The District Magazine, Summer 2016

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district, noun dis•trict \`dis-(,)trikt\ : an area or section that has some special characteristic or purpose : a region or locality marked by a distinguishing feature

Managing Director Ed Suyak The District Group Publisher Ed Suyak Creative Director Rob Stainback Editorial Controller Danielle Topper Associate Publisher CJ Cooper Contributing Writers Dr. Deepak Naidu, MD Jimmy Barker Meaghan Farrell Scalise Vance Arnett Sarah Garrett

Ruff Ruff! My friends and I have taken over this issue of The District. I’m Bella, the white sassy cuteness first one to your left (publisher), LL Cheecho in the middle (creative director), and “My Boy” Blue to the right, (editor). Unfortunately, we were only able to get our paws on a portion of this issue, and the upper management considers us to be interns…for now! However, the part we did work on looks pawsome! Enjoy your summer and hope to see you around all the districts.

Photography by Lindsey Meyer

The District magazine is always looking for new article ideas, upcoming events and overall readership feedback. We are currently seeking freelance contributors. Email all submissions, ideas and feedback to publisher@

I'm Buddy, (magazine security). Don't let me catch you around town not reading this issue. 4

Mashed Media Group does not assume responsibility for the advertisements, nor any representation made therein, nor the quality or deliverability of the products themselves. Reproduction of articles and photographs, in whole or in part, contained herein is prohibited without expressed written consent of the publisher, with the exception of reprinting for news media use. Printed in the United States of America.






08 30



08 Are You Ready for the Summer?

10 It Is Important If It Makes You Happy!

22 District Dogs 28 5 Health Tips for a Better Summer

30 Art in Locality 42 An Urban Understanding

of Mobility: Getting From Here To There

44 5 Ways to Open a World of Flavors in a Small Space

46 Rants & Raves: Tampa Bay Lightning Year in Review




hat does the question “Are you ready for summer?” really mean in Florida, where it’s summer just about all year round? There is something about the end of May that still get some people excited while others get stressed. Everyone is excited for summer vacations, BBQ’s, pool parties, and endless days at the beach. Some of us, however, feel stressed as summer approaches, knowing that all or most of the exciting summer events' attire calls for board shorts and bikinis. It’s time to remove our winter layers. In truth, entering summer is more than just transforming from winter coats to beach-ready bodies. We get time to enjoy our families and friends. Beach ready, however, means different things to different people. To some, it means being lean, shredded, or muscular; to others, it could mean wearing a hat, applying sunscreen, and a having a cooler at hand full of Coronas. Whatever it is to you is all that matters. We decided to sit down with several local professionals that could help with your possible needs for preparing for the summer. I thought to myself, what or who would we need to prepare for the summer? We interviewed some of the best in their respective fields and asked them a few questions. All of them were asked the same last three questions— even some of our District dogs jumped on this train. Trainers, coaches, nutrition specialists, meal prep delivery chefs and CEO’s, a plastic surgeon, weight loss and hormone specialists. I started thinking the choices we made for professionals were like preparing for the army, not just for summer. All work and no play makes for a dull summer. So, I invited a few friends that could help put a little fun into summer: a cocktail mixologist (a really good local bartender), a master brewer (someone who knows how to make really good beer), and a BBQ specialist (no explanation needed). Have the best summer ever!




It is important if it makes Self-improvement is a great thing. Our lives, our experiences, and our surroundings impact how we

be appropriate because of factors such as normal aging, weight changes, or life experiences like

see ourselves in the mirror, as well as our perception of others. Every opportunity and every attempt at improving ourselves should be viewed positively: lifestyle changes like weight loss, exercising regularly, and adopting a healthier attitude are commendable accomplishments. So how does plastic surgery fit in to this personal transformation?

having children. Based on current trends, interest in plastic surgery procedures, both in the office and in the operating room, is continuing to rise.

As a plastic surgeon, I help people who want to improve their appearance, so that their outside appearance better reflects the person they are on the inside. The desire to make changes may

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) couldn’t agree more. With 15.9 million total cosmetic procedures performed by member surgeons in 2015, which represents a 2% increase from 2014, plastic surgery is gaining popularity. Breast augmentation leads the category with 279,143 cases of the 1.7 million surgical procedures performed in 2015. Liposuction closely follows, with 222,051 procedures in 2015. If these numbers impress you, the popularity of minimally-invasive

Deepak Naidu, MD Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Deepak Naidu is a board-certified plastic surgeon who lives and works in Downtown Tampa. He moved to Florida in 2006 to complete his plastic surgery training at the University of South Florida, and fell in love with the Tampa Bay lifestyle. His professional interests include breast surgery, mommy makeovers, and body contouring procedures. He is dual-certified by the American Board of Surgery and the American Board of Plastic Surgery, and an active member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. While you’re in The District, you’ll probably see Deepak walking to his office, running on Bayshore, or relaxing with friends at an outdoor table in Downtown Tampa! 10 10


Happy! By Dr. Deepak Naidu

office procedures is even more astounding: in 2015, 6.8 million clients underwent Botulinum Toxin Type A injections, followed by 2.4 million people who had facial volume enhancement with soft tissue fillers. How would I explain these trends, as a plastic surgeon? Is

1. What do you love most about being a plastic surgeon? Every day is a new challenge. No two people are the same, so it’s fun to be able to individualize my recommendations with their treatment goals and expectations. My clients are also people who are interested in making positive improvements in their lives, and their excitement about their before-and-after results is contagious! 2. When is the optimal age to start fillers, Botox or noninvasive facial treatments and why? A specific number doesn’t come to mind, as every individual has a specific combination of genetic predisposition, amount of sun exposure, and lifestyle choices such as smoking that can impact facial aging. That being said, all of us will have that moment of clarity, when we look in the mirror one day and see something we weren’t expecting, such a

it vanity? Staying competitive in the work force? Attracting dates? As with most things, it’s probably multifactorial; however, being more conscious of our appearance and how we present ourselves to others isn’t a bad thing. Living in Sunny Florida definitely means we spend a lot of our time outdoors.

This translates into a more active, healthier lifestyle that encourages and, in many ways, rewards image awareness with social attention while boosting self-confidence.

wrinkle or smile line…that’s when I receive the urgent call or text message!

5. What is your summer guilty pleasure? Enjoying sunsets at Pass-a-Grille Beach, after everyone has left. The evening sea breeze, the sound of the waves, and the colors in the sky are magical!

3. Is there any reason a person should not consider plastic surgery? Undergoing plastic surgery is a personal decision. It’s about improving yourself…not about pleasing or being more appealing to others. Don’t expect that your world will change, just by changing your outward appearance…ultimately, it’s who you are on the inside that matters the most! 4. What is the most common procedure you perform? We live in an image-conscious area with a warm climate year-round, so it’s probably not surprising that my most common surgical procedure is breast augmentation. It’s always swimsuit season in Florida, so why not look your best?

