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Work Book HDG602 SUSTAINABLE DESIGN (Design Research Studio) Project name: Swin Green Project (Eco-Footprint) Lecturer name: Nicholas Mau Class time: Monday 2.00 pm Deadline date: 05 June 2008 Student Name: rueanglada,PUNYALIKHIT (Kwan) Student ID: 5753295 (MMD)

Introduction This project is indication of sustainable design also referred to as “green design”, “eco-design”, or “design for environment, it is the art of designing physical objects and the built environment to comply with the principles of economic, social, and ecological sustainability. Nowadays, people use resources more than they have and need. Some existing resources that we have no more people use those things also, they always looking for the new thing to replace it because they would like to have more convenient, fashionable and discovery new thing to full fill they need for make the better life but sometime people forgot to think about how to make it sustainable. Moreover, Eco-footprint measures human consumption of natural resources and energy. In general, as a planet, our

global footprint is increasing daily due to people consuming more and more. To come up with research question is, How to increase people awareness about existing resources in Swinburne? Have you ever wondered how sustainable anthropogenic effects are on the planet? Calculating the human populations global ecological footprint and then comparing it to the earths capacity to sustain itself provides a dramatic example of how inefficient we are, and how energy intensive our needs are.

Motivation Why is this research question important? As we know, Eco-footprint measures human consumption of natural resources and energy. Why calculate your footprint? Today, humanity’s Eco-footprint is over 23% larger than what the plant can regenerate. It is very unlikely that the earth will be able to withstand the current level of demand for very much longer without some severe ecological backlash. Far better, then, that we begin to control our own destiny and reduce our ecological footprint

sustainable in Swinburne such as Planet Swinburne Posters, Green Office 10 Point Plan as well as a cartoon poster that are cover issues of recycle paper Energy usage.

From this point, we are design student and we come up with the research question, How to increase awareness of existing resources in Swinburne? So, would like to investigate how practices impact on the sustainability and support to increase ecological footprint not only to increases awareness the Furthermore, Swinburne University has been done university consumption but also the global footprint. Swin Green Office is a simple way for Swinburne Offices to reduce their spending on resource use and their impact on the environment. Swin Green Office also provides various information to awareness


Brainstorm Idea


Brainstorm Idea


Brainstorm Idea


Brainstorm Idea


Brainstorm Idea


Solution This solution would like to create a logo base on a green design and a natural feeling for to get people attention and remember about the project. This logo will reflect about what the campaign stand on and what would the message deliver through the logo.


Theme of Design

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Theme of Design

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Concept From the analysis, people are still used resources as well as existing resources more than available also some resources people are use not usefulness of ecological footprint. These 8 concepts propose to make people have increase awareness of existing resources in Swinburne University. This concept would encourage the audience that main problems of research question is existing resources in Swinburne, in some case no more people use it. On the other hand, in some case people used more than available.

So, how can we solve those problems together? We chosen the concept of renovate plus reactivate plus recapture that means, we try to change something to be a fresh look and left some point (renovate) by using a design conduce to people feel attractive (reactivate) also repeat itself by play with human behaviour (recapture). Indeed, our concept is to create the idea to adapt with their life style that people want to spend more time with

Website The concept of Swin green project website its came from a theme of the campaign, which is balance with nature and human life style also focused on Swinburne. Used the light green, dark-green and brown color as a main color. Used a blue sky to conduce people feel relax and clear. And play with the green color by used grasses to present. Also, set the swin board that a retouch from a real photo to represent Swinburne University. For the menu show in the brown color and used a gold color (in action up and over link) to get people fell as a ground floor.


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Develop First Round Software: photoshop CS3 for Design and set the website template also retouch photos.

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Develop First Round Software: photoshop CS3

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Develop First Round Software: photoshop CS3

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Develop (Final) Software: photoshop CS3

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Develop (Final) Software: photoshop CS3

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Develop (Final) Software: photoshop CS3

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Develop (Final) Software: Macrimedia Dremweaver for created a website and edit link

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Develop (Final) Software: Macromedia Dremweaver CS3

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Develop (Final) Software: Macromedia Dremweaver CS3

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Develop (Final) Software: Macromedia Dremweaver CS3

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Develop (Final) Software: Macromedia Dremweaver CS3

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Develop (Final) Software: Macrimedia Flash for edit web a Photo Gallery whic is created from photoshop

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Develop (Final) Software: Macrimedia Flash for edit web a Photo Gallery whic is created from photoshop

