Equal Time Fall 2011

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Syracuse University’s Longest-Running General Interest Magazine


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FALL 2011

] Editor’s Letter

EDITOR IN CHIEF Zandy Fretts MANAGING EDITOR Rebecca Toback DEPUTY EDITOR Melissa Savignano



Equal Time has been the general interest publication of Syracuse University since 1981. The writing contained within this publication expresses the opinions of the individual writers and does not UHĂ HFW WKRVH RI WKH Equal Time editorial board. Equal Time is not responsible for the individual opinions expressed within. Equal Time is published twice each academic year at Syracuse University. All contents within are copyright of the respective creators. No content may be reproduced without the written consent of the Equal Time editorial board.

Finals are just around the corner and that means countless hours in the library, pounding headaches, and the inevitable winter cold. This issue breaks down some of the ways to make the end of the semester a bit more bearable. Around the library, you hear fellow classmates complaining about how overwhelmed they feel. They even say, “I’m going to have a panic attack!â€? But are they really? Find out what’s really going on in Panic Mode (page 9). When you’re craving a midnight study snack, think before you chose. Avoid high fructose corn syrup based products, (page 10) and reach for nuts and yogurt instead. We’ve found these foods can actually help you lose weight, simply by eating them (page 6). If you’re looking for a study break, Letterboxing (page 18) provides the escape you’re looking for. You can Ă€QG D QHZ SODFH WR EULQJ IULHQGV RU HYHQ D SRVVLEOH QHZ VWXG\ VSRW RII WKH KLOO ,I \RX Ă€QG D FRRO ORFDWLRQ be sure to let us know. We love reader feedback! Email us at equaltimemag@gmail.com. We hope your enjoy the issue, and have a restful EUHDN :H¡OO VHH \RX DW &KXFN¡V DIWHU Ă€QDOV IRU D celebratory beer.

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FRONT OF BOOK Bits & Pieces..................................3 Come Again....................................4 DIY Dining ......................................5

HEALTH Nuts About Yogurt..........................6 The Low Down on Omega 3..........6 Vita-What?.......................................7 Skinny vs. Healthy...........................8 Panic Mode.....................................9 Catch the Cold...............................10 A Sweet Surprise...........................10

SPORTS Raising the Bar..............................11 Fantasy Sports Leagues...............12 Cheers to Know.............................13 Sole Searching...............................14




Kardashian Kult.............................14 Make Me a Match..........................15 Let the Beat Build..........................16 Mad Fashion...................................17 Hide & Seek...................................18 Adaptation......................................19 Q & A With Stephen Babcock........20




Naturally Made Up.........................21 Lip Action........................................21 Master the Side Braid....................22 Fearless Fashion............................23

FEATURES The Secret Life of Otto...................21 The Inns & Outs of Hotel Skylar....29 An African Adventure.....................32



AOL Instant Messenger, created in 1997, was the ÀUVW VRFLDO PHGLD to permit “instant real time dialogue exchange.”

69 percent of women ages 18 to 29 use social networking on an average day, the most of any demographic.

One out of every six minutes spent on the internet is for social networking.

In 1971, two computers side-by-side exchanged the ÀUVW H PDLO

90 percent of Friendster’s WUDIÀF FRPHV from Asia.


SOCIAL NETWORKING THEN AND NOW Compiled by: Kathryn Banzer

After the 2010 South by Southwest music festival, Foursquare received 76,000 new users.

Social media took over pornography as the number one web activity in 2011.

Over 200 billion comments and “likes” occur daily on Facebook

MySpace peaked in December 2008 with almost 76 million unique visitors in the United States.


Come Again? Helpful hints to tackle bizarre interview questions For a job interview, interviewees familiarize themselves with the company, the interviewer, and the position requirements. Just when WKH\ IHHO SUHSDUHG DQG FRQĂ€GHQW however, they’re asked: “What kind of fruit matches your personality?â€? Unfortunately, the company’s mission statement didn’t cover that. Being able to answer ridiculous question on the spot shows the interviewer how you’d react under unexpected circumstances on the job. Daniel Klamm, Assistant Director of Digital and Social Media at Syracuse University Career Services, helps students QDYLJDWH WKHVH GLIĂ€FXOW TXHULHV ´$ ORW RI HPSOR\HUV DUH WU\LQJ WR JHW WR D SRWHQWLDO HPSOR\HH¡V FUHDWLYLW\ Âľ KH VD\V ´'RQ¡W JHW thrown off;Íž relate it back to a positive attribute.â€? Klamm suggests making a list of three or four things you want to emphasize about yourself before the interview. Highlight strong skills and relate questions back to those. “You can never be thrown off in an interview if you know what you want to emphasize,â€? he says. “Most of the time, if the interview asks a crazy question, he’s trying to get some personality, to know how you think, or to see how you would go about solving a problem.â€?

Here are four unexpected interview questions you may get asked and how to tackle them like a champ: How many gas stations would you say there are in the United States? When given a question that requires challenging math and reasoning, take the time to deduce the answer based on what you do know. Klamm suggests beginning with the amount of gas stations you’ve seen in your town, and mention that you would KDYH WR LPDJLQH WKH DPRXQW RI WRZQV LQ \RXU FRXQW\ QXPEHU RI FRXQWLHV LQ \RXU VWDWH DQG WKHQ ÀQG WKH DYHUDJH RI DOO WKH states. You don’t have to give them an exact answer, but this will demonstrate problem-solving and logic skills.

If you had only six months left to live, what would you do with the time? Your interviewer doesn’t actually want to know what you would do, but where your priorities and goals stand. Klamm says LQWHUYLHZHUV DUH LQWHUHVWHG LQ ZKDW¡V VLJQLĂ€FDQW WR \RX +H VXJJHVWV WKLQNLQJ DERXW ´:RXOG \RX GR VRPHWKLQJ KLJK ULVN RU spend time with your family, write a book, complete a large project?â€? Take this opportunity to tell the interviewer.

If you were written about in the newspaper, on the front page, what would the headline say? The interviewer wants to know you: What are you all about? What got you here? What do you want to be known for? “They want to know your perception of yourself and what you consider to be your biggest accomplishments, your loudest traits,� Klamm says. “Keep it positive.� If you view yourself in a positive light, your interviewer is likely to do the same.

Tell me about the worst boss you ever had. The interviewer doesn’t want you to complain about previous bosses. Constructively analyze a bad experience with an employer and talk about what you’ve learned from it. “Never bad-mouth a boss. Turn it around and say you’ve had strong bosses. Talk about the traits you’ve valued,� Klamm says. This will demonstrate that you handle tough situations maturely and look for the best. Written by: Katelyn Block | Illustration by: Emily Barnes EQUAL TIME MAGAZINE FALL 2011



Ways to turn dining hall grub into delicious dishes

:DONLQJ LQWR D GLQLQJ KDOO FDQ EH RYHUZKHOPLQJ 7KH DQRQ\PRXV FKXQNV RI EHHI LQ WKH JUD\ JUDY\ SHUSOH[ D Ă RRG RI SHRSOH ZKLOH D different swarm of students tries to get to the rare chicken parmesan. Someone to your right eats what she thinks is a vegan cake, which you realize is a leftover pork chop. Instead of suffering through the unknown, try some enjoyable, somewhat healthy meals made from everyday dining hall foods. Written by: Molly Pomroy



Ingredients: Rice;Íž pasta sauce;Íž grilled peppers and onions;Íž grilled chicken.

Ingredients: Tortilla;Íž any combination of vegetables;Íž cheese;Íž salsa and sour cream.

Why it’s worth trying: When you miss your mom’s Italian cooking, this blend of standard dining hall foods surpasses the ordinary blandness. The tangy sauce and sweet onions compliment the standard ULFH OHDYLQJ \RXU WDVWH EXGV DQG VWRPDFK VDWLVÀHG Simply layer the chicken and vegetables on top of the rice, smother it in sauce, and let the feast begin.

Why it’s worth trying: If you’re not up for endangering any animal species, make yourself a quesadilla. It’s simple to make and easy to grill at the sandwich station. All you have to do is place the veggies on the tortilla, cover them with cheese and festive condiments, and fold it in half. You can switch up the taste every time by varying your vegetable selection.



Ingredients: Grilled chicken, French fries;Íž a tortilla wrap;Íž lettuce;Íž tomato;Íž any sauce you want.

Ingredients: Two chocolate chip cookies, ice cream;Íž chocolate chips.

Why it’s worth trying: Don’t waste time questioning whether the meatloaf is trustworthy;Íž grab some chicken hot off the grill. The French fries give the wrap an extra NLFN DQG PDNH LW PRUH Ă€OOLQJ ,W¡V DOVR VXUSULVLQJO\ IXQ to make;Íž match two bowl rims on top of each other with the sauce, chicken, and fries inside, then shake your heart out. Transfer them into to your wrap of choice and enjoy.

Why it’s worth trying: Rather than chasing down nonexistent ice cream trucks in Syracuse, you can make your favorite childhood ice cream in just two minutes. Smear the ice cream in between two cookies, then roll the outer edge in excess chocolate chips. Not only is the self-made Chipwich delicious, but it’s also sloppy. This sends us back to our carefree, nine-yearold selves with every bite.

Nuts About Yogurt 1HZ VWXG\ ÀQGV \RJXUW QXWV lead to long term weight loss.

You always remember your teachers and parents nagging you to eat in moderation and to maintain a balanced diet. Yet, new research shows eating fewer calories may not be your best bet to losing weight. Diets incorporating yogurt and nuts prove better for losing and maintaining a healthy weight, according to a recent study at Harvard University, published in the June issue of the “New England Journal of Medicine.� The study followed approximately 120,877 American men and women, who were disease-free and not obese, over three periods between 1986 and 2006. The results showed that certain foods high in fat and sugar were more likely to cause weight gain over a four-year period. Potato chips caused, on average, a 1.69 lb. weight gain over a fouryear time span. Yogurt triumphed as the food most closely associated with weight loss. Participants who ate more yogurt lost, on average, .82 pounds every four years. Nuts came in second as the best waistline shrinking food, with loses of .57 lbs per four years.