If you can do something to improve how you feel about yourself, what’s stopping you?

6. Are you a beach or pool person? Definitely a beach person! I call it ‘toes in sand’ therapy…you’re automatically in a better mood! 7. Finish this sentence: During the summer, I’ll drink lots of... Water! My parents will be reading this interview, after all! But seriously, it’s important to stay hydrated, especially when you are spending your days outdoors!



Mia Lanz

CEO, Mia Motivation 1. What makes you most happy about being a fitness coach? The ability to impact a client’s life in such a massive way that affects their mental, emotional and physical ability to live their life to the fullest. I know I’ll be affecting not only that person but their relationships and the entire family. Now that's leaving a legacy! 2. In your opinion, should women only do cardio and is resistant training only for gaining mass? The women that only do cardio are the ones who will always complain they are too soft and they want to tone up. Cardio and weight training go together like a horse and carriage, or better yet, more like peanut butter and chocolate! You can achieve both scenarios in one workout. That is my special recipe! 3. Who is the perfect candidate for your fitness training programs and why? Someone who wants results more than the person next to them, understands their why and uses that reason as fuel to be relentless in receiving their results. It's all about attitude and how bad you want it. 4. Is there a 360° approach to your fitness program and if so explain? My fitness program has many elements to it that causes a full transformation. Someone may come to me to work on their body, but I see beyond the body. I know I'm going to affect them so deeply that they become not only healthier, but happier knowing their mind, emotions and spirit has also been strengthened through the process. 5. What is your summer guilty pleasure? Hands down...DESSERT! I blame it on my sweet blood! 6. Are you a beach or pool person? Beach babe! I want to sink my toes in the sand and become one with the land. 7. Finish this sentence: During the summer, I’ll drink lots of… Watermelon Celsius! 12 12

Coach John Forbes Greatness Enforcer

1. What is your Go-To Summer reediness workout? I’m pretty partial to bodyweight and sprinting on the track since sports and military training are what I grew up on. They come natural to me and can be done anywhere at any time. "Sun’s out guns out!" I like training outside. The sun gives life, strength and power. All should try it. 2. What are the top benefits for training with a fitness coach? Knowledge definitely. Two heads are better than one. Experience with training can help shorten the gap with goals. If someone took five years to learn something, even simple things, that’s potentially five years you’ve saved yourself when trying to further your fitness goals. Think of any top athlete or fitness 1. What is your Go-To Summer readiness workout? I have to work hard to build muscle, so resistance training is a must! Of course it’s nice to be lean as well, so I mix in some HIIT (high intensity interval training) like stairs or sleds to burn fat. Not easy, but it works! 2. What is more effective for maintaining healthy lean muscle, cardio or resistance training? Looks like I jumped the gun… see question 1! 3. Is there a 360° approach to your fitness program and if so explain? We teach our clients at BioDesign Wellness Center to have a balanced approach to life, so fitness is no exception. The mind and body connection is essential to a healthy body. I enjoy resistance training and will always have that as an important component of my fitness. It is my time to get away from everything and focus on strengthening my mind and body. You might be surprised, but many of my best creative CEO and Founder of ideas come while I am training. For balance, I also try BioDesign Wellness Center to incorporate other areas of fitness like basketball, tennis, HIIT sprints, but this summer I really want to improve my yoga and SUP Boarding. enthusiast you know. They could 5. What is your summer guilty probably train better than most pleasure? 4. What role do hormones play in individuals in the industry… THEY Yikes that’s tough, considering maintaining a healthy and or lean have a coach. Even I do. I’m a fat foodie. Lobster mac n’ body? cheese! Although that’s not really Balanced hormones are 3. Who is the perfect candidate a “summer time” dish. Let’s go crucial! Testosterone, estrogen, for your fitness programs and with my pop’s warm homemade why? progesterone, cortisol (just to name banana pudding right next to his Someone who is willing to learn a few) can affect your mood, energy homemade ice cream; irresistible. and be open to unconventional levels, performance and whether or If you’re a friend of mine and have methods. I find the fundamentals not your body stores fat or burns met my pops at his home, you’ve interesting, though you can find fat. If you are over 30 years old, probably had some of it and you just about all of them in a book you should get your levels checked know exactly what I’m talking or an Internet search. Application regularly by an expert to monitor about. of those fundamentals with other your health. Hit me up…I know a learned philosophies is what I like 6. Are you a beach or pool great one. ;) to offer as an experience with my person? 5. What is your summer guilty programs. Oh come on is this even a pleasure? question? The beach! How could 4. How important is diet and I have a really hard time saying “no” you not be if you live anywhere nutrition to fitness? close to the coast in Florida? to a great ice cream or gelato. As important as it is to feed your Choosing the pool over the car gasoline instead of charcoal. 6. Are you a beach or pool beach is like choosing to run on Both substances are forms of person? a treadmill instead of outside in potential energy, but one will The pool is fun, but overall I’d have great conditions. Can you tell how give you the desired effect for a to choose the beach. Feels great to much I “love” the treadmill? specific object. The other will just wake up, turn on some good music, exhaust without focus and tear 7. Finish this sentence: During pack up food & drinks and head out your vehicle to pieces. That’s how the summer, I’ll drink lots of... on the boat with friends for the day it is with proper healthy nutrition. Coconut water! It's healthy but to enjoy the ocean and beach. Some can get away with bad delicious! Plus, as far as alcohol 7. Finish this sentence: During the nutrition for a little bit because it goes, I’m a cider or brown kind of summer, I’ll drink lots of... is used as energy. But yielding the guy; I can’t stand the taste of beer. Vodka, coconut water, lime juice same results and lasting beneficial And those options didn’t really and a little stevia…have to stay effects are exclusive to proper sound too tantalizing when you hear nutrition for your goals. it out loud. So yeah, coconut water. hydrated in that hot sun!

Jimmy Barker



Chef Felicia “Phe” Lacalle Owner and Founder of HealthE Gourmet

Chef Phe grew up learning from a master where she acquired that quality food is an essential ingredient to good living, raised by a single mother who would use Julia Childs on PBS as a “babysitter” after coming home from the graveyard shift. She continued her love for the kitchen throughout her teenage years learning authentic Latin cuisine from her mother. Chef Phe honed her skills by excelling in her class graduating Magna Cum Laude from the prestige Johnson and Wales University. While attending and studying she worked in prestigious hotels such as The Biltmore and The Beach House hotel where she had the opportunity to cook for world renowned known names such as President Bill Clinton and Louis Farrakhan. After Graduating, she moved back home and worked for James Beard Award Winning Chef Roy Yamaguchi for almost ten years. Leaving to expand her knowledge, she worked in several known restaurants in her area before returning to Roys to complete her ten years. Chef Phe started to run a small business from home cooking gourmet healthy meals for several clients. Today she is the Owner/Chef of HealthE Gourmet.

