Public Relations CW1

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CW001: Content Design PR Practice and Skillset Module Code: MG507

Student ID: 21017802


CW001: Content Design PR Practice and Skillset Contents: Executive Summary – Page 2 Introduction – Page 3 & 4 Aims and Objectives for Lenovo and Bucks First PR & SWOT Analysis – Page 5

CW001: Content Design

PR Practice and Skillset | Student ID: 21017802

The Launch Event – Page 6, 7 & 8


The First Quarter’s Campaign – Page 9, 10 & 11 Critique and Analysis – Page 12, 13 & 14 Conclusions and Recommendations – Page 15 & 16 Appendices (1): A Product Trade News Release – Page 17 Appendices (2): A Company Blog – Page 18 References – Page 19 & 20

Executive Summary: This report will look into the most appropriate PR content when preparing, creating and managing the upcoming UK launch of Lenovo’s K800 smartphone. Bucks First PR aim to strategically evaluate, apply, and assess a range of multi-media communication material which will ultimately benefit the product launch and first quarter campaign. This can essentially give Lenovo a clear, effective understanding of how public relations can help to establish their trademark image within a new market and create positive brand awareness. Although Lenovo has been rapidly emerging as a well-built global player within the consumer electronics market with their K800 being a huge success in China, the UK smartphone industry already contains greatly dominate the market whereas brands such as “Microsoft and Nokia are making a play to change that with new LTE models in 2013” (, 2012). Therefore, Lenovo aim to establish themselves well within the UK through a unique agenda and narrative. This can be achieved through crucial and efficient content creation whilst still building and securing market share in the highly competitive industry. When introducing a new brand/product to a new market, it is fundamental for any business to “determine the attitudes and opinions of its publics, identify its policies with their interests, and formulate and execute a programme of action to earn understanding and goodwill of them” (Stanley 1982, p.40). In other words, Lenovo need to make the public and media aware of who they are, what they are offering, and why people should buy it. This is done by creating a “spin” around the brand.

PR Practice and Skillset | Student ID: 21017802

popular and highly visible brands such as Apple, Samsung and BlackBerry. Android and Apple currently

Overall, Bucks First PR propose that in order achieve all of this, it is key to host a product launch event for the K800 as part of the first quarter’s campaign to introduce and promote Lenovo to the UK. The campaign

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will also include two content formats; a product trade news release and company blog.


Introduction: The purpose of this report is to construct and clarify a strategic plan of the production and management of material for Lenovo’s UK launch of their new smartphones based on the K800 model. Bucks First PR have created this report which identifies, assesses and recommends suitable content for the first quarter’s campaign and launch event; both of which aim to target potential consumers, the media and the retail/dealer channels. The report also intends to put across the importance of key media concepts associated with written and oral communication, messaging and “spin” in order to produce a successful product launch. According to IPR, the concept of public relations is “about reputation – the result of what you do, what you PR Practice and Skillset | Student ID: 21017802

say, and what others say about you”. The launch event and first quarter’s campaign for the K800 requires control and important planning and investment. 1. Making investment demands a return Firstly, through effective and strategic planning, Bucks First PR hopes to offer Lenovo a good return on investment (ROI) from its chosen PR methods e.g. an increase in sales/profits/retailers. 2. Getting the return requires control Next, in order to gain this return for Lenovo, it is important for Bucks First PR to have good control and management over the launch event and first quarter’s campaign. Control is essential to ensure that the key messages Lenovo intend to portray will be received well in the media and to their target market. 3. Control means deploying PR Thirdly, having good control essentially means implementing beneficial PR methods to support Lenovo’s product launch to the UK. Baines et al. (2004) explain that “PR’s importance lies in emphasizing the need for planning,

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sustained effort and mutual understanding”.