Greek Yogurt Yasso Frozen Greek Yogurt Bars At only 70 calories a piece, these frozen Greek yogurt bars are a nutritious snack on a warm day and a healthier alternative to ice cream. They are available in strawberry, blueberry, and raspberry, teamyasso.com.

Chobani Greek Yogurt Cups Chobani offers both non-fat and low-fat Greek \RJXUW FXSV LQ PRUH WKDQ D GR]HQ Ă DYRUV LQFOXGLQJ strawberry, mango, honey, and plain. The 6 oz. cups UDQJH IURP WR FDORULHV DUH NRVKHU FHUWLĂ€HG DQG JOXWHQ IUHH 6RPH Ă DYRUV DUH DOVR DYDLODEOH LQ and 32 oz., varieties chobani.com.

“Yogurt and nuts are both good snacks to choose,â€? says Lynn Brann, an assistant professor in Syracuse University’s nutrition department. “You’re getting nutrients that are important by including them in your diet. Just watch portion size,â€? she suggests. According to Brann, yogurt provides a good source of calcium and some nutrients that fortify good bacteria. It also helps with digestion. As for its Greek counterpart: “Greek yogurt has a little more protein,â€? Brann explains. “It’s is a little thicker and has a texture that people like, but all yogurts have good properties.â€? Julie Mellen a registered dietician in Syracuse, says nuts are a good source of fat. Mellen believes that nuts and yogurt are part of a balanced diet, but they’re not magical foods. She says, while nuts are heart-healthy and can help maintain a stable weight, they can’t do it alone, even if consumed regularly over a long period of time. When it comes down to it, the types of food, not the calories count. “I don’t necessarily think you have to count every single calorie, it’s about healthful eating,â€? Mellen says. Mellen advises to watch portion size and continue to include exercise in your regular routine. Though eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly is your typical dieting advice, now embracing yogurt and nuts can be your new go-to recommendation. Yogurts and nuts are no quick Ă€[ EXW WKH\ DUH D QHZ RSWLRQ IRU GLHWHUV 7KH QH[W WLPH \RX¡UH craving a stack of Pringles, reach over and say ‘hello’ to Mr. Peanut instead. Written by: Dana Rose Falcone

Marzetti Otria Greek Yogurt Veggie Dips Perfect for vegetables, crackers or chips, this Greek yogurt-based dip provides a healthier dipping option WR KLJK FDORULH DQG IDWW\ GLSV 2WULD¡V Ă€YH GLS YDULHWLHV average 60 calories per serving, marzetti.com.

Greek Yogurt Mac and Cheese Popular yogurt brand, Fage Total Greek Yogurt, offers a mac and cheese recipe that ditches the typical ingredients to create a healthier version of everyone’s favorite cheesy meal. They also have plenty of recipes on their website that use Greek yogurt, fageusa.com.



The Low Down

On Omega-3

+RZ Ă€VK RLO EHFDPH D PHGLFLQH FDELQHW VWDSOH Constant fatigue and dry skin seem like problems only caffeine and moisturizer can respectively solve. There’s a way to deal with these problems, however, that only involves a walk down a different aisle. %RWK D VLPSOH DQG KLJKO\ EHQHĂ€FLDO DGGLWLRQ WR \RXU GLHW RPHJD fatty acids solve more health issues than just these. “Omega-3 fatty acids are what we call essential fatty acids,â€? says Kimberly E. Johnson, a professor in the department of public health, food studies, and nutrition at Syracuse University. “Our bodies need to get these essential fatty acids from food because our bodies cannot make them—they are essential.â€? They’ve become an integral part of the daily diet;Íž they’re known to clear up acne, soften skin, and increase overall energy levels, according to Women’s Creative Life Link.

Vita-What? Equal Time explores the best vitamins for a 20-something diet

For a busy college student, quickly popping that vitamin C or iron pill seems like the most convenient way to get daily nutrients, especially when busy schedules and sporadic meals might prevent you from getting the right amount of vitamins in your diet. Registered dietician Jane Uzcategui says, however, students shouldn’t immediately turn to supplements in order to get the FRUUHFW QXWULHQWV ´, UHFRPPHQG IRRG Ă€UVW Âľ VD\V 8]FDWHJXL D professor in the department of public health, food studies, and nutrition at Syracuse University. The problem with taking single vitamin supplements, she says, is that most people rely on them LQVWHDG RI Ă€QGLQJ QXWULHQWV QDWXUDOO\ LQ IRRG “The dining hall offers plenty of stuff, including a range of fruits and vegetables, which a lot of students just aren’t eating,â€? says Uzcategui. “It’s the convenience and marketing that makes people choose supplements over fruits and veggies.â€? Taking single vitamins instead of multivitamin supplements could also put users at risk for toxicity. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), some of the side effects of taking too many fat-soluble vitamins (vitamins A and D, for example), especially in high doses, are nausea, weakness, liver issues, and heart rhythm problems. “No one should be taking single doses of fat-soluble vitamins unless WKH\ KDYH D GHĂ€FLHQF\ Âľ VD\V 8]FDWHJXL ,I \RX DUH JRLQJ WR WDNH supplements, Uzcategui says, “I would recommend just standard PXOWLYLWDPLQV \RX FDQ Ă€QG DW DQ\ GUXJVWRUH Âľ Registered dietician Ruth Sullivan, who works for the Syracuse University Food Services Department, says that students need to be careful when it comes to buying supplements. “Most people don’t need high doses of any vitamin or mineral,â€? says Sullivan. “Regarding supplements, they are not regulated by the FDA so you better know your source.â€? For a healthy and balanced diet packed with vitamins and nutrients, Sullivan recommends calcium for bone health, iron to help prevent anemia and fatigue, vitamin C for the immune system, and zinc for growth.

%HVLGHV WKH LPPHGLDWH KHDOWK EHQHĂ€WV WKH\ DOVR KHOS SUHYHQW obesity, diabetes, and depression. The entire body will be grateful for the new diet addition. “I purposely increased my intake of omega-3 because I wanted to keep my heart healthy,â€? says Alexa Bickhart, a freshman nutrition major. While it is possible to receive omega-3 through a supplement, Johnson feels that traditional food sources are the way to go. “As a dietitian, I would always recommend getting your nutrition through ZKROH IRRG VRXUFHV 6R HDW Ă€VK QXWV DQG VHHGV OHDI\ JUHHQV DQG less processed foods,â€? she says. Omega-3 fatty acid can also be IRXQG LQ IRRGV OLNH WRIX Ă D[VHHGV VWUDZEHUULHV DQG FDXOLĂ RZHU 7R LQFUHDVH LQWDNH DQG H[SHULHQFH WKH LPPXQLW\ ERRVWLQJ EHQHĂ€WV RI omega-3, try substituting walnuts for potato chips, put some tuna in a sandwich, and add soybean oil to pasta. It’s the kind of pick-me-up that every college student needs.

Written by: Jill Comoletti

Sullivan’s recommended food choices include milk products for calcium, which are also rich in vitamin D, vitamin A, vitamin B12, potassium, magnesium, and protein. She also recommends beef, chicken, spinach, and enriched foods like rice and breads as iron and zinc sources, while red pepper, strawberries, and spinach are all perfect for vitamin C intake. “Vitamin C also helps your body absorb iron from plant sources,� says Sullivan, who thinks that with a variety of foods, students can get what they need. “If you neglect what your body needs now by consuming foods low in vitamins and minerals, you may suffer in the future.� So when you’re choosing between vitamin supplements and strategic grocery shopping, make the decision to prepare and eat well-balanced meals. The best way to see a difference in energy levels and overall health is to get your nutrients without a capsule.

Writen by: Daisy Becerra



$ à DW VWRPDFK GRHVQ¡W LQGLFDWH D KHDOWK\ SHUVRQ +HUH (7 EUHDNV down the differences between skinny and healthy.

n the world of weight, extremes are being pushed further both ways. Runway models appear thinner than ever and perpetuate a “skin and bonesâ€? look to the public. Models who saunter down runways in New York and Paris act as hangers for the clothes they wear, with no curves or fat on their bodies to distract from the garments. But this look doesn’t GHĂ€QH KHDOWK\ VROHO\ VNLQQ\

At the same time, one third of U.S. adults are obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Weight loss consumes our society, from TV shows such as The Biggest Loser and Dance You’re A** Off, to seemingly inescapable ads for diet pills and services such as Trimspa, Weight Watchers, and Jenny Craig. According to the National Eating Disorder Association, 81 percent of 10-year-olds are afraid of being fat. This weightobsession phenomenon hits college-aged men and women as well. 91 percent of women surveyed on a college campus have attempted to control their weight through dieting. The push to be healthy is stronger than ever. Gym memberships more than doubled from 1987 to 2005, according to International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association. Americans’ obsessions with weight loss and healthy living raise the question – how are the two related? Are all people who are skinny healthy? Are overweight people always unhealthy? Since pop culture and the advertising LQGXVWU\ HQFRXUDJH D WULP Ă€JXUH ZH DVVXPH VNLQQ\ HTXDOV healthy. However, there is a difference. “[Being healthy] is a matter of the quality of the food you’re eating and your lifestyle,â€? says Joann Kearns, a Syracuse area dietician. “Just being skinny is a matter of weight.â€? Being healthy has a lot to do with getting all the nutrients you need in your system, Kearns says. To do this, simply follow suggested serving sizes, and make sure to eat a balanced diet, with food from all the food groups, she suggests. Some people, however, are able to maintain a stable and healthy weight, while still eating unhealthy foods. This, Kearns believes from experience with patients, is partially due to genetics. Leigh Gantner, an assistant professor at Syracuse University in the department of public health, food studies, and nutrition, believes that thinner people simply don’t consume as many calories as those who are overweight. “Some people appear to eat more, but when you dig a little

deeper, they really aren’t eating as many calories, or they just burn more calories,â€? Gantner says. Kearns and Gantner both agree that being thin does not go hand in hand with being healthy. A prime example of being ‘too thin’ comes from the growing presence of eating disorders in U.S. society. Nationwide, 24 million people are suffering from eating disorders today, according to ANAD. This includes anorexia, bulimia, and eating disorders not otherwise VSHFLĂ€HG “When you’re not eating right, you open yourself up to a bunch RI LOOQHVVHV Âľ .HDUQV VD\V ´<RX ORVH \RXU DELOLW\ WR Ă€JKW RII infection and you’re not able to be well.â€? Gantner says that when people eliminate certain food groups in their diets, they hinder their own health. For example, “junk food vegans,â€? who replace animal products with junk food, UHSODFH WKH DQLPDO SURWHLQ ZLWK UHĂ€QHG VXJDU LQVWHDG RI SODQW protein. This creates an unbalanced and unhealthy diet. For those who want to be healthy, Kearns says, “you need to eat right, make sure you get different vitamins and minerals, and be active. There is no magic bullet.â€? Written by: Diana Pearl EQUAL TIME MAGAZINE FALL 2011



:KDW FODVVLĂ€HV D UHDO SDQLF DWWDFN" ET gets the low down on how to know when your freak out is cause for real concern.

