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Episcopal Agencies, Organizations & Resources
2021‑2023 EPISCOPAL CHURCH WOMEN DIOCESAN BOARD Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Dabney T. Smith
ECW Diocesan Board Members
President: President‑Elect: Secretary: Treasurer:
Michelle Schombs 727-638-3560 Jackie Smith 216-337-7615 Miriam Benitez-Nixon 646-221-5590 Berenice (Berry) Ludwig 727-348-4766
Clearwater: Ft. Myers: Manasota: Naples: St. Petersburg: Tampa: Venice: Deanery Directors
Donna Davis 727-251-1993 To be Announced Nancy M. Monti 941-351-9258 Lana J. Fitzgerald 239-394-4738 To be Announced Janet Brophy 813-956-3563 Ann Beers 941-743-3148
Missions Ministry Director: Jan Sessions 727-796-2675 Church Periodical Club Director: Jackie Smith 216-337-7615 United Thank Offering Director: Jackie Smith 216-337-7615
Ex Officio Members
Sara Howell Memorial Fund: Lana J. Fitzgerald 239-394-4738 Coordinators (North): Barbara Counts 727-864-6796 Coordinators (South): Barbara Willis 941-497-3949 Randy Lindquist 239-394-8621 Historian/Archivist: Barbara Counts 727-864-6796 Diocesan Altar Guild: Sarah H. Hill 727-525-8340 Daughters of the King , President: Jackie Smith 216-337-7615 National ECW Board President: Karen Patterson 352-567-6254 Province IV ECW, President: Becky Taylor Scott 903-571-6305 Province IV ECW Rep: Mary Beth Welch
Church Periodical Club
Diocesan Director/President: Jackie Smith 216-337-7615
University of South Florida Chaplaincy St. Anselm’s Episcopal Chapel Center
12849 USF Sycamore Dr. Tampa, FL 33620 ...............USF Office: 813-988-1185 .......................................................................................Web: usfchapelcenter.org Chaplain: The Rev. Deacon Scott Nonken............................Cell: 727-260-1784 ....................................................................... Email: snonken@episcopalswfl.org
State College of Florida Chaplaincy Episcopal Campus Ministry – SCF
5840 26th St. W., Bradenton, FL 34207 .......................SCF Office: 941-752-5446 Web: www.scf.edu/CampusLife/CampusMinistry.asp Chaplain: Position Vacant
DaySpring Episcopal Conference Center
Street: 8411 25th Street East ..............................................Phone: 941-776-1018 Parrish, FL 34219 ...........................................................Toll Free: 888-314-5744 Web: dayspringfla.org .............................................................Fax: 941-776-2678
Mrs. Carla Odell, Executive Director .....E-mail: execdirector@dayspringfla.org
The Dominican Development Group
Postal: PO Box 272261, Tampa, FL 33688-2261 ............Phone: 813-400-2722 Office: C/O St. Mark’s Episcopal Church.............................Fax: 813-963-5082 13312 Cain Road, Tampa, FL 33625-4004 ............................................. Email: director@dominicandevelopmentgroup.org
Retirement Housing
Peterborough Apartments ....................................................... 727-823-5145 440 4th Ave. North, St. Petersburg, FL 33701
St. Giles Manor I .............................................................727-541-5741 5041 82nd Ave. North, Pinellas Park, FL 33781
St. Giles Manor II...........................................................727-623-9886 5851 Park Blvd. Suite 104, Pinellas Park, FL 33781
Westminster Suncoast .................................................... 727-867-1131 6090 9th St. South, St. Petersburg, FL 33705