4. The essence of PR lies in spinning the story/message effectively Finally, the PR methods that are to be used to aid the K800’s unveiling is a launch event, campaign plan, product trade news release, company blog etc. These content formats help to put a positive, effective spin on the story. (Table 1: How to achieve effective PR)

Overall, it is essential for Lenovo to communicate one key message when launching the K800 so the public understands what is being sold to them. Heath (2001) reinforces that messaging aims to “achieve awareness to inform, to persuade – even manipulate”. Messages are important for many reasons; Messages help to increase

Messages can result in

Messages can encourage

Messages can also be

awareness within potential

positive coverage and

“someone, somewhere, to

beneficial in the evaluation

consumers and the

enhanced brand image.

do something” (e.g.

process. Messages intended

“attitude-forming process”.

This can also lead to

encourage customers to

for the media can be

positive actions amongst

buy your product).

evaluated through media

the target market.

content analysis.

(Table 2: Advantages of messaging)

instantaneously putting a positive slant on the story.


Define what they (the customer) want to hear… (Create relevant spin) Define what you (the organisation) want to say… (Align spin)

(Diagram 1: Definition of “spin”)

The use of spin aims to persuade as many people as possible to “support (or, at the very least, not object to the activities of)” an organisation and buy its products (Tench and Yeomans, 2009, p.543-544). Grunig et al. (2002) sees spin as “a mechanism for negotiating” with customers to attain a situation which benefits both parties, consequently creating a “win-win zone”. It can also be used to support a company’s “position and increasing its influence/power/profitability” (Tench and Yeomans, 2009, p.544).

PR Practice and Skillset | Student ID: 21017802

“Spin” or “Corporate Communication” helps to communicate this message in a clear and direct way while

The win-win zone of “spin” is created by incorporating each aspect of diagram 2 (as shown). A “spin” needs to be put on the key business message to attract attention and encourage the target consumer to buy the product. This begins with features; what features does the product offer? (e.g. the K800 offers 3G technology, 4.5” HD screen, 8 megapixel camera etc.) Subsequently are benefits; (why is the K800 a good product? what makes the product stand out from its competitors?) Next are applications; (how does the product work?) Then issues & topics; (stories about the product) and finally, human interest; (why the product would be suitable for you). (Diagram 3: About the “win-win” zone of spin)

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(Diagram 2: The “win-win” zone of spin triangle)


Aims and Objectives for Lenovo and Bucks First PR & SWOT Analysis: The main aims for Lenovo are to establish their brand well within the UK smartphone market and introduce their new K800 smartphone via a product launch event. Bucks First PR’s main objectives are to help achieve this for Lenovo and “create, maintain, and protect the organization's reputation, enhance its prestige, and present a favorable image” ( As a result of this, Bucks First PR recommends effective content creation is needed to establish their individual and unique agenda is crucial to secure market share in the highly competitive industry. In order to do this, Lenovo need to firstly introduce themselves to the public and become a well-recognised and reliable brand. This can be achieved through the K800 product launch and the first quarter’s campaign plans. (Table 3: Aims and Objectives of Bucks First PR and Lenovo)

PR Practice and Skillset | Student ID: 21017802

SWOT Analysis for Lenovo In order to propose and justify recommendations for Lenovo, it is important to understand the current situation of the brand. A classic way to undertake this is to use a method called SWOT, as shown below. Internal



 Lenovo and the K800 are already currently extremely popular with worldwide customers (particularly in China).  Lenovo are currently one of only two smartphone companies which have formed partnership with Intel (a hugely famous and popular technology brand in the UK).  The K800 has impressive features such as a 8 megapixel camera, 4.5” HD screen etc.

 Lenovo are currently a fairly unknown brand within the UK; potential customers are much more likely to buy from a company they are already familiar with.  The K800 currently uses 3G technology. Although this is a slight advantage, many smartphones now use 4G technology (which more customers are likely to want from a new smartphone).


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 Increase awareness of the Lenovo brand.  Launch the K800 smartphone to the UK market for the first time.  Gain personal relationships with potential customers, editors and journalists; this can essentially help the business gain a positive brand image. (Table 4: Lenovo SWOT Analysis)

Threats  The smartphone industry in the UK is extremely competitive and overcrowded; Lenovo need to make their product stand out amongst already popular brands.  Plans for the launch event and first quarter’s campaign need to meet the set budget.

