BI-ANNUAL Report 2018

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This Programme is funded by the EU under the EU4Business initiative and supported by the EBRD

Trade Mission

EXPORT BRAND Instruments developed: Brand Book of the Export Brand Exhibition Brand Book

Video of the Export Brand in Ukrainian, English, Chinese

Export Brand Constructor


50+ national media publications with Export Brand Launch, inc. most rated TV channels (ICTV)


Food sector

The National Stand of Ukraine at the China International Import Expo (CIIE 2018), 5th-10th November, 2018

10 food producers

Media & Social media outreach: >27000 of target audience

35+ B2B meetings

Export brand Is actively used: Internationaly: SEAL Exhibition 2018 (Paris), National Stand at the CIIE 2018 (Shanghai), Ukrainian Business Visit to UK (London) etc.

GO EU (Germany)

Localy: Presentations for LvBS, members of American Chamber of Commerce and Industry, participants of the Get Business Festival, marketing experts at the MRKTNG marathon, representatives of the light industry etc. 9000+ views of Export Brand video

1 market intelligence guide 1 educational promo-event

4 business visits: METRO C+C, EDEKA, REWE, Denn’s Markt

National Contest for the hand-made products among SMEs to be presented in cooperation with State Enterprise UkrPoshta Trade Mission


Food sector

IT, furniture sectors 13 IT, furniture producers 90+ B2B meetings Market intelligence guides on 2 sectors 1 educational promo-event

1 business delegation guide 13 individual B2B itineraries 10+ publications in media, including prime time news at ICTV – one of top-5 most rated all-Ukrainian TV channels Social media outreach: >55000 of target audience

Intensive Practicum: “Go China: New Opportunities at the Chinese Market for Ukrainian Exporters”. 48 actual participants and 263 on-line National Contest for the innovative and outstanding SMEs

5000+ publications of #TradewithUkraine tag

Trade Mission

Market intelligence report

11 food producers

National Stand of Ukraine Creative Show Fashion Show by UFW Interactive Photozone

1 business delegation guide developed

Export Ukraine video “Ukraine you didn’t know” video

150 B2B meetings

11 individual B2B itineraries developed

1 market intelligence guide

Media & Social media outreach: >40 000 of target audience 2 business visits: Berman's Bakery, Taglit Birthplace Innovation center

Communications Pre-Event Communication 110+ media/stakeholders web-sites and 550+ social media publications, supporting preparation activities of the National Stand, including:

6 Protocol high level meetings of the First Vice Prime Minister Kubiv with representatives of China, Canada, Belorussia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaidzhan were held at the National Stand of Ukraine

50+ media publications, covering Export Brand launch and mentioning that it will be firstly implemented during CIIE 2018 15+ media/stakeholders web-sites and 25+ social media publications of the SMEs Selection during National Open Call for the National Stand

66 presentations of Ukrainian companies incl. SMEs, Ukrainian regions and industry leaders, state officials were delivered during CIIE 2018

20+ media/stakeholders web-sites and 450+ social media publications (inc. shares) during Selection process of the hand-made SMEs at the National Stand

Web-based platform 125+ profiles of selected ready to export companies, exporters and investment projects in English and Chinese

Announcing post reached 1900+ comments, 438 shares, 484 likes Event & Post Event Communication In Ukraine 60+ publications in the Ukrainian media, including prime time news at the most rated all-Ukrainian TV channels (16+ TV reports in total)

First results: Audience: 400 000+ CIIE 2018 visitors from 172 countries, official delegations, buyers, investors, 80+ national stands, 3 600+ participating companies, 4 000+ accredited media representatives

A package of investment projects and an interactive investment map of Ukraine presented around 100 investment projects available. The map was used by more than 600 visitors

The National Stand of Ukraine was visited by Vice Prime Minister of the State Council of the People's Republic of China Liu He, Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė and other high-ranking guests

17 unique products and services presented from the National Selection with over 100 applicants and 6 handmade products of Ukrainian SMEs

First international agreements reached - Agrarian Union of Ukraine signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Chinese company Shaanxi Ouliang Cross Border E-Commerce (EOLIANG)

During the exhibition, 300 Made in Ukraine books, 200 Hollywood in Ukraine books, more than 7,000 units of branded products were presented.

1150+ social media publications (inc. shares) «Ukraine You didn’t know» video, prepared for Go China project, reached 35 000 views, 1033 shares, 368 likes

3 business visits: Checkmarx (cybersecurity), Dan Design Center, Taglit Birthplace Innovation center

In China 100+ publications in the Chinese media (inc. National TV channels), as result of the following and other communications activities: 30+ Chinese journalists, participated in the Ukrainian Official delegation press conference 90+ Chinese journalists joined and actively used WeChat Media Group, created by operational team 25+ individual comments & interviews to local media, provided by the National Stand of Ukraine representatives


Contract worth 30-60 mln USD signed between 7 Ukrainian furniture producers and Israeli developer to furniture 3000 apartments Contract signed between a Ukrainian furniture company and an Israeli developer on furnituring the office spaces Long-term contract signed between a Ukrainian furniture company and an Israeli partner. 500 tables and 1200 chairs made in Ukraine delivered to Israel during 3 months and more to be delivered monthly Trade mission participant, producer of handmade sweets, got their first ever order from Germany 2 weeks after the trade mission

400+ kilos of Ukrainian food were tasted in the frame of “Food and Beverage” panel. As much as 1 person could eat in 7 months

Long-term contract signed between a Ukrainian food company and an Israeli partner. First test conteiner delivered to Israel one month after the Trade mission

2400 meters of cable consumed. This is enough to connect the edges of the Tower Bridge 10 times.

1 Ukrainian confectionary company is in the process of obtaining Kosher certification prior to long-term contract signing with an Israeli partner Overall 92 Ukrainian SMEs expressed interest to participate in 3 Trade missions 34 SMEs received mentoring and consulting on entering the foreign markets "Alaverdi" Architects & Interior Designers Business Tour to Ukraine to take place 5-8 Feb.2019: 11 Israeli companies, over 200 b2b meetings with Ukrainian furniture enterprises

122 000+ of target audience reached by 3 trade missions communications activities. This is population of Reykjavík! 170+ media/stakeholders web-sites and 1700+ social media publications (including shares), covering National Stand at the CIIE 2018 in Ukraine 100+ publications in Chinese media

60 575 744 pixels displayed video with so many you can send 96921 smiley The total power of the equipment = 15,500 watts. It is enough to charge 3100 mobile phones. 208 hours of training and 60 hours of productive work of the National Stand, with the support of more than 20 staff

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