Equi-ads October 2014 UK Edition

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The UK’s Largest FREE Equine Magazine • Now in its 20th year


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Equine Health • Management • Training

WIN! Over £500 worth of prizes from Blue Chip Feeds

WIN a super battery charger from Machine Mart valued at over £150

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•Winter Feeding •Feeding Treats •Know the Quality of your Hay •Could it be Lymphangitis? PClruosss:Countriny g •A beginners guide to • ical rid •Clasrsition rs indoor jumping •Nut rinary matte e t s e g V •Equine Pastern Dermatitis ••EvenutctLsisatnind much Prod besides... •Dressage saddles more

23/09/2014 16:39


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14 12:12

Main Features

Front cover: Matt Sampson riding Christine Spanners Top Flight True Carlo (Boycott) at Scope 2014



Feeding Treats....................... 9 Blue Chip Competition ....14 Could it be lymphangitis? 16 Horse Behaviour ................18 Classical Riding Part Ten..20 Beginners guide to indoor jumping ................................22 Apache Shatwell lameness 24 Pastern Dermatitis .............32 Saddles for dressage...........34




record-breaking 74 nations and a thousand horses were at the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games™ which finished on the 7th September. The Games, which unite the world championships of all the disciplines governed by the International Equestrian Federation (FEI) - Jumping, Dressage and Para-Equestrian Dressage, Eventing, Driving, Endurance, Vaulting, and Reining – have attracted the world’s best riders and horses.



Keep in touch!

Don’t miss out - keep dexim eht fo scras 73 dah taht raey tsal esroh a desahcrup I“ up-to-date with all the “ I h a v e o b yln latestgnews and events eht dna won shtnom 9 rof redwop X-RAS def evah I .yteirav t nisu nee ehfollowing orp d u c t a f by us on e w era ereht scras tlucco eht fO .gnizama neeb evah stluser dna skeew ydaerla t Facebook h e s a r c eht fo tsoM .kcab worg ot detrats sah riah eht dna tfel enon hcihw ym dah esroh h a s http:www.facebook. a l r e e v ah scras gniniamer eht fo llA .ffo nellaf evah seno suoicarev a g yd capital, Caen gis oN!eno Most of the competitions have been in the region’s com/pages/Equi-Adsn o f i t a t !!lla Ltd/114650251907111 gnialso niaknown merasscthe r a s l l a m s Le Pin National Stud, “Versailles for horses”, 0 1 sah won esroh ehT .ezis ni knurhs G r e a t p ”tcudor approximately 80km from Caen, hosted the Eventing competition n a h t r e t t e b r a f n e e b e v a h stluser ehT !!!73 lanigiro eht morf Book your advertisement and the legendary UNESCO World Heritage Site of Mont St Michel kralC C t c u d o rp ruofor yh ti160km w desEndurance aelp os ride. provided a magnificent backdrop the ma I .gnizama ylurt - detcepxe I for October now ”.ydaerla sdneirf lareves ot ti dednemmocer evah I taht

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-REqui-Ads AS LARUTAN LLA This is to certify,X that average distribution is 50,000 24£ ylppus keew 6 copies every month. Average 5 7 ylppus htnom 3 readership, excluding the£ website is 120,000. Robert Griffiths, Publisher 09£ KCAP ERAC SCRAS ISSN 1461-0590

Brimham RC Win Clinic ylppus htnom 3 ffo 01£ rof with Blyth Tait!

THE N EQUI-ADS ET edocTEAM tnuocsiD laicepS Editorial:

bob@equiads.net 020 8302 6069


rimham Riding Club have

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National Riding Club Horse Trials which has led to them securing a clinic with NZ International Production/Accounts: rider Blyth Tait at the Richmond kirsty@equiads.net Equestrian Centre. The 90cm team including 07712 305257 Rebecca Mason, Carly Mason, IT & Web: ompson mocmark@equiads.net .x-rasesroh@pleLucy h :Th lia mE & Janna Wood, won the Area Four competition in June in a hotly contested class Events: by 1.5 points. They then went on graham@equiads.net to win the 90cm (with all scores counting) at the National Horse Design: Trials in August at Swalcliffe Park. Vortex Creative Ltd Blyth Tait (Olympic and World 01474 248 874 Champion Gold Medallist) stephanie@equiads.net 01159 461146

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delivered a clinic and demo at Richmond Equestrian Centre. The Brimham Riding Club winning team are the guinnee pigs for the demo where they were put through their paces in front of what is proved to be a sell out event! The SJ & XC clinics ran throughout the day on Tuesday 16 & Wednesday 17 September which were open to all levels of abilities from young and green horses through to those competing at all levels. Blyth has a nononsense approach to training with straightforward practical advice who enjoys working with all ability levels of horse and rider.




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October 2014 | 1

23/09/2014 16:40

Xxxxxxxxxx News

www.conchiesaddlery.co.uk Telephone Dundee 01382 532536

EXCITING DEVELOPMENTS FOR WESTON PARK I n addition to the published schedule for Weston Park International this October, the Organising team are delighted to announce that Boultons Arenas and Gallops have once again agreed to sponsor the CCI*. The Organisers are also very pleased to announce that British Eventing are going to match the KBIS CCIJ* prize money with Training Vouchers which will give the CCIJ* a total prize fund of £2,710.00. The Charles Owen Pony Section will now run under FEI rules which stipulate that prize money cannot be given, however Weston Park will be generously supplying the equivalent

value of BE Training Vouchers to competitors. Long-standing Weston Park supporters, David and Catherine Witt, will again support the CCI** which will also include a special prize presented by British Young Rider sponsors Askham Bryan College who will be donating a £200 training bursary to the highest placed rider Under 21 in the CCI2* . The National Saddle Centre also join the sponsorship line-up for Weston this year with their generous support of the BE100 U18 National Championship. Blue Chip have once again come on board to support to BE100 Open and BE90 sections.


ilver Crown Snaffle Bridle With Half Lined Reins RRP: £271 Available in Black with Black stitching. Sizes: Cob/ Full

ULC30 Plus For all horses Scientifically designed to keep healthy digestion. Assists in preventing tetchy and girthy horses. Helps alleviate mood swings. Improves hind gut digestion. Used by many trainers.

An HFL approved special scientifically designed digestive product combining amino acids and herbs. Recommended by veterinarians and farriers.

The Event has made positive changes to the site layout following constructive discussions with riders which is hoped will go down equally well with Owners and spectators. Some of the changes include introducing new catering facilities as well as a new trot up location which is much closer to the stabling. In addition to this a number of electrical hook ups will be available in the lorry park. The Weston Park team look forward to welcoming competitors and supporters to the Event this October. For full information please visit http://www.westonht.co.uk/

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Charity Ride Attracts Ray Terry reports


he Church Wilne Rotary Club’s Charity Horse Ride took place on Sunday 14th September when 222 riders enjoyed the unique opportunity to ride through scenic Locko Park, Dale Abbey, Ockbrook and Spondon. The 10 mile course consisted of bridleway, tracks, road and farmland not normally available to the public through beautiful countryside. The Club has received many emails and messages congratulating them on the organisation and marshalling of the Ride. There are also many congratulatory messages from the Riders on the Club’s Facebook page. The Club provided 72 marshals and there was a common theme following the day about the very friendly and helpful marshals. This year’s charity is the Derbyshire Leicestershire Rutland and Children’s Air Ambulance and with sponsorship from Kary

Gray supported by 24 other companies, which ensured that all entry fees and other donations produced a profit for the charities of £8,000. The weather was perfect for the event and many of the riders took advantage of the well laid out jumps throughout the course. Upon finishing they all received two rosettes which included the names of all the sponsors. All in all a great charity event with excellent organisation by Church Wilne Rotarians with family and friends support who gave so much support before and on the day to ensure another successful charitable event.

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23/09/2014 16:40

Inve th

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smile you’re on camera available from all UK equestrian outlets and direct from www.gizapaw.co.uk

Our latest product has been designed to encourage motorists to drive safely around horses. Reflective, HiVis tail sleeve and tabard promotes the idea of safety not only through warning, but also by recording via a small attachable camera. Our tabards and tail sleeves are available with either “Smile You’re on Camera” or “Please Pass Wide & Slow”. Both will help to encourage motorists to drive safely around you and your horse whilst out hacking, giving you more confidence. We also provide a showerproof casing for our micro cameras, to allow use outside in all weather. The casing comes with a strap which will fit around the riders helmet or arm, as well as a crocodile clip. Please note, this showerproof casing will not fit onto the tabard or tail sleeve fixed mounts.

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Animal Safety Products 18/09/2014 13:38 23/09/2014 16:40

Xxxxxxxxxx Security

Raising Security Awareness By Martin Graham


ecent times have undoubtedly seen a significant rise in crimes around agricultural properties, especially in the SouthWest and Midlands area. This type of property is a tempting and easy target for theft of equipment, vehicles and even animals. The benefits of CCTV are endless, not only are they an initial deterrent, they can also provide crucial evidence in court for prosecution against criminal damage and theft. CCTV systems have the ability of recording visual images of intruders, confirming identities through facial recognition and vehicle registration numbers. With the aid of “auto focus” the images are never blurred and always sharp. With modern cameras, blurred and fuzzy images recorded at night are a thing of the past. Most cameras are now fitted with a minimum of 24-36 IR LED’s, meaning at the very least there is 20-30 meters clearly visible at night. With higher spec cameras, clear distances as far as 150 meters can be achieved when natural light is poor, this feature is invaluable considering

this is the time when criminals are more likely to strike. The systems can also be configured so that if an intruder is detected through motion, an alarm is raised. If such an alarm is raised, the occupant can safely, in the security of their home view the images on a display monitor. Having tools such as “Zooming” and” Panning” at their disposal, they are able to view and track the intruder gaining as much recorded evidence as possible. Connecting CCTV to the internet now allows you to view your premises from anywhere in the world using your smart phone, giving you peace of mind and facilities to stay in control while you’re away. With a large range of designs

available, CCTV cameras are no longer an obtrusive object to have installed, there are many impressive designs that can even give prominence to the estate. Adding value to properties and reducing insurance premiums, the addition of CCTV only comes with advantages. Protecting loved ones, assets and livestock doesn’t have to be an expensive venture, with a system to suit every budget you can be one step ahead. The prosecution rates for businesses and home owners using CCTV is many times higher than that for those without CCTV. If you are unfortunate enough to be a victim of crime at least there will be a strong chance of detection and conviction.

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very rider is exposed to being trodden on by a horse and the experience can be extremely painful and it can take weeks to heal. More people get injured by being trodden on that any other type of accident with horses and that is why it makes good sense to wear toe protective riding boots. Equitector offers a full range of long and short riding / yards boots that meet the independently tested EN ISO 20346 for safety. The toe cap is complete concealed and cannot be see nor felt. In wear you would not even know it is there, but when you get trodden on you will appreciate it. For more information contact Equitector tel 0208 0904029 www.equitector.com

4 | October 2014

Equi_Ads_Oct_EW_rev.indd 4


ritish Horse Feeds is delighted to announce support for the iconic mounted unit of the City of London Police. The eight horses, most of which are fed on SpeediBeet, carry on a proud tradition of service and duty which began in 1873, patrolling the central city area known as the Square Mile. Each horse is partnered with an officer who is responsible for all aspects of care, including nutrition. The horses have Speedi-Beet included in their diets to provide additional fibre and slow release energy. Sergeant Jesse Wynne told Equi-Ads: “The horses really enjoy SpeediBeet and it allows us to provide extra fibre, in addition to their forage, whilst safe in the knowledge that it is non-heating so they remain focused and sensible for patrol. “We are extremely pleased to have support from British Horse Feeds, reducing our monthly feed bills will help to secure the future of the mounted unit.” Speedi-Beet is approved by The Laminitis Trust and is produced using best quality British beet pulp. The beet pulp feed is soaked and ready to feed in under ten minutes. For more information please contact British Horse Feeds on 01765 680300 or visit www.britishhorsefeeds.com.

The City of London Police Mounted Unit in 1910

Sergeant Jesse Wynne on duty with Lionheart www.equi-ads.com

23/09/2014 16:40

Retail Xxxxxxxxxx Focus • News


Each issue, we showcase one of the UK’s most popular retail stores, celebrating the ‘bricks and mortar’ retailers stocking equestrian goods. This month, we talk to the team at Meynell Saddlery.


eynell Saddlery, near Ashbourne in Derbyshire, is a long-established, traditional saddlery and tack shop business. Saddler fitter, BHSAI and proprietor Nicola Annable has over 35 years’ experience with horses, and has taken part in a variety of disciplines to national level; this means she has extensive experience when it comes to advising customers, who come to the saddlery for a range of goods and services. A compact, ‘Alladin’s Cave’ on one floor, the store is home to many leading brands including Horseware, Ariat, Sherwood Forest, Woof Wear and Eurostar. Charles Owen, Champion and Gatehouse riding hats are professionally supplied and fitted in store, in addition to

Racesafe and Rodney Powell body protectors. Traditional and contemporary leatherwork from the Dever and Ascot brands is available from the Gloucestershirebased saddlery brand Dever, offering quality and style at a price that’s right. The saddlery, which is just off the A52 in Brailsford, not only supplies and fits new, made to measure Silhouette saddles, but is also one of Derbyshire’s largest stockists of second hand saddles, with over 200 in store to suit all shapes, sizes and budgets. In addition, on most Saturdays, Nicola provides an in-house saddlery service, enabling customers to bring their saddle to the shop to be re-flocked, or for leather repairs to be made. A bit hire service is also available for a charge of £5 per bit.

A range of Beswick and Border Fine Arts is available, as well as bespoke cushions and footstools in Sanderson, Gilpin and Lewis & Wood Fabrics. A range of gifts and jewellery is also on sale, making Meynell Saddlery a great choice for ornaments and gifts. In addition to new goods, there is always a wide range of ‘pre-loved’ second hand tack, clothing, rugs, and hunting and show attire available for those customers looking for a bargain, as well as lovely vintage hunt crops. Nicola also offers a rug wash and repair service, which is available all throughout the year. The warm welcome is legendary, with cups of tea available for thirsty shoppers! The team also offers feeds and supplements; not only for horses, but also for dogs, cats, wild birds and poultry, making it a onestop-shop for animal owners. The saddlery can supply feed from all the major suppliers, including some of the more difficult-to-obtain feeds - so customers are encouraged to enquire about special orders. The saddlery caters to many cross country and eventing enthusiasts, and being close to some of the most demanding and exciting

Norbrook Rescue Village at Your Horse Live T

he International Symposium in Animal Musculoskeletal Practice (ISAMP) is delighted to welcome Dr. Tony Nevin to its list of highly respect industry speakers, who will be speaking at the conference held on 28th-30th November 2014. After proving popular with visitors and hugely successful in re-homing unwanted horses, the Norbrook Rescue Village is making a return to this year’s Your Horse Live. The Norbrook Rescue Village is a haven for horses and ponies from national equine charities that are all looking for their forever home. At last years show all the horses featured found new loving homes and for this reason alone, Your Horse Live wanted to make sure it returned for another year. Visitors will get the opportunity to meet the equine residents, give them a pat and hear their incredible stories, some of which make it hard to understand why these wonderful animals would ever offer their trust to a human again. It also gives the equine charities represented at the event a chance to showcase the excellent work they do on behalf of the many horses, ponies and donkeys that are abused and abandoned every year, as well as allowing them to show how and where generous donations from the public are spent. The work of these charities seems to


Equi_Ads_Oct_EW_rev.indd 5

be ever more needed as not a day goes by without yet another story featuring in the media of animal suffering. This means equine charities, like the ones in attendance at the Norbrook Rescue Village, are constantly stretched beyond their means. For anyone thinking of getting a horse or pony, the Norbrook Rescue Village would be a great place to visit to answer any questions about re-homing and maybe even meet a future member of the family! The show takes place at Stoneleigh Park on November 8 and 9. www.yourhorselive.co.uk or telephone 0844 5810770.

Charles Owen hats are available including the V8 hunting regions in England, also serves members of the Meynell and South Staffordshire Hunt. With the Autumn hunting season now underway, cubbing taking place locally on a Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Nicola Annable is also a keen photographer under the banner of Nicola Annable Photography, and as a popular side line, attends some local shows and events, and also weddings and parties, taking beautiful photos for clients and customers. Nicola does stock a paid for local regional magazine title for the Northern part of England, but says Equi- Ads is the more popular title, getting picked up by customers quickly thanks to its range of interesting articles. We wish Meynell Saddlery many best wishes for their autumn and winter season!

Catriona Moon joins ambassadors! V

eterinary surgeon and endurance rider Catriona Moon(32) has joined the growing portfolio of Dengie brand ambassadors. Catriona is devoted to fibre feeding and makes sure that Leila benefits from a Dengie diet. “We couldn’t find a more perfect endorsement for our products,” said marketing manager Lisa Wilson. “Endurance is a demanding discipline and it is essential that the horse is really firing on all cylinders, with a healthy digestive system and enough energy to complete long rides over challenging terrains.” The North Yorkshire-based rider has competed internationally as an individual and has also represented Great Britain at European and World Championships at Young Rider and Senior levels. WEG 2014 is a case of fourth time lucky for Catriona, who was shortlisted for Jerez (2002) and Aachen (2006), and had to withdraw from selection for Kentucky in 2010. Catriona told Equi-Ads; “Receiving backing from this great brand coupled, with my WEG selection, is making sure that 2014 turns out to be one of the best years ever!”

October 2014 | 5

23/09/2014 16:40


Hickstead Benefits from Hoof Capital Funding T

he All England Jumping Course, Hickstead, has unveiled its new facilities. Thanks to a Hoof Capital Funding Award of £85,000 and investment from the Bunn Family, the world class venue now features all-weather competition and training facilities, enabling many more people to take part in variety of equestrian sport all year round. Previously Hickstead has only been accessible through the summer months, with only the smallest range of activities offered at the venue between September and April. The developments include hard standing for lorry and car parks, an orbital road around the site, flood lighting as well as the construction of Ring 4 which features the Andrew Bowens arena surface that British teams experienced huge success on in Greenwich at the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Hickstead Director, Lizzie Bunn, said: “The

Hoof Capital Funding award, will ensure that many more people will be able to benefit from access to these wonderful facilities and enjoy the enduring legacy left to the sport by my father Douglas.” Hickstead aims to grow its range of activities beyond high level competition to offer training opportunities and competitions for a variety of disciplines such as polocrosse, The Pony Club and British Riding Clubs as well as host participation events for irregular riders, school and university training days. The works, made possible by the Sport England funded award will also enable Hickstead to bid more strongly for major championships in dressage, paraequestrian dressage and showjumping as well as for non-Olympic disciplines such as carriage driving. “Hickstead is a world class venue which supports riders of all levels. Whether it is

a novice rider starting out, or a potential future champion, this facility can offer more opportunities to allow rider to develop their skills and participate on a more regular basis” said Alex Copeland, Head of Sports Development at the British Equestrian Federation (BEF). “The improvements at Hickstead will provide the BEF with excellent facilities to support the development of athletes leading up to Rio 2016 and Tokyo 2020. The facility will also help the Federation meets it Sport England participation targets by getting more riders taking part in equestrian sport at least once a week. We look forward to continuing to work closely with Hickstead over future years” he continued. To find out more about Hoof Capital Funding awards visit www.hoofride.co.uk, or for more information about events and training days available at the All England Jumping Course visit www.hickstead.co.uk


o win Burghley once in a lifetime is something that Eventing dreams are made of. To win it three times - and three years in a row on the same horse may never again be repeated. Andrew Nicholson, winner of Burghley CCI**** on Avebury in 2012, 2013 and again in 2014, will be the *Key Speaker* at the 2015 International Eventing Forum (IEF). Andrew joins an already impressive line-up for a day which is now an essential date in the diary for Professional and

Amateur riders, trainers and owners - at all levels. The 2015 International Eventing Forum will take place at Hartpury College on Monday 2nd of February from 10am to 5pm. Make sure you don’t miss out by putting the date in your diary today! Tickets will soon be for sale soon from Hartpury College. Andrew Nicholson and Avebury head the Burghley prize giving for the third year in a row. Photo courtesy of e-venting.co.uk

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6 | October 2014

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ue Sherlock from Happy Landings (Horsham, West Sussex) receives first prize in the Open section from judge Sara Howe to qualify for the 2015 RDA National Championships (Photo by Angie Figgis) Joanne McNicoll from Kipling County (Chalvington, East Sussex) receives first prize in the Intermediate section from judge Sara Howe. (Photo by Angie Figgis).

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23/09/2014 16:40

Retail Focus • News



ole Avon Town & Country Stores will be holding Pet & Equine Event Days at its three retail branches in Devon this October. The events follow on from the successful days that were held in store last year – only this time even bigger and better and packed full of fantastic one day only offers! The first event is on Saturday 11th October at Mole Avon Town & Country Stores in Mill Street, Crediton, and then Saturday 18th October at Station Yard, Axminster and finally Saturday 25th October at Mole Avon’s branch in Exeter Road, Okehampton. All events will feature one day only special offers - 15% off all equestrian products including stable and grooming equipment, feeds, bedding, rugs and rider clothing. Plus 15% off all pet products including cat, dog and small animal food, accessories, toys, treats and wormers. These discounts are on top of any existing offers in store! There will be a horse rug sale, plus pop in and enter a FREE prize draw for a chance to win great prizes including four tickets to the Westcountry Equine Fair at Westpoint and an embroidered

Musto Jacket to name a few. (Draw prizes kindly sponsored by Nettex, Marksway HorseHage and Skinners). Plus bring in your horse rugs for cleaning or repair through local partners. Each store will be hosting their own unique attractions focussed around pet and equine from dog grooming to equine therapy. Specialists from equine and pet suppliers will also be in store offering help and trusted advice - something for everyone in pet and equestrian. Don’t forget – Mole Avon Town & Country Stores delivers FREE to most local postcodes on orders over £150 – ideal for all those bulky feed and bedding purchases, extra added value on top of the events great discounts! Mole Avon’s staff are excited to be hosting three fun-filled days and look forward to welcoming both new and existing customers in store. For further information about these events or for any other query please contact your local Mole Avon Town & Country Store – Axminster 01297 32441, Crediton 01363 774786 or Okehampton 01837 53886.

