The rEPPorter: June 2020

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eppCoR group in the european committee of the regions

July 2020

eppCoR group in the european committee of the regions

eppCoR group in the european committee of the regions

eppCoR group in the european committee of the regions

eppCoR group in the european committee of the regions

The newsletter of the European People’s Party Group in the European Committee of the Regions

eppCoR group in the european committee of the regions


Members on the field – fighting against COVID 19 group in the european committee of the regions

EPP-CoR political work moves online!

This issue:


Foreword by EPP-CoR President Olgierd Geblewicz


Europe Day


Members on the field


EPP-CoR moves online


Dear readers, The corona virus pandemic has caught us by surprise and set an unprecedented challenge for all of Europe. It has thus called for urgent, decisive and comprehensive actions especially at the local and regional level. Over the past weeks, we have seen how EPP-led local and regional authorities are taking concrete actions on the ground and mobilising all their resources to provide solutions that our citizens need. As outlined in pages 4-7 of this publication, local and regional authorities have been at the forefront to fight the spread of the pandemic and its consequences. From increasing capacities of hospitals, to setting hygiene protocols, from providing financial support to SMEs to supporting students and teachers to continue with their studies, are just few examples. Over the past weeks, we have continued with our political mission. I want to thank our members, coordinators and the EPP-CoR secretariat for their work despite the challenging times. From our first EPP-Group meeting on Europe Day to our meetings with MEPs and Commissioners, we have found ways and means to ensure that local and regional authorities get the support they need and for their voice to be heard. We now have a recovery plan that needs to be scrutinised and used wisely to ensure that villages, cities and regions become more resilient. I am confident that with the support of each member we can get this chapter closed and move forward, stronger than before .

Olgierd Geblewicz President of the EPP-CoR Group


December 2019

Plenary Session

p 11

Upcoming events

p 12

Highlights from Europe Day

On 9th May, the EPP-CoR Group celebrated Europe Day with its first group meeting held via videoconference. Members sent out a clear message that only by working together, can we have a stronger and better Europe for citizens, especially in these challenging times. Here are some key highlights from the meeting: “I want to express my strong feeling of optimism and hope for what the European Union is doing to concretely deliver solutions to our citizens, our enterprises and our territories. We have successfully demonstrated that we can be united in diversity more than ever. This is the spirit of Europe we are here to celebrate on this special date, the 9 of May, Europe’s Day.” Olgierd Geblewicz, President of the Westpomeranian Region and President of EPP-CoR Group.

“Europe is about unity, solidarity and responsibility. Thanks to the powerful commitment of CoR members, we have the proof that regions and cities have a crucial role in facing a crisis and in Europe’s recovery.” Apostolos Tzitzikostas, Governor of the Region of Central Macedonia, and President of CoR.

Michael Murphy Cathaoirleach of Tipperary County Council and ECON chair “I dream of a Europe with no demographic challenges, where no one is forced to leave his own city or region because of lack of opportunities.” Emil Boc, Mayor of Cluj-Napoca

“The input of villages, cities and regions is crucial in order to help our citizens.”

“Only by working together cities and regions can be more resilient and stronger.”

Jelena Drenjanin, member of Huddinge Municipality and Vice-President of the EPP-CoR Group:

Tanya Hristova, Mayor of Gabrovo

“We need to help local and regional SME’s to recover as soon as possible, through concrete measures such as tax cuts to support the leisure industry which has been harshly hit.”

“We need a European Strategy of Regional Responsibility. It is necessary to overcome national isolation and closed borders.” Mark Speich, Secretary of State for Federal, European and International Affairs, North Rhine Westphalia

the rEPPorter


Members on the field – fighting against COVID 19 Health Care • In Westpomeranian Region, authorities focused on purchasing additional equipment and beds for hospitals. – Olgierd Geblewicz, President of the Westpomeranian Region and President of EPP-CoR Group

Westpomeranian Region

• Thousands of masks, gloves and antiseptic hand soap bottles have been delivered to health centers in the Region of Central Macedonia, . The Governor of Central Macedonia also donated 50% of his salary for several months to support the fight against covid19. – Apostolos Tzitzikostas, President of CoR • The first clinical trial on a patient with a respirator designed in Andalucía has been successfully completed! The prototype ‘Málaga Respira’ was developed in less than a week – Juan Manuel Moreno Bonilla, President of Andalucía

offering critical services. – Aleksandra Dulkiewicz, Mayor of Gdańsk • The City Hall of Cugir purchased ventilation and oxygen devices, protective material, disinfectants and hygiene products needed by the medical staff of the City Hospital – Adrian Teban, Mayor of Cugir. • In Mazovia, EU funds have been mobilised to buy necessary equipment and tests for hospital workers. Now doctors, paramedics and other health professionals do not have to wait for more than 50 hours to have a result. – Adam Struzik, President Mazovia Region Region of Madeira • The City of Madrid launched an App to help those in doubt of being infected to seek information swiftly and more effectively as well as personalised recommendations.– Isabel Natividad Diaz Ayuso, President of the Community of Madrid

