you wish to change, please click on that answer again until it changes from yellow back to white. Then you can make a new selection. Once the answers align with your intentions, please hit the SEND button.
9. Final Credentials Report .............The Rev. Canon Richard H. Norman
(Art. IX.1) “One-half of the Clergy entitled to vote in the Convention and Lay Delegates from one-half of the Congregations entitled to representation, when duly assembled, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.”
There are 118 Clergy entitled to vote (30 Deacons & 88 Presbyters) There are 101 Clergy assembled (25 Deacons & 76 Presbyters) There are 77 Congregations entitled to representation (217 Delegates) There are 185 Delegates assembled There are 75 Congregations assembled
*Thereby, a quorum is established.
10 Election A. First Ballot:................ The Rev. Canon Richard H. Norman
There will be no nominations from the floor. [A complete Ballot Tally and Election Results list appear at the end of these printed Minutes of Convention.]
Election A: Standing Committee, Lay: Elect one (1) [1] lay person to a three-year term. Mr. Jack Day Mr. Duane Anthony Hollier
*Results of the Vote: Day 107 Hollier 183
Mr. Duane Anthony Hollier was elected to the Standing Committee as Lay Representative.
11. Election B. ‑ First Ballot: . . . . ...... The Rev. Canon Richard H. Norman
There will be no nominations from the floor. [A complete Ballot Tally and Election Results list appear at the end of these printed Minutes of Convention.]
Election B: Standing Committee, Presbyter: Elect two (2). Elect two [2] presbyters to a three-year term. The Rev. Charles Cannon The Rev. James Teets The Rev. Christian Wood
*Results of the Vote, First Ballot: Cannon 192 Teets 169 Wood 140 Results failed to produce an election
A question was called regarding Election B, Standing Committee Presbyter and the required number of votes needed for an election. Chancellor Ted Tripp referenced Canon II Section 2.d.2 which outlines the requirements for an election. It was noted that none of the candidates received the required 50% plus one vote in order to be elected.
Bishop Smith continued to item 15 with the Order of business while the chancellors consulted the canons. (*Secretary note: minutes reflect events out of chronological sequence*)
Chancellor Tripp clarified that Canon II Section 2.d.2 requires a 50% plus 0ne vote and therefore confirmed the need for a second election. He also stated that per Canon II Section 2.d.3, should the second vote fail to produce an election, the convention may move to elect by plurality.
Election B. ‑ Second Ballot: . . . . . . . . . The Rev. Canon Richard H. Norman
There will be no nominations from the floor. [A complete Ballot Tally and Election Results list appear at the end of these printed Minutes of Convention.]
Election B Second Ballot: Standing Committee, Presbyter: Elect two (2). Elect two [2] presbyters to a three-year term. The Rev. Charles Cannon The Rev. James Teets The Rev. Christian Wood
*Results of the Vote, Second Ballot: Cannon 209 Teets 198 Wood 136 Results failed to produce an election
Following the clarification of Chancellor Ted Tripp, it was moved and seconded to proceed under the Canon II Section 2.d.3 to authorize the positions to be filled by a plurality vote.
Text of Procedural Motion:
That Convention proceed under the Canon II Section 2.d.3 . which provides if after the second ballot or subsequent ballots there remains one or more open positions for a particular office because the candidates have not received at least a majority of the votes cast, the positions still vacant may be filled by a plurality vote when authorized prior to the next round of balloting by two-thirds (2/3) of the Members of the Convention present and voting.
*Results of the Vote: YES 285 NO 15 Convention authorizes Election B to be filled by plurality vote.
Election B. – Third Ballot:. . . . . . . . . . The Rev. Canon Richard H. Norman
There will be no nominations from the floor. [A complete Ballot Tally and Election Results list appear at the end of these printed Minutes of Convention.]
Election B Third Ballot: Standing Committee, Presbyter: Elect two (2). Elect two [2] presbyters to a three-year term by plurality. The Rev. Charles Cannon The Rev. James Teets The Rev. Christian Wood
*Results of the Vote, Third Ballot: Cannon 209 Teets 198 Wood 136 The Rev. Charles Cannon and the Rev. James Teets were elected to the Standing Committee, Presbyter by plurality vote.
12. Announcement by Chair of Elections: ......................................... ......... ..........................................................The Rev. Canon Richard H. Norman
“Per our Supplemental Rules of Order, the period for nominations from the floor closed on October 10 with no additional nominations, and there is one candidate for each position available in Elections C, D, and F. Therefore, the elections have been determined by acclamation.
