Equi-Ads May 2013 England and Wales

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The UK’s No. 1 Equine Health, Management and Training Magazine

May 2013

sweet Itch: minimising the risk INSIDE:

cross country coaching: water jumps saddles: what to look for

Re-feeding post surgery or starvation Pilates and stretching: backing up and pole work

Win ÂŁ600 worth of prizes from TopSpec Equi_Ads_May_EngWales_Rev4.indd 1

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contents Health Care .....1, 6, 18 - 36 Insurance ............. 2, 41 - 43 Legal Advice .......................2 Tack & Turnout .. 5, 43 - 48 Feeding Post-surgery ........9 Feeding ................... 6, 9 - 20 Competition - TopSpec ....8 Good Doers ............. 10 - 16 Laminitis ................... 18 - 23 Worming ...........................22 Sweet Itch ................. 24 - 33 Horse Behaviour ..............30

Front Cover Image: Banks Vanilla ridden by Sam Roberts. Credits: www.fredthecat.co.uk

Pilates for Horses .............34 Have your Say ..................35 Training .............................36 Feed & Stable ........... 37 - 39 Cross Country ..................40 Saddling Up ......................42 Stud ....................................43 Grooming ................ 45 - 46 Rider Protection ..... 46 - 53 Giveaway - Treehouse ....49

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COPY DEADLINE 10th of the preceding month

A revamp for Rockies! R

ockies’ Flavoured Health Licks are now available with new packaging to make them look as appealing to the horse’s owner as they are to the horse himself ! The new packaging will be on the popular range of 2kg Health Licks, available in carrot, cherry, mint, apple and garlic varieties. The licks contain essential salt, minerals and trace elements and help to replenish any depleted levels, helping to maintain health. As before, Health Licks are made in the UK using Cheshire salt and are calorie and molasses free, so can be offered in a free access

manner. The way that they are made, using high pressure presses, ensures longevity throughout the seasons. “We’re really excited to introduce our new packaging,” says Jeremy Sample, Sales Director for Rockies. “We believe that the new packaging has greater shelf appeal, shows the flavourings more clearly and also promotes that each lick contains 10 vital minerals, which is something that’s really important. As we come into the summer months, many people reduce their horse’s hard feed ration, and offering a Health Lick is a great way to replace missing goodness.”

Vetrocalm™ V

etrocalm™ is a highly bioavailable proprietary form of Magnesium Aspartate Hydrochloride, which is one of the most absorbable forms of magnesium and specifically formulated using breakthrough SOBF® (Specially Optimised Bioavailable Formula) technology. Vetrocalm™ is quickly absorbed upon ingestion where it replenishes levels of magnesium that have been depleted through activity or stress. Vetrocalm™ is scientifically proven to counteract behaviour associated with stress and excitement whilst reducing muscle tension from nervousness. Ideal for maintaining behaviour and concentration in horses of all ages that are prone to excitement, aggression or nervousness. Great for assisting with training or new situations. www.animalife.co.uk

Resultseed t guaranour or y k!* c £££ ba From the creators of TM

The No.1 maintenance calmer (Magnesium Aspartate Hydrochloride) www.equiads.net

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Health Licks are available in five varieties and have a RRP of £2.99 each. For more information, see www.rockies.co.uk, email info@rockies.co.uk or call 01606 595025.

FEED THE BEST Buy from your local equestrian retailer or visit www.animalife.co.uk. FREE nationwide delivery. For more information call 0845 365 0050 Express worldwide delivery available. *Subject to T&Cs, visit online for full info.

May 2013 | 1

24/04/2013 16:56

Insurance • Legal Advice


Big Stocks - Best Prices

Shop Open 7 Days

Rowanlea Riding School, Barry Telephone Dundee 01382 532536


Do I need Insurance? A

lmost all of us will have insurance for the two most expensive items in our lives, our home and our motor vehicle. However, some people do not realise the importance of or the protection provided by equine insurance. A horse is often the third most expensive item you will own and Keith Howell, a Litigation Manager at DWF LLP reviews the benefits of insurance.


If you own a horse or ride horses provided by others, such as an equestrian school you should consider some form of personal insurance cover. The policies offered by insurers vary greatly and some of them provide personal accident cover should you be unfortunate enough to suffer an injury whilst riding. Riding is a high risk sport and the circumstances that allow you to claim compensation from a third party are very limited. Section 5 of the Animals Act 1971 provides protection for owners of horses against claims by riders. Certain criteria have to be met for a claim to succeed and owners often argue that a rider has voluntarily accepted the risk of injury by deciding to ride the horse. If you are a keeper of a horse and you allow other people to ride it, you should not automatically assume that you will be able to escape liability for any claims made against you simply because the person has chosen to ride your horse. The Animals Act 1971 allows certain exceptions to be raised to defeat any arguments of voluntary acceptance of risk and each

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case is considered based upon its own particular circumstances. Another area of which many owners may not be aware is personal liability if a horse you own causes damage to persons and/or property. In 2003, the House of Lords (now known as the Supreme Court) decided that the owners of a horse which escaped from a field and was hit by the driver of a car were liable for the damage caused by the horse. The road on which the collision occurred was over a mile away from the field where the horse was kept and the field was surrounded by an electric fence and a wooden fence. Even if you consider the area where your horse is kept is adequately fenced, there is always the possibility that it may escape, especially if it is

startled and stampedes. There are very limited defences available to owners under current law. You have to consider the amount of damage that a large animal such as a horse can cause if it does escape and particularly if the public walk through the field where it is kept. Insurers will provide assistance with vets bills and legal fees if you have to pursue or defend a claim. Employers and occupiers of property in the Equine Industry If you employ anybody as part of a business you are required to have insurance in place. The Employers’ Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969 requires all employers to insure against liability for injury or disease to their employees arising out of their employment. The minimum amount of cover required by law is £5 million. Even if you run a fairly small business and you have people assisting you who you do not formally employ, you can still be deemed to be their employer if you exercise a reasonable amount of control over their activities. Even if all of your riding instructors are self employed, you can still be construed as their employer and you could be left facing a significant claim. As previously advised, the requirement for employers’ liability insurance is compulsory but there are a few limited exceptions that a solicitor or insurer can discuss with you. If you are an owner or occupier

of property that has regular visitors you should consider purchasing public liability insurance to provide you with cover against claims by members of the public. Occupiers of premises have a duty of care to ensure the lawful visitors are reasonably safe and all reasonable steps have been taken to minimise any risk to visitors. If there was some unforeseen occurrence or an incidence that could not have been prevented for a reasonable cost then there will be limited or no liability attached to the occupier. However, if the risk to any visitor is immediately obvious you could be found liable and may be left with having to pay a significant bill for any claims against you.


The key things to remember and to consider are: The insurance policies will not only cover you for any injuries you may suffer but also claims made against you. Some insurance policies will cover vet fees up to a certain amount and legal fees to make or defend a claim. If you own a business and have employees, you are required to have employer’s liability insurance and your insurance company may also be able to provide you with guidance on how to reduce risk and liability. If you would like more information on the specialist equine law services that DWF LLP offers, please contact Keith Howell on 0845 404 2523.


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PREMIER PREMIER PREMIER FLEX FLEX FLEX HA HA HA (advanced (advanced (advanced joint joint supplement) joint supplement) supplement) £23.95 £23.95 £23.95 PREMIER joint supplement) PREMIERFLEX FLEXHA HA(advanced (advanced joint supplement) £23.95 £23.95 (with (with (with devils devils devils claw) claw) claw) £26.95 £26.95 £26.95 PREMIER PREMIER PREMIER FLEX FLEX FLEX PLUS PLUS PLUS (withdevils devilsclaw) claw) £26.95 £26.95 PREMIERFLEX FLEXPLUS PLUS(with PREMIER (feed (feed (feed balancer) balancer) balancer) only only only £18.95 £18.95 £18.95 365 365 365 COMPLETE COMPLETE COMPLETE £18.95 365 (feedbalancer) balancer)only only £18.95 365COMPLETE COMPLETE(feed 1 1Litre 1Litre Litre only only only £15.95 £15.95 £15.95 BUTE BUTE BUTE SUBSTITUTE SUBSTITUTE SUBSTITUTE Litreonly only £15.95 £15.95 BUTESUBSTITUTE SUBSTITUTE1 1Litre BUTE 1kg 1kg 1kg 4545day 45day day supply supply supply £27.95 £27.95 £27.95 MUD MUD MUD WARRIOR WARRIOR WARRIOR £27.95 MUD 1kg4545day daysupply supply £27.95 MUDWARRIOR WARRIOR1kg 200g 200g 200g £5.50 £5.50 £5.50 MUD MUD MUD WARRIOR WARRIOR WARRIOR CREAM CREAM CREAM £5.50 MUD 200g £5.50 MUDWARRIOR WARRIORCREAM CREAM200g (hoof (hoof (hoof supp) supp) supp) 2kg 2kg 2kg £22.99 £22.99 £22.99 FARRIERS FARRIERS FARRIERS FAVOURITE FAVOURITE FAVOURITE FARRIERS (hoofsupp) supp)2kg 2kg £22.99 £22.99 FARRIERSFAVOURITE FAVOURITE(hoof (electrolytes) (electrolytes) (electrolytes) 2kg 2kg 2kg £26.95 £26.95 £26.95 PREMIER PREMIER PREMIER LYTES LYTES LYTES £26.95 PREMIER (electrolytes)2kg 2kg £26.95 PREMIERLYTES LYTES(electrolytes) 500g 500g 500g (cheap!) (cheap!) (cheap!) £12.95 £12.95 £12.95 PURE PURE PURE DISTILLED DISTILLED DISTILLED MSM MSM MSM £12.95 PURE 500g(cheap!) (cheap!) £12.95 PUREDISTILLED DISTILLEDMSM MSM500g 5 5litres 5litres litres £22.95 £22.95 £22.95 VIRGIN VIRGIN VIRGIN LINSEED LINSEED LINSEED OIL OIL OIL litres £22.95 £22.95 VIRGINLINSEED LINSEEDOIL OIL5 5litres VIRGIN


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Why Why Why Choose Choose Choose Premier Premier Premier Flex? Flex? Flex? Why Choose Premier Flex? Why Choose Premier Flex? areare NotNot all Not all equine all equine equine joint joint supplements joint supplements supplements the are the same, the same, same, in fact in fact in they fact they they differ differ differ enormously enormously enormously NotNot all all equine joint supplements areare thethe same, in fact they differ enormously equine joint supplements same, in they enormously in in thein the levels the levels levels of of the of the active the active active ingredients ingredients ingredients contained contained contained in fact in them. in them. them. A differ top A top A quality top quality quality joint joint joint in in thethe levels of of thethe active ingredients contained in in them. A top quality joint levels active ingredients contained them. A top quality supplement supplement supplement should should should contain contain contain not not only not only only a good a good a good level level level of of Glucosamine of Glucosamine Glucosamine which which which is joint is a is a a supplement should contain notnot only a good level of of Glucosamine which is is a a supplement should contain only a high good level Glucosamine which relatively relatively relatively cheap cheap cheap ingredient ingredient ingredient butbut also but also also high high levels levels levels of of Chondroitin, of Chondroitin, Chondroitin, HAHA and HA and MSM. and MSM. MSM. relatively cheap ingredient butbut also high levels of of Chondroitin, HAHA and MSM. relatively cheap also high levels Chondroitin, and MSM. Premier Premier Premier Flex Flex Flex is possibly is possibly isingredient possibly thethe highest the highest highest spec spec spec equine equine equine joint joint supplement joint supplement supplement today! today! today! Premier Flex is possibly thethe highest spec equine joint supplement today! Premier Flex is possibly highest spec equine joint supplement today! * *

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Calma Calma Calma is our is our islatest our latest latest product product product and and takes and takes takes equine equine equine calming calming calming products products products to to theto the next the next next Calma is our latest product and takes equine calming products to to thethe next Calma isEquine our latest product and takes calming products next level. level. level. Equine Equine Answers Answers Answers Calma Calma Calma uses uses uses a unique a unique aequine unique formulation formulation formulation of of neutraceuticals of neutraceuticals neutraceuticals level. Equine Answers Calma uses a unique formulation of of neutraceuticals level. Equine Answers Calma uses a unique formulation neutraceuticals and and special and special special calming calming calming herbs herbs herbs to to provide to provide provide an an amazingly an amazingly amazingly effective effective effective calming calming calming product. product. product. and special calming herbs to to provide anan amazingly effective calming product. and special calming herbs provide amazingly effective calming product. In Informulating Informulating formulating Calma Calma Calma wewehave wehave have used used used thethevery thevery very best best best forms forms forms of ofabsorbable ofabsorbable absorbable In Informulating Calma wewehave used thethevery best of ofabsorbable formulating Calma have used very bestforms forms absorbable magnesium magnesium magnesium in in Magnesium in Magnesium Magnesium Aspartate Aspartate Aspartate and and and Magnesium Magnesium Magnesium AAC. AAC. AAC. WeWe found We found found that that that magnesium in in Magnesium Aspartate and Magnesium AAC. WeWe found that magnesium Magnesium Aspartate and Magnesium AAC. found that combining combining combining these these these twotwo high two high high quality quality quality forms forms forms of of magnesium of magnesium magnesium with with with secret secret secret calming calming calming combining these twotwo high quality forms of of magnesium with secret calming combining high quality forms magnesium with secret calming herbs herbs herbs gave gave gave usthese us the us the best the best best possible possible possible calming calming calming formulation. formulation. formulation. herbs gave usus thethe best possible calming formulation. herbs gave best possible calming formulation. “Would “Would “Would justjust like just like to like to thank to thank thank you you for you for creating for creating creating thisthis supplement...it this supplement...it supplement...it has has made has made made ananan “Would justjust likelike to to thank you forfor creating this supplement...it has made an “Would thank you creating excitable excitable excitable ex-racehorse ex-racehorse ex-racehorse anan angel an angel angel to to own" to own" own" this supplement...it has made an excitable ex-racehorse anan angel to to own" excitable ex-racehorse angel own" Faye Faye Faye Griffiths Griffiths Griffiths Faye Griffiths Faye Griffiths

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Tel: Tel: Tel:0845 0845 08455214840 5214840 5214840 Tel: 0845 5214840 Tel: 0845 5214840


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13 16:28

Tack & Turnout

Personalise and STNEM Eprotect! LPPUS




hoose your own freeze mark for special identity and most important of all to ward off thieves! 007 – 999 – MAX – WIN – STAR – These are just some of the freeze marks owners have chosen. Apart from positively and personally identifying your horse the marks will frighten away the thieves. Horses and ponies are more vulnerable to theft in the Spring and Summer as they are more accessible so take action – get them protected now by freeze marking! Don’t forget whether you have a standard freeze mark or choose your own they are visible and that is why freeze marking is the best theft deterrent. Call Freezemark (national) on 01295 788226 or info@freezemark.biz – 59.32£ full details can also be found at www.freezemark.biz

10% off bookings if taken by 15th June 2013 )tnemelppus tnioj decnavda(


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9.51Horses £ Gizapaw Animal Behaviour Sleeve 5for


izapaw is proud to introduce the animal behaviour sleeve for horses. This product will pre-warn horse lovers, volunteers and the general public of a particular horses temperament. The full package includes two sleeves for the harness and an additional tail sleeve. Both sleeves can also be purchased separately. The warning sleeve is embroidered on both sides, allowing it to be reversed to suit the horses nature. It is possible upon request, to have the words 'Novice' embroidered onto the sleeve, instead of 'Caution'. The small sleeve will fit on

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the head collar, bridle nose band, martingale .5£ the optimum g002 MAERC ROIRRAW DUM and reins, allowing you0 to5choose placing for the sleeve. 99behaviour .22£ sleevegkis2 )ppus fooh( ETIRUOVAF SREIRRAF The Gizapaw animal made of high quality waterproof fabric that is 59.62but £ also easily gk2 )setylortcele( SETYL REIMERP also reflective and luminious, washable. The sleeve also has a flashing led light, 59.21more £ visible )to!paehc( g005 MSM DELLITSID ERUP helping to make the product drivers, pedestrians and other members of the 59.22£ sertil 5 LIO DEESNIL NIGRIV general public. This is a more visual method of pre-warning stable staff/volunteers of a particular horses temperament. www.gizapaw.co.uk YLNO )ylppus htnom 4(



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Child/Public Safety in the Presence of animals

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24/04/2013 16:56

Feed • Healthcare

ULC30 Plus For all horses It is scientifically designed to keep all horses healthy. Assists with girthy horses. Helps hind gut digestion. Helps alleviate mood swings. Used by many trainers.

An HFL approved special scientifically designed digestive product combining amino acids and herbs. Recommended by veterinarians and farriers.

