Sustainable Solutions Vol. 2

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eppCoR group in the european committee of the regions



EPP-led cities and regions delivering sustainable solutions for citizens

Second Edition June 2021

Waste Management Voluntary collection points

Sibiu County Council, Romania Sibiu County is one of the few counties in Romania where the Integrated Waste Management System, implemented through a European funded project, has been operational since the end of 2016 and where the recycling rate is above the national recycling rate in Romania. The County prepared a Waste Management Plan for the period 2020-2025, which provides concrete measures for preventing waste generation and for reducing the quantities that are eventually stored at the pit. The Sibiu County Council is preparing a new application to use EUR 45 million of European funds to improve the current Waste Management System through modern treatment technologies and new Voluntary Collection Points where people can bring different categories of waste such as construction and demolition waste as well as hazardous. To prevent more generation of plastic waste, Sibiu was the first Romanian county to implement the ‘No Plastic’ policy, whereby both the council and related institutions are avoiding consumption of singleuse plastic. More than 1200 civil servants are thus aware of the need to use biodegradable or reusable alternative materials


Wild Work Safeguarding biodiversity

Cork City Council, Ireland Wild Work is a not-for-profit initiative of South East Cork Area Development (SECAD) partnership. There is great enthusiasm among communities and businesses to help nature, but it is not always clear how to do this. We saw a need for a professional service to help people to do the right thing for nature, which could also coordinate between communities, businesses, farmers, state agencies, and academia. This service would have to have the capacity to bridge the implementation gap by getting physical jobs done on the ground. This initiative would also need to generate funds beyond the grant system by engaging the business community. From these needs Wild Work was formed in 2017. We educate and raise awareness by working with nature and the environment in a positive way to have a real and practical impact on environmental issues. We support people by providing work experience opportunities and aim to contribute to the creation of fulfilling jobs, particularly in the biodiversity sector. We work with businesses to bring the health benefits of engaging with nature to their staff. Helping nature is only part of Wild Work’s goal, we see helping people as just as important, hence our slogan - Helping People, Help Nature, Help People.

Deirdre Forde

Councillor Cork City Council


Green Spaces

Improving recreational areas and mitigating climate change

Sofia, Bulgaria The implementation of a large-scale programme for the renovation and improvement of the neighbourhood green spaces, which covers around 203 hectares in all 24 districts of Sofia Municipality, is underway. Within the framework of the program, reconstruction, improvement and landscaping in the inter-block spaces will be implemented. The two main goals of the programme are increasing the climate change adaptation potential of the city and improving access of citizens to green areas, spaces for recreation and outdoor sport activities near their homes. Increasing the share of green areas will mitigate the effects of the urban heat island in the most vulnerable parts of the city, improve the local air quality, reduce the pressure on large urban parks and provide citizens with direct access to spaces for recreation and outdoor activities which is of particular importance due to ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Along with the environmental and social benefits, the implementation of the programme will also have a positive economic effect.


Circular Economy

Boosting recycling through bio-waste trucks, bio-waste bins and communication campaigns

Attica Region, Greece One of the biggest challenges for the region of Attica is to tackle waste management issues and increase recycling throughout its 66 Municipalities. In this framework, the Region of Attica has designed a concrete plan in order to upgrade the quality of life for the 4.2 million citizens living within the territory. Making the Region cleaner, greener and more sustainable is on top of the region’s agenda. EUR 20 million have been spent so far to implement a circular economy and improve waste management. 80 brand-new garbage bio-waste trucks have been delivered to the majority of Attica’s Region Municipalities. 9.000 brown bio-waste bins have been placed near open markets, restaurants and other food service businesses in order to encourage recycling. The Region of Attica also promotes the blue waste bin as well as the reciprocal recycling system. A citizen communication campaign has also been launched to increase environmental awareness among citizens together with the establishment of a Recycling Monitoring Centre. Special emphasis is put on recycling packages. Gradually in 2020-2021 and in collaboration with the Region of Attica Waste Management Association and the Municipalities, 1.000 recycling (Green) spots will be placed in areas such as schools, public buildings, sports areas and churches.


