November 2012
Message from the President Innovative regions and cities are essential for Europe 2020 and economic recovery Members on the field
2 Round-up of the CoR Commissions, Working Groups and JCCs
3 Plenary Highlights EPP opinions at Plenary
4-5 The Urban dimension of Cohesion Policy: big cities generating growth, economic development and competitiveness
The activity report of the EPP Group in the Committee of the Regions
Thirty students to join the EPP in preparation for the November Plenary Session The EPP Group is holding the 5th edition of its successful Study Visit for Masters Students in European Studies,
International Studies and Political Science on 28-30 November 2012. This year, the visit will mainly focus on preparations for 2013 as the European Year for Citizenship and the role of local and regional authorities. By engaging in debates with representatives of the EU
Committee of the Regions, the European Commission and the European Parliament, the students will be able to gain an insight into politics in the making. They will also attend the EPP Group meeting and have the opportunity to witness the adoption of two key EPP opinions.
"We need to communicate clear solutions to the crisis. The EPP is the party to lead us out of the crisis but we must have a clear vision for the future and must be in a position to coherently and effectively communicate that vision before ahead of the European elections." Lucinda Creighton, Irish Minister for European Affairs and recently elected Vice-President of the European People’s Party
Read the full interview on page 7
5 OPEN DAYS seminar: Innovative regions and cities are essential for Europe 2020 and economic recovery EPP Statutory Congress: A historic event for Europe’s regions and cities
6 Irish Presidency priorities: jobs and growth
"Some 75% of EU legislation is implemented at local and regional level, and indirectly the bulk of EU funds is absorbed in Europe’s towns and regions. Therefore, the outcome of the negotiations on the next financial framework will have a massive impact on our towns and regions, their businesses and inhabitants. After an agreement on the overall envelope, the work must start on the various sectorial policies and programmes for the next period. That work takes about one year; therefore, if there is no overall agreement by the end of 2012 there could be a serious impact on local and regional authorities who rely on EU funding in the midst of the current crisis."
Janusz Lewandowski, European Commissioner for financial programming and budget
Ongoing Opinions Your Agenda
EPP Statutory Congress: A historic hiistoric storic riic eve event v nt fforr EEurop Euro Eur ur pe’s e’ss regio regions regiions ons and a d cities cciti citie iti The European People’s Party concluded its Statutory Congress on 18 October in Bucharest with the adoption of a new Party Platform and political Manifesto as well as 14 resolutions including one highlighting the important role of regional development. “The EPP Statutory Congress in Bucharest was an important milestone for our political family and a true acknowledgement g off the work done byy the EPP Groupp
in the Committee of the Regions” Michael Schneider, Preesident of the EPP Group said. “Twenty years after the Basic Programme of Athens, the new Party Plaatform contains a specific chapter on the importance of regions. The reference to their role for the economy, cullture and society in general should be heard and welcomed by all” he added. Reead the ffull report p on ppage g 6.
Message from the President As this edition went to print, all hopes and expectations were pinned on the extraordinary European Council meeting, due to take place on 22-23 November. The summit was to be dedicated solely to the 2014-2020 multiannual financial framework (MFF). We, in the EPP Group, have urged for a timely decision so that
regional funds under the next programme can be spent from the 1 January. As this is our last meeting of the year, I would also like to wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. I look forward to our further collaboration in 2013.
Innovative regions and cities are essential for Europe 2020 and economic recovery “An innovation culture is essential for successful open innovation” participants concluded at the EPP Group’s workshop on innovative regions and cities for territorial development on 10 October. The seminar, which aimed to take stock of the potential of regions and cities for smart, sustainable
and inclusive growth, indentified key areas for improvement and synergy in EU policy funds. The seminar pushed the boundaries of traditional meetings by encouraging collaborative participation through a ‘Meshmoon’ virtual world. Read the full report on page 6.
Members on the field Marialuisa Coppola addressed participants at the closing session of the European Employment Forum in Brussels on 28 November. This annual conference and exhibition focuses on the major social and economic issues surrounding employment and is an effective discussion and meeting forum. Adam Struzik opened a conference on the role of the chemical industry within the European industrial policy and perspectives for interregional cooperation from 2014 on 22 November, which was co-organised by the Mazovia Region and Saxony-Anhalt. Dimitrios Kalogeropoulos took part in the Cypriot Presidency conference on Integration in Nicosia on 20 November. He was appointed by CoR Bureau in Nicosia as CoR representative in the steering committee of the network of local and regional authorities for integration. Arnoldas Abramavicius participated in the European Year 2012 Awards, a ceremony announcing winners of the 2012 Active Ageing Awards organised by the European Commission on 13 November in Brussels. Ramón Luis Valcárcel Siso met with the European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Dacian Cioloș, on 7 November to express his opposition to any reduction in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) budget. He said “The future of the CAP must assure the sustaina-
ble management of natural resources, food security, presence of agriculture in all European territories and competitiveness of the European market” he added. Commissioner Cioloș welcomed the constant and active support of the Committee of the Regions for a strong budget for the CAP.
