Traditional games

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OBJECTIVE: You have to hit or to get as close as possible to a target placed at a given distance.

TARGET AGE: from the age of 6 years old

DESCRIPTION:Pucks is a game variety characterized by the use of stones


or discs of metal and other materials. It is worth noting how all these games made use of flat stones, replaced only at a later time with discs of various metals or plastic. The variety which makes use of stones however, is still widespread in much of the Italian territory, and often coexists with modern equipment.

minimum 2 maximum 15/20 if in teams

RULES: each player has to respect his turn to play. The one who gets closer to


the target gains 10 points and the rest less, it depends on the number of participants.

OTHER This game can be played in teams of students in order to to give them the opportunity to include problematic students in good teams. In this way you can give them the possibility to gain self-esteem too. It is a cooperative activity.

stones, wooden discs or other material

DURATION: 20 /40 min.

COMMENTS The oldest traces of a recreational activity that used flat stones WHERE TO PLAY were found in the Alps and date back to pre-Christian years. Even in these types of games the aim was not so much to hit a target ,but to get as close as possible to it.


In the park , in the garden at home, in the school yard

CATALAN BOWLING TYPE OF GAME: Target and precision game


To bump 5 of the 6 skittles down throwing from Children older than 6 years 1 to 3 little wooden skittles. old.


Nº PLAYERS :· At least 4-5

We put 6 wooden skittles (51 cm x 9 cm and the head 6,5 cm.; 2 kg). We throw 3 little wooden skittles (28 cm; neck: 10 cm, diameter màx. 8 cm. ; weight 800 gr. ) DISTRIBUTION : A rectangle of 6 skittles placed in two lines forming 3 columns. The distance between the skittles is 7,5 cm.

RULES: · DISTANCE THROWN according to the diferent categories: -

For children age 14 (male): 11,5 m For children age 14 (female): 9,5 m 13 and 14 years old: 9,5 m 11 and 12 years old: 8 m 9 and 10 years old: 6,5 m Under 9 years old: 4 m · The match consists on aiming 9 times each player in 3 rounds (3 x 3) · In case of a tie, the winner will be the player that gets more skittles. If the tie goes on, the players play another round (3).



We can make skittles with water bottles (1.5 l) filled with sand

Video of the most typical plays and the initiation activities.


players in each team.. -Not more than 15 players(depending on the space available)

MATERIAL: 6 skittles and 3 little wooden skittles

TIME: between 20 and 40 min.

WHERE TO PLAY : Outdoor ring; a flat,compacted earth floor.

CHINESE WHISPERS In this game participants sit in a circle and choose a person to start the game. His or her task is to think up a word or a sentence that is going to be whispered quietly to another person sitting or standing behind. The other person, does the same and whispers exactly what he or she heard to another one. And it is continued until the last child in the group who says loudly what he/she heard. The point of the game is the fact that the message transferred cannot be repeated, which causes it to be changed and the final word or phrase is generally quite different from the original one.


Aim of game: To outscore your opponent. What you need: Two street curbs, a football and two people How to play Step 1: Two people stand opposite each other on each curb. Step 2: One person gets the football and throws the football. Step 3: When it’s your turn you have to try to hit the curb that the other person is standing on. Step 4: The ball has to bounce back to get a point and if you miss, it’s your opponents turn to throw the ball at your curb. Step 5: First person to reach 10 points is the winner.

DODGE BALL GAME Dodge ball game was one of the most favourite children’s team games in Poland. They loved playing it during P.E. lessons as well as in their spare time. To play Dodge Ball you need a ball and a pitch or a field where a pitch can be drown. Children are divided into two teams. Each team chooses one player who is called “a king”. The king stands on the opposite edge of the pitch than his team. The aim of the game is to throw the ball at members of the opposing team in order to eliminate the players. The players can be knocked out either by the king or by the members of his team. You have to be careful not to be hit by the members of the opposite team. You can jump or escape into the farthest corner of your pitch, trying not to cross the border line. If a player is hit or touched with the ball thrown by a member of the opposite team, he or she stands next to his or her king and helps him to intensify their “fire”. If the ball is out no one is allowed to run for it. It is taken by the king who is the closest to it. If all the players are eliminated, the king goes on the pitch. The rules say that he can be hit with the ball three times. The winner is the team which first eliminates all the players together with their king.