“anxiety attackâ€? instead of “I’m stressedâ€? when we are overwhelmed, but in medical terms, the two are very different. Because of the health implications, though, it is important to be able to decipher an exaggeration from a cry for help. An anxiety attack is a reaction to some sort of stressor. When your friend starts to freak out that she is going to fail her exam and starts crying, she may be having an anxiety attack. During this sort of experience, a person might feel his or her heart racing and shortness of breath. Anxiety attacks are a common response to stress and do not warrant medical attention. “The whole thing about panic attacks is that they occur without a clear stressor,â€? says Debrin Goubert, a psychiatrist practicing in Pittsburg, PA. “Anxiety attacks are not that formal. It’s not a real psychiatric term.â€? The frightening thing about a panic attack is that it is unpredictable. When a person experiences a panic attack, he or she might feel paralyzed with fear. Sufferers often feel like someone is choking them or that they are going to die, according to the Mayo Clinic. If your friend’s reaction seems to go beyond what is normal and she is having trouble breathing, something is wrong. Panic attacks are severe but short-lived, usually lasting 30 PLQXWHV DW WKH PRVW 'XULQJ D SDQLF DWWDFN EORRG Ă RZV IURP the front of the brain, where a person rationalizes and makes decisions, to the back, where a person makes survival UHVSRQVHV 'RFWRUV RIWHQ UHIHU WR WKLV DV ´Ă€JKW RU Ă LJKW Âľ 2XU minds choose whether to go with the motions or somehow escape the situation. Unlike an anxiety attack, a panic attack is not a common reaction to stress, and is a sign you need to see a doctor. As college students, we face stress on a daily basis. The next time you feel overwhelmed, take a deep breath, plug in your iPod, and try to relax. Failing that one midterm won’t be the end of the world. Written by: Hannah Simon


itting in the library, cramming for your economics exam, your papers and note cards are stacked in front of you. The stench of stale coffee and old books can’t come close to comforting you. “I’m having a panic attack,� your friend gasps from across the table.

You’re used to this usual routine, the 2 a.m. freak out. Rolling your eyes so hard they feel as if they might pop right out of your head, you tell your friend to relax. But what if this is different this time? How can you tell the difference between routine stress and something more serious? We often use “panic attack� and

Think you need g? help or counselin ces at SU

Utilize your resour

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catch the


A Sweet Surprise Mixed information about high-fructose corn V\UXS FDQ EH FRQIXVLQJ VR ZKDW DUH WKH IDFWV"

Can cold prevention supplements UHDOO\ NHHS \RX IURP JHWWLQJ VLFN" $ORQJ ZLWK WKH ZHDWKHU DQG Ă€QDO H[DPV WKH FRPPRQ FROG MXVW adds to the burden of winter. With germs lying around everywhere from the dorm to the bar, getting sick appears inevitable. Immune support supplements like Airborne and Emergen-C seem like a VXUH EHW WR Ă€JKW LOOQHVV EXW ZKHWKHU WKH\ DFWXDOO\ ZRUN LV XS IRU debate. According to Philip Fields, a supervising pharmacist at the Nottingham Road Rite Aid, Airborne can slightly boost the immune V\VWHP DW WKH Ă€UVW VLJQ RI D FROG EXW LVQ¡W WKH EHVW IRUP RI DFW ´,W¡V FOHDUO\ QRW D Ă€UVW OLQH DSSURDFK Âľ KH VD\V +H DGGV WKDW FODLPV WKDW it effectively treats colds is generally just marketing. Because this supplement, which comes in effervescence tablets, chewables, and on-the-go packets contain large quantities of vitamin C, if WDNHQ DW WKH RQVHW LW KHOSV Ă€JKW RII JHUPV DQG SRWHQWLDOO\ SUHYHQW sickness, but not cure a full-blown cold. Emergen-C contains similar nutrients, with the daily recommended value of vitamin C and seven B vitamins. The company claims it IRUWLĂ€HV WKH LPPXQH V\VWHP DQG LQFUHDVHV HQHUJ\ OHYHO DOWKRXJK WKH )RRG DQG 'UXJ $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ KDV QRW FRQĂ€UPHG WKLV 7DNLQJ too much can cause a vitamin overload. But this plan isn’t fool proof—you can’t always tell when you’re getting a cold, and most times, it’s too late. A better way to prevent colds remains the same as always. Make sure to get enough nutrients, water, and exercise, and wash your hands, says Fields. As well, he says getting too little sleep or too much stress can weaken an immune system and thus strengthen a cold. Fields agrees users may rely too heavily on these supplements when simpler practices, like over the counter medicines, can keep them healthy. When you’re already ill, it’s best to go straight for the NyQuil or Mucinex. Keep the supplements for times when getting sick just isn’t an option, like tests or important social events, and take them in advance.

Written by: Holly Parker

You’ve seen the commercials. The one where two suburban housewives argue about the dangers of high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Or the one where a young woman waves a popsicle in her boyfriend’s face and tells him that HFCS is a safe, natural substitute for sugar. Plenty of people have seen these ads, which ZHUH PDGH E\ WKH &RUQ 5HĂ€QHUV $VVRFLDWLRQ EXW WKHUH¡V VWLOO confusion as to whether or not the claims are true. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, rates of obesity and diabetes are on the rise across the nation. Some experts believe high-fructose corn syrup—a processed sugar substitute made from corn—contributes to these problems. Because HFCS is cheap and easy to manufacture, it’s found in everything from soda to cereal, according to the Mayo Clinic. 5HVXOWV IURP UHVHDUFK VWXGLHV RQ +)&6 DUH FRQĂ LFWLQJ DQG IDU IURP conclusive. Studies conducted at Princeton University revealed that rats with access to water sweetened with HFCS gained more weight than rats with access to water sweetened with table sugar. On the other hand, a study by the American Heart Association found that overweight people given a weight-stable diet, including normal quantities of HFCS, did not gain weight or experience changes in cholesterol levels over ten weeks. Professor Sarah Short, who has taught nutrition at Syracuse University for more than 40 years, says there’s not enough evidence to support the claim that HFCS has negative health effects or increases weight gain. “It is sugar,â€? says Short. “Sugar is sugar as far as I’m concerned.â€? When asked about claims that cane sugar is more natural, and WKXV PRUH KHDOWK\ WKDQ FRUQ V\UXS 6KRUW VD\V ´'HĂ€QH QDWXUDO ,I it’s not natural, where’d it come from? Outer space?â€? Still, not everyone is as sure about corn syrup as Professor Short. :LWK VR PXFK FRQĂ LFWLQJ UHVHDUFK DQG HYLGHQFH FRQVXPHUV are understandably confused. Nutritionists at the Mayo Clinic suggest that, given the inconclusiveness of high-fructose corn syrup research, the best course of action is to consume any type of added sugar in moderation. Drink water or other unsweetened beverages instead of sugary soda, avoid frosted cereals, eat fewer processed foods like cookies and microwaveable meals, and replace sugary snacks with alternatives like vegetables, cheese, and low-fat yogurt.

Written by: Ian Simon-Curry EQUAL TIME MAGAZINE FALL 2011



ET looks into the best sports bars off of Marshall Street You turn on the TV in your room to cheer on your favorite team, only to discover that your cable company doesn’t get the game. You spend the rest of your afternoon following updates online, cheering at a computer-generated gamecast on your tiny screen. To avoid this sad display next season, head to these local sports bars to watch your home teams play instead.


Located in Armory Square, Suds has a very college-friendly atmosphere. They have the NFL Sunday Ticket and MLB Extra Innings, all of which show games from across the country. Plus, the food’s great, they brew their own beer, and you can play pool during halftime. 320 S. Clinton Street, Syracuse, NY 13202 www.sudsfactory.com

ROSIE’S SPORTS PUB & GRILL If you’re looking to watch your hometown favorites, check out Rosie’s. It has 27 big-screen TVs and the bartenders will put on any game you ask for. They also offer to-die-for wings and live bands. 1443 West Genesee Street, Syracuse, NY 13204 www.rosiessportspub.com

SHARKEY’S ECLECTIC SPORTS LOUNGE Sharkey’s is the place to go if you’re looking for a more upbeat atmosphere than your average sports bar. They have happy hour specials and exciting DJ and karaoke nights. The bar even has its own beach volleyball league, which is open to the public. 7240 Oswego Road, Liverpool, NY 13090 www.sharkeyssportsbar.com

PJ’S PUB & GRILL For a more upscale experience, try PJ’s in Armory Square, where you can watch the game and chow down on something other than greasy bar food. You can expect to see football, soccer, basketball, and baseball games get airtime—do you need anything else? 116 Walton Street, Syracuse, NY 13202 www.pjspubandgrill.com

CHADWICK’S SPORTS BAR & GRILL If you’re a Pittsburgh fan, head to Chadwick’s, a small bar with a strong dedication to the Steelers. Make sure to bring your own Terrible Towel, because here you’ll enjoy all the black and gold decorations you can dream of. Even non-Steelers fans will like it. 2529 James Street, Syracuse, NY 13206

Written by: Tory Wolk




The low-down on how—and why—to get involved

While these teams might seem like a waste RI WLPH DW Ă€UVWÂłDIWHU DOO ZK\ VSHQG LQRUGLQDWH amounts of time focused on a fake online sports team or rooting for players not on your hometown team?—they’re actually well worth the effort. Not only is participating a blast, but LW¡V DOVR SRWHQWLDOO\ SURĂ€WDEOH HDUQ WKH PRVW points in your league by the end of the real-life season and you could win a sizeable sum of money. It’s easy for the skeptics out there to shift gears and join the fantasy sports world. Here are some simple steps to get you started:



t’s that time of year again. The NFL is in the midst of its season and all you’ve heard from your sports-fanatic friends is either about the actual season, or worse, fantasy football. Who’s benching who, the draft, the match-up for the week, points, rankings: you probably catch these terms regularly with no idea what’s actually being said.

