Architecture Portfolio + CV (2021)

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Eren Gazioglu

Architecture Portfolio+CV


Contents Curriculum Vitae


Project — Bazaar of Martim Moniz


Competition — SRU (Ferreira de Castro)


Competition — Ominous


Assignment — Museum of (Dis)comfort


Workshop — In Situ 8 (Cova do Vapor)


Workshop — In Situ 7 (Caramujo-Romeira)





Curriculum Vitae Overview Born in 1994, I got my high school education in a

horizons (bookbinding & design, music production,

French-speaking high school in Istanbul. In 2013,

architecture models, competitions, etc.).

I went on to study architecture in Italian in the Polytechnic University of Milan, and completed my

I’m confident about my skills in graphic and

studies in three years— along with an internship in

modelling programs (such as Illustrator, Autocad,

a local office, work in a bookshop in the Triennale

Rhinoceros, Photoshop, Indesign), my language

of Milan, and various other activities.

skills, and my knowledge in composition and design in general.

I moved to Lisbon in 2016 for a Master’s program in Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, and have

I’ve also been making music since I was 13 years

been living here since: studying and practicing

old, learning programming, practicing drawing and

architecture, experimenting with new tools, and

calligraphy, which have all been very important in

taking on the occasional odd job to broaden my

shaping my architectural work.

Personal Information Name

Eren Gazioglu






Rua Marques da Silva 26 1-Esq, 1170-225 Lisbon, Portugal


(+351) 912 678 764



Work Experience Date

05/2020, 09/2020


Gonçalo Byrne Arquitectos, Lisbon


Lisbon SRU Architecture Competitions

Main responsibilities

Active role in the design process and in the preparation of technical drawings, representative drawings, and page layout


04/2020 – 05/2020


Atelier Bugio, Lisbon



Main responsibilities

Preparation of physical models for ongoing projects


05/2016 – 08/2016


02 Arch, Milan



Main responsibilities

Active role in the design process of various residential projects

Academic Experience Date



Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, Lisbon

Title of Qualification

Mestrado Integrado em Arquitetura (equivalent to MSc.)

Final Assignment

Constructing Audio: A Renewed Analogy (research thesis + architectural project)


A theoretical investigation on the affinities between sonic and tectonic production, and an urban bazaar project for Praça do Martim Moniz whose design process follows that mindset




Politecnico di Milano, Milan

Title of Qualification

Laurea Triennale in Scienze dell’Architettura (equivalent to BSc.)

Final Assignment

Architettura in Turchia: Behruz Çinici e il Pluralismo (research thesis)


A study of the architectural history of modern Turkey along with its political and economical background


Parallel Activities Date

03/2018 – present


Bookbinding Practice


Papier Caché



Hand-bound notebooks and similar projects (workshops, printed material, etc.)




Academic Publication


Politics and Architecture in Turkey (1923–1960)



An updated account on the modern architectural heritage of the Republic of Turkey, interweaving architecture and politics to reveal contextual connections, in English.

Other Interests Musical Performance and Production Programming (Python, GDScript) Lettering and Calligraphy Photography


Language Skills Turkish



C2 (TOEFL exam score: 107)


C2 (Self-assessed)


C2 (Self-assessed)


B2 (DELF exam score)


A2 (DELE exam score)

Computer Skills AutoCAD



















Master’s Thesis (Project)


Manuel Joaquim Soares Moreno (Theory) Inês Varela Maia Lobo (Design)


Bazaar of Martim Moniz Strategy Praça de Martim Moniz, Lisbon. A promising ending

regenerating a cohesive and coherent urban fabric.

point for one of the most vital axes of the city, Avenida Almirante Reis. In terms of urban morphology, this