• The Regional Government of Piemonte has opened a hospital to assist patients who have overcome

• The Region of Thessaly put in place a telemedicine system, invested in medical equipment, recruited doctors, nursing staff and bought consumables for the hospitals of the Region. - Konstantinos Agorastos, Governor of The Region of Thessaly • In Dubrovnik, local authorities prepared a students’ home and a hotel with necessary equipment to prepare for any eventuality of the outbreak. – Nikola Dobroslavić, President of the Dubrovnik-Neretva Region • The municipality of Gdansk purchased tests, sterile masks, suits, soap, disinfectant and gloves to protect health professionals and those 4

December 2019


the critical phase of Covid19 but need further care. – Alberto Cirio, President of the Piedmont Region • Through cooperation with the Air Force, the Region of Madeira has reinforced the stock of gloves, masks, disposable suits and glasses to support those fighting the pandemic. – Miguel Albuquerque, President of the Regional Government of Madeira

• In Harghita, an extraordinary council approved 650.000 RON for health facilities. The President of the County is also reaching out to entrepreneurs and appealed for help to be able to buy more medical equipment. – Borboly Csaba, President of the Harghita County Council

Social measures • The Municipality of Huddinge has shifted its human resources to strengthen elderly care. – Jelena Drenjanin, Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Huddinge and Vice President of the EPP-CoR Group • The City of Nice and the Métropole Nice Côte d’Azur, represented by Agnes Rampal, acquired protective personal equipment, disinfected public places, provided meals to those supporting vulnerable people, supported SMEs through grants and partial payment of rent, • In the Košice self-governing Region protective equipment is sewn by school and social service staff. Every week, the region distributes 4,000 canvas face masks. Cultural regional institutions are offering visitors a virtual visit of their premises via the web or social media. – Rastislav Trnka, Chairman of Košice self-governing region • The region of Attica set up a free electronic platform where citizens can videocall a doctor and a 24-hour call centre to register complaints against illicit profiteering, report cases of social isolation of elderly citizens and other needs. – Georgios Patoulis, Governor of the Region of Attica

• The local government has played an important social role during the covid19 crisis supplying food and medicines to the most deprived. – Jan Trei, Mayor of Viimsi Rural Municipality • The City of Athens, is collaborating with health professionals to provide tests for the elderly as well as disinfecting public areas to fight the pandemic. The Mayor has been holding meetings with over 45 Mayors, including the Mayor of Seoul, to exchange good practices. – Kostas Bakoyannis, Mayor of Athens

Košice Self-governing Region

• The Municipality of Vidovec allocated a budget of 10,000 euro to procure and distribute protective equipment including gloves, face masks, caps,

jumpsuits, visors, disinfectants to doctors, members of the Civil Protection, local firefighters, local shop owners, hairdressers and locals. Bruno Hranić, Mayor of Vidovec

Education and Culture • The City of Espoo has prepared a 25-point package of measures to support companies as well as sports and cultural sectors. – Markku Markkula, Espoo City Council

• The Region of Thessaly provided free online kindergarten services and developed an application in order to simplify the connection between

students and teachers.–Konstantinos Agorastos, Governor of The Region of Thessaly

• The Region of Murcia launched teleEduca to help students with their studies and supporting those who do not have access to e-learning – Fernando López Miras, President of the Region of Murcia • The regional council of Pays De La Loire is investing €4.3M to support cultural and sports organisations that had events cancelled. Students who were forced to stop their studies will continue to be supported through scholarships. – Vanessa Charbonneau, Member of the Regional Council of Pays de la Loire Region of Thessaly

the rEPPorter


Economic measures • The Region of Sicily has launched a series of measures to help SMEs face economic challenges. These measures include bank guarantees, bank moratoria and late payment schemes. – Gaetano Armao, Vice-President and Regional Minister for Economy of the Region of Sicily • The state of Hesse is funding schemes for companies, self-employed and other economic actors such as agriculture, family friendly measures to support parents whose income has been reduced, child care of children whose parents work in the health sector. – Mark Weinmeister, State Secretary for European Affairs, Land of Hesse • Eddy van Hijum from the Province of Overijssel is virtually visiting SMEs and family businesses using digital tools such as Zoom and Skype to learn more about the challenges being faced