The Launch Event: In order to introduce the K800 to the market, Lenovo plan to stage a product launch event to target both consumer and trade media and the retail/dealer channel. This fundamentally helps to achieve high publicity. The events industry is “rapidly developing and making significant contribution to business”, (Masterman and Wood, 2005). The event aims to present the product to the media, retailers, potential consumers and other stakeholders. As a result, this gives them a chance to see and possibly even test the product before it is introduced to the general public for sale. In order to differentiate Lenovo from their competitors, it is essential that they are not just concerned about creating positive brand awareness and presence, but also determined to produce a “brand personality” and set of values.

One way of looking at planning the launch event is to think of it as a “photo opportunity”. “A good picture may indeed be worth a thousand words and nowhere is this more apposite than in event management” (Franklin et. al, 2009, p. 82). In other words, every aspect of the launch event must be carefully planned and staged as first impressions are extremely important. Extensive planning before the launch process is fundamental. A successful launch event can make your business “appeal to potential new consumers, networking opportunities, potential new employees and companies that may want to do business with you in the future. By being cutting edge you are attracting more opportunities” (perfectionsquared, blogspot, 2009). It is essential for Lenovo to gather and analyse market intelligence, assess their current situation and determine what they hope to accomplish within the market when the launch has been conducted. In other words, the company needs to establish the exact message they want to convey to the industry. This helps the company capture the attention of

PR Practice and Skillset | Student ID: 21017802

Planning The Event (Pre-Launch)

pundits, opinion leaders, editors, journalists etc. “These are the people who will be carrying your flag. Once you’ve won these people over, you gain credibility and acceptance from the marketplace. This makes the selling process far easier, maximizing the chances of hitting your goals” (

the event is up and running. In the ever changing and overcrowded marketplace, it is key for Lenovo to make themselves stand out above competitors and launch a positive and exciting product on the business community. Launch events are a very effective way to help Lenovo brand their business. “By opening doors to potential new clients, you increase the exposure your product and company receive” (perfectionsquared, blogspot, 2009).

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Risk assessments are also imperative for launch events as they essentially help to lose out on problematic areas when


Staging The Event As the K800 launch event is essentially to introduce the campaign to the media and community, the event should meet three criteria. “First, it must attract members of the target audience. Second, it must communicate a key message. Third, it must be considered newsworthy enough by the media for them to cover it or be interesting enough to generate buzz.” (Weinreich, 2011, p.188) Although guests will attend the event to learn about a new product, Lenovo need to also ensure guests have fun and enjoy themselves. This is all about marketing and good PR so the product “will be associated with something positive and the company will earn an innovative reputation” within the industry (perfectionsquared, blogspot, 2009). In order to achieve this, Bucks First PR recommends providing high-quality entertainment, an excellent atmosphere and lots of giveaways (sales promotions).

PR Practice and Skillset | Student ID: 21017802

“When you look at it (the launch) from a consumer’s point of view, look at what they are being hit with from so many different mediums... You have to stand out and have a different message” says Mark Cheplowitz (president of Wizard of Ahs, a corporate event-planning company) (Vanden Bos,, 2010). In other words, Lenovo need to ensure their key messages are put across effectively to attract new customers and potentially gain a share of the market. It is also important to clarify what makes the K800 different from other smartphones already on the market and any USP’s the product may have. Sales promotions and giveaways can also create a killer offer that guests can’t say no to whilst still building momentum for the product and growing the businesses client list. “If you want people to buy what you’re selling, you need to have a product worth buying”; this needs to put across strategically and effectively through Lenovo’s key messages (, 2011). Bucks First PR also recommends incorporating speeches from the managing director of Lenovo (if possible) and a mobile demo as part of the event. A mobile demonstration is crucial for event guests; if nobody knows what the K800 offers and how it works, no customers will buy it and no journalists will publish a story about it. Speeches from Lenovo’s staff can also be advantageous as they help grab interest and create a more personal feel to the event. Speeches made must be very specific and down to earth if Lenovo want to win the confidence of their stakeholders. It may also be useful to film these segments of the launch so it can then be placed onto the company’s blog for anyone

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who has been unable to attend the event but are still given just as much information (as explained later).