In its essence, fantasy sports leagues allow participants the chance to act as managers of their own virtual sports teams. Fantasy leaguers try to create the best team possible from every player in the reallife league. They draft players from actual teams and intermittently adjust their fantasy rosters throughout the season due to factors like injuries and conference records. Your team will receive points based on the performance of individual players. For example, if you’re in a fantasy football league, your quarterback might earn you one point or a certain dollar amount for every 25 yards he gains by passing the ball to a receiving teammate. So whether you love sports or not, start a league. It’s a great way to bond with friends, meet new people, and thrive on healthy competition. Plus, you can enjoy watching the sport from a new perspective and now have a reason to obsess over it. It’s a win-win. Written by: Andrea Nevil

Choose a site to create or join your league through. ESPN and Yahoo both have very popular fantasy leagues, through which you can create a new league, join your friends’ league, or join a public league with strangers. Be prepared however: some leagues require a fee


%XLOG \RXU IDQWDV\ WHDP WKURXJK WKH ÀUVW draft. Depending on which fantasy sport you participate in, you’ll choose different SOD\HUV IRU VSHFLÀF SRVLWLRQV /XFN RI WKH GUDZ usually determines a fantasy player’s draft placement. You want the most talented, least injury prone players possible so do a little research. Figure out who will put up the best stats and earn you the big money. Your players can also cost you points if they mess up or underperform. And, like any good coach, never give away your secrets or game plan.


Real-life teams compete throughout the season. The stats from each of your players become fantasy points. Make VXUH WR UHYLHZ \RXU VSRUWV RIĂ€FLDO UXOHV DQG point system to keep up on your individual league standings.


If players mess up too much or you want to strengthen your team even more, you can drop players, bench others, and sometimes make trades with other coaches throughout the season. Pay attention to what others have and what you may need, in terms of position players, to strengthen your team.


At the end of the season, the fantasy team with the most points essentially wins the championship, earning the loot and bragging rights. EQUAL TIME MAGAZINE FALL 2011


CHEERS YOU’LL HEAR A guide to SU sports chants

Heading into the Carrier Dome, an electric crowd in a sea of orange overwhelms you, but in a good way. No matter Syracse University’s conference recognition, the cheers and traditions associated with the team will forever remain. And you’re certainly going to want to know how and when to chime in at the next game!



“Big OH�


All SU sporting events begin with the fans singing along to the National Anthem. To show off Orange pride, SU fans place a special emphasis on the “Oh,â€? in, “Oh say does that star spangled‌â€?

Fans clap their hands on beat until an SU player scores WKH WHDP¡V Ă€UVW EDVNHW GXULQJ HDFK KDOI RI WKH JDPH

“Fourth Down March� When Syracuse forces a fourth down on the opposition, the SU band plays the Imperial March from “Star Wars� and fans swing their arms to the beat.

“Lettersâ€? -RLQ WKH EDQG RQ D 6\UDFXVH Ă€UVW GRZQ DV WKH student section spells out S-Y-R-A-C-U-S-E with the accompanying hand movements.

“Key Play� Make sure to bring keys to the games to join in the jingle of a “key play� on a Syracuse offensive fourth down.

“Hey Baby� If Syracuse is in the lead and scores a touchdown, the band breaks into “Hey Baby� by Bruce Channel and the crowd sings along.

“CUSE Go!� Before the tip off of each half, fans spell out C-U-S-E and chant “go!�. You will also hear a lot of simple cheers throughout the games like “Let’s go Orange� and “Whose house? ‘CUSE house.�

“Hands Upâ€? When an SU player is shooting a free throw, fans put WKHLU KDQGV LQ WKH DLU DQG ZLJJOH WKHLU Ă€QJHUV ,I WKH shot goes in, fans make a swoosh noise. When an opposing player is on the free throw line, SU fans wave WKHLU Ă€QJHUV LQ RQH GLUHFWLRQ DQG TXLFNO\ VZLWFK WR WKH other side just as they player shoots the ball.

“The Syracuse Mantra� No matter what season we’re in, both Sour Sitrus Society and Otto’s Army end every game with someone saying the time followed by “and Georgetown still sucks.� It doesn’t matter who Syracuse played: Georgetown always sucks. Written by: Lucia Schepps | Illustration by: Molly Snee

Kardashian Kult


The family who grabbed our attention and won’t let it go The U.S. might not have a royal family of its own, but Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries’ wedding was just as big of a spectacle as Will and Kate’s. The two-night, four-hour long wedding special on E! aired in October, had 10.5 million viewers, and was the network’s most-watched event ever. It’s hard to believe only a few years ago the name “Kardashianâ€? was hardly familiar. Sure there was a steamy video, socialite status, and a little thing called the O.J. Simpson trial, but prior to the Keeping Up With the Kardashians debut in 2007, their name was relatively unknown. Six seasons, three spin-offs, two weddings and one divorce later, the Kardashian epidemic has swept the nation and there’s no cure in sight. Fast forward four years from the start of the show, and the Kardashian sisters have become household names. Kourtney has well over 4 million Twitter followers, Khloe and Lamar Odom’s special wedding episode on E! raked in 3.2 million viewers, and Kim has an endorsement deal with Skechers and appears in its commercials. Although the Kardashians aren’t famous for their acting abilities, media outlets still treat them like Hollywood royalty. Chris Hanson, a professor who teaches an English course on television genres, believes the Kardashians have become such a success because the public has a desire to be on television themselves. “I think part of the love/hate relationship U.S. culture has with the Kardashians, is with the question, ‘why are these people famous?’ And in part that actually feeds the interest and fascination with the show,â€? Hanson says. The Kardashians are great at branding themselves. They have a Sear’s clothing line FDOOHG ´.DUGDVKLDQ .RQĂ€GHQWLDO Âľ WKHLU RZQ IUDJUDQFHV DQG D ORQJ OLVW RI HQGRUVHPHQW deals. Still, there’s more to their appeal than just good marketing tactics and good looks. The clan seems like an outrageous, modern-day version of the Brady Bunch. When it comes down to it, though, most viewers can tell they honestly care about each other like a “realâ€? family. 7KURXJK VLEOLQJ Ă€JKWV DERXW ERUURZHG FORWKHV FRQFHUQV DERXW HDFK RWKHU¡V UHODWLRQVKLS choices, and bickering over carpool duty, the Kardashians give us looks into their lives, showing they can be just like you and me. We continue to watch for moments like those.

Written by: Pamela Masin


Picking the best running shoes may be more important than you think. :KHWKHU \RX¡UH D QRYLFH UXQQHU KLWWLQJ WKH WUDLO IRU WKH Ă€UVW WLPH RU DQ H[SHULHQFHG DWKOHWH WUDLQLQJ IRU D PDUDWKRQ KDYLQJ WKH SURSHU UXQQLQJ VKRHV PDNHV DOO WKH GLIIHUHQFH %XW ZLWK DQ RYHUZKHOPLQJ DPRXQW RI EUDQGV DQG VW\OHV DYDLODEOH Ă€QGLQJ WKH ULJKW VKRH FDQ EH PRUH GLIĂ€FXOW WKDQ WKH DFWXDO UXQQLQJ SDUW 7KH Ă€UVW VWHS WR Ă€QGLQJ WKH DSSURSULDWH VKRH LV JHWWLQJ SURSHUO\ Ă€WWHG VD\V *UHJ 6]NODQ\ DQ HPSOR\HH RI 6\UDFXVH UXQQLQJ VWRUH )OHHW )HHW 0DQ\ VSHFLDOW\ UXQQLQJ VWRUHV OLNH )OHHW )HHW WDNH FXVWRPHUV WKURXJK D PXOWL VWHS Ă€WWLQJ SURFHVV GXULQJ ZKLFK WKH\ analyze the customer’s foot type and running style. ´,W UHDOO\ LVQ¡W DOO EODFN DQG ZKLWH Âľ 6]NODQ\ VD\V ´7KHUH LVQ¡W QHFHVVDULO\ JRLQJ WR EH RQH VKRH WKDW LV EHWWHU IRU Ă DW IHHW RU EHWWHU IRU high arches, but being in the right pair of shoes can absolutely make a difference.â€? Szklany says that having the right support is the biggest factor in controlling common running injuries. Stephen Rathbun, a sophomore sport management major, runs between 60-70 miles a week. In high school, Rathbun had Achilles tendonitis and plantar fasciitis, two common running injuries. Rathbun says the injuries came about, in part, because of poorly Ă€WWHG VKRHV “Looking back on it now, I wish I had know about the biomechanics of feet and the gait of a foot,â€? Rathbun says. “Nothing is more detrimental to a new runner than injuries.â€? 5DWKEXQ VWDUWHG WKH FOXE UXQQLQJ WHDP DW 68 WKLV \HDU +H ZHDUV WUDLQHUV E\ %URRNV ZKLOH SUDFWLFLQJ DQG UDFLQJ Ă DWV ZLWK VSLNHV IURP 1LNH GXULQJ FRPSHWLWLRQ :KDWHYHU EUDQG \RX FKRRVH PDNH VXUH WKH Ă€W LV ULJKW IRU \RX RU OLPS WKURXJK WKH FRQVHTXHQFHV Written by: Micki Fahner



Make Me A Match Millionaire Matchmaker, Patti Stanger may not supply her clients with the most conventional dating tips, but with a skyrocketing success rate, her show allows viewers across the country to get a VQHDN SHDN DW KRZ VKH ÀQGV KHU FOLHQWV ORYH


ho the f—k is she? She’s got red hair. She shouldn’t be talking, let alone getting a date,� says Patti Stanger, a third generation matchmaker and star of Bravo’s hit show Millionaire Matchmaker. Fans of the show know Stanger not only for her ability to bring people together, but also for her brutal honesty and stinging quips.

viewers every week. She frequently mentions weddings of couples who previously appeared on the show and her website lists her DV WKH ´PDWFKPDNHU¡V PDWFKPDNHUÂľ EHFDXVH RWKHUV LQ KHU Ă€HOG even come to her for advice.