Less expensive than other ULC products. If you have a horse that has gut problems. Try ours free for a week. Tel: 01432 851111 Email: ron@ronfieldsnutrition.co.uk

Power Against Sar-x – Testimonial

“4 Days And I Got Immediate Results!”


y horse had suffered from a series of Melanomas and lumps some of which have been surgically removed. These issues had only come about post Bowel Disease. I also found my horse had become quite gaseous and lacked energy for a 5 year old Arab. Stumbling across adverts in the Riding magazines regarding the Sarcoid Treatment I proceeded with a open view to ring Horsesarcoids. com. I spoke to Holly with my concerns and she advised me to put Kadin on 6 weeks treatment of “Power Against Sar-x”. My opinion was that £32 was not a lot to lose and if it helped that would be great. I honestly didn’t think that the lump would just “drop off ” especially in 6 weeks. How wrong I was 4days later I saw immediate results. Within 4

WANTED Land to buy not to rent


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weeks the large lump that caused the most problems between my horses back legs, had dropped off. The large unsightly lump below his eye, which had ended his showing career and was a nightmare with flies, proceeded to deflate and has almost healed. I am confident that with a few more weeks of treatment the lumps will be resolved. I have also found that my horse has more stamina, having just successfully completed a 31km endurance ride, and is less gaseous. Thank you, you may have saved my horses life in the long run! Sian Wilkinson Power Against sar-x is available to buy at www.horsesarcoids.com starting at just £35 for a 6 week supply. Helpline number is 0800 9709421



Nettex Gut Balancer gets it right


ollowing successful trials carried out during 2012, Nettex has launched GUT BALANCER, a fast and effective product that’s been formulated from the highest grade ingredients. Suitable for horses and ponies of any age, type or breed, Gut Balancer will keep the gut healthy and functioning at its best all year round. It is designed to be used to prevent the onset of digestive problemS – or can be used to cure gastric problems caused by any manner of triggers. Gut Balancer helps to: • Reduce acidity • Enhance condition • Provide quick and effective relief from gastric discomfort. • Alleviates vices e.g. windsucking and crib biting • Maintains weight • Calms irritable horses

Acid levels can increase during stressful situations especially during competition, travelling or the everyday anxieties that occur. It will also help to calm irritable horses and is ideal to be fed after periods of illness or medication to restore the overall balance of your horse’s health. Available from all good retailers from May 2013. hoW to admInIster:

Loading Dose: 25g per day for 3 days. Thereafter 25g per day for maintenance. Fed daily at a maintenance level the cost works out to be 55p RRP Nettex Gut Balancer 750g (approx. 30 days supply) RRP: £19.99: 1.5kg RRP £32.99 3kg RRP £52.99

There are many times in a horse’s life when things are stressful and the horse finds it hard to cope. Fed on a regular basis it will help against the onset of digestive related problems, promote healthy skin and coat condition, maintain weight with effective vitamin, mineral and nutrient absorption and maintain a healthy hind gut function. 6 | May 2013

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24/04/2013 16:56



“My 7 year old gelding developed a medium sized lump on his belly. I did not want to go down the route of treatment advised by my vet. I started to feed him the powder 10 weeks ago and it has completely gone. His hair has grown back and you would never know it had been there. I am so pleased; I cannot praise the powder enough!” Ruth Mitchell


POWER AGAINST SAR-X 6 week supply £35 3 month supply £65 SARCOID CARE PACK £80 For a free consultation ring now: 0800 970 9421 Free calls from a mobile: 0330 100 5266 Email: help@horsesarcoids.com

www.horsesarcoids.com Equi_Ads_May_EngWales_Rev4.indd 7

24/04/2013 16:56

Reader Competition



n this issue we have teamed up with the experienced equine nutritionists from TopSpec to offer you this exciting competition. We are giving two lucky readers the chance to win £300 worth of TopSpec feed and you can choose exactly which feed your horse requires. Not sure what to feed? Don’t worry you can also take full advantage of top nutritional advice from one of the TopSpec nutritionists who will help you develop a feeding regime to suit your horse or pony. The TopSpec range includes feed balancers and supplements to blends, additives and chops, designed to suit horses and ponies in varying work, from top competition horses to leisure ponies. All TopSpec Feed Balancers are formulated without cereal grains making them low in sugar and starch and ‘Non-Heating’. Included in the range are; TopSpec Comprehensive Feed Balancer, TopSpec Cool Balancer, TopSpec Lite Feed Balancer, TopSpec Senior Feed Balancer and TopSpec Stud Feed Balancer. TopSpec Comprehensive Feed Balancer helps promote muscle development and topline containing a broad-spectrum supplement. It is designed to balance the rations of most horses and ponies, whatever the workload. Recently added to the range is TopSpec Cool Balancer designed with extra topline and condition in mind but without the ‘fizz’. It contains vitamins and minerals required to balance the diet of horses and ponies in light to

8 | May 2013

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medium work. TopSpec AntiLam is designed to support horses and ponies susceptible to or recovering from laminitis. It contains highly effective supplements high in fibre and very low in calories. The range of TopSpec blends are also formulated without cereal grains, low in sugar and starch and ‘Non-Heating’, these include TopSpec FibrePlus Cubes, TopSpec CoolCondition Cubes and TopSpec Performance Cubes. Flaked blends, such as TopSpec Super Conditioning Flakes and TopSpec Turbo Flakes contain cooked oats to provide ‘fast-releasing’ energy. For further information on feeding TopSpec please contact the Multiple Award-Winning Helpline on 01845 565030 or visit www.topspec. com TO ENTER: Simply answer the question below: TopSpec Cool Balancer is ideal for horses and ponies in what type of work? To have the chance of winning these great prizes, please email your answer to the above question to info@equiads.net Subject: TopSpec Competition, or post it with your name, address and telephone number to TopSpec Competition, Equi-Ads Ltd., 1 Tayview Estate, Friarton Road, Perth PH2 8DG. www.equiads.net

24/04/2013 16:57

Re-feeding post-suRgeRy/ staRvation Dr Derek Cuddeford, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh


nimals that undergo surgery cannot usually eat normally for a period of time and may temporarily starve. The extent of time that the animal is without food or that it under eats depends on the seriousness of the intervention and which body systems are compromised. Clearly, abdominal surgery that involves the gastrointestinal tract will have a greater impact on the nutritional status of the animal than arthroscopy of a knee joint. Horses that fail to rapidly regain nutritional competence after surgery are susceptible to increasing malnutrition in a situation where the body is already in a stressed postsurgical state. Postoperative fluid and electrolyte management may be required although large volumes are usually necessary. This can be adequate for meeting minimal short-term nutritional requirements postoperatively. If a return to oral intake is delayed essentially the animal will starve unless other means can be found to support the animal’s metabolism. Obviously a horse with compromised nutritional status is more at risk from morbidity and mortality. When energy and nutrient intake falls below that necessary for maintenance then the animal becomes catabolic. This means it starts breaking down body tissues to make good the shortfall in energy and nutrient supplies. The body “eats” itself. anyone who has had a relative or themselves in hospital for major surgery will have witnessed firsthand how quickly “condition” is lost in spite of what appears to be adequate food inputs furthermore, nobody gets fat on grapes or flowers! Bodily fat starts to disappear and then this is soon followed by protein breakdown. unfortunately protein is not stored in the body like fat so essential tissue is lost and in serious cases of starvation, muscle wastage occurs and organ tissue is lost that can ultimately lead to organ failure. in most cases following surgery, “starvation” is a very short term issue because re-alimentation can begin quite quickly in contrast to the starved horse which has undergone chronic underfeeding and can be in a bad way. The guide to feeding post-surgery is relatively straightforward. oral surgery such as removal of teeth etc can compromise the animal’s ability to ingest and masticate food. These changes may be temporary or permanent. The simplest approach is to rehydrate good quality grass pellets. The extent of rehydration will govern the form of the final product which can range from a soft “fluffy” mix to a green slurry that the horse can slurp up. This type of food is also good after abdominal surgery as it will “flow” easily through the digestive tract. Remember, the horse is used to consuming wet food since grass can contain up to 87% water just like milk. nothing is better for the horse than grass! if parts of the gut have been removed then those parts remaining will dictate what is fed. instead of the horse having two distinctive areas that you can feed, the small intestine for hydrolysable carbohydrates, proteins and fats and the large intestine for fibrous feeds, the horse may be left with much reduced capability in one of these regions. There are no dietary changes required for a horse having undergone surgery in which no part of the small intestine or less than 50% of the jejunum and/ or duodenum or the caecum is removed. Horses recovering from surgery generally should, as a rule, be fed high-quality, highly digestible feeds in small, frequent meals as soon as they are back on their legs. offer the horse about one-quarter of its normal ration, increasing to its maintenance ration over several days. fresh water should always be available and those horses that have “lost” some of their large intestine will have a higher requirement since water re-absorption is compromised. you can walk the horse in hand and allow it to graze fresh grass for short periods. following removal of part of the large intestine, horses are usually fasted for up to 24 hours in order to aid healing and to preventing over stretching of the gut. However, not feeding for more than 72 hours can result in less effective wound healing and an increased risk of infection and diarrhoea. Thus, it is necessary to reintroduce solid feed to prevent gut tissue from becoming damaged. Horses can eat small amounts of high-quality feeds (alfalfa or alfalfa/grass mixes) over the first month after surgery. extra protein (12% or more) and phosphorus (0.4% minimum) should be fed together with limited amounts of structural fibre (< 28%) because the animal is less able to digest and absorb nutrients after surgery. if large sections of the colon have been removed such horses may need to remain on an altered feeding programme for the rest of their lives. Horses in which only small parts of the left colon and/or caecum have been taken out usually regain the ability to absorb

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Xxxxxxxxxx Feeding nutrients and can revert to normal maintenance feeding. Removal of parts of the small intestine means that cereal or starch-rich feed should not be fed. High quality fibre feeds and those containing a lot of fermentable fibre can be used whether as straights (beet pulp) or in compounds. significant supplementation may be necessary to compensate the impaired digestion of starch, fat and protein and the reduced absorption of vitamins and minerals. The large intestine can, to some extent, make up for the loss of small intestinal functionality. in contrast to the foregoing, the chronically underfed horse can be either mildly malnourished or seriously catabolic. The first thing to do with an apparently starved horse is to have it undergo a full veterinary exam. obviously teeth must be oK, the animal must be free from parasites and not suffering from any medical condition before you start re-alimentation. avoid the temptation to give lots of goodies as you may kill the horse! nutritional rehabilitation is a slow process and is best achieved by providing increasing amounts of good quality forage. alfalfa hay has been shown to be the best material to use providing protein, little starch and essential minerals. The addition of oil does not provoke an undesirable insulin response but effectively it dilutes the protein and mineral supply. for the first 3 days of re-feeding a

horse that should weigh 500kg should be fed between 500 and 700g alfalfa every 4 hours. on days 4 to 5 feed 1kg alfalfa every 4 hours providing the horse remains well and does not become diarrhoeic. gradually increase the amounts of alfalfa fed at each meal to 2kg and aim to decrease the meal frequency to once every 8 hours by day 10. Continue increasing the amounts until the animal is eating ad libitum by day 14. should alfalfa feeding prove unsuitable because of diarrhoea, substitute grass or grass hay. avoid the temptation to introduce concentrate too early, preferably waiting until 4 weeks are up and then start with handfuls and not bucketfuls! a 12% protein concentrate introduced very slowly would be alright but not exceeding 1% of liveweight. There are some high oil/high fibre/low starch concentrates available for purchase and these are very good for rehabilitating horses. feed refusal can be a problem so only the freshest cleanest material should be offered. fresh grass will often be consumed if all else fails. succulents and bran mashes may help to tempt the horse to eat. in conclusion, in both cases of feeding following surgery or of rehabilitation of a starved animal, the great temptation to feed cereals/ concentrates in quantity should be ignored. Based on investigations to date the key ingredient in both recovery situations is high quality forage.


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24/04/2013 15:41 14:42 09/04/2013

Xxxxxxxxxx Feeding

feeding Horses prone to gastric ulcers I

portly ponies Love Likits T he winter weather may have clung on for longer than expected but the problem of spring grass and obesity will still see many equines heading into summer on restricted rations. Ensuring such animals obtain sufficient nutrients is easy with the Paddock Likit; the long lasting formulation containing quality vitamins and minerals plus garlic, Biosprint live yeast and the Happy Hoof formula. Where any concentrate rations are fed, Likit’s snak-a-Ball can be used

to extend feeding times by delivering small amounts of food onto the floor, a process that also encourages natural foraging behaviour. Whether used for horses that bolt their feed or to reduce stable boredom, this robust feeding ball slows consumption rates - which is beneficial for digestion - and ensures those meagre rations aren’t gone in a flash. For further information call Likit Products on 01655 750523 or visit www.likit.co.uk

t is estimated that gastric ulcers affect up to 40% of leisure horses, around 60% of competition horses and 90% of racehorses in training and can result in a lack of condition, reduced appetite, behavioural changes, mild colic as well as poor performance. for horses that are prone to gastric ulcers it is important to keep fibre at the forefront of the diet. ad lib hay should be available when the horse is stabled but it is important to allow as much turnout as possible, if possible reduce the amount of cereals in the diet, feed frequently and try to minimise the amount of stress in your horse’s routine. for horses that require condition ReadyMash extra helps supply additional oils and milk powders alongside a very high fibre content to help ensure controlled weight gain. Made out of high digestible fibre, ReadyMash extra helps to encourage slow rates of digestion throughout the hind gut and is particularly valuable for horses requiring a diet that is sympathetic on the digestive system. This helps to avoid the possible onset of gastric ulcers and colic in competition horses on a high cereal ration. glucose powders are also added to help to aid reduced recovery time after strenuous work or any illness and ReadyMash extra also contains essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements providing the horse with all the essential nutrients for a fully balanced diet. For more information on ReadyMash Extra please contact Rowen Barbary Horse Feeds on 01948 880598 or visit www.rowenbarbary.co.uk

feeding after surgery or starvation I ntroducing feed into the horse’s diet after surgery or periods of starvation needs to be handled carefully. Any sudden changes in the diet can cause digestive upsets and health implications. Although it is tempting to give your horse or pony a large feed it is vital that food is introduced very gradually. The horses digestive system is designed to work on a ‘trickle’ basis, meaning that they will get the most out of their diet if fed in small amounts on a regular basis, feeding large amounts of feed will have an adverse effect as the feed will move through the digestive system quickly and the nutrients cannot

be absorbed as efficiently. When feeds are offered to horses after surgery or starvation it is important to feed a nutrient dense feed that contains probiotics, prebiotics and nucleotides. Blue Chip pro contains an eu approved probiotic which can help to double the digestibility of fibre and will allow your horse or pony to get twice as many nutrients out of the fibre in their diet. There are two types of prebiotics commonly used in equine diets; fos and Mos. The prebiotic fos, is a long chain of sugar molecules, providing a feed-source for the beneficial micro-organisms in the gut. However, if the digestive system is already compromised through the stress of surgery or starvation, there could be a large population of ‘bad’ bacteria in the gut. Whilst the ‘good’ bacteria may start to thrive, the harmful bacteria will still cause an unhealthy gut and negatively affect the general health of the horse. Blue Chip pro contains the superior prebiotic Mos, which prevents the harmful bacteria binding to the gut wall, and instead binding to the Mos molecule. once the harmful bacteria have bound to the Mos, they cannot be released, and so they are rendered useless and ‘flushed out’ of the digestive system – this promotes the overall health of the digestive system, so the beneficial bacteria can thrive. nucleotides are at the forefront of modern nutrition and are molecules that make up the structural units of dna and Rna. They are found naturally in the horse’s diet, however at low levels. all horses and ponies can benefit from the inclusion of nucleotides in their diet, but performance horses or those with health issues have a greater requirement. nucleotides support the immune system and facilitate the immune cells, which help to fight viral and bacterial infections. nucleotides can have a positive effect on horses and ponies that have had digestive upsets, have been starved or are post surgery. in summary, feeding horses or ponies that have been starved or are post surgery should be done very gradually and with a nutrient dense feed balancer such as Blue Chip pro to ensure optimum digestive health. To find out more about the Blue Chip range visit www.bluechipfeed. com or call 0114 266 6200. 12 | May 2013

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The key to condition BEFORE

“Nemo came to the ISPCA National Animal Centre following a complaint by a member of public about a number of horses in poor condition. An ISPCA inspector, with the help of the authorities, succeeded in removing Nemo and a second horse to safety. On arrival Nemo was severely emaciated, anaemic as a result of a massive lice burden and had numerous lacerations to his legs. After a month of vet treatment, a special diet and lots of TLC Nemo improved but still was not thriving as we would have expected. At only 3 years old Nemo should have gained condition and strength but something just was not right. As we have had such great results with Blue Chip Lamilight for our laminitic ponies I decided to contact Blue Chip for advice.