Herwig Van Staa spoke at the opening of the General assembly of the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) in Berlin on 9 November.
Michel Lebrun made the opening speech at the European Waste and Resource Conference Days organised by the Association of Cities and Regions for Recycling and Sustainable Resource Management on 8 November. He also moderated a panel discussion on “Sustainable development and environment” at a conference dedicated to the promotion of social innovation in Europe. It took place on 25 October and was organised by the European Network of the Foundations for Social Economy (PEFONDES). Luc Van den Brande addressed a Conference on “A Soul for Europe - Cultural coalition for a Citizens’ Europe” in Berlin on 10 November. He also took part in the European Development Days, which took place in Brussels on 17 October and participated in the EPC-Concordia policy debate on “Integrating European Neighbourhoods” on the same day.
Round-up of the CoR Commissions, Working Groups and JCCs
The 5th meeting of the ARLEM’s Commission for Economic, Social and Territorial Affairs (ECOTER) was held in Piran, Slovenia on 19 November 2012. Maria Luisa Coppola was invited as CoR rapporteur on the development of social economy in the Mediterranean and prospects for the new neighbourhood policy. EPP ECOTER members also had the occasion to contribute to the draft report on “Technical and vocational training in the Mediterranean”, which is due to be adopted by the Assembly at its forthcoming annual meeting in February 2013. The 12th meeting of the CoR Working group on Western Balkans was held on 15 November in Brussels. The discussion focused on the EC Progress report on Albania towards EU membership; the European Commission in October 2012 recommended granting Albania EU candidate status. Members discussed the importance of the principles of transparency, good governance and accountability. Jelena Drenjanin, Vladimir Kissiov, Jacek Protas and Anton Kokalj participated in the debate. The inaugural meeting of the JCC with Montenegro took place on 14 November in Brussels. Witold Stępień, Marshal of the Łódź Voivodship, stressed that Local and regional authorities play a crucial role in shaping democracy and enhancing socio– economic development in the EU. Roberto Ruocco, Deputy Mayor of Cerignola, also intervened.
and set deadlines to promote future proposals with publicprivate financing”. President Ramón Luis Valcárcel Siso stressed that “the added value of the European cross border networks in transport, energy and telecommunications requires a credible budget for the next Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020”. Marek Woźniak, Marshal of the Wielkopolska Region and Chair of COTER presided over the meeting. Ivan Žagar, CoR rapporteur on the Connecting Europe Facility and Mayor of Slovenska Bistrica, stressed that Member States need to ensure a high leverage effect of public spending and to make use of the technical help that is available. Members of the Working Group on relations with Turkey met on 25 October to discuss the enlargement process and latest developments in Turkey from a local perspective. The main focus was on decentralisation, local democracy and the drafting of a new constitution. The Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of Turkey to the EU was among the participants to the meeting, which was chaired by Heinz Lehmann, Member of Sachsen State Assembly. Members of the Joint Consultative Committee with the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia met on 22 October to discuss recent developments in the country and their impact on cities and regions. Introducing the meeting Jacques Blanc, Mayor of Canourgue and co-chair of the JCC with FYROM, reiterated the CoR’s full support for the country’s accession to the EU. He referred to the European Commission’s 2012 report, published on 10 October, noting the limited progress accomplished in the field of regional policy and coordination of structural instruments.
