Client Due Diligence Site analysis and natural resource assessment
2019 2020
Cove Property prepared for:
Potential Buyer prepared by:
Natural Communities N ATU RA L RE SOU RC E INVENTORY Overview The Cove Property is a unique tract with several uncommon attributes, beginning with its sheer size and location. Historically, most of the property in the Beaverdam community has been divided into small lots, leaving very few large-acreage tracts. Those that remain undivided have maintained an impressive degree of ecological integrity despite historic impacts from logging, road and trail building, and invasion by invasive exotic plants. The Rice Branch Property is no different; it boasts considerable acreages of high-quality, intact, and in some cases unique forest types, an estimated 12,000 linear feet of perennial and intermittent streams, and is directly-adjacent to a globally-significant natural community. It is Equinox’s professional opinion that a large tract of this property is deserving of conservation.
Assessment Equinox’s botanist/ecologist utilized an old railroad grade to traverse the entirety of the eastern Property boundary, at points dropping downslope into the ridge and cove habitats. In general, the forests in the upper slopes of the property are in very mature, second-growth condition, and there are certain areas with potential old-growth that should be further explored. The southeastern most forests are dominated by chestnut oak and red oak, and vary based mainly on moisture regimes. Those forests along the ridge are generally dry and the vegetative components reflect that nature, with mountain laurel,
Hardwoods Located on the Upper Portions of the Property flame azalea, galax, and other xerophiles. Underlying richness is indicated by the presence of plants such as striped maple, American beech, roundleaf serviceberry, and American chestnut sprouts. Moisture increases nearing the cove habitats, as does the generally rockiness of the forest floor – at points there are boulder-fields with only small pockets of well-developed soils, and in other places there is extensive exposed bedrock, both along the railroad grade, and downslope on the Property itself. West-facing coves with active streams generally contain rich cove forests dominated by red oak, basswood, and black birch. The cove forest
Large Boulders Seen on Site
contains very high herbaceous plant diversity; common species include black and blue cohosh, goatsbeard, wild hydrangea, sanicle, Turk’s cap lily, Dutchman’s pipevine, white snakeroot, and many others. As the railroad grade wraps northward, the Property becomes adjacent to a montane basic glade community that is somewhat atypical of those described in the 4th Approximation of Natural Communities (Schafale & Weakley, 2015). Although this glade does not extend westward onto the Property, per se, its adjacency is extremely significant, and many of the woody forbs, trees, and shrubs that occur on the glade also occur on the Property. These include Biltmore ash, dwarf hackberry, Virginia spiderwort (S2-Imperiled species, as noted in the 2018 Rare Plant List, Gaddy et al.), longflower alumroot (S3- Vulnerable species, as noted in the 2018 Rare Plant List, Gaddy et al.), yellow pimpernel, eastern gray beardtongue, vasevine, and many others.
Plant Species of Interest
Penstemon smallii, BlueRidge Beardtongue
Tradescantia virginiana, Virginia spiderwort
Globally Significant Glade Habitat It appears that the rock blasted from the railroad grade was rolled downslope and may be obscuring what was formerly glade habitat on the property itself. Furthermore, evidence of more recent logging on the Property was readily observable approximately 100 yards downslope of the railroad grade and boundary; a suite of invasive exotic plants are present here and obscure that native vegetation. Many conservation values such as rare plants, intact and old forests, and high quality water resources are present on the small proportion of the Property that was assessed, indicating that there is a likelihood for many other important and rare plants, animals, and habitats to occur. Conservation of lands of this type is extremely important to preserving biodiversity in a part of the world that is quickly being converted to irreversible anthropogenic uses.
Clematis viorna, Vasevine or Leatherflower
Liparis lillifolia, Lily-leaved twayblade orchid
Suitability Analysis LAND USE TYPES
Equinox was asked to identify potential locations for desired land uses on the Property. During a field site visit, the following land use options were explored: • Building envelope (primary dwelling, 2-smaller cabins, and support structures) • Agricultural opportunities • Pond opportunity • Meadow opportunities • Trail system/unique destinations
Building Envelope As seen on the Land Use Diagram (page 5), there is one large central location with appropriate grades for development of structures. Such a large area with suitable grade would be ideal for developing a compound with multiple dwellings. There are a few other gently sloped areas on site, however the central location of this area provides views, adjacency to the sounds of Rice Branch and is easily accessible. Road/ driveway infrastructure to this location would not require stream crossings as other locations might. White pines and a clear under-story would also make development easier and appropriate.