Emphasizing the advantages that the K800 has can also easily capture the attention of Lenovo’s target market. Overall, the launch event of Lenovo’s fresh new product to the UK allows the company to utilise their full potential and creativity. The launch needs to emphasize the target audience accordingly to make sure Lenovo creates “an effective impression on their minds and show how much the business cares for their needs and requirements”; this will surely gain a good amount of customers for the brand and product (, 2010).

After The Event (Post-Launch) In order to continue and build momentum and make sure everything is running smoothly for Lenovo and the K800 launch, it is important to follow up with the target audience. Robyn Sachs (president of an advertising, marketing and public relations firm based in Maryland) explains that too many companies focus all their efforts on the first announcement and event. “The key to a successful launch is consistently communicating your product through a wide variety of public relations mediums (press releases, social media etc.) over a long period of time. In other words, a launch alone is not a successful launch” (Vanden Bos,, 2010). As explained previously, Bucks First PR recommend incorporating lots of giveaways to help paint the launch event in a positive light. Once the event has been staged, it is important for Lenovo to keep track and monitor progress afterwards. This can be achieved through feedback questionnaires or surveys. In order to ensure the questionnaires questionnaire is filled out e.g. discount vouchers, free competition entry etc. The feedback forms should include questions such as “How can Lenovo improve?”, “Is there anything you would like to see from Lenovo in the future?”, “What are your opinions on the K800 so far?”; “Do you think you would purchase the K800 when it is released in stores? If yes, why? If no, why not?” etc. This helps the company to identify and measure what’s working and what isn’t. By focusing on promotional work after the launch event and keeping track of what’s happening; Lenovo can gain the opportunity to create long lasting relationships with clients and customers. At this point, it is important for Lenovo to follow up with any interested parties that have ordered the K800 or have shown any interest in what they are doing (journalists, editors etc.) By keeping track of this information, Lenovo can set up great opportunities for the future. The same people that helped the initial launch can help with future projects, launches or re-launches down the road (produclaunchx, 2011).

PR Practice and Skillset | Student ID: 21017802

are filled out by all guests, it may be a good idea for Lenovo to offer some sort of giveaway or incentive if the

The post launch means that you have to follow up with customers, networked friends, journalists etc. This can be achieved through social networking and “staying in constant contact with those that have helped in the success of the product” (produclaunchx, 2011). By opening up these communication channels with stakeholders, long-term success

(Table 5: About Lenovo’s K800 Launch Event)

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can be accomplished.


The First Quarter’s Campaign: Planning the first quarter’s campaign is critical when generating new business. Gregory (2004, p.17) explains that; “Advertising doesn’t build brands, publicity does. Advertising can only maintain brands that have been created by publicity. The truth is; advertising cannot start a fire. It can only fan a fire after it has been started. To get something going from nothing, you need the validity that only third-part endorsements can bring. The first stage of any new launch ought to be a public relations campaign.” Lenovo’s overall tone in “voice of words, speech and manner” is extremely important in all aspects of the campaign as “this is as much the image of the company as any smart logo or snappy advertising”. (Foster, 2012, p.212).