Horse and Pony Direct make ordering your balancers easy


9am - 3pm at Mole Avon Town & Country Stores


unning out of your horse or pony’s balancer can be a real pain and with the busy lives that we all now lead there just doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day! Horse and Pony Direct have overcome this problem by offering a subscription deal to their customers. Known for their high quality products at amazingly low prices, Horse and Pony Direct customers can subscribe to their favourite feed balancer on a monthly basis, saving them money and taking the hassle out of remembering to order their balancers. Customers who sign up to the subscription will get 10% off the balancers and will have as many bags as they choose delivered to their preferred address on a monthly basis. Horses and ponies that are fed a balancer from the Horse and Pony Direct range will get a balanced diet of all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients they need on a daily basis. Balancers should be fed daily and by using this subscription offer you can eliminate the risk of running out and upsetting your horse or pony’s digestive system. All the balancers in the Horse and Pony Direct range are whole-cereal and molasses free and are all British made with a 100% satisfaction money back guarantee. Also available from Horse and Pony Direct are a wide range of supplements, sprays and creams, all formulated to make your life easy and your horse healthy. For more information visit www.horseandponydirect





Valid only on Pet & Equine Days at Mole Avon - 11th, 18th and 25th October

Valid only on Pet & Equine Days at Mole Avon - 11th, 18th and 25th October

Only one voucher per customer per transaction.

Only one voucher per customer per transaction.





Saturday 11th October

Mill Street, CREDITON 01363 774786

Saturday 18th October

Station Yard, AxMINSTER 01297 32441

Saturday 25th October

Exeter Road, OkEhAMPTON 01837 53886 October 2014 | 7

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23/09/2014 16:40

News Xxxxxxxxxx

Equi-Ads catch up with Scott Brash at this years Scope Show Jumping Festival

Sam Fogg riding his own Smooth Lux

Sam Fogg riding his own Smooth Lux

Equi-Ads catch up with Scott Brash


he Alexanders Horseboxes BS Scope Festival held at Staffordshire County Showground 24th – 30th August once again offered an action packed week of Showjumping for both Junior and Senior riders. Despite a mixed bag of weather the Show did go on ! with early starts and late nights. The constant deluge of rain on the Monday put pay to jumping outdoors on the Tuesday with all outdoor ring classes cancelled, this in turn necessitated the timetable being rearranged with a knock on effect for the rest of the week and some classes indoor

8 | October 2014

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running into the early hours. 2015 will see the National Championships held at Scope move to their new home at Stoneleigh Park, Kenilworth. The contract was up for renewal, After all tenders were considered they were awarded to Grandstand Event Management for a period of five years. This will see the formation of a new show at Stoneleigh. We understand the Scope Festival will continue but the format and classes/Qualifers have yet to be announced.


23/09/2014 16:40




From the creators of

Dr Derek Cuddeford, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh


his is a challenging topic as it involves looking into the owner animal interaction. It is a very interesting dynamic since one wonders who benefits most from the use of treats; animal or owner? A treat is an event or something that is unusual and gives great pleasure both to the giver and the receiver. In the context of this article we are dealing with a food item and most horses/ ponies presented with such an item outwith normal feeding times will be quite “pleased”. We use these food treats as rewards, encouragement, and of course, when we just can’t say “no” to the animal hanging its head over the stable door/field gate. It is undeniable that horse owners really like to feed their animals and unfortunately this can have dire consequences for the animal although it is usually more apparent with cats and dogs. Overprovision of treats leads very quickly to obesity in these animals-killing with kindness! Preparation of food for your horse/dog/etc is very satisfactory


RH The Princess Royal receives The Blue Cross Equine Welfare Award from Blue Cross Chairman Zair Berry. Photo by David Boughey.

particularly if delivery of said meal results in the animal consuming it with enthusiasm. The latter is often used by horse owners as an important criterion of dietary adequacy. Rapid consumption = satisfactory commercial product. This might seem a little off-track but, rapid consumption of horse food should be the last thing you want for your horse. More important would be that the horse eats some of its allocation then wanders off for a chat with the stable cat that has taken up residence in its box. Eventually the horse would return for a little more food and so on, thereby mimicking the desired little and often principle. I am sure there would be just reward for anyone who could design such a diet but would the prejudiced/sceptical owner buy such a diet if their horse did not immediately consume it?? The treat, by its very nature, is only fed in gram quantities so in some ways it is part of the “little” in the little and often mantra. What role does a treat have in the overall ration? In most cases nothing! Some people become very excited about the possibility that a treat will imbalance the diet. When fed in gram quantities this is simply not possible as a smidgen of chocolate will do no harm unless of course your horse is a performance horse when it would produce a positive drug test. All it needs are a few Smarties for disqualification. Thus, any treat containing chocolate is a definite “no, no” for competing horses. The classic treat for a horse always used to be a few sugar lumps trading on the fact that horses all seem to have a “sweet tooth”. A horse with Cushings or is laminitis-prone or insulin-resistant or suffering from Equine Metabolic Disease should not be fed a diet rich in water soluble carbohydrates (WSC) but a couple of sugar cubes? Clearly it would be a nonsense to deprive such a horse of a moment of sugary bliss. Equally, spring grass might be off the overall dietary plan for health reasons but it should not stop an owner from offering a horse a handful of fresh grass. One hundred gram of grass contains 86g of water and of the remaining 14g of dry material there can be no more than 7g WSC, hardly a meaningful amount. So feeding treats requires that you have the right perspective in terms of what they contribute to the overall diet which in most cases is nothing. So what can give the owner the satisfaction of providing something out of the ordinary without throwing the horse’s diet off balance or causing (continued on page 26)



Equi_Ads_Oct_National_rev.indd 9

23/09/2014 16:15

Feeding Xxxxxxxxxx

Know the Quality of your Hay Hay is undoubtedly the ideal forage for horses. Here the experts at HAYGAIN hay steamers share their advice on purchasing hay, taking into consideration the quality of the hay and how to store it correctly to retain its nutritional content throughout the year.


he quality of hay depends on the value of the crop, determined by the weather and maintenance of the grass before harvest. Once cut, the grass must be given sufficient time to dry, to remove moisture before baling. The healthier and drier the crop, the better the hay. What to look for? When looking for high-quality hay, knowing what is inside counts. Before buying hay, open at least one bale up and look inside. Slight discolouration isn’t a problem; this often occurs with stacked hay. Obvious signs of bad hay are warmth, extreme sun bleaching, mould, dust, fermentation or abnormal heaviness. Avoid hay that contains weeds, dirt, insects or rubbish. Look at the texture of the hay; it should be fine-stemmed, green, leafy and soft. Good hay should smell sweet;

poor hay often smells musty. Try to feed the hay within the year of its harvest, to ensure it still retains its nutritional value. How to store hay? Storage is vital to ensure hay remains top quality. Hay should be stored in hay sheds and barns that offer complete protection from wind, rain, snow and sun. Store areas must be cleaned out before new hay is stacked in. If old hay dust is left, mouldy spores can mix with the new clean forage. Old hay should be kept separate from new bales. Unless the floor of the barn has a waterproof membrane (concrete), bales should be raised off the ground to avoid moisture rising through floor. Once baled, the hay is still drying so it’s crucial to keep it well ventilated; leaving the bales out in the field to develop for a couple of days, if sunny, can be beneficial. There are generally two main types of hay storage barns: fully enclosed, which can be open at one end for ease of filling, but are otherwise totally enclosed, and “roof only” structures, accessible from all sides. When planning storage, ventilation is the key to good hay. The storage must allow for

air exchange, either by natural ventilation, or a fan system. This is especially the case if the hay is not perfectly dry, so the air can get in to the hay and dry it out completely. Good ventilation will also remove excessive moisture; if the moisture is left, it can move from warmer to cooler areas of the stack, damaging more bales. Ventilation will also remove condensation which can form under steel. ‘Visitors’ to hay barns (chickens, foxes, rodents, etc.) can contaminate hay and will leave their ‘calling card’ - adding to the bacteria – as well as their smell, which horses notice far more acutely than humans. (Cats are great for killing rodents.) Hay bales should be stacked with the newer ones at the back and the older at the front, so the older ones are used first, and allow narrow gaps between rows for extra air flow. Try to keep them off the ground to ensure maximum air flow; open lofts are ideal; another alternative is wooden pallets. Steaming Hay Even the best quality hay may contain levels of dust and spores, which can provoke coughing in horses, as well as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), amongst other respiratory diseases. Soaking hay to eliminate dust is not only messy and laborious, but also reduces the nutritional content and produces a liquid waste

10 | October 2014

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that is classed as an environmental pollutant, eight times worse than human effluent. Steaming hay with the HAYGAIN hay steamer has been scientifically proven to kill harmful spores found in hay and therefore effectively sterilise hay without nutritional loss. The HAYGAIN hay steamer has been researched and extensively tested at The Royal Agricultural College, by Equine Nutritionist Dr Meriel Moore-Colyer. HAYGAIN’s unique concept enables steam to penetrate the centre of the bale, releasing steam evenly which defuses outwards, ensuring the entire bale is steamed at the critically necessary temperatures (circa 100°C throughout). Using the HAYGAIN hay steamer produces sweet-smelling, palatable, dust-free hay. HAYGAIN is currently available in three models: the HG-1000, HG-600 and HG-GO. With all the units steamed hay is ready to feed immediately after steaming cycles of less than 50 minutes depending on model. Complete nutritional value and goodness are maintained with improved palatability and digestibility. Vets say yes! Proven by several leading research institutions and establishments, HAYGAIN is endorsed and prescribed by leading vets internationally, and used by professional riders throughout all disciplines. The HG-1000 is designed to steam a full bale. It can process a fully strung bale and withstand the use and abused on the biggest, busiest of yards. The HG-600 accommodates half a bale, hay nets or hay wedges and is ideal for smaller yards and for use away at competitions. The unit is extremely durable, compact and easy to move around, the stables. The new HG-GO is a fully collapsible bag that will (continued on page 22) www.equi-ads.com

23/09/2014 16:15



Friday 6pm – Clean and easy to handle - Julia & Marvin


• Dust-free

• Highly compressed bales

• No additives

• Easy to handle

• Lower sugar than most hays

• No soaking required

• Consistent & guaranteed

• Splits easily into wedges

Visit www.horsehage.co.uk to find out about our special Autumn offer Buy 4 bales and get a FREE HorseHage Net plus a chance to win a year’s supply of HorseHage! MARK WESTAWAY & SON LOVE LANE FARM, MARLDON, PAIGNTON, DEVON, TQ3 1SP TEL: 01803 527257 www.horsehage.co.uk

Equi_Ads_Oct_National_rev.indd 11

23/09/2014 16:15

Xxxxxxxxxx Feeding • Healthcare


ew Equerry Cool Cubes and Mix are ideal for horses and ponies in light work. ‘Non-Heating’ the cubes and mix are a low energy, high fibre formula and are suitable for horses and ponies that tend to be sharp or fizzy. Both contain low levels of sugar and starch and include added vitamins and minerals including magnesium. The new range of top-quality horse feeds contains something for every horse or pony, whether you are feeding youngstock, a leisure horse or a competition horse, there is a product to meet their nutritional requirements. The range provides everything from High Fibre Cubes for horses and ponies at rest or in very light work to Performance Cubes and Sports Mix for competition horses in hard work, as well as Conditioning Cubes and Mixes, Stud & Youngstock Cubes and Mix, Veteran Mix and Racehorse Cubes. Equerry horse feeds are formulated by experienced nutritionists, using only the best quality ingredients and are produced under the BETA NOPS scheme giving horse owners peace of mind. Equerry horse feeds combine highly digestible fibre sources to support a healthy digestive system with cooked cereals where appropriate to provide a highly digestible source of energy. All the feeds are balanced with vitamins and minerals to support health and wellbeing and include good quality protein sources for muscle development. The range includes seven cubes, six coarse mixes, one mash and one treat in the form of Equerry Minty Horse Treats. To find out more about the Equerry range of horse feeds visit www.equerryhorsefeeds.com or telephone 01845 565640.

e the should b Testing orming w tone of corners

Westgate Labs

more than just a worm count Worm counts on dung samples. Test for red and round worms. A range of products and services to suit all from singles to large yards. Saliva samples to test for tapeworm. Now a reliable test for tapeworm burdens. Easy and accurate. Free advice & support from the experienced, knowledgeable team. No question too small.

y horse Trusted b rywhere owners eve 12 | October 2014

Equi_Ads_Oct_National_rev.indd 12

visit the Westgate shop, buy securely online www.westgatelabs.co.uk tel: 01670 791994

Photo credit: Fiona Rafferty


ey members of the Absorbine® management proudly looked on at the Normandy World Equestrian Games to watch sponsored rider Charlotte Dujardin take both the Individual World Equestrian Games Dressage Championships. Charlotte is now the reigning, Olympic, European and World Champion. This is the first time a British rider has simultaneously held these three titles. She returned from Normandy with team silver and two individual gold medals.

HorseHage Sponsor Spencer Roe L

incolnshire-based international show-jumper, Spencer Roe, is the latest member to join Team HorseHage, and his team of horses will be supported with HorseHage dust-free bagged forage. Chris Tar of HorseHage told Equi-Ads: “Spencer is a young rider, rising fast in the BSJA rankings, and we hope that this exciting partnership will be a great success.” Spencer rides full time as his profession, having spent two years riding and grooming for Andrew Saywell and then training under the watchful eyes of William and Pippa Funnell before returning to set up his own yard in Lincoln. He began riding as a youngster but became really interested in show-jumping as a 13-year-old when his parents bought his pony, Just Be Ok, for 138cm classes. He has represented Team GB for the past three years, from Junior and Young Rider Nations Cup Teams to winning his first 5* Nations Cup earlier this year. Spencer currently has six horses in work, including his winning 5* Nations Cup ride, Wonder Why (Disney), owned by his mother, Mrs Sally Roe. Spencer and Wonder Why have been selected onto the Senior British team for the Alltech World Equestrian Games in

Normandy later this month and the pair were also instrumental in qualifying the British team for the final of the Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup Series in Barcelona in October, with an outstanding double clear in the Dublin Nations Cup. Said Spencer: “I am very pleased to be joining Team HorseHage and realise the importance of feeding a dustfree forage such as HorseHage, as it can help keep my horses respiratory systems healthy, allowing them to perform at their best.” For more information on feeding your horse or pony please call the HorseHage Helpline on 01803 527257 or visit www.horsehage.co.uk www.equi-ads.com

23/09/2014 16:15

Quality Horse Feeds

Trusted since 1675

NEW Range now available nationally through your local retailer

£2.00 off special introductory offer*

Cool Cubes And Mix Designed for horses and ponies in light work. •

Low energy, high fibre formula.

Suitable for horses that tend to be sharp or fizzy.

Low levels of sugar and starch.

With added vitamins and minerals including magnesium.

Tel: 01845 565640 www.equerryhorsefeeds.com Equi_Ads_Oct_National_rev.indd 13

*whilst stocks last

23/09/2014 16:15

Reader competition


Over £500 worth of prizes from Blue Chip

1 winner will win • A Blue Chip balancer of their choice • A Blue Chip Fleece Rug • A Blue Chip Baseball Cap 2x runners up to each receive: • • • •

A Blue Chip supplement of their choice A Blue Chip Polo Shirt A Blue Chip Saddlecloth A Blue Chip Baseball Cap

40x further runners up to each receive: • A £10 money off voucher

Blue Chip Original – The perfect feed balancer for horses and ponies in light to medium work. Blue Chip Pro – The performance feed balancer for competition horses and veterans. Blue Chip Lami-light – The low calorie, low sugar, low starch feed balancer ideal for laminitis prone horses and ponies, good do-ers or those who are over-weight. Blue Chip Original Native – The only feed balancer formulated specifically for the needs of Native ponies. All the Blue Chip balancers are whole-cereal and molasses free making them very low in sugar and starch and all include a complete hoof and respiratory formula, a natural, fruitderived form of Vitamin E and the revolutionary ingredient Nucleotides. Blue Chip Dynamic – Pelleted joint and bone supplement ideal for elderly horses and youngstock to help produce strong, dense bone. Blue Chip Joint RLF – Liquid joint supplement that includes the powerful rosehip extract Rosa canina which helps reduce inflammation. Blue Chip Garliq – Concentrated, pure liquid garlic. Blue Chip Karma – 100% natural liquid calmer, perfect for daily use. Blue Chip AppleCalm and CarrotCalm syringes – The same ingredients that are in Blue Chip Karma, in a concentrated syringe, ideal for one-off use such as competing, travelling, clipping etc. Blue Chip Stallion SPM20 – Powerful, 100% natural supplement proven to improve sperm motility, velocity and viability by up to 20%.

To Enter simply answer the following question: Which Blue Chip product is specifically for Stallions? To have the chance of winning these great prizes, please email your answer to the above question to kirsty@equiads.net or post it with your name, address and telephone number to Blue Chip Competition, Equi-Ads Ltd.,126 Derby Road, Long Eaton, Notts. NG10 4LS.

For more information on Blue Chip call 0114 2666200 or visit www.bluechipfeed.com or facebook.com/bluechipfeed This Competition is open to anyone over the age of 18 and resident in the UK. The winner will be picked from all correct entries. The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into with regard to entries or the selection of the winner. Equi-Ads cannot be held responsible for any entries that for any reason fail to reach us before the closing date. Entries close on 31st October 2014 Prizes can only be delivered to UK mainland. No cash alternative will be offered.

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Keep your horse calm this fireworks night with the Blue Chip calming range. If you have a particularly nervous horse buy a bottle of Blue Chip Karma, feed 50ml per day in the week leading up to fireworks night and on the night itself feed 100ml an hour before the fireworks are due to start. With less-nervous horses feed just one measure from the triple-measure Carrotcalm/ Applecalm syringe on the day of the fireworks.


14 15:20

0114 266 6200 | info@bluechipfeed.com | www.bluechipfeed.com | facebook.com/bluechipfeed | twitter.com/bluechipfeed karma_fireworks.indd 1 Equi_Ads_Oct_National_rev.indd 15

12/9/12 16:27:19 23/09/2014 16:15

Xxxxxxxxxx Healthcare • Feeding


By Heather Powell, Equine MLD


inding that your horse is developing a rapidly swelling leg, with no apparent sign of injury, is a very alarming experience. One of the principle causes of this may be lymphangitis, which is inflammation of the lymphatic vessels. Until something like this happens, many horse owners are happily unaware of their horse’s lymphatic system. If it is functioning properly it does not draw attention to itself, but it is a crucial part of the body - if the lymphatic system stops working, death occurs within 24 hours. So, it is important to know something about it, and what may go wrong, including lymphangitis. The horse’s body is approximately 70% water, much of it bathing the cells of the tissues, and is the medium through which nutrients and some metabolic products are transported. Fluid is continually leaving blood vessels and entering the tissues, and also has to be continually removed, and this is part of the job of the lymphatic system. This consists of vessels, which absorb and transport fluid (becoming lymph) from the tissues, and lymphoid structures of the immune system. Through its


BIG BALE BUDDY Round Bale Feeder

Safe, Durable, Affordable, Effective, 1 year warranty Slow bale feeder now available

www.bigbalebuddyuk.com For more details phone David McGonigal 01302 844904 / 078918 045425 email - BigBaleBuddyUK@supanet.com

function to propel lymph, the lymphatic system plays an important role in immune response by transporting antigens e.g. bacteria and viruses to lymphoid structures such as lymph nodes distributed along the lymphatic vessel network, during disease and in response to infections. The lymphoid tissues can be divided into primary organs, where white blood cells crucial to the immune response are created, and secondary organs where these interact to generate immune responses to antigens. In addition to its role in immune surveillance the lymphatic vascular system is essential for fat absorption, fluid balance, and protein transport, and plays important functional roles in obesity, inflammation and fat metabolism. The lymphatic vascular system is divided into the ‘superficial’ system which drains the skin and subcutaneous tissue, and the deep system which drains deeper tissues and organs, the two parts being interconnected. Lymphatic vessels begin as ‘blind ended’ capillaries collecting fluid from the tissues. These drain into consistently larger vessels which connect with lymphatic trunks deep in



ll horses need a healthy respiratory system to perform to their maximum ability so you might be shocked to know that 80% of horses stabled part of the time have some airway inflammation, even if they are asymptomatic; this undoubtedly has a detrimental effect on their performance. In addition, more than one in six horses suffer from respiratory disease such as Recurrent Airway Obstruction (RAO/COPD) which severely affects their health, and in later life limits their activity and requires frequent veterinary maintenance at a high cost. HAYGAIN provides the ultimate solution; the patented method which




John Goodrick

WHEY CARR FARM, SAND HUTTON,YORK YO41 1LB TEL: 01904 468433 FAX: 01904 468433 e-mail: sales@johngoodrick-equestrian.co.uk www.johngoodrick-equestrian.co.uk WE ALSO OFFER MOBILE SHELTERS, RUBBER STABLE MATS AND ELECTRIC FENCING

16 | October 2014

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the body, draining into the blood circulation in the region of the jugulo-subclavian vein junctions. Except for the capillaries, lymphatic vessels can contract, moving lymph forward. If for any reason the lymphatic system cannot drain the tissues adequately, oedema or fluid swelling develops. Sometimes, as in the case of injury, there is simply too much fluid entering the tissues from the blood stream for the lymphatic system to keep up, which eventually resolves over time. But on other occasions, the lymphatic system itself can no longer function adequately, creating a different kind of oedema. Both of these reactions happen with, and frequently following, lymphangitis. Lymphangitis is much more common than often thought, and is usually caused by an infection, but can also be caused by an allergic reaction. The inflamed walls of the lymphatic vessels can no longer contract to move fluid and become permanently scarred and unable to function. Vessels around the lymph nodes however close up, preventing fluid which may be carrying antigens from moving further into the body, (continued on page 36)

steams the forage from the centre outwards at over 100˚C, drastically improves the hygiene quality and palatability in just 50 minutes without nutritional loss. Hay steamers are scientifically proven to kill mould, fungal spores and bacteria that are naturally found in hay and haylage. The result is a sweet smelling-palatable forage that is clean and safe to use. The HG-600 accommodates half a bale, hay nets or hay wedges up to 20kg and is ideal for smaller yards and for use away at competitions. The unit is extremely durable as it is double skinned and thermally very efficient whilst easy to move around on wheels, whether in use at the stables or whilst travelling. Fit for purpose materials, stainless steel fittings and easy to keep clean, the HG600 comes with the commercially rated HG-PB steam generator incorporating stainless steel boiler and heating element. HAYGAIN’s steaming technology incorporates a unique design to penetrate the centre of the halfbale, hay nets or wedges, and distribute the steam evenly from the inside outwards. This combined with the thermally insulated chest is essential in order to reach the high enough temperatures to kill the mould,

fungal spores and bacteria which is critical to ensure the hay you feed is hygienically clean and does not compromise your horses health. The revolutionary concept has been researched, developed, tested and repeatedly proven at the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester. Findings show that one gram of untreated good quality hay will contain around 7,750,000 spore colonies: HAYGAIN reduces that number to virtually 0. The hay remains clean for up to 24 hours. Recent studies have shown that haylage steamed in a HAYGAIN is not only cleaner than a freshly opened bale but has an increased shelf life too. For further information please contact HAYGAIN hay steamers on 0333 200 5233 or www.haygain.com


23/09/2014 16:16

Uniquely delicious, ChUNkY FIBRE NUGGETS


he ground t n o d e f l a e Id

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l l l l l

Low energy, low starch fibre nuggets with extracts of flavours of essential oils Feed to replace some of the hay ration or as an extra when pasture deteriorates Softens easily in water Great for convalescence & fussy feeders Ideal for boredom balls or feeding from the ground

Baileys horse Feeds www.baileyshorsefeeds.co.uk info@baileyshorsefeeds.co.uk Tel: 01371 850 247

23/09/2014 16:16

Xxxxxxxxxx Training

HORSE BEHAVIOUR - Speaking the language part 25 A series by SUSAN McBANE explaining equestrian and scientific terminology in relation to equine behaviour and psychology, and its effects on horses and training. (This series is based on a glossary of equestrian and scientific terms presented in ‘Equitation Science’ by McGreevy and McLean, 2010, the standard work on the subject. The glossary definition is given in quotation marks, followed by Susan’s discussion.)