Election C: Diocesan Council, At large, Lay: Elect two (2) lay persons to a twoyear term Ms. B.J. Bishop Mr. Richard Helms
Election D: Ecclesiastical Disciplinary Board, Lay: Elect two (2) lay persons to a three-year term Mr. Kevin Fitzgerald Mr. Edwin Ortiz
Election E: Ecclesiastical Disciplinary Board, Clergy: Elect one (1) clergy to a three-year term. Deacon Chester Trow
*A complete list of all Votes of Convention are listed at the end of these printed Minutes of Convention
13. Vote: Deanery Representative to Diocesan Council :............................ ......................................................The Rev. Canon Richard H. Norman
(Canon V, Sec. 3.d.2) The election of the lay or ordained person shall be confirmed at the next annual meeting of the Convention. The following people were elected at their Deanery Convocations to serve on Diocesan Council, each for a two-year term. Their election is subject to Convention approval.
a. The Rev. Robert Kinney [2023-2nd term] Clearwater b. The Very Rev. Ray Buchanan [2023-2nd term] Fort Myers c. Ms. Mary Page Hill [2023-1st term] Manasota d. The Rev. Jonathan Evans [2023-1st term] Naples e. The Very Rev. Stephen Morris [serve unexpired term] St. Petersburg f. Ms. Katie Arp [2023-1st term] Tampa g. Mr. Randy Arsenault [2023-1st term] Venice
Text of the Vote: Confirmation of Deanery Elections
The members of the 53rd Diocesan Convention confirm the elections of Deanery Representatives to Diocesan Council.
Results of the Vote: YES 295 NO 2 Deanery Representatives are confirmed to Diocesan Council
10 Minute Break
14. Bishop Appoints Canonical Deans:.........The Rt. Rev. Dabney T. Smith
Deans are Bishop appointments for one (1) year terms serving up to three (3) consecutive terms.
The Very Rev. H. Ray Buchanan [2020-2023] Fort Myers The Very Rev. Raynald S. Bonoan [2021-2024] Clearwater The Very Rev. Wayne F. Farrell [2020-2023] Manasota The Very Rev. Edward C. Gleason [2021-2024] Naples The Very Rev. Ryan R. Whitley [2019-2022] St. Petersburg The Very Rev. Bryan D. O’Carroll [2019-2022] Tampa The Very Rev. Michelle L. Robertshaw [2020-2023] Venice
Service recognition awards:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .The Rt. Rev. Dabney T. Smith We recognize and thank the following leaders who are completing their service to the Diocese. Special recognition was given to Mr. Kraig Koach for his years of service as Finance Committee Chair
Finance Committee Mr. Trevor Whitley [2021-2nd term] Ms. Suzanne Bodley [2021-2nd term] Ms. Donna Francisco [2021-2nd term]
Diocesan Council Ms. Jody Maxwell, (Manasota) [2021-3rd term] Dr. Henry E. Wiley, III, (Tampa) [2021- 3rd term] Ms. Donna Francisco (Venice) [2021- 3rd term]
Commission on Ministry The Rev. Alexander Andujar [2021-2nd term]
Disciplinary Board The Hon. E. Doug Spangler, Jr., Esq. [2021-2nd term]
15. Bishop Appoints and Convention Confirms......................................... ............................................................The Rev. Canon Richard H. Norman
(Canon XIV) Commission on Ministry. The members of the 53rd Diocesan Convention confirm the appointments to the Commission on Ministry.
Presbyters: Appoint two (2) Presbyters. [Three-year terms, no more than two (2) consecutive terms]
The Rev. Whitney Burton [2024-1st term] The Rev. Christian Wood [2024-1st term]
Text of the Vote: Confirmation of Bishop’s appointments to Commission on Ministry The members of the 53rd Diocesan Convention confirm the appointments to the Commission on Ministry.
*Results of the Vote: YES 280 NO 9 Convention confirms the Bishop’s appointments to Commission on Ministry
16. Report of the Treasurer and Budget Presentation................................ ...............................................................................Canon Anne Vickers
Good morning.
My name is Anne Vickers and it is my pleasure to share with you the Report of the Treasurer.
We presented the 2022 Diocesan Budget in detail at the All Deanery Fall Convocation event last month - reviewing the Apportionment methodology, Legacy Assets, and Spending Rule, Resource Allocations, and updates on DaySpring Episcopal Center. If you didn’t watch this presentation of all of the details of the budget yet, you still can and we invite you to do so by clicking the link at www.episcopalswfl.org/convention.
