Meet new people, learn English
I would love to interact with fellow students from different nationalities and participate with them in activities and increase my experience as well as share my experience and spend some quality time with man´s best friend, The Dog :)
I would like to work in animal shelter and help for dogs to find forever home.
I want to gain more knowledge about the peculiarities of dog behaviour, because I have a dog with a difficult character at home.
Project “Artistic Activities with Assistance of Dogs” No. 2019-3-LT02-KA105-006603
It’s been 2 years now since I am trying to work with a specific type of therapy, and I want to learn more about everything that can help me with being better and understand more my path.
I worked on a husky farm. Pets can help people. I want to work with children with various disabilities.
This project will help me to explore Lithuania and it will help me to learn about Lithuanian culture. Also working with dogs sounds like a dream to me. I love dogs and this project offers great opportunity to work with dogs that was one of the biggest motivations for me to participate in this project.
I want to participate in this project to challenge myself in a different environment (people from other cultures, animals, a different town, different weather). I want to learn from others and, maybe, teach the others what I know.
I look forward to communicating in English and on the topic, I look forward to working with dogs and other young enthusiasts.
Because everything about this project was very inviting to me. I love dogs, I struggle with my mental health and I enjoy creative activities. I'm hoping to get new ideas how to help myself and maybe even others through some activities we will be doing there.
One of the main reasons, why I want to participate in this project is because I love dogs and spending time with them. I myself have a dog at home that I enjoy playing with and training. Another thing is that I really
Project “Artistic Activities with Assistance of Dogs” No. 2019-3-LT02-KA105-006603
want to get to know the country Lithuania, because the pictures of it look amazing, but it’s nothing compared to real life experience. What is more, I’m an extroverted type of person, so I like getting to know new people, cultures and different languages. Speaking of languages, this project will also help me to get better with my English.
Take a rest from the stressful school, meet people from all over Europe, love dogs.
I am really curious about the topic of this project, as well as the activities we can organize regarding the theme!
Because I love art and dogs and I really like to spend time with people from other countries.
Because I love dogs and I like to know new cultures
I want to participate in this project because I want to improve myself, to share this experience with other people from other countries. I like dogs and art and other things that are related to them. I think that it could be a good a chance to know something new from other countries.
I want to participate at this project because Art and Animals are some of my biggest passions, I would also like to meet new people around Europe and to improve myself whit this kind of project.
I am interested in dog training.
I have 2 rabbits at home. I wonder how animals and art therapy can be connected.
I grew up in the village, has a hamster and a cat. Animals have helped to me a lot in my life. Love art therapy.
I have 1 dog and 2 cats. I am exciting about drawing activities with dogs in nature.
I want to be not so shy … (communication problems).
I have 9 cats at home
Project “Artistic Activities with Assistance of Dogs” No. 2019-3-LT02-KA105-006603
I am studying mediation between dogs and people. I can share my experience with others.
I have independent cat at home. I want to be cheerfully involved in project activities. The project topic is very interesting, unusual. I wanted to see Lithuania.
Project “Artistic Activities with Assistance of Dogs” No. 2019-3-LT02-KA105-006603
I have Samoyed-girl at home named Elly. It‘s a dream of my life. I need more knowledge about dogs – better communication, dog integration between people.
Erasmus projects are cool – I want to show it for young people.
O love cats very much, but I have allergy for them. I want to know I want to know what can and can't be done with animals.
I have 2 rabbits and 4 mice. I am interested in animal pedagogy, being in nature with dogs.
By coming to Lithuania to the project about dogs I want to show my parents and friends that I want to have a dog. I want to know, what I can to do with dog.
Project “Artistic Activities with Assistance of Dogs” No. 2019-3-LT02-KA105-006603
We spent a lot of time to know each other better. We talked about our studies, families, pets, dreams, expectations from this project.