CADENCE: ‘The result of the combined effect of correct training that a horse shows when it moves with well-marked regularity, impulsion, balanced and rhythmic strides. There should be an enhanced period of suspension between steps that gives the horse the appearance of springing off the ground so the feet lift clear of the ground and float to the next step.’


adence is the quality that accomplished horsemen and women have for centuries striven to produce in their horses. Some horses, mainly those of ‘hot blood’ genes, have a natural cadence, others can also possess it naturally and it can be trained for in others with more, or less, success. There is no doubt that riding a horse in cadence is heavenly: he feels as though he is on springs, in rhythm, balanced, impulsive and really ‘with’ his rider and, indeed, he is because if he weren’t he couldn’t do it. Various forms of false cadence can often be seen in show-rings and dressage arenas. These are produced by unknowledgeable, uncaring or impatient trainers concentrating on ‘persuading’ the horse, more by foul means than fair, to lift his legs in an effort to give the impression that he has achieved cadence – under a rider, that is, because most horses and ponies can produce cadence in the field, when feeling good, prancing around or playing with friends. True cadence appears as collection develops and this quality, too, is


subject to much misunderstanding and incorrect riding and training. The forced front-to-back method of hand-riding will not produce correct collection, which is only possible when the muscles in the forehand (known as the ‘thoracic sling’) and upper forelegs are strengthened sufficiently to actually raise the forehand a little. The horse takes his weight back somewhat and has become strong enough to flex his hip, stifle, hock and fetlock joints while bearing weight. The strengthening of the muscles and tissues in the hindquarters, including the deep muscles in the groin and under the spine in this area, and, it is believed, particularly the hamstrings, make it possible for the horse to produce greater thrust and also to carry weight on his hindquarters and hind legs. Weight carrying places different demands on the body (and mind) from forward propulsion and, like any muscle strengthening, needs time and carefully increased work, which many horses are denied today. The strong, developed


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musculature must give the horse the same feeling as that experienced by someone who takes the trouble to keep their body strong and agile. Their health generally improves because everything is working better, the blood circulation improves because more capillaries (fine blood vessels) are created and the transport and exchange of nutrients and waste products improves, plus the exchange of gases in the lungs. The feeling for both horse and rider when the horse is in selfcarriage and collection, obedient and light to the aids, and has been correctly, systematically and gymnastically strengthened to adapt his musculoskeletal system to the progressive stresses of gradually raising his back, lightening his forehand and lowering his croup is absolutely exhilarating. As anyone who has undergone a gymnastic programme of strength training will know, it is hard work getting there and can result in stiffness, fatigue and aches and pains if done incorrectly or too quickly. In time, though, with humans and horses alike, the body’s physique changes as it muscles up appropriately. In horses, the topline muscles in particular become more pronounced and the horse’s action naturally, without any coercion from the rider, develops persistent rhythm and, from that, cadence, uniquely showing that slight pause during the ‘swing phase’ of the stride, when the legs are off the ground moving through the air. It is as though the horse is orchestrating his own stride to emphasise his lightness, strength and stride quality, and enjoying the spring and thrust which we can find so challenging to sit to. This can all take not only months but years, depending on the horse’s

conformation and constitution and the skill and attitude of his trainer. Rushing the process and asking too much too soon, even when the techniques are correct, can result in injury to the horse’s body and mind. Using the wrong techniques, such as heavy persuasion or outright force to obtain ‘roundness’ and ‘get the horse back on his hocks’ by riding from front to back instead of the other way round is even worse and is most likely to permanently damage horses. From a behavioural viewpoint, horses forced to do hard, sustained, stressful work, particularly when constricted by equipment or riding techniques, often start to deteriorate in not only their action but also their attitude. Work is no longer interesting or enjoyable but physically and mentally over-taxing. Naturally, self-defence kicks in and horses can start to produce impure gaits, nap, become crooked, carry themselves behind the bit, or resist the bit and push into it in an effort to relieve the pain in their neck, shoulders and back. More serious defensive behaviours can arise, such as rearing, spooking (which is a flight response produced in horses experiencing a level of fear), head tossing and other general signs which may be taken as ‘unwillingness’ by riders and trainers but are actually clear signs from the horse that he is having considerable problems. THE HORSE FOR THE JOB We are all familiar with the statement that horses naturally bear more weight on the forehand than on the hindquarters, and this weight on the forehand is increased by carrying a rider and saddle. (continued on page 36)

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In our current issue: A MATTER OF SUBSTANCE, Susan McBane: TURN ON THE FOREHAND, Anne Wilson: DRESSAGE v. SHOWING, Lesley Skipper: SCHOOL TERMINOLOGY and USE OF THE ARENA, Anne Wilson: COPING WITH PAIN, INJURY and DISEASE, Susan McBane: COACHING SKILLS for RIDING INSTRUCTORS, Caitlin Collins: LEADERSHIP IN EQUINE FAMILIES, Lesley Skipper: THROUGHNESS: LIGHT and HEAVY SEATS, Sylvia Loch: plus Judging the Grand Prix test, Hypersalivation, Military Equitation and Dressage, and a Reader Offer and review of ‘Dressage Solutions’ by Arthur Kottas.

Issue 23 – May 2014

‘Tracking-up’ is published quarterly. Printed copies are £5.27 per issue or £18.98 for a 4-issue subscription. Digital copies are £4.00 per issue or £14 for a 4-issue subscription. Clearly print your name, address (and your email address for digital) plus ‘TUA24’, on the back of your cheque payable to ‘Tracking-up’ and post it to Anne Wilson, Park End House, Robins Folly, Thurleigh, Beds., MK44 2EQ.


23/09/2014 16:16

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hen we have successfully introduced and confirmed all the lateral exercises previously covered in this series, it is time to incorporate and intertwine them within our normal training programme. This is a challenging and exciting time for both horse and rider. We now have a veritable armoury of movements to use in short bursts between our normal two-track riding; thus making

boredom or repetition virtually impossible. Even before reaching this advanced stage with so many exercises at our disposal, I find it extremely annoying when people say ‘my horse doesn’t like schooling; he finds it boring’. What they really mean is that they have no idea of the proper way to school a horse. Even in the early stages of training there are so many variations of

ANNE WILSON, CLASSICAL RIDING TRAINER AND AUTHOR EVER WANTED CLASSICAL LESSONS ON A BEAUTIFUL, WELL TRAINED IBERIAN HORSE – but can’t afford it? – HERE’S YOUR CHANCE! I am looking for a keen person to help me care for and school a young (but not too young) Iberian horse. I am based in north Bedfordshire and already have two horses. I am hoping to acquire a third horse, being the proposed Iberian or Iberian cross, which will ideally be between the age of about five to nine years old. He or she will be kindly backed and well handled, ready to school on, hopefully to haute école. I need a helper to help with the stable work, say four or five mornings a week, possibly including weekends. This may suit someone who has a couple of hours free on week day mornings, perhaps a mother with school age children. In exchange for help with the three horses you will be able to ride and have regular lessons. You don’t need to be a superb rider, just keen to learn classical techniques and to ride in harmony with the horse. I am a classical trainer; trained with Sylvia Loch, and an equestrian author – see my website: classicalridingannewilson.com PHONE – ANNE 01234 772401

movements and different ways of intertwining them, that boredom is impossible if you have any imagination and know what you are aiming for. But now, at this stage, it is a matter of what to leave out, rather than what exercises to practice today. Trotting round in endless circles, or cantering many circuits of the school, hoping to improve the gait, of course is going to become not only boring, but tiring and unnecessarily wearing. As I have said before, it is generally the transitions which improve the gait, not continuing in a gait which is often going further and further downhill. Never neglect the walk, trot, canter and transitions between the lateral work, as these are important for the forward impulsion of the horse (note: forward impulsion as in energy, not speed), but never overdo anything. Take plenty of breaks, allowing the horse to stretch in walk on a long rein and re-assess your own position. Although you can relax during this time, don’t slouch, sit upright and think about the

classical seat. Keep your torso upright with expanded chest; lift your shoulders up, back and relax them down, in order to release any tension which may have built up. Think about whether you have equal weight on each seat bone, with a little weight on your crutch area including the inner thighs. Relax your legs down, with your heel underneath your hip, but keep your legs gently draped around the horse and encourage him, if necessary, to step actively through with his hind legs, even in this period of relative relaxation. You can also use this time to prepare your thoughts for what exercises you think would benefit your horse on that particular day, and in which order you are going to practice them. It is a mistake to concentrate all the time on lateral work, but a few steps in each session, even when you have decided to work on something else, is very beneficial to the horse. Here are some suggestions:-

Exercises containing Shoulderin, Travers, Renvers, leg-yield and Half-pass – can be ridden in walk or trot.

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Xxxxxxxxxx Training Starting off on the left rein at ‘A’ ride Shoulder-in between ‘F’ and ‘B’; change to Travers between ‘B’ and ‘M’, bring the quarters back to the track and ride around the corner, turn left down the centre line at ‘C’ and immediately legyield to your right reaching the track at around ‘E’. Carry on riding round the track until you reach ‘A’, then turn left down the centre line and Half-pass back to the track at ‘E’. You have now changed the rein and if you and your horse are not yet ready for a break; (I would recommend a break here if your horse is new to this), change to a right flexion and carry on round the track until you reach ‘M’, ride Shoulder-in from ‘M’ to ‘B’ where you change to Travers to ‘F’, straighten and ride around the track to ‘A’ turning down the centre line and leg-yield to your left towards ‘E’; ride straight round the track to ‘C’ where you turn right down the centre line and Half-pass back to the track at ‘E’. Change to a left bend and you are back on the same rein you started, having completed the same procedure on both reins. Then I’m sure you will both be ready for a break. In the sequence above, the Travers can sometimes be substituted by the Renvers section, but of course this is much more difficult and you will need to bring

the forehand back to the track and change the bend before reaching the corner. Exercises incorporating canter work in between lateral steps

Starting on say the left rein at ‘A’ in trot, ride Shoulder-in from ‘F’ to ‘B’. At ‘B’ strike off into a left canter in a semi-circle until you reach ‘E’ on the opposite track; then return to trot. Ride in trot round the track until you reach ‘A’, and return to walk. Now you can either take a break (which I would suggest if your horse is new to this work) or change the rein using a demipirouette (turn on the haunches), then go back to trot and ride the same sequence on the other rein; congratulate the horse and take a break. This is an extremely exacting and quite strenuous exercise and should not be attempted until the horse is easily able to take weight on his haunches and preferably has already mastered canter to walk. Even though you are not asking him to walk from the canter in this sequence it will help if he is capable of it. He will have to have a good deal of collection for any of this to be possible. Another variation to the above, which in some ways is even more exacting, after riding your trot Shoulder-in, then your canter semicircle, is to return to trot Shoulder-

in at the half way marker rather than continuing in a two track normal trot. In other words you are going directly from canter into a trot Shoulder-in. Many horses find this quite surprising, but when they are correctly and slowly prepared it is enthralling for both horse and rider. It is very demanding of the rider as well as the horse, as you have to be spot-on, accurate and quick with the change of aids, but at the same time being subtle and gentle. Exercises on the circle Moving in and out on the circle or ‘spiralling’

The first and easiest lateral exercise on the circle is the leg-yield, where you gradually decrease the circle, putting more weight into your inside stirrup/seatbone, requesting the horse to step to the inside with your outside leg. Your outside hand should gently but firmly support the horse on the outside, confirming the request to move sideways to the inside of the circle. Your inside hand confirms the inside flexion with gentle give and take or squeezing actions as and when necessary, and your inside leg is held supportively at the girth, underneath your inside hip which should be advanced. When you have reached the required smaller circle, you then ask

for a leg-yield gradually outwards. Return some weight to the outside stirrup/seatbone, keeping your legs and hips in the same position but changing the emphasis by gently pushing or nudging with your inside leg. Your outside leg prevents the quarters from swinging out. Your outside hand still supports the outside shoulder but allows the horse to move to the outside. There are many more advanced lateral exercises which can be used on the circle. They are generally much more difficult when performed there because of the lack of support and point of reference, which is offered by the wall of the arena. However, correct performance on the circle is certain confirmation of the horse’s understanding, agility and obedience, and requires good, tactful, precise yet gentle aiding from the rider. It is best to begin in walk. Try riding half a circle in Shoulder-in, then another half in Travers. Shoulder-out can be incorporated as well. Shoulder-out is merely Shoulder-in ridden in a different place but can be quite difficult on the circle. You could ride Shoulderout for say quarter of the circle; change to Shoulder-in for another quarter, then Travers for the next quarter, then (if you are really (continued on page 26)

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October 2014 | 21

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Xxxxxxxxxx News


By Jenny Richardson BHSAI


Premium Black Caviar Grooming Kit

re you interested in competitive showjumping this Autumn and Winter? The indoor showjumping season runs mainly through the winter months, starting at the end of September through until April, and most venues will run affiliated and unaffiliated competitions. Check your local indoor arena and see what they have to offer; clear round and unaffiliated competitions will start from 50 – 60 cm up to around 1.10. Show centre schedules will be clear on the rules and qualifications each class has to offer, and most will host their own in-house championships at the end of the season; they will also hold qualifying classes for National Championships, such as the Trailblazers Final, where you have first and second round competitions before gaining a ‘ticket’ to the final. If you are doing well at local venues and would like to go to a championship show, Trailblazers is an excellent starting block before you decide to join British Showjumping and become affiliated. Don’t restrict yourself to any one choice, mix and match to your own requirements! The affiliated circuit has so much to offer, with classes from 85cm.

If you are interested in contesting the Amateur classes, you will need to do First Round competitions – which run all year round - where the first six qualify to enter Second Rounds. Once you are qualified, the following Autumn, British showjumping will contact you informing you of the dates and venues of Second Round Shows. There will be various choices of venue, one of which at least will be within a reasonable distance of your base. This time you will need to come in the top twelve to reach the Finals held at Aintree, Liverpool. Another great Winter Championship Show is the Blue Chip Finals held at Hartbury College Gloucestershire, in April. These qualifiers start in October and run until February, with amateur and novice horse classes all the way up the grades, with the top eight in each qualifier taking a direct ticket to the Championships - they are very popular indeed. As showjumping runs all year round, it is often the case that you qualify for Summer Finals in the Winter, and vice versa. Many people use the Winter months to collect their four British Novice

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The affiliated circuit has so much to offer, with classes from 85cm.

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23/09/2014 16:16

News • Healthcare Xxxxxxxxxx

Respiratory diseases increasing! M

Trailblazers is an excellent programme – showjumper Michaela Huntington, pictured, is a big fan.

and Discovery double clears, ready for the Second Rounds of those classes the following Summer. If you have never been to an indoor competition before, or if you have a new horse, it is advisable to hire your local arena and meet a friend or trainer to practise, this way you can start low, and build yourself up to a course at a height with which you are happy. Before appearing at your first show, it is a good idea to be jumping slightly higher in training than you will be in competition, so that any first day Project2_Layout 1 settled 07/08/2014 16:15 Page nerves are and confi dence is 1 increased. Feeling prepared and well practised will increase your chances of success on competition days.

Useful websites: www.trailblazerschampionships.com www.britishshowjumping.co.uk www.bluechipchamps.co.uk If you need jumping practice, consider a training break at a leading venue. Jenny Richardson BHSAI is Equestrian Centre Business Manager at Ireland’s Castle Leslie Estate, a venue that offers luxurious equestrian riding holidays and training breaks in the heart of Ireland. The team welcomes riders of all abilities and age groups and offers expert show jumping and flatwork tuition, gentle hacks and exhilarating cross-country rides over an extensive XC course. Visit www.castleleslie. com

any equines can suffer from recurrent respiratory problems, particularly during the autumn and winter months when they are likely to be stabled for longer periods of time with potentially poor or limited ventilation. Poor respiratory health can be detrimental to a horse’s overall condition and happiness and can also significantly effect performance levels. Problems can be caused by allergies to mould, fungal spores, dust, bacteria and many other factors. Respiratory diseases have become a significant and prevalent problem affecting horses, in fact the recent Blue Cross National Equine Health Survey identified that respiratory diseases have increased from 5% to 7.1% since 2013. With this in mind it is best to put steps in place to support your equine’s respiratory health wherever possible! Respiratory Horslyx offers a unique opportunity to support respiratory health, encourage natural trickle-feeding patterns

and balance forage deficiencies all in one tub! Containing Menthol, Eucalyptus and Aniseed, this palatable lick helps to keep airways clear of mucus, in turn helping horses to breath easily and reduce the high levels of stress associated with disorders. Additionally, Respiratory Horslyx provides a balanced package of high specification vitamins and minerals, including powerful antioxidants and Vitamin C to help support and maintain a strong, healthy immune system, which in itself helps to promote good, healthy lung function. When fed alongside good quality forage, this cost-effective lick removes the need for large quantities of concentrate feed, instead offering a palatable solution to feeding and supporting respiratory health! Respiratory Horslyx is available in 5kg (RRP £13.10), 15kg tubs (RRP £26.85) and 650g Mini Licks (RRP £3.65). For further information tel, (01697) 332 592 or visit www.horslyx.com

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October 2014 | 23

23/09/2014 16:16


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A safe and natural alternative to provide the horse with joint comfort and to support mobility. Super-Fenn™ Powder contains Bromelain and Yucca, fortified with ASU, and does not contain Devils Claw or alcohol. Available in 450g – a one month supply for an average horse or pony. This product does not contravene current FEI and Jockey Club rules. Will also be available for dogs.


Apache Shatwell lameness By Peter Fenton BVM&, MRCVS


pache is a skewbald, warmblood cross gelding who suffered a relatively unusual lameness and subsequently was diagnosed with a congenital (inherited) abnormality that required invasive surgery to resolve it. He was 3 years old at the time he first presented lame to his owner. Up to this point Apache had been sound and had not needed any veterinary attention at all. His lameness coincided with him being broken to ride and a gradual increase in workload. When we first saw Apache

for this lameness he had been intermittently lame for a few weeks but it had become acutely a lot worse as he had recently started his schooling work and been shod for the first time. During the



W EW N NE A unique combination of natural ingredients which support the vital functions performed by a healthy liver. Liver Flush™ Solution will help to protect the liver cells and the processes relative to digestion, metabolism, the storage of important nutrients, tissue regeneration and the reduction of toxins from the horses body. Available in 500ml – a 10 day course for an average horse or pony. This product does not contravene current FEI and Jockey Club rules.



Iron rich vitamin and mineral tonic. High levels of work or competition can leave some horses feeling flat and without sparkle. Pro-Pell Plus® is a daily tonic designed to increase energy levels and act as a pick me up - its iron rich formulation will provide energy with beneficial vitamins & minerals, leaving the horse fresh and full of vitality. Pro-Pell Plus® can also be fed to horses that are recovering from illness and to older horses when they need a little boost. Available in 1ltr – a one month supply at maintenance and 4ltr. This product does not contravene current FEI & Jockey Club rules.

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The horse’s hind gut is full of bacteria which aid the breakdown and digestion of fibre. Stress from competition, a change in management, yard or food, can have a negative effect on this, reducing the horse’s ability to digest and absorb food correctly. Progest™ contains yeast products which aid the bacteria in the hind gut, optimising digestion and increasing the nutrients gained from the food. Progest™ should also be given after any use of antibiotics as these may affect the population of hind gut bacteria. Available in 908g – a one month supply at maintenance. This product does not contravene current FEI & Jockey Club rules.