Admittedly, I’m a little sentimental this year - I’ve been relishing the task of crafting this particular presentation. And in that experience of gathering the annual updates and evidence to share with you, the presentation has emerged to me as rather of a Report of the Treasures of the Diocese of Southwest Florida.
As our diocese is currently in somewhat of a spotlight - a published profile for the Bishop Coadjutor Search is underway, with potential candidates currently discerning whether they are called to lead this diocese into a continued vision. I’d like to deliver this Report of the Treasures in the context of that diocesan vision - Honor our Tradition. Build for the Future. Mercy in Mission.
Having contemplated our treasures for 12 years now…..I’ll say: It’s not at all “just
about the money”, or the property, or the historic stained glass, or the “sacred and high-tech camp and conference center”. It’s not even the specific people, but rather the community structures, practices, and culture that bind us together through it all, years ago, now, and forever onward.
We Honor our Tradition by living in and strengthening our evolving governing documents – our Constitutions & Canons as well as our Book of Common Prayer.
Page 8 of that Book of Common Prayer memorializes a first community action: its Ratification – “By the Bishops, the Clergy and the Laity of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America in Convention, this Sixteenth Day of October, in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty-Nine”…
232 years later on this Sixteenth Day of October, in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand Twenty-One, following those evolved governing canons all the way to Section 2 of Canon X, we plant a new church as initiated by the letter submitted this April from “at least 12 individuals applying to the Bishop to form an Associated Worshipping Community”: The Church of the Apostles Episcopal Church in Parrish, FL who we first welcomed to Convention today. We, the Episcopal Church, have a strength that endures years of orderly transition and extraordinary challenges.
This year we have evidence of crafting new and amended Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, as each local congregation sets the governing rules and practices for their own context. Each vestry thereby assigns procedures to hold ourselves accountable as faithful stewards of legacy treasures in perpetuity (forever). Your Diocesan House embraces the role of librarian/concierge - keeping in regular circulation decades worth of this institutional information – honoring our traditions and strengthening the everrotating leadership of your congregation by fully understanding and appreciating their call to serve.
We Honor our Tradition by Safeguarding our Legacy Assets - tracking, analyzing, forecasting, zooming in and out for perspective. In the Parochial Report analysis this year, with so much distorting the operating trends due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I wanted to look deeper into the relatively-objective Line 20 Investments at Market Value…which was up $5.7M (11% in 1 year), up 22% in the last 3 years.
At our 50th anniversary Report of the Treasurer in 2018, we celebrated how all but a handful of our congregations now have established and growing endowments. The numbers telling the story of the 3 years since then provide a remarkable update: especially given the fact that these three years include a pandemic.
These numbers summarized here report the following:
It is not just capital market appreciation, but $14M of Additions to Endowments in just three years only 10 of our 79 congregations report lower investment balances (a total of $2.8M lower), with a big portion of this sum appropriately spent on significant capital projects. Combined with the diocesan endowment contributions, we have grown the legacy assets of Southwest Florida to over $75M.
The mark of a scintillating Report of the Treasurer is the offering of an Exhibit A – Legacy Endowment Assets by Congregation Detail Report which we have posted on the convention webpage along with the slides of this presentation. The sign of a culture of ‘legacy-appreciating stewards’ (like you) are the calls/emails I’ll get over the coming weeks with comments of engagement as you review these numbers at your home vestry table. We are joyously holding each other accountable to be good stewards and champions of these treasures.
It is through this championing behavior that the importance of celebrating living
legacies among us springs up – literally - in the form of the “Spring of Support” donor recognition and gathering area at DaySpring that is so, so close to completion and Dedication in January.
Today, Phase 1 and 1.5 of our DaySpring 10-year Master Plan are complete, with funding from our congregations and $1.4M of individual gifts – all celebrated front and center in what will become an iconic entrance honoring DaySpring Episcopal Center’s past and future. Yes, we are Building for the Future. After an investment of $6.7M over the 6 years since 2015, we are at a natural pause before the larger Phases 2 and 3 - Large Worship Space and Adult Lodges, each with a significant fundraising threshold required to commence.
Following our study and formal strategic master plan approved by Manatee County in 2014, we are due for an intentional assessment to understand what the physical needs and role of a camp and conference center are in the future – knowing what we do about ourselves and our community even more clearly thanks to what we’ve experienced in these first phases. Careful timing and intentions grounded in our mission and vision. Building for the Future isn’t just construction. It involves making the connections between our past and future.
