The Presiding Bishop's Fund for World Relief: 1981 Slideshow

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Happy Birthday, Episcopal Relief & Development!

Take a look at photographs from an original slideshow presentation from 1981, when Episcopal Relief & Development was the Presiding Bishop’s Fund for World Relief. This presentation was originally narrated by The Most Rev. John M. Allin, Presiding Bishop.

The Presiding Bishop’s Fund for World Relief

Foot washing is a ministry in direct response to the will of our Lord...

As expressed in the Gospel according to St. Matthew, the 25th chapter, beginning at the 34th verse‌

Then the King will say to those on his right hand, “You have my Father’s blessing; come, enter and possess the kingdom that has been ready for you since the world was made…”’

“For when I was hungry, you gave me food…”

“When thirsty, you gave me drink…”

“When I was a stranger you took me into your home…”

“When naked you clothed me…”

“When I was ill you came to my help…”

“When in prison you visited me.�

The Presiding Bishop’s Fund responds to world-wide needs in four basic areas. In response to emergency or disaster relief‌

The Fund has fed the hungry in Africa‌

Provided fresh water for the Navajo Area Mission after nuclear spill‌

Or food and medical supplies for victims of an earthquake in Guatemala‌

And assistance, too, in rebuilding their homes.

Emergency medical care - such as the Flying Doctor Program in Kenya‌

To bring help to the suffering.

The Fund has helped to reconstruct Church buildings in Uganda‌

Sent supplies and clothing to refugee camps in countries such as Malaysia, Thailand, or Hong Kong.

And has enabled about 7,000 refugees to be sponsored by Episcopal parishes in 79 dioceses in 1980.

The Fund also contributes dollars for short-term development projects, such as‌

The production of a hardy, high protein bean to strengthen nutritional programs in Jamaica and other Caribbean islands;

And an agricultural project to upgrade livestock in the Caribbean.

All development grants are designed to help people help themselves. Here in Peru, a community works together to plant better crops and pasturage.

Such grants serve as pilot projects which can attract more funds and be a model for adaptation elsewhere.

The Fund was established in 1939, when Bishop Tucker was our Presiding Bishop.

It was founded to provide relief for refugees from the Nazi Holocaust and later from behind the Iron Curtain.

Thus, as it works today on behalf of refugees from Southeast Asia‌

The Caribbean…


Or Iron Curtain countries, part of its ministry has come full circle.

In 1948, Presiding Bishop Henry Knox Sherrill helped to form Church World Service at the National Council of Churches, he initiated a Lenten radio appeal known as the One Great Hour of Sharing, which raised over $1,500,000 in that year for ecumenical giving.

The Presiding Bishop’s Fund for World Relief works through Episcopal Dioceses in the United States‌

And abroad, through the worldwide Anglican Communion…

And through an impressive and tested consortium of ecumenical partners‌ and other partners‌

To respond to human needs

The Presiding Bishop’s Fund today is a principal channel for second-mile giving in The Episcopal Church… Voluntary contributions to the Fund have risen over the years…

Doubling dramatically in 1974 at the time of Bishop Allin’s Advent/ Epiphany Appeal in response to world hunger…

And increasing again in response to today’s appeals for refugees.

Many Church members now choose to order the Christmas cards sponsored by the Presiding Bishop’s Fund in lieu of Christmas gifts to friends or family‌

Others make use of the familiar love boxes.. The outreach of the Fund is bounded only by the contributions made available to it.

The Staff of the Fund is headed by an Executive Director, the Rev. Samir J. Habiby. The Fund reports on its program and finances to the Executive Council’s Standing Committee on World Mission in Church and Society. The Staff of the Fund also works collegially with the Officers for Hunger and other Church Center Staff.

From the beginning, the Presiding Bishop has been an active and involved Chairman of the Fund. He appoints all members of the Board; there are 22 persons serving on the Board from all parts of the country.

The work of the diocesan representative of the Fund is indeed a ministry of commitment.

The work of the diocesan representative of the Fund is indeed a ministry of commitment...

‌involves a relationship with the whole diocesan structure and the building of a parish network.

Printed materials and worship resources are available‌

Including information about the migration/refugee ministry.

Audio-visual materials are also available.

Of particular interest is the film Yes, A Difference, which was previewed at the 1979 General Convention in Denver and is now reaching a widening audience throughout the Church. Posters and a discussion guide help in the use of this film.

Our Presiding Bishop has seen - all of this first-hand‌This film is dramatic evidence of the many ways in which the Fund- supported by voluntary donations - has been able to respond to a kaleidoscope of human needs.

The Bronx: Walking along a street

Classroom: Teachers and Children

Juarez, Mexico: Woman and Two Children

Guatemala: Woman Walking

The Bronx: A lot littered with trash

There is only so much resource on earth. We’d better learn how to share it, how to conserve it, how to develop it.

And sharing means giving to one another. I don’t believe anyone experiences human dignity who doesn’t have the experience of being able to give something‌

And I think we need to recognize the uniqueness of every individual.

Our Lord identifies himself with each individual human being‌

In their particular need:

I was hungry and you fed me, I was sick and you ministered unto me, I was in prison and you visited me‌

I was thirsty and you gave me drink, naked you clothed me.

When I was a stranger you took me into your home‌

And inasmuch as you did it unto one of the least of these, my brothers and sisters, you’ve done it unto me.

That’s really basic. That’s what our Lord expects us to do. And it’s gathered up in the text that I think I find myself most frequently being drawn to, and that is…

“I have come that you might find life and that you might live more abundantly.” And I think that means the wholeness of life. It’s the whole concept of mission.

It’s not some sort of incidental program for well-meaning or sentimental people. It’s an imperative on all of us as human beings to attempt to offer life and to share life and to make the best gift we can.

If there is not that life and that hope and that faith‌ it is hell.

I have seen the faith at work, and that’s strengthening.

The Presiding Bishop’s Fund makes it possible for all sorts of us to have that experience‌ By my response, by my effort through this channel, I am able to make a difference.

“Your Dollars Make A Difference”

Credits Script:

John C. Goodbody, Netowork Officer Harriet L. Goodbody, Associate Network Officer


The Rt. Rev. John M. Allin, Presiding Bishop Chairman of the Executive Committee

Production Supervisor:

Margaret H. Andersen

Production Coordinator:

M. Jacqueline Brandt

Production Services & Graphics:

John G. Finkbiner


American Jewish Committee Margaret H. Andersen Robert Ayres The Rev. David Birney Robert Browne Allen Butte Church World Service Alva I. Cox, Jr. Marion Dawson Ed Eckstein The Rev. John Huston Lawrence A. Larson The Rev. Luis Leon Marion Morey S. Neale Morgan UNICEF

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