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Best Seller! High Quality Water Level & Temperature Datalogger

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Model 3001 Levelogger® 5


• Records highly accurate groundwater and surface water level and temperature measurements

• It combines a robust Hastelloy pressure sensor, temperature detector, 10-year lithium battery datalogger

• 22 mm x 160 mm stainless steel housing

• Baked-on coating using polymerization technology protects the body against corrosion, abrasion and high temperatures

• Hastelloy sensor has excellent performance in harsh environments and can withstand 2 times overpressure without permanent damage

• Readings are stable in extreme pressure and temperature conditions

• Hastelloy sensor can withstand 2 times over-pressure without permanent damage

• Single-eye optical for easy cleaning and more reliable, faster communication

• Memory for 150,000 sets of readings

• Stronger, more robust design: double O-ring seals for increased leakage protection

• Better thermistor sensitivity: upgraded platinum RTD


• Aquifer characterization: pumping tests, slug tests, etc.

• Watershed, drainage basin and recharge monitoring

• Stream gauging, lake and reservoir management

• Harbor and tidal fluctuation measurement

• Wetlands and storm water run-off monitoring

• Water supply and tank level measurement

• Mine water and landfill leachate management

• Long-term water level monitoring in wells, surface water bodies and seawater environments

Accurate Barometric Compensation

Model 3001 Barologger 5

Leveloggers® measure absolute pressure (water pressure = atmospheric pressure). In order to accurately determine the true changes in water level only, barometric pressure fluctuations must be removed from the data.


• Barologger 5 is set above high-water level in one location on site

• One Barologger can be used to compensate all Leveloggers® in a 30 km (20 mile) radius and/or with every 300 m (1000 ft) change in elevation

• The Levelogger® Software Data Compensation Wizard automatically produces compensated data files using the synchronized data files from the Barologger and Leveloggers® on site

• Barologger 5 uses pressure algorithms based on air rather than water pressure, giving superior accuracy

• The recorded barometric information can also be very useful to help determine barometric lag and/or barometric efficiency of the monitored aquifer

Cost Effective Water Level & Temperature Datalogger

Model 3001 Levelogger® 5 Junior


• Inexpensive alternative for measuring groundwater and surface water levels and temperature

• Combines a robust Hastelloy pressure sensor, temperature detector, a datalogger and 5-year battery (based on a 1-minute sampling rate)

• 22 mm x 160 mm stainless steel housing

• Hastelloy® sensor has excellent performance in harsh environments and can withstand 2 times overpressure without permanent damage

• Accuracy of 0.1% FS

• Memory for 75,000 data points

• Single-eye optical for easy cleaning and more reliable, faster communication


• Monitoring water levels in wells and surface water

• Pump and slug tests

• Reservoir and stormwater runoff management

• Watershed and drainage basin monitoring

• Stream gauging, lake and wetland monitoring

• Tank level measurement

Level, Temperature & Conductivity

Model 3001 Levelogger® 5 LTC


• Logs water level, temperature and conductivity

• Combines a datalogger, 8-year battery, Hastelloy® pressure sensor, temperature detector, and conductivity sensor

• 22 mm x 208 mm small waterproof housing

• Baked-on coating using polymerization technology protects the body against corrosion, abrasion and high temperatures

• Conductivity sensor is a 4-electrode platinum sensor, with auto ranging capabilities

• Simple to clean and calibrate, even in the field

• Memory for 100,000 sets of data

• Single-eye optical for easy cleaning and more reliable, faster communication

• Stronger, robust design: double O-ring seals for two times over pressurization rating

• Better thermistor and conductivity sensitivity: upgraded platinum RTD and conductivity sensor

• Biofoul Screen sold separately (SO-110659)


• Salt water intrusion and soil salination monitoring

• Plume remediation monitoring and studies

• Leachate monitoring at landfills, mine tailings, waste disposal storage sites and more

• Agricultural and stormwater runoff monitoring

• Create a historical database for potable water supply monitoring

• Tracer tests

Solinst® Rainlogger 5 Setup

For Direct PC Communication:

You can communicate with a Rainlogger 5 using a Desktop reader 5 or Field Reader 5 and PC or laptop; or a L5 Direct Read Cable with a PC Interface Cable connected to a laptop in the field.

For In-Field Communication:

A DataGrabber 5 can be used to transfer data from a Rainlogger 5 to a USB flash drive key. A Levelogger® 5 App Interface creates a Bluetooth® connection between the Rainlogger 5 and your smart device running the Solinst Levelogger App, for programming, and e-mailing data.

For Standard Deployment:

The Rainlogger 5 comes with a Connector Cable, 2 m (6.5 ft.) in length. The Connector Cable has two wires, which are connected to the tippingbucket cable. For most tipping-bucket models, the wires can be connected to either terminal. Refer to the manufacturer’s operating instructions.

For Telemetry Option:

To integrate the Rainlogger 5 into a Solinst® Telemetry System, the Connector Cable connects the Rainlogger 5 to the tipping bucket and a short L5 Direct Read Cable or Adaptor connects to the optical end of the Rainlogger 5. The L5 Direct Read Cable connects to an STS, RRL, or LevelSender Telemetry Reader Cable, which is attached to a Remote Telemetry Station.

Model 3002 Rainlogger 5


• Inexpensive datalogger designed to record the tips of a standard tippingbucket rain gauge

• Compact and durable field unit that offers long-term reliability

• Low maintenance with 10-year battery

• Sampling is event based as the Rainlogger 5 records and saves each tip of the tipping-bucket as it happens

• Single-eye optical for easy cleaning and more reliable, faster communication

• ABS housing provides excellent ESD (electrostatic discharge) protection

• Memory for up to 100, 000-time stamped readings

• Compatible with Solinst Telemetry Systems


• Measuring local precipitation

• Determining peak rainfall events

• Stormwater management

• Remote monitoring of watersheds

• Ideal for correlating precipitation events to:

- Groundwater and surface water data

- Watershed and drainage basin studies

- Agricultural and forestry studies

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