Park Revitalisation A green project in heart of Łódz

Łódź, Poland Urban parks are an important element of the natural environment of Łódź, serving as the main place for everyday recreation of city residents. Hence their modernisation has become a priority. In this regard, the revitalisation of the Moniuszko Park in the heart of the city, was completed in 2020. The park has undergone comprehensive works, with its area extended after demolition of a neighbouring building. In addition, a playground accessible for children with disabilities and a fountain have been built in the park. 130 mature trees and thousands of smaller plants have been planted while an irrigation system has been installed. The investment comprises also sensors for lighting control in energy-saving lanterns, rainwater tanks, automatic irrigation systems activated by soil moisture sensors. Revitalisation of the park has increased not only its aesthetic attractiveness, but also its ecological value. Measures have been taken to improve rainwater harvesting and infiltration, and to implement energy-saving solutions. Park trees are watered using a drip irrigation system with line source emitters placed around the newly planted trees, deep root irrigation and rainwater retention boxes. Replacement of the park’s regular lighting with LED is not only energy efficient, but - thanks to better illumination - increases the safety of residents. The total cost of the project amounts to EUR 1.7 million, of which EUR 1 have been financed through EU funds.


Water Resources Water retention measures in the Košice region

Košice Self-governing region, Slovakia The Program of the Revitalization of the Country launched in 2018 aims to create water retention measures in the Košice region and thus increase regional water resources within ten years. The measures will help to ensure that the region is not affected by water shortages in the future, is less vulnerable to floods, droughts, climate change or sudden weather changes while restoring the process of biodiversity, increasing soil fertility and improving the climate conditions. The construction of rain gardens at secondary schools in the Košice region represents a successful example of the practical implementation of the program. Low cost and high efficiency are considered the biggest advantages of this project. In addition, it reduces dust and the presence of allergens in the air and, thanks to higher humidity, it reduces the temperature by an average of 2°C. The project also has an educational aspect. It aims at increasing environmental awareness among students.


Recreation of a Lake Restoration of a wetland

Region of Thessaly, Greece The ‘Recreation of Lake Karla’ is considered as the largest environmental project in the Balkans, which was implemented by the Region of Thessaly. It concerns the creation of a wetland area of 3.800 hectares that in turn will reverse the adverse environmental conditions caused by the lake drainage. This is a project promoting local development of national importance which will consequently have multiple effects on the lake area in Thessaly. The project has received financing since September 1999 and was initially included in the 3rd CSF 2000-2006 and subsequently as a bridge project in the NSRF 2007-2013. The total expenditure for the project is EUR 245 million. The outcomes of the project are: flood protection, sustainable and full-scale irrigation of 92,500 acres (doubling the value of agricultural production), water supply of the city of Volos and Magnesia (possibility of providing water supply to at least 160,000 residents), restoration of aquifers, recreation of the wetland, reducing pollution in the Parasitic Gulf and, recreational and ecotourism development (estimated 5.000 visitors per year) as well asexhibition-informativeworkshop spaces.


Water Management Cross-border water management system

Molise Region, Italy The project Cross Water aims at establishing an efficient and effective cross-border water management system through the joint development of new infrastructure and technologies, as well as new control and measurement systems. To reach this objective a cross-border integrated plan and a common policy paper on water management system will be developed. Four pilot initiatives will be carried out in Molise, Puglia, Albania and Montenegro, focused on water resource protection, and optimisation of water supply management. Moreover, capacity building activities will be provided to technicians and policy makers, and a cross-border awareness campaign on water use and re-use will be conducted among citizens, targeting in particular youths and families. Outputs: • Cross-border integrated plan on water management system • Common water management system policy paper • 4 pilot initiatives in the field of water cycle management in Puglia, Molise, Albania, Montenegro Project Partners: 1) Acquedotto Pugliese S.p.A. (IT); 2) Regione Molise, Primo Dipartimento Presidenza Giunta Regionale (IT); 3) Bashkia Tirane (AL); 4) Ujësjellës Kanalizime Tiranë (AL); 5) Javno preduzeće Regionalni vodovod crnogorsko primorje – Budva (ME)


Cycling Trail

Protecting local biodiversity and restoring degraded ecosystems

Pomorskie Region, Poland Biodiversity is essential for life. A healthy ecosystem ensures clean air and water while keeping the climate in balance. The European Green Deal stresses that restoring forests, soil and wetlands is essential to achieve the climate targets by 2030. Pomorskie region’s project ‘On the cycling trail from Mikoszewo to the national border at Krynica Morska’ aims to protect local biodiversity and restore degraded ecosystems. Aims of the project: • directing and channeling tourist traffic around the forested areas; • eliminating numerous paths and eliminating destruction of the forest floor of coastal forests as well as eliminating destruction of the root system of plants on the sandbank/ front-dune, and hence eliminating its instability; • elimination of littering and pollution of coastal forests, as well as pollution of marine waters; • protection of the Baltic Sea coastal zone ecosystem, including protected nature conservation areas - the Vistula Lagoon (Zalew Wiślany) and coastal areas; • conservation of natural resources, nature conservation, and protection of biodiversity; • ensuring that current and future generations will have access to the natural environment while respecting its assets and resources; • reation of cycling routes that are connected with the international network of cycling paths.


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