INDONESIA To accomplish the target of 23% of the renewable power blend, presently arriving at 11.2%, the Indonesian government is as of now looking into the guideline identified with sustainable power, particularly Solar PV, promising that it will be the progressive policy for sunlight-based improvement in Indonesia. During the Asian Solar Summit 2021, it was announced that in response to accelerating renewable energy deployment, the government made some alterations in Minister Decree No. 49/2018 about the Solar rooftop, related to the net meter tariffs. Net-metering tariffs will be 1:1, which was only 1:0.65, and also better restart period from every three months now the restart period will be every six months. Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) as the state-owned utility company is also discussing the new Rencana Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik plan (RUPTL- National Electricity Supply Plan) and are planning to increase the share of renewable up to 48% of power generation in its 2021-2030 national electricity plan from the previous 20192028 plan of 30%. As a power company, PLN controls owns, and operates approximately 70% of generation capacity in Indonesia. PLN is also the sole buyer of electricity produced by IPPs including electricity from renewable energy. In total, PLN controls over 63,336 MW of generation capacity by the end of 2020. At the end of 2020, PLN controls and operates 100% of transmission and distribution networks, which extends to a total length of the 61,334-kilometer circuit (kmc), and a total substation capacity of 150,038 MVA. The government is targeting to have 24 GW of installed capacity of environment-friendly electricity by 2025 and will go up to 38 GW by 2035. The government has prepared strategies to develop Solar energy, which include the development of large-scale Solar Power Plants on mining sites that are not in operation and also on unproductive land, floating Solar Power plants, rooftop Solar Power plants, and, conversion of steam-generated Power plants to Solar PV Plant. The government plans to use Sumba Island in East Nusa Tenggara as a Solar energy project location, which has the potential to produce 1.8 GWh of electricity per year, 25 percent above the national average. According to data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the total installed capacity of the Steam Power Plant (PLT) has reached 35,220 MW, followed by gas and steam plants (20,537 MW), geothermal plants (2,131 MW), and others (2,200 MW).
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