Virovitica-Podravina County

• In the North Rhine-Westphalia region, support is being provided to SMEs through loans, tax reduction, compensation for quarantine and grants. – Armin Laschet, Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia. • The Lombardy region in Italy has put in place a three-year investment plan worth €3 billion, with €400 million earmarked for local authorities and €2.6 billion to support the local economy (including €400 million for strategic investments). – Alessandro Fermi – President of the Regional Council of Lombardy • Virovitica-Podravina County set up a team to help entrepreneurs apply for a COVID-19 scheme to maintain entrepreneurs’ liquidity – Igor Andrović, Mayor of VirovitičkoPodravska Zupani • The municipality of Póvoa de Varzim has implemented several local initiatives like the creation of an interactive online map aimed at promoting the traditional commerce. – Aires Pereira, Mayor of Póvoa de Varzim • The Municipality of Estepona has paid over €2.4 million to service providers and invoices are being settled within 7 days to support SMEs in these challenging times. – José María Garciía Urbano, Mayor Estepona Municipal Council Region of Sicily


December 2019

Administrative measures • The municipality of Braga opened a screening centre for citizens, created a hot line to help senior citizens who need assistance to buy goods and medicines and offered shelter to the homeless. – Ricardo Rio, Mayor of Braga • “A Single Cluj” is a project that mobilises funding and resources for hospitals with the help of local and regional authorities as well as civil society initiatives to synchronise and centralise information during COVID19. – Emil Boc, Mayor of Cluj Napoca

City of Warsaw

• the City of Warsaw is providing a support package for the cultural sector, exchanging information with the international community including Chinese authorities, disinfecting public places, providing personal protective equipment for health professionals and organising online Q&A with citizens. – Rafał Trzaskowski, President of the capital city of Warsaw • The Municipality of Gabrovo is recruiting volunteers to carry out

various activities like shopping and delivery of food and medicine for the vulnerable as well as producing masks and clothing for health professionals. – Tanya Hristova, Mayor of Gabrovo Municipality • The Municipality of Prešov invested in an electric vehicle to deliver food and medicine for the elderly. Protective clothing is also being provided to the most vulnerable people in society. – Andrea Turčanová, Mayor of Prešov

• Estepona Municipal Council (Málaga) is cleaning and disinfecting streets with special products to prevent the spread of the virus. – José María Garciía Urbano, Mayor Estepona Municipal Council • Sibiu County brought together public authorities, private enterprises and civil society and pooled their resources to respond to the crisis. Daniela Cîmpean, President of Sibiu County Council • From launching a community support line to disinfecting public places. Our member Carlos Silva, Mayor of Sernancelhe has taken various measures to overcome challenges posed by COVID19.

Cluj Napoca

the rEPPorter


EPP-CoR political work moves online! As face to face meetings could not take place, the EPP-CoR Group has continued with its political work online. This section outlines key meetings held throughout the past weeks.

“In order to guarantee healthy living for all we need to improve policy implementation, address the various transitions, boost green innovation and sustainable investment and communicate better with citizens.” Brigitta Pallauf, President of the Salzburg State, ENVE coordinator Debate with Commissioner Sinkevicius during #ENVE Commission meeting

“We live in extraordinary times and we need extraordinary measures including a strong budget. We need to pay particular attention to the resilience of our villages, cities and regions in order to be better prepared for future challenges, including a possible second wave of the Covid19 pandemic.” Olgierd Geblewicz, President of the Westpomeranian Region, and President of the EPP-CoR Group #ConferenceOfPresidents

“A European Health Emergency Mechanism is necessary to have tools in emergency situations now and in the future. The #EU has an important supportive and coordinating role in such an emergency.” Birgitta Sacrédeus, member of Dalarna County Council, European Committee of the Regions rapporteur of the Opinion on ‘A European Health Emergency Mechanism’ #Covid19 meeting with ECDC Director Dr. Andrea Ammon


December 2019

“We are faced with a crisis that affected Europe socially and economically. Our cities and regions need financial tools and facilities in order to recover fast.” Konstantinos Agorastos, Governor of the Region of Thessaly CoR #EuropeDayForum

“The proposal of the new MFF and Recovery Plan for the EU demonstrates solidarity and strengthens the Union for the future. The proposal will be of great benefit to the EU’s economy, to the member states, regions and cities. For Local and Regional Authorities, it is important that the Cohesion Policy, rural development and own resources are enhanced in the proposal.” Nikola Dobroslavić, President of the Dubrovnik-Neretva County, CoR Rapporteur on the MFF #COTER Commission meeting

“Unfortunately, education is one of the most disrupted sectors because of the pandemic. We need to look into the possibility of updating the Digital Education Action Plan.” Csaba Borboly, President of the Harghita County Council, SEDEC coordinator #SEDEC extraordinary coordinators meeting

the rEPPorter


HESION BETWEEN THE ROPEAN UNION’S REGIONS, TIES AND RURAL AREAS “Environmental policy must also be addressed below municipal level. We need to further support sustainable neighbourhoods and small communities especially in small islands that do not have their own separate municipality.”