1. How did you get into the healthy meal delivery business? I started this journey 4 years ago on myself by losing weight and taking recipes and turning them into delicious alternatives. As a person who struggled with their weight the one thing I dreaded about being on a diet was the bland food. After posting numerous pics of my progress and food, a friend convinced me to do the same for him. I started out of my home and one client turned into several clients which ultimately lead me to renting a large kitchen, leave my corporate job and take a big leap of faith 14 14

and here we are …

results you are looking for.

2. What are the top three reasons for someone to use HealthE Gourmet meal delivery? Quality, convenience, variety

4. What is your favorite HealthE Gourmet meal? That’s a tough one ……they are all created equally loved

3. Is it better to eat twice a day and skip breakfast or 4-5 wellproportioned meals and why? Eating twice a day is not acceptable! It is optimal to fuel your body properly every three hours so you can perform your best! Whether you are losing weight, gaining weight or maintaining, you have to properly feed your body according to the

5. What is your summer guilty pleasure? Most definitely on hot summer nights, yogurtology with my boys 6. Are you a beach or pool person? I’m a mermaid so the beach please, lol. 7. Finish this sentence: During the summer, I’ll drink lots of… AGUA!




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Natalie Nicole Sychocka CEO/Head Trainer of Bodies by Natalie Nicole

1. What do you enjoy most about personal training? Helping people motivate themselves to change their lives for the better. 2. What are the hardest three bad habits to give up when trying to lose weight or tone up? Skipping meals, not drinking enough water, and avoiding progress photo comparisons with their coach. Food is fuel, and without food, your body (metabolism) won’t move forward. It’s a very common misconception that you have to eat less to look better. By skipping meals, and depriving your body of the nutrition and energy you need; your body cannot function, let alone lose fat, tone up, or allow you to pursue a healthy and happy lifestyle. 3. Who is the perfect candidate for your personal training program and why? Anyone that has a fitness goal in mind and is willing to work hard to achieve it! 4. Is there a 360° approach to your fitness program and if so explain? Absolutely! The food you eat is equally, and sometimes even more important than the training itself. I like to explain it like this, “If you don’t have gas in the tank, you won’t get very far.” With that being said, it has to be the right type of fuel; which is why I take a very hands on approach by also including macro advice, holistic guidance, and frequent check-ins to ensure the best quality, results and learning experience. 5. What is your summer guilty pleasure? Driving to Rita’s Italian Ice and ordering a large cherry Gelato after a nice, long day basking in the sun, on St. Pete or Clearwater beach. 6. Are you a beach or pool person? Both, and at the same time is even better!!! 7. Finish this sentence: During the summer, I’ll drink lots of… Water! If you know me, you know what I always say… “Hydrate to look great!” :) 16 16

Chris Cavallini

CEO and Founder of Nutrition Solutions and Clean Cheatz

1. When did you open Nutrition Solutions and what are the top three ingredients that make it a success? Nutrition Solutions started in 2011 and our success is a direct result from our commitment to excellence, world-class customer support, and a company culture that’s second to none. Our product is ok from what I’ve heard. 2. What is one of favorite meals from your company? Something I take a great deal of pride in is the fact we change the menu every single week, and no two menus will ever be the same. One of the basic needs of every human being is variety, and from working with over 15,000 people in the last 5 years I can sign off that this is especially true when it comes to staying on track with a diet. It’s tough to say…But our Bison burgers and protein pancakes are pretty legit. 3. What motivates you more than anything? When I have the privilege of interacting with someone that I’ve either worked with thru the company, or some other channel, and listening to them tell me how my actions or something I did had a significant positive impact on them. There is truly nothing I value more than that, and it makes me hungry to do more. 4. Is it magic, genetics or hard work that keeps you beach ready? Staying in shape is a priority to me. My entire life is better as a direct result of me being comfortable and confident with my physical body. It doesn’t seem like I’m working hard simply because I’m conditioned to this lifestyle. But in comparison to the “average” person, and for the sake of answering this question directly, I would say it’s a combination of the work put in and my desire to lead by example. 5. How many meals a day do you eat and why? Typically four to six meals. It all depends on what my goals are at the time. I always tell people that ask me for advice on what to eat or how to train, don’t worry about what I’m doing, or the girl or guy you saw at the gym last Thursday, you have to find a routine that works for you and is conducive to what you’re looking to accomplish. It’s all about consistency. To support a speedy metabolism I would never suggest less than 4 meals a day though. 6. What is your summer guilty pleasure? Without question Vegas pool parties. 7. Finish this sentence: During the summer, I’ll drink lots of… Not to sound like the pinnacle of health and fitness here, but definitely water! Drinking more water will help you lose weight, have more energy, improve your complexion, slows down the aging process, and supports basically every internal system in your body! I like tequila too though, but it certainly does NOT do all of the before mentioned.

Danny Hernandez Founder and Owner Holy Hog BBQ

1. What is the Holy Hog BBQ secret recipe? Our secret is low and slow, we take our time when smoking the meats. I have been developing my rubs for over 10 years. I also like to experiment with different types and combinations of wood. 2. Are you a BBQ beef or pork rib guy? I enjoy both, but prefer beef ribs. 3. What is your go to Holy Hog meal and why? You can’t go wrong with the Hog & Heifer. It combines the sweetness from the burnt ends and saltiness from the pork topped with Cole slaw. It’s an item on our “secret menu”. 4. If you were only allowed three food items, two spices, two fruits and a wood burning grill, what would they be and what would you grill? corn on the cob, ribeye steak bone in, potato, salt, pepper, strawberry and peaches. I would make fresh roasted corn on the cob, a baked potato, a thick cut bone in Ribeye, and for dessert I would have grilled/smoked fruit

kabobs consisting of strawberries and peaches. All seasoned with salt and pepper as they compliment each item equitably. 5. What is your summer guilty pleasure? Grilled Chicken Wings and a cold Miller Lite! 6. Are you a beach or pool person? Beach, there’s nothing like enjoying a Sunday with the family on one of our beautiful beaches here in Tampa Bay. 7. Finish this sentence: During the summer, I’ll drink lots of… Goses and Saisons.


At age 18 Casey hightailed it down to Florida from his childhood home in the Finger Lakes of upstate New York to pursue his dream of brewing beer in paradise. Before the ink on his high school diploma was dry he found employment at the Key West brewery working on the bottling line. He worked his way up to a brewer position before he turned 21, putting him in the unusual spot of being a professional brewer who was legally prohibited from drinking his own product.

Casey Hughes Master Brewer Coppertail Brewing Co.