Whether she’s the perfect matchmaker, or just plain catty, Stanger certainly knows how to voice her opinions. Not everyone enjoys Stanger’s “tough love.�

1. Be genuine and real. 2. Select and don’t settle. 3. Look into your partner’s eyes. 4. Remember: Interesting people are interesting to be with. 5. Get to know the person before you get naked with them. That demands a level of trust.

Having grown up in a family with a long history in the business, Stanger often comments on what her mother and grandmother would deal with in their day. Many of Stanger’s skills come from knowing the differences between how dating used to be and what it’s like today. She tries to bring back the art of courting with rules like no sex without monogamy. Still, some things never change. Stanger coarsely tells her clients, “The penis does the picking.â€? On one episode of the show Stanger made all of the women dress plainly with their hair pulled back, plain t-shirts, and jeans, so the men wouldn’t just choose them based on looks. On many other episodes, Stanger advises that women straighten their hair (she hates curly hair), wear formĂ€WWLQJ FORWKLQJ EXW QR SDQW\KRVH DQG DYRLG UHG KDLU Although her tips may seem crazy, Stanger has a knack for her job with a 99% success rating, according to her website. And, in addition she performs her job in front of more than a million

Syracuse University child and family studies professor Joseph Fanelli, doesn’t buy into Stanger’s sharp tongue and reality dating craze. Here are some of Fanelli’s tips for WZHQW\ ÀUVW FHQWXU\ ORYH

If you’re looking for love and trust in Stanger’s unorthodox ZD\V KHUH¡V KRZ WR MRLQ ² ,W¡V IUHH IRU ZRPHQ 1. Check out millionairematchmaker.tv/join-women &RPSOHWH WKH &OLHQWHOH 3URĂ€OH )RUP 3. Choose photos of yourself - only those done by a professional photographer (glamour shots are accepted). 4. Send all of those together, in one email, to registration@ millionairesclub123.com *RRG OXFN Ă€QGLQJ ORYH Written by: Kayla Caldwell

Let the Beat Build House music has become a source of national attention, but what’s the fascination? 7KH EDVV LV VR VWURQJ WKDW \RX IHHO YLEUDWLRQV WKURXJK WKH à RRU Fists pumping. The beat drops. And then, all at once, everyone starts to jump.


7KH GD\V RI L7XQHV WRS WUDFNV EHLQJ Ă€OOHG ZLWK UDS DQG SRS DUH gone. Now, house music prevails on the charts and in the clubs. With an up-tempo pace similar to that of the 80s, house music is associated with dancing, partying, and letting loose. It has an electronic beat and goes hand in hand with dancing. House music couldn’t exist without crazy dancers, raging to the beats. Like during the 80s, drug culture also plays largely into the house music scene and its growing popularity. “The music itself does tend to be accentuated by euphoric drugs. The nature of atmosphere, sound system, and repetitive beat are inherently appealing to someone perhaps in an altered state of mind,â€? says David Rezak, professor of practice at Syracuse University and director of the Bandier program for music and the entertainment industries. With artists DJ Chuckie, Tiesto, and Skrillex performing in Syracuse in the fall, the presence of house music spread across the SU campus. “I wasn’t that into house music until I got to college,â€? says Michael Beck, a freshman in the Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics. “I just heard it at parties and got more into it. My whole music taste changed because of it.â€? When University Union surveyed the student body regarding performers for Syracuse’s annual Juice Jam concert, results IDYRUHG KRXVH DQG HOHFWURQLF DUWLVWV VSHFLĂ€FDOO\ $YLFLL ´7KH atmosphere during Avicii’s set was one of the craziest I’ve ever seen at a University Union concert,â€? says Kenny Consor, codirector of concerts at University Union, the organization that arranges for the concerts on campus, including Juice Jam where Avicci performed. Ticket sales to see Avicci were the highest in the concert’s history. House music concertgoers embody a unique look, wearing torn or fringed clothing in bright colors, with accessories like sunglasses, hats, and tutus. “Neon is so predominant because it gives off its own positive vibe,â€? says Michelle Carruthers, a freshman biology major. “The best part about dressing up is feeling like you are adding to the energy of the concert.â€? Rob Edell, a senior studying hotel administration at Cornell University, is working on a project with friends to bring an annual electronic music festival to upstate New York. “Attending an event, where thousands of people are engulfed in the lyrics, beat, lights, and overall atmosphere created by performers, is a life changing experience,â€? Edell says. “There is a reason one of Tiesto’s songs is called ‘Feel It In My Bones.’â€? Rezak says, house music is bringing a new sector to the music industry. While the bigger agents already have exclusive rights to comparable celebrities, DJs are available to smaller promoters. Rezak calls house music “a new art form.â€? The crowd sways as a whole, decked out in blinding neon. The bass pounding. Thousands of concertgoers bust out in a dance

of thrill and passion. The urge to join is simply irresistible.



+RPHWRZQ Manila, Philippines &ROODERUDWHG ZLWK Axwell 6RQJ WR NQRZ Turbulence (with Steve Aoki, feat. Lil Jon)

+RPHWRZQ Paris, France &ROODERUDWHG ZLWK LMFAO 6RQJ WR NQRZ Without U (feat. Usher)



+RPHWRZQ Stockholm, Sweden &ROODERUDWHG ZLWK Pharrell 6RQJ WR NQRZ Save The World

+RPHWRZQ Niagra Falls, Canada &ROODERUDWHG ZLWK Rob Swire 6RQJ WR NQRZ Strobe (Club Edit)

Written by: Laura Cohen EQUAL TIME MAGAZINE FALL 2011


The ‘20s and ’60s come back alive with period TV styles

Mad Fashion

American history’s sparking a serious fashion moment—this time, with the help of popular television shows. The 1960s based Emmy winner Mad Men LQĂ XHQFHV ERWK PHQ DQG women’s work place attire, while Boardwalk Empire Ă DVKHV EDFN WR WKH Ă DSSHUV DQG IULQJH RI WKH 3URKLELWLRQ (UD Period TV Shows bring the audience into a simpler, more beautiful time, without dealing with the social and economic problems of the eras. The fashion offers fans the chance to participate themselves. “You look back and the past seems better than now and not as worse as you remember it,â€? says Lauren Tagliaferro, the Registrar of the Sue Ann Genet Costume Collection at Syracuse University. “People are drinking and VPRNLQJ LQ WKHVH EHDXWLIXOO\ OLW RIĂ€FHV :KR ZRXOGQ¡W ZDQW WKDW after sitting in a cubicle all day?â€? Janie Bryant, the costume designer for Mad Men, helped create a Banana Republic line inspired by the show, along with a Brooks Brothers suit and two Nailtini nail polish lines. 7KH VKRZ¡V UHWUR VW\OH LQĂ XHQFHV FXUUHQW FKLF RIĂ€FH DSSDUHO while Boardwalk Empire’s throwback to lace and party dresses inspires weekend getup today. Tagliaferro believes that IDVKLRQ SDUDOOHOV WKH WLPHV 7KH IULQJH Ă DUHV DQG EHDGLQJ

SRSXODU GXULQJ SURKLELWLRQ Ă€W SHUIHFWO\ IRU SDUWLHV DQG GDQFLQJ while the 60s look in the workplace showcases the economic turmoil of today. “Hemlines go down when the country’s in turmoil, so the dress cuts of the 1960s suddenly make sense,â€? Tagliaferro says. “Once Boardwalk Empire seasons enter the 1930s, you’ll see those skirts drop.â€? Tagliaferro adds that some women gravitate towards this type RI VW\OH EHFDXVH RI WKH IXOO Ă€JXUH ERG\ W\SHV SUHVHQWHG DV well as the clothing evolution of characters like Peggy Olson (Elisabeth Moss) allow them to see the progression of a career woman. Olson’s skirts and suits aren’t incredibly girly, allowing KHU WR Ă€W LQ ZLWK WKH PHQ LQ WKH RIĂ€FH LGHDO IRU D PRGHUQ working woman. The hour glass silhouettes of characters like Joan Holloway (Christina Hendricks) represents a female body type not found much in modern television. Ultimately, regardless of a fan wanting comfort, nostalgia, or just good television, nothing beats the power of pretty people doing things the average person can’t, so he or she tries to emulate it. “Everyone on these shows is beautiful and doing something cool,â€? Tagliaferro says. “Never underestimate the power of aesthetics.â€? Written by: Melissa Savignano

Hide & Seek


/HWWHUER[LQJ FUHDWHV DQ DGYHQWXUH IRU WKRVH ORRNLQJ WR ÀQG RQH atie Martello walks along a dirt path in Ithaca, NY in search of a small stump with a hidden box inside. Having just passed a waterfall, she knows VKH PXVW EH FORVH WR ÀQGLQJ WKH VSRW 6KH ORRNV over the directions once more.