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23/09/2014 16:16


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due to the fact that you cannot see or palpate structures through the hoof capsule. Apache had no outward sign of an abscess or penetration and none of the nails appeared to be too tight in his shoe so we elected to take a conservative approach to begin with and progress quickly to some detailed imaging and investigation if he failed to improve. Apache was on complete rest for 1 week with anti-inflammatory medication and then examined again to assess his progress. On examination of the affected foot Apache still displayed no obvious evidence of what was causing his pain but he still reacted significantly to (continued on page 30)


examination he was trotted up and found to be 6/10 lame on his left fore leg, which is a severely painful grade indicating that he had a significant problem and needed urgent pain management. On closer examination he displayed an exaggerated reaction to squeezing his left fore foot with the hoof testers, an instrument used to detect foot pain, showing that his problem lay inside his hoof capsule. He had no reaction in his right fore which ruled out diseases that would affect both feet traditionally e.g. laminitis. Problems that can affect 1 foot are numerous but commonly include sub-solar abscesses, bruising, nail bind (when shod), penetrating wounds, pedal osteitis (infection of the pedal bone) and deep digital flexor tendon injury. There is often difficulty at first examination of a painful foot in distinguishing these diseases





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CONTACT US: 01403 759 659 WWW.KMELITEPRODUCTS.CO.UK | | 25 October 2014 23/09/2014 16:17

Xxxxxxxxxx Healthcare

FMBs Therapy Systems EquiSox Compression Socks quiSox Zipped Compression Socks are designed using advanced fabrics, conform to the horse’s legs and signal an end to bandaging. The socks have a close fit to offer a consistent level of therapeutic compression, and are easy to apply thanks to the zip. The clever design eliminates pressure points and supports the lymphatic and circulatory systems, helping to reduce performance associated swelling. Made using materials that facilitate thermoregulation, legs stay cool, so there’s no fear of overheating. EquiSox can be used after ridden work, for travelling and for when support and compression are needed.EquiSox Zipped Compression Socks are available in black and white in a range of sizes to ensure the best fit. They have a RRP of £75.


Activo-Med Hoof Boots he Activo-Med Hoof Boot combines pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) and massage in one product designed specifically for hooves. The boot fits over the hoof and is connected to the control box that performs any pre set programme that the horse’s owner selects. It can be


(continued from page 9) metabolic distress? If you subscribe to the view that treats may create a problem of some sort one can “play safe” by simply taking the horse a few grams of its existing diet. This may seem like cheating/ conning the horse out of a “real” treat but in reality horses/ponies are not the brightest when it comes to selection between different food resources. For example, why do horses voluntarily consume yew and ragwort? Size matters! So whatever you select to use as a treat it must be small. Chunks of apple or carrot make excellent treats so long as they are fresh: bendy carrots should go in the bin together with bruised apples. It is noteworthy that carrots used to be fed by the kilo to farm horses when they were fed simply on bran, hay, turnips, oats and so on. Racing at Kelso, Scotland has often been sponsored by a carrot producer and guess what feed was supplied together with the cash prizes? It is common for bags of carrots to be sold for animal feed as the supermarkets are so fussy in terms of the “correct” shape so there are many carrots that are rejected for human use. Healthy horse treats might be regarded as those that do not contain additives, preservatives (calcium and sodium propionate), colourants or artificial flavourings. Ideally they would be “natural”,

brave), take the quarters back to the line of the circle, take the forehand inwards, change the bend and ride Renvers for the remaining quarter circle – then your circle is complete. Gradually Build up the Sequences

Gradually build up the sequences of all these exercises by just riding one part at first; say one trot Shoulder-in to canter, then rest. When that becomes easy, continue as described above. Obviously the trot Shoulder-in can be substituted by walk Shoulder-in which requires the horse to strike off directly into canter from the walk Shoulder-in. This often improves the quality and collection of the canter immensely, but make sure your horse is ready and strong enough for it. As you can see the possible combinations of these exercises is almost endless. As always, when you have practiced something on one rein, it should be done on the other. If your horse is finding one particular movement too difficult, then substitute it for one which he finds easier, and go back to practicing the difficult movement on the track, possibly at a later date.

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Magnetic Therapy Universal Wraps MBs’ Magnetic Therapy Universal Wraps can be used on the horse’s knee, hock and lower leg, providing a flexible way to use magnetic therapy. Each wrap contains 16 strategically placed magnets and is made from a lightweight material with self-sticking closures. One size fits all and the wrap can be used on either leg as needed. Universal Wraps are available individually and in pairs. Prices start from £28.99. For more information see www.fmbs.co.uk or call 01628 472440.


digestible and palatable. This is beginning to sound like a polemic on organic food! It is nonsense because I can imagine making a healthy horse treat based on dehydrated grass as a base blended with vitamins and minerals held together with a little molasses. This would be a wonderful treat for horses on a forage-only diet as it would secure their nutrient intake in situations where it might be less than optimal. The only natural materials would be the dehydrated grass and the minerals with most vitamins being manufactured and of course, molasses is an industrial by-product. Treats are produced by feed manufacturers and, as a result, are available in many different formats providing you with a plethora of choice. Some are designed to fulfil a particular need including additives such as glucosamine that will help animals with joint problems. For these special purpose treats it is important to read the manufacturers guidelines in order that correct dosages are met. There has been considerable research effort directed toward determining flavour preferences of horses. However, in my mind the results are rather equivocal. Horses would not eat nutmeg and coriander flavoured products. The latter herb is used in a lot of Asian/Chinese cooking but from my experiences of coriander I take sides with the

(continued from page 21)

26 | October 2014

used as a stand alone product or integrated into an existing Activo-Med system as required. The Hoof Boot can be used for a number of different conditions including bruises, cracks, concussion, inflammation and swelling, ligament and tendon damage and more. The Activo-Med Hoof Boot is available to buy or hire, and finance is also available- contact FMBs for more information.

horses! Three favourites were fenugreek, banana and cherry. Now, I find this hard to comprehend as in my limited experience one has to have had exposure to different tastes before developing a liking for one or other. I cannot imagine horses harvesting cherries and neither can I see them peeling bananas! Fenugreek is a leguminous annual Asian herb with aromatic seeds used in making curry, imitation vanilla flavouring, and some veterinary medicines. Originally it was made into a Grecian hay coming to life about the 14th Century.............though it is hard to imagine UK horses coming across it. So it is interesting that these substances appeal to the horse and are palatable but I suppose if they eat ragwort then anything goes........Apple and carrot flavours did not receive the accolades you might have expected, horses preferring the more exotic flavours. In conclusion, when someone offers you a fantastic deal/bargain we say the well-known idiom “I would bite his hand off” meaning of course, one would accept with alacrity. Thus I fail to understand why so many horses develop the habit of biting you when offered treats by handfrustration perhaps? To quote the other idiom, “Why bite the hand that feeds”. Horses like treats but sometimes have a funny way of showing it!!

Time and Patience is What is Needed Most of All

Most of the exercises described above are advanced ones, and to be able to perform them in quick succession in the way described takes years of preparation, so don’t be put off at how difficult it seems when you first begin. Just because your horse can perhaps perform a good trot Shoulderin half way down the long side of the school, does not necessarily mean he will be able to strike off into canter immediately and he will find it even more difficult to come immediately from canter back to trot Shoulder-in. So BE PATIENT – never pull on the mouth nor use any sort of force. If you miss the marker, it doesn’t matter that much; what matters is a smooth transition if at all possible. Always look at your own position and aiding, which needs to be exemplary for this type of work. The horse will need all the help you can give with your body posture and correct use of aids. One thing’s for sure – you and your horse will never, ever, be bored and you should both enjoy the challenge presented to you. Don’t try to do too much too soon; keep something in hand to practice the next day. Enjoy every little bit of improvement and view each setback (and there will be some) as a learning opportunity. Think about why it went wrong – is the horse ready for this? – were my aids/body position/weight aids correct? www.equi-ads.com

23/09/2014 16:17



Monty Roberts 2014 Tour ‘Stablemate to Soulmate’


he Stablemate to Soulmate Autumn Tour 2014 is NEARLY here! Monty, Kelly Marks and all the Intelligent Horsemanship Team are very excited, as they can’t wait to show you what they have in store this time, on this ever popular series of demonstrations up and down the UK. Kelly is planning to share her new indispensable technique for loading tricky horses safely and efficiently – even when working alone! Watch Monty to see how he uses the Dually training halter to help him work with even the trickiest horses. Do you or anyone you know suffer from rider confidence issues? Pick up tips on how to ‘Be Brave by Being Prepared’. Each demonstration is unique as the team will work with a number of local ‘problem’ horses at each venue, meaning they may help owners with spooky horses, rearing problems, clipping or loading issues (and anything else that may be presented!) or simply showing how they start a young horse who is ready for his first saddle and rider. We never know what might be coming next, but you will be guaranteed to see how Monty’s effective and logical techniques can be used to help with everyday ridden and handling issues. Monty Roberts is of course well known around the world for his violence free approach to training horses. He has worked with riders and owners across many disciplines such as showjumping, dressage, western, eventing, polo, showing and racing, helping both amateurs and professionals find the best results for their horses, including patronage by our own Queen Elizabeth II. What is less well known is his work with people. Over the past few years he has developed a 3 day ‘Horse Sense and Healing’ programme at his Californian base, working with

military veterans who have suffered psychological wounds and stress from their time in active service. These ‘hidden wounds’ can often culminate in anger, withdrawal and trust issues, impacting deeply on their lives and their families. Working with horses, and especially experiencing a Join-Up and that moment of trust, can be a powerful catalyst for finding hope and positivity as part of their recovery. As the horses act as a mirror for their emotions, participants quickly tune in as to how to manage their reactions and responses, useful tools which can be used in their everyday lives. Monty is offering the chance for UK based military veterans and personnel to come forward and participate in a Join-Up at any of the demonstrations. It is humbling to watch how moving and transformational even such a short interaction with a horse can be for both the participant and their family. Please do apply to the IH Office if you or someone you know may like to benefit from this opportunity. So here is your chance to enjoy an action packed, educational, sometimes emotional evening, but with plenty of laughter too, and learn about Monty and Kelly’s highly effective methods, based on equine psychology and practical techniques. It may just change the way you work with horses (and people) forever! Sun 5th Oct - Merrist Wood College, Guildford, Surrey Fri 10th Oct - Easton & Otley College, Norwich, Norfolk Thurs 16th Oct - Arena UK, Allington, Lincs Sat 18th Oct - Myerscough College, Preston, Lancs Wed 22nd Oct - The Grange EC, Okehampton, Devon Fri 24th Oct - Hartpury College, Gloucester Thurs 30th Oct - Greenlands EC, Carlisle, Cumbria Sat 1st Nov - Gleneagles, Auchterarder, Perthshire For tickets and more information, go to www.intelligenthorsemanship. co.uk or call the IH Office on 01488 71300.

Always be pleased with your horse for trying and he will enjoy the work as much as you should. Anne Wilson is a freelance classical riding trainer, based in Bedfordshire; trained with Sylvia Loch and holder of the Classical Riding Club Gold Award Certificate. Phone 01234 772401 or email: annewilsondressage@hotmail.co.uk www.classicalridingannewilson. com. See Anne’s book ‘Riding Revelations – Classical Training from the Beginning’ available from www.blacktent.co.uk www.equi-ads.com

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Xxxxxxxxxx Healthcare

Mud Fever/Cut Cream W

inter can herald the onset of muddy gateways and boggy fields. Horses that are turned out during winter can all be pre-disposed to the potentially chronic condition; mud fever. Mud fever occurs when the skin’s protective barrier becomes compromised through periods of exposure to mud and wet conditions. Micro-organisms enter the skin and cause bacterial infections which, if left untreated can cause swelling, pain and lameness. We all know that prevention is better than the cure, so the best way to prevent mud fever is to be proactive at the first signs of muddy conditions. Apply Horse and Pony Direct’s Mud Fever/Cut Cream to the back of heels, fetlocks and pasterns, these are the most common areas for mud fever to take hold, but be vigilant for other areas becoming affected. Horse and Pony Direct’s Mud Fever/Cut Cream contains a silver/chitosan complex, a real innovation in wound management. This unique complex has been scientifically proven to kill the bacteria responsible for mud fever. The antibacterial formula acts

as a barrier against harmful bacteria and also aids recovery of affected areas. Horse and Pony Direct’s Mud Fever/Cut Cream is available in a 200 gram pot priced at £12.99. Exclusively available through the website www.horseandponydirect. com or on the 24 hour order line; feed balancers, supplements, creams, sprays and grooming products can be ordered at much lower costs than through tack shops and delivered direct to your door (or yard) within 48 hours. You will not find them in any shops. Always low prices. Always high quality. All products are made in the UK under the Horse and Pony Direct brand so you can rest assured that you always get the highest quality products at the best possible prices. Horse and Pony Direct was launched last year and is already picking up awards for its products. The super value fly repellent ‘Insect Away’ won Horse magazine’s ‘best value’ award. For more information on how you can buy these high quality products direct for less visit www. horseandponydirect.com or call our order line on 0844 2472144.

Mud and Winter Skin Mud Block Supplement Mud Block Supplement helps to support healthy skin from the inside out, making it ideal for wet autumn and winter weather. The high specification powdered supplement contains minerals, essential oils, dried herbs and roots. It can be added to the horse’s bucket feed each day and used with other products. Mud Block Supplement is available in 600g, 1.2kg and 2.8kg tubs. Prices start from £16.50. Mud Block Lotion Mud Block Lotion can be applied to the horse’s legs each day before turnout, providing an antibacterial barrier between the horse’s skin and the wet mud. The lotion contains a range of ingredients including cetrimide, essential oils and colloidal silver, amongst others. It should be applied each day and, thanks to the lotion presentation, is ideal for horses with heavy feathering too. After time in the field, Mud Block Lotion can be washed off, ideally with an antibacterial wash, such as Winter Leg Scrub. Mud Block Lotion is available in 500ml bottles and has a RRP of £12.95. Mud Slide Lotion Mud Slide Lotion helps to keep mud away from the horse’s skin, using pig oil and flowers of sulphur – a very traditional blend. Flowers of sulphur is an effective antibacterial agent and, when mixed with pig oil (also known as mineral oil), any mud simply slides off! Mud Slide Lotion should be applied each day before turnout, and can be washed off each day, ideally using an antibacterial wash such as Winter Leg Scrub. Mud Slide Lotion is available in 500ml bottles, which have a RRP of £6.55. For more information see www.equimins.com, email sales@ equimins.com or call 01548 531770.


Wood pellet horse bedding offers many unique features and benefits compared to traditional bedding...meaning winter comfort for your horse and peace of mind for you. • HALVES MUCKING OUT TIME • NO AMMONIA SMELL • SUPER ABSORBENT • NO NEED TO LIFT BED TO AERATE FLOOR • WARM & INSULATING BED • COST EFFECTIVE • LOW DUST CONTENT • COMPACT 15kg BAGS • 100% BIODEGRADABLE The mark of responsible forestry

A NEW and totally unique natural formulation to support gastric health, combat ulceration and improve total feed and supplement absorption.

Formulated to produce maximum health benefits to horses of all ages, with high levels of phytonutrients and naturally occurring antioxidants. Contains all Omega’s 3,6,7 & 9. Providing daily protection for the whole digestive tract, whilst boosting general health from nose to tail. 100% natural. www.horsesource.webs.com


*HorseSource Seabuckthorn is available for retailers to order from wholesalers



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23/09/2014 16:17


How I Discovered Protexin! W

hen I found a few scabs on Llewis’ legs at the start of the year I wasn’t too concerned, I guessed it might be mud fever/cracked heals and thought “that’s pretty easy to clear up, lots of horses get that”. I was so wrong! Yes lots of horses get it, but wow once it’s established is it hard to get rid of! I bought lotions and creams but nothing seemed to make much difference. I spent a fortune trying to find “the miracle” cure but the sores on his legs just got worse and after a couple of weeks I decided to call in the vet. Various creams were tried as well as three lots of antibiotics. Each time he had the antibiotics his legs would improve but as soon as he stopped having them it got worse again. It was so frustrating; this was our first BE eventing season and I was struggling to keep him in work let alone compete. I followed the vets instructions religiously and he wasn’t getting turned out anymore so he hadn’t been anywhere near any mud so, I just didn’t understand why they weren’t getting any better. I was stuck and feeling pretty down about it when I got chatting to a friend. She told me of a similar situation she had with her mare, she had been fighting cracked heals for over 18months and said she also had tried everything. In the end the only thing she found that really worked was Protexin Gut Balancer, not as a topical treatment but to help his immune system from the inside. I had nothing to lose so I tried it. I started off by giving him their Quick Fix and followed it up with the Gut Balancer powder. He was already on a typical feed balancer and after everything else I’d tried I wasn’t expecting much but slowly I started to see an improvement. His sores began to heal and the creams that made no difference previously, started to work. Within two weeks he was sound enough to work and within a month he was jumping again, it was amazing! Thanks to Protexin we made it to our first event in June coming 3rd out of a class of over 30 horses. We led the dressage over both days and even got a personal best! I would strongly recommend their products to anyone. Not only do they actually work but they are a much more cost effective way of keep your horse healthy.. Until last year mud fever was something that happened to other peoples horses. Now I know it can happen to any horse, at any time, my advice would be don’t risk it. For me Protexin has been so effective that I now feed it to both my horses as part of their daily routine and thanks to Protexin they are scab free and look great!



qui-Med Ag, who are well known for their activated carbon and silver antibacterial boots and wound dressing, have launched a new website. It boasts updated product pages and makes shopping online so much easier. From selecting your product right through to the checkout stage or finding your local stockist, buying the Equi-Med Ag antibacterial products has never been easier. Give bacteria the boot this winter the Equi-Med Ag way! For more information visit www.equimedag.co.uk

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23/09/2014 16:17

Bedding Xxxxxxxxxx • Healthcare

Bedding down for winter with Belvoir


rooms and stablehands like Belvoir Bed – the quick and easy to manage, hygienic and cost effective alternative to conventional straw or shavings based bedding! Produced specifically for equine use, the new bedding combines wheat and rape straw which has been chopped, dust extracted and treated to offer a hygienic, economic and super-soft bedding, ideal for those months that your equine spends more winter-time stabled. The high level of absorbency means that only minimal amounts of bedding need be removed with each muck-out, saving you time and leaving you with smaller muck heaps and lower disposal costs! Not only is Belvoir Bed efficient, economical and labour saving, it also promotes respiratory health amongst stabled horses. During the winter a heightened exposure to dust, mould spores and ammonia fumes can cause long-term health problems. It is virtually dust-free and keeps ammonia levels to an absolute minimum. Belvoir

30 | October 2014

Equi_Ads_Oct_National_rev.indd 30

Bed is treated with an exclusive, natural formula containing Tea Tree and White Camphor to discourage bed eating, repel insects and provide a fresh, but not overpowering, odour in the stable environment. In addition to this the formula provides antifungal and anti-septic benefits to help protect against contagious diseases and viruses - making it ideal for large yards or competition horses. Tea Tree has great natural skin treatment benefits and has been used to treat cuts, scrapes and insect bites, whilst White Camphor is both an anti-inflammatory and an anti-septic, perfect for provide a soothing and hygienic environment for your horse. Belvoir Bed is only available direct, delivered straight to your yard, meaning that costs can be kept to a minimum and constant trips to your local supplier can be avoided! Priced from just £5 + vat per bale, to find out more about Belvoir Bed visit www.belvoirbed.co.uk or call: 01254 677 786.


s horse owners, we all use treats from time to time to reward, bribe or distract our horses – particularly if there is an unpleasant or difficult task involved. However, many treats can be high in calories and offer little nutritional value, but don’t panic, not all treats are bad! Mini Horslyx offers a unique and highly palatable lick, containing a three-day supply of high specification vitamins and minerals to help keep horse and ponies in all round top condition. The hand held treat is the ultimate indulgence for all equines, even good-doers and fussy eaters, providing a nutritionally balanced and wholesome alternative to sugary rich treats, containing no artificial colours or preservatives. Mini Horslyx makes for a delicious reward or a handy distraction during particularly stressful times

(continued from page 24) application of the hoof testers despite being on his medication and having had 1 weeks rest. We decided to take some x-rays of the foot at this point, potentially with a view to changing his foot balance and shoeing to give the foot more support. However, on the lateromedial view of his foot the x-ray showed some abnormality of the appearance of his pedal bone, still not typical of any common condition and then on an oblique view of the pedal the problem was very obvious. Apache had a large cyst in the outside portion of his pedal bone. A bone cyst can be present in any bone and typically contains fluid contained in a fibrous capsule. This has the effect of significantly weakening the bone that is affected and very likely causing pain as a result. Although we had a definitive diagnosis this now meant that Apache required a surgery to remove the cyst from his pedal bone. This is the only treatment for this condition and involves giving the horse a general anaesthetic and creating a window in the bottom of the hoof by cutting away the sole. Once there is access to the pedal bone a hole is made into the cyst and the fluid drained out followed by scraping the lining of the cyst away so that it does not recur. The wound is then bandaged and a special shoe is fitted that has a solid bottom so that the wound and dressing can be kept clean. Any wound to the foot, be it traumatic or surgical, is very slowly healing and carries a high risk of

such as clipping or farrier visits, as well as helping to persuade tricky loaders and catching difficult horses. Mini Horslyx can be hand-held or tipped into a bucket or manger, perfect for easy movement or taking to shows and competitions. Additionally, the simple, hand-held design provides an excellent means of completing stretching exercises with your equine, as the tub allows you to hold each stretch for the optimum amount of time, without being snatched or broken. So next time you want to reward your horse grab a Mini Horslyx and show them just how much you care! Mini Horslyx are available in Original, Mint, Respiratory and Garlic formulations. RRP £3.65 per 650g tub. For more information visit www.horslyx.com or call (01697) 332 592.

wound infection and therefore failure to heal. The fact that the horse is stood on its feet most of the time and, whilst on stable rest, is likely to be walking through the urine and droppings in the stable also increases the risk of this. Very careful management and hygiene is paramount during the recovery of these cases to achieve a successful result. Apache went home after coming through his surgery very well and we visited him to change his dressing regularly eventually removing the surgical shoe when there was a complete layer of new horn over the soft tissue. The foot was continued to be dressed using a poultice type boot over the top to prevent the wet and dirt getting into the bandage and this was conrinued until the horn formed a complete sole with the existing foot. At this stage Apache was virtually sound and we decided it was appropriate to refit the shoe and start to exercise him on a flat surface so that he did not get any pressure on the recovering area by either stones or uneven ground in the field. Apache continues to remain sound and is getting on with his ridden work without any further problems. These congenital abnormalities are relatively uncommon but this caused a severe lameness, unexpectedly, in a young horse and was only successfully treated by an invasive surgery which, fortunately, for Apache, went very well resulting in complete recovery and no further episodes of lameness. www.equi-ads.com

23/09/2014 16:17



erdo Horse Bedding is a clever heat-treated wood pellet product, specifically created for equine use and whilst it’s rapidly becoming more and more to the modern horse owner’s tastes – it’s certainly not to your horses! Whilst the bedding before water activation vaguely resembles pony nuts, once activated, the majority of the pellets are transformed into a soft fluffy dry bed and the few pellets left intact will naturally break down with use. Even with known offenders who habitually munch on their bedding, Verdo Horse Bedding has succeeded in curbing this habit! Some horses will try a mouthful then spit the unpalatable bedding back out and not bother again! Manufactured at their very own production plants in the

UK 364 days a year, Verdo Horse Bedding not only has a low dust content, making it the ideal choice for horses with compromised respiratory issues, but it also absorbs three times its own weight in liquid. This not only helps maintain a dry environment, but also reduces ammonia, which again helps ensure that your horse is happier and healthier in the stable. This in turn not only reduces your muckheap but also the amount of bedding taken out, saving you time and money in the long run! So for bedding which gives you a taste of the future, choose Verdo Horse Bedding. For stockist enquiries: 01264 342 009 RRP: £5.65 - £5.95 per 15kg bag. To find out more information and to view a demonstration video, please visit www. verdohorsebedding.co.uk


quimins’ Respiratory Formula has been formulated to aid respiratory immunity and support lung function and, as it’s Equimins, it’s exceptional value for money. The liquid combines liquorice, echinacea, marshmallow, coltsfoot, garlic, plantain, clivers, milk thistle, gingko, feverfew, quercetin, yarrow, chamomile, eyebright, rosehips, nettle, astragalus and ginger with vitamin C and eucalyptus oil. It can be added to the diet as needed, helping to support a healthy respiratory system during challenging times. Respiratory Formula is available in 1L bottles with a RRP of £22.45. Horses should receive 20ml a day, meaning a 1L bottle will last for 50 days.