In 2002 Casey became the head brewer of Flying Fish brewery in New Jersey. Over the next decade he developed a series of critically acclaimed beers and led the brewery through a period of rapid growth, winning GABF medals for his IPA, Trippel, Dubbel, Belgian Strong Dark Ale, Belgian Chestnut Specialty Ale, and Super Friends Collaboration. It was also during this time that Men’s Journal chose his Trippel as “Best Belgian Beer in America,” and he served as president of the Master Brewers Association of America, District New York. However, despite his brewing successes up north, with each miserable New Jersey winter the siren song of Florida grew louder. Casey’s brewing career now comes full circle as he returns to Florida to lead Coppertail Brewing.

Born and raised in New York, trained in mixology while living in the Caribbean during his early 20’s. Ryan blends bold flavors with island flair as he brings craft cocktails to the Channel District. 1. What is the best/worst pick up line you’ve overheard while bartending? It was a slow night, with only three patrons in the bar, two guys, and a girl. One of the guys tells me to buy a shot for the girl, but to “not tell her where it was from.” After trying to convince him this was a terrible idea, I finally agreed and gave the woman her shot. Telling her, I was told not to say anything; she looks at the guy who bought the shot, then to the only other guy in the bar. She proceeds to stand up, walks the shot over to the other guy, sits down next to him and proclaims “I bought this for you.” They ended up exchanging numbers, all because the guys plan backfired. Always take your bartenders advice!

Ryan Fitzgerald Beverage Director District Tavern

20 20

2. What is the funniest story a stranger has shared with you? I’ve definitely heard my fair share of stories. However, this is one of the best. A guy who told me about his date with a woman, who before things got too far, made him touch her deceased husband’s ashes she kept in a Ziploc bag in her purse. An equal mix of horrifying and hilarious, mainly because he was laughing the whole time he was telling me.

1. What do love most about brewing beer? It’s a fun and exciting job, like being an astronaut. 2. What do love most about working with Coppertail Brewing Co? The freedom to brew whatever I want and the great team that we have built! 3. Assuming part of the brewing process involves tasting, have you ever tasted a little too much and if so explain? Never, not even when I lived in Key West for almost a decade… nope never had too much. (Publisher add in) I’m sensing a bit of sarcasm 4. If you were only allowed to brew three Coppertail beers, what would they be and why? Pils, Whoops, Free Dive, Unholy, Brews Banner… You said 5 right? 5. What is your favorite beer to drink in the summer? Fruited berliners and crisp dry IPA’s 6. What is your summer guilty pleasure? Dwarf Horse Polo 7. Are you a beach or a pool person? Ocean 8. Finish this sentence: During the summer, I’ll drink lots of… salt water 3. If your bar was only allowed three bottles of alcohol, which three would you choose and why? My number one choice would be a versatile bottle of bourbon. I’ve been into Woodford Reserve lately, mainly because it can be used in any bourbon based cocktail, but is still good by itself. Next, would be tequila, because that’s my go-to for anything I drink. I have a bunch of favorites, but I’ll go with Casa Amigos right now. Finally, I usually dive head first into rum during the summer, so a bottle of El Dorado 12 year rum to polish off the list. 4. In your opinion, what are the top five summer cocktails? Let’s start with our summer line up for District tavern: the Lake Minnetonka, Old St. Pete Daiquiri, the District Lemonade and the Eternal Flame. If I was on a beach; a daiquiri made with good rum, Mint Julep, a Margarita that’s been kept at least 200 yards away from sour mix at all times, a solid gin and tonic to keep the mosquitoes away, and lukewarm shots of tequila kept in the sand all day. 5. What is your summer guilty pleasure? Wearing short shorts and drinking frozen drinks. 6. Are you a beach or pool person? Beach hands down! 7. Finish this sentence: During the summer, I’ll drink lots of... RUM.


DOGS What does it take to get a beer down here?


WOW! Ruby looking good.

I’m going to take these mutts for every dog treat they got!

M O O S E, S HEP & RU B Y 22 22


Did you know?


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DECOR Cheecho Maleecho I was rescued when I was six months old. I’m close to 11 now but I am very sexy and have great eyes. I love to lounge. My nickname is LL Cheech which stands for Ladies Love Cheech but I am sure you already knew that. I am currently in a relationship with a bichon poodle named Bella but hey, I am always keeping my options open. Looking forward to meeting everyone! Choi!

Sound Dampening Fabric and Gallery Wrapped Canvas.

1. What is the naughtiest thing you have ever done? Is this a trick question? I’m not going to rat myself out! I’ve done plenty. 2. What is your favorite item you chewed on that did not belong to you? My human parents kept calling it “WTF that was my shoe.” 3. Which dog park is your summer favorite? Fort De Soto Dog Beach 4. Where is your favorite place to mark your territory? Anywhere and everywhere but of course outside. 5. What is your summer guilty pleasure? Poinciana and eating everything that is dropped on the floor… Seriously. 6. Are you a beach or pool dog? Beach all the way. I once accidently walked into a pool at night. I hate pools! 7. Finish this sentence: During the summer, I’ll drink lots of… Tequila, okay probably nothing but water. CONTINUED ON PAGE 26

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DOGS They really need to put me on the cover. Great coffee and how far is Uncommon Finds from here?


I love the article on you being told to clean up my poop. Great read! RIGB Y

Can anyone please pass us a copy of The District?

RU B Y & CO O PER 26 26

I think the guy to my right has had way too much coffee. Did the photographer just say cheese? Yes, I’ll have some. RO CKY CONTINUED ON PAGE 34

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Health Tips for a

Better Summer by Jimmy Barker

Summertime is a great time of year to be outside and enjoy life with family and friends. But, let's face it; sometimes, getting outside in the summer heat can make us feel self-conscious about our bodies and we realize we just don't have the energy to keep up like we used to. We all know that eating properly and exercising is important, but here are five tips about getting healthy for the summer that you might not know. 1. NUTRITION - While portion control matters, food choices are even more important. Focus on eating organic vegetables to avoid pesticides, high-quality meats to avoid hormones, and healthy fats to start feeling better and seeing results. It's important that you don't forget the good fats (i.e. avocado, coconut oil, free range vegetarian eggs, wild caught salmon, etc.) to provide you with mental clarity and energy. You need to eat fat to burn fat! I know, I know‌we all like carbs, but you need to make a decision. Do you want results or not? It's not that you have to avoid carbs altogether, but you should do everything you can to avoid gluten. Gluten-filled carbohydrates create inflammation and water retention, which can make that belly look bigger than it is. So, I highly recommend avoiding those gluten filled beers if you want to look lean this summer! 2. RELAX - Get out of the house and have fun with family and friends. Stress is a major enemy to your health. You can eat right, exercise daily, optimize your hormones, and still have significant health problems because of stress. Find a regular outlet, such as walking, meditation, reading, or anything else you enjoy. And, I hate to break it to you‌having a glass of wine every night does not count as a healthy way to relax. You would need to drink ten bottles of wine to receive benefits from the small amounts of resveratrol in wine. 3. SUN - Vitamin D is essential for over 300+ processes in your body; yet, because of our lifestyles, it is the most common nutrient deficiency in the world. So, get out and get some sun, but be careful with your choice of sunscreen lotion. 75% of sunscreen lotions are filled with toxic chemicals that can disrupt hormones, cause estrogenic effects in your body, and may increase our risk of cancer. The best sunscreen is a hat and a shirt, but where's the fun in that? In general, mineral or "natural" sunscreen brands that do not include things such as oxybenzone and oxtinoxate are the safest. SPF 15 to 30 is generally enough to limit the UVB rays to reduce burning while allowing enough UVB's to get through for the production of Vitamin D. If possible, find a sunscreen that also protects against UVA to avoid premature aging of your skin. 4. ENERGY - While you are at the beach soaking up those rays, make sure to take a walk in the wet sand. Ever heard of "earthing"? It may sound odd, but science backs it up. Our bodies were not designed