Martello, a senior illustration major, is letterboxing. Similar to a scavenger hunt, letterboxing involves following clues that lead to a prize: in this case, a box. A letterbox can be anything from a Tupperware container, to an actual wooden box, but each one holds a unique hand-made rubber stamp, a logbook, and often a letter from the container’s original owner. 0DQ\ FOXHV DUH SRVWHG RQOLQH DW WKH RIÀFLDO OHWWHUER[LQJ ZHEVLWH (letterboxing.org) and offer directions to a special spot where the box is concealed. Letterboxes are usually hidden in a place the planter wants others to discover, either because of its beauty or its deeper meaning. Some clues can be riddles, poems, or even cryptic signs. While most clues lead to an outdoor location, letterboxes also reside in historical buildings and libraries. 2QFH VHHNHUV ÀQG D OHWWHUER[ LW LV FXVWRPDU\ IRU WKHP WR VWDPS WKH logbook with their own stamps, leaving a trail of visitors. They also stamp their own logbooks with the rubber stamp from inside the letterbox, creating a passport of sorts. Over the last decade, letterboxing has exploded as a hobby across the United States. It began more than 100 years ago when James Perrot, a park guide, planted a bottle in Dartmoor, England, and left a card inside telling those who found it to hide their own bottle. Little did he know that his idea would spark a new cross-continental hobby. Letterboxing arrived in the U.S. in 1998, and according WR WKH RIÀFLDO ZHEVLWH PRUH WKDQ WZHQW\ WKRXVDQG recorded letterboxes exist in the United States today.

to be outside, observing, and enjoying nature is a reward in itself.â€? Wood and her husband have planted approximately 70 letterboxes themselves, and not just in Central New York. They’ve gone as far as Georgia and North Carolina to plant boxes, and have even planned vacations surrounding letterboxing adventures. “Some of the hand-carved stamps that I’ve found are unbelievable,â€? Wood says. “Even the logbook can be a work of art.â€? While letterboxing is intriguing, it’s important to remember that part of why it is so enjoyable is the mystery surrounding the letterbox. Some clues are only spread through word of mouth, and many letterboxers only reveal their clues to close friends. “Letterboxers are a sneaky and stealthy bunch,â€? Wood says. 6RPHWLPHV WKH\¡UH WRR VQHDN\ 0DUWHOOR VWLOO XQDEOH WR Ă€QG WKH letterbox, backtracks. After searching the area for ten more minutes she concludes that perhaps she missed the spot, or it’s disappeared;Íž after all, the letterbox was planted three years ago. Martello isn’t heartbroken. The point of letterboxing isn’t to build up a collection of stamps in your notebook;Íž it’s to experience something QHZ 6KH VD\V ´(YHQ LI \RX GRQ¡W Ă€QG ZKDW \RX DUH ORRNLQJ IRU \RX DUH still exploring something beautiful.â€? Want to go letterboxing yourself? There are letterboxes planted as far away as Ithaca and Saratoga Springs, and as close as Oakwood Cemetery by South Campus. So put on your sneakers, and go do something more adventurous than playing Frisbee on the quad! For letterboxing clues, visit atlasquest.com.

Written by: Davis Reiter

7DPP\ :RRG D UHVLGHQW RI 2VZHJR Ă€UVW EHJDQ letterboxing in 2003 after reading an article about it in The Post Standard. She was instantly hooked. “I have been to so many unique locations that I never would have found before,â€? Wood says. “The opportunity



Adaptation 7KH ELJ VFUHHQ LV JHWWLQJ KLW KDUG ZLWK QRYHOV WKDW FDSWXUHG IDQV ÀUVW 7KLV XSFRPLQJ PRYLH VHDVRQ continues this lucrative trend. Make sure to get a head start on reading to prepare for when these movies hit theaters. Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax (opens March 2nd, 2012): Feeling nostalgic? Relive your childhood with another version of a Dr. Seuss classic. The movie tells an engaging story of an environmentalist trying to save the forest from a greedy clothing manufacturer. Add in the voices of Betty White, Zac Efron, Danny Devito, and Ed Helms for a guaranteed laugh riot. The Great Gatsby (opens December 25, 2012): An American literary classic comes to life for a seventh time, with a new 3-D twist. Midwesterner Nick Carraway is lured into the high society world of his neighbor Jay Gatsby and encounters plenty of romance and drama along the way. Leonardo DiCaprio, Carey Mulligan, Isla Fisher, and Tobey Maguire create an A-list cast for this unique retelling

The Hunger Games (opens March 23rd, 2012): This beloved series, deemed the next Harry Potter by critics, combines VFL Ă€ YLROHQW DFWLRQ DQG ORYH WULDQJOHV perfectly. Set in the post-apocalyptic future, a young girl volunteers to take KHU VLVWHU¡V SODFH LQ D Ă€JKW WR WKH GHDWK Breakout stars Liam Hemsworth and Josh Hutcherson join Academy Award nominee Jennifer Lawrence for the much DQWLFLSDWHG Ă LFN WKDW EHJLQV D WULORJ\ The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (opens December 21st, 2011): Daniel Craig and up-and-comer Rooney Mara light up the screen in this fast-paced thriller. The story will entice fans of crime dramas and mysteries, keeping the viewers on their toes trying to discover the location of a woman who’s been hiding for 40 years. ,W¡V WKH Ă€UVW 8 6 SURGXFHG PRYLH EDVHG RQ the best-selling trilogy.

Written by: Jaclyn Roth

What age were you when you discovered you loved music? My father always played piano and saxophone for as long as I can remember, and so I started piano lessons when I was three because of his love for music. I listened to everything—Beach Boys, The Beatles, Huey Lewis and the News, the Eagles and Andrew Gold. My dad also loved jazz and I heard a lot of Miles Davis, Linda Ronstadt, and Frank Sinatra. When I was about ten or eleven, I heard Room For Squares by John Mayer and I knew that I wanted to play music and be D VRQJZULWHU 0\ VW\OH DQG LQà XHQFHV KDYH changed throughout the years, but I always love that record for turning me into a songwriter. What is your biggest challenge today in getting your music out to the public? It is tough to get people out to shows in Syracuse. A lot of people don’t always check out the local music and I think that is tough, not only for me, but for all of the artists on the Syracuse University FDPSXV , DOVR WKLQN LW LV GLIÀFXOW IRU SHRSOH WR latch on and stay latched on. A lot of people may hear a cool song or go to a show, but it is always hard to draw people back in again and again. I guess my remedy for this is to always continue to play. Always make a great product and stick to it. If it’s what you love then people will come around and check it out. What are your plans for the future?

Q&A With SU Singer-Songwriter



ost grown men won’t admit to being diehard John Mayer fans. Syracuse University musician Stephen Babcock doesn’t have those reservations. As part of the up-and-coming music scene at SU, Babcock and his acoustic pop music have steadily gained recognition on campus. His experiences have led to gigs in Syracuse and New York City, and he recently UHOHDVHG KLV ÀUVW DOEXP 'UHDPV 6FKHPHV DQG &KLOGKRRG 0HPRULHV Originally from New Hartford, NY, Babcock, a junior in the Bandier Program specializing in the music and entertainment Industries, is spending the semester completing an internship in NYC. He discusses with ET his passions, projects, and Mayer admiration.

I’m planning a tour with the band Cherry Suede that will encompass dates in Albany, Syracuse, Rochester, and Buffalo. With everything kind of falling into place musically, I feel I’m ready to get out there and tour a lot more. My passion is playing live, so I’m really excited to do that. Five or ten years from now I would love to headline a tour, maybe play at Saratoga Performing Arts Center or Madison Square Garden for some bigger shows. I just always want to be able to write music and play music as a career. It is something I would love to do for as long as I can. How has your experience with music been at SU? I have a lot of great memories in the music community that is Syracuse. All of the musicians here have made a community in which we all sort of look out and see how each other is doing. , KDYH SOD\HG VR PDQ\ VKRZV DW )XQN 1¡ :DIĂ HV with a lot of my friends, along with a few house shows, which I really love because you never know who will show up or what can happen. It makes playing music more worth it when I see people enjoying what I have created. Written by: NoĂŤl Frodelius EQUAL TIME MAGAZINE FALL 2011


Naturally Made Up Try these natural beauty products for your next makeover

Just like pretty pink lipstick and creative nail art, another new beauty trend falls on natural makeup and beauty products. Many brands, such as Neutrogena and Garnier Fructis, recently launched natural skin care and hair product lines, contributing to the fad. Growing amounts of consumers want products free of harsh chemicals. It’s easy to get caught up in the glitz and glam of marketing ploys and Ă DVK\ DGYHUWLVHPHQWV EXW LW¡V UDUH WKDW \RXQJ FRQVXPHUV VWRS WR DQDO\]H ZKDW WKH\¡UH EX\LQJ 'R VRPH UHVHDUFK DQG FRQVLGHU ZKDW JRHV LQWR many beauty products, and your buying habits might change. The Food and Drug Administration doesn’t regulate cosmetics the way it regulates food and drugs. “Cosmetic products and ingredients are not subject to FDA pre-market approval authority, with the exception of color additives,â€? the FDA website states. It’s the cosmetic company’s responsibility to make sure products are safe for consumers. The best way to avoid potentially harmful ingredients is to buy all-natural SURGXFWV ,Q RUGHU WR Ă€QG RXW LI D SURGXFW LV DOO QDWXUDO RU MXVW LQFOXGHV D few natural ingredients, read the ingredient list on its packaging. Jennifer Goldstein, beauty director at Prevention magazine, suggests checking to make sure products don’t contain any of the ingredients on the “Dirty Dozenâ€? list. These ingredients include: BHA and BHT, coal tar dyes, DEA, dibutyl phthalate, formaldehyde-releasing preservatives, parabens, parfum, PEGs, petrolatum, siloxanes, sodium laureth sulfate, and triclosan. So, why should this convince you to go au naturale? Goldstein says some of the 12 ingredients on the list have been shown to have estrogenic or carcinogenic effects in large doses. If you’re looking to mix some new products into your beauty routine, now is a good time to consider going natural. You’ll be giving your body a mini detox from the harmful chemicals that you expose yourself to every time you wash your hair or apply blush. Here are a few natural beauty products to take a peak at: Aubrey Organics Green Tea Clarifying Shampoo: This shampoo is completely QDWXUDO SOXV RUJDQLF DQG YHJDQ WKH LQJUHGLHQW OLVW LV VKRUW DQG PRVW RI WKH chemical names are easy to decipher. It lathers well in hair and seriously cuts GLUW DQG RLO DXEUH\ RUJDQLFV FRP .DUPD 2UJDQLF 1DLO 3ROLVK 5HPRYHU ZLWK 6R\EHDQ 2LO /DYHQGHU: This remover gets the job done without the drying effects of acetone in most removers. It smells great and the oil adds extra moisture to nails and cuticles. NDUPDRUJDQLFVSD FRP The Body Shop Tea Tree Skin Clearing Foaming Cleanser: This lightweight face wash helps keep skin blemish-free without the drying and bleaching effects of EHQ]\O SHUR[LGH DQG RWKHU KDUVK DFQH PHGLFDWLRQV thebodyshop-usa.com

Written by: Amy Marturana | Photo by: Mirrah Stoller

Lip Action How to fearlessly rock lipstick

Amy DeFrancesco, store director of Sephora at the Carousel Center Mall, believes that if there is one rule of beauty, it is that women of all ages should always wear lip color. “A woman’s face is not complete without lip product,� she says. Once associated with only formal events and women of older age, today lipstick revolutionizes beauty routines across the college campus. While some use lipstick to perfect an older and more mature image, others use it to feel the empowerment a bold lip brings.