Agricultural Opportunities The Property, largely consisting of steeper slopes and cove habitats, is not ideal for traditional agricultural endeavors. However, a property owner may consider other land conversion opportunities such as converting the large kudzu patch located on the eastern side of
the property to productive agricultural use. An invasive species, kudzu provides no ecological value and if removed, the land it occupies could provide suitable space for an orchard, or other agricultural opportunity. The kudzu patch can be located on the Land Use Diagram. A concurrent agricultural opportunity in this habitat with an orchard could include mushroom production, as morel mushrooms have a tendency to proliferate in apple orchards. When considering agricultural development on this property it is important to consider stream buffers. As the head waters for Rice Branch, streams can be highly impacted by development on this property. A standard stream buffer minimum is 30-feet.
Pond Opportunity Any development that would impact a stream bed or alter a stream is highly regulated due to its impact on down stream ecology. In-line ponds or structures are not allowed by the state or the Army Corps of Engineers with the exception of agricultural use. In this case a permit is required. Off-line ponds are acceptable and there may be opportunity near where Rice Branch exits the property. Here the topography levels out and the water table may be higher. An off-line pond is a pond that utilizes the water table to hold water and can be supplied by ground water, but does not receive surface water from any stream. In some cases off-line ponds can be developed as close as 20-30’ from a stream.
Meadow Opportunities As most of the property is forested and sloped, the opportunity for open meadows may be limited. Ideal locations for a meadow would be in areas of previous or current disturbance. One location may be the kudzu patch, another location, as seen on the Land Use Diagram is seen near where you enter the property. These lower lands could experience selective thinning and clearing of underbrush while avoiding too much impact to the habitat. If an off-line pond is to be created, a meadow could be a transition from the construction disturbance to and around the pond. The property owner may consider forest meadow alternatives to a traditional grass or wildflower meadow.
Trail System and Destinations Several trails exist on site. These old logging road beds could be explored for conversion to a sustainable trail design and utilized for hiking/mountain biking/ and ATV use. Other opportunities exist for an extensive sustainable trail network.
Rock Outcropping
White Pine There are several mature white pine trees on site. White pine trees typically have weak limbs that are susceptible to breakage during snow or wind storms. In the area where the dwelling will be located, it is acceptable to cut down white pines. This soft wood is preferred to be removed over native hardwoods. The wood can be harvested and utilized on site but may have limited architectural applications.
There were a few destinations identified as possible locations for camping sites, viewing platforms, or retreat locations. From the suggested dwelling site up the slope, the property will offer sunset and mountain views in the winter (4-6 months of the year). The uppermost destination identified on the Land Use Diagram offers year-round views.
OTHER SITE CONSIDERATIONS Support Facilities There is additional suitable and build-able land down slope of the preferred dwelling location, near the cemetery. This land could serve to house secondary and support structures for the property.
Mature White Pine
Invasive Flora Several species of invasive flora were identified on site, especially in the lower portions where the site was most recently disturbed. These invasives include kudzu, multiflora rose,and bittersweet. These invasives can be managed to protect natural ecosystems.
NEXT STEPS Equinox proposes starting the Master Planning process as a next step in developing this property. Master planning for this property would start with collecting additional base mapping information such as topographic and tree surveys of build-able areas and conducting preliminary site plannning. A specific scope is to be determined. View from Upper Most Destination Identified on Page 5
Legend Primary conservation easement lands
Suitable and ideal dwelling locations
Secondary conservation easement lands
Secondary and support structures
Points of destination/ interest
Suitable lands for other disturbances including meadow and orchard
Primary dwelling location. Views and sounds of Rice Branch. Large swath of land with relatively low grade.
Maintenance and/or care taker facilities
Lands suitable for meadow and orchard type land conversion due to previous disturbance Historic Cemetery
Secondary dwelling location. Large swath of land with relatively low grade.
Client Due Diligence, Potential Land Use Diagram
2000 Feet
1 inch = 500 feet