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Equi_Ads_Oct_National_rev.indd 31

23/09/2014 16:17

Healthcare Xxxxxxxxxx

Respiratory Supplement Equine Pastern Dermatitis


orses and ponies can benefit from a comprehensive respiratory supplement all year around but especially in winter, when many horses and ponies are stabled, often without adequate ventilation. This can cause a number of problems that compromise the respiratory tract and can lead to long term ailments such as RAO (Recurrent Airway Obstruction). Providing your horse with the respiratory supplement, Primo Vento that includes beneficial ingredients such as garlic, menthol and eucalyptus to soothe the airways and maintain lung health and integrity can help prevent these problems. Garlic has been used widely in human food and medicine for over six centuries and was even mentioned in early Egyptian medical manuscripts dating back to 1550 BC. Garlic supports the respiratory system with its antioxidant properties and contains a substance that helps to remove mucus from the respiratory tract. Menthol will soothe the airways and help to relieve congestion, whilst eucalyptus supports healthy lung function and can reduce airway inflammation. Blue Chip feed balancers are the only ones to contain the unique blend of powerful ingredients found in Primo Vento, so you get all the advantages of a feed balancer combined with respiratory health and integrity all year round. If you want to feed a garlic supplement on its own, Blue Chip Garliq is a powerful, extra strong, concentrated form of garlic, which comes in a convenient liquid form and delivers all the health benefits without the mess of the traditional powder form.

32 | October 2014

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Ben Sturgeon, Bsc, BVM&S, Cert EP, MRCVS


ou’ve all had it or know someone who’s horse has it; “mud fever” and “greasy heel” are all too familiar terms for pastern dermatitis. An occupational hazard of being an equid living in the British climate maybe? And I’m sure you know of a secret recipe for the elixir of treatment, but you’ll have to kill me if you tell me. I wish. The truth is Equine Pastern Dermatitis (EPD) is not a single disease, but a “cutaneous reaction pattern” of the horse and the finding of a dermatitis in the fetlock and pastern region does not point towards a definitive diagnosis but is only of a symptom of change. EPD should be considered then a syndrome, rather than a diagnosis and it is uncovering the underlying etiology prior to treatment that is key to maximizing treatment, as well as minimizing failures and frustration. To achieve a positive therapeutic outcome, treating the predisposing and perpetuating factors is just as important as addressing the primary cause of EPD. The clinical signs are usually visible on a close examination of the pastern area but this can be more difficult in the heavily feathered breeds. The signs of dermatitis are most commonly redness of the skin, scabs, crusting and pain in the area affected, and in some cases such as with chorioptic mange the skin is very itchy with aggressive rubbing and biting of the area or foot stamping is seen. In more severe cases the irritation can sometimes extend along the entire lower limb, progressing from redness and scaling to oozing of fluid (serum) from the skin, matting of hair, and development of crusts. Chronic cases can become very ugly indeed, as the skin becomes thickened and swollen. It may even develop bumpy, mass-like tissue. This condition is very painful for the horse, and can cause mild to severe lameness in some cases. It can be unilateral (one sided), or bilateral (involving both right and left limbs). It may affect all four legs and even be found on other areas of the horse, especially white haired sites. Most cases are due to bacterial folliculitis (deep bacterial infection of hair follicles), are rightly classical mud fever and follow a mixed infection involving more than one type of bacteria, most frequently isolated are Dermatophilus congolensis (also causing Rain Scald) which is thought to survive

ubiquitously in mud, and Staphylococcus species, a normal finding on healthy skin which further thrives on damaged areas. When the skin is damaged by either environmental (wet paddocks/abrasive surfaces) or managemental (poor stable husbandry) factors, or by systemic disease (Cushings, liver disease), then overgrowth of the bacteria is common. Other causes which will also promote bacterial overgrowth however, should not be discounted without consideration and include contact irritation from caustic substances, Chorioptic mange mites particularly in feathered breeds, fungal infection or ringworm – usually Trichophyton or Microsporum spp, sarcoidosis and sarcoids, vasculitis (usually more specifically termed pastern leukocytoclastic vasculitis or PLCCV) a severe autoimmune disease of white skin on the limbs trigged by sunlight exposure, and photosensitization or photoactivated vasculitis (white skin again becomes badly burned and reactive despite normal UV light exposure) usually due either to liver disease or the ingestion of certain (St John’s wort and buckwheat amongst others) but also often unrecognised photosensitizing toxic plants which accumulate in the skin and, once activated, cause localized inflammation and vasculitis. In some drafts (Clydesdales and Shires and other Draughts), an immune-mediated problem with a genetic component similar Darier-White disease in humans is also suspected. An additional point to always remember is that strangles infections can occasionally result in a significant vasculitis, known as purpura haemorragica, typically presenting 2-4 weeks after an infection. Whilst not generally limited to the limbs and with other clinical features (urticaria, mild swelling of the extremities, depression, anorexia and occasionally mucosal haemorrhages), its possible involvement highlights the importance of consideration and examination of the whole horse. Diagnosis invariably starts with careful history taking (noting previous illness, drug administration, association with sunlight etc). In some cases it may be possible for your vet to make a diagnosis based on examination and clinical appearance alone, but in order to investigate and identify the causal agent, other www.equi-ads.com

23/09/2014 16:17

Feeding Xxxxxxxxxx

TREATS FOR YOUR HORSE: THE GOOD AND THE BAD Clare Barfoot, SPILLERS® E verybody loves to give their horse an extra treat. We happily tuck in to a bar of chocolate here and a packet of crisps there, so why shouldn’t our horses have an occasional something special as well? However, although your horse might thank you for the occasional healthy snack, inappropriate treats could be very unwise. Here’s why. The digestion question Horses are trickle feeders and in the wild they will spend most of their time covering large distances and selecting food from a variety of plants. This has allowed their digestive systems to evolve to digest mainly high fibre foods and in order to prevent digestive problems they must eat ‘little and often’. Treating: the problem If a horse has a sudden change to their diet, for example a sudden change in feed or a change in the quantity, their digestive systems may not be able to adapt quickly enough. Many people know that when introducing a new feed that it must be introduced gradually and fed in several small meals a day, however when it comes to feeding treats, it can be easy to forget this and many of us just give tests are often required such as: skin scrapes, sticky tape samples, swabs for fungal or bacterial culture and antibiotic sensitivity, haematological and biochemical blood tests, serological testing, possible nasophayngeal swabs or guttural pouch sampling for S.equi infections and full thickness punch biopsies. Despite this, the primary cause is often difficult to identify and may never be determined. Long-standing cases which have already received some treatment are likely to be the most difficult to diagnose accurately, so it is advisable to seek professional help early. Sometimes a secondary infection can be present as well as the original disease and overwhelm primary treatment. Treatment is orientated around identifying and removing the stimulus if possible, reducing the subsequent inflammation and providing supportive and preventative care. The following general principles for treatment apply to most cases but specific treatment options will vary depending on the cause of the dermatitis: The limbs should be kept dry, so stabling may be necessary. Feathers may need to be clipped www.equi-ads.com

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them as and when without thinking too much about it. Good treats, bad treats As a horse owner it is important to know which treats are good and which should be avoided. All treats, whether they are good or bad must be fed in moderation, but below are a few suggestions:

Unhealthy treats • Any human foods with caffeine for example chocolate • Too many Polo’s and other sweets • Sugar Cubes • Sandwiches • Grass cuttings • Contents of a compost bin! • Uncooked potatoes especially if green • Bread, buns or cakes (mince pies!) • Anything containing meat or meat products (no Christmas turkey!) Healthier options Succulents for example carrots and apples are the obvious choices but have you ever thought about hanging a swede in your horse’s stable? Hanging root veg is an ideal way to keep stabled horses amused. Don’t be too worried about overdoing veggie treats (as long as you

don’t feed them by the sackful) because most vegetables are largely made up of water. Carrots for example are approximately 85% water so in actual terms you are only feeding a very small amount of real carrot. Carrots are very nutritious and are probably best known for their beta-carotene (orange pigment) content that can help you to see in the dark! Carrots not only contain beta-carotene which is a precursor of vitamin A but are also good sources of B vitamins, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium as are most vegetables. Other vegetables your horse might enjoy are turnips, beetroot and parsnips; just avoid green or sprouting potatoes as these are poisonous. With regard to fruits obviously there are apples but you could try pears, nectarines, peaches even bananas which are commonly fed to horses in Australia. Bananas may be an acquired taste but are very nutritious and contain a good source of potassium. In general just be sensible with the amount you give and make sure that, like all dietary changes, if you are going to feed a fair quantity of

a new vegetable you introduce it slowly. I am sure your horse will really appreciate having his diet varied. Healthy treats designed for horses There are many treats on the market that have been specially designed for horses. Some horse treats have added healthy ingredients, for example added glucosamine to support healthy joints or biotin to support healthy hooves; others have added herbs to make them even more scrumptious! Avoid heavily molassed treats; at the very least they make a real of a mess of your hands and are very sugary. For more ideas on how to treat your horse or pony contact the SPILLERS® Care-Line on 01908 226626.

to get good access to the skin for topical therapies. If a parasite, bacteria or fungus is suspected, specific medication should be used. Cream or oil may be needed to aid scab removal, which can be very painful. A dilute antiseptic solution can be used to gently clean the skin. A topical antiseptic, antifungal or steroid cream may be useful. If sunlight is aggravating the condition, bandaging can be used to prevent exposure. Often therapies are multi-modal requiring both systemic (steroids for vasculitis/auto-immune disease or antibiotics for deep bacterial infection) and local (local wound washes) to achieve resolution. Early treatment usually sees resolution within four weeks; however, relapsing or difficult cases may require a more prolonged treatment course. Preventative care is always difficult to definitively advise; over-washing of limbs is not recommended due to removal of the natural bacterial flora, care of the horses bed &/or paddocks is challenging and it is common that the condition is simply ‘managed’ or reduced to an acceptable level with regular medical maintenance undertaken to prevent flares. October 2014 | 33

23/09/2014 16:17

Xxxxxxxxxx Saddlery


I have just started competing in dressage competitions with my horse and we are really enjoying our new found success. I currently ride in a working hunter saddle but should I consider buying a specialist dressage saddle? I have heard it can help improve the horse’s movement. Answer:

The Society of Master Saddlers replies: As always a well-designed, wellmade and well-fitted saddle that is fit for its purpose is always an excellent tool and can certainly benefit your horse and improve the rider’s position. First of all you need to consider

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if dressage is something you are going to continue doing and if so we would recommend purchasing a specific dressage saddle. There are many advantages to having a specialist dressage saddle as it is designed to give the very best communication with the horse and allows the rider to feel every movement of the horse. We recommend, as with every new or second-hand saddle that is purchased, that it is fitted by a Registered Qualified Saddle Fitter so that you get the perfect fit for the horse and for the rider. If a saddle is not fitted properly and it rolls to one side or pinches the horse’s back, this can very much effect the horse’s movement however skilled the training. It can also lead to soreness and injury which is certainly not what any rider would want for their horse. In dressage the horse is required to perform a series of accurately controlled movements

responding to clear but minimal signals from the rider, so the whole picture is one of control, obedience and harmony. A dressage saddle is designed with a longer stirrup and long straight saddle flaps, which should mirror the longer leg length of the rider. The pronounced knee blocks help keep the rider’s leg secure but relaxed enabling it to be close to the horse’s side to apply the minimum of aids. They are also designed with a deep seat with high cantle and pommel which enables the rider to sit deep and tall absorbing the horse’s movements and keeping the rider’s centre of gravity secure. dressage saddle The should encourage a good position without being restrictive. A correct leg position will come from good balance and posture and it is better to buy a saddle that encourages this rather than forces you into it. A rider’s weight influences the horse all the time, and this ‘weight’ is the centre of gravity of the whole

seat of the rider which runs from the chest through the stomach and pelvis into the thighs. Through muscle tone and control of the rider’s core, assisted by the saddle, the weight becomes the control centre. The response to all leg and hand signals is dependent on the position of the weight and the seat. To find out more information on The Society of Master Saddlers and to find your nearest member visit www.mastersaddlers.co.uk or contact on 01449 711642.

Vinici Dressage Saddle


he Vinici Dressage saddle’s single/mono flap offers an outstanding closeness, maximizing the contact between you and your horse. The absence of an outer flap helps to achieve the feeling of a narrower twist, especially beneficial on wider-fit horses. A medium deep seat and knee roll configuration offer non-restrictive security and support for the correct posture, while the overlay girthing system lies neatly above the cushioned sweat flap so as to avoid any discomfort. The panels are designed to distribute the weight evenly across the surface and a wide selection of trees and panel options allow the Black Country Saddles team to adapt the fit for all types of horse. Flap lengths and rolls are custom built to suit each individual. For more information contact Black Country Saddles on 01543 578 243 or visit www.blackcountrysaddles.com

NEXT MONTH Feeding animals with problem feet Hoof abcesses • Weight loss Pedal bone cyst • Digestion Jump saddles • Stable toys/accessories Plus all the latest news, and much more besides COPY DEADLINE - 10TH OCTOBER EDITORIAL TO BOB@EQUIADS.NET 34 | October 2014

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23/09/2014 16:17

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23/09/2014 16:17

Healthcare Xxxxxxxxxx • Training (continued from page 16) and allowing the lymph nodes to launch a defensive immune response. Oedema forms partly because of this blockage, and also because fluid floods in as part of the inflammatory response. So what should an owner do when faced with lymphangitis? At the very first suggestion of oedema, ice and bandaging may help localised swelling by reducing the blood supply and fluid filtering into the tissues, but usually it is discovered too late for this, and it won’t control infection. The most important response is to call the vet out as soon as possible, so that anti-inflammatories and treatment for pain and for the cause of the inflammation can be given. Cellulitis, an inflammation of the deeper layers of the skin, though not as serious as lymphangitis can often lead to it so also needs to be treated promptly. Lymphangitis requires aggressive treatment, with the correct antibiotic for an infection. If an infection is carried deeper into the body the horse can become very ill. There is nothing to be gained from bandaging the oedemic leg. It was once thought that tissue fluid is reabsorbed into venous capillaries, but this is now known not to be true, and that it is the lymphatic system which drains tissue fluid. And to protect the body from invasion, the lymphatic system in the affected region has tried to close down. Similarly, making a horse in pain walk may force bacteria through the lymph nodes further into the body and will only help to bring more blood and therefore more fluid to the affected area, potentially increasing the oedema. When it is ready the lymphatic system will open up again and the leg will start to drain. Icing below a certain temperature also stops the lymphatic system functioning but may provide pain relief. The fluid which sometimes oozes out of skin cracks in the swollen limb is not serum, but lymph, rich in protein and very attractive to flies and bacteria. It is also caustic and should be gently cleaned away After an initial bout of lymphangitis, the (continued from page 18) Horses have done many jobs for us over the centuries, and many horses in the past were described and trained as ride-and-drive animals, which doubled their usefulness to us. However, the two jobs make different demands on the horse’s body and, ideally, draught horses and riding horses have rather different conformation. Draught horses need to lean forward and push with their shoulders into the collar or breast harness. (The only way you can get a horse to pull a vehicle is by tying it to its tail.) This pushing action is facilitated by more upright shoulders and a more nearly horizontal humerus (forearm, from the point of the shoulder to the elbow) than is sought in a good riding horse, and was common in warmbloods until a very few horse generations ago because of their draught ancestry, it now having been bred out in the better, modern warmbloods. This structure also tends to put horses on their forehands, create a ‘leaning 36 | October 2014

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affected lymph vessels will have been obliterated, and no longer function. Their role may be taken up by other vessels, increasing their burden of lymph, and the leg may return to its original appearance. However, lymphatic activity is compromised, and if something happens in the affected area to cause further inflammation, which may be as small as an insect bite or thorn puncture, the body will be less able to deal with it, and lymphangitis may occur again. It is also possible for the remaining vessels to become exhausted due to their extra burden and eventually cease to function properly. Frequently a second bout of lymphangitis results in a permanent swelling known as lymphoedema, which increases the risk of further attacks. As the tissues swell, transport of nutrients, oxygen, immune system elements and antibiotics into, and waste products out of the tissues is less efficient, creating an unhealthy environment and making them more vulnerable. Many nutrients are carried to the tissues on large protein molecules, and can only be removed by the lymphatic system. When lymphoedema occurs these molecules remain in the tissues where they change into a form of scar tissue, known as fibrosis. A low level inflammation is set up. Fibrosis is a serious complication of lymphoedema as it blocks the blood and lymphatic vessels from adequately reaching the tissues, and provides an opportunity for bacteria to hide away from the reach of the immune system and antibiotics, leading to further infections. Fibrosis initially feels ‘rubbery’ and resistant to pressure, and the size of the swelling does not necessarily indicate its seriousness, as a fibrotic leg can be a lot less swollen than one with more fluid. A horse with lymphoedema probably won’t appear lame either, unless the swelling interferes with other structures, so it is a mistake to think that the horse has recovered or is now sound. Owners are frequently told that when lymphoedema develops there is nothing more that can be done for the horse, but this is not true. ‘Combined decongestive therapy’ is a treatment

forward’ stance, make for a rather downhill, jarring ride and will bring the elbow joints more under the withers than in front of them. This can cause problems in saddle and particularly girth fitting: the girth can lie too close to the elbow and create pain and bruising behind it each time the foreleg comes back during its stance phase (when it is on the ground). The term ‘well laid-back shoulder’ again is probably familiar when describing riding horse conformation but is a bit ephemeral, like many horsy descriptions. It means that there should be more or less a right angle between the joint at the point of the shoulder (between the lower end of the shoulder blade and the top of the humerus), and that the spine of the shoulder blade (matched by the pastern and front of the forehoof down to the toe) should be about 45 degrees. This conformation makes for a horse who finds it easier to take his weight back a little for collection, a softer, springier, better balanced ride and fewer saddle and

developed to control lymphoedema in people and has been adapted for use with horses. It consists of manual lymph drainage, specialised compression bandaging, skin care and exercise, to reduce the oedema and break down fibrosis, followed by maintenance bandaging or the use of a specially designed compression stocking to maintain the volume loss. When CDT is used to control lymphoedema the horse has a much better chance of a healthy and productive life, but it is very important that this starts as early as possible once the cause of lymphangitis responds to treatment, so that the development of fibrosis can be controlled. When CDT is used at this stage it can be speedily effective, and although CDT can be used with more established lymphoedema, this will probably require more treatments and may be less successful. CDT has to be undertaken with veterinary supervision, but as there is no veterinary alternative for the treatment of lymphoedema most vets agree to this, and it will be covered by insurance. There is another form of equine lymphoedema which presents differently to that following lymphangitis. This is ‘Chronic Progressive Lymphoedema’ and is found in some draft breeds, and some Gypsy Cob and Friesian horses. It was identified at the University of California, Davis, where a research trial into the use of CDT was undertaken and will soon be moving into a further stage. More information about the horse’s lymphatic system and conditions affecting it and their treatment can be found at www.equinemld.com. Author information: Heather Powell (www. equinemld.com) is the first qualified Equine Manual Lymph Drainage therapist to work in the UK, setting up her practice Equine MLD® in 2006. She is the author of published articles and of original scientific research featured in veterinary journals and was a speaker at the 2013 International Equine Conference on Laminitis and Diseases of the Foot. © Heather Powell 2014

girth fitting problems, particularly if he has a natural girth groove a little way back from the elbow which will keep the saddle and girth back in place. If you drop an imaginary straight, vertical line down from the highest point of the withers, the point of the elbow should come a good hand’s width in front of it in excellent shoulder and foreleg conformation. Of course, both draught and riding horses need good, strong hindquarters for pushing power and, in riding horses, weight-carrying, with short, broad, well-muscled loins in front of them. The ability to carry weight on the hindquarters and hind legs goes a long way to avoiding back problems in horses, whose backs are not designed for weight-carrying but forward movement. Training and strengthening a horse to go in horizontal balance rather than with most weight on his forehand (and precious forelegs), then leading on to collection, is not only a route to a more enjoyable riding horse but also a protective welfare issue.