We liked the game the most. With the help of cards, we were all divided into pairs from different countries. We had to tell our couple some facts about ourselves in our native language and using sign language (no Google Translator!). This conversation was so fun!
After that, each pair had to tell in English what they understood about their paired peer. During this game we not only knew each other better, but also learnt a bit various language: Lithuanian, Latvian, Slovak, Italian and German
Project “Artistic Activities with Assistance of Dogs” No. 2019-3-LT02-KA105-006603
The game of knowing each other better was followed by quick introduction of Youthpass (the most attentive listener was Akeso )
In the afternoon we went on an excursion in Klaipėda City Center. It was sunny, but very cold day. Nevertheless, excursion was very informative and interesting; we learnt a lot from this walking
The excursion was prepared and led by ERCC volunteers with the help of professional guide, who is collaborating with hosting organisation in daily activities.
Project “Artistic Activities with Assistance of Dogs” No. 2019-3-LT02-KA105-006603
Later, during evaluation session we discussed and developed Tips for Excursions with Dogs in Multicultural and Mixed-Ability Group.
Before planning the excursion, it is very important to find out the health status of the participants (whether they have movement restrictions (physical disability), or emotional and behavioural disorders (too active, cannot concentrate for a long time, etc.).
If at least one participant has mobility restrictions (is in a wheelchair, has leg injuries, etc.), the excursion route is chosen without stairs and other barriers, unless there are special lifts for the disabled.
The pace of the excursion should be slow
The excursion should not be long in term of time, preferably about 1 hour.
The tour must include only those objects that are in those areas of the city where walking with dogs is allowed.
Prior to excursion other participants must be informed about presence of dogs during the city tour.
Give participants time to take pictures.
If you plan to go to a cafe after the tour, make sure it is pet-friendly and handicapped accessible. It is best to reserve a place in the cafe in advance.
Project “Artistic Activities with Assistance of Dogs” No. 2019-3-LT02-KA105-006603
It is recommended to go through the route again before the excursion and see if there are any changes (repaired sidewalks, new signs, etc.).
It is recommended to stop with the group and play several funny games during excursion.
It is recommended not to overload participants with a large amount of information, especially dates and numbers (usually, people with mental illness can process a lot of information, they get bored quickly).
It is recommended to avoid evaluating historical events in a multicultural group, the guide must be impartial towards any country, culture and nationality.
Project “Artistic Activities with Assistance of Dogs” No. 2019-3-LT02-KA105-006603
As always, the day we started from energizers.
Then organizers asked us to draw emotional thermometer, which is needed for evaluation sessions. We all had to create the idea of emotion thermometer, how it should look like to express emotions after day activities.
This is the beginning of drawing
Project “Artistic Activities with Assistance of Dogs” No. 2019-3-LT02-KA105-006603
Our emotional thermometer symbolized the underground, life on the earth and in heaven. Underground life causes negative emotions, the higher up in the sky, the more positive the emotions.
After lunch we made presentations “Dog Alike to …”.
In this exercise, we needed to think about famous people in our countries or world who are alike to dogs of any breed (participants were allowed to use Google). Then national groups introduced famous people and what dog breeds they are similar to.
There was a lot of fun while listening to the presentations
After presentations “Dog Alike to …” and short break we played the game “Labels”. The aim of game was to start a discussion about the consequences for people stereotyping. Different psychiatric disorders (such autism, dementia, depression, schizophrenia) will be written on a small sticky sheets of paper and put on the forehead of 10 participants (they can be non-disabled). Key rule of game was that 10 participants with stickers (labels) could not see, what is written on the forehead of each other. They had to tell their plans for future and dreams for non-sticky participants, who must give them advice in order to implement those plans or dreams. Advice had to be given considering what is written on forehead of labelled participant. After this task participant said, how they were feeling, when rest participants gave them advice. Only after expressing their feelings and emotions participants could see what was written on their foreheads. This game was interesting. It helped to understand feelings of young people with various mental illness. Also we got knowledge about mental diseases
Project “Artistic Activities with Assistance of Dogs” No. 2019-3-LT02-KA105-006603
This morning we had meeting with breeder of Portuguese water dogs. She told us how to train the dog.