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Final Website

Site Map This site purpose is deliver the information not only project’s information but also global sustainable as well. So, this site was divided into main 5; 1. Home: Give a hot topic of this project and show the quick link as a small icon to make a easier way for find information of website. So in the middle have a section of Big Banner, will change the content and design by base on event. For the left hand side have a permanent banner will appear in every pages. The bottom section, show the nice icon to conduce people in the hot topic also as a quick link to access the website. 2. Global Sustainable: Give the information in the area of global sustainable in nowadays, show the research information from many organization and show a nice case study as a earier to give the message . As well as, this menu also have a 3 sub menu which are 2.1 Global Footprint: Show the evident and 2.2 Your Ecological Footprint: Reference to Victoria Ecological Footprint also this page have a suggest how to reduce and how to calculate you footprint by using a tool. 2.3 Sustainable Ads: This section we selected a nice advertising such as honda hybrid car TVC and also we give the debate information as in “behind

the scene” of Honda hybrid car which is ark you is that sustainable? if we promote sustainable but we have to spend more money and more energy to do that. 3. Swin Green Project: this page is reference to Swinburne sustainable which is NSC, A centre for Sustainability. 4. Swin Green Project: Give the information about this project also divided in to 3 sub menu 4.1 What we do: show the background, concept, the question which we cam up and how to solve. 4.2 Product: Introduce the product as a souvenirs and the section have 2 sub catory 4.2.1:Fabric Bag and T-Shirt 4.2.2:Eco Student Lounge 4.3.3:Swin Green Media: Introduce the way to increase people by useing a media which are; 4.3.1: Poster 4.3.2: E-book 4.3.3: TVC 4.3.4: Ambient Ads

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1. Header

Home Page Divided into main 5 section

2. Menu Bar & Sub Menu

4. For the left hand side have a permanent banner

3. Big Banner will change flollow the event and Hot issue

5. Hot Link For quick like

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Web Page

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Web Page

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Web Page

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Web Page

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Web Page

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Web Page

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Web Page

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Web Page

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Web Page

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Web Page

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Web Page

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Web Page

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Web Page

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Web Page

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Web Page

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User Testing Testing Via Swinburne Web space Analysis Testing Feedback: Positive: - Look good as more green. - Good Navigation. - Refinement of information appealing. - Positive response to online attract. - Positive repsonse to information about the show. Negative: - Problem with user who using modem type 56K , because have more photo in site. (In this case my friend who are in Thailane he used internet at home) - Some Icon not relate with natural (some people dont’ like a gold color icon they said, it’s not match with theme). Type size.

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E-Book For the content of this e-book i founded from www.we are what we do that provided a content as how to improve your life in many way not only with a green idea or recycle but also can adjust with you life style. So, i was change from a wallpaper for download in that site into a interactive way which is people can easier to understand and more attractive too. Also, used the same theme, color, font, tone as a website and another applications with the cover and back page. But, for the content used the old one. For the Example in next page i just selected some pages to show.


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T-Shirt and Fabric Bag The purpose to introduce people to awareness and remember Swin Green Project. So, used the concept of logo to present in the t-shirt and bag which are. Balance: Front side of the T-shirt put the logo to promote this project. Also, the back side used the word “Not only me can change the world but the one beside you”. So, for this sentence would like to give the message to other people who stay behind this t-shirt because this T-shirt is not only to promote the project but must to promote and awareness sustainable as well. Indeed, if you only me this world is unbalance so, we please invite you to change the world to keep a balance. Natural (Tone): Used a logo plus a web style(Header of website also same with e-book) to stick in one side of bag On the another side, used the word “I’m a fabric bag” to awareness people using a nature product.

Fabric Bag

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Mapping and Research Poster Both of these are answer the way of Ecological Footprint in Swinburne also Global Footprint as well. The first one,Mapping Poster, base on the concept of what is the footprint came from. Used a coffee cup show people activity in University or public space nowadays most people always buy a cup of coffee during a day. So, what happen when you buy just a cup of coffee. The second, Research Poster, this poster and answer the question that we know from the first poster which is everyday in every minute cause of people made a footprint so, the way hat can solve this problem we have to keep the balance. Also, we was design by the one way that can increase the footprint is our applications and also you too.

Mapping Poster (Sketch)

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Develop First Round

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Develop (Final)

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Research Poster (Sketch)

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Research Poster (Sketch)

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Develop First Round

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Develop (Final)

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