NOT THIS WAY ... I mentioned recently in this series that hand-riding, riding a horse from front to back, forcing the head in and behind the vertical, shortening the neck, and hyperflexion are all absolute no-no’s for any knowledgeable horseman or woman with correct ethics. To briefly recap, this enforced posture can have two effects on the back (and other structures). The horse subjected to too-firm bit pressure might try to protect his mouth by going with his head up. This forces his neck to kink downwards, his back to drop down and his hind legs to splay out behind. This posture completely prevents collection from developing or being remotely possible, as you can imagine. Injuries can occur in the spine, not only ‘kissing (vertebral) spines’ but also to the soft tissues between the vertebrae (the discs) and under the spine. The pressure can even cause damage to the spinal nerves and the spinal cord which (continued on page 39) www.equi-ads.com

23/09/2014 16:17


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October 2014 | 37

23/09/2014 16:17

Xxxxxxxxxx Feeding

Worried about Winter Weight Loss!


s the nights slowly begin to draw in many horse owners will start to worry about how their horse will cope this winter, so it is essential to plan ahead to ensure your horse stays fit and healthy. Before the start of winter your horse should be in good condition as it is much easier to maintain condition in winter than to try to gain additional weight. A heavy winter coat can hide a thin horse so it is important to check your horse’s body condition regularly and if your horse is prone to losing weight during the winter, try increasing his body weight prior to the winter months. For horses that tend to drop weight over the winter months ReadyMash Extra is an ideal feed to incorporate into the diet. Containing high levels of essential oils and milk powders it helps to provide a higher calorie diet for horses requiring condition and controlled weight gain, whilst providing an excellent source of slow release energy from the structured fibre. With a very high fibre level ReadyMash Extra helps

to encourage slow rates of digestion throughout the hind gut and is particularly valuable for horses requiring a diet that is sympathetic on the digestive system. Ensuring the fibre levels are maintained is crucial not only for maintaining a healthy hindgut but also helps to maintain body temperature in colder weather. Taking just 5 minutes to soak to form a natural healthy soft textured mash it is extremely palatable, especially for older horses that struggle to chew and digest and is an ideal product to use to help increase water intake. Maintaining ample water intake is critical to ensure the health of your horse during cold weather, as low water intake is directly related to the increased incidence of impaction colic. Fully balanced in essential nutrients, ReadyMash Extra is an ideal feed to use this winter to ensure your horse is kept warm, healthy and in good condition. For more information on winter feeding contact Rowen Barbary Horse Feeds on 01948 880598 or visit www.rowenbarbary.co.uk


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Winter Feeding W

inter time can mean a complete change of routine for many horse owners (and horses) and diets can change dramatically. Often horses that aren’t in work, or are in light work , spend all summer turned out, with a diet of grass, and then winter arrives and they are stabled for long periods and given ‘hard feed’ and hay or haylage. These major changes in diet and management routines can have a dramatic effect on the digestive system and can easily lead to complications such as colic and unwanted stereotypical behaviour. Hay or haylage? Horses have evolved to eat a mainly fibre diet, however a diet solely of grass is not always possible in winter and is often lacking in essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients, this is why the diet needs to be supplemented with hay or haylage. Grass also contains natural antioxidants which will be depleted in winter. Feeding a high quality feed balancer such as one from the Blue Chip range will ensure that your horse or pony is getting a nutritionally balanced diet, and because all the Blue Chip balancers are nutrient dense they are fed in small quantities. Blue Chip balancers are whole-cereal and molasses free and include a fruit derived form of vitamin E, which is a powerful natural antioxidant. Warming energy Horses can use up to 80% of their feed energy keeping warm; fibre is the most ‘warming’ feed, as more heat is produced during digestion of fibre than any other nutrient. All of the Blue Chip balancers contain a probiotic yeast which can double the digestibility of fibre in the diet, meaning that they will get twice as much ‘warming energy’ out of their hay or haylage. Hoof supplement Stabled horses need a well ventilated stable to help prevent dust allergies and spores irritating the airways. All the Blue Chip balancers contain a comprehensive respiratory supplement that includes garlic, menthol and eucalyptus, to promote lung health and integrity. Also included in the balancers are a hoof supplement and a purified form of Nucleotides, which are the building blocks of DNA and RNA and aid nutrient absorption, injury recovery and improve the horse’s immune system. Warm water! Dehydration can be a major factor in colic cases and this is especially true in winter when horses aren’t inclined to drink as much, particularly when water is colder than normal. The maintenance level of fluid requirements for an adult horse is 50ml/kg of bodyweight per day. Encouraging fluid intake can be done by offering slightly warmed water and if your horse or pony is still not keen to drink, try wetting the feed or using a high water content source of fibre such as unmolassed sugar beet. Balanced diet Providing a high fibre diet that is complemented by a balancer from the Blue Chip range, along with careful management will mean that you can enjoy this winter safe in the knowledge that your horse is getting a nutritionally balanced diet and will be happy and healthy.

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38 | October 2014

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23/09/2014 16:17

Training • Healthcare Xxxxxxxxxx (continued from page 36) runs along inside the tunnel formed by the vertebrae. All this can end a horse’s ridden career, but multiple injuries can occur in the limbs and neck as well. If the horse is contorted the other way, with his head and neck over-rounded, showing a ‘broken crest’ outline (see article 23 in this series in the August issue), with the front of the face behind the vertical, often with his chin or even his nose on his chest, his neck shortened (always a result of heavy bit pressure especially from a curb bit) and his back stretched and strained up, he can likewise never achieve real collection even when not ridden in this hyperflexed way, because his back will be stiff, tense, painful and quite incapable of swinging. In this posture, there will be great tension on the long back muscles running from the neck back to the loin area where they attach to the skeleton, making it all but impossible for the horse to bring his hind legs more forward under his belly for thrust and to flex them to carry weight. The three most commonly injured areas in this case (although there are others) are (1) to the poll and upper vertebrae of the neck, (2) the attachment points of the long back muscles in the loin area which develop hard, hot lumps of tissue that can become permanent scar tissue prone to

re-injury, and (3) the hind legs, particularly the hocks and various ligaments. … BUT THIS Obviously, there is not room here to give a detailed training programme and there are countless books and DVD’s on the subject of schooling horses, as we all know, not to mention magazine articles. The choice is overwhelming and confusing but the contacts in the ‘Learn More’ paragraph below will turn up learning and help sources which should help you train your horse in an effective, humane way. What do I recommend? Anything by Sylvia Loch of the Classical Riding Club, by Andrew McLean of the Australian Equine Behaviour Centre, by Paul McGreevy, and by two friends and colleagues of mine – particularly ‘Riding Revelations’ by Anne Wilson and ‘Exercise School for Horse and Rider’ by Lesley Skipper. Three of mine which seem to be helpful to most people are ‘Revolutionize Your Riding’, ‘100 Ways to Improve Your Riding’ and ‘Horse-Friendly Riding’. Yes, there are many others, but the above will provide you with a capsule library that will keep you busy, and accurately informed, for a long time. Basically, you need to train your horse so that he gradually becomes more agile and stronger physically

in all the right places, is calm and confident in you, obeys your light aids instantly and goes on a contact which creates a light but clear and present contact with the tongue and lips. He needs to develop weightcarrying power in his hindquarters and be strong but relaxed enough to allow the power he creates to travel forward through to his mouth. His training should take as long as it takes, not be manipulated or rushed by competition dates, team demands or certain other people telling you what he should be doing. A good classical teacher (see below) or equitation science trainer (again, see below) will certainly guide you along the right lines. Cadence is not an impossible dream. Almost any horse, trained in the right way, can reach a measure of collection and the cadence that emerges from it. However, if a horse goes in self-maintained horizontal balance, in a consistent rhythm in all his gaits, answers light aids reliably and feels safe with his rider and with being ridden, you may well find that he will produce a level of cadence which could take you on to other things. I can certainly confirm that any horse subjected to harsh, biomechanically incorrect methods of riding and training will never find true cadence under saddle. Only a free-going, properly trained horse will give you that ecstatic joy,

verve and spring that makes all the work and waiting worthwhile. LEARN MORE AT: The Classical Riding Club (www.classicalriding. co.uk), the International Society for Equitation Science (www.equitationscience.com), EquiSci for the UK (www. equitationscience.co.uk), the Australian Equine Behaviour Centre (www.aebc.org.au) and the Equine Behaviour Forum (www.equinebehaviourforum.org. uk). Also, follow up the links and publications on each site. (The Equine Behaviour Forum published the full glossary in its magazine ‘Equine Behaviour’. For your copy, send a cheque for £3.50 payable to ‘Equine Behaviour Forum’ to the Editor, Dr Alison Averis, 6 Stonelaws Cottages, East Linton, East Lothian, EH40 3DX.) SUSAN McBANE has an HNC in Equine Science and Management, is a Classical Riding Club listed trainer and Gold Award holder, co-founder of the Equine Behaviour Forum and a Practitioner Member of the International Society for Equitation Science. Author of 44 books, she is a co-publisher of ‘Tracking-up’ (see advert this issue). For lessons and clinics in and near Lancashire, ring 01254 705487 or email horses@ susanmcbane.com

ARE YOUR HORSES HOOVES CAUSING YOU THE WINTER BLUES? Hoof Care for Winter- Horseowners & Hoofcare Professionals

Your horse’s hooves are a product of their environment and as we know their environment is susceptible to so many domesticated and external influences. Be prepared this year for Winter, and look after your horses hooves! Now you can with Silvetrasol, the all natural hoof spray. Easy to Apply, and Highly Effective. Silvetrasol (Hoof & Wound Wash) all round spray for daily use and maintenance. Silvetrasol is the All Natural Hoof Cleanser developed at the Institute of Applied Equine Podiatry. Silvetrasol is the Ultimate Hoof Infection Fighter. The active ingredient is so unique it has earned its own patent. Silvetrasol has been proven to kill bacteria, fungus and viruses quickly. It is very safe to use, is odourless and colourless. Though it is toxic to bacteria, fungus and virus, it is non-toxic to humans, horses, pets, or livestock. When compared to commonly used products, it has been shown to be as much as ten times more effective in the treatment of bacterial infections (thrush) and MSRA. Bacterial kill time for Silvetrasol is less than 30 seconds, where Lysol and Clorox are nearer to 10 minutes. This is the most useful hoof and wound cleanser available for the horse owner, professional trimmer, farrier or veterinarian. Use it to treat the hoof following trimming, apply before using boots or hoof wear, use it to clean your tools. Silvetrasol is ideal for cleaning abscess tracks and wounds in the sole, frog, or hoof wall. Use daily to prevent infection. Spray on the coronary band, walls, and sole.

Clean Trax – Equine Hoof Cleanser. Clean Trax is a deep penetrating hoof cleanser used for the treatment of White Line disease, thrush, fungal, yeast infections and abscess. It is a non-necrotizing (will not kill healthy tissue) cleanser that has been used in the medical field for over twenty years. It will reduce the need for hoof wall removal in the treatment of white line disease. *Must be used specifically to its directions. Silvetrasol topical hoof cleanser for your daily follow up after Clean Trax one time soak.

Thrushender (Silvetrasol Super Intensive Formula) for hoof use only. Silvetrasol’s Thrush Ender is the All Natural Super Intensive Formula developed at the Institute of Applied Equine Podiatry. Thrush Ender is our strongest Hoof Infection Fighter. The active ingredient is so unique it has earned its own patent. This formula contains some of the most effective infection fighters known to date, when combined they offer superior bacterial fighting action. Thrush Ender has been proven to kill bacteria, fungus and viruses quickly, while preventing damage to healthy tissue. Though highly toxic to bacteria, fungus and virus, it is safe to use on all hoof infections. When compared to commonly used products, it has been shown to be as much as ten times more effective in the treatment of bacterial infections (thrush) and MSRA. Bacterial kill time for Thrush Ender is less than 30 seconds, where Lysol and Clorox are nearer to 10 minutes. Developed for use in extremelywet environments, Thrush Ender is excellent for use by the horse owner, professional trimmer, farrier or veterinarian. “It is by far the best product available for the treatment of Thrush the world over, and I highly recommend it.” KC La Pierre, MIAEP

Don’t let the winter months determine the health of your horse’s feet, so you can enjoy what you like doing best with your horse! Be Proactive, not Re-active, prepare your horse’s hooves and diminish the Winter Blues! SPECIAL OFFER on Silvetrasol Hoof & Wound Wash & Silvetrasol (Super Intensive Formula) Thrushender (for October only) visit website for more details:



Equi_Ads_Oct_National_rev.indd 39

October 2014 | 39

23/09/2014 16:17

InsuranceXxxxxxxxxx • Equine Vacancies

IF YOU’RE TRADING YOU REQUIRE COVER! “I am a Freelance Instructor but might give the occasional lesson using one of my own horses – what cover do I need for this?”


Laura has worked in the insurance industry since 2006 after achieving a BSc (Hons) in Equine Science from The University of the West of England. She studied at Hartpury College in Gloucester and has extensive equine knowledge from personal experiences as well as further professional training. She has two horses to compete – ‘Molly’ who is an Intermediate/ CCI** level eventer and ‘Lex’ who showjumps at 1.35m level – and can regularly be seen competing around the UK.

t is common practice for many riders to offer lessons to their equestrian peers, either as part of their full-time occupation or on an occasional basis to earn some extra income. Insurance cover is available for freelance instructors to cover Public Liability during teaching and also Care, Custody & Control cover if required whilst carrying out other duties such as freelance riding/grooming. This can be tailored to cover the client on their own premises or off-site as well if required. Unqualified instructors can still be covered by insurance, but those with industry recognised qualifications (e.g. BHS or UKCC level education) and an up to date Health & Safety at Work First Aid Certificate will generally be entitled to discounted rates. If you decide to do some teaching using your own horses, regardless of how seldom this will occur, then for insurance purposes you would be considered to be trading as a Riding School and would require adequate insurance cover for this type of risk. Under the Riding Establishments

Act, anyone operating a riding establishment must be granted a licence by their local authority prior to trading. It is also a legal requirement that you hold a valid insurance policy, which would be subject to the operator holding such a licence. Riding School liability policies attract higher premium rates due to the increased risk and generally have a minimum annual premium of around £1200 – many people think twice about using their own horses for lessons after hearing that figure! Other commercial activities, such as using horses for ‘pony rides’ at local shows may also warrant the need for a licence; discussing your business proposal with your local authority can determine whether this is necessary or not and also establish what type of insurance policy will be required. Once this first step has been taken it will be easier for your insurer to offer the most viable option for insurance cover.

The limit of indemnity for Public Liability cover starts at a minimum of £2 Million for riding school policies with increased levels up to £5 Million also available. Freelance Instructors cover is available at the lower limit of £1 Million in addition to the other two levels. The higher levels of cover may seem extreme but it is worth noting that pay-outs have been recorded well in excess of £2 Million in the past – this puts the premiums into perspective! Make sure you have the correct cover on your policy before offering a particular service.

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variety of positions are currently available to those interested in working with horses.

• Are you a riding consultant? If so there is a vacancy in Abqaiq, Saudi Arabia who are looking for someone qualified to teach riding to youngsters, organise shows etc. apply 2@aramco.com • Lee Valley Park authority are looking for a riding instructor. Apply with cv and letter. rseddon@leevalleypark.org.uk • The British Equestrian Federation are looking for an assistant to their Chairman and Chief Executive. Application forms from www.bef. co.uk/vacancies • A groom is wanted for a busy showjumping yard in Reading , Berkshire working alongside a team of three others. Call 0118 9449700

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40 | October 2014

Equi_Ads_Oct_National_rev.indd 40

• Another vacancy exists in Berkshire for a groom to look after hunters, polo ponies, children's ponies and young eventers. email carinaevans@ dogrocks.co.uk • Warwickshire hunt are looking for a kennelman-Second Wipper-in to start immediately. email charmian-green@gmail.com • An experience groom is required to look after N.H racehorses. Application form from 01132 661424 (Leeds) • York and Ainsty North hunt are inviting applications for Master or Joint Masters for the 2015/16 season. Apply to stuart.jackson321@ yahoo.co.uk • The Vine and Craven hunt are looking for Masters/s, huntsman for the 2015/16 season. Applications and cv to The Chairman, , Crest Cottage,Kinterbury Hungerford, Berkshire. RG17 9 • A carriage driving groom is required for private yard in Cornwall. CV and covering letter to akingdon@tregothnan.co.uk • The Summerhouse Equestrian Centre are looking for assessors for their successful apprentice scheme. email cv and covering letter to hgallop@summerhouseec.co.uk www.equi-ads.com

23/09/2014 16:18






CLARKE JUMPSTART 1224 £155.98 incl. VAT Price k from www.machinemart.co.u 500A Starting Amps Yes ? ket Soc Auxiliary 1000mm gth Cable Len 16 .0kgs Weight 01992 565300 Contact www.clar keinternational.com engines A jump star ter able to star t petrol a e, thre to up to six litres and diesel in ghs wei very serious piece of kit and is a rear the At at a chunky sixteen kilos. volts lve twe to changeover switch from off an on is t fron the and off to twenty four. On ll sma a n whe and off switch, a dial that e stat the you s red button is pressed give rette ciga of the battery, a twelve volt get socket and five LED work light. You rgers. cha icle veh the normal mains and in The jump leads are a metre long.

It’s heavy, but it’s effective - once the Clarke 1224 JumpStart is fully charged, it will start any large vehicle capable of towing 3.5 tonnes. Weighing in at 16kg, it can start petrol engines up to six litres, or a diesel up to three. There’s a changeover switch which gives you the option of starting a 12v battery or 24v. With winter approaching, those batteries might not start working quite as well as they should. As with jump leads you place the red clip onto the positive terminal and the black clip to the negative terminal and the engine will start at the turn of the key. That is if there is nothing wrong with the engine and your trouble is just the flat battery.

WIN WIN WIN WIN To Enter simply answer the following question: How much does the Clarke JumpStart 1224 weigh: 10kg, 12kg or 16kg? Email your answer to kirsty@equiads.net or mail your answer with your name, address to Jumpstarter, Equi-Ads Ltd., 126 Derby Road, Long Eaton, Notts. NG10 4LS. Competition closes on 31st October.

Equi_Ads_Oct_EW_rev.indd 41 BOB_Clarke_Jumpstart_Comp_FP.indd 1

23/09/2014 09:10 16:41 22/09/2014


Scott Brash Withdraws W orld number one Jumping partnership Scott Brash and Hello Sanctos withdrew from the individual competition at the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games. Brash and his incredible jumper Hello Sanctos were the best of a luckless British squad which failed to qualify for the team medal contest. GB, the reigning Olympic and European Champions, finished 18th out of the 31 teams, but Brash, lying in 34th place, had qualified for the individual contest. Team GB released a statement that ran: “The decision has been taken in consultation with the rider, Hello Sanctos’s owners, Lord and Lady Harris and Lady Kirkham, the Great Britain Chef d’Equipe and Chef de Mission.

“There is a lot of jumping still to do in the individual qualifying competition; a lot of ground to make up on the leaderboard and the likelihood of qualifying for the individual final, with the standard of jumping here this week, is not likely. With the horse in mind and looking ahead to the forthcoming Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup in Barcelona, next year’s European Championships and beyond, the decision has been made to withdraw the horse from further competition this week.” The British Jumping squad has been beset with injuries to its horses over the last few months, with its London Olympic superstar Big Star, the ride of Nick Skelton, injured, while Ben Mayer’s Cella incurred an overreach just 24 hours before commencing her journey to WEG.

Chief Executive of The Pony Club, Steps Down


he Pony Club’s Chief Executive, Judy Edwards, has announced that she will be stepping down at the end of March 2015. Judy, a former Trustee of The Pony Club was appointed as Chief Executive in 2005. A well respected equestrian figure, Judy enjoyed a competitive career before creating Coppice Acres Show Jumping Arena at her home in Warwickshire where she acted as Show Director for 10 years. A former member of the Executive Committee of British Show Jumping and the British Horse Society Council, Judy is also an F.E.I Show Jumping Judge and in 2009 was presented with the British Equestrian Writers Association Award for her Contribution to Equestrian Sport. “When I came into the office in 2005 to help out for a few months, I had no idea that ten years later I would still be heading

up this wonderful and unique organisation” comments Judy. “Where those ten years have gone I do not know, but suffice to say that I feel enormously privileged to have held office for so long and to have been so well supported by the great team here at Stoneleigh, the members of The Pony Club Equestrian Council and Committees both past and present, the myriad of volunteers who make The Pony Club what it is and everyone outside of The Pony Club within our broader equestrian family.

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23/09/2014 16:41

Xxxxxxxxxx News


he dream to ride around Land Rover Burghley came true on the 7th September 2014 for the 330 riders that took part in the 2014 South Essex Insurance Brokers (SEIB) Burghley Sponsored ride on the final day of the world famous Land Rover Burghley Horse Trials. The ride took place over a 12km course in Burghley Park, it allowed participants to follow in the footsteps of great three day event riders, and most recently the new Burghley three time winner, Andrew Nicholson and the great Avebury. Whilst jumping the fences was not allowed, riders were able to ride right up to many of the legendary jumps and splash about in the landmark Burghley Trout Hatchery. Sponsored ride organiser, Ian Scott said, “Thanks to the generosity of new sponsors SEIB, 100% of the entry fee and sponsor money for the Sponsored Ride goes to charities”. A team of volunteers led by Ian Scott gave their time free of charge including stewards and marshals organised by Stamford XT who also provided the horse trials with over 500 marshals over the four days. Stamford XT are ex Round Tablers and proceeds from the ride go to local charities and the Sue Ryder Thorpe Hall in Peterborough

extension project. In addition equine charities the British Horse Society and World Horse Welfare are beneficiaries. Ian continued, “This year we expect to distribute £15,000 and the total ride proceeds from the 14 times it has run now exceed £180,000. None of this would be possible without the permission and support of the Land Rover Burghley Horse Trials”. “This is a wonderful opportunity for riders of all levels to ride round Burghley and raise money for charity at the same time. It is important to us that 100% of the money raised by participants goes to charity”, said SEIB Marketing Manager, Nicolina Mackenzie. SEIB offers competitively priced insurance cover for a multitude of equestrian possessions and pursuits and the company has a long held ethos of putting something back into equestrian sport. The company is also the sponsor and organiser of the hugely popular SEIB Racehorse to Riding Horse show class held in the main arena also on the Sunday at the Land Rover Burghley Horse Trials. Everyone that completed the course received a special SEIB rosette and goody bag. Burghley sponsored prizes were donated for the riders that raised the most money.