PR Practice and Skillset | Student ID: 21017802

Plans For The First Quarter’s Campaign Bucks First PR reinforces that campaign plans for the launch of Lenovo’s K800 need to be focused on real business outcomes. The biggest threat that the organisation can be faced with is indifference; this is because the smartphone industry has become progressively more competitive over recent years within the UK. Therefore, it is vital for Lenovo to seek market advantage by “creating new & innovative communications campaigns” as this is essential in an increasingly overcrowded marketplace. “Consumers are becoming ever more cynical and selective in their interest and responses to marketing communications.” (Masterman and Wood, 2005, p.10). It is recommended that to grab the market’s attention, this concept needs to be put into place across all campaign aspects. Because of this, it is extremely important to make the campaign easily accessible for the organisation’s target audience. “They will not go out of their way to find the campaign. Ideally, it should reach people in a time and place where they are already thinking about or making decisions related to the behaviour.” (Weinreich, 2011, p. 17). For example, in the case of the K800 product launch, the organisation essentially aims to sell the smartphone to the public. If the campaign mainly focuses towards audiences whose mobile contracts may be ending soon and are due for an upgrade, this aim is much more likely to be achieved.

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For the first quarter’s campaign, along with the launch event, Bucks First PR recommends incorporating the


following content formats for Lenovo; -

A Product Trade News Release


A Company Blog and Other Social Media Platforms such as Facebook & Twitter


Sales Promotion

“These are major tactics used to help achieve public relations objectives.” (Kitchen, 1997, p.31). Each of these methods have clear “news value” and are arranged primarily for media coverage. They are also able to reach many people at once and help to get the company’s key message out quickly and efficiently. 1. A Product Trade News Release Journalists are sent hundreds of news releases every day. Bucks First PR has produced one to aid Lenovo’s K800 launch. However, to stand any chance of it being used, they need to be “media-rich” (Foster, 2012, p.128). Will Hans-Bevan, deputy editor of “Telegraph Create” (The Daily Telegraph’s Advertorial Unit) says in order for a news release to stand out and be effective, “it really has to make a song and dance”. Vigilant planning and creation is extremely important when producing a press release as it essentially portrays the brand’s image within the media. Press releases are discussed further on page 12/13.

The use of a company blog can be helpful for anyone that is unable to attend the product launch event. Blog posts are able to contain a wide variety of valuable information regarding the company and its products. Unfortunately, in some cases, not everyone can attend the launch event. In order for Lenovo to still reach these people, blogs come in useful to still get their key message across. Over the years, blogs have been widely used in companies as a tool to communicate the general public and their consumers in order to share knowledge with one another as well as to promote their business. Blogs are an excellent method used to share and increase a business’s brand awareness and connect with potential customers. The use of blogging can allow companies to promote an open approach to the public, in a hope that this does not only increase business, but it can also help give them a “human voice” and engage with readers. In addition to this, social media channels has revolutionized the practice of public relations and the “capabilities and

PR Practice and Skillset | Student ID: 21017802

2. A Company Blog and Social Media Platforms

expectations of how people gather and communicate online” (Weinreich, 2011). Brown (2010, p. 6/15) explains that if well invested time and effort is put into social media; it can become a “business enabler”. Controlling an effective social media campaign helps to effectively engage and connect with customers.

managing social media platforms as part of a PR campaign can help drive traffic for the brand and product. (Tench & Yeomans, 2009, p.313). 3. Special Offers Bucks First PR suggests potential sales promotions that can be incorporated into the first quarter’s campaign, e.g.…

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Many organisations now recognise this opportunity when targeting specific audiences. This is because the use of


1. “The First 500 Customers To Purchase The K800 Get 6 Months Free Insurance” and/or 2. “The First 500 Customers To Purchase The K800 Get Entered Into A Competition For A Chance To Win ___” [The product a customer can be in a chance of winning could be another electronic product from Lenovo’s range to boost additional awareness of the organisation and its products]. These incentives are much more likely to influence customers to buy the product as they feel like they are being offered more for their money. Overall, tactical promotions such as these have one single objective; “to increase sales” (Tench and Yeomans, 2006, p.439). Brassington and Pettitt (2007, p.369) explain “the promoted product is saying ‘Buy ME, and buy me NOW’... the ephemeral nature reinforces the urgency of taking up the invitation immediately”. It essentially invites a customer to