to have Wi-Fi, cell phones, and radio waves constantly traveling through us. However, we are designed to be in contact with the earth's energy. Unfortunately, we usually have shoes on or walk on a surface that puts a layer between us and the earth. Take those shoes off and connect with the earth. When we connect with the earth, our body releases built up energy and we are recharged with an energy that makes us feel better. Are you having issues with your sleep and energy levels? Take a long walk on the wet grass or beach and see for yourself! 5. WATER - No matter what you are doing this summer, you need to be drinking plenty of water every day! We usually recommend aiming for half your body weight in ounces of water. But...STOP drinking out of plastic water bottles and the faucet! Water bottles are full of toxins from plastic leaching into the water. You may be careful not to leave your bottles in the hot sun, but did you think about how the bottles got to your refrigerator? Do you think it's possible the water got hot in the truck, sitting on a pallet in the sun or sitting in a hot warehouse? Some scenarios could cause toxins, such as BPA or xenoestrogens, to end up in the water we drink, which over time disrupts our hormones and causes side effects such as early puberty, fertility issues, erectile dysfunction, and an increased risk of cancer. Unfortunately, water from the faucet is not a good fallback. Our water supply is full of contaminants, such as chlorine and fluoride. I know we are all taught that fluoride helps our teeth, but keep in positive does not outweigh the negatives. Fluoride blocks the absorption of many nutrients; in early 2016, it was classified as a neurotoxin, which puts it in the same category of arsenic, lead, and mercury. Would you be drinking water full of arsenic? It may be in your water now. It's worth it to invest in a high-quality filter that removes all these toxins. Besides, our bodies are 70% water. Many health professionals would argue that drinking high-quality water is even more important that eating the right food. Some say it's tough to make lifestyle adjustments because it seems as if everything around us is bad. Well, I guarantee life is even more challenging dealing with premature aging, weight gain, fatigue, hormonal issues, autoimmune disorders, gut issues, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, or cancer. We have to take a different approach if we want to start feeling and seeing better results. Our current healthcare (a.k.a. "sickcare") system is not working. Taking medication to address a symptom is only a Band-Aid and causes more health complications later in life. It is apparent that what our society is doing today is not working. Start thinking differently, focus on the root of the cause, and you will be amazed at how great you feel and how well your body will perform. If you have questions or would like to find out more about having a healthy lifestyle plan designed specifically for you, please call us and reserve a seat for one of our health talks.

*Offer good for first-time guest only. One hour session consists of 50-minute massage or facial and time for consultation and dressing. Prices subject to change. Rates and services may vary by location and session. Not all Massage Envy locations offer facial and other services. For a specific list of services, check with the specific location or see Massage Additional local taxes and fees may apply. Each location is independently owned and operated. Š 2015 Massage Envy Franchising, LLC. MM#33751



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Art Locality in

by Meaghan Ferrell Scalise


tart the summer right by getting outside and making the arts a significant component of this season’s schedule. Let this be your starter guide to the creative murals of urban Tampa. Hop on a bike with friends or stroll along, creating your very own “art walk” with the kids (two- or four-legged) to learn about the artists and the public art in downtown, Channel District, Ybor City, and beyond our urban borders. Let’s start our guided tour in my neighborhood. A first for the Channel District area of downtown Tampa is the

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Waves of Change mural, located in the Grand Central at Kennedy. The Channel District Community Alliance (CDCA) is meeting social needs by creating a singular voice of the residential neighborhood. The CDCA and local art studio, Tada! Traditional and Digital Arts are making valiant efforts to boost their neighborhood’s artistic voice as they expand their social contribution beyond traditional art programs. Self-funding this 30' high mural was the CDCA’s gift to the residents and businesses in the community. Channel District resident artists, Rebekah Lazaridis and Meaghan F. Scalise, are not only serving the cultural needs of our community but also building new audiences for the arts. Under Tada!, Rebekah and I have collaborated a multitude of times in the past five years. Rebekah Lazaridis is originally from St.

Petersburg while I am a Tampa native. "This mural features an urban watercolor backdrop for the graphic white waves under a moonlit sky, illuminating a compass from within. Inspired by the surrounding seawater, the waves symbolize and pay homage to our historically artistic and now bustling neighborhood," explains Lazaridis.





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Technology and community networking can also connect the arts and cultural or historic links in a city in stunning ways. Just as in the Wynwood neighborhood of Miami, where walls are adorned with massive, kaleidoscopic murals, our city is at the beginning stages of making Tampa a recognizable name among art enthusiasts. It is a magical place. While the opportunities may not be enough to persuade artists to move to Tampa (yet), they provide an added incentive for artists who are already residents of the greater downtown community. Downtown Tampa holds special pride for the Tampa River Arts District, which has been an ongoing project as a destination spot for art aficionados, residents, collectors, and all that appreciate the arts and nature. This is the first of many planned murals that are coming into fruition for our neighborhood. Tada!’s studio just received a mural, expressing a self-proclamation that the Channel District will once again become an art district. Each letter of the 3D word ART captures a different look into art in this neighborhood, from my personal interactions. The “A” holds a sign stating “Yield to Art in Transit” and is only usually seen hung on museum’s back hallways, while a pin-up girl’s dress is being picked up by a large construction crane. Moving “this piece of art” onwards and upwards is constant in the Channel District. The “R” showcases Superman and Batman watching our Tampa skyline in the evening hours, as the city entertains you by painting big colorful brushstrokes on herself. It only seems appropriate that the “T” keeps to a traditional coastal pattern, ornate with seashells, fountains of foliage, and a seahorse.