Paolo Valentini Pucitelli moderated a debate entitled Accessible tourism for all-a new commitment for a fairer and more competitive tourism in Europe at the NAT seminar, which took place in Treviso on 6 November. Other participants included José Ramón Bauzà Díaz. In a COTER meeting in Valencia on 25 October, CoR members underlined that future financing instruments should ensure a balanced territorial development across Europe. The President of the Valencia region, Alberto Fabra Part, who hosted the seminar, highlighted the “need for interconnectivity between the regions and cities of the European Union” and to “keep working The activity report of the EPP Group in the Committee of the Regions
Plenary Highlights
José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, will address the CoR Plenary on the European Commission’s work programme for 2013 and a debate on the future of the Union on 29 November. The following day, a CoR resolution on the Political priorities of the Committee of the Regions
for 2013 will be adopted, based on the legislative and work programme of the European Commission. The Commission 2013 Work Programme sets out the long term vision of what the EU might look like in key policy areas, summarises what is missing today and explains how the Commission will tackle these challenges. By prioritising the right kind of initiatives, the EU aims to contribute to growth and job creation and can step by step move closer to its longer term vision. Indeed, in the State of the Union address last month, President Barroso called for new thinking for Europe – to draw the consequences of the challenges we are now facing and that are fundamentally changing our world. Upon his election as President of the Committee of the Regions, Ramón Luis Valcárcel Siso underlined that his priorities would be in line with the Europe 2020 Strategy and creating smart, sustainable and inclusive growth for Europe’s regions and cities. This is represented in the resolution. In view of the extraordinary European Council meeting scheduled for the 22 November, the political Groups will submit a second draft resolution on the Multiannual financial framework to the Plenary.
EPP opinions at Plenary Common Strategic Framework CdR 2027/2012 - COTER-V-032 Marek Woźniak, Marshal of the Wielkopolska Voivodship (Poland/EPP)
There is a clear need for a Common Strategic Framework (CSF) 2014 to 2020 for the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund (ESF), the Cohesion Fund (CF),
the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) and the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), which establishes coordination and synergy between the activities of the CSF funds and streamlines the process of planning partnership contracts and operational programmes. Given that the Commission proposal does not have a clear legal status, the rapporteur calls for a general regulation to define the role of the CSF and the extent to which it shall be binding and supports the view that it
should be considered as an annex to the general regulation. He is also adamant that the key actions must guide rather than restrict the spectrum of activities that may be financed. A lack of flexibility will limit the opportunity to adapt intervention to the varied needs of the regions. Marshal Wozniak is concerned about the lack of coherence between the main funds and the investment priorities. In this regard he proposes that the CSF set out investment priorities for all the funds and establish links and complementarity between the priorities and the funds in the individual thematic objectives. He also calls for a clearer definition of the mechanism linking support from the CSF funds with other EU policy areas and instruments/programmes, such as Horizon 2020, LIFE, Erasmus for all, CEF, the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI), or the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) etc.
The European Parliament has proposed to include the Common Strategic Framework as a part of the basic act in an annex to the Common Provisions Regulation under the ordinary legislative procedure. The purpose of this framework is to serve as a means of coordinating, integrating and balancing the objectives of different policies in specific national, regional and local contexts. This requires full participation of the local and regional authorities. In order to create a stairway to excellence we need a better coordination between policies, such as the Innovation and Cohesion Policies, especially in the regions of the new member states. Lambert van Nistelrooij, Member of the European Parliament
A European Consumer Agenda CdR 7150/2012 - NAT-V-023 Rapporteur: Spyros Spyridon, Councillor of the Region of Attica (Greece/E/PP)
C Consumer expenditure, di amounting i to 56% of EU GDP, reflects the enormous power of the consumer to drive forward the European economy. The European Commission communication touches on a wide range of consumer protection issues including those related to food, energy, finance, transport and digital rights. Whilst generally welcoming the approach, the rapporteur calls for
measures to take disadvantaged regions into account. For them, the cost and time taken to make the necessary adjustments may differ significantly from those in the other regions of Europe. He also highlights the increasing importance of the internet for such consumers. Mr Spyridon also considers it to be crucial that local and regional authorities be equipped with the right tools to defend consumer rights to the maximum of their powers. In this connection, and given the fortuitous timing of the current discussions on the multiannual financial framework for the 2014-2020 period, the CoR proposes that resources from
the Structural Funds and also from the National Reform Programmes be used in order to implement the agenda. Moreover, local and regional authorities are themselves consumers of products and services. They therefore need a secure framework within which to protect their interests and those of the local communities they represent. To conclude, the rapporteur underlines that the success of the consumer agenda depends on the commitment of all stakeholders. European, national, regional and local decision makers, professionals and consumer organisations, must all work together to improve knowledge and the trust between producers and consumers. The Committee of the Regions stands ready to monitor the prompt and effective application of the European Consumers’ Agenda closely, with a view to seeing an improvement in the European public’s quality of life.
The European Consumer Agenda is another programme that will help boost consumer confidence and restore economic growth in Europe. Communication between the European Parliament, European Commission and all leaders is now needed more than ever so that the new programs can be adopted by people all around Europe, leaving the economic crisis behind us.
Sandra Kalniete, Member of the European Parliament
The Urban dimension of Cohesion Policy: big cities generating growth, economic development and competitiveness ported by representatives of the Union of Democratic Forces (UDF).