The initial gesture for this dual action is an act

square presents a problematic area, where many

of reversal: the interrupted Almirante Reis is

different urban fabrics converge yet fail to blend

once again extended, this time until it reaches

into each other. The terminal point of the avenue

an important focal point— the location where the

is, in essence, an oversized roundabout: as the axis

city’s gates used to stand. The straight line of the

reaches Martim Moniz, the two ways of the street

avenue bends consequently to follow the built

are separated, and they circulate around the void,

environment it comes in contact with, thereby

as sharks around an island.

being incorporated into the framework of the downtown. The moment of inflection generates a

The design tackles this issue by taking a both-and

dialogue between the historical street, the chapel,

stance: ensuring the conditions of a successful

the staircase, and the old Salão Lisboa. The two

intervention by dividing the void into parts, and

sides of this new center diverge into two distinct

engaging with it through architecture. It involves

domains: the main axis pertains to Almirante Reis,

the simultaneous mitigation of its overwhelming

and the redirected line to a new square to be defined

nature and insertion of a critical mass capable of

by the bazaar and the surrounding buildings.

Bazaar of Martim Moniz



Architecture The extension of Almirante Reis generates the

rises gradually as it progresses northwards.

conditions for an architectural intervention that further articulates the public domain. The act of

Against this inclination, a gentle counterslope

reversal defines the terminal for Rua do Benformoso;

becomes the initial gesture that lifts the urban

the act of building defines a new square where the

ground to a higher location and doubles as an

avenue and the street dissipate into the framework

auditorium. From the urban condition of the

of downtown Lisbon. By erecting a rigid front, the

street, one reaches a compact in-between space—

void is reduced and contained— the bazaar can

a mezzanine floor that accommodates permanent

relate to it and to the buildings surrounding it.

shops and services. The slope comes to a halt at the core of the bazaar, where stairs and elevators

On the opposite side of the chasm, now freed from

form immediate vertical connections between the

traffic, the same approach produces a different

various parts of the public domain. It then folds out

result: building a front with the residential complex

and resumes its ascension, culminating at the top

creates an open space of linear nature, one that

of the platform. Levitation reinvents the cityscape.

Bazaar of Martim Moniz



Bazaar of Martim Moniz




Gonçalo Byrne Arquitectos & AFAconsult Collaborators:

Anna Cavenago, Telmo Cruz, Cláudio Gonçalves, Iacopo Manini, Nuno Marques, Miguel Pacheco



SRU— Ferreira de Castro Introduction A cycle of multiple competitions promoted by the

competition, a “Concept Study” was also provided

Municipality of Lisbon, the SRU Renda Acessível is

as a guideline for the design of the two buildings

a response to the relentless rise in rental prices

determined by SRU. It is comprised of a number of

and the scarcity of housing supply in the capital.

narrow cells that allow for various configurations

Any proposal, in this respect, should guarantee a

depending on how they are grouped together.

high standard of living while keeping the prices at an accessible level— without losing sight of notions

The design proposal here delineated investigates

such as contemporary living and sustainability.

a possible evolution of said guidelines, revisiting certain details and experimenting with various

Along with a preliminary program that established

interpretations of the system in search for an even

the main themes and restrictions regarding the

more efficient and responsive architecture.

Architecture The proposal explores an alternative approach to

In coming into contact with the site, the ground

the modular construction of the whole, moving the

floor reveals its concrete core and articulates itself

structure outside the box as a metallic frame— a

to alleviate the duality between the private floors

filigree that brings an expression of lightness and

and the public domain, organizing domestic and

privacy to all four faces, while at the same time

commercial activities in tandem. In doing so, its

freeing the inside of the apartment. The abstract

relationship with the topography generates singu-

grid gains further cohesion with the landscape by

lar diagonal expressions on the steel façade in the

reaching the ground, evolving into a gallery that

form of handrails that follow the stairs and ramps

communicates with the pergolas, refining the spa-

behind and ensures the bracing of the frame. The

tial qualities of the public space. A more robust

idea of the horizontal bracing as handrails is main-

skeleton of reinforced concrete lies at the core, en-

tained in the balconies of the upper levels, improv-

abling the outer mesh to be as slender as possible.

ing both privacy and practicality.