PR Practice and Skillset | Student ID: 21017802

consider the product, think about their “buying decision” and to do it quickly. By implementing a sales promotion like “The First 500 Customers To Purchase The K800 Get Entered Into A Competition For A Chance To Win ___”; it prevents customers putting off trial of the product. This is because the “extra something” will not be around for long so they jump at it while it is available. It is fundamental that each of these aspects are well evaluated and conducted as “a carefully created and structured campaign could be ruined by a website that is a jumble of junky images, an email that goes adrift and lands on the wrong desk, a blog that offends etc.” (Foster, 2012, p. 192).

During & After The First Quarter’s Campaign When planning the first quarter’s campaign, it is important to identify what Lenovo hope to achieve when it is over. e.g. “Aim to turnover to be £__ by the end of the first quarter” or “Create positive brand image within the market and gain a wide customers base”. It is also worthy to measure how successful different aspects of campaign are doing. For example, in the case of the company blog and social media channels, Lenovo can identify whether or not this area of the campaign has been a success by the number of viewers/followers, Google Analytics, SEO etc. After evaluating this, valuable lessons can be

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learned for help in the future. The results of the campaign activity can help “to see how the company is doing so that the public relations strategy overall can be revisited and, if necessary, revised” (Harrison, 2000, p. 56). Each feature of the first quarter’s campaign hopes to lead to positive coverage in the media. Overall, this helps to “make the potential customers for the product aware of its imminent existence so that they already recognise the name when they see the advertising. This makes a public relations campaign a much more cost-effective activity than advertising.” (Harrison, 2000, p. 5). (Table 6: About Lenovo’s K800 First Quarter Campaign Plans)


Critique and Analysis: Overall, conducting a launch event to introduce the K800 to the industry is extremely effective. Lenovo can earn an innovative reputation and stand out above competitors if the event is successful. It helps the company to reach its target market in one instance rather than spending thousands of pounds on advertising to an audience not as specific. In the ever changing market, the event launches a “positive and exciting product on the business community” (perfectionsquared, blogspot, 2009). Additionally, the importance of a well-planned campaign for Lenovo lies in “integrating various aspects of marketing communications and ensuring a consistent core message to all stakeholder groups” (Masterman and Wood, 2005, p.7). Generally, this can increase customer value and competitive advantage.

including two content formats; a product trade news release and company blog (as shown in appendices). The news release helps to front the overall campaign and develop reader interest. However, a study has shown that 97% of news releases are binned and unread due to various factors, shown below. (Table 7: News Releases)

Wrongly Addressed Irrelevance Over Branded Badly Written Boring Not Newsworthy

PR Practice and Skillset | Student ID: 21017802

As Lenovo plan to stage a product launch event as part of their campaign, Bucks First PR recommend

(Diagram 4 – Source: Foster, 2008) To avoid this happening with the K800 launch, a successful release worth being published should follow






Logical and Accessible.

Shortest Path with Fewest Words.

Correct Spelling and Grammar.

Well Rounded and Appropriate to readers’ needs.

Convincing/Gripping, Focus on one/two key messages and repeat.

(Table 8: “The 5 C’s” - Source: Baines, Egan and Jefkins, 2004)

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“The 5 C’s” in order for it to be eye-catching, interesting and newsworthy;


A successful news release should “get the news angle, to the point of the story, in the first couple of paragraphs” (Foster, 2012, p.113). It is essential that the initial two paragraphs of the release clearly outline what message the company is trying to put across; if it is not striking enough, the audience will not read on. According to Bivins (2005), if a carefully-crafted news release follows this concept, it can “maximise exposure for the company, grab attention of potential consumers, shape perception and achieve retention”. This tactic is particularly useful “to gain as much publicity as possible in order to put the product at the front of the consumer’s mind and differentiate from its competitors” (Franklin et. al, 2009, p.54). The tone and style of a news release makes all the difference between success and failure. Foster (p.212, 2012) emphasizes “put your message across in the best possible light, the right tone. After all, that is what

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PR Practice and Skillset | Student ID: 21017802

public relations is all about.”