As our congregations plan new projects for growth or to meet specific opportunities, we also take hard looks at our existing buildings and land and various purposes for both. Building for the future isn’t just renovations and community grand openings. Discerning the current need and purpose is a natural part of being a relevant and responsive Church. And we make these decisions in the context of our diocesan community: with accountable leadership and financial support, within a strategy for a long-term sustainable presence, meeting our local communities where they will go and how they will be.
Yes, we also Build for the Future with common practices and shared insights. Whether for one-time, scheduled times or all time, common practices of trusted support can be powerful. Our most recent evidence of this includes:
Responding together to achieve over $3M of extraordinary Paycheck Protection Program loan revenue for 60 of our congregations. Today, almost all of these have received their forgiveness approval from the Small Business Association due to the diligent attention of your congregation leadership following the terms of this United States federal program created via the Cares Act response to the COVID-19 crisis.
Persuading 3 of the “Final 7” congregations to start and celebrate a new legacy endowment. 4 more to go. And how exciting it is to witness the constant flow of really great models for engagement, creative online ministry tools, and inspiring ideas (like an advertisement in a local airport!)
This visible creative energy among us evidences a valuable diocesan community system of common practices and shared insights - a powerful “loving, liberating, lifegiving” dynamic that is always building for the future.
Right now, this year, we have quite a broad spectrum of Leadership engaged:
For only the 6th time, a canonical body of your peers are leading the nation-wide Search for the 6th Bishop of the Diocese of Southwest Florida while Church Planting Pioneers are driving around pastureland, prospecting land parcel options on which to place our newest church buildings. The elected General Convention Deputation members are preparing to discern and take action at the 80th General Convention of the Episcopal Church and hopefully you have members getting inspired right now to lead and represent your congregation through the remarkable year ahead in the life of our diocese.
Vestry transitions, clergy and parish staff transitions, Bishops, CFOs. All a natural part of passing the baton to the next passionate souls who will enthusiastically make the next marks as we continuously Build for the Future with Mercy in Mission.
So what exactly is that mission (collectively defined in Southwest Florida)? There are no financial figures to examine this so I turned to analyzing language. Specifically, the words of the “Who are we” page of our diocesan Bishop Coadjutor Search website currently (at https://www.bishopsearchswfl.org/who-we-are) reprinted from the We are Community Book compiled as a part of our First Virtual Diocesan Convention last year. The 5087 words used by you in response to the prompt of: How our congregation makes a difference.
Everyone loves a word cloud which highlights the common language - (you can zoom in if you download the slides – those of you projecting on the wall have an advantage here) – What we see here is clear common mission among us, and at the same time the beauty in the natural diversity of meaningful words (in tiny font). Words like : DIY, equitable, potential, abierta (open).
Our church makes a difference in our local community in many ways.
And to do any and all mission, we have to be here. Hurricane, pandemic, food and basic needs, injustice, isolation, grief, hope. There’s the adrenaline of mission responding to common crisis, and the continual family moments for each of us. As Bishop Smith so eloquently stated in his 2011 address, “The Church is the community where supreme happiness and profound sadness have the capacity to dwell together in spiritual joy.” Our sanctuaries, our clergy, our foodbanks, our diocesan office - everything detailed in the budgets and written profiles alike - have to be here to make that difference.
That is what ‘Mercy in Mission’ in our financial and administrative roles look like. Ensuring that all of the energetic and inspired arms of mission – the 5000+ words – will be here. That they are sustainable and in for the long haul. Because ‘financial treasures’ can be fleeting if not safeguarded and openly communicated as they are placed into mission action. Grants come and are immediately spent on the specifically-defined need. Bequests are a blessing and each one inspires more, but ONLY if applied in the legacy fashion in which they were intended. Weekly online automatic pledge payments from a parishioner worshipping with you from home through the pandemic may be the most honest and true sign of one receiving and believing in that Mercy in Mission.
We as a community of leaders, following our traditions and common practices with active and ever-present engagement, hold each other accountable and dare ourselves to do more – We are a safety net. One sustainable (balanced) budget after another, year after year, again and again. In this way, I see the mercy in mission of being here. It’s in really knowing who we are and what we stand for (in perpetuity). It’s in the Diocesan Budget, and yours.
Our vision. Our treasures aligned.
What I really appreciate now is knowing that it’s not just the financial assets, specific buildings or people, but rather the community structures, practices, and culture that bind us together through it all. Years ago, especially now, and forever onward with hopeful expectation from the words of Revelation, “See, I make all things new!”
Report of the Treasurer Convention Confirms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Rev. Canon Richard H. Norman
Text of the Vote of Affirmation of 2022 Budget
Whereas the Diocesan Council approved the 2022 Diocesan/DaySpring budget at their August 21, 2021 meeting. The members of the 53rd Diocesan Convention affirm the 2022 budget approved by Diocesan Council.