SRU— Ferreira de Castro



SRU— Ferreira de Castro



SRU— Ferreira de Castro



Typology The outward placement of the structure, beyond the

While this removal guarantees the detachment of

obvious advantage of gaining more space inside the

the apartment on one side, the other is occupied

apartments, also allows for the threshold between

by the kitchenette, creating a third kind of

the balconies and the rooms to move freely. This

environment that is neither inside nor outside,

flexibility, combined with the subdivision of the

and that enjoys the qualities of both. The depth

3.00m metric in half, makes it possible to remove

required by the kitchen module is provided through

one balcony module in order to guarantee privacy

the rhythmic movement of the threshold, and all

between apartments, whose area is compensated

these actions combined result in an environment

as it grows in depth.

that is spacious, consistent, and unwasteful.

SRU— Ferreira de Castro



Issued by:

arch out loud Collaborator:

Anastasiia Vitynska



Ominous Introduction An international open ideas competition, “Nuclear:

communicate the potential danger for 10.000 years.

Landmarker For A Waste Isolation Site” is a design challenge for a marker system to deter inadvertent

A number of reference studies were also provided,

human intrusion into a transuranic nuclear waste

among which the “SANDIA Report: Expert Judgment

disposal site (more specifically: New Mexico, Waste

on Markers to Deter Inadvertent Human Intrusion

Isolation Pilot Plant). Considering that the decay

into the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant”, which forms

process can last millenia before the risks of its

the theoretical basis that informs the conceptual,

release are mitigated, the challenge in question

technological, and spatial decisions taken in this

is to conceive a marker system that can reliably


Architecture An outburst of black concrete spikes mark the cen-

Navigation of the site —scarcely allowed by a flat

ter of the fallout zone, coinciding with the footprint

surface of 0.4m offset from each pyramid— is de-

of the Waste Isolation Site. In the immediate sur-

signed in such a way that potential intruders would

roundings, as if by a shockwave that follows the

find redundant warnings and information as they

impact of the center, slanted pyramids spread out

proceed toward the center.

centrifugally in eight cardinal directions. Redundancy, discomfort, unease are the objectives In each macroarea, made of local caliche, one giant

that give shape to the architecture of the center.

pyramid stands out. Its outward inclination allows

A massive, full-black landscape in the desert

for a passerby to climb and catch a view of the en-

creates an unpleasant concentration of heat, and a

tire site. The spaces in between and outside these

catacomb-like interior with inward protrusions add

areas are formed by a prismatic landscape that

to the overall experience of unreceptiveness. The

hinders the navigation of the area. Moreover, it de-

message is therefore delivered both in writing and

nies the installation of parassitic structures.

in design: an ominous presence lurks underneath.











Telmo Cruz Collaborators:

Maria Arega, Iroã Borges, Nicola Clivati, Carlos Jorrim



Museum of (Dis)comfort Introduction Comfort: from Latin word confortare, itself from

With the premise of (dis)comfort as museum, the

con- (“together”) + fortis (“strong”). To strengthen,

program contemplates a natural evolution from the

to give or add strength to. This project is an inves-

Waste Isolation Site Marker Project presented in the

tigation that revolves around this central theme;

previous chapter, weaving together its elements

or rather, around the possibility of its anti-practice

of inconvenience with an alternative model for

(discomfort). By challenging the idea of all-pervad-

contemporary life. The possibility of discomfort is

ing comfort, it explores an alternative approach

worked into a systemic environment as an element

to well-being through carefully constructed dis-

intentionally introduced or left out. The idea of

comfort and its subsequent mitigation— “as a form

monolith gives way to a lightweight concrete shell

of hedonistic enjoyment”, as hypothesized by the

in the city, under which both colonization and

French philosopher Jacques Pezeu-Massabuau.

intrusion are welcomed rather than denied.