In addition to this, the use of blogging has increasingly risen within organisations in recent years. According to eMarketer (2010), blogs were once considered a type of “traditional journalism”, but are now seen to be an essential ingredient in the marketing mix. Research studies show that companies which blog more, have more consistent sales than those who don’t. A HubSpot study (2010) showed that businesses which blog more, consistently acquire additional customers (as shown in the chart below). (Table 9: Advantages of blogging)

(Diagram 5: Blog Post Frequency vs. Customer Acquisition) Blogging can greatly benefit companies by giving them an advantage over their competitors and;  Reach target potential customers.  Establish their company an industry expert.  Provide and share expertise and knowledge with a larger audience in a quick and efficient way.

As explained earlier, blogs are also useful for anyone who is unable to attend the product launch event. Blog posts can contain the same comprehensive information e.g. mobile demo video footage, descriptions etc. Although some people may not attend the product launch, Lenovo are still able to get their message across. The use of other social media platforms in a PR campaign can act as an audience facilitator. Members of Lenovo’s target audience can be exposed to approximately 3,000+ marketing, advertising, and PR methods daily. Therefore, it is extremely important to ensure the brand’s message gets noticed. “Competing messages can come from the constant buzz from social media” (Weinreich, 2011, p.37). Social media helps to find and engage with customers on a more personal level, identify influencers, gain advocates, amplify key messages and develop and improve the quality of customer relations to increase satisfaction and brand loyalty (Brown, 2010). Lenovo’s reputation can also be enhanced through websites

Brown (2010, p.12) depicts the use of social media and blogs (or web 2.0) as “fan-out messaging” (also known as word-of-mouth). For example, if a message is received well by two people, they are more likely to tell two people, who will tell two people and so on. The message has “fanned out” and has gained many more new potential customers or “potential influencers” for the brand. Influencers get the message out on behalf of the company. For example, retweeting Lenovo’s exciting news on Twitter, linking the company blog from their own blog, sharing useful links on Facebook etc. “This network helps to rebroadcast and amplify the original message”.

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well in a quick, effective way.

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such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn as they can ensure relationships with their consumers are managed


Conclusions and Recommendations: Finally, when creating any type of PR material, it is important to keep in mind the “Fading Memories” and “It’s Not What You Say” concept (Mehrabian, 1981) as shown in the pie charts below.


PR Practice and Skillset | Student ID: 21017802


After 1 Hour

After 1 Week 90%


Figure 1 Immediately after you hear/see something, the human brain will have already forgotten 40%. After 1 hour, you will have forgotten 80%. And finally, after 1 week, you will have forgotten 90%. When creating any PR material, it is fundamental to prevent this from happening. The content used should be memorable and effective so the message the company is trying to put across, sticks in the audience’s minds.

Preparation Visual Impact 5%

Impact Content 4%

Audio 20%

Content 75%

Visual Impact 65%

Audio 31%

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Figure 2 The preparation that goes into creating PR material is 75% content based; 20% audio and only 5% on visual impact. However, the effect of this on the audience is the opposite. The audience is most impacted by visual content (65%) and least on the actual content of what the message the business is trying to put across (only 4%).


As a result of this, when creating PR material for the K800 launch, it is important to take these points into consideration when engaging their target market. As the audience take most notice of the visual layout of the campaign rather than anything else, Lenovo need to ensure that their campaign is effectively attention-grabbing visually to stand any chance of achieving their aims and objectives.

Overall, taking Lenovo’s aims and objectives into account, Bucks First PR reinforce that they stick to their core competencies and key messages there will be nothing to stop their way towards success. By following

Build momentum for the K800


Beat revenue goals and gain market share


Position the K800 strongly against competitors


Learn best practices for product launches in the future


Create maximum “buzz” with customers in the industry


Avoid costly and time-consuming (and possibly fatal) mistakes


Craft an engaging launch story that resonates with the target audience etc.