Result of the Vote: YES 260 NO 11 Convention affirms the 2022 budget approved by Diocesan Council
17. Report of the Resolutions Committee. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .Chancellor Ted Tripp (for Mr. Gregory Hearing)
“On behalf of the Resolutions Committee, there are no resolutions that [per Canon XVI: are sponsored by members of Convention, deanery convocation, committee, commission, or council established under the authority of these Canons] to report to convention.”
18. Courtesy Resolutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Secretary Anne Vickers for Mr. Gregory Hearing, Esq.
“On behalf of the Resolutions Committee, there are no resolutions that [per Canon XVI: are sponsored by members of Convention, deanery convocation, committee, commission, or council established under the authority of these Canons] to report to convention.”
19. Introduction of New Canonically Resident Clergy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Rev. Canon Richard H. Norman
Senior Seminarians: Ms. Anne Hartley Mrs. Amy Feins Ms. Sandra Rogers
By ordination to the Diaconate: The Rev. Deacon Brian P. Cleary
By ordination to the Priesthood: The Rev. Marcella J. Drawdy
By transfer: The Rev. Canon Ethan J. Cole, Assistant, Cathedral Church of St. Peter, St. Petersburg The Rev. Whitney A. Burton, Rector, Church of the Good Shepherd, Dunedin The Rev. Andrew T. Gerns, Priest-In-Charge, St. John’s Episcopal Church, Clearwater The Rev. Elizabeth L. Nelson, Priest-In-Charge, Church of the Good Shepherd, LaBelle The Rev. Michael S. Rau, Rector, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Venice The Rev. Dr. James A. Sorvillo, Sr., Rector, Church of the
20. Introduction of Non‑Canonically Resident Clergy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .The Rev. Canon Richard H. Norman
Non-Canonically Resident Priests-in-Charge of Congregations of the Diocese:
The Rev. Dr. Richard D. Visconti, Priest-in-Charge, St. Mary’s, Tampa
The Rev. David M. Svihel, Curate, Church of the Redeemer, Sarasota
The Rev. Sylvia Czarnetzky, Assisting, St. Monica’s Episcopal Church,
21. Introduction and Welcome of the Newest Clergy Spouses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Rt. Rev. Dabney T. Smith
Join me in welcoming:
Mr. John Czarnetzky - St. Monica’s Episcopal Church, Naples
Mrs. Maugarette “Peg” Gerns – St. John’s Episcopal Church, Clearwater
Mrs. Sybil MacBeth – St. Wilfred’s, Sarasota
Mr. Joel Nelson – Church of the Good Shepherd, LaBelle
Mrs. Melissa Rau – St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Venice
Mrs. Debra Sorvillo – Church of the Ascension, Clearwater
Mr. Steven Smith – Church of the Good Shepherd, Dunedin
Mrs. Kalista Svihel - Church of the Redeemer, Sarasota
Mrs. Jan Visconti – St. Mary’s, Tampa
22. Announcement: 2022 (54th) Diocesan Convention...... Ms. Judy Stark
“The 54th Annual Diocesan Convention of the Diocese of Southwest Florida will be held October 14-15, 2022, at the Charlotte Harbor Event and Conference Center in Punta Gorda, Florida.”
As this business meeting draws to a close, we ask that you provide us with your evaluation of our first virtual Convention by completing a brief survey. The information you provide will help us in the future, should it become necessary to have another virtual Convention. The link can be found on both the LUMI Voting Platform and on the Convention page of our website.
23. Necrology................................. The Rt. Rev. Barry R. Howe, Officiant
May all their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercies of God, Rest in peace and rise in glory. Amen
The Rev. Alton J. Chapman The Rev. George Curt The Rev. Virginia N. Herring The Rev. Paul C. Johansen The Rev. Ernest W. Johns
Clergy Spouses/Widow
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Chapman Mr. Joseph A. Gilpin, Jr.
Diocesan Leaders/Staff
Mrs. Jamie L. Cox Mr. Allen O Getz
24. Noonday Prayer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .The Rt. Rev. Barry Howe, Officiant
BCP p. 103
25. Announcement: In closing, there will be a brief initial Zoom meeting of the newly elected Standing Committee immediately following the adjournment of this Convention Business Session.
26. Closing, Prayer and Adjournment..........The Rt. Rev. Dabney T. Smith
Bishop Smith adjourns the 53rd Diocesan Convention at 11:38 am ET