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October 2014 | 43

23/09/2014 16:41

Xxxxxxxxxx Feeding

Feeding Tips to Weather the Winter By Kate Williams, MSc (Dist) W

ith winter just round the corner, it won’t be long before there are big changes to your horse’s routine, workload and diet as longer nights and colder temperatures spell less turnout and longer periods in the stable. Taking a good look at your horse’s diet will make sure that he remains healthy and in great shape over the coming months.

in starch and sugar are great for delivering condition without fizz. Some horses and ponies, especially poor doers and fussy eaters, are prone to losing weight and condition during winter. It’s vitally important that they are given access to ad-lib forage and fibre feed.

Eating Naturally

Staying Hydrated

Horses are designed to function best on a highfibre diet, so make sure you provide a daily ration in the form that nature intended. Chewing fibre produces saliva, which helps to neutralise gastric acid and protect the stomach’s sensitive lining. If your horse is spending more time in his stable, why not try a blend of hightemperature-dried grasses and alfalfa, and ideal for those at rest or in light work? A low-energy feed can be fed in place of hay, particularly when it is in short supply or of poor quality. If you keep your horse or pony at a livery yard where only good-quality hay and haylage is available, replace some of this with a low-energy feed.

Many owners are unaware that horses tend to drink less in cold weather, which can lead to health issues. Horses can drink between six and 14 per cent less in the winter, which could lead to a risk of impactions and dehydration-related performance issues. Soaked fibre feeds will help to increase moisture intake, as well as provide highly digestible fibre.

Maintaining Condition

Fibre and oil feeds that are naturally low

Keeping Warm

Heavyweight rugs and a snug, draught-free stable can help to keep things warm and toasty, but you can’t beat your horse’s own internal central-heating system. Bacteria and other micro-organisms generate heat as they digest the horse’s fibre feed in the large intestine, using a fermentation process. With fibre feeds such as those based on alfalfa,

Is Your Horse Overweight?

44 | October 2014

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Beating the Boredom

Fibre can be a great boredom buster to help horses and ponies. Fibre takes a long time to chew, but it does not have to be eaten all in one serving. If the horse keeps returning to its feed during the course of the day, it doesn’t matter – in fact, it is more beneficial for a feed to be consumed this way. Use small-holed nets help to make forage last longer and make things much more challenging by slipping several nets inside one another to create an even smaller gauge. This can even help good doers in the battle of the bulge because they can no longer gobble their hay. A low-sugar lick allows the horse to top up on essential nutrients and provide stimulation in the stable. Hanging root vegetables or hazel twigs around the stable can help to keep your horse amused for hours. Katie is a senior nutritionist with the Dengie company. For further information or friendly feeding advice for your horse or pony, contact the Dengie Feedline, telephone 0845 345 5115 or log on to www.dengie.com.

Watch out, there’s a thief about!



he results of this year’s National Equine Health Survey (NEHS) have shown that the reported number of overweight horses and ponies has more than doubled this year, compared to last year’s NEHS figures. NEHS is a snapshot survey run annually by Blue Cross every May, in partnership with the British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA) (sponsored by SPILLERS® and Zoetis). This year overweight horses or ponies were recorded in 16.9% of cases; more than double last year’s figure of 7.8%. The survey also showed that 59% of respondents assess their horse’s weight regularly, with 85% using a weigh tape. “While the increase may be a result of this year’s mild winter and good grass growth it may also be attributed to the fact that owners are becoming more adept at recognising overweight horses,” said Clare Barfoot, Research and Development Manager at MARS HORSECARE UK Ltd. “But whatever the reason, the associated health risks are alarming. Laminitis is a serious concern but by no means the only risk. Abnormal insulin dynamics and the resulting metabolic syndrome, reduced reproductive efficiency, heat stress, extra strain on the heart and lungs, worsened signs of arthritis, lethargy and reduced athletic function are also potential concerns.” Clare has put together some tips to help you weight-watch with confidence this winter: • Use a weigh tape on a weekly basis. Used correctly, a weigh tape can help identify small changes and increases in weight much more effectively than by your eye alone. • Get to grips with body condition scoring. • Increase exercise, not only to help your

this can take up to 60 hours.

horse lose weight but also to help keep the metabolism healthy in the good doer. • Restrict grass intake. Even winter grass can be a significant contributor to excess calories. A horse or pony can consume up to three times its normal daily appetite in just 24 hours at grass. Use a grazing muzzle or restrict time out at grass. • Provide an alternative low calorie forage source. Access to hay, haylage or a forage replacer will help replicate natural browsing behaviour and help prevent stress-related problems such as wind sucking, crib biting and gastric ulcers. • Consider a short chop hay replacer as a reliable and consistent low calorie forage alternative. Remember that the calorie content of hay or haylage can vary greatly depending on the type of grass and when it was cut therefore it is advisable to have it analysed. • Provide daily vitamins and minerals to balance the diet. • Don’t over-rug overweight horses and ponies especially if they are natives or unclipped. For friendly feeding advice please telephone the SPILLERS® Care-Line on + 44 (0)1908 226626 or visit www.spillers-feeds.com. To download a copy of the NEHS results please visit www.bluecross.org.uk and to register for next year’s survey please visit www.bluecross.org.uk/ nehs.

horter days and longer nights give thieves greater chance of stealing your horse or pony Security is always important whatever time of the year but even more so when the nights have drawn in and thieves can find hiding places so much more easily. The best way of warding off horse thieves is to get your horses freeze marked. Freezemark covers all areas based on sufficient animals in and around an area and so the more people that get together the sooner Freezemark will be able to get to you and if you get friends interested the price will also come down. In any case, freeze marking is very reasonably priced and Freezemark also offers readers of Equi-Ads a 10% discount off their standard mark charges and also off a mark of your choice. This discount is applicable until 15 November 2014. For full details telephone 01295 788226 or email info@freezemark.biz Freezemark is national and more information can be found on www.freezemark.biz Don’t delay tomorrow may be too late.


23/09/2014 16:41

Straight from Xxxxxxxxxx the Horses Mouth

Straight from the Horse’s Mouth By Kathy Carter W

e scour the equestrian world for news and views on nutrition and veterinary matters, to give you the latest information. Rusty’s clone is under saddle

Scientists have been cloning vegetables for years to create the strongest, most aesthetically attractive specimens – so it was only a matter of time before it became commonplace in the animal kingdom. The Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI), the governing body for horse sports, allows cloned horses and their progenies to compete internationally. This was initially a complete turnaround for the industry, as it was previously thought by many people that cloning, and the finances required to own a cloned horse, gave rise to an unfair competitive field.

A sheep named Dolly, born in 1996, was the first cloned mammal – the practice is increasingly commonplace.

France’s Cryozootech is a pioneer of equine cloning techniques, in 2008 and 2011 cloning the late Gem Twist, one of the most successful show jumping horses of all time. As the cloned competitive horses are still young, none are competing; however, it has recently been announced that a clone of dressage rider Ulla Salzgeber’s champion dressage horse, Rusty, is now under saddle at the age of two and a half. Clumsily-named “Rusty Clone 1”, who was raised at Cryozootech’s facilities, is said to have taken to being started very well, and is now in light work. Opium poppies cause racing controversy

In July, seven British racehorses tested race-day positive for morphine. The British Horseracing Authority said it will not make public any information regarding the identity of the horses, trainers or owners until a full investigation is completed. However, it was disclosed by Buckingham Palace that one of the horses was the Queen’s racing mare, Estimate. However, it is alleged that a leading British feed company is inadvertently behind the scandal, due to contamination by a naturally occurring prohibited substance that comes from the seeds of opium poppies in some of the company’s own supplier’s feed ingredients. Potentially affected stocks from the feed company were quarantined, and experts agree that while the ingredient is a prohibited

Could natural substances be used instead of Bute?

In July, seven British racehorses tested race-day positive for morphine. substance, there is no health risk to horses. However, the racehorses in question could be disqualified, pending a disciplinary panel. Fly grazing bill launched

In welfare news, a private members bill has been launched in the House of Commons that should tackle equine fly grazing in England, according to welfare proponents, World Horse Welfare. In England alone, it is estimated that at least 3,000 horses are being illegally grazed on public and private land without the landowner’s permission. The practice of illegal grazing, known as fly grazing, causes welfare problems for horses in addition to loss of use of land, and also risks to the public. A powerful coalition of equine welfare charities and countryside organisations has welcomed the Bill, which was introduced by Julian Sturdy, MP for York Outer.

American nutritional research has indicated that certain, natural nutritional compounds can reduce inflammation in horses and may even out-perform ‘Bute’. According to a report in ‘Equine Disease Quarterly’, based on research from the University of Kentucky, the research could lead to improved immune function in ageing horses. It was found that natural dietary compounds found in fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, including flavonoids and polyphenols, could help combat the effects of equine ageing. Flavonoids are involved in UV filtration in plants, and act as chemical messengers and physiological regulators, while the roles of polyphenols include the prevention of microbial infections. All of the natural compounds outperformed Phenylbutazone (Bute) in the study, by being effective at lower doses. More research is ongoing in this field.

The flavonoid ‘quercetin’, found in onions, has featured in interesting equine nutritional research.

Equimins money-back guarantee! E

quimins’ Advance Concentrate Complete forage balancer has recently undergone a packaging makeover. The concentrated balancer has been designed to complement a forage diet, to ensure that the horse is receiving all the vitamins, trace elements and bio available minerals they need. In addition to the high specification ingredients above, Advance Concentrate Complete contains probiotics and Saccharomyces cerivisae yeast to help support the gut. It also comes with an impressive money back guarantee. “Advance Concentrate Complete is a really popular product for us and we know that when people try it, they love it,” says David Willey, Managing Director of Equimins. “We’ve offered a money back guarantee on this product for many years, but decided to make this more prominent on our packaging, to give people that extra information when they’re looking at what’s available. We know how overwhelming the array


Equi_Ads_Oct_EW_rev.indd 45

of supplements found in most tack shops is, and it can be very difficult for the horse owner to decide. We’re making the choice easier by taking a different approach – with a money back guarantee, there’s really nothing to lose and everything to gain.” The guarantee is simple- if Advance Concentrate Complete is added to the horse’s normal feeding regime and the owner hasn’t seen any improvement in condition after feeding it for two months, they’ll receive their money back. See the website for terms and conditions. Advance Concentrate Complete is available in powder or pellet form (so it can be fed from the hand, without the need for a bucket of feed if preferred) and is available in 1.2kg, 2kg, 4kg and 10kg quantities. As the balancer is concentrated, most horses receive just 60-80g per day. Prices start from £13.55. For more information see www.equimins. com, email sales@equimins.com or call 01548 531770.


he new Mursely Gilet is a flattering quilted gilet is a new Autumn offering from Equetech. Sizes: XS – XL. Colours: Black/ Tan & Fir Green/Tan RRP: £76.95 Faux Fur Muffler: £17.95 October 2014 | 45

23/09/2014 16:41

Xxxxxxxxxx News

NEW MARLBOROUGH DOWNS HORSE-DRAWN DRIVING ROUTE OPEN T he former Chief of the General Staff, Sir Mike Jackson declared open a new horse-drawn driving route across the Marlborough Downs on behalf of the Kennet Valley Carriage Driving Group (KVCDG) Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA). The recent improvements to 2.2 kilometres of tracks has enabled those with disabilities to drive carriages which have been specifically adapted for wheelchair use. The track improvements have been implemented by the Marlborough Downs NIA Project with additional funding from The Hills Group Limited through the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF), and the Community Foundation for Wiltshire and Swindon through a Public Health and Wellbeing grant. LCF is administered by Community First, the Rural Community Council for Wiltshire. Starting out from Rockley Manor, Sacha Cooper, Bryony Fuller and Doug Middlemiss, who suffer with disabilities and are regular members of the KVCDG, were the first to enjoy the new Marlborough Downs route. They were accompanied by RDA carriage drivers; Leonie Brown, Cheryl Cook and Caroline Mitchell. Drummer a 17 year old Clydesdale cob gelding, Perrine an eight year old Comtois mare and Prophet a six year old Comtois gelding were the horses who took the honours and pulled the carriages to mark the opening. Jilly Carter, one of the farmers within the MDNIA, hosts the Kennet

Valley Carriage Driving Group RDA (Riding for the Disabled Association) at Maisey Farm. The group has also invited wounded, injured and sick serving military personnel and veterans on visits as part of the rolling recovery programme at Tedworth House Recovery Centre, run by the renowned charity Help for Heroes.

Kennet Valley Carriage Driving Group (KVCDG) Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA) and Marlborough Downs NIA Project Photography credit: Niels Van Gijn

Ben Hobday Settles in at Somerford Park


nternational event rider, Ben Hobday, sponsored by Grubs, and his team have made an exciting move and are now based at Somerford Park Farm. Brand new state of the art facilities have been built to provide him with a large indoor stable block and quarters, which complements the first class facilities that Somerford already has to offer, including nine all weather arenas and a cross country course across 80 acres. Somerford is the ideal set up for

46 | October 2014

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Ben to progress with training his top competition horses and the youngsters making their way up through the ranks. The site also includes on-site tack shop and veterinary clinic. Ben told Equi-Ads; “It is a fantastic place to be based with all the excellent facilities. I have always been a regular here for cross-country schooling and taking the youngsters on farm rides. Watching the progress of the stables being built from scratch has been so exciting and it’s great to finally have the team settled in at Somerford. “Bramham star GRUBS Ramilo and GRUBS Shadow Skyfall along with Shetland Steve have settle in well and have taken well to their new surroundings!” For further information on the GRUBS® range please contact them on 01279 418052 or visit www.work-lite. com


he British Eventing unisex polo shirt in navy is available in sizes XS to XXL and is priced at around £27.99. Also available in a ladies fitted style and children’s sizes. For more information visit www. equestrian.com

Groom Vacancy


remier Equine of Goxhill, Lincs have a vacancy for a groom to work forty hours a week at £8 an hour. The working week includes grooming and riding duties. 28 paid holiday leave per year. Apply to Rachel@premierequine.co.uk with a CV. www.equi-ads.com

23/09/2014 16:41

Xxxxxxxxxx News

TREC Winter Series T

REC GB, the riding discipline’s governing body, has appointed the RS-tor rider safety aid as sponsor of its prestigious winter series of indoor TREC competitions. The RS-tor Rider Safety Aid TREC GB Winter league runs nationwide from October 1st until March 31st; any horse and rider combination is able to enter. The full TREC League runs from March to October and comprises three main elements - orienteering on horseback (POR), control of paces (CoP) and cross-country/ obstacle course (PTV). The indoor winter series includes control of paces (CoP) and a cross-country/ obstacle course (PTV). RS-tor’s inventor George Gorman is delighted to be helping to promote the sport to existing and new ‘treccies’. “The winter series is an ideal introduction

a friendly environment while developing key riding skills,” he says. “The RS-tor, designed as a falls prevention aid and to boost rider confidence on an unpredictable or spooky horse, is ideal for TREC enthusiasts, and may be used at all levels of the discipline,” he states. TREC GB chairman Mary Weston explained to Equi-Ads that the sport is very inclusive. “The competitors come from a wide range of riding backgrounds, from

the pure hobby rider to the semiprofessional dressage/event rider wanting to improve their horse’s basic schooling,” she says. “Western and side saddle riders can compete alongside traditional English style riders, with horses bitted or bitless, shod or unshod. No other equestrian sport can offer such diverse appeal. We are delighted to welcome the RS-tor on board as a sponsor.” Visit www.rstor.co.uk / www. trecgb.com


to TREC, especially as there is no map reading element; it is a wonderful way to compete in

hese boots are ideal for hacking or jumping. The boots will allow flexibility whilst guarding the horse’s legs. Available in colours black, white/black, black/pink/ blue, blue/orange and grey/lime/yellow. Priced at around £19.99, in sizes pony or full.

Winners receive Sue Carson Saddles Vouchers


wo successful dressage riders have each won at £1000 gift voucher from Sue Carson Saddles at their respective British Dressage Regional Championships, having both achieved the highest percentage score of the Show across all the levels. The first win went to Nicola Cooper and Classic Cupido V, a sevenyear-old Dutch gelding by Lord Leatherdale, who won the Medium Open at the Welsh Regional Championships, Mount Ballan, with the impressive score of 73.46%. Nicola, who lives near Bristol and has represented Great Britain at many European Championships as a Pony and Young Rider, said after this win: “I bought Classic Cupido three years ago from Rebecca Hughes and train with Carl Hester. Cupido was fantastic in the Championship, although the weather was horrendous. He didn’t seem to notice the hail bouncing off his neck and gave me an incredible feeling of lightness and power. He has a very exciting career ahead of him, as he has a really good brain to train and fantastic talent to go Nicola Cooper and Classic Cupido V. with it.”

Nicola’s £1000 gift voucher, to be redeemed against a new Sue Carson Saddle, was presented by Sue Carson Saddles Distributor Becky Whitcombe. The second recipient of this much coveted prize was the Preliminary Regional Championship winner at the Northern Regional Championships, East Yorkshire, Angela Smith and Regency George, who topped their class with 73.90%, the highest score of the show. Angela bought Regency George from Craig Millard as a five-year-old three years ago and started to compete in dressage Angela Smith and Regency competitions aged 60. She trains with George with Sue Carson. Hannah Esberger-Hancock and explains: “I’ve gone hunting and jumping for years and found it difficult to stop gripping with my knees when I started doing dressage. Getting to the British Dressage Championships was one of things on my ‘wish list’ so now I can cross that off!” She was presented with her £1000 prize voucher by Sue Carson and is looking forward to choosing her new saddle from the Sue Carson Saddles range of bespoke, British saddles.


s the weather draws in, long days out at grass turn into sporadic grazing and increased stable time, all of which can affect your horse’s digestive system. It is thought that as many as 60% of performance horses might have gastric discomfort, with that figure rising to a possible 93% when investigating racehorses alone. During the winter months concentrate feed levels are often increased, as are the number of hours horses have to be stabled. With this can come www.equi-ads.com

Equi_Ads_Oct_EW_rev.indd 47

longer periods of time without forage, higher boredom and stress levels and a greater risk of your horse’s digestive system been compromised. Gastric discomfort can lead to a reduction in appetite, poor condition and muscle development, loose droppings and behavioural problems

– all of which can have a negative effect on performance levels and overall health. Animalife, the creators of Vetrofen and Vetroflex, have introduced Vetrogard Intense to their range of high performance supplements. The dual action, nutritional formulation has been designed to support gastric health and

comfort, with research studies showing that appetite scores, condition and faecal quality are all supported. Vetrogard Intense can help support the epithelium and defend acid attacks to assist the body’s natural response to digestive comfort. Vetrogard Intense is available in a 525g tub, priced at £99.99. Call 0845 365 0050 to find your local Animalife Accredited Retailer or order online at www.animalife.co.uk (subject to delivery charges). October 2014 | 47

23/09/2014 16:41

News Xxxxxxxxxx



he UK’s leading rural insurer’s annual Rural Crime Survey revealed the cost of crime to the rural economy totalled £44.5m in 2013 – up 5.2% on 2012 figures. However it is extremely concerning that the cost of equine related thefts has risen by an astonishing 45%, now totalling over £1.9m. The number of thefts has also increased by 16%, with trailers and horsebox thefts accounting for 69% of all equine theft claims and horse tack and equipment 19%. Interestingly, the North East and

South West were the worst affected areas. The Mutual surveyed its network of more than 300 agencies throughout rural areas of the UK to identify current trends. Commenting on rural crime and the Survey results, Victoria Walton, Equine Specialist at NFU Mutual, told Equi-Ads: “Many horses are kept on farms and smallholdings and both horse owners and farmers are a common target for thieves. In 2012, thieves mainly focused their attention on horse and livestock trailers and electric fencing

equipment however, in the past year, theft of tack and equipment has risen dramatically, overtaking electric fencing equipment. “Farms and livery yards are a favourite hunting ground for thieves because they are often unattended during the hours of darkness, making it easier for thieves to operate. With many horse owners and farmers continuing to feel the financial pinch, the theft of essential items such as tack, fencing, trailers and feed, is a further blow to their pockets, particularly if the items are uninsured or underinsured.”

The Mutual also organises the Country Crime Fighters Awards, a nationwide competition to support and encourage examples of crime prevention taking place in the countryside. “Last year’s winners included Warwickshire Horse Watch, they have put their prize money to fantastic use over the past 12 months and we hope that more equine crime prevention groups will enter the awards this year,” added Victoria. For more information visit www. nfumutual.co.uk/ruralcrime

Making the Winter Easier T


he Equetech Hunt Frock Coat is ideal for wearing in the competition arena this coming winter. The 100% pure wool jacket also features a unique weather resistant internal membrane across the shoulders to help protect against the worst of the weather and the double back vents with button detailing add to the overall elegance of this jacket. Sizes: 34 - 44 Colours: Navy RRP: £239.95

he Easidri Grooming Towel is the perfect way to dry wet horses in the winter, and is ideal for awkward areas, such as the horse’s legs. The innovative towel absorbs water like a sponge but moves like a towel, removing water from the wet horse’s coat as it passes. Easidri can be wrung out as needed and, after use, can be folded up damp and put inside the plastic storage case it’s supplied with or machine washed/ disinfected as needed. Due to its pliable nature, it’s ideal for those awkward areas, such as horse heels. The Easidri Grooming Towel is available in small, medium and large sizes, and prices start from £11.00. www.easidri.com.