(Table 10: Advantages of a successful and effective product launch and campaign) By taking all of Bucks First PR’s proposals into consideration, Lenovo can help to achieve their original key aims and objectives from applying the appropriate and effective multi-media and PR concepts with written and oral communication with the public including overall content development, messaging and spin as relevant to the K800 product launch event and campaign.

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PR Practice and Skillset | Student ID: 21017802

the recommendations for a successful and effective product launch and campaign, Lenovo can;


Appendices (1): A Product Trade News Release

Lenovo Launch Promising & Unique New Smartphone in the UK By Erica Wenham Buckinghamshire, 26 November 2012 For the first time in the UK, Chinese electronics organisation Lenovo plan to launch the world’s first Medfield high-speed processer smartphone, the hottest new gadget of the year, the “K800”. Announced in January, Lenovo has become one of only two companies which have formed partnership with PR Practice and Skillset | Student ID: 21017802

the worlds largest and highest valued semiconductor chip maker corporation; Intel. This newly formed allegiance means that the 1.6GHz Intel Medfield-based K800 smartphone boasts a 4.5” HD screen, 8 megapixels camera and speedy 3G telecommunication technology. Equipped with such impressive features and performance, this is sure to be the new must-have smartphone among consumers. Lenovo’s ‘beastly’ K800 has been illustrated as “the first Intel-powered smartphone to see the light of day”. It also runs a highly modified version of Android 4.0, similar to other popular products already in the market today. Anticipated to generate high interest after the launch event of the user-friendly K800; Lenovo hope to market the new smartphone for purchase via online retailers. A set price for UK customers is yet to be announced.

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To obtain further information, visit


Appendices (2): A Company Blog

Must-Have K800 is exclusively launched in the UK for the first time Lenovo are proud to announce the UK launch of the long-awaited, innovative new smartphone, the K800 was announced for the first time yesterday. We announced back in January 2012 that we have formed partnership with the world’s largest chip maker; Intel, to help create the ‘beastly’ new K800 for our UK customers. It is sure to be the must-have smartphone for 2013 with many impressive features such as an 8 megapixel

event within the next few months so make you sure keep posted for a first-look of the K800. Until next time, Lenovo’s PR Team To obtain further information, please visit or do not hesitate to contact +44 (0) 870 608 4465 (Mon-Fri 9am-6pm).

CW001: Content Design

Anticipated to generate high interest in the UK, we plan to conduct a promising, exclusive product launch

PR Practice and Skillset | Student ID: 21017802

camera, 4.5” HD screen, speedy 3G telecommunications technology and more.


References: Baines, P., Egan, J. and Jefkins, F. (2004). Public Relations: Contemporary Issues and Techniques. Oxford, UK: Butterworth Heinemann. Bivins, T.H. (2005). Public Relations Writing. New York, NY: McGraw Hill. Brassington, F. and Pettitt, S. (2007). Essentials of Marketing. Essex, England: Pearson Prentice Hall. Brown, E. (2010). Working the Crowd: Social Media Marketing for Business. Swindon UK: British Informatics Society. CBR Online Communications, (2012). “Worldwide smartphone numbers cross 1 billion”. [Online] Available at: <> [Accessed: 20 October 2012]

PR Practice and Skillset | Student ID: 21017802

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communication management in three countries. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.


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PR Practice and Skillset | Student ID: 21017802

PerfectionSquared, (2009). “What is the purpose of a Launch Party?” [Online] Available at:

Tench, R. and Yeomans, L. (2006). Exploring Public Relations. Essex, England: Pearson Prentice Hall. Tench, R. and Yeomans, L. (2009). Exploring Public Relations. 2nd ed. Essex, England: Pearson Prentice Hall.

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CW001: Content Design

TechRader, Marc Chacksfield, (2012). “Hands on: Lenovo K800 review” [Online] Available at:


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