HIDE AND SEEK One of the most popular traditional children’s game in Poland is HIDE AND SEEK. chowanego The rules of the game are as follows: one person is chosen to be a seeker and must look for the rest of the players in the group who hide in the set area and appointed time limit. The seeker counts up to a chosen number, e.g. 20 or 50. Children decide on a position to be home base. The person who is the seeker stands on the home base with his/her eyes closed and starts counting. When it's finished, he/she cries out "I'm seeking!" and begins to look for the other players. The hiders must be very quiet, and the first person who is found becomes the seeker in next turn unless they manage to run to the home base before the seeker saying loudly "One, two, three for me". Time is designated by counting by a seeker up to the chosen at the beginning of the game number, e.g. 20 or 50. That means that the player is better than the seeker and wins. The seeker should also announce finding others by saying “One, two, three (Ania)�. Hide and seek can be played at home, in the playground, in the park or forest.

Irish Rover

Aim of the game: To not get caught by the Rover What you need: Best played with 21 players, a wide open space, a line to tell were the safe zone is. How to play: Step 1: One person is picked as the Irish Rover. This player stands in the middle of the playing area. Step 2: The other players stand on one of the sides of the playing space. They must be behind the safe zone. Step 3: The other players run to the other side trying to avoid the Rover. If caught by the Rover (touched) you are caught and then help the Rover. Step 4: Do step 3 until all but one player has been caught and that person is the winner.

Jacks TYPE OF GAME: Throwing, hand-eye coordination

OBJECTIVE: To pick up as many ‘jacks ‘as possible

DESCRIPTION: A small ball is thrown in the air, before it is caught the player must pick up 1 jack,the ball is thrown again and the player attempts to pick up 2 jacks, the action is repeated and the player attempts to pick up 3 jacks and so on.......up until 10 jacks. If th eplayer collects all ten jacks in just one throw he/she scores a ‘onesie’ RULES: The player throws with one hand and picks up with the same hand (to begin with we used different hands to help pupils learn through success)

TARGET AGE: All ages Nº PLAYERS : One at a time 1-6 or more

MATERIAL: Jacks or small stones

OTHER OPTIONS : Small stones can be used as jacks. In this game the player throws all the jacks in the air and attempts to catch as many as possible on the back of the hand. The player then throws those jacks in the air while attempting to collect more jacks with their throwing hand before catching the thrown jacks on the back of the hand once again.

DURATION: As long as it takes

COMMENTS Another street game which probably originated in taverns.

WHERE TO PLAY : Anywhere


Kerbs TYPE OF GAME: Aiming and throwing

OBJECTIVE: To hit the kerb edge

DESCRIPTION: You attempt to hit the opposite kerb edge with the ball to score points.


RULES: Players stand opposite each other on the kerb. First player attempts to hit opposite kerb edge to score 10 points. First player to 10 points wins.


OTHER OPTIONS : Ropes,chalk lines or other targets could be used.

DURATION: First to 100

COMMENTS A street game before traffic became a poblem for most city children.

WHERE TO PLAY : On the street where there are no cars!


OBJECTIVE: the objective is to hit pivezo as far as possible

TARGET AGE: from the age of 6 years old

DESCRIPTION: Mazza e pivezo is a game which is played with two pieces of equipment: a long wooden stick and a a small oval-shaped piece of wood

Nº PLAYERS : minimum 2 maximum 10 if in teams

RULES: The player has to hit the pivezo at the raised end, which flips to the air. The player then strikes it, hitting it as far as possible.

MATERIAL: a long wooden stick and a a small ovalshaped piece of wood

OTHER All versions of the game use the same equipment, although in different sizes. The game has many regional variations and it adapts to a territory’s culture.

DURATION: 20 /30 min.

COMMENTS There are four main versions, depending on whether it is played by individuals or in teams, and on whether it is measured by distance (getting as far away as possible from the striking point) or accuracy (reaching a certain area).

WHERE TO PLAY In the park , in the garden at home, in the school yard



OBJECTIVE: the objective is to guess the sum

TARGET AGE: from the age of 6 years old

DESCRIPTION: Speed, cleverness and intuition are essential skills for this Nº PLAYERS : game. Old popular game, the morra is still widespread, not only in Italy, but also minimum 2 in the different regions of Spain, France, Slovenia, Croatia and Eastern Europe. maximum 10 if in teams

RULES:. All players throw out a single hand, each showing zero to five fingers, and calling out loud their guess (from two to ten) at what the sum of all fingers shown will be. If one player guesses the sum, that player earns one point. The first player to reach three points wins the game. If all players guess right, or wrong, the bet is void.