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AFTER 2 week s on Blue Chip Origi nal

AFTER 4 week s on Blue Chip Origi nal

They recommended we try Nemo on Blue Chip Original and, well, the results speak for themselves! After only 2 weeks Nemo was a different horse, he coated out, gained weight and condition and suddenly had a twinkle in his eye that wasn’t there before. 4 weeks on Blue Chip and you would be forgiven for thinking we had swapped him for another horse! Yet again Blue Chip has come up trumps for ISPCA rescue equines and I cannot thank you enough. It is wonderful to see Nemo looking and feeling so good in himself; I cannot recommend Blue Chip highly enough!” Cathy Griffin, Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

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24/04/2013 14:42

Xxxxxxxxxx Feeding

equine weight loss: it’s all in the ‘breed’ing I

a BCs of 5, which occurred between 4-6 weeks in the standardbred group. However, even after the full 12 weeks of dietary restriction, the ponies only dropped from a BCs of 7.1 to 5.9 and the andalusians from 6 to 5.2. Clare Barfoot Rnutr and the research and development manager at spiLLeRs® said: “The ponies and andalusians retained condition on adlibitum hay and were relatively resistant to body fat loss even when hay was reduced to 1.25% body weight. daily exercise also didn’t have much impact on these two groups. However, the standardbreds lost significant amounts of weight and body condition when maintained just on ad-lib hay and subsequently lost weight much more rapidly on the restricted diet. further work is planned to find out whether these breed variations are related to insulin sensitivity or other hormonal differences.” 1Comparison of weight loss, with or without dietary restriction and exercise, in standardbreds, andalusians and mixed breed ponies: s.J. potter, n.J. Bamford, and s.R. Bailey, faculty of veterinary science, The university of Melbourne, victoria, australia, p.a. Harris, equine studies group, WaLtHaM Centre for pet nutrition, Leicestershire, uK

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feeding the good doer R

ockies’ Health Licks provide salt, minerals and trace elements in a delicious, calorie free lick- making them perfect for good doers. This range has recently undergone a rebrand, but the lick inside the stunning new packaging remains the tried and tested formula that equine customers love. it’s available in carrot, cherry, mint, apple and garlic varieties, and is 2kg in size, meaning that the licks will fit into conventional salt lick holders. Health Licks are calorie and molasses free, contain 10 vital minerals and can be offered in a free access manner, all year round, to help ensure that the horse receives the minerals and trace elements he needs without any extra calories. The licks can be used in the stable or in a sheltered position, such as a field shelter, making them ideal for those who live out too! Health Licks are available in 2kg blocks and have a RRp of £2.99. For more information, see www.rockies.co.uk, email info@rockies.co.uk or call 01606 595025.

new Website for Horse Lovers T he equine-nutrition company T.E.N. Supplements has launched a new website aimed at helping horse lovers find the right supplements to keep their horses fit and healthy. The website features a database of supplement ingredients and an a-to-Z guide which explains what each ingredient does and why you may want to use a supplement containing it. The explanations are detailed but easy to understand even if you do not have a background in nutrition. in addition to the supplement guide, there are articles on subjects such as hoof care and choosing the right vitamins and minerals for your horse. t.e.n. stands for targeted equine nutrition. t.e.n. was the vision of registered nutritionist Clare Barfoot Bsc (Hons), Rnutr. Clare had been searching for quite a while to find better ways of taking care of horses. she teamed up with equine vet pat Harris Ma phd, vetMB, dipeCvCn, MRCvs and then recruited verity Beaton Bsc (Hons) to become team t.e.n.’s product Manager. together they formulated a whole range of supplements to help solve some of the most common problems that horses face. verity’s horse, amilas tomtom, is an honorary team t.e.n. member and a valued part of the family. amilas tomtom has personally eaten lots of feed as part of detailed tests to ensure that all of the supplements are palatable. The t.e.n. supplements team understands that different horses

have different needs. young, growing horses have vastly different nutritional needs to older horses and a performance horse will have different requirements to one that is simply ridden recreationally. Why feed your horses generic supplements when they are anything but generic animals? The new t.e.n. website features all 31 of the supplements offered by the company. They are divided into various categories: joints, digestion, hoof, behaviour, electrolytes, skin and coat, immunity, lifestyle, weight management, muscle, wellbeing and respiratory. supplements are also sub-divided into Challenged, Healthy and senior to help you decide which ones to choose. The Challenged category of supplements is designed to give your horse a helping hand during periods of heavy riding activity or where a challenge is being experienced, Healthy is for day-to-day maintenance and senior supplements are for older horses. view the new website at www. tensupplements.co.uk. if you need expert advice about which supplements are best for your horse you can speak to one of the t.e.n. equine nutritionists on 01908 311010 or email info@ tensupplements.co.uk. you can also follow t.e.n. on twitter, facebook and google+. https://twitter.com/ tensupplements, http://www. facebook.com/tensupplement, https://plus.google. com/112997401397954086890/ about


t seems that some breeds just want to stay thin while others are much less willing to part with their surplus pounds. A new study has confirmed that different breeds have different capacities for weight loss, with Standardbred horses losing condition much more readily than Andalusians or ponies. The findings will help to improve the effectiveness and safety of weight loss programmes in the future. The study, Comparison of weight loss, with or without dietary restriction and exercise, in standardbreds, andalusians and mixed breed ponies1, was conducted by the university of Melbourne’s faculty of veterinary science in australia, in collaboration with the WaLtHaM® equine studies group. it will be presented at the equine science symposium, new Mexico in May 2013. twelve obese animals, comprising four standardbreds, four ponies and four andalusians, all with body condition scores (BCs) of 7-9 out of 9, were initially kept on ad lib hay for 20 weeks and then fed individually on a restricted diet of 1.25% bodyweight of hay for up to 12 weeks. two from each breed group were exercised daily on a horse walker. dietary restriction was stopped when each horse reached


24/04/2013 14:42



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Feeding • Healthcare

An approved feed material which removes toxins from the horse’s system, safely and naturally. Improves Health, Behaviour & Performance. Guards against Ulcers, Colic, Wind-sucking, Crib Biting and Lameness. Very effective and economic to use. www.finefettlefeed.com or call 01600 712496

protect against Laminitis N ow thought to be an equine form of metabolic syndrome( EMS), laminitis affects a growing number of horses today. However, not all equines that become laminitic have EMS, but the latest study published in 2010 by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine has further developed this concept. As they say, this mimics what is happening in the human population with growing numbers of people overweight and suffering from diabetes. Much of this epidemic is now known to be diet related, and overfeeding is prevalent among people as well as equines. Horses and ponies evolved to live well on a lean diet and to get lots of exercise. shaped by nature to be superb athletes capable of thriving on the marginal diet afforded by their

semi-desert environment, they are not adapted to a rich regular diet and little exercise. too much food not only makes them fat but it also causes an acid imbalance in their hind gut. This contributes to the build up of toxins in their system and the end result, particularly to the more susceptible of horses, is laminitis. The best way to tackle this, to reverse the process is to add Happy tummy® charcoal to their feed. This helps adsorb the toxins thereby reducing gut acidity, and helping to return the horse’s digestive system to its ‘home’ or natural state. Happy tummy charcoal is an inexpensive and effective way of helping to protect your horse from the horrors of Metabolic syndrome and Laminitis. Happy Tummy charcoal can be obtained from www.finefettlefeed. com or call 01600 712496.

Controlling Weight T

opSpec Lite is the ultimate low calorie feed balancer designed for horses and ponies that need their weight controlled. These are usually good-doers that may be overweight and it is very important that this group of horses and ponies receive their full requirement of vitamins and minerals. topspec Lite provides a generous amount of these micronutrients in a small amount of exceptionally low-calorie feed. The feed balancer will help maintain excellent health and performance whilst improving hoof quality and promoting supple skin and a shiny coat. Long-term trials have shown that horses and ponies on restricted/poor grazing do not gain any additional weight when fed topspec Lite. The unique ‘nograin’ formula is low in sugar and starch and is ‘non-heating’. Lite can be conveniently fed straight from the hand. to compensate for the limited amount of nutrients wellfurnished horses often consume, topspec Lite has the added

benefits of several supplements. These include an effective hoof improvement supplement and a broad spectrum supplement including powerful anti-oxidants to neutralise free-radicals and help maintain a healthy immune system. pure protected yeast has also been added to help maintain a healthy hindgut environment. For further information contact the Multiple Award-Winning Helpline on 01845 565030 or visit www.topspec.com


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24/04/2013 14:42 23/02/2013 09:36

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Laminitis. Move forward. Pasture and excess cereal starch can cause laminitis. Feed low sugar, low starch, high fibre Happy Hoof®. Our latest formulation, enriched with vitamins and minerals, including biotin and key antioxidants, is a complete fibre feed approved by The Laminitis Trust. Move forward with Happy Hoof® from SPILLERS®.

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ALL MAJOR DEBIT/CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED situation less than costand effective, WORMERS PURCHASED MUST NOT BE RESOLD gly concerned fectively take the stress guess McCaskie Farm Supplies . 4 Munro Road . Springkerse Industrial Estate . Stirling . FK7 7UU Secure on-line ordering * wormers purchased must not be resolddosit can also result in under but of at up to two out worming! Dosing guidelines ing, leading to increased burout part or in are easy, just feed 1 tabletworm for every 30 - Equi-Ads - July 2009 den and even resistance. heir worming 100kg bodyweight of the horse eiContaining same trusted ke a feed conther as a treatthe from the hand or inas * ot only is thisnational.indd 30 agredients, tasty extraivermectin in the feed.and prazi* BVA advice quantel, asTabs theare hugely popular cost effective, Equimax available in d on worm countsa me base Equimax Gel,re-sealable plus tasty and Apple ExGet it right with a simple program in under dosdamp proof, childpack on seas are lthc tract, the New Equimax Tabs are hea | nt cou sed worm burproof plastic tube each containing Be organised with a 4 the culmination of eight years of nce. eight tablets, which once opened y reAll you need for four tests in a hand search and development by Virbac me trusted incan be stored and used for up to t walle d zippe Animal Health that simply andn, efno le retur n and prazisamp one year. Available through your paid ge posta Now with fectively the stress guess p take each to stam gely popular supplier tube ofand Equimax need local out ofal, worming! Dosing withguidelines to follow easy sty Apple ExTabs costs around £17.77 –free pound Economic advice. are pound easy, just 1 tablet for every qualified max Tabs are for thefeed same as an Equimax s, eiidual indiv and Tabs yards of the 100kg for bodyweight Services ht years of reSyringe. Equimax arehorse safe for ire ONLY £31 (+ £2 P&P) e enqu pleasuse ther as a treat from the hand as in all equines inc. pregnantorand ment by Virbac a tasty extra in thefoals feed. from two lactating mares, imply and efworming’ ‘Testing should be the cornerstone of Equimax Tabs are available in a weeks and stallions. ess and guess Order online now www.westgatelabs.co.uk or call damp proof, re-sealable and childing guidelines 01670 791994 - more than justproof a worm count. plastic tube each For more information on containing Equimax ablet for every eightortablets, once opened Tabs furtherwhich technical informaf the horse eican be stored and used for up to tion/data call Virbac Animal Health he hand or as one01359 year. 243243 Available through your on or visit ed. local supplier each tube of Equimax www.equimax-tabs.com available in a Tabs costs around £17.77 – pound ble and childfor pound the same as an Equimax ch containing Syringe. 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22 | May 2013

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teLepHone CaLLs, “Being diffiCuLt”, “gRaBBing Money”, speaKing geRMan and taxes. Ben Sturgoen, BSc, BVM&S, Cert EP, MRCVS

23/6/09 15:32:22

Wormer of the Month

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vet’s first priority is to treat his or her patient with the drugs that have proven to be the most effective. However a vet must also make sure the drugs are available and affordable to the owner. Many times antibiotics N.B Discounts available on bulk buys. are administered even if an infection is not severe. This tactic ensures that the Frontline On & with this We also stock patient has the safest possible outcome, and it Spot is difficult to argue foris both & Dogs strategy. VetsDrontal are doing what best forCats their patient at the time. However, developing antimicrobial resistance is a problem that must be considered. in a talk i gave last week, on dental disease, i discussed the Butterfly effect or the sensitive dependence on initial conditions, where a small change at one place in a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences to a later state. The audience, perhaps not unexpectantly, fell quiet, i began to sweat until i highlighted the effect of a petri dish on the outcome the second World War. now only £14.90 peroftube Secure on-line ordering Wormers purchased mustbreak not be With flemming’s accidental* discovery, after a two week in resold the sun, clinical trials of penicillin began in 1934 and ultimately resulted in a death rate of 1 in 25 of allied compared to 1available in 6 of german,on importantly allowing the allies Equi-Ads • June N.Bforces Discounts bulk buys. to maintain effective fighting strength at the front line. small accident, big result Frontline Spot On & because iWe can’t also speak astock word of german. it seems now we are on the brink of the tsunami of the, even then, butterfly Drontal for both Cats & Dogs flapping its wings with the momentousness of that discovery. in just a couple of generations, what once appeared to be miracle medicines have been beaten into ineffectiveness by the bacteria they were designed to knock out. once, scientists hailed the end of infectious diseases. now, the post-antibiotic apocalypse is within sight. Courtesy of england’s Chief Medical officer (CMo), Ms davies warned that “global actionordering is needed* to tackle the catastrophic effect Secure on-line Wormers purchased must notof beantimicrobial resold resistance, which in 20 years time could see any one of us dying following minor surgery.” our horses will be no different. Equi-Ads • June Whilst over the last 50 years we have seen a wide armoury of vaccines and drugs effective against infection, antimicrobials are losing their effectiveness and the next 50 years could paint a very different picture. The CMo added “we face a prospect of a future where we have far fewer options in the treatment of diseases that, previously easy to control, will become much more significant threats to (human) health.” imagine the prospect of the emergence of antibiotic resistance, it is the most eloquent Equi-Ads • Juneexample 2009 •of 29darwin’s principle of evolution and we all have to face up to it. Consider that escherichia coli, the ubiquitous bacteria causing a sometimes


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24/04/2013 14:42

Laminitis F

or horses and ponies prone to excess weight gain and laminitis, it is obviously vital that calorie intake is kept to a minimum, however it is also imperative they receive a balanced diet to maintain the nutrients they need to keep a healthy digestive system, shiny coat, strong hooves and develop a strong immune system. Horslyx helps provide these nutrition essentials without the addition of hard feed to the diet, meaning minimal intake of calories, yet maximum health benefits and a happier horse! Horses have evolved to efficiently digest sugar providing the intakes are little and often as they are when grazing, eating hay/haylage or when licking Horslyx. The molasses in Horslyx is used as a palatable carrier for all the essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements required to maintain optimum health, much like a sugar coated human multi-vitamin tablet. Because the molasses in Horslyx is fed ‘little and often’ the nutrients are absorbed in the small intestine and don’t upset the balance of micro flora in the hind gut – which significantly reduces the risk of laminitis. The key to safety when feeding Horslyx is the rate of intake and when fed at the recommended intake of 250g in a 24 hour period (based on an average 500kg horse) the nutrient rich lick will only add 82.5g of sugar to your horse’s diet. in human terms this equates to you having around 2tsp sugar in a 24hr period – which is less than that found in the average eating apple! if a horse or pony is on restricted rations of forage to control calorie intake they may be hungrier which increases the risk of over-consumption – because there is nothing else to eat! try reducing forage nutritional quality, rather than quantity to bulk out his diet and help reduce the risk of digestive upsets. (for example feed hay rather than haylage, or mix hay and clean straw for a lower nutrient value). allowing them restricted access to Horslyx will give you peace of mind that their forage and grazing is balanced, without the risk of adding unwanted calories. after Horslyx has been gradually introduced to your horse or pony’s diet, restriction can be by physically allowing them access for 1-2hrs per day or using the 5Kg Holder with the restrictor bar which allows 24hr access but with restricted intakes. Horslyx is available in four different formulations, original, Respiratory, garlic and Mobility allowing owners to feed specifically to their horses’ requirements in one cost effective, low calorie and easy method. Horslyx is available in 5kg, 15kg and 80kg weatherproof tubs, with prices starting at around £9.95. For further information tel, (01697) 332 592 or visit www.horslyx.com

Convalescing with speedi-Beet


peedi-Beet from British Horse Feeds is a highly nutritious sugar beet feed perfect for horses that are convalescing. it is unmolassed 95% sugar free and provides an excellent source of digestible fibre. due to its unique manufacturing process speedi-Beet can be soaked and ready to use in 10 minutes. speedi-Beet is easy for horses to consume and its palatability will also help mask the taste of any medication introduced. speedi-Beet is also approved by the Laminitis trust thanks to its low starch and high fibre content. available in easy to handle 20kg bags from all leading wholesalers, speedi-Beet is priced at around £10.25.

Equi_Ads_May_National_rev2.indd 23

For further information please contact British Horse Feeds on 01765 680300 or visit www. britishhorsefeeds.com.