Architecture A thin, tile-covered concrete shell, accommodating

In center, an uncovered module reveals the com-

life in the cavernous space underneath. The roof,

munal core of the project: a body of water as a re-

as a flat surface that comes in direct contact with

sult of the extention of the corner plinths, creating

the street, invites public enjoyment of itself, punc-

a space that relates both to the interior and the ex-

tured by skylights in continuation with the daily

terior. The plinths themselves are hollowed at the

functions of the habitations. By its existing nature,

base to create a cistern with four separate tanks,

the terrain descends as it proceeds to the oppo-

two of which are connected directly to the central

site edge of the site, revealing an entrance to the

pool to collect excess rainwater. Two smaller pools

building proper. The outer shell rests on pyramidal

in separate areas produce a more secluded experi-

plinths corresponding to the corners of each sky-

ence through the downward extension of the cov-

light, dividing the void in parts and creating useful

ering, whose water is channeled through a filtering

nooks and divisions by connecting to each other.

system that is stored in the remaining two tanks.

Museum of (Dis)comfort



Museum of (Dis)comfort



Museum of (Dis)comfort




CEACT/UAL Orientation:

Eduardo Conceição Collaborators (not limited to):

Anderson Bendrau, Jerôme Pasion, Luca Maffei



In Situ 8: Cova do Vapor In 2014, the Hercules Storm of the North Atlantic

The objective of this In Situ workshop was to protect

reached the west coast of Europe. One of the many

the newly growing vegetation by encouraging

points of impact in Portugal, Cova do Vapor has seen

people to avoid climbing the dunes through

its shoreline ravaged by the swell, and is currently

pinpoint installations.

vulnerable to serious coastal erosion that is further aggravated by factors such as rising sea levels and

One of the three installations placed in strategic

touristic activity. With this in mind, the Projecto

crossing spots, the beach swing redirects the path

TransforMar aimed to alleviate the degradation by

by creating a universally enjoyed attraction. In

restoring the vegetation that stabilizes the sand

suggesting a stopover along the way to the beach,

and prevents dunes from wearing away.

it mitigates part of the inadvertent trampling.

Photo: Gonçalo Henrique Photography




Ivone Gonçalves, Ricardo Paulino (ForStudio Architects) Collaborators (not limited to):

Luís Cangolo, Osvaldo Cupenaga, Dário Dallas, Rita Ferreira, Rita Mansinho, Vanessa Passeiro



In Situ 7: Caramujo-Romeira The area of Caramujo-Romeira, comprised mainly

The project assumes the surplus scaffolding tubes

of industrial buildings (mostly in disuse), serves

as its main element and combines them in an eco-

mainly as a transitory zone that connects the

nomical manner, whose relationship with the re-

surrounding residential areas. In consequence,

taining walls creates interstitial spaces of varying

it lacks qualified areas of public interest. As a re-

degrees of permeability. While the steel defines

sponse to this, the goal for In Situ was to develop

the virtual planes that delineate the space, trans-

an outdoor meeting place in the free space result-

lucent scaffold sheeting encloses it materially and

ing from the demolition of a warehouse. By means

grants respite from the summer heat in the shadow

of a free-standing installation, the vacant lot is re-

it projects.

claimed as a place for informal gatherings.

Notes In addition to the images presented in this portfolio, I’m well used to sketching and making physical models during the design process. My main workflow consists of AutoCAD for drafting, Illustrator for setting lineweights/scaling, InDesign for layout, and Rhinoceros for modelling/rendering. That being said, I can adapt to any other system you might have. I’m no stranger to changing things up and moving away from my comfort zone. The CV+Portfolio is presented in English, however I also have professional experience in Italian and Portuguese, and I’m confident in my ability to use any of these languages fluently without drawbacks. Additional references can also be furnished upon request. Thank you for your attention, Eren Gazioglu

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