Leon “Tes One” Bedore and Ales “Bask” Hostomsky were awarded a whopping $100,000 commission from the City of Tampa Art Programs Division to turn the William F. Poe Parking Garage on Ashley Drive into visual public art. The artists brought in the Vitale Brothers for extra help and were given license to beautify, while adding colorful inspiration, to what was a mundane parking garage. The Stay Curious five-story mural’s website explains it was made as a tribute to moments we need to take of reflection, intuition, and discovery. This rings true for adults and children. A true artistic collaboration of Greater Tampa Bay, these artists come from both ends of the bridge. Tes One is a Tampa resident and Bask and the Vitale Brothers are St. Petersburg residents. Bravo guys! Not even a year old, Stay Curious has been deemed a welcoming beacon into downtown. One of the first to support this idea was Mayor Bob Buckhorn, after he learned that the garage was in need of being resealed and repainted. Don’t let the buck stop there, Mr. Mayor; we are surrounded by a bevy of concrete parking garages! To learn more visit: Speaking of pride, it is hard to miss the red, white, and blue mural in downtown Tampa of an 80’ x 30’ American Flag Mural. World renowned artist Scott LoBaido is a Staten Island native and self-proclaimed American Creative Patriot. He is most recently known for the completion of the continental United States tour called Painting Flags across America. LoBaido painted our city’s mural for days from a man lift in May 2013 and completed a waving American flag on the downtown Tampa Firefighters Museum. In the long history of his painting career, a large focus has been on the intricate tapestry of American culture, freedom, patriotism, service, and nostalgia. The mural on the museum is a constant reminder and "Thank You" to the

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As an artist, I am grateful that Tampa Bay is continually finding imaginative ways to link modern culture with our rich military history, immigration, cigar factories, and mafia legends near and dear to our community’s heart. Ybor City should be applauded, maybe even canoodled, for doing just that in 2013. An abundance of colorful collage images in the mural along E Adamo Drive showcase the Legacy of Ybor City and Tampa. Both public and private efforts contributed to this mural that covers 12,000 square feet of corrugated metal surface, spanning two city blocks. Muralist Michael Parker, graduate of USF with a master’s degree in fine arts, designed and produced it with the support of community volunteers and art students from Hillsborough Community College Ybor Campus. The chair for the Ybor Art Project is Dave Scott, retired Deputy Director of the Center for Special Operations, U.S. Special Operations Command at MacDill AFB. His grand vision and determination was able to bring an entire community together, raise funding, and implement one of the largest murals in Florida. Let’s repeat that one more time. Largest in Florida!

Tampa Bay area troops, particularly honoring the sacrifices of Sgt. Michael Nicholson, as well as other returning veterans and the entire military community. This mural is at 720 Zack Street on the north wall of the museum. Check out the official website for artist and creative patriot Scott LoBaido at

Free workshops, taught by the artist, Mike Parker, helped collaboratively form the overall theme and imagery of the Ybor Art Project Mural. “The final design incorporates three integrating themes and six individual messages reflecting the experience of the Ybor National Historic Landmark District, past and present,” as explained on the website. An immigrant family stands at the far left, in beginning the “Journey through Life” theme. The multitude of faces looking left and right helped tell the “conflict between tradition and progress” theme, all historical figures rich in Tampa history. Lastly, the “American Experience” theme is about the values of our nation and the people continuously seeking freedom. I have to admit, the excitement and passion for the arts in Downtown, Ybor City, and Channel District is encouraging nonetheless. Collectively, we all need to work together to catapult the arts scene through these neighboring areas. The creative minds of professional artists, when supported by city organizations, pillars in the community, entrepreneurs, and art councils can excel and create a grand-scale, visual impact to help inspire and motivate all who encounter it. So go enjoy exploring the unexpected nooks where incredible murals are exhibited on our city walls this summer. It has been a pleasure verbally strolling through town and sharing the often unknown backstories to these massive works of art. I’ll leave you with this last piece of advice: the large solid walls on buildings are not a monochrome attempt at minimalism. THE DISTRICT - TAMPA’S URBAN DWELLING MAGAZINE



DOGS Can I get a light please?


This is my last beer I promise.

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Vered I was rescued from Tampa Humane Society. When they found me they thought I escaped from a breeder but in reality, I was a stray. When my human parent came to take me to my new home, I was really shy at first and hid under the bed. However, with a little time and lots of love and of course treats, I became the friendliest pup around. I love meeting people around town and I’m known as the doggie ambassador of Ybor. I’m a big fan of lying out on the patio, taking long strolls and I’m very much enjoying retirement from the breeding life.

1. What is the naughtiest thing you have ever done? I peed on my dad's bed once when I first came home to make sure he knew it now belonged to me. 2. What is your favorite item you chewed on that did not belong to you? I don't chew on anything that isn't mine. That said, if I chew it, it's mine. 3. Which dog park is your summer favorite? Waterworks Park 4. Where is your favorite place to mark your territory? I think I answered that in question # 1. 5. What is your summer guilty pleasure? BBQ’s because I get a lot of treats. 6. Are you a beach or pool dog? Beach Bum! I love rolling in the sand and running along the water. 7. Finish this sentence: During the summer, I’ll drink lots of… Wine, I’m classy like that!

Best Hand Rolled Cigar

Ybor City

1728 E 7th Ave,Tampa, FL 33605 813.374.0346





Why didn’t Brutus bring a piece of spaghetti?… He knows I love to reenact Lady and the Tramp. BELLA & B RU TU S

RILEY 36 36





Dixie Ramer

I'm Dandy, a rescue basset. I'm 1.5 years old and full of personality! I love any pup and human I meet! However, my nose tends to get me in a little trouble!

I’m a 17 year old healthy, active and very happy English Cocker Spaniel that was born and bred in Atlanta, Ga. I now reside on Harbor Island and have embraced the island life of being laid back and happy go lucky. My favorite activity is riding on the boat and I consider myself to be loyal and a best friend.

1. What is the naughtiest thing you have ever done? Naughtiest thing I've ever done has to be the time when I made a slip and slide out of the throw up my older brother left downstairs. 2. What is your favorite item you chewed on that did not belong to you? Definitely the mail… I'll also treat myself to the occasional roll of paper towels. 3. Which dog park is your summer favorite? Where the fun is at! Davis Island dog beach! 4. Where is your favorite place to mark your territory? The side walk is where I do my business. I like to keep the grass green. 5. What is your summer guilty pleasure? Capturing bumblebees and grasshoppers in my mouth and bringing them inside to mom. 6. Are you a beach or pool dog? I prefer long walks on the beach around sunset. 7. Finish this sentence; during the summer, I’ll drink lots of… I'll be sneaking in as much hydration as possible this summer from the toilet bowl!