24/04/2013 14:43

Healthcare Xxxxxxxxxx • Sweet Itch STOP IT NATURALLY... |

.Ruggle-it ... 1 product - 18 issues equine • pet • farm • plant • human

NO Tea Tree/Harsh Chemicals 100% Natural Oil Mix + Pioneering Shampoo

• Mites/Lice/Ticks/Fleas • Stamping/Leg Rubbing • Mud & Fungus Issues • Midges/Flies/Mossies • Itchy Pet Paws/Ears/ Body • Crusty Lumps • Mane/Tail Rubbing • Summer or Unidentified Itching • Hair Loss and/or Scurf • Minor Cuts • Plant Aphids • Head Lice... ●“Fly rugs not needed now”●“Horse stamping, mites & mud scabs gone”●“It saves a fortune” ●“Ruggle-it's beaten the Scottish Midges”●“Great for dog's hair loss/itching & fleas”●“How clever – no-rinse, spray-shampoo”●“Unusual approach & products – but they work!” Used by Vets See web for 100's of detailed/verbatim Testimonials on all our ranges

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fatal diarrhea is being recorded as resistant in our uK horses and also that this bacteria is zoonotic, or can infect people. Consider that streptococcus equi zooepidemicus, a very common bacteria causing eye ulcers, skin disease and respiratory infections is being recorded as resistant and also zoonotic. Consider that pseudomonas aeruginosa, also zoonotic, causing keratitis is also becoming resistant. Consider whether you have contributed? Have you noticed a decrease in your horse’ symptoms and sometimes stopped administering a drug? Many times, if you stop administering the drug before the prescribed time, there is a good chance that the entire pathogen has not yet been eliminated. Circumstances such as this create ideal conditions that select for drug-resistant organisms. Bacteria that are susceptible to an antimicrobial are killed or put at a competitive disadvantage, while bacteria that have the ability to resist the antimicrobial survive and multiply. additionally, “bacteria can become resistant when resistance genes are passed from a resistant bacterium to a sensitive one. Therefore, antibiotics may increase the prevalence of resistant bacteria among both target pathogens and normal bacterial flora. Money is also cause for concern. Many clients do not have the resources to pay for more expensive antibiotics or follow up treatment or tests to check for resistance that will ultimately alter the health of their animal. vets depend on antibiotics to treat but as more organisms become resistant to more antimicrobials, the problem of treatment becomes more complex. With no change in our present course of action, treatment will eventually become impossible. some telephone calls result in exasperation. Many people call to request a medicine as a precautionary measure for a horse with a cut leg or cough or skin infection and are often offended by my reluctance to dispense the stipulated. it is right and proper that the people discuss the condition with a trained person, for if antibiotics are deemed necessary then an educated guess as to the likeliest bacteria present and so the most appropriate antibiotic required can be given. However, i have often been accused of being “money grabbing” (by suggesting visiting and examining the animal to confirm the picture and apparent necessity) or of “simply being difficult” because i cannot see any reason why the drugs are needed other than to appease the owner. What we do know is that selection for resistance will occur where antimicrobial usage is highest and least controlled, that best practice is critical with correct dosages for the weight of the patient and observance of treatment duration paramount. it is perhaps no surprise that populations around foreign pig farms have high levels of antibiotic resistance and that cheap (read counterfeit) pharmacy imports are creating another opportunity for resistance because of their largely unknown efficacy. Whilst a recent symposium highlighted current evidence suggesting veterinary practices are not a major cause of resistance in bacteria that affect human health, it is a “loop hole” for its development. What i and we do not want to do is end up with restrictions or the removal from our shelves of drugs we presently consider or have considered the norm. Whilst there are obvious differences between a hospital situation, farm or production animal situation and the individual companion animal that is our horses, it has been shown that it is possible to reduce antimicrobial levels without detriment to health or productivity in both human and animal fields. it has even been touted that antibiotics may levy a tax, akin to fuel tax, in an attempt to conserve the range and life span of current antibiotics. Carbon trading was dreamed up to try to conserve oil and reduce its pollutant effects and there have now been a couple of interesting papers suggesting a pigouvian tax – defined as one levied on an agent causing an environmental problem as an incentive to mitigate that problem. for antibiotics the cost of drug resistance is not reflected in the price of the drug. if you consider antibiotic sensitivity as a resource like oil, you may want to maintain that by introducing a tax! so if you think i’m still being money grabbing, please think again, we all need to think again. 24 | May 2013

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Buzz off with Ruggle-it and tap Water!


o flies and bugs make your horse’s life a misery as soon as the weather warms up? Are you sick of spending a fortune on products that promise the earth and deliver frustration?. Believe it or not, when you dilute the highly versatile Ruggle-it 100% natural vegetable oil blend with some of their specialist shampoo and then add lashings of tap water, you have not only a highly cost effective bug and critter deterrent, but each application can last between 15 hours and 3 days! and as it is oil-based, if you get a sudden rainstorm it won’t all wash off. you can also spray it on and around your stable to help keep the flies and midges away. said dr K Logan from scotland: “Ruggle-it has even tamed the scottish midges! Max, our beautiful bay pony had a miserable existence...most would have agreed it was kinder to put him to sleep as his rubbing was so bad...but not now though! He’s happy for the first time in his life which is a truly wonderful thing.” apart from the totally natural oil blend, the low lather concentrated shampoo can also be used to help rid your horse’s coat of mites, lice

and ticks and is great at helping to sooth summer itching and any bites. The oil and shampoo duo work best in tandem to help calm, soothe, soften and deter simultaneously. Both offer anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-oxidant properties, are biodegradable and contain none of the harsh chemicals such as parabens, sodium Lauryl sulphate or even tea tree, which are frequently found in most skin products and yet can often cause further irritation. For full details on Ruggle-it, pure probiotics, joint care and other natural products in the Ruggles & Stopitall Ltd range, visit www. karenruggles.co.uk or call 01823 259952.

equimins itchless Itchless is a liquid herbal tincture, created to help support the skin during biting midge season. The product works to nutritionally support healthy skin and coat and can be added to feed or diluted and used as a body wash. The strong herbal extract contains marigold, dandelion, nettle, garlic and seaweed, and can be fed at a rate of 20 mls per day, meaning that 1 L lasts for 50 days. in addition, 40 mls can be diluted in 500 mls of water and the product can be used as a body wash. itchless works very well with Biting Midge Cream. itchless is available in 1 L bottles which have RRp of £19.25. Biting Midge Cream

Biting Midge Cream works to repel and soothe- ideal for biting midge season. The cream contains tea tree oil, chamomile extract and apricot oil in addition to other carefully selected ingredients, and helps to repel midges and flying insects whilst soothing and cooling irritated areas. Biting Midge Cream is available in 350g and 1 kg tubs, and prices start from £8.35 For more information see www.equimins. com, email sales@equimins.com or call 01548 531770. www.equiads.net

24/04/2013 14:43



InTernaTIonaL premium equine supplements give genuine results you can see. LexveT products were formulated as one supplement suitable for ALL your horses and ponies for OPTIMAL COAT, CONDITION, HOOVES and GENERAL WELLBEING.

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LexveT Mineral Mix and B1 Cool Mix contain balanced ratios of essential macro and trace minerals, vitamins and electrolytes but have NO fillers, energy or protein. This makes them perfect for all horses including poor doers, those with Laminitis, Cushings, PSSM, EMS and good doers by giving you the flexibility to tailor each horse or pony’s feeding program to suit their needs. LexveT Mineral Mix is recommended for breeding stock, performance horses, racehorses, retired horses, veterans, spelling horses, pleasure horses and ponies. LexveT B1 Cool Mix is an ideal supplement for horses which tend to be nervous or fizzy. It has the same ingredients as the Mineral Mix plus higher levels of Magnesium and Vitamin B1. Not just another supplement – LexveT get the results you really want!

 0800 334 5856  sales@lexvetsupplements.com  www.lexvetsupplements.com Equi_Ads_May_National_rev2.indd 25

24/04/2013 14:43


sWeet itCH

Peter Fenton BVM&S, MRCVS


weet itch is a delayed hypersensitivity reaction to insect bites, mainly midges (culicoides) and results from an over vigorous response by the animal’s immune system. In the process of repelling invading insect saliva the horse attacks some of its own skin cells ‘by mistake’ and the resulting cell damage causes the symptoms described as Sweet Itch. For most horse owners the most distressing aspect of sweet itch is seeing the severe reaction their horse can have to the midge saliva, mostly the intense itching exhibited often until they have open bleeding wounds. The other symptoms of sweet itch can include hair loss, thickening of the skin and flaky dandruff. Weeping sores, sometimes with a yellow crust of dried serum may occur and often open sores can become infected and may require antibiotics to resolve the infection. The most commonly affected areas are the mane and tail but other areas affected can also include the neck, abdomen, withers, hips, ears and forehead. Horses with severe sweet itch may have a change in temperament and can become lethargic, agitated or even aggressive when handled or ridden. Culicoides midges mainly live in wet, marshy and wooded areas and are most active in dusk and dawn in calm conditions and they do not fly in strong wind or heavy rain. They are active from as early as March to October. Breeding sites are commonly in wet soil or moist, decaying vegetation therefore making horse stables and grazing fields an ideal place to live and breed. Diagnosing sweet itch is not usually difficult and the time of year and symptoms seen are strong enough to suggest that a horse has sweet itch. There is currently no cure for sweet itch and so it is important to try to minimise contact with midges for horses with sweet itch. There are many commercial products available for horses including feed supplements, herbs, creams and sprays that claim to treat or prevent sweet itch, many of them have limited efficacy and do not work. Prevention of sweet itch is much more important than trying to treat it. To minimise the risk of sweet itch: • Try to avoid marshy, boggy fields and avoid grazing horses next to streams, ponds or areas of stagnant water as these attract the midges. This includes ensuring water troughs are cleaned regularly. • Ensure pasture and all turn out is well drained and away from rotting vegetation such as muck heaps or compost heaps. • If possible, stable the horse at dusk and dawn, when midge feeding is at its peak, and close stable doors and windows or use mesh screens to stop midges entering the stable. • The installation of a large ceiling-mounted fan can help to create less favourable conditions for the midge.

• Use a good quality fly repellent and apply frequently. Such as a permethrin based one such as coopers fly repellent or switch. The best way to protect your horse from midges is to use a good quality fly sheet with face mask and belly flap. The best flysheets are made from material that the midges can’t bite through, so a heavy mesh with larger holes is less suited to this job. The Boett blanket has been specifically designed for the use in horses with sweet itch and had very good results and there are several of this type available now. Always make sure the rug is clean and dry and fits the horse correctly, ideally have a spare rug available so if one rug gets wet or rips you have another to use. The horse will, ideally, wear the rug for 24 hours a day even when stabled at very high risk periods of the year. Some owners will say that their horse will not wear a rug or rips them, persistence will hugely benefit the horse. Turning the horse out in a paddock with electric fencing and soft plastic water buckets instead of wooden fencing and metal troughs will limit the damage a horse will do to the rug and will also limit the trauma a horse with sweet itch can inflict on itself. Some owners find that keeping a horse turned out in an electric fence paddock stops the horse rubbing out its mane and tail and also stops the horse developing sores but it is important to remember that although the horse is not itching, it is still itchy! Cavalesse is a product that is being increasingly used to treat allergic skin diseases in horses. It contains nicotinamide that has been shown to reduce levels of histamine produced and also boost levels of natural fats in the skin therefore improving the skins natural barrier. There is a topical gel in combination with an in feed supplement that can be used on

Image: www.brinicombe-equine.co.uk

Image: www.brinicombe-equine.co.uk 26 | May 2013

Equi_Ads_May_National_rev2.indd 26

affected lesions. Many people have found that their horses have responded very well to treatment with cavalesse often showing dramatic improvement within days. The product is best started prior to the nice weather and turnout usually end of February beginning of March. Exposure to midges during early years of life appears to be important in helping young horses become tolerant to the proteins present in midge saliva. It is these proteins that, if not recognised by the horse’s immune system as being harmless, trigger the hypersensitivity reaction which we recognise as sweet itch. These findings helped researchers to develop ways of tricking the immune system of sweet itch affected horses into believing that midges pose no threat. This re-programming of the immune system, known as immunotherapy has been used in asthma and other human allergies. It involves repeated exposure to small amounts of the proteins that would otherwise trigger the hypersensitivity reaction. Scientists at Bristol University have identified the offending proteins present in midge saliva and work has started to find the most effective way of administering these in a course of immunotherapy. This work should not be confused with the trials of sweet itch ‘vaccine’. This has been available for several years and is actually based on bacterial cell extracts that are designed to modify the immune response. This product is available for oral administration as BioEos Sweet Itch Capsules. It has been reported that some 70% of horses treated with this product show a 50% improvement in clinical signs, with 10% showing substantial reduction in signs and 10% minor improvement. The capsules are given monthly and cost approximately £280 for a year’s treatment. Further information can be obtained from the National Sweet Itch Centre In conclusion, no horse should ever just be dismissed as having a little bit of sweet itch. Severely affected horses become so irritated and restless that they often lose weight and show negative changes in behaviour and demeanour. This can become a welfare issue that should be addressed by the owner as soon as possible. Most horses show a dramatic improvement in general well being when a treatment is successful, which is telling of just how detrimental the condition would be if left untreated. www.equinevetclinic.co.uk/Documents/ Insectbitehypersensivity.pdf www.equiads.net

24/04/2013 14:43

Equi_Ads_May_National_rev2.indd 27

24/04/2013 14:43

Healthcare Xxxxxxxxxx • Sweet Itch

itchy problem?... feed the solution!


hink Itch is a ground-breaking feed supplement recommended for horses and ponies prone to sweet itch. It incorporates the internationally renowned Think Fly formula together with ingredients for a healthy immune system, effectively combining the benefits of two products into one. The principle behind Think Itch is to deter midges from biting the horse, whilst at the same time helping to support the immune system and soothe the irritation. It therefore offers a unique dual approach to sweet itch, and is the

first product of its kind. Now available in larger 9kg tubs. a 4kg container will last a horse for 33 days. RRp £39.95. Currently 25% extra free on 4Kg tubs of Think itch whilst stocks last For further information please contact Brinicombe Equine on 08700 606206 or visit www.brinicombe-equine.co.uk

Love the skin he’s in! 8725/6


AF have launched a fresh new premium skin care range for horses. It’s called ‘Love the SKIN he’s in’. The ‘Love the sKin he’s in’ products are all totally natural and have been formulated to complement each other in their actions and work from the inside and out to address the increasing number of skin problems that affect our horses, including lumps, bumps, rashes and irritations, ‘Love the sKin he’s in’ skin Wash – a totally natural, effective wash that offers gentle, yet effective cleansing to damaged and/or challenged skin, however you choose to use it: • as a hot towel wash following clipping or for a deep clean.

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‘Love the SKIN he’s in’ Skin Spray

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‘Love the SKIN he’s in’ Skin Salve

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Cavalesse® and Cavalesse® topical


avalesse® and Cavalesse® Topical help maintain and support a healthy skin in horses prone to summer skin allergies. Cavalesse is a natural food supplement containing a specialised formulation of watersoluble vitamins and minerals, including nicotinamide. The supplement helps maintain a healthy skin by reducing histamine release within the skin, moderating the excessive immune response, reducing antiinflammatory reactions and suppressing antigen induced transformation. Cavalesse Topical is a skincare gel that can be used in combination with Cavalesse. for further information please contact your local veterinary surgeon, animal health supplier or saddler or elanco Companion animal Health, Lilly House, Priestley Road, Basingstoke, RG24 9NL, 01256 353131. www.equiads.net

24/04/2013 14:43




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May 2013 | 29

24/04/2013 14:43

Horse Xxxxxxxxxx Behaviour

HoRse BeHaviouR - Speaking the language part 12 A series by Susan McBane explaining equestrian and scientific terminology in relation to equine behaviour and psychology, and its effects on horses and training . This series is based on a glossary of equestrian and scientific terms presented at the First International Equitation Science Symposium, 2005. The glossary description is given in quotation marks, followed by Susan’s discussion.) BAULK: ‘Refuse to move forward, usually because of the presence of an aversive object or obstacle (as in jumping). See “Napping” `.

NAPPING, PROPPING: ‘When a horse fails to respond appropriately to the rider’s signals, as in refusing to go forward, running sideways, spinning or running backwards. This conflict behaviour could also result in attempts at rearing.’

Many of the ‘naughty’ movements performed by horses are traceable, according to scientific research into equine behaviour, to confusion in the horse’s mind; this results in anxiety, maybe actual fear and ultimately in some sort of natural, defensive behaviour. sometimes they are triggered by a frightening situation or object in the horse’s surroundings. as always, we need to consider not only how to prevent these behaviours but also, most importantly, why the horse is performing them. Confusion is certainly a cause but also the horse may simply not like the look of what is ahead, or not want to go in the manner the rider is asking for because he can’t do it or he knows it will be unpleasant or difficult, or he might remember something frightening or painful that happened last time he obeyed. We must always consider that the horse is in pain or feels unwell and knows he is not up to doing what we are asking. perhaps he is not fit or strong enough, or is physically or mentally tired. His feet might hurt. His tack could be uncomfortable or causing pain, or his rider could be incompetent. He may just not get on with or trust his rider. accurate judgement of horses and the situations they are in is an essential ability in a rider or trainer. some seem to have a natural ability to ‘read’ horses and sense how they are feeling and, therefore, assess their behaviour, or likely behaviour. other people are not blessed in this way, although with sensitivity and experience they can often develop this skill.

HABITS AND REMEDIES Horses form habits very eAsily and napping can certainly become a habit. Two

repetitions of any behaviour set the horse on the road to a habit, five repetitions make it a habit. Therefore, we need to make habits of the good things the horse does but eliminate the bad ones. Habits can be overcome by asking the horse to do something else whilst he is performing the undesirable movement. Napping can often be overcome by asking the horse to move his forehand sideways, then asking for forward movement maybe in a slightly different direction.

The traditional remedy for napping of having a lead from another horse or person to give the horse confidence and a good experience is recommended, but many riders are either too proud to accept such help or stubbornly insist that the horse ‘has to learn’ to obey his rider, even when the horse clearly doesn’t trust him or her. some will not even dismount and lead. a good way of getting past an awkward place or object in an emergency is to shoulder-in past it, flexing the horse away from it and riding on. However, in equitation science the reins are used, one at a time, to keep the horse’s head facing forwards, and the legs to encourage him to approach. ultimately the horse learns that he has nowhere to go but forward. temperament comes into conflict behaviour as well, sensitive horses being more prone to defensiveness than more phlegmatic ones. an experiment done with police horses showed, interestingly, that some horses who played up when faced with potentially frightening situations or objects did not actually have a raised heart rate (indicating fear) but some who seemed unafraid and kept going forward did have a faster than normal heart rate.