OTHER The meaning of the word "morra" is still unknown, probably derives from the Latin "murris" (heap, pile of stones), even though the Romans actually called the game "micatio", from the verb "micare" (flashing), implying "digitis "(fingers).

DURATION: 10 /15 min.

COMMENTS The first morra players were probably shepherds, guarding their sheep, and this fact supports the hypothesis that the name derives from the word "murris." Morra could also have taken its name from “mora” (blackberry), the fruit of the forest very well known in peasant societies. But this is not the most convincing hypothesis. Some claim that the name was given upon its diffusion among the Arabs, and then among the Moors. For others, it derives from the French "Mourre." GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION

WHERE TO PLAY everywhere

Pitch a Penny TYPE OF GAME: Aiming, throwing,estimating

OBJECTIVE: To get your ‘penny’ as close to the wall as possible

DESCRIPTION: Players decide where they will pitch from and a line/spot is drawn. Each player takes it in turns to ‘pitch’(flick or throw) their penny towards a straight wall. The penny should not touch the wall. The player with the penny closest to the wall wins the other pennies.

TARGET AGE: All ages Nº PLAYERS : 1-6 or more

RULES: All throw from the same place. The penny should not touch the wall. Agree number of throws.

MATERIAL: Coins or discs Flat wall or table with hole.

OTHER OPTIONS : You can use discs or other objects –not coins! You can aim for a hole in a table-the player closest to the hole wins the coins. The winner then throws the coins at the hole. The player keeps the coins that land in the hole. The remaining coins are passed on to the next nearest contestant. He/Dhe repeats the process and so on until the coins are redistributed. The game restarts.

DURATION: As long as agreed. Players can withdraw at will or players can consent to a set numer of throws

COMMENTS It is an old street game but originated in taverns during the 18th century.

WHERE TO PLAY : You need a flat wall.

STEAL THE TAIL TYPE OF GAME: Speed, persecution and attention game



To avoid getting your tail stolen and steal as many tails as possible

Children older than 4 years old



All the players must wear a “tail” (a scarf or something similar). The referee From 10 players says “READY, STEADY, GO!” and all the players must steal as many tails as possible trying to avoid getting their own tails stolen. A player is eliminated when his/her tail has been stolen. The winner is the one who keeps his/her tail till the end of the game.



-A player can be eliminated or go on playing without his/her tail. Them he/she must try to get a new tail and put it on again.

... A scarf, a

handkerchief, a rope/string

TIME: between 15 and 20 min



- Play in teams (each team has got a tail of a different colour). We can make 2 or 3 teams. Each team has got a position. Each team must try to steal as many tails as possible. When a player loses his/her tail must go back to his/her position and the player who has stolen it must take it to his/her own position. You can go on playing if one of your team members gets a tail of the same colour and gives it you back.


Outdoor ring; a flat,compacted earth floor.

Stuck in the mud

Aim of the game: To catch people and pretend you’re stuck in the mud. What you need: up to 20 people. How to play: 1. Choose 1 player to be IT. 2. You need to run away from the player that is IT. 3. If you get caught you have to pretend that you’re stuck in the mud. 4. You need somebody that is not caught to free you from being stuck in the mud. 5. To release the people from the mud, someone needs to touch the shoulders of the people that are stuck. 6. The last person who doesn’t get caught is the winner.



Physical activity game Pantomime game Team game



The objectives of the game are: - to familiarize Ss with classical and modern sports - to learn to express themselves through physical activity - to have fun

From the age of 5 and above

DESCRIPTION One of the players is set to be the King and the rest of the students are asked to present him their favourite sports through miming. If the King makes a correct guess he keeps his crown. If he doesn’t , then he loses his crown over the player whose favourite sport he could not guess. The game goes on until all the students have presented at least one sport. The more the players, the more are the sports presented since one cannot mime the same sport twice.

Nº PLAYERS : - The whole class




A draw is used in order to pick a King When the King guesses incorrectly, he has to hand his crown over to the player whose sport he couldn’t guess If the King guesses all the sports correctly, then the last player gets to be the next King.