1. What is the naughtiest thing you have ever done? I once took candy from a baby while knocking over picnic tables and demolishing the candy. 2. What is your favorite item you chewed on that did not belong to you? I’m not a chewer unless it’s food. 3. Which dog park is your summer favorite? Davis Island Dog Park. 4. Where is your favorite place to mark your territory? Near the last male dog during my walks. 5. What is your summer guilty pleasure? Lounging on the high chairs at the Sail Pavilion. 6. Are you a beach or pool dog? I might be the only cocker spaniel that does not like to swim so I’ll stick with the same answer as # 5. 7. Finish this sentence: During the summer, I’ll drink lots of… Water of course. Although during my early days I could put back a few with the best of them.






Who’s the captain now?



Ahhh! The Island life.

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Ed “Eddy” Suyak

Managing Director and Group Publisher Mashed Media Group 1. Why did you create The District Magazine? I’ve been asked this a lot. We publish several other magazines that have been around for years that are great. However, they are B2B or very niche in the since they have a specific audience. It’s pretty simple; I wanted to publish something fun that I would read, and it was the right time for the urban districts of Tampa to have a platform. 2. What is the secret to the success of the magazine? I've always been a huge magazine fan. They provide great entertainment, knowledge and ideas with very little time invested. However, the success of any magazine title is to give more to the readership than you take. Good articles provide a reason for people to look at the ads. If the majority of a magazine is advertising, overtime, the readership will place no value on it. The District is local, organic and for the people. We publish all of our magazines with a 60/40 content to advertising ratio. 3. Can you give a hint to what will be in the next issue? I will give you this much; I love reading about movers and shakers. There is something special about reading an article on someone making big moves in a humble way. 4. If you could interview anyone in the world, who would it be and why? My Grandfather! He had passed before I was born. Although I never met him, I feel like I have through all the great stories. I know he watches over me so it would be priceless to hear his feedback. 5. What is your summer guilty pleasure? Brownies and ice cream. 6. Are you a beach or pool person? I love hotel pools on the beach. 7. Finish this sentence: During the summer, I’ll drink lots of… Bourbon, Local Brews, Moscow Mules and WATER!

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An Urban Understanding of Mobility BY VANCE ARNETT

Getting from Here to There

The choice to live “downtown” rather than in the “burbs” is a lifestyle decision. It involves security, a sense of belonging, requirements for nurturing yourself, family and friends and mobility. Mobility is that lifestyle choice that relates to how you move about in your daily life, not just to get to work or school or to purchase goods, but what percentage of your time and finances do you want to direct to accomplishing these tasks. Regardless of where you live, currently in a connected society, we are all dynamic and in motion. National statistics show that we spend significant amounts of our waking hours moving ourselves, our families, and our friends from one point to another. The question of how we choose to do that is related to where we live, work, and play. 42 42

The car has dominated the landscape of public planning and transportation design since the post World War II era of population growth and expansion. There is no question that the expanded dependence upon the automobile was one of the leading causes of the development of the growth in suburban development and the extension of urban sprawl. Public transit, shared conveyances such as busses, streetcars, and other forms of rail transit, are options but political and public support survived for these modes of transportation only in those cities where the style and design of the city did not allow for the storage, passage, or cost of a multitude of private vehicles. The rapid exodus of residential neighborhoods from urban areas to suburban developments was one result. Housing was more affordable, newer, with larger lots and garages. And connecting all of this to work, school, recreational options, shopping and medical needs, was a system of roads. The necessary roads are expensive to build and thus the money and support for bus systems, and rail alternatives was diverted to highway construction. This all worked well until growth outpaced road capacity. When the highways

become overcrowded people begin to resent the amount of time and delay they suffer. This has never been truer than today and Tampa is a great example of how connected and dependent business and suburban living are to transportation expansion. But something else is also happening amongst the population. There is an increase in people who decide they want a simpler less car dependent lifestyle. They want shorter commutes or the ability to walk to almost everything. Some of them seriously don’t want a car at all. These urban dwellers are making conscious decisions to move and redevelop areas that had been abandoned in and closer to downtown. Part of that decision is built around freeing themselves from the dependence of their personal vehicles. Their concerns about transportation are turned toward the expansion and re-creation of supporting alternatives to vehicles including a strong desire for robust public transit with busses that run on time often enough to make them practical. This gives way to conversation about implementation of commuter rail. For more local trips, walking and biking became a key part of the lifestyle. Urban business development goes with residential development, But businesses need places to park vehicles. Thus inspired visionary civic leaders to begin a push for a more equitable concentration of funds to build and support mass transit. It can be summarized in a simple question. If there is no more room for cars in the downtown, then you want to park the cars where there is room, and transport vehicle dependent individuals to their work in the urban environment by mass transit. This transformation and redevelopment is alive and well in Tampa. Historic neighborhoods have regained value attracting resident investment. Formerly blighted or vacated business and industrial areas have begun to attract developers who are intense about making the most for their investment dollar. High-density multi-family developments begin to rise from formerly blighted properties. This combined with the recovery of close in historic areas runs head long into the need for expanded right of way for roadways. The life-style shift away from vehicle dependence has finally forced consideration by planners and development specialists. Unfortunately, there is a conflict between the suburban development mindset with its need for larger and faster roadways and the urban lifestyle which doesn’t want to sacrifice tax funds or

neighborhoods to make way for additional lanes. Roads are expensive to build and maintain. Transit systems regardless of type are expensive to build and maintain. Both issues end up in debate over how tax dollars should be spent and how they should be paid for. Complicating the issues is the fact that most governmental entities have not been able to afford to maintain roads as the intensive use accelerated the damage to the roadways. Roadways are expensive, alternative development is expensive, and maintenance is expensive. Thus, the debate over how to pay for any improvements and repairs is often contentious because so many dollars are involved. Expanding highways disrupts and sometimes destroys neighborhoods for the benefit of people who don’t share the same values of the urban lifestyle. The suburban and businesses that depend upon the larger suburban cohort of citizens as customers are just as committed to the notion that without the expansion, the problem for those in the cars will only get worse. Thus, the current debate over the expansion of expressways through urban environment. Finally, with transportation, nothing happens quickly. Once the payment battle is over, it seems to take forever to get the projects staged and started and then the process of construction seems neverending. Whether you live in the city or you live in the suburbs, the transportation never quite materializes in time to make a difference. Urban proponents of more balanced road usage with equal attention being paid to pedestrian bicycle opportunities get tired of waiting. The fact that Tampa is one of the most dangerous places to walk and bike adds to the frustration. Mass transit proponents see the long delays in just getting their ideas legitimately into plans only to have long waits for project development. And finally, those folks stuck in traffic are tired of waiting for all of it. I started by saying we are all dependent on movement. Waiting is not a strong suit any of us. The result is frustration with how government at all levels deals with the fact that it is getting increasingly difficult to get from point A to point B safely and in a timely fashion. What is needed is leadership and vision. In these contentious and political times both of those are needed more. Most are tired of waiting on that as well. THE DISTRICT - TAMPA’S URBAN DWELLING MAGAZINE