CONFLICT BEHAVIOUR ‘Conflict behaviour’ is a term describing anything a horse does to defend himself when in conflict with what is happening to him or around him. It includes general spookiness (indicating anxiety or fear) or more specific actions. Napping including running backwards is one of them, as are shying, spinning, bucking, bolting and rearing. He cannot be blamed for this as survival is naturally key. Unless the situation is truly terrifying, which sends any animal or human into a blind panic, the remedy or preventative measure at the root of baulking or napping is gradually, correctly and fully to train the horse to respond reliably to our aids for ‘go’, ‘stop/slow/step back’, ‘sideways’ (forehand and hindquarters) and ‘stand still until told to move’ (called ‘park’ by equitation scientists). Meticulous 30 | May 2013

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training in obedience to aids can save your lives. See Basic Training below.

Confusion may be caused by applying opposing aids at the same moment, such as asking simultaneously for ‘go’ with the legs/spurs/whip and ‘stop’ with the bit, or even with the seat movement, also not stopping the aid as soon as the horse responds. These are widespread within modern equitation. it is well known from reliable scientific research into equine learning processes that horses find it really hard to tolerate this kind of riding. a horse may object in some way, as described above, or eventually descend into a condition called ‘learned helplessness’ in which he has learned that however he tries to escape his confusion, pain, distress or fear he is helpless to do so, and tolerates it, becoming dull and robot-like. an example of a principle widely taught which involves conflicting opposing aids is ‘driving a horse up to the bit’ or ‘into the hand’: the legs create energy to be contained and distributed by the hand, but the horse sees it as being told to go and stop at the same time. ‘Ride forward to halt’ is similar. The legs send the horse forward but the bit tells him to stop, resulting in stiff, poor halts, the rider’s usual response to which is to pull even harder. an even worse example is seen in horses whose riders take an unrelenting, heavy, painful bit contact, using legs/spurs at the same time to create ‘energy’, ‘forward movement’ or extravagant action. The basic ‘either/or’ way of giving aids applies in equitation science and correct classical riding, in which the phrase used is ‘legs without hands and hands without legs’.

BASIC TRAINING Two fundamental principles of equitation science are (1) to use one aid/cue/ signal for one movement and (2) to train your horse so that you have control of his feet. The horse must be stimulated to move by you, not by his environment. If he moves to go and eat grass, for instance, he is not under ‘rider/aid stimulus’ but ‘environmental stimulus’. If he spooks and does not immediately come back under your control when you apply the stop aid, he is not under your stimulus/control but that of his environment. If he naps and does not move forward immediately when you ask, he is not under your control but that of his environment.

(Having your horse under your aid/stimulus control might sound unreasonable but it is not provided you are prepared to take the trouble and time to train him properly. This does not turn him into a zombie but into a calm, contented, obedient partner. from the ground, as a teacher, i can see the relief on the faces and in the demeanour of horses progressing through this training, as though all responsibility has been lifted from their shoulders and they can work co-operatively with a trustworthy rider.) so far as (1) is concerned, an example of using an identical aid for two different movements is to pressure or ‘feel’ both sides of the bit in a backward movement towards the horse’s neck to (a) ask him to slow down, stop or rein back, which are the same type of movement using the same muscle groups, and (b) use the same aid to obtain a round posture of the head and neck. it is unreasonable to expect the equine brain to know which you want. The rounded posture will come as a result of correct muscle development produced by appropriate exercises during schooling, which will enable the horse to go in a reliable horizontal balance and to take more weight on his hindquarters when required. in order to balance himself freely in that posture, he naturally extends his neck and head (his balancing pole) up and out, counterbalancing the rearward shift of weight. so far as (2) is concerned, in-hand or under saddle, your horse must only move when you ask him to. When horses have learned this, either through equitation science and equine learning theory, or correct classical training, it is amazing how much calmer and more confident they become. My clients who achieve it all comment on this. previous conflict behaviours go out of the window, the horse ‘listens’ to his rider and performs much better.

HOW TO DO IT As a starter, here is the equitation science way of teaching a horse to move back in hand – your starting point. With any method, the over-arching principle is to stop your aid/s the instant you get your response so that the horse knows he has made the appropriate response to that aid. This is called reinforcing his response because it strengthens the likelihood of its happening next time you do it. www.equiads.net

24/04/2013 14:43

‘aroma pre-itch’ & ‘aromaitch’ – Combat summer itching the natural steroid-free Way


limate changes here in the UK are resulting in a more prolonged fly season – extending from the usual ‘April – October’ into problems culminating almost all year round for many. This leaves horse-owners searching for affordable, non-toxic solutions to protect susceptible horses, without jeopardising their overall wellbeing. The ‘aromaitch’ range from equinat provides your horse with the perfect, natural solution to fly problems. This topical range of products is formulated from 100% pure essential oils and herbal extracts, offering a non-toxic, environmentally friendly option for conscientious owners. steroid, deet and Citronella free, they can be applied to areas with broken skin and/or hair loss without the need to wear gloves to apply. applied with/without a preventative rug, owners can allow their horses to indulge in mutual grooming without any concerns – unlike some insecticidal products on the market. Prevention

aroma pre-itch provides a convenient, natural solution for owners wishing to beat fly problems before they become a nuisance or as the first tell-tale signs of itching and rubbing appear - stopping itching for up to 48 hours. available in a trigger spray and an intuitive roll-on - perfect for facial/eye areas and for horses with an aversion to sprays.





aromaitch is a soothing cream which is suited for application to rubbed/ irritated areas where hair loss and broken skin have occurred. The soothing action alleviates the urge to itch and ultimately rub, whilst simultaneously promoting natural regeneration of the sore areas and hair regrowth. Launched in 2005, aromaitch and aroma pre-itch have helped thousands of horses feel comfortable in their own skin during the summer, and successfully prevented the self-mutilation and destruction of their manes and tails following fly bites and the associated irritation. For more information telephone 01427 811765 or visit www.aromesse.com

PERFECT FOR PONY CLUB, SHOW BAG, TACK BOX OR LORRY The new 2013 mini range from Nettex combines 15 of our ever popular Fly Repellent, Grooming, Hoof Care, Muddy Marvel, Citronella and Leather Care products into a compact range of must-haves which you can take anywhere. Trust Nettex.

Don’t just take our word for it, scan the QR code to see our products in action or visit www.nettexequine.com



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24/04/2013 14:43

Horse Behaviour Xxxxxxxxxx • Training Have your horse in a simple snaffle bridle, a controller halter or a normal head collar. Bring the reins over his head, or clip a lead rope to the jaw ring of the head collar and hold it about 15cm/6ins from the clip. start in his stable or other small, safe enclosure. stand on one side of his head, say the left, facing his tail, at almost arm’s length, holding the reins/rope in your left hand and a long, stiff schooling whip in your right. spend a few moments rubbing the horse’s withers with your right hand and telling him he’s wonderful. Then, without speaking so he can concentrate on the pressure aids rather than the vocal ones for now, with his head in a natural position and without moving your feet, put pressure on the bit or noseband directly backwards towards the centre of the underside of his neck. if two seconds of this do not result in a backward step, keep up the contact and vibrate it with quick little pulls. if necessary, back it up by gently, quickly and clearly tapping the front of his left cannon with the whip. Continue your aids without stopping (and without increasing the pressure, only the speed of the vibrations and taps) until you get your response, otherwise you will surely confuse the horse. some trainers insist that the horse must lift the foot and put it down further back, so you get a small backward step. some (including me) believe that you should ‘reward a try’ so it’s fine for now if he just lifts the foot and puts it down in the same spot, but not forward. When you get a response, which might take several seconds, you must stop your aid/s immediately so that the horse’s brain can connect what he has just done (stepped back) with the release (stopping) of the aid/s. timing is crucial in this, as not releasing aids (known as negative reinforcement) is proven to be another major cause of confusion for the horse. immediately rub him on the side of his withers as a pleasant consequence. Repeat this about three to five times, then again on the other side. Much depends on how the horse reacts. provided you tap and do not hit, are clear and correct, there is usually little trouble. to ask for ‘walk forward’, tap his side where your leg will go when riding and pull the reins/rope straight forward, pressuring the headpiece. Have plenty of little breaks just standing calmly. Continue in the same way, for 20 minutes say twice a day. once your horse goes forward and back reliably and quickly to light aids, in at least five different sites on the yard, this work should be established and you can continue on the drive, a track, the arena or anywhere safe. of course, the above is just the very beginning of this system and i recommend that you look further into it, buy the publications and seek out a suitable trainer (see sources below). Classical riding operates on very much the same principles – clear, simple aids, get control of the feet and legs, and reward often and instantly. Whatever system you use, these are good principles on which to found your training. napping and other conflict behaviours WiLL reduce or disappear if your horse is trained in a non-confusing way to respond accurately and reliably, using a fair system that makes sense to his brain.

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fuRtHeR infoRMation: The Classical Riding Club (www.classicalriding.co.uk), the international society for equitation science (www. equitationscience.com), the australian equine Behaviour Centre (www.aebc.org.au) and the equine Behaviour forum (www.equinebehaviourforum. org.uk), also follow up the links and publications on each site. (The equine Behaviour forum published the full glossary in its magazine ‘equine Behaviour’. for your copy, send a cheque for £3.50 payable to ‘equine Behaviour forum’ to the editor, dr alison averis, 6 stonelaws Cottages, east Linton, east Lothian, eH40 3dx.) SUSAN McBANE has an HNC in Equine Science and Management, is a Classical Riding Club listed trainer and Gold Award holder, co-founder of the Equine Behaviour Forum and a Practitioner Member of the International Society for Equitation Science. Author of 44 books, she is a co-publisher of ‘Tracking-up’ (see advert this issue). For lessons and clinics in and near Lancashire, ring 01254 705487 or email horses@susanmcbane.com.

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24/04/2013 14:43

itching to be better W

hen it comes to sweet itch, equine aloe vera supplement aloeride had helped many horses and ponies. not only has it been found to help with the horses’ negative reaction to midges’ bites, but also can help improve skin condition and accelerate the healing process. Han Van Braak, MD of Aloeride offers some great practical advice and tips


ideally i always suggest feeding aloeride at least 1 month before the start of the warmer weather, but i appreciate that optimal timing is not always possible, as our weather is hardly predictable! We sometimes get an un-seasonally warm day earlier in the year and this is often enough for the midges to come out! Which is why i always recommend that you have a sweet itch rug to hand to put on, as soon as the weather starts to warm up. Whilst many of our customers report back that they no longer require rug protection, i always recommend that you hang onto your rug, as i believe a double ended pronged approach to tackling the condition is always more beneficial, be it a rug or fly/ midge spray used in conjunction

with our supplement.


alongside the many sweet itch rugs on the market, there are also lots of topical products, which have been designed to help repel midges and soothe the irritations. aloeride can also be mixed up with a little water and applied as a paste to help soothe inflammation and irritation, so as well as working internally, it can also be applied externally!


good management is vital and there are lots of things that you can do to help your horse. for example you could try turning your horse out during the middle of the day, rather than at night or early morning when midges are more likely to be out in full force can help, especially in fields that are marshy or near rivers or lakes (which the midges love). Midges also do not fly in strong wind, heavy rain or bright, clear sunshine, so under these weather conditions your horse shouldn’t be under such strong attack. also choosing a field that is well drained and ideally on chalk-based rather than clay soil is preferable. www.aloeride.co.uk 01858 464550




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THE NETTEX ITCH STOP RANGE. REPELS, SOOTHES AND SANITISES. Stop irritation with an effective repellent against biting midges and all other flying insects. Use Itch Stop Salve weekly throughout the midge season to keep your horse itch-free and to assist with hair and skin regrowth. Don’t just take our word for it, scan the QR code to see our products in action or visit www.nettexequine.com



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24/04/2013 14:43

Pilates and Stretching foR HoRses These two exercises for improving spinal movement are taken from Pilates and Stretching - an exercise index for horse owners, published by Horses inside Out and available from www.HorsesInsideOut.com


e have all heard of the phrase, ‘if you don’t use it, you lose it!’ as there is very little movement between the vertebrae it is easy for stiffness to develop. it is important therefore to maintain mobility within the horse’s back. to do this we need to use a full and varied range of movement on a regular basis to help stimulate the production of synovial fluid production and maintain healthy joints.

BACKING UP Aims: • to lift and flex the back. • to strengthen the muscles and structures involved in engagement and carrying the weight of the rider. • to stimulate the sacroiliac area. This is collection in reverse! Pelvis tilts, lumbo-sacral junction flexes and iliopsaos muscles contract

Relaxed back lifts to allow hind legs to step under

Muscles of the topline are correctly recruited Keep the head and neck low Long marching steps backwards

Abdominal muscles contract to lift back

When we study biomechanics we can see that there is most rotational movement between the vertebrae in walk compared to any other gaits. The exercises in this article, extracted from gillian Higgins’ book pilates and stretching for Horses (www.Horsesinsideout.com) encourage greater movement through the vertebrae in walk, as well as having many other beneficial effects.


Aim: • to lift and flex the back, hip, shoulder and elbow, stifle and hock. • to strengthen the muscles and structures involved in engagement, hip flexion and pelvic stability. • to improve suppleness and flexibility through the shoulder and elbow, hip, stifle and hock, Lumbosacral junction flexed and sacroiliac area stimulated

Relaxed back lifts to allow hind legs to step over pole

Pelvic stabiliser muscles recruited Flexion at the hip, stifle and hock

Abdominal muscles recruited to help lift back as hind limb flexes

How to do it: • Walk the horse forwards into a positive halt. • By applying gentle pressure on the chest and head collar encourage the horse to step back. as he becomes more practised at this exercise, less pressure will be required. • Keep the head as low as possible to encourage the back to raise. if he has a tendency to hollow, use a carrot to encourage him to keep his head low. • try to avoid the horse reversing with rushed, short, hollow steps. • Back up a minimum of 10 steps to allow the horse to get into a rhythm. Tip: incorporate this exercise into your daily regime by backing your horse up before you ride. to make this exercise harder, try backing up a slight gradient. Good for: Mobilising the lumbo-sacral joint and muscles and stimulating the sacroiliac region.

How to do it: • slowly walk the horse over a pole on the ground. • gradually raise it until it is around knee height. • encourage the horse to lower his head to look at the pole. • This exercise can be performed in hand or ridden. • perform on a daily basis. Tip: Walking over a raised pole requires greater flexion in the horses joints than in trotting. place a raised pole in a location where the horse can regularly walk over it; for example to and from the field. Good for: improving suppleness and flexibility through the shoulder and elbow, hip, stifle and hock.

HORSES INSIDE OUT Understanding How Your Horse Works Improves Performance Anatomy & Biomechanics made easy with Books & DVDs by Gillian Higgins


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24/04/2013 14:43

Current Affairs Xxxxxxxxxx • Dog Nutrition

Have your say Dear equi-ads, i have picked up a copy of the april 2013 edition of equi-ads, which i enjoy reading regularly. However, i am dismayed to see the images of a horse in poor condition on page 30 being used to demonstrate pilates. Sue Buckley.

Right Weight Manager at World Horse Welfare, Sam Chubbock said: “one of the biggest difficulties with assessing the condition of horses is that it is impossible to accurately assess how much fat a horse is carrying simply by looking at them, either in the flesh or in a photograph. you really need to get your hands on the horse and feel for any fat cover to really know what sort of condition it is in. Because of this, it is impossible for us to tell whether the horse used in the article is underweight or fit without being able to do a hands-on fat scoring assessment. However, being able to see ribs on a horse does not automatically mean the horse is underweight and it is better for horses to come out of the winter leaner than they would be at the beginning of the season, as this will allow them to safely gain some weight as the spring grass comes through. you can find out more about why it is important for horses to be at the right weight, as well as how to assess this yourself, through www.worldhorsewelfare.org/rightweight.” Readers are invited to add their voices to the discussion. Please send your comments to mary@equiads.net Subject: Thin Horse or Fit Horse?