The two most important steps in wearing lipstick are to choose the right shade for your skin tone and then the best texture to provide the right amount of coverage you are seeking. Here DUH VRPH WLSV WR ÀQG \RXU SHUIHFW OLSVWLFN

GETTING STARTED For beginners, DeFrancesco says start with products with less pigment. Sephora Collection’s Lip Attitude - Glamour ($12;͞ sephora.com) is a great product for beginners because of its semi-sheer, long-lasting wear. It provides rich color but natural color. The experienced user should utilize products with full coverage, such as Make Up For Ever’s Rouge Artist Intense ($19;͞ sephora.com).

Sweaty bangs and frizzy curls can ruin anyone’s night. Try one of these simple side braids on your bangs or the front section of your hair for a no-stress style on your night out. All you need is a comb and a mirror! “ROMAN TWISTâ€? 6HFWLRQ \RXU KDLU RII OLNH \RX GLG LQ WKH Ă€UVW VWHS RI WKH Roman Side Braid (see instructions on right). 2. Divide the front section into two pieces close to where your hair parts. 3. Wrap one chunk of hair over the other section one time, away from your forehead. 4. Add a few strands of hair to the section that is now on bottom, and twist this larger chunk over the top of the Ă€UVW VHFWLRQ 5. Keep alternating with these two sections, picking up hair as you go. )LQLVK XS WKH WZLVW WKH VDPH ZD\ \RX Ă€QLVKHG WKH braid. Have fun with different styles, or wear your hair down.



Written by: Emmie Martin

“ROMAN SIDE BRAIDâ€? 1. Part your hair to one side. 2. Grab a section of hair on the front of the heavier side, from the part to your ears. This section should be as big or small as you want your braid to be. 3. Start close to the part and do a regular French braid, making sure to only take hair from the front section you created. 7R FUHDWH D )UHQFK EUDLG A. Divide your hair into three separate sections. % &URVV WKH VHFWLRQ RQ WKH ULJKW RYHU WKH VHFWLRQ LQ WKH PLGGOH making it the new middle strand. & &URVV WKH OHIW VHFWLRQ RYHU WKH PLGGOH RQH DJDLQ making it the new middle strand. Always make sure to hold each strand tight. ' 3LFN XS D VHFWLRQ RI ORRVH KDLU DQG DGG LW WR WKH ULJKW VWUDQG making this chunk thicker. ( &URVV WKH ULJKW VHFWLRQ RYHU WKH PLGGOH DJDLQ PDNLQJ LW WKH QHZ middle section. F. Repeat steps d and e with the left side. * 5HSHDW WKH SURFHVV XQWLO \RX DUH VDWLVĂ€HG ZLWK WKH OHQJWK RI WKH braid. 4. Braid down to your ear. Tie a rubber band or hair tie at the end if you want to tie back only your bangs. You can also hide the end of the braid by pinning it back by the nape of your neck. Keep braiding down to the end of your hair if you want a longer braid. 2QFH \RX¡YH Ă€QLVKHG ZUDS WKH EUDLG LQWR D ORRVH EXQ DQG VHFXUH LW with a few bobby pins. You’re ready to go!




Girls with dark skin can wear almost any color, particularly browns and purples. A wide palette of brown shades, especially rich chocolates, look great against the skin. For purples, think deep plum or dark burgundy and mahogany. Steer clear of orange undertones that can cause the skin to look washed out. Try: Urban Decay Lipstick in Confession ($22;Íž sephora.com).

Medium skin tones can think darker. Choose warm shades of red and deep pinks. Caramel and coffee shades with yellow or pink undertones help to enhance the skin. For a bold look, pass on classic reds and try a deep burgundy instead. Avoid pale and lighter browns that make the face look ashy. Try: Smashbox Photo Finish Lipstick in Exquisite ($22;Íž sephora.com).

With fair skin, choose deep berries and wine reds. Peachy colors and beiges with pink undertones DOVR Ă DWWHU WKLV VNLQ WRQH 6WD\ away from bright pinks and dark browns which overpower light complexions. Try: NARS Lipstick in Scarlett Empress ($24;Íž sephora.com). Written by: Kylie Haymaker



FEARLESS FASHION Abandon your dull wardrobe and make a statement. Choose bold colors and fabrics for an unforgettable look. Photos by: Rachel Thalia Fisher | Clothing Available at Some Girls Boutique

From Left to Right: Metallic Dress: Easel $64 Gold Tube Top: Misope $36 Assymetrical Skirt: Audrey $46 Purse : In’s $45 Red Dress: Oxford Circus $54



Gold mesh cuff $20 Rosary Necklace $15 Models: Emily Coon & Natalia Forsey



2WWR WKH 2UDQJH Syracuse University’s PDVFRW HQWHUWDLQV the crowd at a mascot competition.



A look into the life of SU’s beloved mascot

tto the Orange struts across the quad, his bouncing gait accentuating the movement of his round body and perpetually grinning features. He greets a toddler in full Syracuse University regalia and poses for a picture. +H KDV JRRG UHDVRQ WR EH FRQÀGHQW +LV OLVW of accomplishments in the college mascot division and at national events grows every year. Pundits call him one of the least intimidating mascots in college athletics, but Otto’s got big ambitions. Otto and his entourage traveled to Disney’s Wide World of Sports in January 2011 for the United Cheerleaders Association’s College

Cheerleading & Dance Team National Championship. They competed against nine other schools for the status of top mascot in the United 6WDWHV +DOI RI WKH Ă€QDO VFRUH DW WKH FKDPSLRQVKLSV FDPH IURP D video detailing Otto’s activities during the year. The other portion of the score results from a two-minute skit that Otto performs live for the judges at Disney. SU’s mascot coach Julie Walas painted a scene of Otto’s underdog HIIRUWV ´:H GHĂ€QLWHO\ JRW EORZQ RXW RI WKH ZDWHU E\ WKH RWKHU mascots. It was crazy to see the innovation, the design of props;Íž it went from a college mascot program to this professional, Disneystyle standard.â€? It was the third time Otto competed as the face of SU, and he placed tenth with his “Otto goes to New Yorkâ€? storyline.

Walas calls the event a huge learning experience for the team. SU’s mascot program loves big reveals. The names of current students VHUYLQJ DV PDVFRWV UHPDLQ FRQĂ€GHQWLDO XQWLO WKH VWXGHQW LV D VHQLRU DQG UHYHDOHG DW WKH Ă€QDO KRPH IRRWEDOO JDPH RI WKH VHDVRQ ´7KH issue is no one can be the public face for Otto,â€? explains Eric Meyers, a close friend of a former Otto. Nick Natario, a 2008 graduate of SU and a previous mascot explains, “When you see Otto the Orange, you see Otto the Orange. You don’t see Nick Natario as Otto the Orange. The same person won’t be Otto permanently.â€? “It’s not really about you,â€? says Ben Youngerman, a 2009 SU graduate and alumnus Otto. “I was there to entertain the fans, to provide laughs, and to represent my university. To be honest, I sort of enjoyed the anonymity.â€? The actors provide the essence of the mascot program, regardless of their anonymity. They wear the suit and interact with fans and community members, but they must also provide support for Otto in other ways. Walas explains that the mascot and spirit programs are branches of the athletic department. They receive one budget for the cheerleaders and mascots combined and frequently must SD\ WKH Ă€QDQFHV WKHPVHOYHV ´,Q QR ZD\ LV 2WWR D ZHDOWK\ 2UDQJH Âľ says Walas. “In a year when Otto needs a lot of things, we fundraise.â€? Walas accepts the modest resources provided to the mascots, but acknowledges that Otto’s current suit, paid for by a donor, is looking a little rough around the edges. “In the last few years, the demand of Otto’s activity has grown to a point where it’s impossible to maintain his costume to look clean and presentable,â€? Walas says. The program needs two new suits that they cannot afford, as a good quality costume can cost upwards of $10,000. Current team members sold Otto calendars and T-shirts, and they’re using all the resources at their disposal to work toward a new costume.

protested his representation, the Saltine Warrior danced in his feathered headdress and interacted with fans across the Dome. The administration responded to student concerns about the mascot not being politically correct. An attempt to morph the Saltine Warrior into D 5RPDQ JODGLDWRU EDFNĂ€UHG ZLWK 68 IDQV VR WKH\ EHJDQ D FDPSXV wide search for a new persona in September 1978. The “pick-a-mascotâ€? contest raked in hundreds of entries from students. “There were a lot of interesting and creative ideas presented, including the Abominable Orangeman,â€? Walas says. Other suggestions included Egnaro the troll, a brightly colored primate called The Orangeutan, and even a doddering penguin wearing a knit orange cap. Otto, “an orange with appeal,â€? became the interim replacement, but E\ XQLYHUVLW\ DGPLQLVWUDWRUV ZHUH XQVDWLVĂ€HG ZLWK WKH WLFNHW and merchandise sales. They debated changing Otto into something more aggressive. That was when the students made their love of Otto known. They rioted in support of him, organizing a protest at Bird /LEUDU\ LQ )HEUXDU\ WKDW UHVXOWHG LQ 2WWR¡V RIĂ€FLDO LQVWDOODWLRQ DV the mascot that December. Alumnus Otto’s remain dedicated to the fuzzy orange, opening up about their mascot experiences and reminiscing about their years at SU. “Being Otto changed the direction of my college career,â€? Natario says. “Being courtside for games is something I’m always going to treasure, but more importantly, I got to be the face of the university and I took a lot of pride in that.â€? For more than one previous Otto, their mascot experience developed their interpersonal skills and gave them the perfect talking points to receive job opportunities after graduation.

