NEPAL The major renewable source of energy comes from Hydro Power, which has the potential of over 80 GW, of which around 40 GW of production seems to be economically and technically feasible. The installed Solar PV Power capacity of the country has reached just the 60 MW mark due to topography challenges. The difficulties have been experienced in the rapid extension of the national grid due to remote topography, dispersed settlement patterns, and the limited financial resources of the government. Only limited efforts have been done in providing clean and reliable energy from other sources of renewable energy except for Hydropower. The geographical profile is not helping the grid extension to remote locations due to high infrastructure costs, lack of grid loads, and losses followed by limited government budget. To get more Solar installations in the country, it is necessary to create a conducive environment that will selfmotivate and mobilize local institutions, rural energy user groups, non-government organizations, cooperatives, and private sector organizations for the development and expansion of renewable energy resources. The development of more off-grid Solar projects has been an important part of enhancing rural access.
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SOLAR PV PROJECT In February 2021, Mithila 2 Solar PV Station got commissioned with a 10 MW installed power capacity. The Solar PV system was developed by Eco Power Development Company through a 25-year power purchase agreement of NPR 7.30/unit (approx. $0.063/unit). In October 2020, the Butwal Solar Power Project of 8.5 MW connected to the national grid, was built by Ridi Hydropower Company with an investment of NPR 700 million ($5.95507million).
iSearch South East Asia Solar PV Industry