Ways to Open a World of Flavors in a Small Space

If a big part of your weekend is dedicated to experimenting with recipes and combining ingredients to create new flavors, you just might be a foodie. If you have a checklist of restaurants you've been meaning to try but haven't had a chance to because you've been busy eating elsewhere, chances are more than one friend has called you a foodie. Like many people who seek out delicious meals, you probably know what every chef knows: the secret to great cooking is always fresh ingredients. The best way to ensure fresh ingredients is to grow them yourself. Many who live in urban areas, condos or in apartments feel that because they don't have a yard, they can't grow their own herbs or vegetables. But brands like Burpee are encouraging urban gardening, and have opened a world of herb and veggie plants for those who only have a deck or a windowsill. To give you an idea of what kind of culinary adventures you can have, here are five tips for vegetable gardening in a small space. Window box gardening You don't need a big backyard, in many cases all you need is a box and a window. Window box gardening is not only an efficient way to maximize space, but a great way to add an edible aspect to your dĂŠcor. Try small-space vegetable plants like peppermint stick celery or masterpiece pea for their unique taste and texture.

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Become a homegrown mixologist Use the fresh herbs you grow to make exciting cocktails for your guests. Herbs add depth and personality to cocktails, and even provide some much-needed vitamins, so you'll be drinking to your health. A few ideas are mint for the perfect summertime Mojitos, rosemary infused greyhounds, or a sprig of parsley and thyme in your Bloody Mary. Color your world There's an old saying that you should eat the rainbow. Well, you should also grow the rainbow! Tomatoes, peppers and eggplants are just some of the veggies that can make up a colorful home display. Best of all, these healthy and delicious veggies, like Burpee's sweet savour pepper plant, can be grown on your doorstep, balcony or patio. You're never too old to play with your food Growing your own vegetables means you have ample opportunity to experiment and "play" with your food. This can be as easy as adding some fresh herbs like mint or rosemary to ice cream or experimenting with pickling using those extra cucumbers you've grown. Whip up a batch of cherry pepper bites Here's an example of a killer recipe that brings out the best in your homegrown ingredients. Prep time 0:15 Serves: 8 24 mini sweet peppers like 'Cherry Stuffer' from Burpee plants 1 8-oz package cream cheese Âź cup fresh oregano, basil or tarragon chopped 1 Tablespoon of lemon juice 1 Tablespoon of milk Fresh herb leaves for garnish (optional) *Cut tops off mini peppers and remove seeds. *In a small bowl, blend cream cheese, herbs, lemon juice and milk until smooth. *Pipe or spoon cream cheese mixture into the peppers. *Garnish with additional herbs if desired and serve. These five tips are only the beginning of what you can do with a home garden. Drawing on its 136-year history, Burpee plants offer an online Garden Coach to help you be a better gardener through inspiration and information. It's never been easier to enjoy fresh ingredients from your garden, no matter how small a space you have to work in.





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Tampa Bay Lightning



he t-shirts that flooded the Channelside district said “Lord Stanley needs a tan” and the Tampa Bay Lightning almost delivered. Lightning fever gripped the area last year as the Bolts came just one win away from bringing the cup back to Tampa. Expectations were high heading into the 2015-2016 season. The regular season was filled with drama both on the scoreboard and off the ice. The season started out slowly and, by the end of October, the Lightning had a 5-5-2 record including losing three consecutive games—a feat that did not happen throughout the entire 2014-2015 season. The Lightning got hot after the Christmas on their tour of Western Canada. They started a seven game winning streak in Edmonton on January 8th with Andrei Vasilevskiy in the net and Brian Boyle scoring the game’s winning goal to begin the streak that stretched through January 21st. During the successful month, the Lightning was able to snap the Blackhawks’ twelve-game winning streak, only to have their own streak come to an end down the road in Sunrise at the hands of the Florida Panthers. The longest winning streak of the year ran from February 18th through March 5th, when the Lightning was able to win nine games. The streak started in a dramatic fashion with a shootout win at home against the Winnipeg Jets; however, it was eventually broken when the team lost in overtime to the visiting Boston Bruins. The Lightning’s first winning streak of the year was overshadowed by arguably the team’s most talked about story off the ice when Jonathan Drouin was reassigned to Syracuse on January 2nd. The 21-year-old former first round draft pick only played in 19 games prior to being

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reassigned. A sub-par playoff performance during the Bolts run to the finals had Drouin scratched for several games. There were multiple rumblings that there was no love lost between Coach Cooper and Drouin. On January 3rd, Drouin’s agent, Allan Walsh, publicized they had asked for a trade in November and that on January 20th, Drouin was suspended for failure to report to the affiliate Syracuse Crunch. The trade deadline came and went, and the forward was not moved by general manager Steve Yzerman. He returned to action in the Crunch lineup on March 8th and, with the injury to captain Steven Stamkos, was called up to the big club on April 4th. The same day he was called back, he scored the game’s winning goal to clinch home-ice advantage vs. the New Jersey Devils. Drouin’s outstanding play to this point in the playoffs was a huge factor in the Lightning’s first round success against the Red Wings. Perhaps the past can really stay in the past. This 21 year old is proving himself in a major way right now and Yzerman must be happy that he has him signed at least for 2017-18. The same can’t be said for a whopping eight other players on the Lightning. The eight players that are currently on the active roster will be either restricted or unrestricted free agents this offseason. In the era of the salary cap, some decisions will have to be made as to who the Lightning feel are their priorities. Kuuuuch, Palat, fan favorite J.T. Brown, and Alex Killorn are among some of the players Yzerman will have to sign. Of course, Steven Stamkos will become an unrestricted free agent and there has been copious media coverage regarding his contract

extension to the point that Yzerman was forced to make a public statement that the captain was not going to get traded prior to the trade deadline.

Ben continues to prove himself this year in the Stanley Cup playoffs convincingly slamming the door to eliminate the Red Wings.

The only player to ink a contract at this point has been big defenseman Brayden Coburn, who signed a three-year extension in February and offers the Lightning some stability and veteran experience on the backend.

The Lightning had a season of ups and downs and had to battle adversity heading into the playoffs. They lost arguably their best defenseman, Anton Stralman, to a broken leg and captain Steven Stamkos to a blood clot. The team battled through the first round against the same foe as last year, the Detroit Red Wings. Lightning fever continues to grip the Bay area as fans wait, watch, and wish that Lightning really will strike twice. This group of players that got so close to the ultimate goal still has some unfinished business.

The dilemma facing Steve Yzerman is that he has to save enough cap space to sign Victor Hedman and Ben Bishop next year. Bishop had 35 wins this regular season and led the league among starting goalies with a 2.06 goals against average and was second in the league with a .926 save percentage. The NHL recently announced that he has been nominated for the second time for the Vezina trophy. Big







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