Walas serves as the team’s coordinator. She books and schedules Otto’s appearances. She also auditions and trains people who will become our beloved orange. During the audition process, potential mascots begin the process of adopting Otto’s traits and mannerisms. “We do a lot of practicing to see how people interact with others and how creative and enthusiastic they are,â€? she says. “My goal is to match personalities with what’s needed on the team. Do we need someone who’s more creative and enthusiastic, or do we need someone who would be more low-key and attentive to younger children?â€? As for the personality, she looks for potential Otto’s to learn. “Otto is curious, he’s a bit of a troublemaker, but he has this very useful and helpful disposition,â€? Walas says. “He teases and pushes everyone’s buttons a little, but he’s excitable and enthusiastic. You can’t help but just embrace him.â€? Members of the team volunteer for appearances and attend events WKURXJKRXW WKH FRPPXQLW\ RQ D Ă€UVW FRPH Ă€UVW VHUYH EDVLV $Q\RQH from university departments to private corporations can request 2WWR DSSHDUDQFHV DQG :DODV Ă€OWHUV WKH UHTXHVWV FROOHFWV SD\PHQWV (a mandatory donation between $100 and $500), and manages transportation for the students. David Raymond, president of Raymond Entertainment Group, a Delaware-based company that specializes in the development of mascots for companies nationwide, counts college mascots as part of valuable memories for college graduates. “Most people say that college was an amazing part of their lives, and they like to go back to visit and experience what it was like to be there,â€? he says. “They can’t go back and hug the institution, but they can hug the mascots, like Otto the Orange.â€? Raymond, the original Phillie Phanatic, and his company tout the power behind good branding, back story, and research for mascots like Otto. Good branding didn’t always come easy for Syracuse University. Until 1978 when a Native American student group

Controversy still exists among some alumni. “Otto’s more of a silly, fun, welcoming, friendly kind of guy,â€? Walas says. “Some believe that he should be meaner, or don’t understand why we have an orange and want the Saltine Warrior back.â€? Natario disagrees. “Otto is different. He’s so unique that he’s very memorable,â€? he says. “Some people are like, ‘Go be scary, Otto,’ or ‘Why can’t we get something more ferocious?’ but they need to get over it.â€? Raymond, arguably an expert on mascots, shrugs when the subject turns to how cutesy Otto may seem. “The character is a living, breathing embodiment of a brand,â€? he says. “You see Otto do a forward roll, and then the next minute he’s up in the stand with you DQG \RXU IULHQGV KLJK Ă€YLQJ \RX DQG KXJJLQJ GRZQ WKH OLQH 7R 68 students and alumni, that’s Syracuse. He’s a little bit of Syracuse.â€?

Written by: Hannah Warren EQUAL TIME MAGAZINE FALL 2011


+RWHO 6N\OHU LV 6\UDFXVH·V ÀUVW /((' platinum designed hotel, and is the third hotel in the United States to seek SODWLQXP FHUWLÀFDWLRQ LQ /HDGHUVKLS LQ Energy and Environmental Design from the U.S. Green Building Council.

The Inns & Outs of

Hotel Skyler


otel Skyler opened in May 2011 and is quickly exceeding its own expectations. The hotel is the ÀUVW LQ WKH 6\UDFXVH DUHD WR ´JR green” and the reactions to its eco-friendly ways have been largely positive. The hotel used to be a synagogue and has kept almost the entirety of the building in tact. Here, we welcome Hotel Skyler to the SU hill.

Written by: Jaclyn Roth | Photos by: Rachel Thalia Fisher

Building this hotel was not a piece of cake in the beginning, Fernandez says. “It’s pretty sweet. I’m working with the two things I am most passionate about: sustainability and hotels.”

“SUNY ESF is right around the corner from Syracuse, so it made sense to build a ‘green’ hotel. With a good synergy in the area it worked well,” Fernandez says. He thinks more hotels will adapt this way of life in the future. Going along with the “tree house” suite, this room is decorated with everything having to do with trees. People are excited when they walk into the hotel and the rooms because of the funky ÁDLU SUHVHQW 7KH WUHH WKHPH DOVR JRHV along with the green aspect of the hotel. EQUAL TIME MAGAZINE FALL 2011


You can sense comfort and warmth the moment you walk through the doors at Hotel Skyler. With the sun shining through the windows, the couch, and wood table offer a welcoming presence in the room. The building and property have been around for nearly 100 years.

The hotel is fully equipped with a bar area where people can watch the Syracuse football game on a large highGHĂ€QLWLRQ WHOHYLVLRQ 7KH KRWHO staff is friendly and always wants to interact and get to know SU students.

AN AFRICAN ADVENTURE Persistence and passion led two SU students across the world to create D GRFXPHQWDU\ DQG OHDUQ PRUH WKDQ any internship could offer.


fter stepping off the South African Airways plane touching down in Mozambique, Africa, Josh Eisenfeld faced a bit of a predicament. With little ability to speak the native language, Portuguese, KH ZDVQ¡W TXLWH VXUH ZKDW KLV Ă€UVW PRYH VKRXOG EH He did know, however, that he would need to think TXLFNO\ DQG Ă€JXUH LW RXW

Eisenfeld and his friend and fellow Syracuse University senior WHOHYLVLRQ UDGLR DQG Ă€OP PDMRU 0LNH $UPRXU VSHQW GD\V GXULQJ the summer of 2011 on a journey following Feliciano dos Santos and his band, Massukos. Their goal was to create a documentary on Feliciano and the band, and how they educate the people of 0R]DPELTXH RQ VRPHWKLQJ WKDW SHRSOH LQ $PHULFD Ă€QG VLPSOH WR practice and remember: washing their hands. After leaving from Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport in Washington D.C. and switching planes three times, it took 30 hours to reach Mozambique, a country of nearly 23 million, nestled hard against the Indian Ocean. Eisenfeld, a past president of Alpha Epsilon Pi, at Syracuse University and a dual biology major specializing in environmental science, felt GLVVDWLVĂ€HG DSSO\LQJ WR LQWHUQVKLSV ZKHUH KH ZRXOG JDLQ OLWWOH UHDO OLIH experience. His trip to Africa was made with the intentions to learn something he couldn’t learn inside a classroom in Syracuse. But JRLQJ WR $IULFD ZRXOGQ¡W EH KLV Ă€UVW WULS ZLWK D SXUSRVH (LVHQIHOG DOVR spent this past spring break on a research trip for a biology class. He spent the week studying spiders and enjoyed down time cannoning, snorkeling, and hiking. Eisenfeld’s hunt to track down Feliciano took only a few days. “I was DEOH WR Ă€QG )HOLFLDQR¡V HPDLO DGGUHVV SUHWW\ TXLFNO\ DQG DVNHG KLP what he thought about having a college student following him around on tour and making a documentary about what he’s doing,â€? Eisenfeld says. To his surprise, just a few days later, Feliciano responded to his email, expressed his excitement, and said he was willing to help make it happen. Soon after, Eisenfeld called upon someone he knew since the age of 13. “Mike’s the only person I trusted and who I thought I would get along with for a month in a foreign country,â€? Eisenfeld says of his

partner on the project, Armour. The two quickly began fundraising, and raised $7,000 on the website kickstarter.com. They also received $5,000 from Syracuse University chancellor, Nancy Cantor, and an additional $5,000 from the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications. During the fall of 2010 both Armour and Eisenfeld took a documentary SURGXFWLRQ FODVV ZLWK WHOHYLVLRQ UDGLR DQG Ă€OP SURIHVVRU 5LFKDUG Breyer. “I appreciate who they are and that they had the ambition to come up with this idea,â€? Breyer says. Eisenfeld’s mother, Shari says Josh prepared for the trip without any real help from herself or Josh’s father, Eric, though they did supply $500 to the project. Once in Africa, Shari says she conversed with Josh via Skype, on occasions when he was able to access the Internet. Eisenfeld attempted to learn Portuguese, but saw few results prior to his trip. Now, back in America, Eisenfeld and Armour will need to translate their footage into English. Breyer says he sees at least six months of work ahead for his former students. “Making a documentary we really need to do it like we’re piecing a puzzle together,â€? Eisenfeld says. Editing is the duo’s next step in creating the documentary. Afterward, they plan to make a rough cut and screen it to a few people in the Syracuse community, including professors. “And then you tweak and tweak and tweak,â€? he says. (LVHQIHOG KRSHV WR Ă€QLVK WKH GRFXPHQWDU\ E\ WKH HQG RI KLV VHQLRU year, and has modest hopes for the future of the project. “It may be used in classes to show what students can do. Maybe some TV station would want to look at it. Or maybe someone would want to expand on it and continue shooting,â€? Eisenfeld says. But regardless of the future of the documentary, Eisenfeld says the opportunity of going to Africa and learning from his mistakes, learning by doing, and creating something meaningful, was an experience nobody could take away. “Josh knows what he wants, and he just goes and gets it,â€? Armour says. “It took us so long to get from the planning to actually going. But we made it happen.â€? Written by: Rebecca Toback EQUAL TIME MAGAZINE FALL 2011


*,5/ Didn’t the Patriots win the World Series a couple years ago?

*8< I have a problem... I listen to people.

*,5/ I want to shave off the rest of her hair and feed her a million bagels so she gets fat.

*8< I stopped dancing with her because I saw a hot girl looking at me.



*,5/ Wait you’re supposed to wear your watch on your left hand not your right? *,5/ A girl in one of my classes looks like an angry bird.

*8< It’s not my fault everyone just wants to sleep with me.

*,5/ I could never be an athlete. I don’t want to lose my boobs. *8< He didn’t get to have sex on his birthday, but he went to Red Lobster.

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