Gillian Higgins of Horses Inside Out replied: “The horse is not in poor condition, at this time he was in ideal fit condition. He is rounding his back and contracting his stomach muscles which is why you can see his ribs. Look at the shape of his back to see the alteration in his posture.” Peter Fenton BVM&S, MRCVS it is very difficult to assess body condition accurately on a photo, especially in a grey horse!, but if i had to get off the fence i would say the horse has some body fat over it’s ribs as the outline has a rounded appearance as opposed to a sharp appearance if it were more of a bony creature. overall i would condition score it 2.25 to 2.5, which is the condition score of a thoroughbred in training. i would normally expect a leisure horse in healthy condition to be 2.5 - 3 out of 5 - no matter what the breed. i would always only say definitely if i had been able to feel the horse though!! in short i do not think this horse is too thin from the photo but would only confirm this with an examination and it is certainly healthier than any horse that is overweight! Dr Teresa Hollands BSc(Hons) MSc (Nutrition) PhD R.Nutr Senior Nutritionist/ R&D Manager, Dodson & Horrell commented as follows: Research published at Beva shows that 65% of people are unable to ‘fat score’ their horses visually ie they change their score when they manually palpate them, so it is very difficult to be objective from a photograph except in extreme cases. Horses are like people in that whilst they store fat over set places on their skeleton, they do vary in the areas in which they are most susceptible, thus we do not rely on just one skeletal structure to provide a score. The modified 0-5 takes this individualism into account and scorers allocate a score to each part of the body and this is not added up to provide an average. We also use the term fat score rather than condition score as a fat or thin horse are both in poor condition as neither are ‘fit for purpose’. again difficult to see from the photo, but the horse looks to have a good coat and bright eye, suggesting that his nutrition is fine. The views of his back seem to show adequate fat cover as he has an upside down ‘c’ shape , his hip and pelvis bones aren’t visible and i can’t see his vertebra. from the little i can see of his bum, he seems to be well muscled on his quarters. His shoulder blade is well defined which is preferable in an active horse as it is a disadvantage if there is fat infill as the horse then cannot extend their shoulder properly. i appreciate that your reader is concerned that she can see this horse’s ribs, but that is not uncommon in a fit horse (or person!!); most racehorses and endurance horses will have visible ribs when on the turn and i think from the feedback from gillian (i’ve not done this movement so unsure of its effect) that the manipulation contracts the stomach muscles which brings the ribs into relief. i’ve just stood up and contracted my stomach muscles (found them!!) and it did make my ribs easier to see! PS worth remembering that Cushingoid (PPID) and EMS horses often have very large crests (topline) but their ribs are visible. In this situation, they are not fit but neither are they thin. www.equiads.net

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topspec Launches a new Range of supplements for dogs


opSpec – wellknown in the world of horse nutrition, has launched a brand new range of canine supplements under the name of VetSpec. The new hypoallergenic supplements have been developed and improved to incorporate the latest research in probiotics. Probiotics help to maintain a healthy gut environment and can not currently be found in ordinary dried or tinned dog food. said philip tyler of topspec: “With this new range, our aim is to achieve excellence in every aspect of canine nutrition. We understand that many of our current customers who own horses and/or ponies may also own dogs and so want to extend our expertise in the equine market into this area, allowing dog owners the same confidence in our products.” The vetspec range consists of six supplements which are recommended by veterinary surgeons, successful breeders and canine professionals. • vetspec Joint Mobility • new vetspec Calm and focused • new vetspec Coat and skin • new Healthy dog • vetspec active • new vetspec senior The range is available in two tub sizes – 200g (4 weeks supply for a 20kg dog) and 500g (12 weeks supply for a 20kg dog) For free nutritional advice please call 01845 565030 or visit www.vetspec.co.uk

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May 2013 | 35

24/04/2013 14:43

Healthcare Xxxxxxxxxx • Training

RespeCt - Teaching Your Horse To Have His Mouth Inspected Anne Wilson A

s discussed in the first article of this series (March 2013) respect should be very much a two-way street. When you have shown the horse that he has reason to respect you, and you don’t abuse his respect, he will come to trust you as a reliable leader, capable of protecting him. If you have followed the advice given in my last two articles, you should now be at this stage. By not abusing his respect, i mean that you show him due respect by never scolding him unnecessarily; never shouting nor being impatient when he doesn’t respond instantly to your requests (it may take him several seconds sometimes to understand just what you are asking), and never, ever, losing your temper. This does not mean allowing him to necessarily have his own way; you should adopt an attitude of quiet, calm confidence, with kindness and determination. in this way you show him that what you require him to do is best for him as well as you. This is extremely important when it comes to veterinary procedures, farriery, dentistry, etc. Horses pick up on our moods and attitudes very quickly, so if you are tense and nervous when the equine dentist comes to visit, then your horse is likely to be frightened – you are his leader and if you are frightened, something dreadful must be about to happen! teeth rasping may be slightly uncomfortable at times, but should not be painful nor frightening. if you really cannot control your nerves, maybe you could ask someone more confident to hold him during the process. sometimes the dentist would actually prefer that no-one restrains him, as too much constraint can in itself be frightening. it will be of huge benefit if you can make mouth inspections part of your normal routine. The first step in making mouth inspections a relaxed and ‘no big deal’ occurrence is to do it every day yourself. you don’t need to have in-depth dentistry knowledge just to open his mouth and have a look inside; that is all you need to do the first time. it should be a matter of course that every owner inspects the fit of the horse’s bit on a regular basis; checking for any pinching at the corners of the mouth and for soreness on the bars of the mouth (the gum on either side, where there is a gap in the teeth and the bit rests). Whilst wearing the bridle you can make sure that the bit fits correctly; not too high and pinching the corners of his mouth,

Wolf Teeth Bars of the Mouth

Incisors Canine Teeth

nor too low and likely to bang on his lower teeth. unfortunately, this is something which is all too often neglected these days, but is an extremely important part of horsemanship. if you have a young horse, he may never have worn a bit, so you need to reassure him that having his mouth opened is not a scary thing. start by standing directly in front of him, rubbing the front of his face, using both hands caress him around the eyes and ears – most horses adore this – do it for as long as you like; i’m sure he won’t protest. Then come to the side of his head and gently but firmly lift his lip; first his upper lip, then his lower

lip. Then lift his upper lip at the front of his head to inspect his front teeth, then his lower front lip. This is probably enough for the first time, so go back to rubbing his face and caressing his ears; all the time telling him how good he is. if you experience any resistance, don’t get anxious or upset, but don’t give up. go back to the beginning by rubbing his face again and speak to him reassuringly as you lift his lips. if he steps backwards, then go with him. i’m sure that eventually he will stand still and welcome your advances. follow the above procedure every day for as long

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quimins’ Tip Top Supplement Treats are a great way of supplementing the good doer’s diet, as there’s no need to provide additional hard feed in order to give the horse the essential vitamins and minerals he requires. The product is presented in the form of a delicious treat but is packed with an excellent broad spectrum of vitamins and minerals that the horse requires to help maintain optimum health. They can be fed from a hand when you go to check your horse each day and are excellent value as a 1.5 kg resealable bag which will last for up to 30 days. tip top supplement treats are available in 1.5 kg eco-bags and have an RRp of £10.50. For more information see www.equimins.com, email sales@equimins.com or call 01548 531770.


‘IT’S SO GOOD, I NEVER KNOW WHERE TO START!’ wrote a subscriber to ‘TRACKING-UP’ published by In our current issue: SHAVING THE WHISKERS, Lesley Skipper; PRACTICE and PRACTISING, Margaret Aspinall; HAS DRESSAGE DAMAGED OUR WAY OF RIDING? Sylvia Loch; SCHOOLING FROM SCRATCH series 2, pt. 2, Anne Wilson; ENVIRONMENTAL ENRICHMENT, Susan McBane; RECOGNISING EQUINE FEELINGS, Lesley Skipper; LONGITUDINAL FLEXION, Michael Stevens; STALLS AS STABLING, Susan McBane plus comment, worming, segregating mares and geldings, riding in the 50s, visual laterality, Peggy Sue and book reviews. ‘Tracking-up’ is available quarterly for £5.17 per issue or £18.70 for a 4-issue subscription. Clearly print your name, address and ‘TUA18’ on the back of your cheque payable to ‘Tracking-up’ and post it to Anne Wilson, Park End House, Robins Folly, Thurleigh, Beds., MK44 2EQ.

36 | May 2013

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Issue 18 – February 2013

of Publication All material submitted to Equi-Ads will be subject to the following conditions. The placing of an advertisement or editorial copy will be deemed to be an acceptance of these conditions. 1. Typewritten contributions accompanied by a tamped addressed envelope for return are invited, however, no responsibility will be taken for photographs, transparencies, illustrations or literary contributions. 2. The publishers cannot accept liability for any loss suffered directly or indirectly by any readers as a result of any advertisement or notice published in this magazine. Nor do they accept liability for loss arising from the non-inclusion or late publication of any advertisement. 3. All advertisements are accepted subject to our standard conditions of trading (a full copy of which is available by sending a stamped addressed envelope to the editorial offices.) 4. The publishers reserve the right to refuse, amend or withdraw any advertisement without explanation. 5. Cancellation must be received in writing 14 days prior to the publication date.

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24/04/2013 14:43

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May 2013 | 37

24/04/2013 14:44

Field & Xxxxxxxxxx Stable • Training

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as it takes for him to be completely relaxed about it. When he is almost bored with this mouth inspection, insert your finger or thumb carefully into the side of his mouth at the bar (where there are no teeth) and gently take hold of his tongue, turn the tip of the tongue very slightly towards you. This will have the effect of opening his mouth to enable you to see further back into his jaw. This is only as a preparation for the dentist. you really only need to look at the incisors (front biting teeth) and run a finger or thumb along the bars of the mouth as far as the first molar (first back grinding tooth), especially in the upper jaw to check for any soreness associated with the eruption of wolf teeth (not all horses develop wolf teeth but sometimes they need to be taken out). iMpoRtant – Be very gentle with his tongue. Make sure you don’t pull it as this could cause a rupture at the base of the tongue and would obviously be extremely painful. don’t Move tHe tongue out too faR. don’t hold onto the tongue for more than a second or two to begin with. in fact never hold onto it for very long at all because this would be extremely uncomfortable. always give your horse plenty of praise and a tit-bit reward is always a good thing after a mouth inspection. When you can follow this procedure in a relaxed manner on both sides of the mouth, your horse will be well on the way to being comfortable with his dentistry treatment. a great advantage of carrying out regular mouth inspections is that you will become au-fait with what his teeth and gums normally look like; thus you will be alerted if there is any change which may be causing a problem. obviously you won’t need to inspect his mouth every day forever more; just about once a week will be fine, unless you suspect a problem. it is amazing how much trust and respect can be built up between horse and human during this type of close interaction. He will come to learn, not only to respect you for his own safety, but that you have his best interests at heart and everything you do is for the best, even though it may be a little uncomfortable at times. This kind of trust should transfer to other veterinary procedures such as injections, blood samples and so on. Anne Wilson is a freelance classical riding trainer, based in Bedfordshire; trained with Sylvia Loch and holder of the Classical Riding Club Gold Award Certificate – Phone 01234 772401 or email:annewilsondressage@hotmail.co.uk www.classicalridingannewilson.com

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24/04/2013 14:44

Field & Stable Xxxxxxxxxx • Current Affairs

topspec extend event sponsorship Throughout 2013 T OPSPEC, well known for their range of feed balancers and other innovative horse feeds has extended its support of a number of high profile shows and events for 2013. new sponsorship for the north yorkshire-based company will see them support the topspec arena, formerly known as the east arena, at Bramham international Horse trials in June. a host of classes and competitions are held in the arena, including in hand and ridden showing, show jumping and young event horse classes. also new for 2013 is sponsorship at equifest. The popularity and success of this event is growing rapidly


and now topspec has announced sponsorship of the indoor Championship arena The topspec supreme Ridden Championship will once again be held at the great yorkshire show with a prize fund of £1,500 going to the winner and £250 to the reserve. The topspec show Hunter of the year Championship at Hoys is now a firm fixture in the calendar and will see qualifiers for lightweight, middleweight and heavyweight hunters taking place throughout the season with the top places going through to the october event. topspec are continuing to support a ring at both the Bsps and the ponies uK summer Championships.


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24/04/2013 14:44

CRoss CountRy CoaCHing Water jumps Jenny Richardson BHSAI


ou are certain to encounter a water complex, even at Novice level, once you begin cross country riding and competition. Practise over different types of water obstacles and jumps is essential, and should be part of standard equine and rider education. Splashing about Water complexes will vary from simple ‘splashes’ with level ground, both in and out, right up to deeper water that may include jumps or steps in and out. You could also be asked to actually jump an obstacle placed in water as part of the task. Usually water would be numbered as a jump, and flags used for you to pass between, both going into and out of the water, incurring elimination for error of course if avoided. A slight hesitation may be allowed, and must be followed by immediately going forward so as not to be penalised for a refusal; a step or more backwards anywhere in the complex will cause you faults. When introducing a young or inexperienced horse to water, it is best to hire somewhere with facilities for easy lessons on level ground with shallow water. An older more experienced horse is invaluable plus an instructor, either mounted or on the ground. The youngster will often be happy to follow his companion and the exercise can be repeated as much as necessary. Much as horses do not have a fear of actual water, their natural fear is being unable to see their footings, and trust must be formed between horse and rider so that he will eventually never question directions. Allowing time It is important to allow plenty of time, allowing the horse to sniff, drink and splash in the water to acclimatise himself, but do beware of him deciding it would be a good idea to roll! If you think this is about to happen, get his head up and kick on, to keep him moving. Once your horse is happy to walk in and out with no hesitation, you then may ask him to be lead horse, or go in side by side. After walking in, trot out and eventually trot in and canter out, until it is all second nature. Steeper gradients are the next stage, then deeper water with a jump out. Before long you should be able to mix and match all aspects of a simple water complex with a companion until you then graduate on to completing the task alone. Different courses are essential until he has no fear of new venues. TOP TIPS If you are intending to spend plenty of time in and out of water, it is a good idea to place plastic sticky tape around your horse’s protective leg boots to avoid possibly losing them. It does come in many bright colours so can compliment your own cross country colours. To begin with when approaching water as part of a course, slow your horse to a trot or walk depending on confidence levels, keeping rein and leg contact 40 | May 2013

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Professional riders like Kitty King always exaggerate their safety position by sitting up and elevating the shoulders. (Photo by WOW Saddles)

Photo: www.wowsaddles.com throughout, look forward (never be tempted to look down into the water), and Photo: www.wowsaddles.com ride straight and confidently ahead. Your horse will naturally slow down due to the water pressure so could take up a fair bit of leg contact. He may take extravagant strides but should not unseat you in any way. More experienced horse and rider combinations should be able to slow from extended to collected canter at the approach of the water complex, maintaining canter throughout. Jumping into water is seen as one of the most advanced forms of cross country riding, but if taken step by step and introduced sympathetically with very easy questions, ideally using small drops into the water before actual jumps, once the relationship of trust is firmly established, you will have gained a valuable skill.

Jenny Richardson BHSAI is Equestrian Centre Business Manager at Ireland’s Castle Leslie Estate, a venue that offers luxurious equestrian riding holidays and training breaks in the heart of Ireland. The team welcomes riders of all abilities and age groups and offers expert tuition, gentle hacks and exhilarating cross-country rides over an extensive XC course. Visit www.castleleslie.com www.equiads.net

24/04/2013 14:44

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24/04/2013 14:44

Insurance Xxxxxxxxxx • Saddlery

WHat to LooK foR in youR saddLe In this issue we talk to the Society of Master Saddlers about why your saddle is a sound investment and what to look for when buying a new saddle.


HANKS to education and improved knowledge, most horse and pony owners now recognise the importance of a correctly fitting saddle. everyone looks for a saddle that offers good value for money and that will stand the test of time and it is important that you recognise why some saddles cost £1,000 while others are twice as much. The society of Master saddlers offer advice on what to look for in your saddle when making a new purchase and the best process to go through to ensure an exact fit for horse and rider. it is vital that you have a thorough consultation with your saddle fitter. This may take up to three hours but is time well spent to get the best end result. if required have your trainer and physiotherapist on hand at the same time. When your saddle is ready and finished, don’t simply allow it to be sent in the post, in the hope it will fit, make sure a return visit is part of the buying and fitting process. We all know that old saying ‘you get what you pay for’ and in any walk of life you have to pay

for expertise. When buying a new saddle you should always get it fitted by a society of Master saddlers Registered Qualified saddle fitter, as you are guaranteed they are fully qualified, professional and have a minimum of three years’ experience. Making sure the saddle is created from the highest quality leather from around the world and the craftsmanship behind the saddle is at the top of the skill level helps to result in a superior quality product. When having your saddle made, go for a supplier who can make a saddle where all design features are interchangeable across the entire

saddle to provide the highest degree of comfort and freedom for the horse and support and security for the rider. Whatever your discipline, from dressage to showjumping, cross-country to showing or leisure riding, a bespoke saddle should be designed and fitted by highly trained experts who really understand your horses needs. your saddle should balance comfort, with style and performance, helping to maximise your partnership and ensuring neither horse or rider have to compromise.

Remember there is ‘leather’ and there is leather! Cheaper quality leather can have a tendency to be slippery, not great when in the saddle, and not the best policy to scrimp on quality in this instance. Remember saddles need to be checked regularly as the horse gains fitness or changes as it gets older. By following the nine points above and with experts on hand to check your saddle on a regular basis, this will ensure your investment will hold high value if later resold or changed. To find out more information on The Society of Master Saddlers visit www.mastersaddlers.co.uk or contact on 01449 711642.




