CATALAN BOWLING TYPE OF GAME: Target and precision game
To bump 5 of the 6 skittles down throwing from Children older than 6 years 1 to 3 little wooden skittles. old.
Nº PLAYERS :· At least 4-5
We put 6 wooden skittles (51 cm x 9 cm and the head 6,5 cm.; 2 kg). We throw 3 little wooden skittles (28 cm; neck: 10 cm, diameter màx. 8 cm. ; weight 800 gr. ) DISTRIBUTION : A rectangle of 6 skittles placed in two lines forming 3 columns. The distance between the skittles is 7,5 cm.
RULES: · DISTANCE THROWN according to the diferent categories: -
For children age 14 (male): 11,5 m For children age 14 (female): 9,5 m 13 and 14 years old: 9,5 m 11 and 12 years old: 8 m 9 and 10 years old: 6,5 m Under 9 years old: 4 m · The match consists on aiming 9 times each player in 3 rounds (3 x 3) · In case of a tie, the winner will be the player that gets more skittles. If the tie goes on, the players play another round (3).
We can make skittles with water bottles (1.5 l) filled with sand
Video of the most typical plays and the initiation activities.
players in each team.. -Not more than 15 players(depending on the space available)
MATERIAL: 6 skittles and 3 little wooden skittles
TIME: between 20 and 40 min.
WHERE TO PLAY : Outdoor ring; a flat,compacted earth floor.