- paper crown



We can use music for as long as we want each player to be miming a sport. This game can be played with different subjects as well, depending on what we want to focus on e.g. emotions, jobs etc.

Approximately 40 minutes /Depends on number of players


COMMENTS This game was presented in the 11th Primary School of Haidari during the Erasmus+ LTTA Meeting and can be played by all classes in the schoolyard or in the classroom.


In the classroom,- In the school yard, Outside in an

open space area.

The seven stones game TYPE OF GAME: -


Physical activity game Strategy game Competitive game Team game

OBJECTIVE: The objectives of the game are: - the development of physical skills such as speed and flexibility - the spirit of cooperation among students. - the fun playing this speedy and enjoyable game.

DESCRIPTION The seven stone game was played until recently in the streets of our country and it is very touching to see it revived not only in the Greek schoolyard but also in other European schools. It is a game with very little need of materials:there used to be a lot of stones in the streets and most houses had tiled roofs, and any ball would do. As the stones and tiles are rare nowadays we suggest using cones. Anybody can play successfully as long as they are quick and flexible.

TARGET AGE: From the age of 5 and above


2 teams with 5 players in each team

- the teams have a mix of boys and girls

(We divide the children into 2 teams with 5 players in each team (the teams are a mix of boys and girls). Seven stones or cones should be arranged standing upright forming a tower in the middle of the playing area. 10 m away we draw a start line. The team which starts first stands behind the line and attempts to hit down as many stones as possible with the ball. If they succeed they get a point if not the opposing team gets the point. The team which achieves to knock down the stones should put them up again as high as possible. At the same time the opposing team tries to distract them from stacking the stones by hitting them with the ball. The winning team is declared when all stones are either stacked or scattered .)


2 teams with 5 players in each team (the teams have a mix of boys and girls).


The stones should be arranged lying flat on each other forming a tower in the middle of the playing area.

MATERIAL: Seven stones or tiles or cones A volleyball or similar.


At 10 m away we draw a start line.


The team which starts first stands behind the line and attempts to hit down as many stones as possible with the ball. The opposing team tries to block them.


If they succeed they get a point if not the opposing team gets the point.


The team which achieves to knock down the stones should put them up again.


At the same time the opposing team tries to distract them from stacking the stones by hitting them with the ball.


They are not allowed to use their hands.


The winning team is declared when all stones are either stacked or scattered.



Cones can be used instead of stones.

Approximately 20 minutes



The Seven Stone Game by sixth grade students in the 11th Primary School of Haidari, Athens, Greece:

- In the school yard - Outside in an open space area.


The Witch TYPE OF GAME: -



Recreational game Team game Good physical exercise Enhances judgement and perception

The objectives of the game are: - To take up healthy eating habits - To distinguish between healthy /unhealthy food - To cultivate judgement and Perception

From the age of 5 and above


DESCRIPTION A player,randomly selected, takes the part of the wizard/witch. The other players stand opposite the witch at a distance of 3-5 metres. The witch pretends to be cooking.The children ask her the same question every time: ”Witch, witch what are you cooking?” The witch answers what she is cooking and the team evaluates the food as healthy or unhealthy. If the choice of food is considered a healthy one they move two steps forward, if considered unhealthy they move two steps back. When the children are quite close to the witch, she must say a nonsensical combination of food e.g. chips and chocolate sauce, and runs after them. Whoever she catches becomes the witch/wizard.



Minimum 3 and above. The more the better.

DURATION: Approximately 10 minutes for each round


The witch must not say the same food twice.

- In the school

yard combinations of food we consider more or less healthy and decide - Outside in an open space area. together how to praise the ideal combination e.g. chicken and - In the classroom

- Before the game begins we must define with the students which

salad two steps forward whereas chicken and pasta or potatoes one step forward.

COMMENTS The Witch Game was played by third grade students in the 11th Primary School of Haidari, Athens, Greece,during the LTTA meeting on 18-29/01/2016



Tomato - one child stands in the middle of a circle and asks questions to the sitting players – one by one, in turns. Throwing a ball at the same time. Everybody always has to answer “TOMATO” and throw the ball back. The questions can be different – funny, serious or even silly. If one starts laughing, miss the ball or provides a different answer has to give a forfeit (e.g. a sock, a slipper or a watch). At the end of the game the children who gave their things have to buy them by performing some tasks, e.g. jumping like a frog for particular time or distance.

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