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24/04/2013 14:44

Insurance • Stud • Tack & Turnout

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24/04/2013 14:44

Current Affairs Xxxxxxxxxx • Tack & Turnout

Be safety Research display at Badminton T

o share important British Eventing safety developments with the wider world, the pendulum and test rig used for the FEI testing of the BE pins for frangible and deformable fences will be on display throughout the Mitsubishi Motors Badminton Horse Trials (Gloucestershire, 2nd – 6th May 2013). on friday 3rd May, both the public and members of the press attending Badminton are invited to view a live test demonstration of the pendulum in action testing the pins on a cross country fence. The live displays will take place in the morning, lunch and afternoon dressage breaks at stand number 97. each session will also include a live Q&a session with Martin Herbert from adHQ, Be’s official testing engineers with Be’s national safety officer Jonathan Clissold also in

attendance. for those who cannot attend friday’s live demonstrations, the pendulum will be fixed throughout the event alongside information boards at the stand. British eventing, are the national governing body for the sport in great Britain. eventing is a unique combination of all the disciplines of dressage, cross country over fixed fences and show jumping in one exciting activity. it’s a sport that engages all ages and has equal opportunities to compete. We regulate as well as schedule more than 190 events throughout Britain that cater for nearly 94,000 entries per season (Mar-oct). British eventing has more than 11,000 members and provides access to cater for riders from grassroots to those performing at international level. www.britisheventing.com

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44 | May 2013

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24/04/2013 14:44

Grooming Xxxxxxxxxx • Tack & Turnout

KBf99 Brushes end Mud fever Misery K BF99 Anti-bacterial Grooming Brushes were launched last year following extensive scientific research at Coventry University. The research revealed revolutionary results – the active KBF99 additive not only attracted harmful microbes and destroyed them but it did this without the use of chemicals. in tests KBf99 (Kills Bacteria fungus 99%) effectively killed 99% of the bacteria/fungus test culture (strangles, Ringworm and e.coli). The scientific testing costs thousands of pounds, so whilst KBf99 were confident the brushes and equipment would work by killing all kinds of bacteria/fungus, they could only lay claim to effectively killing strangles, Ringworm, e.coli and Mycotoxins. as the brushes hit the market worldwide, testimonials came flooding in about how KBf99 had helped with a variety of problems. in particular, owners that have battled for years with Mud fever were reporting that after using the brushes twice daily, their horses were free from Mud fever for the first time in years. said KBf99 user Heather Williamson: “Just to let you know that after my horse having very bad mud fever on his hind legs, using the brushes has definitely helped and it has almost cleared up completely over the last seven days.” We all know prevention is better than cure and this was definitely the case for another KBf99 user, tina

Rogers: “i purchased my KBf99 brush whilst working at the Christmas equine fair and started using it immediately. i use it all over ethel’s body but pay special attention to her lower legs. “a few horses had mud fever at the yard already and more have continued to get it since. The poor yard owner has several horses and is having to treat pretty much all of them every day. ethel seems to be the only one without it which i can only put down to the fact that i am the only person on the yard with a KBf99 brush.” to find out more about KBf99 grooming Brushes and equipment and to read customer testimonials please visit www. kbf99.co.uk. prices start from just £2.00 and products are available in a range of colours. The KBf99 additive is effective for a minimum of two years and all products feature a minimum best before date. For more information please visit www.kbf99.co.uk or contact Vale Brothers on 01239 614648.



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Grooming • RiderXxxxxxxxxx Protection • Tack & Turnout

glitter Bling B

Rodney powell elite x2esp Body protector W

hether competing seriously or just looking for a bit of added assurance whilst riding or working with horses, the Rodney Powell Elite X2ESP Body Protector is designed to be lightweight, flexible and breathable for maximum comfort. Manufactured in heat responsive foam, the Elite X2ESP moulds to the wearer’s shape while a reinforced column down the centre of the back panel offers enhanced spinal protection over and above that required in testing. Rodney Powell Body Protectors conform to BETA 2009 Level 3 and BSEN 13158 Level 3 and are available in navy or black in a vast range of sizes. A comprehensive choice of bespoke colours and patterns is also available on request – see the website ‘Colour Picker’ for details. Visit www.rodneypowell.co.uk for information.

arrier Animal Healthcare prides itself on top quality, effective products that you can trust at affordable prices. Barrier Animal Healthcare’s products are FREE from all prohibited substances under current FEI & HRA rules and suitable for use in organic farming systems. glitter Bling is a 100% natural, conditioning glitter mist that contains the highest quality skin and coat conditioners. glitter Bling is an ultra-fine sparkling mist with subtle glitter for an elegant eye-catching and glamorous finish. This conditioning glitter mist contains the highest quality 100% natural skin and coat conditioners. no solvents – no alcohol. spray directly onto manes, tails, plaits, body, legs and hooves. Be creative with quarter marking and stencil kits. easy to remove with a brush, damp cloth or by rinsing. available in 250ml - silver designed, Manufactured and Marketed by Barrier animal Healthcare Visit www.flyrepel.com for full product information.

grooming with naf S

ilky Mane & Tail D-Tangler is a deluxe, conditioning spray for smooth, tangle free manes and tails. This high performance grooming gloss leaves clean hair with a smooth, non sticky coating which will not attract dust, therefore the mane and tail remain shiny, sleek and silky! top show producers Claire & Robert oliver wholeheartedly endorse silky… “We are really impressed with silky. We had our favourite before using it, but after trying it, we now use nothing else. We recommend silky to anyone who wants an effective, non sticky, detangling product that lasts!” RRp’s: 750ml spray: £9.95. new 2.5 litre Refill: £24.50 your horse can sparkle and shine with naf’s new premium grooming spray, shiny… shiny is a luxurious coat gloss with an added bonus… it contains the favoured, much trusted ingredient, Citronella. Low in silica, shiny leaves the coat glossy, with a natural, silky sheen, and, because it helps to repel dust, the coat stays clean and shiny for longer! says Claire oliver “i have used new shiny coat spray and i love it!... the coat is left with a really natural looking sheen that doesn’t look or feel false. The citronella scent is a clever addition too for the hot, summer shows!” RRp: 750ml - £10.50 available from your nearest naf stockist. For more information, please call the NAF Freephone Advice Line: 0800 373 106 or email info@naf-uk.com www.naf-equine. eu/uk

grooming products from nettex

Amy Stovold; “i love the range of shampoos that nettex offers. My horses need to look and feel their best at all times, in order to compete as well as they can, and regular washing is essential. The nettex Whitening shampoo is ideal for making white areas gleam and for removing last-minute stable stains on show days. i also really like the Lavender Wash no Rinse shampoo, which is great for washing horses down after exercise as it helps to soothe tired muscles and effectively removes dried sweat.” nettex offer an entire range to cater for every type of rider from pony club to the professional in a range of ideal sizes for the tack room, show bag or lorry. everything you need to keep your horse or pony looking its best for everyday turnout or show ring condition. amy loves the following; Whitening shampoo 500ml RRp £10.50 Mini version 200ml RRp £4.50 • Lifts the deepest of grass and stable stains from coats, manes and tails • optical whiteners produce amazing colour enhancement for whites, greys & coloured horses, even on solid colour coats • Can be used diluted or neat • Lavender no- Rinse Wash 500ml RRp £5.50 Mini version 250ml RRp £3.99 • nettex no-Rinse washes can simply be diluted in warm or cold water and applied using a sponge to remove sweat, dirt and grease • Remove excess water with sweat scraper and leave to dry naturally removes the need to give a full bath ideal to use to calm and relax your horse after strenuous exercise and to help soothe minor knocks, grazes and bruising www.net-tex.co.uk

46 | May 2013

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Brush up with aivly Country store


ivly Country Store offers a comprehensive range of grooming kits, brushes and accessories including from Chelsea Equestrian and the Bentley Range. Manufactured to a high standard, the Bentley Range utilises soft grip technology to provide both comfortable and effective grooming. The products in the Bentley range are lightweight, easy to use and durable, providing customers with great value and include a range of colours to create your own coordinated grooming kit. Made in germany, the range of brightly coloured brushes from Chelsea equestrian aren’t just pretty, they are effective too - comfortable for horse and rider and helping to make your horse shine. Visit Aivly Country Store, Ringwood, BH24 3EA or order at www.aivly.com or via tel 01425 472341. www.equiads.net

24/04/2013 14:44

Rider Xxxxxxxxxx Protection


• european & Beta Level 3 • awarded Horse & Rider “Best in test 2013” • available in full 22 Colour Rs Range • 20 standard sizes + made to measure • single and 2 colour designs • up to 70 individually hinged sections • Comfortable & nonrestrictive • Breathable & lightweight • optional bespoke shoulder pads The Rs2010 is a high specification Body protector designed to meet the needs of the most demanding riders. it offers the highest european and Beta standards of protection with market leading levels of comfort and flexibility. in a recent reader survey Horse & Rider readers awarded it the coveted “Best in test 2013” rosette. The flex of up to seventy independently hinged foam sections circulates air throughout the Rs2010 making it the most comfortable product on the market. a full range of 20 standard sizes, which are all available with additional adjustments, allow all riders to enjoy a tailored fit Rs2010. The Rs2010 is available in the full Rs Colour Range, featuring over 22 different colours. single and 2 colour options create the flexibility to make each Rs2010 truly bespoke to the rider. designed to compliment the bespoke Racesafe xC outfits. approved to en13158:2009 (Level 3) and Beta 2009 (Level 3). For more information call: 01536 771051


Equi_Ads_May_National_rev2.indd 47

professional protection


RACESAFE products

22 Colour range bespoke to you. h&R best in test 2013.










for more info:

01536 771051 www.hows-racesafe.co.uk facebook.com/howsracesafe

May 2013 | 47

24/04/2013 14:44

Rider Xxxxxxxxxx Protection

gatehouse sparkles with style


atehouse has added a new version of the Conquest Riding Helmet to its range. The Conquest ZC is tastefully trimmed with genuine Swarovski Crystals to give a glint of bling that is stylish and yet sufficient to catch the attention of show jumper Chloe Aston and eventers Laura Collett, Emily King, Nicola Wilson and Daisy Berkeley. in addition to the crystal embellishment, the Conquest is designed for comfort, with a wicking liner that can be removed for washing, plus stainless steel mesh-covered vents to maximise airflow. The helmet is also Kitemarked and tested to Bsen 1384. The gatehouse Conquest ZC is available with a navy, black, or grey suede-effect finish, the navy and black having an embossed leather centre panel. suggested selling price for the gatehouse Conquest ZC is £299. prices for the original Conquest helmet start at £170. Contact Westgate EFI on 01303 872277 for stockists or visit www.gatehouserange.co.uk for information.

dainese Body protectors A

s the inventors of the back protector some thirty years ago, dainese has put its wealth of experience to good use in developing a new range of back protectors dedicated to the world of equestrianism. dainese now can present the world with the fiRst back protector approved for equestrian disciplines. The use of innovative energy absorbing material called Crash absorb®, along with the tried and tested hexagonal design of the protection structure has allowed dainese to develop a range of exceptionally high performing protectors. The protection meets the impact test standards set by en 1621.2/03, and for the first time for a back

protector it meets the severe en 13158-2009 standards. The hexagonal design of the energy absorbing material offers superb mobility (six sides with mobility at 30°, 90° and 150°). The large perforations in the Crash absorb® material, along with the use of elastic Jersey holl fabric ensures the protector can “breathe” at all times. The back protector is available with different support systems including, adjustable braces and a waistband, or a fitted comfortable waistcoat with a central zip fastener. The range includes dedicated products for men, women and children. For more information please contact 07976 310566

The revolutionary method used in making the Dainese protective equestrian gilet has been further refined and reached prestigious Beta Certification mark. The hexagonal fabrication method (six sides with mobility at 30°, 90° and 150°) adapts perfectly to various movements and body shapes, and it is made in a continuous solution, which ensures maximum coverage of the area to be protected. Properly shaped Crash Absorb® material passes all the severe tests laid down by EN13158 – 2009 and ensures level 3 performance.

The large perforations in the protective material along with the use of elastic breathing fabric provide perfect ventilation on even the hottest days. To finish off the garment it features straps for fastening the waistcoat to the trousers belt loops. UK Contact: John Broe Tel: +44 (0) 7976310566 Email: john@roslau.co.uk 48 | May 2013

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24/04/2013 14:44

Rider Protection • Treehouse Giveaway

Harry Hall Hi-Flex Body Protector A

pproved to BETA Level 3, the Hi-Flex Body Protector is great for riders looking for a piece of safety equipment that can be relied on. Designed to deliver on performance, the Hi-Flex Body Protector features a lightweight high impact absorbing foam. Highly flexible, created specifically to fit the female body. It is exceptionally comfortable to wear. Part-quilted Air-Mesh outer material, rubberised, hard wearinG branded shoulder pads and reflective piping for safety. Red correct fitting indicators to ensure correct fit and protection. Available in children sizes S – XL, in the colour Black/Grey. RRP £86.50. For further information contact Harry Hall on 01274 711101 or visit www.harryhall.co.uk

New from Treehouse


reehouse Sporting Colours will be launching the Blouson Air Jacket by Helite at Badminton Horse Trials this year. This Air Jacket won the BETA 2013 innovation Award for rider clothing and it is set to take stylish safety to a whole new level. As well as providing superior protection from Airbag experts Helite, it allows the wearer to update their wardrobe as new styles are released by simply unzipping the Airbag System from the outer shell and

zipping it into the new one. BETA judges comments on the Blouson included: “This safety conscious air jacket incorporates cuttingedge technology... without compromising on style.” www.treehouseonline.co.uk

Treehouse Sporting Colours are giving away a Racesafe RS2010 Body Protector to one lucky reader The RS2010 is a high specification Body Protector designed to meet the needs of the most demanding riders. The RS2010 meets the highest European Standards & BETA Level 3 standards of protection with uncompromising levels of comfort and flexibility. The flex of up to seventy independently hinged foam sections circulates air throughout the RS2010 making it the most comfortable product on the market.

The RS2010 worn with Hat Cover and Event Shirt by Treehouse.

TO ENTER: Simply answer the following question “What BETA Level rating does the RS2010 body protector have?” Send your answer with your name, address and contact number to Treehouse Giveaway, Equi-Ads, Office 1, Tayview Estate, Friarton Road, Perth, PH2 8DG alternatively email to liz@equiads.net (entries close 31st May 2013).

The Treehouse Air Jacket Range by Helite Featuring a zip-out airbag to enable customers to use the same airbag system in future outer shell designs.

BETA judges comments: “This is a very fashionable jacket which would appeal to all levels of rider. It is machine washable and the inflatable part can be used in other clothing from the range.” “This safety conscious air jacket incorporates cutting-edge technology... without compromising on style.”

Treehouse Original Air Jacket • Proline Air Jacket • The Award winning Blouson Air Jacket • The Multi-directional Triggering System ensures safe release of the rider and inflation in all situations • Helite are the airbag technology experts, bringing you safety with a proven history • 30,000 Air Jackets worldwide are fitted with Helite Airbags • Treehouse Sporting Colours have a consistent track record of unparalleled safety awareness and have chosen to work with and distribute Helite Air Jackets To find out more email us on

info@treehouseonline.co.uk or call 01299 851 625 www.treehouseonline.co.uk

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24/04/2013 16:57

Rider Protection

Award Winning Combination U

SG Flexi and Equiairbag is now available in the UK from many retailers throughout the country, please call Walktrotcanter for your local stockist. Body Protector for rIders.

• Basic protection for riders and drivers, offers the maximum level of protection by fully meeting European standard EN 13158-2009, Level 3 BETA. • May reduce severity of injuries when falling off, being kicked or stood on by a horse. • Designed for optimum comfort and mobility. • Please ask your authorised USG retailer for advice when fitting your new body protector. • Its block structure system allows extreme comfort and easy adaption, even in big sizes.

Let our qualified fitting staff take care of your safety & comfort.

The USG Flexi is a block structure allowing movement with your body and flexibility whilst riding, jumping and eventing. It is cut high at the front to allow you to bend and fold whilst cantering and jumping and it has a horizontal slit at the small of the back to contour with the spine when leaning back and jumping down drops.

Stockists of Charles Owen Riding Hats & Airowear Body Protectors

The Flexi is compatible with the USG Equiairbag… aIrBag-Protector

01425 472341 www.aivly.com

Crow Lane, Ringwood, BH24 3EA

Aivly helps Pony Clubs gain Safety Achievement Badge


ivly Country Store helped local Pony Club members understand the Equipment Safety Achievement Badge with an evening rally held at the Ringwood store. Trained hat and body protector-fitting staff were joined by a representative from Charles Owen hat manufacturers. For those who then realised their own safety equipment needs replacing, Aivly were on hand to help and offer a special rate to rally attendees. Aivly’s experienced staff were also able to show members how to carry out safety checks on tack with Aivly also able to advise of care of tack including conditioning products available, its mending service for leatherwork and equipment and what to expect when looking to purchase new products. To find out more for yourself, ask the friendly staff for advice on a visit to Aivly Country Store, Ringwood, BH24 3EA, tel 01425 472341 or order at www.aivly.com

Directory Property Abroad


Brittany & Normandy Cardyke Overseas Properties Properties suitable for horses at a fraction of UK prices. Tel: 01775 630 008

The Haylage Co.

Saddlery South East Andrew Reilly Saddlers Spoods Farm, Tinkers Lane, Hadlow Down, East Sussex TN22 4ET Tel: 01825 830484

Worming East Regular worm egg counts can save money! 6-8 weekly spring through autumn £5 each. Church Farm FEC churchfarmfec@hotmail.co.uk or 01728 685 638 50 | May 2013

Equi_Ads_May_EngWales_Rev4.indd 50

A cost effective alternative to hay. Based South Hertfordshire, we deliver to locations nationwide. Telephone: 07831 454 166 Email: guybrook@btinternet.com Website: www.poloforage.com

Wholesale Thinking of starting your own equestrian retail business? Then contact us: Hucklesby Associates Equestrian Wholesalers to the trade Website: www.hucklesbyassociates.co.uk Email: hucklesbys@aol.com for a free trade e-catalogue Tel: 01362 696 309 Fax: 01362 696 582

• Useful additional protection for the rider’s back. • Must be certified according to EN 1621-4 as of 2013. • Can be pulled easily over the back part of your body protector or worn as an additional jacket over it. • For your protection, a simple “click” is all it takes to connect you to the saddle. • If you are unseated or thrown from a horse, the airbag system is activated. • The airbag supports the spinal column in its entire length. • Worn by the German and Swedish teams in the 2013 Olympics


“equIaIrBag® for flexI”

• • • •

Top protection results, CE-tested and approved EN 1621-4. Currently quickest airbag protector available Protects entire spine from head to tailbone Additonal neck coverage, no retroflexion of the head

To combine with “USG Flexi EquiAirbag® for Flexi” The black EquiAirbag® protector is fully CE certified according to EN 1621-4. It is designed to be worn in conjunction with USG’s body protector “USG Flexi.” Simply pull “EquiAirbag®” over the back part of “USG Flexi”. It can be removed again just as easily. The “EquiAirbag®” offers protection for the back, reduces flex in the spine and gives neck coverage as well as it helps to prevent impact injuries. The protector comes ready to use, and is supplied with its Air cartridge installed and with a lanyard to connect the rider to the saddle. Extra cartridges are available to buy. Please read the manual that comes with the airbag protector before use. Distributed in the UK by Walk Trot Center, call 07590714539.