Gaetano Armao, Vice-President of the Region of Sicily

“We started our journey in Sofia last year #CircularEconomyDebate in March with Prime Minister Borissov, we have continued in Austria in December with Chancellor Kurz and we are here today with PNL President Orban and President Iohannis. In these three flagship events inEuropean all our response to the COVID19 crisis, we are voting on a “As actorsand of the EPP Local Dialogues resolution calling for an EU recovery plan that ensures sustainable, resilient and smart across theand EU, one ” villages, cities regions. particular force was Sergio Caci, clear: the strength Mayor Montalto Di Castro of elected politicians representing all three #Covid19Resolution levels of politics: local, national and European who have teamed-up together. This is about the trust of our people in their political leaders. This is how we want to work: together, as a united family, in the interest of our people! This is about subsidiarity and solidarity.”

PP family of national, regional, local and leaders are responsible for reaching out ens, listening to their voices, meeting their d reinforcing the foundations of the European ajor reforms were successful and they have edly improved peoples’ lives. As the EPP family, not limit the European project to Brussels based ns. We have to communicate with courage mination both what we have achieved on the nd what we will achieve in the future, if we want he EU falling“Regions into the have handsbeen of Eurosceptics facing huge challenges to fight the corona virus, both in terms ulists. Together, we want to make Europedimensions, a President ofregions the EPP Group of health as well as theour economic but EPP-led villages, cities and amic, open and attractive home for its people. in the EU Committee of the Regions have been taking various measures and offering solutions.” mit to teaming up with the EPP to work as one, Olgierd Geblewicz, nited and responsible political family in the f our people. President of the Westpomeranian Region, Poland and President of the EPP Group in the European

Michael Schneider

our local and nal leaders ther with national uropean entatives have the r to make nge. That y, we must nite our forces fight the populists want to destroy what we have built and ed so far. Only together we can serve our ns, communities and regions, and make hem fall in love with Europe again.”

Committee of the Regions #EPPFamilyTalks

2019 Buch arest

“Now we need to shift attention to the economic crisis resulting from Covid19. The least developed regions are the hardest hit and thus EU policy instruments should aim to support them insisting that investment in infrastructure was crucial.”

Ivan Žagar, Mayor of the Municipality of Slovenska Bistrica, Vice-Chair #COTER #BureauMeeting

Joseph Daul EPP President

2018 Helsinki 10

December 2019

Plenary session ‘The Water Framework Directive and the Floods Directive’

Piotr Całbecki President of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region “Whilst the Water Framework Directive has been crucial to improve the state of water resources in the EU, given the emerging challenges including climate change and microplastics, solutions such as new technologies as well as in the light of the sustainable development goals and the Green Deal, it is necessary to update this directive. In addition, we need a paradigm shift to place circularity and sustainability at the center of water management.”

‘The Future of EU Clean Air policy in the framework of the zero-pollution ambition’

János Adam Karácsony member of the Tahitótfalu Local Government “The difficult recovery ahead of us cannot undermine the EU’s zero pollution ambition. Clean air and the overall zeropollution action plan must be an integral part of the COVID-19 economic recovery. This is crucial to deliver concrete benefits for citizens, in particular in the health sector.”

‘Implementation of Free Trade Agreement (FTAs): the regional and local perspective’

Michael Murphy ‘European Climate Law: enshrining the 2050 climate neutrality objective’

Juan Manuel Moreno Bonilla President of Andalusia “Taking action against climate change is an urgent challenge as its consequences affect our social and economic well-being, health, food systems as well as ecosystems and biodiversity. If we want to guarantee success, we must work hard to ensure that the climate neutrality objectives are compatible with the economic development of regions and cities.”

Cathaoirleach of Tipperary County Council and ECON Chair “The impact of FTAs in the EU is felt at regional level. EU companies in villages, cities and regions can only benefit from EU trade agreements if they have pertinent information on the contents of these agreements and understand how they function in practice. Therefore it is crucial to involve regional representatives in the effort to improve implementation of FTAs as well as develop FTA implementation action plans that are tailored to each Member State, their respective regions, and regional business interests.”

the rEPPorter


Upcoming events   SEDEC commission meeting via Interactio – 9 July 2020

COTER commission meeting via Interactio – 10 July 2020

ENVE commission meeting – 9 September 2020

NAT commission meeting – 18 September 2020

ECON Commission meeting and conference – 28-29 September 2020

SEDEC commission meeting – 1 October 2020

CoR Plenary Session – 12-14 October 2020

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Secretary General: Heinz-Peter Knapp CMYK / .eps

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