Project “Artistic Activities with Assistance of Dogs” No. 2019-3-LT02-KA105-006603
For many youth exchange participants, this topic was strange and interesting at the same time. Everyone who came wanted to see and understand what it was.
In the afternoon participants with therapeutic dog Akeso went to the pine forest. We made a quadrangle with a transparent film between the trees. Akeso was sitting inside of quadrangle. We draw whatever we want on transparent film outside of quadrangle. After the task - discussion about feelings and emotions of drawing on the film.
The main findings after drawing:
All participants performed such a task for the first time in their life
Colors make our world not only bright and interesting, but also reflect our emotions
Pictures we paint shows our state of mind, dreams, and worries
Presence of friendly dog made the process of drawing very joyful, relaxing ...
Green nature, many trees, smell of pines, sun, dog – everything created calm atmosphere, awakened only positive emotions
Some participants forgot painful experiences
Project “Artistic Activities with Assistance of Dogs” No. 2019-3-LT02-KA105-006603
The day was dedicated to share experience in the field art therapy, dog therapy, dog-friendly politics in countries, attitude of society to dogs.
Main findings from the day:
Dog therapy (canine-therapy) awakens the physical and emotional powers of a person, promotes social adaptation, communication, the joy of knowing, scatter gloomy moods, and gives confidence in one's own strength.
For safety of participants, only therapy dog Akeso was constantly involved in the project.
At least a trained dog must be involved in youth activities.
Italy is one of the most advanced countries from the point of view dog therapy. Italy widely uses Animal Assisted Education and Animal Assisted Intervention.
Dog therapy and bringing dogs to the workplace is rapidly becoming popular in Lithuania and other countries.
Dog-friendly places (café, hotels, beaches) are on the rise in countries.
In Lithuania, only psychologists can conduct art therapy classes, because it is already a treatment.
There is no doubt that art therapy with a dog has a positive effect on the physical and mental health of people. This shows various scientific research and the current project.
Drawing activities with presence of dog improve communication skills, because it is relaxing, motivating activity, but it takes constant practice to be effective.
During this we also learned a lot of interesting things about the breeds of our four-legged friends, character traits Laura from ERCC explained us the difference between therapeutic and service dogs.
She told us that trained dogs can be used in hospitals, kindergardens, schools, sport activities, youth organisations and etc.
Project “Artistic Activities with Assistance of Dogs” No. 2019-3-LT02-KA105-006603
We learned about other creative methods that can be used with trained dogs in youth activities:
Participants will need to decorate a collar, leash, vest and other clothing and accessory for dogs.
Draw the contours of a dog lying on its side. The outlined outline can be coloured, a collage made from newspapers, etc.
Define a dog's paw placed on paper, and colour or otherwise decorate it.
In afternoon and evening we had intercultural event. Each partner presented its country in a different way: dancing, singing, doing quiz, etc. It was fun!!!
Project “Artistic Activities with Assistance of Dogs” No. 2019-3-LT02-KA105-006603
The last day we spent outdoors – by walking in the pine forest, playing sports with Akeso, picnic and doing land art on the amazing beach of Smiltynė
Project “Artistic Activities with Assistance of Dogs” No. 2019-3-LT02-KA105-006603
Project “Artistic Activities with Assistance of Dogs” No. 2019-3-LT02-KA105-006603
Project “Artistic Activities with Assistance of Dogs” No. 2019-3-LT02-KA105-006603
Project “Artistic Activities with Assistance of Dogs” No. 2019-3-LT02-KA105-006603
Project “Artistic Activities with Assistance of Dogs” No. 2019-3-LT02-KA105-006603
Project “Artistic Activities with Assistance of Dogs” No. 2019-3-LT02-KA105-006603