• •


24/04/2013 16:57


And the Winner is ..... USG FlexiPlus EquiAirbag® Winner BETA Innovation Award Safety & Security

Body Protector + Airbag Back Protector • Adapts easily to the body’s shape • Maximum mobility and EquiAirbag® safety EN 1621-4 • Protects the entire spinal Certification column Flexi Body Protector • Airbag easy to attach/ EN 13158-2009, BETA remove approved level 3 protection

Available in the UK WTC Ltd Phone: ++44 (0)7590714539 info@walktrotcanterltd.com www.walktrotcanterltd.com Please contact us to find your local retailer.

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24/04/2013 22/04/2013 16:57 11:57

EquiProtex Protection

Rider Protection


Summer Horse Care Tips


ince the company’s conception in 1999, Equisafety has always been passionate about rider safety and, as such, has utilised and incorporated, some of the most innovative products and fabrics onto their range. Their design team and product developers are constantly hard at work pushing product development to the limit in order to provide the consumer with high quality products that fit both their needs and lifestyles. Therefore Equisafety are delighted to announce that the EquiProtex Body Protector, will be available in your local retailers from July 2013. The EquiProtex breathable foam sections mould to your body, while the highly wickable, technical mesh lining keep you cool and dry, making this an extremely comfortable, lightweight, high impact garment. Three separate technical panels are fastened over the shoulders and there is also a multi-position Velcro waist strap to give extra comfort. The EquiProtex Body Protector has been manufactured to European Standard EN13158:2009 and European Directive 89/686/EEC (Level 3), which is the highest safety rating possible under current EU testing regulations. This procedure has been carried out by an independent world-leading research & technology centre, based in the UK, USA & China. The body protector is also BETA Approved: 2009 Level 3. The detachable, fully-washable, Power Stretch outer fabric cover is also tested under OekoTex Standard 100. Available in High Viz Yellow, High Viz Pink and Black & White, all with 2” reflective tape that passes EN471, the highest standard for reflective tape, plus Blue with reflective chequered tape. Child Sizes: Small/Medium/Large/Xlarge. RRP: from £90 - £105. Adult Sizes: Small/Medium/Large/Xlarge. RRP: from £110 - £125 www.highvisibility.uk.com

questrianClearance.com sponsored event rider, Harriet Morris-Baumber gives her top tips on summer horse care. Did you know that horses can become dehydrated or get sunburn in hot weather - just like you! If you live in an area that heats up in the summer, you should protect your horse from hotweather hazards. re-hydrate

Horses can drink more than 10 gallons of water a day. Make sure your horse has enough fresh, clean water every day. Having a constant source of water in the field is essential so that they can drink whenever they choose. sun BathIng

If you can provide some shade for your horse out in the field this will help protect them from the sun during the day. A field shelter is ideal or a shady area by some trees will help keep the sun off your horse’s back. Keep some high factor sun cream handy in your grooming kit and use it on both you and your horse! Horses with white markings on their faces are most likely to get sunburn. flIes

They can be a real pain for your horse; biting, itching and just simply annoying them. The best thing to do is to turn your horse out wearing a fly rug. The lightweight mesh sheet keeps the flies away from the horse’s sensitive areas. There are also lots of fly repellent sprays and gels on the market, EquestrianClearance. com stock leading brands such as NAF, Lincoln, Mark Todd and Barrier. Before turning your horse out, give them a good spray all over with some fly repellent, especially around their belly and legs. added extras

Keep a salt block in your horse’s field or stable so he can lick it when he likes. This will help replace the salt that is lost through sweating. If your horse is in medium to heavy work in the warm summer months, make sure he’s getting enough minerals and water by adding electrolytes to the water or feed every day. For more information visit www.equestrianclearance.com

Reflection protection by EQUISAFETY Equi-Protex

Corporate Identity

© Gud Design Ltd 2012 - Until date of purchase 20 Balls Road, Prenton, Merseyside CH43 5RE t. 0845 862 1122 e. info@guddesign.co.uk

The EquiProtex breathable foam sections mould to your body, while the highly wickable, technical mesh lining keep you cool and dry, making this an extremely comfortable, lightweight, high impact garment. Three separate technical panels are fastened over the shoulders and there is also a multi-position Velcro waist strap to give extra comfort.

Available in High Viz Yellow, High Viz Pink and Black & White, all with 2” reflective tape that passes EN471, the highest standard for reflective tape, plus Blue with reflective chequered tape. Sizes: Child - Small/Medium/Large/Xlarge RRP: from Adult - Small/Medium/Large/Xlarge £90.00

www.highvisibility.uk.com | 0151 678 7182

The EquiProtex Body Protector has been manufactured to European Standard EN13158:2009 and European Directive 89/686/EEC (Level 3), which is the highest safety rating possible under current EU testing regulations. This procedure has been carried out by an independent world-leading research & technology centre, based in the UK, USA & China. The body protector is also BETA Approved: 2009 Level 3. The detachable, fully-washable, Power Stretch outer fabric cover is also tested under Oeko-Tex Standard 100.

52 | May 2013

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24/04/2013 16:59

Champion Junior X Air – now available in fabulous new colours! T

he Junior X Air ventilated riding hat from Champion combines safety, security and peace of mind with exceptional value for money and is now available in two gorgeous new colours - navy & hot pink and black & slate. Certified to BSEN1384 2012, the Junior X Air features a faux suede covered exterior for striking good looks and an integrated ventilation system for exceptional comfort. Priced from £63 and available in sizes 6 ¼ - 7 ¾, the Junior X Air is available in plain black or navy and now in navy & hot pink and black & slate. It provides comfort, security and performance that you can rely on.


A new addition to the Champion stable, the striking Air-Tech helmet combines a stylish modern design with a high tech ventilation system and innovative adjustable head sizing ring, not to mention the Complies to confidence and peace of BS:EN:1384:2012. mind that comes as standard standard with the Champion brand

neW from chamPIon

Vanguard and Freedom body protectors are tailored for the female figure. Comfort is offered by a darted and tailored bust design, a slim and sculptured underarm for a close contact fit, and a broad shoulder panel with enhanced weight distribution. Champion’s team of designers have come up with a revolutionary multi layered “Cut-Flex®” manufacturing process to maximise the body protectors Ultra light foams flexibility. In conjunction with this a new “HingeTek®” system has been incorporated into the tail of both the Freedom and Vanguard which allows the bottom of the protector to mould into the nape of the lower back, which gives an unparalleled fit when the rider is in contact with the saddle. By utilising a high-tech Polygiene treated inner lining with its powerful anti-bacterial and anti-odour properties, Champion have ensured that the Freedom and Vanguard will stay fresh 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Both the Freedom and Vanguard offer all these excellent features and benefits and the difference between them is simple. The Vanguard Body Protector is a Tabard design while the Freedom incorporates a zipped front for ease of fitting while dressed for riding. To ensure that the Freedom offers similar levels of adjustability as the Vanguard, 4 elasticated side straps have been incorporated into the design, for great adjustment and the perfect fit. The Freedom and Vanguard are available in 6 sizes: GL (Girls Large), GXL (Girls X-tra Large), WS (Women Small), WM (Women Medium), WL (Women Large) and WXL (Women X-tra Large) and they are available in 3 back lengths. The Freedom is available in black with silver piping and is priced from £102 - £152 depending on size. The Vanguard in black/ gunmetal and is priced from £85 - £132 depending on size For more information, or to find your local Champion stockist, check out www.championhats.co.uk; email info@ championhats.co.uk or Tel: 0113 270 7000.

Equi_Ads_May_EngWales_Rev4.indd 53

These ladies only body protectors offer superb safety & security and are uniquely designed for the female figure for unrivalled comfort. Flexible, breathable, anti-bacterial, amazingly light weight and meeting the latest 2009 BETA safety standard & EN13158:2009, level 3.

Tel: 0113 270 7000 www.championhats.co.uk 24/04/2013 16:59



Calcium: Beware False Claims Jemma Noble BSc(Hons)


n recent advertising, one company has provided highly misleading information in order to promote calcium as a calmer; this article reviews just some of the false statements made.



Room with a view!

• IMPROVED for 2013 • Innovative, spacious design to protect the eyes whilst ensuring an optimum fit, up to 85mm space from the eyes


• Provides maximum visibility • Detachable nose flap protects sensitive skin from harmful UV rays • Soft, comfortable fleece edging • Two robust Velcro™ straps, one double locking for extra security • Roomy, soft ear covers • Easily converts to ear-less design, simply cut above the stitched seam

calcIum, nerves and BraIn functIon

A recent article opened with “Anyone who has experienced a loved one in the early signs of dementia will know that, as the person loses the ability to evaluate their environment properly they become very stressed”. It goes on to say; “Calcium is the most important nutrient for brain function. In simplistic terms the inside of a resting nerve cell is a calcium free zone… a big pulse of calcium is pumped into the cell to ‘switch it on’…This explains why chelated calcium works to improve brain function”1. Calcium is actually extremely damaging to nerve cells. Although it is important for communication, the body has to employ many control mechanisms to prevent calcium ‘running amuck’. As we age these mechanisms become less effective allowing more calcium into the nerve cell, causing massive oxidative stress and loss of function. Calcium is actually a recognised cause of degenerative disorders such as dementia.4 “[Magnesium] impairs brain function”1 Magnesium is incredibly important for brain function and is known to boost concentration, learning and memory9 as well as protecting against the damaging effects of calcium6. Nerves cannot function without magnesium. calcIum and stress

“One of the most common causes of long lasting stress is calcium deficiency”1 Calcium actually works to increase stress responses. Too much calcium relative to magnesium inside the cells triggers stress, often called ‘fight or flight’8,16. This changes the body in a number of ways to make horses more reactive and tense, causing an array of behavioural problems. Stress also strips the body of magnesium, so the more stress your horse experiences the more magnesium it needs7. Calcium only increases magnesium deficit. This image is used to lead you to believe that calcium helps prey animals to make rational decisions. The reality is that calcium acts on the brain to make your horse focus on a stressor, block out other information and increase fear and memory of the stress12. It is magnesium which prevents this and allows horses to rationalise about the real threat of a stressor15. calcIum and magnesIum In feed

You are also told that modern feeds have large amounts of magnesium added to them but the reality is that our feeds are highly calcified, and because magnesium is less well absorbed than calcium, even feeds with added magnesium do not bridge the gap. Calcium is very freely available being easily absorbed, used and stored by the body. Water is also a significant source of calcium and in hard water areas it can account for half of their basic maintenance requirement. “Calcium helps the body control magnesium”1,2 Once again, the reverse is true. Calcium reduces magnesium absorption5 and increases magnesium loss through urine10. Excess calcium is a cause of magnesium deficiency, whereas magnesium helps the body to use calcium effectively. Blood tests are not a suitable measure of magnesium status because normal blood serum levels often exist despite overall deficiency14. Interestingly, stress – such as that experienced when a sharp horse is approached by a stranger for a blood sample – actually increases blood magnesium levels13.


calcIum as a calmer


The level of calcium in blood has a stabilising effect on the nerves. Calcium deficiency causes the nerves to short circuit causing symptoms of tingling, muscle cramps and irritability which would have a negative effect on behaviour. However, horses on modern diets are very unlikely to be calcium deficient and too much calcium in the blood acts to block sodium channels stopping the nerves from working properly, causing muscle weakness and fatigue3, a highly undesirable effect that could be construed as calming. calcIum and ulcers


The same company claims that calcium prevents ulcers by reducing stress2. It is magnesium which reduces stress and is known to increase resilience to ulcers. The reality is that calcium increases gastric acid production and inflammation and is a known cause of ulcers11. www.equiads.net

24/04/2013 16:59

Full pag

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Equi_Ads_May_EngWales_Rev4.indd 55 Full page Spring Rugs-fly.indd 1

24/04/2013 16/04/2013 17:00 11:05

In conclusIon

Science clearly shows that calcium has negative effects on stress and overall health. While of course it is important to ensure an adequate supply, calcium can only calm by stopping the nerves from working properly. It is also claimed that magnesium sedates but this could not be further from the truth, magnesium is known to improve brain function and endurance16. Magnesium is the only calming ingredient supported by an abundance of scientific literature.

“Parelli opened my eyes to new methods and training that have truly changed my life with horses.” Lili Dawson

New Beginnings

Nervous around your horse? Is your horse spooky? Have you lost trust in your horse? Does your relationship need rebuilding? Problems with trailer loading? The NEW Jump Start DVD guides you through everything you need to know to begin your Parelli journey. Parelli Natural Horsemanship has helped hundreds of thousands of horse lovers around the world. With Jump Start you are well on your way to joining that group by developing a beautiful, natural relationship with your horse.

References Equifeast (2013) Revealed- the secret to dramatically improved horse behaviour and performance. Advertising campaign appearing in many publications eg. Eventing. March-April 2013 Equifeast (2013) Revealed, The Simple Secret to Better Results. Advertising Leaflet. Armstrong, C.M., Cota, Gabriel. (1999). “Calcium block of Na+ channels and its effect on closing rate”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 96 (7): 4154–4157 Billard, J.M. (2006) Ageing, hippocampal synaptic activity and magnesium. Magnes Res 19:199-215 Behar, J. (1975) Effect of calcium on magnesium absorption. American Physiological Society 229(6):1590-1595 Chui, D. Chen, Z. Yu, J. Zhang, w. Wang, W. Song, Y. Yang, H and Zhuo, L. (2011) Magnesium in Alzheimer’s Disease. Magnesium in the Central Nervous System. University of Adelaide Press. Cuciureanu, M.D, and Vink, R. (2011) Magnesium and Stress. Magnesium in the Central Nervous System. University of Adelaide Press. Durlach, J. Bac, P. Bara, M. Guiet-Bara, A. (2000) Physiopathology of symptomatic and latent forms of central nervous hyperexcitability due to magnesium deficiency: a current general scheme. Magnes Res 13(4):293-302 Hoane, M.R. (2011) The Role of Magnesium Therapy in Learning and Memory. Magnesium in the Central Nervous System. University of Adelaide Press Jahnen-Dechent, W. Kettler, M. (2012) Magnesium Basics. Clin Kidney J 5(1):i3-i14 Kadalmani, B. Saravana Kumar, M. Pevathi, P. and Prakash Shyam, K. (2001) Gastric Ulcer Protective Property of Calcium Channel Blockers in Male Albino Rats. International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences 2(1) Lupien, S.J., Maheu. F.S. (2007) Memory and Stress. Academic Press: Oxford Murck, H. (2002) Magnesium and affective disorders. Nutr Neurosci 5:375-89 Richard, A. Reinhart, MD (1988) Magnesium Metabolism. A Review With Special Reference to the Relationship Between Intracellular Content and Serum Levels. Arch Intern Med 148:2415-2420 Rupniak, N.M.J. (2005) Substance P (NK1 receptor) Antagonists. In: Handbook of Stress and the Brain – Part 2: Stress: Integrative and Clinical Aspects (Steckler, T., Kalin, N.H., Reul, J.M.H.M., eds) Elzevier, New York, 423-35 Seelig, M.S. (1994) Consequences of Magnesium Deficiency on the Enhancement of Stress Reactions; Preventative and Therapeutic Implications (A review). J Am Coll Nutr 13(5):429-46

New Parelli DVD


arelli Natural Horsemanship is an educational program that goes above and beyond simply training horses. The Parelli program teaches students the habits and skills they need to truly become partners with their horses while harnessing their skills and achieving incredible results. Parelli Natural Horsemanship has helped hundreds of thousands of horse lovers around the world. With Jump Start, you’re well on your way to joining that group by developing a beautiful, natural relationship with your horse.

dIsc 1: What Is ParellI?

Topics covered include: What is Parelli? What is Natural Horsemanship? The Language of Parelli, The Seven Games, Zoneology, The Levels, Four Savvys, Horsenality, Savvy Steps in 3 Minutes, Jump Start Your Horse’s Life. dIsc 2: get started

To buy Jump Start call the UK office on 0800 0234 813 or visit www.parelli.com Equi_Ads_May_EngWales_Rev4.indd 56

Topics covered include: Get Started with Your Horse, “Friendly Game” - Build Trust & Relaxation, “Porcupine Game” - Yield to Steady Pressure, Task it: Porcupine for a Purpose, “Driving Game” - Yield to Rhythmic Pressure, Task it: Touch it Challenge, “Yo-Yo Game” - Equalize Backwards & Forwards, “Circling Game” - Create Draw and Responsibility, “Sideways Game” - Develop Lateral Movement, “Squeeze Game” - Overcome Claustrophobia, Task it: Positive Patterns, Freestyle: Games in the Saddle, One Rein Stop: Starting with Control, Forward Motion: Leading the Front Foot, Responsibilities: Maintain Gait & Direction, Task it: Rein Positions, Task it: Saddle Confidence The new Parelli Jump Start DVD is priced at £15.85. For further information contact the Parelli UK team on 0800 0234 813 or visit www.parelli.com www.equiads.net

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