The EPP G Group iin the h Committee C i off the Regions met with Boyko Borisov, Prime Minister of Bulgaria and President of the party of Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria (GERB), in Sofia today as part of a debate on how cities can generate growth, economic development and competitiveness through an effective cohesion policy. Addressing
participants, the Bulgarian Prime Mini i h B l i P i Mi ister said “The absorption of EU funds should be of the highest political priority not only for Bulgaria, but for all EU member states.” He also appealed for strict fiscal and financial discipline parallel to securing an adequate and just co-financing with EU funds. The conclusions of the meeting were also sup-
The meeting, which was hosted by Yordanka Fandakova, Mayor of Sofia, concluded that capital cities and large cities in general are the motors of economic growth and development. Michael Schneider, President of the EPP Group, underlined “Cities contribute to strengthening the competitiveness of Europe and as such need the possibility to draw upon European funds to tackle economic, environmental, climate and social challenges.” This was echoed by the Mayor of Sofia who explained that in recent years, European policy has become more focused on cities as generators of change. “That is the reason why, a few years ago, I initiated and created a forum where neighbouring municipalities can take steps towards common development” she said.
The activity report of the EPP Group in the Committee of the Regions
OPEN DAYS seminar: Innovative regions and cities are essential for Europe 2020 and economic recovery
“Think big, start small, accelerate fast” Gohar Sargsyan, Senior Member and EU Lead for Logica EU financial instruments boost the innovation capacity of regions, according to the Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2012, which was published on 6 November. However, a month before this, Michael Schneider called for sufficient funds at the EPP seminar during OPEN DAYS 2012. “There is also significant scope for better links between the Horizon 2020 programme and the structural funds” he added. Dimitri Corpakis, Head of the Regional Dimension of Innovation Unit at the European Commission’s Directorate General for Research and Innovation agreed. “Research and innovation is the best engine for growth. For
this reason, we have proposed increased synergies between Horizon 2020 and the cohesion funds and specifically thematic concentration in the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).” He added that the relatively high percentages for this thematic concentration should send an important message to regions and cities about the potential for research and innovation. This was echoed by Katja Reppel, Head of sector for Innovation in the European Commission’s Directorate General for Regional Policy, who emphasised that smart specialisation has to be a bottom-up approach: “Every region will invest in research and development in one form or another through the structural funds from 2014” she said. Financial support with less bureaucracy also came up in most presentations. Open innovation and cooperation between different sectors are vitally impor-
tant to achieving the targets of Europe 2020 Strategy, Constance Hanniff y, Member of Offaly County Council and President of the Monitoring Committee of the Border, Midland and West Regional Assembly, explained. Through the region’s food technology transfer programme, success has been achieved by linking academia and monitoring to product needs and development. Entrepreneurial spirit was also emphasized. Throughout the workshop, participants were encouraged to share their views and a vote took place to determine the conclusions. By far the most votes went to the conclusion that “innovation culture is essential for successful open innovation, equally important as the focus on technology”. In addition, people strongly supported the notions that practical work processes need to directly involve all relevant actors for open innovation to be a success.
EPP Statutory Congress: A historic event for Europe's regions and cities Addressing the 600 Congress participants, Ramon Luis Valcárcel Siso, President of the Committee of the Regions, stressed that "one euro invested in cohesion regions generates growth and jobs in the whole EU." Michael Schneider, President of the EPP Group, underlined that the EPP has led the debate on policies for economic and fiscal recovery and that the regions and cities of Europe also want to share their experience. "The EPP Group in the Committee of the Regions wants to participate in the
debate" he announced. "We want to use the interests and experiences of Europe's local
and regional authorities to contribute to and further improve European decision-
making." Turning to regional policy, the EPP Group President called for quick decisions so that regions and cities can start investing in growth from 1 January 2014. The EPP Group in the Committee of the Regions also welcomed the new EPP
Presidency with Wilfried Martens and Antonio López-Isturiz at the helm. "We are delighted that the EPP once again has a strong Presidency and look forward to further developing our excellent relationship" Michael Schneider said. He congratulated all of the Vice-Presidents
for their election adding: "We particularly welcome the inclusion of the Regional Policy Commissioner, Johannes Hahn, as a Vice-President. As a true friend of the regions, we hope that together, we can further represent the views and needs of Europe's cities and regions."