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s we head into the winter months, changes in diet, reduced exercise & turnout can all have an impact on your horses digestive system and for some horses be a triggering factor in colic. Alongside good stable management Aloeride, the natural aloe vera supplement for horses not only helps to support digestive health, but can also help to sustain a healthy gut, which are contributing factors

in keeping your horse healthy this winter. Feeding Aloeride is easy with taste-free daily sachets packed full of aloe vera goodness, a 30 day supply equals over 12 litres of aloe vera juice and offers a simple approach in keeping your horse feeling and looking his best over this season! RRP: £55.20 (1 x months supply) www.aloeride.co.uk 01858 464550


and all quarry products Supplied throughout the UK with samples available on request

Bardo (Midlands) Ltd. 01778 345609 www.bardomidlands.com equestrian@bardomidlands.com 48 | October 2014

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23/09/2014 16:42

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23/09/2014 16:42

Rockies’ Rockies’ Rockies’ range range range of of mineralised of mineralised mineralised saltsalt licks salt licks licks provides provides provides Rockies’ Rockies’ Rockies’ range range range ofdon’t of mineralised ofrequire mineralised mineralised salt salt licks saltlicks licks provides provides provides horses horses horses that that that don’t don’t require require a bucketfeed a bucketfeed a bucketfeed (or (or don’t (or don’t don’t horses horses horses that that that don’t don’t don’t require require require awith bucketfeed awith a asimple bucketfeed (orand (or don’t (or don’t don’t need need need their their their full full ration) full ration) ration) with abucketfeed simple a simple and and cost cost cost need need need their their their full full full ration) ration) ration) with with with avitamins, asimple asimple simple and and and cost cost cost effective effective effective way way of way of acquiring of acquiring acquiring vitamins, vitamins, minerals minerals minerals and and and effective effective effective way way way of of acquiring of acquiring acquiring vitamins, vitamins, vitamins, minerals minerals minerals and and and trace trace trace elements. elements. elements. trace trace trace elements. elements. Rockies’ Rockies’ Rockies’ range range range ofelements. of mineralised of mineralised mineralised saltsalt licks salt licks provides licks provides provides Here Here Here are some some some top top products top products products for for winter… for winter… winter… Rockies’ Rockies’ Rockies’ range range range ofare of mineralised of mineralised mineralised salt salt licks salt licks licks provides provides provides Rockies’ Rockies’ Rockies’ range range range ofare of mineralised of mineralised mineralised salt salt licks salt licks licks provides provides provides horses horses horses that that don’t that don’t don’t require require require a bucketfeed a bucketfeed a bucketfeed (or (or don’t (or don’t don’t Here Here Here are are some are some some top top products top products products for for winter… for winter… winter… Rockies’ Rockies’ Rockies’ range range range of of mineralised of mineralised mineralised salt salt licks salt licks licks provides provides provides Health Health Health Licks Licks Licks are are available are available available in in five in five delicious five delicious delicious flavours flavours flavours horses horses horses that don’t that don’t don’t require require require a bucketfeed a bucketfeed a bucketfeed (or (or don’t (or don’t don’t horses horses horses that that don’t that don’t don’t require require require a bucketfeed a bucketfeed a bucketfeed (or (or don’t (or don’t don’t need need need their their their fullfull ration) full ration) ration) with with with a simple a simple a simple andand cost and costcost Health Health Health Licks Licks Licks are are available are available available inbucketfeed in five in five delicious five delicious delicious flavours flavours flavours horses horses horses that that that don’t don’t don’t require require require a bucketfeed a bucketfeed a (or (or don’t (or don’t don’t (carrot, (carrot, (carrot, apple, apple, apple, cherry, cherry, cherry, mint mint mint and and garlic) and garlic) garlic) and and sized and sized sized to fit fit to fit need need need their their their full full ration) full ration) ration) with with with a simple a simple a simple and and cost and cost cost effective effective effective way way of way acquiring offull acquiring ofration) acquiring vitamins, vitamins, vitamins, and and and need need need their their their full full ration) ration) with with with aminerals simple aminerals simple aminerals simple and and and cost cost cost to (carrot, (carrot, (carrot, apple, apple, apple, cherry, cherry, cherry, mint mint mint and and garlic) and garlic) garlic) and and sized and sized sized toofto fitofto fit fit effective effective effective way way of way acquiring of of acquiring acquiring vitamins, vitamins, vitamins, minerals minerals minerals and and and need need need their their their full full ration) full ration) ration) with with with a simple a a simple simple and and and cost cost cost into into a into 2kg a 2kg a holder. 2kg holder. holder. They They contain They contain contain salt salt and salt and a and range a range a range of trace trace elements. trace elements. elements. effective effective effective way way of way of acquiring of acquiring acquiring vitamins, vitamins, vitamins, minerals minerals minerals and andand into into ainto 2kg arange 2kg arange holder. 2kg holder. holder. They They They contain contain contain salt salt and salt and aand range a range aprovides range of of of trace trace trace elements. elements. elements. Rockies’ Rockies’ Rockies’ range ofselected of mineralised of mineralised mineralised salt salt licks salt licks licks provides provides effective effective effective way way of way of acquiring of acquiring acquiring vitamins, vitamins, vitamins, minerals minerals minerals and and and minerals minerals minerals selected selected for for horses. for horses. horses. MagnaCalm MagnaCalm MagnaCalm contains contains contains trace trace trace elements. elements. elements. Here Here are Here are some are some some top top products top products products for for winter… for winter… winter… Rockies’ Rockies’ Rockies’ range range range of of mineralised of mineralised mineralised salt salt licks salt licks licks provides provides provides minerals minerals minerals selected selected selected for for horses. for horses. horses. MagnaCalm contains contains contains horses horses horses that that that don’t don’t don’t require require require awinter… bucketfeed a isand bucketfeed aMagnaCalm (orto(or don’t (or don’t don’t trace trace trace elements. elements. elements. 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They They contain They contain contain salt salt and salt and a and range a a range of of of effective effective effective way way of way of acquiring of acquiring acquiring vitamins, vitamins, vitamins, minerals minerals minerals and and Health Health Health Licks Licks Licks are are available are available available inbehavioural in five infive delicious five delicious delicious flavours which which which can can cause can cause cause behavioural behavioural issues. issues. issues. It’s It’s aflavours great It’s aflavours great a fit great way way ofand way of of (carrot, apple, apple, cherry, cherry, cherry, mint mint mint and and garlic) and garlic) and and sized and sized sized to to fit to fitand into into a(carrot, into 2kg a(carrot, 2kg aapple, holder. 2kg holder. holder. They They contain They contain contain salt salt and salt and agarlic) and range aissues. range acontains range of of of effective effective effective way way way of of acquiring of acquiring acquiring vitamins, vitamins, vitamins, minerals minerals minerals and and minerals minerals minerals selected selected selected for for horses. for horses. horses. MagnaCalm MagnaCalm MagnaCalm contains contains which which which can can cause can cause cause behavioural behavioural behavioural issues. issues. It’s It’s a It’s great a great a great way way of way of of trace trace trace elements. elements. elements. (carrot, (carrot, (carrot, apple, apple, apple, cherry, cherry, cherry, mint mint mint and and garlic) and garlic) garlic) and and sized and sized sized to to fit to fit fit providing providing providing horses horses horses that that don’t that don’t don’t receive receive receive a bucket a bucket a bucket feed feed with feed with with into into ainto 2kg aselected 2kg aselected holder. 2kg holder. holder. They They contain They contain contain salt salt and salt and acounter and range acounter range acounter range oflicks oflicks oflicks minerals minerals minerals selected for for horses. for horses. horses. MagnaCalm MagnaCalm MagnaCalm contains contains contains Rockies’ Rockies’ Rockies’ range range range ofthat of mineralised of mineralised mineralised salt salt salt provides provides provides bioavailable bioavailable bioavailable magnesium magnesium magnesium and and is and designed is designed is designed to to to trace trace trace elements. elements. elements. providing providing providing horses horses horses that don’t that don’t don’t receive receive receive a bucket a bucket a bucket feed feed feed with with with into into ainto 2kg acalorie 2kg aare holder. 2kg holder. holder. They They They contain contain contain salt salt and salt and acounter and range ato range acontains range of ofcontains oflicks aHere aHere calorie aare calorie free free source free source source of of magnesium. magnesium. of magnesium. Here some are some some top top products top products products for for winter… for winter… winter… minerals minerals minerals selected selected selected for for horses. for horses. horses. MagnaCalm MagnaCalm MagnaCalm contains Rockies’ Rockies’ Rockies’ range range range of of mineralised of mineralised mineralised salt salt licks salt licks provides provides provides bioavailable bioavailable bioavailable magnesium magnesium magnesium and and is and designed is designed is designed to to counter deficiency, deficiency, deficiency, which which which has has been has been been linked linked linked to to hypertension, to hypertension, hypertension, horses horses horses that that that don’t don’t don’t require require require afor bucketfeed afor bucketfeed acounter bucketfeed (or (or don’t (or don’t don’t a calorie a calorie a calorie free free source free source source of of magnesium. of magnesium. magnesium. Here Here Here are are some are some some top top products top products products for winter… winter… winter… minerals minerals minerals selected selected selected for for horses. for horses. horses. MagnaCalm MagnaCalm MagnaCalm contains contains contains Field Field Field &magnesium &Stable Stable &magnesium Stable Block Block Block islinked iscost is cost effective cost effective effective and and great and great great for fordon’t for deficiency, deficiency, deficiency, which which which has has been has been been linked linked to to hypertension, to hypertension, hypertension, Health Health Health Licks Licks Licks are are available are available available in in five in five delicious five delicious delicious flavours flavours flavours bioavailable bioavailable bioavailable magnesium and and is and designed is designed is designed to to counter to counter counter horses horses horses that that that don’t don’t don’t require require require a bucketfeed a bucketfeed a bucketfeed (or (or don’t (or don’t which which which can can cause can cause cause behavioural behavioural behavioural issues. issues. issues. 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Field Field Field & Stable & Stable & Stable Block Block Block issome cost isdon’t is cost effective cost effective effective and and great and great great for for for The The The greatest greatest greatest range range range ononearth onearth earth groups groups of horses ofHere horses of horses and and ponies and ponies ponies who who live who live out. live out. It’s It’s packed It’s packed packed Here Here are are are some top top products top products products for for winter… for winter… winter… for the for the multi the multi multi horse horse horse owner, owner, owner, and and costs and costs costs from from from just just 3p just 3p per 3p perper providing providing horses horses horses that that that don’t don’t receive receive receive ais bucket adesigned bucket adesigned bucket feed feed feed with with minerals minerals minerals selected selected selected for for horses. for horses. horses. MagnaCalm MagnaCalm MagnaCalm contains contains contains aproviding calorie agroups calorie afor calorie free free source free source source of magnesium. ofuse. magnesium. of magnesium. day day per day per horse per horse horse tosome to use. to use. bioavailable bioavailable bioavailable magnesium magnesium magnesium and and and isout. is designed towith to counter to counter counter The The The greatest greatest greatest range range range ononon earth earth earth groups groups groups of horses of of horses horses and and ponies and ponies ponies who who live who live out. live out. It’s out. It’s packed It’s packed packed Here Here Here are are some are some some top top products top products products for for winter… for winter… winter… full full of full vitamins, of vitamins, of vitamins, minerals minerals minerals and and trace and trace elements. trace elements. elements. It’s It’s ideal It’s ideal ideal a calorie aField calorie aField calorie free source free source source ofto magnesium. ofuse. of magnesium. magnesium. Health Health Health Licks Licks Licks are are available are available available indesigned in five in five delicious five delicious delicious flavours flavours flavours day per day per horse per horse horse tois to use. use. bioavailable bioavailable magnesium magnesium magnesium and and is and islinked is designed designed togreat to counter to counter counter Field &day Stable &bioavailable Stable &free Stable Block Block Block is cost cost is effective cost effective effective and and great and great for for for MINERALISED MINERALISED MINERALISED SALT SALT SALT LICKS LICKS LICKSfull deficiency, deficiency, deficiency, which which which has has been has been been linked linked to to hypertension, to hypertension, hypertension, full offull vitamins, ofmulti vitamins, of vitamins, minerals minerals minerals and and trace and trace elements. trace elements. elements. It’s ideal It’s ideal ideal Health Health Health Licks Licks Licks are are available are available available inIt’s in five infive delicious five delicious delicious flavours flavours flavours forField for the for the the multi multi horse horse horse owner, owner, owner, and and costs and costs from costs from just from just 3p just 3p per 3p per per ToTofind Tofind find out out out more more more about about about Rockies’ Rockies’ Rockies’ range range range of of licks, of licks, licks, go go to... go to... to... Field Field & Stable & & Stable Stable Block Block Block is is cost is cost cost effective effective effective and great and great great for for for MINERALISED MINERALISED MINERALISED SALT SALT SALT LICKS LICKS LICKS (carrot, (carrot, (carrot, apple, apple, apple, cherry, cherry, cherry, mint mint mint and and garlic) and garlic) garlic) and and sized and sized sized to to fitoffit to fit deficiency, deficiency, deficiency, which which which has has been has been been linked linked linked to to hypertension, to hypertension, hypertension, groups groups groups of of horses horses of horses and and ponies and ponies ponies who who live who live out. live out. It’s out. It’s packed It’s packed packed The The The greatest greatest greatest range range range ononearth on earth earth which which which can can cause can cause cause behavioural behavioural behavioural issues. issues. issues. It’s It’s a3p great It’s aand great aand great way way ofway for for the for the multi the multi multi horse horse horse owner, owner, owner, and and costs and costs costs from from just from just 3p just 3p per per per day day per day per horse per horse horse to use. togo use. togo use. ToTofind Tofind find out out out more more more about about about Rockies’ Rockies’ Rockies’ range range range of of licks, of licks, licks, go to... to... to... (carrot, (carrot, (carrot, apple, apple, apple, cherry, cherry, cherry, mint mint mint and and garlic) and garlic) garlic) sized and sized sized toof to fit to fit fit groups groups groups of of horses of horses horses and and ponies and ponies ponies who who live who live out. live out. It’s out. It’s packed It’s packed packed The The The greatest greatest greatest range range range on on earth on earth earth into into a into 2kg a 2kg a holder. 2kg holder. holder. They They contain They contain contain salt salt and salt and a and range a range a range of of of which which which can can cause can cause cause behavioural behavioural behavioural issues. issues. issues. It’s It’s a It’s great a great a great way way of way of of full full ofper full vitamins, ofper vitamins, ofhorse vitamins, minerals minerals minerals and and trace and trace elements. trace elements. elements. It’s It’s ideal It’s ideal ideal www.rockies.co.uk, www.rockies.co.uk, www.rockies.co.uk, email email email info@rockies.co.uk info@rockies.co.uk info@rockies.co.uk or or or call call call 01606 01606 01606 595025 595025 595025 day day per day horse horse to use. to use. tohorses use. providing providing providing horses horses that that don’t that don’t don’t receive receive receive asalt bucket asalt bucket a and bucket with feed with with MINERALISED MINERALISED MINERALISED SALT SALT SALT LICKS LICKS LICKS into into ainto 2kg aminerals 2kg aminerals holder. 2kg holder. holder. They They They contain contain contain and afeed and range afeed range afeed range of of of full offull vitamins, ofmulti of vitamins, vitamins, minerals and and trace and trace trace elements. elements. elements. It’s It’s ideal It’s ideal ideal www.rockies.co.uk, www.rockies.co.uk, www.rockies.co.uk, email email email info@rockies.co.uk info@rockies.co.uk info@rockies.co.uk or or or call call call 01606 01606 01606 595025 595025 595025 minerals minerals minerals selected selected selected for for horses. for horses. horses. MagnaCalm contains contains contains ToTo find To find find out out out more more more about about about Rockies’ Rockies’ Rockies’ range range range ofof licks, of licks, licks, go go to... go to... to... providing providing providing horses horses horses that that don’t that don’t don’t receive receive receive aMagnaCalm bucket aMagnaCalm bucket asalt bucket feed feed with with with forfull for the for the the multi multi horse horse horse owner, owner, owner, and and costs and costs costs from from from just just 3p just 3p per 3p per per MINERALISED MINERALISED MINERALISED SALT SALT SALT LICKS LICKS LICKS a calorie a calorie a calorie free free source free source source of of magnesium. magnesium. of magnesium. The The The greatest greatest greatest range range range onon earth on earth earth minerals minerals minerals selected selected selected for for horses. for horses. horses. MagnaCalm contains contains contains ToTo find Tofind find out out out more more more about about about Rockies’ Rockies’ Rockies’ range range range ofof licks, oflicks, licks, go go to... go to... to... for for the for the multi the multi multi horse horse horse owner, owner, owner, and and costs and costs costs from from from just just 3p just 3p per 3p per bioavailable bioavailable bioavailable magnesium magnesium and and iseffective and designed isMagnaCalm designed isMagnaCalm designed toper to counter to counter counter aField calorie aField calorie aField free free source source ofBlock of magnesium. of magnesium. magnesium. day per day per horse per horse horse toStable use. tosource use. to use. www.rockies.co.uk, www.rockies.co.uk, www.rockies.co.uk, email email email info@rockies.co.uk info@rockies.co.uk info@rockies.co.uk or or or call call call 01606 01606 01606 595025 595025 595025 &calorie &Stable &free Stable Block Block ismagnesium is cost is costeffective cost effective and and great and great great forto forcounter for The The The greatest greatest greatest range range range ononearth onearth earthday bioavailable bioavailable bioavailable magnesium magnesium magnesium and and is and designed is is designed designed to to counter counter day per day per horse per horse horse to use. to to use. use. www.rockies.co.uk, www.rockies.co.uk, www.rockies.co.uk, email email email info@rockies.co.uk info@rockies.co.uk info@rockies.co.uk orday or or call call call 01606 01606 01606 595025 595025 595025 deficiency, deficiency, which which which has has has been been linked linked linked toand tohypertension, to hypertension, hypertension, Field Field Field &deficiency, &Stable &Stable Stable Block Block Block isand iscost isbeen cost cost effective effective effective and and great great great for forfor groups groups groups of of horses horses of horses and and ponies ponies ponies who who live who live out. live out. It’s out. It’s packed It’s packed packed ToTofind To find find out out out more more more about about about Rockies’ Rockies’ Rockies’ range range range ofoflicks, of licks, licks, go go to... go to... to... deficiency, deficiency, deficiency, which which which has has been has been been linked linked linked toIt’s to to hypertension, which which which can can cause can cause cause behavioural behavioural behavioural issues. issues. issues. It’s It’s ahypertension, great It’s ahypertension, great aIt’s great way way ofway of of groups groups groups ofgo of horses of horses horses and and ponies and ponies ponies who who who live live out. live out. out. It’s packed It’s packed packed full full of full vitamins, of vitamins, of vitamins, minerals minerals minerals and and trace and trace trace elements. elements. elements. It’s It’s ideal ideal ideal ToTofind Tofind find out out out more more more about about about Rockies’ Rockies’ Rockies’ range range range ofoflicks, oflicks, licks, go go to... to... to... which which which can can cause can cause cause behavioural behavioural behavioural issues. issues. issues. It’s It’s a It’s great a great a great way way of way of of MINERALISED MINERALISED MINERALISED SALT SALT SALT LICKS LICKS LICKS www.rockies.co.uk, www.rockies.co.uk, www.rockies.co.uk, email email email info@rockies.co.uk info@rockies.co.uk info@rockies.co.uk or or or call call call 01606 01606 01606 595025 595025 595025 providing providing providing horses horses horses that that don’t that don’t don’t receive receive receive a bucket a bucket a bucket feed feed with feed with with full full of full vitamins, of of vitamins, vitamins, minerals minerals minerals and and trace and trace trace elements. elements. elements. It’s It’s ideal It’s ideal ideal for for the for the multi the multi multi horse horse horse owner, owner, owner, and and costs and costs costs from from from just just 3p just 3p per 3p per per MINERALISED MINERALISED MINERALISED SALT SALT SALT LICKS LICKS LICKS www.rockies.co.uk, www.rockies.co.uk, www.rockies.co.uk, email email email info@rockies.co.uk info@rockies.co.uk info@rockies.co.uk or or or call call call 01606 01606 01606 595025 595025 595025 providing providing providing horses horses horses that that don’t that don’t don’t receive receive receive a bucket a bucket a bucket feed feed feed with with with The The The greatest greatest greatest range range range ononearth onearth earthforfor afor calorie amulti calorie amulti calorie free free source source of and of magnesium. magnesium. ofcosts magnesium. the the the multi horse horse horse owner, owner, owner, and and costs costs from from from justjust 3p just 3p per 3p perper per day per horse per horse horse tofree use. tosource use. to use. The The The greatest greatest greatest range range range ononon earth earth earthdayday a calorie a calorie a calorie free free source free source source of of magnesium. of magnesium. magnesium. Field Field Field & & Stable Stable & Stable Block Block Block is is cost is cost effective cost effective effective and and great and great great forforfor dayday per day per horse per horse horse to use. to to use. use. Field Field Field & & Stable & Stable Stable Block Block Block is is cost is cost cost effective effective effective and and and great great great for forfor ToTofind Tofind find out out out more more more about about about Rockies’ Rockies’ Rockies’ range range range ofoflicks, oflicks, licks, go go go to... groups groups groups ofto... of horses horses ofto... horses andand ponies and ponies ponies who who live who live out. live out. It’s out. It’s packed It’s packed packed ToTofind Tofind find out out out more more more about about about Rockies’ Rockies’ Rockies’ range range range ofoflicks, oflicks, licks, go go go to... to... to... groups groups groups of of horses of horses horses and and ponies and ponies ponies who who who live live out. live out. It’s out. It’s packed It’s packed packed full full offull vitamins, of vitamins, of vitamins, minerals minerals minerals and and trace and trace trace elements. elements. elements. It’sIt’s ideal It’s ideal ideal www.rockies.co.uk, www.rockies.co.uk, www.rockies.co.uk, email email email info@rockies.co.uk info@rockies.co.uk info@rockies.co.uk or or or call call call 01606 01606 01606 595025 595025 595025 MINERALISED MINERALISED MINERALISED SALT SALT SALT LICKS LICKS LICKS full full offull vitamins, ofmulti of vitamins, vitamins, minerals minerals minerals and and trace and trace trace elements. elements. elements. It’s3p It’s ideal It’s ideal ideal www.rockies.co.uk, www.rockies.co.uk, www.rockies.co.uk, email email email info@rockies.co.uk info@rockies.co.uk info@rockies.co.uk or or or call call call 01606 01606 01606 595025 595025 595025 for for the for the the multi multi horse horse horse owner, owner, owner, and and costs and costs costs from from from just just just 3p per 3p per per MINERALISED MINERALISED MINERALISED SALT SALT SALT LICKS LICKS LICKS The The The greatest greatest greatest range range range ononearth onearth earthforfor the for the multi the multi multi horse horse horse owner, owner, owner, andand costs and costs costs from from from justjust 3p just 3p per 3p perper day day per day per horse per horse horse to use. to use. to use. The The The greatest greatest greatest range range range ononon earth earth earth dayday per day per horse per horse horse to use. to to use. use.


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23/09/2014 16:42

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