Irish Presidency priorities: jobs and growth
The Irish Presidency’s overarching focus, when it takes over the rotating Presidency of the Council of Ministers in January, will be identifying and advancing legislation that can contribute to creating the conditions for sustainable economic growth in Europe and job creation. The agreement at the June European Council on a Compact for Jobs and Growth was important and Lucinda Creighton, Irish Minister for European Affairs and recently elected Vice-President of the European People’s Party, has announced that the presidency will work closely with our EU partners to make this commitment a concrete reality. As 2013 is the European Year of Citizens, one of Minister Creighton’s specific aims will be to promote much stronger levels of direct public discussion and engagement in EU affairs.
Lucinda Creighton, Irish Minister for European Affairs and recently elected VicePresident of the European People's Party
1.The Irish Presidency comes at a particularly significant time for Europe’s regions and cities who are often on the forefront of difficult decisions relating to the crisis. Minister Creighton, we have heard about your commitment to the European Parliament and for the Irish Government to work closely with the MEPs in the coming months, but could you please explain the role that you think local and regional authorities can play in Europe’s development? The pressing issue when we consider European development is engaging our citizens. Next year will be European Year of Citizens. This will provide an enormous opportunity for us to actively engage in a Europe-wide discussion about the future of the European Union. Local and regional authorities will have an important role to play as they are often closest to citizens. I see potential for these bodies to really get involved by organizing dialogues, connecting citizens from different Member States and conceiving creative ways to remind and inform citizens why the European Union has been, and continues to be a good thing. The Irish Presidency will, in co-operation with the Commission, launch the Year of the Citizen in Dublin in January? 2.The Committee of the Regions will hold its external Bureau meeting in Dublin next February and this will be preceded by a meeting of the EPP Group in the Committee of the Regions. The Group President is convinced that the Europe 2020 Strategy must be the tool for achieving jobs and growth in Europe. Can you give an example of where Irish local and regional authorities are leading the way in this regard? One example is a ground-breaking Memorandum of Understanding between
Louth Local Authorities and their neighbours in Northern Ireland, Newry & Mourne District Council that was signed in 2011. This sets out an agreed framework by which to collectively focus efforts on both sides of the border on fostering and delivering growth and employment, tourism and recreation facilities, renewable energy and green technology, and optimised emergency planning over the next decade. This, of course, strongly resonates with the smart, sustainable and inclusive growth objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy. The approach of promoting, strengthening and stimulating social, cultural and economic links – which is being driven by a Joint Council Committee and the coordination of European economic development offices in Dundalk and Newry – is described as the first shared service of its kind between two EU countries. 3.As a Vice-President of the EPP (thanks to overwhelming support at the Bucharest Congress), what do you hope to be able to achieve for the Party and its members over the next mandate - especially in view of the upcoming European elections? We need to communicate clear solutions to the crisis. The EPP is the party to lead us out of the crisis but we must have a clear vision for the future and must be in a position to coherently and effectively communicate that vision before ahead of the European elections. Additionally, of course Europe bigger than the economic crisis and is facing a future full of change and potential. We have to embrace that future without hesitation and ensure that we have a clear vision for what that future will hold. Over the coming months our task will be to refine these important policies and messages ahead of the next European elections.
The activity report of the EPP Group in the Committee of the Regions
Ongoing Opinions Comission
Expected Adoption
EU strategy for the eradication of trafficking in human beings
Jelena Drenjanin (Huddinge, Sweden)
January 2013
Strengthening EU citizenship through promotion of electoral rights
Gyorgi Gemesi (Gödöllo, Hungary)
January 2013
Devolution in the EU
Franz Schausberger (Salzburg, Austria)
April 2013
Enlargement Strategy 2012-2013
Luc Van den Brande (Flanders, Belgium)
April/May 2013
Future EU strategy for Outermost Regions in light of Europe 2020
Malcom Mifsud (Pieta, Malta)
November 2012
Outlook opinion on promoting growth and strengthening job creation
Maria Luisa Coppola (Veneto, Italy)
January 2013
Better governance for the Single Market
Markku Markkula (Espoo, Finland)
January 2013
European Research Area
Grigorios Zafeiropoulos (Attica, Greece)
February 2013
Enhancing And Focusing International Cooperation In Research And Paolo Valentini Puccitelli (Lombardi, Italy) Innovation
April 2013
Renewable energy policy
Witold Stępień (Lodzkie, Poland)
February 2013
Industrial policy for the space industry
Gianfranco Vitagliano (Molise, Italy)
Your Agenda 4 December
5 December
6 December
7 December
10 December
Contact Group Congress Council Europe
14 December
9 January
Ad Hoc Commission Rules of Procedure
16 January
ARLEM - SUDEV Commission
21 January
Secretary General: Heinz-Peter Knapp Press Officer: Katie Owens,, +32 2 282 2400 This issue is also available at Follow us on facebook